
冰雪奇缘主题曲是什么名字 主题曲《Let it go》中英文歌词介绍
《冰雪奇缘》(英语:Frozen)是2013年美国一部以电脑动画技术制成的音乐奇幻喜剧和三维电影,取材自安徒生童话故事《冰雪女王》。其音乐编写与合成是由克莉丝汀?安德森?洛佩兹(Kristen Anderson-Lopez)与罗伯特?洛佩兹(Robert Lopez)夫妇共同完成。本片的主题曲《Let it go》深受大家的喜爱  《冰雪奇缘》主题曲《Let it go(随心而行)》演唱:Demi Lovato(黛米?洛瓦托)The snow glows white on the mountain tonight今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I"m the queen我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过Don"t let them in, don"t let them see不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行Can"t hold it back anymore不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行Turn away and slam the door转过身甩上门I don"t care what they"re going to say我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It"s time to see what I can do是时候看看我能够做什N了To test the limits and break through试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I"m free我自由了Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I"ll stay我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I"m never going back, the past is in the past我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行And I"ll rise like the break of dawn我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!
超罕见的傅艺伟版《封神榜》剧照曝光听说,在女星圈里流传着这样一个&潜规则&&&不能跟范冰冰合照。女性总是很忌讳被人提及年龄,女明星更是不愿意让公众知道她们的真实年龄。现在我们就来揭秘女星们的真实身高体重,看谁的身材堪称完美,谁又欺骗了我们的眼睛呢? 至尊宝(周星驰饰演)被紫霞仙子(朱茵饰演)打倒在地,请注意&&
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语言:简体 , 英文
1986年芬兰电影【冰雪皇后】Lumikuningatar 中英双字幕 ----------------------------------------------- 海天乐园字幕组本次翻译该片属于间接语种(英文)翻译,并非直译。
发表评论 共 0 条有木有人知道《冰雪奇缘》中的姐姐,也就是那个会魔法的女皇叫什么名字?知道的最好把中文和英文都告诉我!(P.S.中文字不能错哦!)
Queen呃对的好像应该叫艾莎,还是爱莎 还是埃尔啥埃尔莎额.那叫什么?好吧,我说的是名字不好意思,看错了呃那你知道叫什么吗?我在想想嗯嗯快点哦我恨我自己,忘了呃想不起来了再想想么!求你了啊好吧谢谢我去,我真忘了不要么再想想,(画外音:你是女的么?)我只记得片名子片面我也记得真记不得了好吧你是女的么之前记得,太长时间没往心里去,所以忘了干啥就问问额你别是男的就好保密?啊啊啊啊...
好像应该叫艾莎,还是爱莎 还是埃尔啥
The 2 April is the day of Andersen's 202th birthday .Right now I would like to give you a brief introduction about Mr.Andersen.Born under extremely poor conditions in the Danish town Odense (the Islan...
扫描下载二维码A long, long time ago, devils lived together in the same place. One day, the devils made a magic mirror. It changed beautiful faces to ugly faces and smiling faces to crying faces. &How will God look in this mirror?&
Evil went up to the clouds right away, but God was already aware of the devil's wicked plan. &Such monstrous creatures! How dare you try to put me to the test!& When God beat dazzling and bright light down on the mirror and devils, the mirror broke into pieces, and the devils became blind and fell down to hell.
The broken pieces of the mirror fell down to the world of mortals. One of the pieces got into a boy's eyes. His name was Kai, and he was living in a small town. &Ouch, it hurts!& Kai was close to a girl named Gelda, but he began to behave very odd as if he never knew her before.
Even when autumn passed into winter, Kai went through the whole season as a bad boy. One day, a white-horse carriage appeared in front of Kai. &Little boy with a cold heart, why don't we go to an Ice Castle where it is colder than your heart?& A beautiful woman inside the carriage asked the boy.
&A cold Ice Castle? That will be great.& When Kai boarded the carriage, the woman kissed him on his cheek. At that moment, Kai forgot everything. The woman was the Queen of Snow. The carriage soared into the north sky.
Because Kai did not come back, Gelda searched everywhere in town, but she could not find him. Time went by, and when winter passed into spring, Gelda started on a journey to search for Kai. A small boat arrived at a big flower garden next to a riverside. &Oh, what a beautiful garden.&
There was a small hut in the middle of the garden, and there lived an old lady who could use magic. &Old lady, Have you seen Kai?& &Yes, I have. I will tell you where he is, so let's go inside my house.&
The old lady gave her delicious food and asked Gelda to live with her.
Gelda was enchanted by her magic and lived with the old lady. Time went by, and winter came back again. Gelda suddenly was reminded of Kai when she was exposed to the cold wind. &I have to search for Kai, why am I here?& Gelda escaped while the old magician lady went out. Gelda met a crow, while walking north. The Crow said something to Gelda after it listened to her. &Maybe you are searching for a boy who is now the Prince of a Castle in a forest.& Gelda could walk into the castle with the help of the crow.
Gelda shouted when she stepped in to the Prince's room. &Kai, wake up! I came here to find you.& &Who is so loud at midnight?& The prince woke up, but he was not Kai. &I am sorry, Prince. I thought you were my friend, Kai.&
The Prince listened to what Gelda said, and let her sleep in a comfortable bed. The next day, he gave a great carriage to Gelda and said, &With this carriage, you will find the boy named Kai easily.& Gelda thanked him for his kindness and left for the north again.
While traveling north, her carriage was taken away by bandits, but she saved her life with the help of the daughter of a bandit. And she heard from a pigeon that Kai had flown to Lapland in a carriage of the Queen of snow. She took a reindeer from the daughter of a bandit, and arrived at Lapland.
There was a house in the middle of a field. Gelda warmed herself up in an old lady's house. The old lady knew about Kai. &Kai is living in the Castle of Snow, but you cannot step in the castle because there is a frightening ice monster in front of the gate.&
&Old lady, I have to save Kai.& The old lady gave a yellow golden cross to Gelda and said, &When you are in danger, pray to God sincerely. Then he will save you.& Gelda rode the reindeer and went to the Castle of Snow.
The ice monster tried to attack Gelda, but she prayed to God holding her cross in her hand. Then, angels appeared, and made the monster motionless. Gelda found Kai playing with a cold piece of ice.
&Kai, it's me, Gelda. I came here to search for you.& But Kai just fingered the ice piece with an unemotional face. When Gelda hugged him and cried, her tears ran down to Kai's face. Then, the color in his face started to come back.
&Gelda, why are we in such a place like this?& Kai looked around there. &Now you are yourself, but you cannot escape from here.& The Queen of Snow said. &Let me go home.& At that moment Kai shed tears, and the broken piece of the magic mirror came out of his eyes.
&Ah, I cannot win the warm heart and tears of humans. Okay. Now you can go back home and live a happy life.& As the Queen of Snow flourished her ice stick, the castle disappeared.
Gelda told Kai all the stories about what had happened to her. Kai was grateful to Gelda. They got back home safely with the reindeer and lived happily ever after. 曼迪美语学校成立于2008年,总部位于深圳市福田区。高起点,高规格高要求,教学理念超前教学创新,设备齐全,学习氛围浓厚。龙安区教育局备案,经市教委批准成立,由家长口碑建立起来的专业幼儿,少儿,中学生外语培训机构。
招生对象:3-14岁儿童 。
成人版新概念教材 同步辅导 口语 自然拼音特色班
孩子随时随地发脾气,一点儿小事儿会说,才是会英语!为了让孩子们的英语口语更自信,养成自觉主动完成作业的习惯,即日起我校开展“春暖花开,我们一【孩子,走多少弯路我都陪着你】这样的话你一定耳熟能详1. 孩子,这是为你好,不听老人言,吃亏在眼前!2. 我一、连读连读有两种规则,分别为:1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:如:(1)I’d li(ke a)no一年之计在于春,你有什么打算?发财?加薪?升职?无论如何,让自己开心幸福最重要。让我们重温杜克大学的13条建  sheep,是一只羊,还是一群羊呢?deer,是一只鹿,还是一群鹿呢?  所以,今天主要讲的是一些单复数老外说英语为什么听起来那么自然好听,为什么你的英语听起来永远感觉差那么一点,原来老外说英语经常会用到”连读”小学时期是孩子习惯养成的最佳时期,爸爸妈妈一定要重视!好习惯的养成不仅对孩子的学习有着至关重要的作用,对孩子一、词类:英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。1、名词(n.):从小学一年级入学开始,到高考结束,中国的孩子要寒窗苦读整整12年,在这个漫长的时间段里,辛苦的不只是孩子,家我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏),让我sad(伤心难过)。有只cat(猫咪),非常fat(肥胖),专吃rOh, Susanna! - DisneyI come from Alabama with my banjo我的工作啊!必须要用英语这是许多外贸工作或其他金融工作者经常挂在嘴巴的言语,对的,读英语在自己的将来工作是十冰心 说过:“淘气的男孩是好的,调皮的女孩是巧的。”淘气、调皮的孩子总是贪玩,贪玩的幼儿多智慧.寒假就要到了,不少家长准备给孩子报名参加英语培训班。孩子学英语是不是越小越好?一个英语不好的家父母的高度决定孩子的起点!这里的高度不是指社会地位,而是指眼界!  近日我们终于等到了期待已久的《芈月传》,The Alf of the Rose
There once was a rose bush i如果你熟悉机场的英语标识,30分钟不但够中转,还可以趁机买上一个纪念品。更重要的是,如果你看不懂英语迷失在机《芈月传》在荧屏上播得火热,除了宫斗和朝斗,最吸引小编注意力的,要数芈月和芈姝这两姐妹对各自儿子的教养方式。随着本学期的结束,寒假生活即将开始,面临小升初考试不到半年时间的同学们,是否做好了充分的迎考准备呢?如何好好很多家长在教孩子学习英语上面没有太多很好的办法,在这里正枫英语少儿中心和各位家长分享一下最简单实用的八种让孩子学好英语的方法很多人都说中国人的教育是功利的教育,是刻板的教育,确实,中国的教育存在很多问题,很多父母无心的做法会令孩子烦
We wish you a merry ChrThe Little Match-Girl
It was a Christmas Eve withThe Little Match-Girl
It was a Christmas Eve withO Christmas treeO Christmas tree, O Christmas tree How导读:冬至意味着北半球这一天白天最短,夜晚最长,而从这天之后,白天将逐渐变长,夜晚渐短。除此之外,冬至到来也1. I've got a cold. / I've got a bad cold.  我感冒O Christmas treeO Christmas tree, O Christmas tree How圣诞将至,爸爸妈妈们已经准备好如何带着孩子度过这个节日了吗?是到游乐场痛快玩耍,还是在商场疯狂购物?如果你们The Little Match-Girl
It was a Christmas Eve with父母都希望自己的孩子能变的越来越聪明,不希望孩子变“笨”。而实际情况是很多家长都在不知不觉中“帮”孩子变“笨Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)  American beauty 一种玫圣诞活动精彩瞬间活动开始喽~圣诞儿歌大PK游戏Who wants to try?Table Manners圣人生不同阶段都有不同的使命,在学生阶段,学习掌握知识,为他们以后的人生获得成就的能力,就是他们这个阶段最重要Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow In a one-horse oWe wish you a merry christmas! We wish you a merry chr除了外貌,气质能给人很深的印象,个人独特的气质是一个人的精华,是内心世界的展现。一个人的气质是内部修养,外在常用语法  场景1:当和外国友人走在公园,突然看到一群鸽子。这时候你是不是就会说:There are man亲爱的爸爸妈妈,什么样的东西送给孩子才是对他们的“爱与关怀”?有时候总是因为所谓的忙我们真的疏忽了,时常提醒不规则动词的过去式do-did go-went fiy-flewsee-saw swim-swambuy-bLong, long time ago, there lived a very fancy king. ThTwinkle, twinkle, little starTwinkle, twinkle, little第一代独生子女的父母普遍都很焦虑,20世纪80年代整个社会还很僵化,物质、经济条件都不好,过Long, long time ago, there lived a very fancy king. Thmandyschool安阳曼迪美语,3-14岁少儿英语培训专家,加入曼迪,英语无敌!学习热线:1热门文章最新文章mandyschool安阳曼迪美语,3-14岁少儿英语培训专家,加入曼迪,英语无敌!学习热线:1}


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