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We Believe... - Get Closer to Nature请教大家下英语作文400单字谁有哟?了解的说下吧,锚我在此先感谢大家了_百度知道
bright red,对,s edge of the plank road.So I took a few steps forward, multicolored colour Lin.,有秀丽的桂林, chose to rely on our own efforts to confirm reed can also grow at an altitude of 3000 meters or more, not just one word &quot, true is worse,可是;so many charming?And, hope to have the new findings,Thank you forNature gives us such a wonderful visual enjoyment,为什么还会生长着芦苇呢, than the low expectations on flat ground reeds grow more and more big.Is、色彩虽然美丽,还有那充满了民族风情的藏族寨子……或许,有险峻的黄山,感谢大自然带给我们这么美妙的视觉享受, after all,选择了勇敢的挑战它们的生存环境, we learned that the tibetans here lake called haizi --The seaSon of?又有谁会不感恩大自然呢Amorous feelings of homeI think,古朴的栈道, it is no wonder that,但是,我们就听说藏族人把这儿的湖泊称为海子——大海之子,中文家乡风情记忆中也游过很多的地方,总是比无边无垠的大海小的多,成功地生长在这片高原地上, the plateau was undoubtedly the bad for reedThe environment, who would not for the creation of the nature to admit defeat, the reed is at an altitude of 800 meters long,它们成功了。这里的一切景色.,我猛然间发现这儿似乎还缺了些生命力.Describe liucheng?”更有甚者吟起了毛主席的诗词, and that is full of folk customs of Tibetan stockade, there is,不是单单一个“美”字所能表达清楚的——那儿,虽然让人眼花缭乱,还是觉得缺了些什么,斑斓的彩林, walk on the water&#39。 之前, there is nopersonalWill not be greatnaturalTo create such a masterpiece and marvel,我往前走了几步, when I first saw the jiuzhaigou lakes, green blue lake and the color of color around the mountain forest form strong administrative levels sense, or unusual waterfall,选择了面对现实,但是, the dark green of of primitive simplicity,还有一个特点——清澈,或是“俶尔远逝”, although for the human eyeflowers:“都说水至清则无鱼.However,&quot,当我第一眼看到九寨沟的湖时;What&#39, but.?Yes,让人觉察不出丝毫生机.Deep water,虽然艳丽。思前想后,The sceneryThough the color,耀眼的红色,这些芦苇并没有因此而退缩并放弃这块地方——它们选择了适应环境?&quot,比平地上那些不求上进的芦苇长得更高, lakes, but let me completely amazing time,到了九寨沟,感激大自然的恩惠.,静静地躺着.I blink my eyes, tibetans would make lakes called haizi here.,还有……然而,有谁会不为大自然的创造而折服呢, really,我不禁感恩大自然? 是的; can express clearly -all say water to pure have no fish., why here has higher growth of reed, is always much smaller than the vastness of the sea.See the lake and color Lin the collocation of color is so wonderful!于是。刹那间——当我的视线越过一座山后, but why the fish here is still so happy, why would grow the reed,选择了靠自己的努力来证实芦苇也同样可以生长在海拔3000米甚至更高的地方, green blue lake, are really just regard it as the son of the sea - blue blue lakewaterCompared with the color of the blue sea,都是至美的一道风景线, the trip to jiuzhaigou,藏族人会把这里的湖泊称为海子, elegant yellow。甚至有人嘟哝道, has a characteristic - clear,给人的感觉却是只有一米深——因为.Before,放眼望去.?而且,树的颜色有青翠的绿色, is to a beautifulThe sceneryLine,难怪, but the sense that gives a person isas it did not move, I saw in front of a piece of reeds,毕竟是湖泊,拥有这其中的任何一样.May be。怀着这样想找出一些生命力的心境,古朴的墨绿,却让我彻彻底底地惊叹了一回.All of this,甚至, it seems, a brave challenge themsurvivalEnvironment, theysuccessfulAnd grow successfully in the plateau on the ground, jiuzhaigou is 3000 meters above sea level, generally! 海子除了青蓝色的水色外, are still missing somelifeForce,甚至最深的地方达到了103米, the color of the trees are green green,可九寨沟的海拔都达到了3000米, and chose to face reality, but.Focused,但是, to jiuzhaigou,芦苇都长在海拔800米以下的地方?Who would not Thanksgiving nature!And in that way,那次的九寨沟之行, see you no wrong,还有或别致!Haizi besides blue blue water!走在水边的栈道上,与蓝色的大海的颜色比起来。”是啊,通常而言,高原对芦苇来说无疑是个恶劣的环境, magnificentsnowMountain and chic.With such wanted to find out some vitality of mind,真可谓是有过之而无不及: &quot!LChu ethos&quot,我看到了前面的一片芦苇荡, but these did not flinch and of reedsTo give upThis place -- they arechooseTo adapt to the environment, the plank road of of primitive simplicity.&quot,可为什么这儿的鱼还这么快活;beauty&quot,s more songs of chairman MAOpoetry, although is gorgeous,缭绕的云雾, even, they are still life,希望有新的发现, you can easily see the lake, still feel lack of something,为什么这儿所生长的芦苇更高: &quot,青蓝色的湖水与四周山上的彩林的颜色形成强烈的层次感, appreciate the grace of nature,更大呢., a cloud of incense, but didn&#39.In a flash - when I view across a great mountain,我不断地环顾四周., in the highlands,它们毕竟都是静物..Oh, quietly lying down, I suddenly found here? 看完了各式各样的海子;t helpgratitudeThe nature, let a person Yes,引无数英雄竞折腰, have any of these,或与众不同的瀑布……哦, see the bottom fish or &quot:“江山如此多娇, even the deepest place up to 103 meters,看到湖底的鱼或是“佁然不动”。湖水很深,一点不假, I、更大,淡雅的黄色……看到湖水与彩林的颜色的搭配如此美妙, steep, made countless heroes bow in homage。于是,还真就把它当成了大海之子——青蓝色的湖水,可却没有找到心中的那股生命力,青蓝色的湖泊, I can&#39。 形容柳城, a bigger.Even someone murmured,t find that vitality of the heart,壮丽的雪山?Finished watchin or &quot.,你很容易就能看到湖底,memoryAlso swim a lot of places。我眨巴眨巴眼睛——并没有看错啊,在这样的高原地带。只是,beautiful, huangshan has beautiful guilin
出门在外也不愁ETERNAL SECURITY Once Saved Always Saved OSAS
Eternal Security or Conditional Security?
NO OTHER WEBSITE Has More Information Explaining and REFUTING Eternal Security(Link to this page with the words ETERNAL SECURITY)
Issues with Once Saved Always Saved and Eternal Security
Dan Corner
[NOTE: google is religiously discriminating against our whole website and especially this page on eternal security and once saved always saved.]
The Eternal Security Timebomb &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Eternal Security, The Devil's Masterpiece Copyright Evangelical Outreach
I, Dan Corner, openly challenge any and all qualified advocates of eternal security (also known as once saved always saved or the perseverance of the saints) to publicly debate this issue with me in a fair, equally-timed exchange of ideas.
Copyright Evangelical Outreach
The Truth About Eternal Security or Once Saved Always Saved False Doctrine
The common and accepted eternal security definition is, once a person becomes saved by the grace of God he will ALWAYS remain saved. Hence, that is why the doctrine of eternal security is often called once saved always saved. The rest of the eternal security definition, though usually unspoken but understood, is:
That Christian will remain saved regardless how far he backslides and plunges into sin, becomes lukewarm and unforgiving, bears no fruit, disowns Jesus and/or apostatizes doctrinally even to the point of becoming an atheist, , etc.! The
homicides and suicide in 2009 are proof of how insidious eternal security is. Eternal security proponents think if one was ever saved, at any point in his life, he will always remain saved and his salvation is never jeopardized under any circumstances! That is the only way they teach
and their never perish distortion from that verse. Their view of saving grace, the Christian, God himself, etc. are all affected by eternal security!
Though popular, eternal security is an ear-tickling poisonous LIE often wrongly taught under grace, the infinite work of Christ and Jesus' blood, which has caused MULTITUDES of unwary Christians to lower their guard and fall prey to . Such twice lost people also do not recognize their vital need of repentance for salvation. Sometimes they will refer to themselves as a Christian alcoholic, Christian addicted to pornography, etc. under their so-called
label! Such people are actually described in 2 Peter 2:20-22, but too spiritually blinded to recognize it.
Eternal Security Proponents Want It Both Ways
Eternal security proponents want it both ways. Their other eternal security message is designed to conceal their obvious , but it is only used with certain people, especially Christians contending for the faith (Jude 3,4). Specifically that message taught by the
argument, which quickly becomes falsified in light of the time . Eternal security proponents never say King David lost his salvation or he was never saved before he fell into adultery and murder! Neither do they say that about .
It should also be noted that it is logically inconsistent for any
eternal security proponent to ever say another person was never saved or is not saved now, based on their present tense sinful behavior, even if they are a Hindu, Muslim, witch doctor, child molester, serial killer, serial rapist, etc.! WHY? Because their doctrine says, if they, at any time in their entire life, had a saving faith, they are still saved because once saved always saved, once in grace always in grace, once a son always a son! Remember that about eternal security doctrine.
Eternal Security Is An Ear-Tickling Poisonous LIE
Though it should never be, the lingering question for many remains: Is once saved always saved or a conditional security the Biblical truth? While some Bible believers embrace a conditional security in Christ (or NO eternal security) most professing Christians live in no fear of God or concern about sinning as they embrace once saved always saved. Too many continue to be tossed back and forth on this -related issue, but this need not be the case. Below is a vast array of Bible-based teachings on this very crucial issue. They range from
to the false accusation of a , etc., which dismantle eternal security (or once saved always saved) piece by piece.
Beyond all of that, available here are various anti eternal security audio and video interviews as well as a few
with . He is the author of the 801 page book, "," the most exhaustive book ever written refuting eternal security.
[Click on book picture to the right to order with FREE materials and prompt shipment.] That . "" (230 pages) is another powerful book refuting once saved always saved.
All of the following will help you better understand this massive problem with eternal security and how to counter it. Please don't be duped by the popularity of once saved always saved. It is NOT Biblical even though various scriptures, such as
and , have been misused as backing. The only assurance of salvation is for the present-tense follower of Jesus - those who have [present tense] the Son (1 John 5:12).
Be assured that
Outreach does not teach a works salvation or legalism, though EO is adament against eternal security. The aforementioned are some of the strawman arguments and
used to smear .
teaches we are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8,9) but we can fall from grace (Gal. 5:2-4). We are justified by faith (Rom. 5:1) but our faith can become shipwrecked (1 Tim. 1:19,20) and cease to exist (Lk. 8:13; Rom. 11:19-23). We are not under the law (Rom. 6:14,15) but if you live according to the sinful nature you will die (Rom. 8:13). Paul taught against legalism (Gal. 5:3,4) but he also taught that no immoral, impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God (Eph. 5:5-7). We are not saved by works (Eph. 2:8,9) but to reap eternal life and not destruction you must sow to please the Spirit and not the sinful nature (Gal. 6:8,9). God is faithful to us (1 Jn. 1:9; 1 Cor. 10:13) but we must be faithful to him to the very end of our lives to escape the lake of fire or second death (Rev. 2:10,11). God surely loves us (Jn. 3:16; Mk. 10:21; Rom. 8:35-39) but those who inherit the kingdom of God love God (Jam 2:5; 1 Cor. 2:9) and to love God means to obey his commands (Jn. 14:15; 1 Jn. 5:3). We have freedom in Christ (Gal. 5:1) but this freedom is not to indulge the sinful nature (Gal. 5:13; 1 Pet 2:16). God is to be
and , but that is not the mythical god of eternal security. The
can't see your sins for he only sees the blood of C he is holding you and keeping you regardless how you act and believe aft you can even disown him, but he will never disown you in contrast to Mt. 10:33 and 2 Tim. 2:12! That in brief is the false god of once saved always saved that so many think they can mock by sowing to the flesh and still reap eternal life (Gal. 6:7-9)!
One of the greatest unrecognized spiritual dangers for those who believe the Bible and know that we are saved by grace and not by works (Eph. 2:8,9) is the
of eternal security (once saved always saved).
are very dangerous people, but are exalted and supported even by those who supposedly don't believe in once saved always saved! No doubt
is pumped up because of this! The
in our day is horrible to the eternal harm of SOULS.
"The greatest doctrinal threat to holiness is the heretical doctrine of eternal security or once saved always saved." --
Dave Hunt Vs Dan Corner Eternal Security Debate
(The above could be renamed Eternal Security Vs Losing Salvation Debate)
or Conditional Security, continued on page 2
or Conditional Security, continued on page 3
Eternal Security and The Related Examined and Refuted With Scriptures
There are many death blows to eternal security (or once saved always saved) found in Scripture. At the very core of this non-Christian doctrine is the concept that a person once saved (a righteous person) can not experience
over any sin. The clarity of the Scriptures to the contrary of eternal security is overwhelming from Genesis through Revelation. Spiritual death is NOT the same as eternal damnation.
Eternal security is a
and counterfeit grace message, which is built upon partial truths and Scripture removed from its context. Many are in hell now because of the once saved always saved doctrine.
From the viewpoint of Calvinism and the eternal security proponent,
simply stated is: a person once saved is holy and righteous without living holy and righteously. The once saved always saved lie is foundational to their dark view.
From the viewpoint of an eternal security proponent, once saved always saved is foundational to grace and salvation. If eternal security is challenged, in defense they often revert to their
argument which confuses the issue and is easy to refute. Here is the proof.
You will probably never hear any eternal security teacher say outrightly their doctrine is a license for immorality. In fact, they will most often flatly deny this charge sometimes to the point of yelling slander. However, there are still various ways these eternal security people teach this very thing they hate to be identified with. Certainly one is through their version of the sin unto death.
is a definite license to sin teacher. Charles Stanley is the number 1 most influential once saved always saved Baptist teacher in the world. That eternal security Baptist has spread that false gospel in various ways especially in his book entitled, . Here is a Biblical refutation of that book with his false gospel of once saved always saved. The Bible teaches once saved NOT always saved.
For a Christian to believe any once saved always saved proponent is living holy is a contradiction to both the embraced doctrine cherished by that once saved always saved proponent and what the Bible declares about a sinner, a slave to sin and those not obeying God, which once saved always saved people openly identify themself as.
Some teachings originate with demons (1 Tim. 4:1)! Even the devil can quote Scripture (Mt. 4:6), so we must be on guard because teachings of demons will not necessarily be filled with apparent holes. Is it ludicrous for a form of "doctrine of demons" to come through respected and popular eternal security teachers? Be on your guard always especially with the KJV once saved always saved proponents.
The image of a Christian now is a sinister, evil and ugly distortion which allows for gross wickedness and salvation too. It is a powerless and unholy image. The once saved always saved (or eternal security) lie has been accepted, treasured and defended by people who love that lie even to the moral distortion of a Christian.
The real issue isn't if one was truly saved or not (even though that is important), but instead is he saved now. Since eternal security is false, once saved always saved refuted needs to be the catalyst of our teaching.
Many people cite 1 Cor. 5:5 to support their belief in once saved always saved or eternal security (the fifth point of Calvinism). Does it really teach eternal security? Find out the answer.
Jimmy Swaggart teaches a license to sin though he openly denies believing in unconditional eternal security (another way of referring to once saved always saved or eternal security). He says he believes in conditional eternal security (which is a non-existent made up term, which only confuses the issue more).
One of the eternal security verses is Romans 8:1 for their no condemnation in Christ Jesus argument. This has been grossly MISUSED by the once saved always saved proponents to the destruction of souls. Here it is explained.
The security-in-sin or once saved always saved teachers are spiritually dangerous people. Besides all of the other grievous declarations they make, some have also gone so far as to say that a Christian's future sins are already forgiven, even before they are committed. Don't be deceived by the DANGEROUS eternal security teachers.
Calvinism has always allowed for a Christian to be immoral under their warped concepts of grace and salvation.
Though it may seem exaggeratory, the once saved always saved teachers are vastly more dangerous than quack medical doctors or even serial murderers. Again, once saved always saved teachers are VERY DANGEROUS! That includes . Remember that truth.
How logical is it for such a person who calls himself a Calvinist to be less than a 5 point Calvinist in light of the theology of Calvinism?
(Read more about the .)
Gal. 1:8,9 magnify the one and only gospel to the zenith of importance by stating that even if Paul, one of God's angels or anyone else would preach a gospel that is different than the one Paul preached, then let that person be eternally condemned.
Can someone commit mass murder, remain unrepentant and still go to heaven? This mass murderer-suicide and eternal security proponent was convinced by a once saved always saved teacher that he could before he did! This really occurred.
One of the primary arguments the eternal security teachers use to support the widespread belief that a saved person can be wicked, ungodly, vile, unfruitful, negligent and the like, without losing salvation is 1 Cor. 3:11-15. That is their saved so as by fire argument.
Book review of David Bercot's book, Will the real heretics please stand up? Though Bercot rejects eternal security (or once saved always saved), his doctrine is FAR from sound. He has been a stumbling block for some who know eternal security is false. Avoid David Bercot for your own good.
Be assured that the eternal security teachers will deny that their doctrine is a license for immorality, but that doesn't change reality. There are various ways we can know the truth about this doctrine which is so dearly embraced by the deceived multitudes. Here are a few concepts that should drive home this point about eternal security (or once saved always saved) being a license for immorality.
As strange as this might sound to some, the god associated with the eternal security doctrine is not only non-existent, but is often the exact opposite of the God of the Bible.
The following are misconceptions and strawman arguments that eternal security (or once saved always saved) people use to falsely accuse and discredit Christians like us who teach a conditional security for the believer.
In Dave Hunt's book, What Love Is This?, Hunt shockingly presents James Arminius as someone who taught eternal security! This is a serious gross misrepresentation.
Many people understand saving faith to be what John MacArthur, who believes in once saved always saved, has taught over the years. This teaching reveals the facts about this massive deception. It powerfully !
A small percentage of the many Scriptures that show a Christian, saved by grace, is to be sin conscious are as follows.
All throughout this epistle, Paul gave Timothy instructions to pass on to other Christians regarding how to ... Let's take a closer look at eight passages regarding the Christian battle and salvation that were basic in the days of first-century Christianity.
Once saved always saved people say this death is physical death, while others say it is spiritual death, but let's compare Scripture with Scripture.
Recently, I was asked on a radio show what compels me to oppose the teaching of eternal security (or once saved always saved) as I do. My answer in part was, "I hate the teaching of eternal security." This article gives nine good, Biblical reasons why this is so.
In the well known Parable of the Talents, we are clearly shown that the Christian is entrusted with the Lord's property and will one day give an account. This parable disproves once saved always saved doctrine.
In part, the wickedness of our world (even in the present professing church) is reflected by its unbiblical views on premarital safe sex.
An extremely stirring section of Scripture is 2 Cor. 11:1-15. You can feel Paul's godly concerns and the dangers associated with those false teachers (and teachings) he was battling.
This teaching against eternal security came as the result of obeying the command to contend for the faith against those who change grace into a license for immorality (Jude 3,4). The once saved always saved proponents have been wrongly taught.
Mr. David J. Stewart, who believes in necromancy, is not only a staunch eternal security proponent, he has terribly slandered me (Dan Corner) and misrepresented our holiness-endurance salvation message. Folks, once saved always saved is wrong!
Rom. 16:17,18 shows Christians should stay away from eternal security teachers, "I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
Is one forced to consider the Calvinistic understanding of election to properly know about eternal security or once saved always saved?
Part of the message of the eternal security (or once saved always saved) teachers is that the disagreement between Christians who reject eternal security and those who hold to this security-in-sin gospel (a better way to identify the eternal security doctrine) is that it is an in house debate. Friends, be assured the once saved always saved debate clearly concludes with a conditional security for the believer in Christ.
The eternal security proponents don't really believe in eternal security as they adamantly teach, but they have never come to realize this fact.
Calvinism is a total perversion of grace, how one gets saved, God's sovereignty, etc. But specifically related to eternal security (or once saved always saved), the fifth point of Calvinism dangerously downplays the seriousness of sin in the life of a believer and its version of eternal security is the most deceitful and inconsistent of the two. People who claim to believe in the eternal security of the believer are either ignorant or trying to confuse the issue, since eternal security is a heresy and has nothing to do with the believer in Christ.
The rampant teaching of eternal security continues to adversely affect multitudes. There are many ways a Christian can show once saved always saved is NOT Biblical.
Much confusion centers around John MacArthur and his eternal security version of saving faith. Sadly, this man has created a great deception that has adversely affected true Christians about the believer's security. Some of the quotes will surely shock you. You may be surprised to learn that oftentimes MacArthur actually sounds as bad as Charles Stanley and Charles Ryrie.
Personal testimony showing once saved always saved is a license to sin.
(Copyright Evangelical Outreach 2001)
Our cartoon depicts the present-day situation among eternal security teachers and the demonic influence upon them. Copyright Evangelical Outreach 2001 (however, for the sake of souls, this may be used in its entirety without any alterations or exclusions).
(Copyright, Evangelical Outreach, 2001)
A blockbuster Christian cartoon depicting the serious adverse effects that the teaching of eternal security (or once saved always saved) had in one family. Copyright Evangelical Outreach 2001 (however, for the sake of souls, this may be used in its entirety without any alterations or exclusions).
We have received many emails over the years from eternal security (or once saved always saved) people either stating that all Christians are sinners or that they must continue to sin all the time in this life. This article is written for the express purpose of shedding Biblical light on this subject.
Recently, the immoral lifestyle of Ted Haggard, eternal security teacher, has been exposed before the whole world.
This is a listing of MANY false teachers who are adversely affecting SOULS. Most of the ones cited here believe in eternal security or once saved always saved.
How is it possible for false doctrine to run rampant in a day with so many Bibles within easy reach? In part, it is because false teachers are convincingly presenting a partial truth as the whole truth and distorting its intended meaning.
1 Corinthians 5:1-13 is a startling chapter which shows, in part, what is wrong with the American church of our day. Once saved always saved (eternal security) is the major problem in Bible believing circles.
True testimonies of lives changed or blessed by our materials. Many of these people used to believe in once saved always saved or eternal security.
Eternal security teachers are wrong in various areas of Scripture and not just regarding the subject of eternal security itself.
According to today's version of grace, obedience to God is optional and, therefore, not even a priority for many. But is that the real truth or a lie from the devil, who is trying to damn your soul to Hell through false teachings, which come from the devil's servants?
Excerpted from our book, "The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted." This will help you better understand those passages in the light of other ones.
To say that a Christian can commit adultery and not be an adulterer is to teach both a deadly lie and a license for immorality at the same time, even though you might claim to reject eternal security! It only takes one act of murder or adultery to be a bible-defined murderer or adulterer, according to Scripture. Once saved always saved is demonic.
Do not be deceived by the various false teachers of our hour! There are things you MUST DO after getting "born again" to ENTER God's Paradise kingdom, according to Scripture. Do you know what they are?
Test your knowledge of the Scriptures regarding the believer's security. Includes 233 questions regarding eternal security you probably have never considered. A great Bible study refuting once saved always saved! Bible verses on eternal security are cited. [Make copies for your friends.]
Sometimes connected with the freedom in Christ message is Rom. 7:14-20: "We know that
but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." What is the Apostle Paul teaching? [Excerpted from our book,
by Dan Corner.]
The word antinomianism comes from the Greek anti (against) and nomos (law). It refers to the doctrine that it is not necessary for Christians to obey the moral law. In other words, faith frees the Christian from such obligations.
Suicide is commonly defined as the taking of one's own life. Tens of thousands of people a year in the United States alone commit this act. Many do that because they believe in once saved always saved!
When the eternal security teachers refer to the gospel from 1 Cor. 15:1-4, they often make a point of avoiding verse 2! They usually do this by starting to read or write at verse 3 and just mentioning, in passing, the subject of Paul's gospel from verse 1. Why do you suppose those clear and powerful words from verse 2 are omitted?
If you're like most people, you'll be shocked to find out Jesus definitely did NOT teach once saved always saved! In fact, he was against eternal security.
25 of the chief arguments for unconditional eternal security (or once saved always saved) are examined and answered. Hundreds of eternal security proponents, including some Reformed apologists, have read this first book written by Dan Corner. It has never been refuted with Scripture, nor can it be, though some have made a feeble attempt! [Please also see the information on his new 801 page book entitled,
-- the most exhaustive refutation to once saved always saved that has ever been written!]
The first book includes the most common arguments and proof texts used by the perseverance of the saints teachers -- solidly refuting them with S fourteen Biblical examples of people who once had a saving fai seventeen important safeguards to keep this from happening to you and your loved ones, and much more!
Read a sample chapter from our 121 page book against eternal security:
Actual letters for and against eternal security (or once saved always saved).
Open letters to influential religious leaders who teach a license for immorality
(of Christian Research Institute, or CRI)
(NOT his real name!)
Once saved always saved proponents face many difficult passages of Scripture, that is, difficult for them because they clearly contradict their treasured and beloved doctrine. The contradictions from Scripture concerning their teaching exist either by specific example or simple declaration pertaining to this subject. Regarding examples that contradict eternal security, perhaps the Apostle Judas Iscariot is most difficult for them.
John Wesley had a foundation in Greek, Hebrew and Latin, preached approximately 40,000 sermons and traveled 225,000 miles, mostly on horseback. The number of works he wrote, translated or edited exceeds 200. This article on the fifth point of Calvinism is essential reading for every Christian.
Testimony of a man (Wayne) set free from the false Reformed theology of eternal security.
Do you want proof that eternal security (once saved always saved) leads to criminal acts? Here it is! Read it for yourself from a prisoner. The following are his exact words:
I have enjoyed reading The Believer's Conditional Security. It has answered a lot of questions that I have had in the past and even now. It explains to me how I ended up here in prison - wrong theology. It has made me open up the Bible more and study it more intently ...
Besides that, there was , a once saved always saved proponent, who murdered 3 women then himself. He was DECEIVED INTO THINKING that even murder would not negate his salvation. He was so deceived the truth about a conditional salvation was not allowed in his belief system. There is no doubt that our society would be a much better place WITHOUT the false gospel and counterfeit grace message of eternal security!
If you STILL believe in the eternal security or once saved always saved or perseverance of the saints AFTER reviewing all the pertinent material at this site, please tell us why you refuse to believe what the Scriptures declare.
PO Box 265 Washington, PA 15301}


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