
醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。 用这句话写出“一对白发老夫妻”的对话内容急急急~~~~九点前就要啊!!!!!!急急急急!!!!!!!急急急~~~~九点前就要啊!!!!!!急急急急!!!!!!!200字啊~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!快快快~~~~~~
扫描下载二维码《清平乐 村居》是辛弃疾写的一首词,请问这首词的上片写了( ),下片写了( ),题目的意思是( ).提供《清平乐 村居》这首词:::茅檐低小,溪上青青草.上片{ 醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪.大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼;下片{ 最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬.不好意思,其实真正的问题是这样的:《清平乐 村居》是辛弃疾写的一首词,请问这首词的上片写了( )【的情景】,下片写了( 【这首诗】【题目】的意思是( 提供《清平乐 村居》这首词:::茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼; 最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。
上片写村中环境,村中人,表现出江南农村淳朴的生活情趣.下片写三个孩子的动作及性格特点,表现出茅舍一家老小幸福和谐的生活“清平乐”是词牌名,“村居”是词得标题 清平乐--词牌名,规定了这首词的形式,“村居”表明词的内容
茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。 大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。意思:1,房子是用茅草盖的,屋矮檐低;门前有一道溪流,岸边长满青草,绿水青草相映,更显得碧清可爱。不知是谁家的两位斑斑白发的老夫妻喝过几杯酒后,醉醺醺地用地道的土语对话,互相取悦,语调柔媚亲昵。 大儿子在河东的豆田里锄草,二儿子正在编织鸡笼子,只有我最喜欢的顽...
茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。 大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼。最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。 意思:1,房子是用茅草盖的,屋矮檐低;门前有一道溪流,岸边长满青草,绿水青草相映,更显得碧清可爱。不知是谁家的两位斑斑白发的老夫妻喝过几杯酒后,醉醺醺地用地道的土语对话,互相取悦,语调柔媚亲昵。 大儿子在河东的豆田里锄草,二儿子正在编织鸡笼子,只有我最喜欢的...
第二天早晨,乌塔向我道别, 说晚上要坐火车去波恩。她还认真地告诉我要继续挣钱,以后去中国旅游
【问题】:四年级上册 改写27课乌塔最后一段的话,用对话的形式写出二人道别的情形,请正确使用标点【答案】:第二天早晨,乌塔向我道别,说晚上坐火车去波恩.她还认真地告诉我要继续挣钱,以后去中国旅游.&br/&改写:&br/&第二天早晨,乌塔跟我说:“我要走了,我的朋友!”我道:“你要去哪?”“我今天晚上坐火车去波恩.我还要继续挣钱,以后去中国旅行.”她...
扫描下载二维码帮忙写几段口语对话 二人1.You are calling your teacher to make an appointment for a meeting (and why).The teacher has a very tight schedule and sometimes you are not free.So both of you make three or four suggestions before you finally agree on a time that is acceptable for both.2.Student A:You have a supper appointment with your friend this evening.However,your boss asked you to work late,so you telephone him/her to cancel the appointment.He is having a meeting and you leave a message for him.Student B:You are a secretary.Your boss’s friend calls to say that he/she has to cancel his appointment with your boss when your boss is in a meeting.You take a message for him.3.You and your roommate go to the department store to buy some clothes.You two walk about the store and finally decide on your choice.4.Your roommate talks with you about similarities and differences between university life and high school life.
扫描下载二维码以College student shouldn't have boyfriends/girlfriends为主题,用英文写一段4分钟的二人对话大约是4分钟的二人对话,以College student shouldn't have boyfriends/girlfriends为主题用英文讨论这个话题赞同或是反对该意见都可以口语课要用,一个人说反对的主题一个人说赞同的主题问题如果只有一个当然能自己解决我的想法是把大家的智慧结合我自己设计的对话弄出一篇最好的
Most students still pure consumers, not their income, but has yet to mature physically and mentally. Heart Endurance is still relatively limited in terms of emotion and even fragile. 所以,大学生谈恋爱是弊大于利的,故笔者认为大学生最好不要谈恋爱,怎样才能避免大学生去谈恋爱呢?Therefore, the students love more harm than good, so I believe that the best students do not have love affairs. How can we avoid the students to love? 要使全体大学生都不谈恋爱是不可能的,较佳的方法还是在大学生个人的主观因素.All college students is impossible not to love, the better approach is in the University's personal subjective factors. 作为大学生,尽管已是胜利走过独木桥,但要学的知识更为广泛,而且学习任务较重,所以大学生不应该自我沉论,他们应该以民族振兴、国家兴旺为己任,给自己制定更高的目标、对自己提出更高的要求和施加更重的压力.As college students, despite the victory through a single-plank bridge, but more widely to the knowledge, but also learning task is heavy, Students should not be so self-Shen theory, they should have to national rejuvenation, prosperity of our country mission. to set itself a higher target of their demanding higher and higher pressures. 只有这样,才会觉得时间有限而对其格外珍惜,从而不去考虑消极的问题.Only in this way will feel especially cherish their time is limited, so do not consider the negative issues. "一分汗水一分才",自己的努力会取得进步和成功的."Sweat hours before," our own efforts to make progress and success. 这样,你就会觉得过得充实而有意义,同时也增强自信心,根本不用担心在人生道路上找不到自己满意的伴侣.In this way, you will lead a full and meaningful think, but also enhance self-confidence, no fear in life do not find their satisfaction with a partner. "百尺竿头,更进一步"或许更会使你达到"生命诚可贵,爱情价更高;若为自由故,二者皆可抛."Room for improvement," perhaps you will achieve "life is precious, lo If there for free, they can parabolic. "的崇高和绝佳境界."Noble and excellent realm.
退一步来讲,如果大学生真的要谈恋爱,千万不能操之过急,要保持慎重.Even view, if students really want to love, should not haste, to maintain prudent. 在选择"对象"方面,不应过于片面,身材不应成为决定因素,关键在于对方是否具有上进心和善良心、是否跟自己志同道合和起到相互促进之作用.In choosing "targets", should not be too one-sided, is not a determining factor. The key lies in whether the morale of the enemy and good heart, with the same determination and played their role in promoting each other. 在追求方面,在一定程度上,应该相信"随缘"和"顺其自然"之说,因为爱情是可以追求但绝不能强求的,只要双方在学习和生活中能相互从对方得到帮助、依托和快乐,所谓的"爱情"就会自然而然水到渠成了.In pursuit, to a certain extent, we should believe that the "flow" and "let nature take its course", absolutely love it because it is unrealistic to pursue, so long as the two countries learn from each other and help each other life. Relying on and happiness, the so-called "love" will naturally come.
在交往的过程中,要做到相互尊重、关心、帮助和理解.In the course of exchanges, mutual respect, care, help and understanding. 做人要有自己的原则,千万不要因为自己心中的情人而改变整个自己,应该本着"人人为我,我为人人"的原则,站在不同的角度去考虑问题,多顾及对方的感受,尽量避免伤害对方的自尊心和不让其感到尴尬.Man must have its own principles, not because they love and change their minds, it is necessary to take "every man for me. I for all "principle, to look at the issue from a different perspective, taking into account each other's feelings more. to avoid hurting his opponent's self-esteem and not feel embarrassed. 在交往过程中,不要花太多的财力、时间和精力到对方身上.In the course of our contacts, the government will not spend too much money, time and energy to the other body. 作为学生,学习是重中之重,因此恋爱应该是为学习服务的而不应是为之而严重影响学习的.As students, and learning is most important, it should be for the love of learning rather than services which may seriously affect learning. 恋爱并非都是一帆风顺和快乐的,所以要有足够的心理准备,不要因为对方对自己冷落而全盘否定自己.Love is not all smooth sailing and happy, there must be sufficient psychological preparation not totally reject the cold because the other side of their own. 在失落之时,多考虑自己的闪光点和回忆与感情无关的美好往事,以此来进行自我安慰和解脱.Lost in time to consider their feelings had nothing to do with the wonderful memories and glittering events, in order to engage in self-relief and comfort. 笔者坚决反对"一脚踏两船"和"感情多元化",但是一旦对方去意已定,请相信"天涯处处有芳草",及时调整自己的心态,努力学习,刻苦研究.I firmly oppose the "best of both worlds" and "feelings of diversification", but once they have to leave, please believe that "everywhere in the world, have arrived." promptly adjust their psychology and study hard, study hard. "乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海",更美的东西就在不远的彼岸向你招手."I am sure there will be, the custom with rich sources," the more beautiful things in the near you waved to the other side.
什么叫反对 赞同都可以 楼主没有自己的想法吗? 恕我直言,你这样的问题都要求助 什么时候英语能提高呢?


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