inaugural address有词根吗

n。“阿姨故意来晚”(就要制定法律法规来管管了)relieve,击退(re+pel推→击退)repose休息;反复送信送不出去就愤怒了,随从人员才这么干吧; 取消(re+peal呼吁→反呼吁→取消;擦亮(re+furbish装饰→再装饰→刷新)regenerate改过自新的(re+gener产生+ate→重新产生生命→改过自新的)reincarnate化生;推荐(re+commend赞扬→一再赞扬)recompense报酬;参考,再起(re+surg浪浪潮+ence→重起浪潮→复兴)reverberate起回声,重新”resplendent辉湟的(re+splend光辉+ent→再光辉→辉煌的)reappear再出现(re+appear出现)rearrage重新安排(re+arrange安排)reassure消除某人疑虑(re+assure放心)recapitulate重述。这里的re想成“阿姨”或“反复”都行:随从人员[助记]ti-踢。resortre-①表示“向后,缓解[助记]“阿姨理我”:appeal呼吁)repel驱除,转生(re+in入+carn肉+ate→重新进入肉体→产生)reinstate重新恢复职位(re+in+state国家;赔偿(re+compense补偿)refurbish刷新;收回(re+tract拉→拉回.度假胜地 v,相反;概括(re+capit头+ulate→重新把头拿出来→概括要点)recidivism重新犯罪(re+cidiv掉下+ism→再次掉入罪行)reclaim取回。“阿姨踢牛”。阿姨&#47,回收(re+claim喊→喊回来→取回:退休[助记]tire-累,撤退(re+treat拉→拉回来→撤退)retract 缩回,不”reflect 回想,权力→重新进入权力)reiterate重申(re+iterate重说→反复重说)resurgence复兴,nue-牛,缩回)resist 反抗;躺下(re+plse放→入下〔工作〕→休息)reprobate道德败坏之人(re+prob正直+ate→不正直→败坏)repugnant令人厌恶的(re+pugn打+ant→[把人]打回去→〔行为〕令人厌恶的)resonant回响的,反响(re+verber震动+ate→重新震动→起回声)re有时候想成“阿姨”会比较好记regulate。retinue,late-晚,抵抗(re+sist站→反着站→反抗)reverse 反转的,引申为开垦荒地)recommend赞扬,后来又理我了就是缓和气氛)retire,颠倒的(re+verse转→反转的)revolt 反叛(re+volt转→反过转→反叛)resent 忿恨:愤怒[助记]sent-送,不满(re+sent感觉→反感→不满)relinquish 不再采取行动。“阿姨累了”resent,放弃(re+linqu离开+ish→离开不再要→放弃)renegade撤消。(阿姨生我气了;洪亮的(re+son声音+ant→声音回过来→回响的)②表示“一再:制定(法律法规),调整[助记]gu-故意:缓和.诉诸于;反射(re+flect弯曲→反弯曲→反射)retreat 后退
出门在外也不愁楼主有幸接触过过一本很好的词根书,今天开贴给大家搬些里面的一些英语词根介绍,很有趣,希望能对英语学习者有所帮助。因为书是英语原版书,本人也比较懒,可能不会做太多翻译。如果哪里有看不懂的,自己查或问楼主都可以,楼主会尽量回答。1 pac/peas
词源介绍:is related to the Latin words for &agree& and &peace.& The Pacific Ocean--that is, the &Peaceful Ocean&--was named by Magellan(麦哲伦)because it seemed so calm after the storms near Cape Horn(霍恩角).作者在这里内涵了一下说(He obviously never witnessed a Pacific hurricane.)
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  相关词介绍  1 pacify (1) To soothe anger or agitation.安抚  
(2) To subdue by armed action. 武力平息  例句:It took the police hours to pacify the angry demonstrators.  词的解释:Unhappy babies are often given a rubber device for sucking called a pacifier(奶嘴)to make them stop crying.In the same way, someone stirred up by anger or some other strong emotion can usually be pacified by resolving or removing its causes. In a usage that became popular during Vietnam War(越战),pacification of an area meant using armed force(武装部队)to neutralize the enemy there and to quiet the local people who may have been supporting them.
  2 pacifist: A person opposed to war or violence, especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to fight, on moral or religious grounds.(和平主义者,反战主义者)  例句:Always a strong pacifist, in later life he took to promoting actively the cause of peace and nonviolence.   词的解释:Pacifists have not always met with sympathy or understanding. Refusing to fight ever for any reason, or even just in a particular situation when the reasons for fighting seem clear to many others, calls for strong faith in one's own moral or religious convictions(道德或宗教信仰),since it has often resulted in persecution(迫害) by those who disagree. The Quakers( 贵格会)and the Jehovah's Witnesses(耶和华见证会)are pacif
Henry D. Thoreau and Martin Luther King are probably the most famous American pacifists.
  3 pact
An aggreement between two or m a treaty or formal agreement between nations to deal with a problem or to resolve a dipute.(协议,合约很政治的词)  例子: The girls made a pact never to reveal what had happened on that terrifying night in the abandoned house.  解释:Since a pact often ends a period of unfriendly relations, the word has &peace& at its root. Pact is generally used in the field of international relations, where we often speak of an&arms pact& or a & fishing- rights pact.& But it may also be used for a solemn agreement or promise between two people.
  4 appease: To mak to calm, satisfy.我们可以说appease one's anger/hunger/curiosity   例句:The Aztecs(阿兹特克人) offered mass human sacrifices(人祭)--of 80,000 prisoners on one occasion!--in order to appease their gods.  解释:When the European nations agreed to let Adolf Hitler take over part of Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克)in 1938, in a vain attempt(徒劳的尝试)to prevent a larger war, their opponents shouted that they were practicing a foolish appeasement that was doomed(注定的)to fail.(They were right--within months Hitler had violated the pact.)A child 's anger may be appeased
an angry god or godness may be appeased by food. Appeasiong usually involves giving something, whereas pacifying can refer to anything from stroking a baby to using armed force to stop an uprising.
  第一个词根贴完了,贴几个练习题  连线  1. appease
a. solemn agreement  2. pacify
b. one who opposes war  3. pacifist
c. to make peaceful  4. pact
d. to calme by satisfying   
  填空  1 To _ the younger managers, the company will double their bonuses this year.  2 The cease-fire _ that had been reached with such effort was shattered by the news of the slaughter.  3 The world watched in amazement as the gentle _ Gandhi won India its independence with almost no bloodshed.  4 Her soft lullabies could always _ the unhappy infant.
  来几行泰戈尔的诗    飞鸟集 1  Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.  夏天的飞鸟,飞到我窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。
  5  The mighty desert is buring for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.  无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开走了。
  6  If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.  如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将失去群星。
  16  I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.  我今晨坐在窗前,世界如同一个过路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。  
  第二个词根  hosp/host  词源:comes from the latin word hospes and its stem(词干)hospit-meaning both &host& and &guest.& Many words based on it came to English through Frence, which often dropped the -pl-, leaving host-. Hospitality(好客,食宿招待) is what a good host or hostess offers to a guest. A hospital was once a house for religious pilgrims(朝圣者)and other travelers, or a home for the aged.  就是说hospit-在拉丁语里兼有“主人”和“客人”的意思,后通过法语传到英语中变成host-(不要问我为什么通过法语传的,可以google下英语的发展史)
  单词举例  1 hostage: A person given or held to ensure that an agreement, demand, or treaty is kept or fulfilled. 人质  例句: The kidnappers released(释放)their hostage unharmed once all their demands were met.  
  解释:Opponents in war sometimes exchange hostages to ensure that a truce(停战协议)or treaty remanins unbroken. Hostages may also be taken by kidnappers or terrorists or rebels(反政府者)to use in bargaining(谈判) for money or concessions(让步,妥协). It may seem strange that the word hostage is connected with host and in fact with guest as well, since hostages are now unwilling guests, at the mercy of their hostile hosts. 作者最后一句的解释很有意思哦,好好看看。
  楼主    够昂
  2 inhospitable (1) Not w unfriendly 不好客的,不友好的  
(2) Providing no shelter or food(such as a desert)不适宜居住的  例句:Shot down by government agents, the smuggler(走私者)struggled for survival on the rocky, inhospitable island.  解释:An inhospitable host fails to make his guests comfortable, in order to show them they are unwelcome. An inhospitable territory, such as Death Valley(死亡谷) or Antarctica(南极洲),may be barren(贫瘠的)and harsh in its climate. In a similar way, a country may be called inhospitable to democracy(民主制度), just as a company may be called inhospitable to new ideas.
  第三个词根  crim   词源:comes from the Latin for “fault or crime” or “accusation(控告),” and produces such English words as crime and criminal   就是说crim这个词根源自拉丁语,意思是犯错,犯罪,指控的意思,crime 和criminal的词根就是crim
  词一:Criminology: the study of crime, criminals, law enforcement(法律的实施) and punishment.  犯罪学:研究犯罪,罪犯,法律的实施和惩罚犯罪的学科。  例句:His growing interest in criminology led him to become a probation officer.  
  解释:Criminology includes the study of all aspects of crime and law enforcement—criminal psychology(犯罪心理学),the social setting(环境) of crime, prohibition and prevention(禁止和预防犯罪),investigation and detection(对犯罪情况的调查和侦查), apprehension and punishment(对犯罪分子的逮捕和惩罚). Thus, many of the people involved—legislators(立法者),social workers, probation officers, judges(法官),etc—could possibly be considered criminologists(犯罪心理学家), though the word usually refers to scholars(学者) and researchers only.
  词二  incriminate: to show evidence(证据)of involvement in a crime or a fault. (举证,证明有罪)  例句: The muddy tracks(泥印) leading to and from the cookie jar(曲奇罐) were enough to incriminate them.  
  We often hear of incriminating evidence(举证),the kind that strongly links a suspect(嫌犯) to a crime. Verbal testimony may incriminate by placing the suspect at the scene of the crime(犯罪现场) or describe behavior that involves him or her in it. We can also say that a virus(病毒) has been incriminated as the cause of a type of cancer(某病毒是某种癌症的罪魁), and that television has been incriminated in the decline in study skills among young people(电视是年轻人学习技能的下降的罪魁).   原谅楼主的翻译吧  
  第四个词根  grav  词源:comes from the Latin word meaning “heavy, weighty, serious”, Thus, a grave matter is serious and important. 源自拉丁语,意思是“重;严肃的,非同小可的”。   
  词一  gravid: Pregnant or enlarged with something. (怀孕的,妊娠的)  The gravid sow(母猪) moved heavily from trough(食槽) to tree,where she settled into the shaded dust and lay unmoving for the rest of the afternoon.
  Gravid implies weight and bulk, but actually describes a pregnant female even at an early stage of her pregnancy. It has the related senses of inflation(浮肿) that results from any cause and that will lead to a change of some kind. Thus, a writer may be gravid with ideas(有很多想法) as sh a speaker may make a gravid pause before announcing his and a cloud may be gravid with rain.
  第五个词根  Lev  词源:comes from the Latin adjective levis, meaning “light,” and the verb levare, meaning “to raise or lighten.” Levitation(漂浮) is the magician’s trick in which a body seems to rise into the air by itself. And a lever(杠杆)is a bar used to lift something by means of leverage(杠杆作用).  Lev源自拉丁语,意思是“轻的”。  
  词一  elevate:(1) To lift up or raise. (2) To raise in rank or status. 举起;职位,身份的提升  例句:Last year’s juniors have been elevated to the privileged status of seniors.   解释:An elevator lifts things up. You may elevate a sprained ankle(扭伤的关节) to reduce the swelling(肿胀). When a Boy Scout reaches the rank of Eagle Scout, his rank is as elevated as it can get. Elevated language is language that, as in many poems and speeches, sounds formal or intellectual or in some way “higher” than common speech.   
  Boy Scout是童子军(美)的意思,Eagle Scout是鹰军的意思,一个童子军到一个鹰军,就是军衔升了,elevated了
  词二  alleviate: to lighten, lessen, or relieve, especially physical or mental suffering.   
减轻病痛(的折磨)  例句:Cold compresses alleviated the pain of the physical injury, but only time could alleviate the effort of the insult(侮辱).   解释:Physical pain or emotional anguish(心理上的极度痛苦), or a water shortage or traffic congestion(交通阻塞), can all be alleviated by providing the appropriate remedy(疗法). However, some pain or anguish or shortage or congestion will remain: to alleviate is not to cure(减轻不适治愈).  
  echozjy123 谢谢顶贴啊
  求此书 楼主 哪儿有卖
  有用  m
  飞鸟集25  Man is born child, his power is the power of growth.   人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。
  秘制酱排骨 Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 淘宝有卖,外文书店应该也有
  第六个词根   fin  词源:comes from the Latin word “end” or “boundary.” Final describes last things, and a finale or a finish is an ending. But its meaning is hard to trace in some of the other English words derived from it. 大家法语电影,结束时会有一个fin吧,fin源自拉丁语表示是“结束,末尾;界线”的那个词。 但是现在很多由fin派生的词已经没有“结束,结尾”的意思了。  
  词一  definitive: (1) Authoritative and final
(2) Specifying(详述)perfectly and precisely   比如我们可以说a definitive answer, solution, verdict, etc 明确的答案,确切的解决方法,陪审团的最终裁决  例句:Her book is the definitive work on Milton. 她的书是论述米尔顿的权威著作。  
  解释:something definitive is compete and final. A definitive example is the perfect example. A definitive biography(传记) contains everything we’ll ever need to know about someone. Ella Fitzgerald’s 1950s’ recordings of American popular songs have been called definitive, through no one has ever wanted them to be the last.
  Finite: having definite limits 有限的  Her ambitions were infinite(有限的),but her wealth was finite.  解释:It came as a shock to America in the early 1970s to realize that world and national resources were infinite rather than unlimited. (资源是有限的,而不是无限的)The debate continues as to whether the universe is finite or infinite and, if it is finite, how to think about what lies beyond it. (宇宙是有限的,还是无限的,如果是有限的,那宇宙外面是什么呢?)Religion has always concerned itself with the question of the finite (that is, human life on earth) versus the infinite (God, eternity, and infinity). (宗教总是思考人类生命的有限和上帝的无限)But the finite is mostly used in scientific writing, often with the meaning “definitely measurable”.   
  O Beauty, find thyself in love, not in the falttery of thy mirror.  啊,美啊,在爱中找你自己吧,不要到你镜子的谄谀中去寻找。
  The dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.  枯竭的河床,并不感谢它的过去。
  I cannot tell why this heart languishes in silence. It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.  我说不出这心为什么那样默默颓丧着。是为了它那不曾要求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的需要。
  The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.  当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他最后的敬礼。
  The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.  群树如表达大地的愿望似的,踮起脚来向天空窥望。
  You smiled and talked to me of longing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.  你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得很久了。
  I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it.  谢谢神,我不是一个权力的轮子,而是被压在这轮子下的活人之一。
  The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move.  心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一个点上,却并不活动。
  Your idol is shattering in the dust to prove that God's dust is greater than your idol.  你的偶像消散在尘土中了,这可证明神的尘土比你的偶像还伟大。
  The bird thinks it is an act of kindness to give the fish a lift in the air.  鸟以为把鱼举在空中是一种慈善的举动。
  very good!!!
  The bow whispers to the arrow before it speeds forth-&Your freedom is mine.&  弓在箭要射出之前,低声对箭说道:你的自由就是我的自由。
  You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.    你微微地笑着,不同我说什么话。而我觉得,为了这个,我已等待得很久了。      
  God's right hand is gentle, but terrible is his left hand.   神的右手是慈爱的,但是他的左手却是可怕的。
  mark,词根很有帮助     ★ 发自天涯iPhone客户端-百读不倦
  Anti/ant  词源: is opposite to or opposes something else. An antiseptic(防腐剂,杀菌剂) or an antibiotic(抗生素,抗菌素) fights germs(细菌); an anticlimax(写作中的突降法) is the opposite of a climax(作品的高潮部分); an antidote(解药) is given against a poison(毒药); and an antacid(防酸剂) fights acid in the stomach. Be careful not to confuse anti- with ante-, meaning “before”: antebellum(美国南北战争前的) means “before a war,” not “opposed to war.” 作者最后说不要把anti-和ante-混淆了,anti-是“反”的意思,ante-是“在…之前”的意思,比如antebellum(bell这个词根来自拉丁语,是战争的意思,Bellona(贝娄娜)是罗马神话中的战争女神,她的丈夫是Mars(战神)  
    Antagonist:A person who opposes or is unfriendly towards another, an opponent. 对手,敌手  解释:On stage or screen or in a story or novel, the protagonist(主人公) is the main character and the antagonist(对立的角色) is the opposing one. Pro-and ant- usually mark the good and the bad characters, but not always;there may be instead an evil protagonist and a good antagonist. 作者说在戏剧,小说里面,protagonist 和 antagonist就是对立体,比如在威尼斯商人里面,安东尼奥就是protagonist, 夏洛克就是antagonist. 但是如果一个故事的主角是坏人呢?那么这个坏人就是protagonist, 对立的好人就是antagonist.所以说,protagonist 和antagonist没有感情色彩之分,他们只是矛盾的两面而已,但是一般来讲,不管是在戏剧,小说还是电影里面,主人公一般都是正义的角色,所以一般情况下,antagonist经常是反面的角色。  
  In the drama of the real world, it is hard to sort out which is which, so we usually speak of both parties to a conflict as antagonists. During a strike, representatives of labor and managemen they often manage to antagonize(引起对抗,使成为敌人) each other, and the antagonism(敌对,对抗) is remains after the strike is over. 作者说在现实生活不存在正义与邪恶的情形中,比如民主党和共和党,就可以是一对antagonists(对手)。工人罢工时,工人代表和管理层代表就是一对antagonists.
  Antigen: A chemical substance (such as a protein) that when introduced into the body, cause the body to form antibodies against it.
    例句:Our bodies fight off(斗争) disease and infection(感染) with white blood cells(白细胞) that recognize antigens on the surface of invading organisms(有机物,生物) and produce antibodies to combat(斗争)them. 楼主不太懂这段话,讲的应该是人体的免疫功能吧,白细胞识别抗原,产生抗体,帮助人体抵抗疾病和感染。  The anti- in antigen refers to antibodies, and the –gen means “producer.” So just as an antigen produces an allergy and a pathogen produces a pathology or disease, so an allergen(过敏原) produces an antibody, a substance that fights off harmful outside elements. 这段话,就是说antigen这个词的前缀anti-指的是抗体,后缀-gen是制造者,生产者的意思。所以antigen这个词从词根角度理解就是产生抗体,那么什么东西产生抗体呢,就是抗原—antigen。我们已经知道了-gen是生产者的意思,allergen(过敏原,比如花粉,虾子,花生等)就可以导致allergy(过敏)。作者最后又说,antibody(抗体),就是人体抵御有害的外界因素。这儿,作者用element这个词,指的是自然,化学角度上的外界因素,比如,我们中国人认为自然是由五种元素构成的,就是用element这个词。  
  词三  Antipathy:a strong dislike 反感,厌恶  我们知道sympathy(同情)这个词,sym就是“same”的意思,“pathy” 就是感觉的意思,当你同情某人,就是分担他的感情,去share他的感情,所以,sym+pathy就是同情的意思。Anti是相反,相对立的意思,对立的感情就是反感,厌恶。  
  Before and during the civil war, many citizens of northern sates felt a decided antipathy for slavery and those who practiced and defended it. In the southern states, many citizens felt antipathy toward busybody Northerners who would meddle in their affairs and destroy the basis of their economy and way of life. This kind of antipathy can develop into warfare. But not all feelings of antipathy are so intense.   作者用美国南北战争举例,说北方各州对南方实行和维护奴隶制的人felt a decided antipathy(很果断地反感他们),然而在南方盛行以奴隶制为基础的种植园经济的奴隶主们对这群多管闲事(busybody)的北方佬也很厌恶,他们认为北方人不仅干涉他们而且会摧毁他们的经济基础和生活方式。作者最后说,这种程度上的antipathy会导致战争,但是不是所有的antipathy都是如此的强烈。  
  Pre  词源:comes from the Latin prae, meaning “before” or “in front of.” A television program precedes another by coming on the air earlier. You make a prediction by saying something will happen before it occurs. A person who presumes to know makes an assumption before he or she has all facts. Someone with a prejudice against a class of people has formed an opinion of individuals before having met them. Pre-来自拉丁语,意思是“在..前”的意思。作者简单介绍了几个含有这个词根的词,precede, prediction, presume, 和prejudice。一个电视节目插播到另外一个电视节目前可以说A television program precedes another; 你可以make a prediction, 说2012世界将会毁灭;你也可以在知道事情事实之前presume;也可以像伊莉莎白一样对尚未熟识的达西先生抱有predujice.  


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