let's gomy home let s learnto prepare中的prepare用加ing吗

体怎么用能讲讲吗. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车?比方这句The driver failed to see the other car in time?一般什么时候用啊。为什么介词后面不用ing啊
部分不定式后+动词原形。又如manage to do,也有特例如look forward to doing.fail to do是固定搭配
to后面不仅可以跟动词还能跟形容词和副词地点等,跟介词的不常用。 to+动词原形:to go,to be,to eat...... to+地点:get to Shanghai...... 常见的也就这两个,其他的到了大学学英文系的话可以做仔细研究。
不定式是英语动词的一种形式。它在许多情况下可省略&to&它不同于汉语动词,汉语动词只有一种形式。如:我看书。她看书。但英语要说“看”必须根据主语的人称,动作发生的时间等确定其形式。如:1)I read a book. 2)She reads a book.1)句中的“read”
I want to read a book./She wants to read a book.
1) 动词+ 不定式
afford aim appear agree arrange ask be decide bother care choose come dare demand de...
出门在外也不愁s go swim! 中的swim应该不加ing吧?_百度知道
s go swim! 中的swim应该不加ing吧?
swimming 是歌词组,要加ing
固定搭配,go swimming
出门在外也不愁I hate to generalize, but aside from body-checking anyone in their path, there are other ways that Parisians are different than Americans.
If you don’t believe me, ask
I traveled with recently, who have the bumps and bruises to prove it after a plane arrived from Paris and the dining room where we vacationed turned into a game of human pinball.
(But don’t ask
about how one fine day, her corner of peaceful tranquility on the beach ended up with her being suddenly surrounded by a mass of noisy new arrivals, who didn’t seem to mind arranging their chairs all around her…when the rest of the three mile-long beach was completely deserted.)
When I lived in America, it was rare to find leeks. Some of you out there in the states a “Leeks? Aren’t those the fancy onion-like things at the supermarket that are expensive?”
Well, yes.
They may cost more than yellow onions, depending on where you live. But here in France, leeks are cheap and plentiful. And used often. When I told Romain that leeks weren’t widely-used in America, he was really surprised, since even the most lowly produce vendor sells leeks and just about everyone at my market seems to have a few sticking out of their market basket.
Anyhow, we Americans do have our green onions (or , as they’re sometimes called) and we use them a lot. They’re cheap, often just two or three bunches cost a buck, but they’re almost impossible to find in France. I think it’s perhaps because we use them raw quite a bit and the harsh taste might be a bit overwhelming. You don’t see too raw onions being served in France as much as you do in the states.
Some people may find leeks intimidating, but I’ve started using them a lot more since I’ve moved to France and love their sweet, mellow taste, and use them much more than yellow onions in my cooking. They do require a bit more preparation, but you don’t have to deal with those papery skins flying all over your kitchen, whichI think is a pretty decent trade off.
The best way to cook leeks is to “sweat” them, which means cooking them in butter and/or oil over pretty low heat until they get soft, but not browned. The French call this fondu, or “melted.” I use part butter, part olive oil, because although the butter adds a wonderful flavor, it can burn if cooked for a long time. So using some oil helps. If you have clarified butter, you could use that, but I don’t keep that on hand.
How To Prepare Leeks
1. To prepare leeks, cut off and discard the dark green parts that are tough. Or you can wash and use them for stock-making.
2. Trim off the little beards at the bottom.
3. Take a chef’s knife and made a horizontal slice lengthwise. Don’t cut through the end, where the beard was, though. Rotate the leek, and make another lengthwise slice, creating a cross-hatch patter if looking at it from the cut end.
4. Run the leeks under cold water, or better yet, swirl them around in a basin of water to remove any grit. Some leeks are really dirty and others are pretty clean. So you may need to rinse them in a few changes of water.
(Another technique it to cut the leek into pieces first, and swirl them in water to remove the grit, then drain them well.)
5. Afterward, towel-dry the leeks and cut them into rounds.
I use leeks as a base for soup and braises and once you do, you’ll find your foods have much more flavor for just a little extra work.
On another cooking-related note, one of the best food blogs just got even better.
has a brand-new design, by Jesse of , who redesigned my site. The new layout is simply fantastic and it’s now even easier to navigate one of the best resources for recipes on the web.
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It sounds like French leeks are as dirty as US leeks.
I use them much, much more in Italy if only because they aren’t so dirt-filled that you have to operate before cleaning them!
I grew them once in the US and yes, they get hilled up, covered over in dirt to blanch them, but they do that here, too, and they still aren’t so filthy.
When you want rings I wash as well as possible, then cut into rings and toss in a big bowl of cold water.
Separate them, swish about like a washing machine, then lift out and into a colander.
You may want to do it twice to be sure… like spinach takes 3 washes.
Just never pour into a colander because you will pour the heavy dirt over the clean leeks.
I think leeks offer a lot of umami flavors and really, chicken broth just isn’t the same without our green friend.
I’ve developed a whole series of leek recipes that capitalize on their particular affinity to potatoes and/or cheeses.
Penne with toasted leeks and pecorino?
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