
帮忙翻译成英文_百度知道 帮忙翻译成英文 企鹅无家可归、能源危机的发展,蕴藏着极其丰富的矿产资源和能源,全球变暖,但随着地球上人口膨胀,冰山融化,人类的南极活动逐渐从纯科学研究向资源开发和利用的研究过渡这幅图片描述的是世界上多国南极科考队进驻南极。虽然目前在开发利用上还存在诸如领土争议。南极大陆是地球上惟一没有主权归属的陆地,而南极资源又成为首当其冲的争夺对象和目标,南极“研究”就相当于“资源勘探”。对于某些国家来说,导致南极本土企鹅的生活环境遭到了严重的破坏,富饶的南极资源迟早要为人类利用。从20世纪70年代中期开始、环境保护、技术开发能力等诸多问题,尝试探测南极所蕴藏的巨大的矿产资源 contains extremely rich mineral resources and energy, and rich resources for human use sooner or later at the South P is equivalent to ", but with the development of the population expansion, melting glaciers. For some countries, many problems such as enviIts impact for texploration". Since the mid - 1970 - s.Antarctica is the only thing on earth no sovereignty of the land, the energy crisis on earth. Although there are also in the development and utilization of such as territorial disputes, which leads to the native Antarctic penguins living environment suffered serious destruction, technological development ability, penguins are homeless, the South Pole &research", global warming, human activities gradually from a purely scientific research at the South Pole to make the transition to resource development and utilization of research 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 其他1条回答 The picture gives us an account of that many scientific expedition teams of diffrent countries have staitioned at the Antarctic to exploy the rich mineral resources。 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁B:听你这么讲,我很高兴。 To hear you say, I'm very happy. 您的举报已经提交成功,我们将尽快处理,谢谢! 大家还关注 (window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({ id: '2081942', container: s, size: '1000,60', display: 'inlay-fix'英语翻译英文翻译:你收到邮件我非常高兴.对不起,我看邮件晚了,因为这不是我常用的邮箱,所以不经常查看里面的邮件.我现在重新发送一些格式为jpg的图片给你,希望你能收到(文章是这样,_百度作业帮 英语翻译英文翻译:你收到邮件我非常高兴.对不起,我看邮件晚了,因为这不是我常用的邮箱,所以不经常查看里面的邮件.我现在重新发送一些格式为jpg的图片给你,希望你能收到(文章是这样, 英语翻译英文翻译:你收到邮件我非常高兴.对不起,我看邮件晚了,因为这不是我常用的邮箱,所以不经常查看里面的邮件.我现在重新发送一些格式为jpg的图片给你,希望你能收到(文章是这样,希望有热心的人士帮我翻译成英文,) I am very glad that you finally received my email. I am very sorry that I didn't read your email in time, because it is not my mail-box I usually use, and seldom glance at emails in it. I have sent you again some pictures of JPG format and hope that you can receive them. 手工翻译,望采纳.求帮忙翻译英文_百度知道 求帮忙翻译英文 虽然这些台湾老兵离开家乡已有六十多年、莎莉不大喜欢吃冰淇淋、天气预报说明天很可能降温、三年多了,杰克决定下周再跟朋友一起去爬山(probably)5,然而关于家乡的一切记忆并没有从他们心中消失(Fade away)2,我想还是给她要份水果沙拉吧(sally)(go for)3,有位老人上周就被他们骗过(deceive)4、不要相信在公园里玩扑克牌的那伙人1 提问者采纳 t fade away from their heart。1。我尽力吧.Although ,all the memories of hometown didn',these old Taiwanese soliders have left their hometown for 60 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 其他2条回答 Today'.3. Robert has had a crush on that pretty classmate for over three years, so Jack decides to postpone his planned date for mountain climbing with his friends untill next week! Good luck.5. Sally doesn', so I think it would be better if I order a fruit salad for her. Even though the Taiwanese veterans have left their hometown t forget bits and pieces of memories of their homeland.4.Hs weather forecast says that the temperature will probably drop tomorrow, they still can'.2. Do not trust those poker players in the park since they deceivet like eating ice cream1 EVERYTHING ABOUT THE HOMETOWN HAS NEVER BEEN DISAPPEARED,ALTHOUGH THESE SOLIDER FROM TAIWAN LEAVE FROM HOME FOR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS 您可能关注的推广回答者: 翻译英文的相关知识 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁帮忙翻译英语!peter:we need friends to share both our happiness and sandness. friendscan help us learn how to talk to people.i want to be honest.we should alawys be true to each other.and we should help each other as much as we can. judy:a f_百度作业帮 帮忙翻译英语!peter:we need friends to share both our happiness and sandness. friendscan help us learn how to talk to people.i want to be honest.we should alawys be true to each other.and we should help each other as much as we can. judy:a f 帮忙翻译英语!peter:we need friends to share both our happiness and sandness. friendscan help us learn how to talk to people.i want to be honest.we should alawys be true to each other.and we should help each other as much as we can. judy:a friend can give you a hand at any time. it is not important that my friend is popular at school or he has cool clothes.but he must be kind.he must be ready to help othes.it's also important that he is easy-going.i like talking with people who always smile. gina:i hope my best friend likes doing the same things as me. i think that it would be better if he or she is good at school work,too. 彼得:我们需要朋友来分享快乐和分担忧愁.朋友可以帮助我们学习如何与人沟通.我想成为诚实的人,我们应该尽量彼此互相帮助.朱迪:朋友随时都可以给你帮助.我的朋友在学校是否很受欢迎,或者他是否有时髦的衣服,这些都不重要.但是他必须心肠好,他必须乐于助人.同样重要的是,他是个随和的人.我喜欢和总是微笑的人说话.吉娜:我希望我的最好的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事.我认为如果他或者她学习功课好那就再好不过了. 采纳吗?不要我删了。 peter:我们需要朋友分享彼此的快乐与悲伤,朋友能帮助我们学习如何与别人交流,我想成为诚实的人,我们应该相互心对待彼此,我们应该尽我们所能互相帮助,judy:朋友可以任何时候伸出援助之手,他是否在学校是否受欢迎,是否穿很酷的衣服都不重要,但是他必须善良。他必须随时准备帮助别人,他是能很好相处的也很重要,我喜欢和喜欢笑的说话,Gina:我希望最好的朋友和我做相同的事情,我想这样... 我们需要朋友来分享我们的快乐,分担我们的痛苦。朋友帮助我们学会与人交流。我想成为一个诚实的人。我们应该给他人自己真实的一面。我们应该尽我们所能帮助别人。朋友可以在任意时刻给出一双帮助的手。朋友在学校很受人欢迎或穿的很酷这些都不重要,重要的是心地善良。他必须乐于助人。随和的个性与很重要。我喜欢和微笑的人说话。我希望我最好的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事。我认为他功课好的话会更好。


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