vo iceremindvo是什么么意思

巧克力星冰乐ice的喜欢 | LOFTER(乐乎) - 每个人的理想国 LOFTER for ipad —— 记录生活,发现同好 巧克力星冰乐ice 的喜欢   被喜欢   被喜欢 {list posts as post} {if post.type==1 || post.type == 5} {if !!post.title}${post.title|escape}{/if} {if !!post.digest}${post.digest}{/if} {if post.type==2} {if post.type == 3} {if !!post.image} {if post.type == 4} {if !!post.image} {list photos as photo} {if photo_index==0}{break}{/if} 品牌${make||'-'} 型号${model||'-'} 焦距${focalLength||'-'} 光圈${apertureValue||'-'} 快门速度${exposureTime||'-'} ISO${isoSpeedRatings||'-'} 曝光补偿${exposureBiasValue||'-'} 镜头${lens||'-'} {if data.msgRank == 1}{/if} {if data.askSetting == 1}{/if} {if defined('posts')&&posts.length>0} {list posts as post} {if post_index < 3} {if post.type == 1 || post.type == 5} {if !!post.title}${post.title|escape}{/if} {if !!post.digest}${post.digest}{/if} {if post.type == 2} {if post.type == 3} {if post.type == 4} {if drlist.length>0} 更多相似达人: {list drlist as dr}{if drlist.length === 3 && dr_index === 0}、{/if}{if drlist.length === 3 && dr_index === 1}、{/if}{if drlist.length === 2 && dr_index === 0}、{/if}{/list} 暂无相似达人, {if defined('posts')&&posts.length>0} {list posts as post} {if post.type == 2} {if post.type == 3} {if post.type == 4} this.p={ dwrMethod:'queryLikePosts',fpost:'1d1151ac_61eb438',userId:,blogListLength:30};英语翻译最好是人工的,1.What sort of ice cream would you like?2.I like her because she always smiles at me.3.She told him how to send a letter in the fastest and cheapest way.4.We often write short messages to friends to thank them,remind th_百度作业帮 英语翻译最好是人工的,1.What sort of ice cream would you like?2.I like her because she always smiles at me.3.She told him how to send a letter in the fastest and cheapest way.4.We often write short messages to friends to thank them,remind th 英语翻译最好是人工的,1.What sort of ice cream would you like?2.I like her because she always smiles at me.3.She told him how to send a letter in the fastest and cheapest way.4.We often write short messages to friends to thank them,remind them of something or congratulate them.It is important that these notes make a good impression on the people who receive them.5.You should give the rest of the message clearly and briefly.6.I’m looking forward to visiting him.He is in hospital.7.She was quite disappointed to see her husband with nothing in his hand.8.He is so much like my babies.9.They were scared and ran back to their home.10.If we want to win,we must fight with difficulties.11.If we begin early enough,the habit of attention becomes part of our life.12.If I were to live my life over again,I would pay more attention to my memory.13.Life is full of challenge and troubles,if we face them bravely,we can deal with them in the end sooner or later.14.If I were a child again,I would look on the cheerful side.Life is very much like a mirror:if you smile upon it,it smiles back upon you,but if you frown on it,you will get a similar look in return.15.If I were a child again,I would learn to choose right from wrong.A smart child should be brave enough to say “no” to wrong things.I would stay away from bad friends. 1.What sort of ice cream would you like?你喜欢哪种冰激淋2.I like her because she always smiles at me.我喜欢她因为他一直对我笑.3.She told him how to send a letter in the fastest and cheapest way.她告诉他怎样寄信是最快最便宜的方式.4.We often write short messages to friends to thank them,remind them of something or congratulate them.It is important that these notes make a good impression on the people who receive them.我们经常发短信感谢、思念并祝贺朋友,重要的是,这些短信是一种很好的表达方式.5.You should give the rest of the message clearly and briefly.你应该简明扼要地介绍其他的信息.6.I’m looking forward to visiting him.He is in hospital.他住院了,我很想去看看他.7.She was quite disappointed to see her husband with nothing in his hand.他丈夫两手空空,他非常失望.8.He is so much like my babies.他太像我的孩子了.9.They were scared and ran back to their home.他们害怕得跑回了家.10.If we want to win,we must fight with difficulties.如我我们想取胜,就必须和困难做斗争.11.If we begin early enough,the habit of attention becomes part of our life.如果我们够早开始的话,注意力的习惯就会伴我们一生.12.If I were to live my life over again,I would pay more attention to my memory.假如生命可以重来,我会更加关注记忆.13.Life is full of challenge and troubles,if we face them bravely,we can deal with them in the end sooner or later.生命充满了挑战和挫折,如果我们勇敢地面对,迟早总会过去.14.If I were a child again,I would look on the cheerful side.Life is very much like a mirror:if you smile upon it,it smiles back upon you,but if you frown on it,you will get a similar look in return.如果还是个孩子,我会看到积极的一面.生命就像一面镜子:你对它笑,它就会对你笑;你对他皱眉头,他会还以颜色.15.If I were a child again,I would learn to choose right from wrong.A smart child should be brave enough to say “no” to wrong things.I would stay away from bad friends.如果还是个孩子,我会从错误中寻找正确.聪明的孩子应该勇敢地对坏事情说“不”.我会远离坏朋友. 1. 你喜欢什么样的冰淇淋。2。我喜欢她,因为她总是对我微笑。3。她告诉了他如何以最快最省的方式寄信。4。我们经常写短信给朋友,感谢他们提醒他们某些事或向他们表示祝贺。更重要的是,这些笔记给人留下好印象并让人接受他们。5。你应该清楚、简洁地表达余下的信息。6。他住院了,我想去拜访他。7。当她看见她的丈夫两手空空的时候,她失望极了。


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