i read books on Sundays,然後后面的答句readbooks是什么意思麼?

一、补充句子.1、I often TV in the evening.But yesterday evening I computer games.2、John often football on Sundays.But last Sunday he his grandparents.3、 you usually go to school by bike?Yes,but yesterday I to school on foot.4、 your fathe_百度作业帮
一、补充句子.1、I often TV in the evening.But yesterday evening I computer games.2、John often football on Sundays.But last Sunday he his grandparents.3、 you usually go to school by bike?Yes,but yesterday I to school on foot.4、 your fathe
一、补充句子.1、I often TV in the evening.But yesterday evening I computer games.2、John often football on Sundays.But last Sunday he his grandparents.3、 you usually go to school by bike?Yes,but yesterday I to school on foot.4、 your father go to work by car?Yes,he does.But yesterday he to work by bus.5、What you do on the weekends?I often hiking..you go hiking last weekend?Yes,I went hiking with my parents last Sunday.6、What Amy usually do in the evening?She usually books..she read a book yesterday evening?No,she didn’t.She her homework.二、根据文答句写出问句.I did my homework yesterday.We usually play basketball on the weekends.No,I didn’t watch TV.I listened to music.I have a headache.John is 160cm tall.
一1.watch played 2.plays visited 3.Do went 4.Does went 5.do go Did6.does reads Did did二1.What did you do yesterday?2.What do you usually on the weekends?3.Did you watch TV?4.What's the matter?5.What's John's height?
playedvisitedDo;wentDwentDidDdidWhat did you do yesterdayWhat do you usually do on the weekendsDid you watch TVWhat's the matter with youHow tall is JohnI like a quite read after supper.它的句子成分是怎麼样的?尤其是after supper在句子中的成分是什麼?_百度作业帮
I like a quite read after supper.它的句子成分是怎麼样的?尤其是after supper在句子中的成分是什麼?
I like a quite read after supper.它的句子成分是怎麼样的?尤其是after supper在句子中的成分是什麼?
这句话写错了一些地方哟!应当是:I like a quiet reading after supper.主语:I谓语:like宾语:a quiet readingafter supper是时间状语,修饰动词like.不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
i 主语 like 谓
a quite read 宾语
after supper 状语
after supper 是时间状语 I :主语like:谓语a read:宾语quite:定语高频词,一定要记住哦!
1. I thought you might like to read the enclosed.
2. In her spare time she read books on cooking.
3. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.
4. He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.
5. There's a reason why women don't read it's not funny.
1. 大声诵读
Please read out the names on the list.
1. 研读:通过阅读进行研究或学习
Read up on the places you plan to visit before you travel.
read someone like a book
1. 了解…的心思(或动机);对…了如指掌
read someone's mind (或 thoughts)
1. 猜透…的心思,知道…在想些什么
read a lecture 或 read a lesson
1. 责备:发表批评意见
Mother read us a lecture after the principal telephoned her.
read between the lines
1. 仔细阅读,研究:找出或发现隐藏晦涩的意思
learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness.
read out of
1. 驱逐,开除:被正式文告从社会、政治或其它集团中驱逐
He was read out of the secretariat after the embarrassing incident.
: 最普通用词,含义广泛。既指朗读又可指默读。
: 指贪婪地读,暗含对某些作者或作品迷恋之义。
: 指快速扫视文章等以抓住其要旨。
: 指略读或浏览。
The form read is pronounced /ri:d/ when it is the present tense, and /red/ when it is the past tense and past participle. read 作现在式时读作/ri:d/,作过去式和过去分词时读作 /red/。
读;阅读;理解;看懂 When you read something such as a book or article, you look at and understand the words that are written there.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V about n
【语法信息】:V through n
【语法信息】:V that
【搭配模式】:a N
Have you read this book?...
I read about it in the paper...
He read through the pages slowly and carefully...
Read is also a noun.
I settled down to have a good read.
朗读;出声读;念出 When you read a piece of writing to someone, you say the words aloud.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V to n
【语法信息】:V n n
【语法信息】:Also V n to n
Jay reads poetry so beautifully...
I like it when she reads to us...
I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in.
读书,阅读(能力) People who can read have the ability to look at and understand written words.&
【语法信息】:V n
He couldn't read or write...
He could read words at 18 months.
读,识(乐谱) If you can read music, you have the ability to look at and understand the symbols that are used in written music to represent musical sounds.&
【语法信息】:V n
Later on I learned how to read music.
(电脑)读取(文件或文档) When a computer reads a file or a document, it takes information from a disk or tape.&
【语法信息】:V n
How can I read a Microsoft Excel file on a computer that only has Works installed?
写着;标着 You can use read when saying what is written on something or in something. For example, if a notice reads 'Entrance', the word 'Entrance' is written on it.&
【语法信息】:V with quote
【搭配模式】:no cont
The sign on the bus read 'Private: Not In Service'.
(文章)读起来… If you refer to how a piece of writing reads, you are referring to its style.&
【语法信息】:V prep/adv
The book reads like a ballad...
It reads very awkwardly.
令人愉快的读物;好书(或杂志) If you say that a book or magazine is a good read, you mean that it is very enjoyable to read.&
【搭配模式】:adj N
Ben Okri's latest novel is a good read.
理解;解读 If something is read in a particular way, it is understood or interpreted in that way.&
【语法信息】:be V-ed as n
【语法信息】:V n adv/prep
The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest...
South Africans were praying last night that he has read the situation correctly...
Now how do you read his remarks on that subject?
看得出,读懂,看透(想法或心思) If you read someone's mind or thoughts, you know exactly what they are thinking without them telling you.&
【语法信息】:V n
As if he could read her thoughts, Benny said, 'You're free to go any time you like.'
理解;读懂;了解 If you can read someone or you can read their gestures, you can understand what they are thinking or feeling by the way they behave or the things they say.&
【语法信息】:V n
If you have to work in a team you must learn to read people...
Under the shaded light her expression was difficult to read.
(无线通讯用语)听到 If someone who is trying to talk to you with a radio transmitter says, 'Do you read me?', they are asking you if you can hear them.&
【语法信息】:V n
Alpha-Bravo-Zulu 643 to Saltezar, do you read me? Over...
We read you loud and clear. Over.
读(表);记下(仪表上的数字) When you read a measuring device, you look at it to see what the figure or measurement on it is.&
【语法信息】:V n
When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter, ask for identification...
It is essential that you are able to read a thermometer.
(仪器)标明,显示 If a measuring device reads a particular amount, it shows that amount.&
【语法信息】:V amount
The thermometer read 105 degrees Fahrenheit...
The fuel gauge reads below zero.
攻读;专修 If you read a subject at university, you study it.&
【语法信息】:V n
【语法信息】:V for n
【语域标签】:BRIT 英
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
She read French and German at Cambridge University...
He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University.
in AM, use 美国英语用 major, study
完全相信;把…当作真理 If you take something as read, you accept it as true or right and therefore feel that it does not need to be discussed or proved.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent...
The case for aid to eastern Europe is taken as read.
to read between the lines→see:
1. 读; 看懂, 理解
The little boy can read quite well now.
He read Shakespeare to help his English.
1. 显示; 标明
The clock reads four-twenty.
"the article was a very good read"
1. interpret something that i
"read the advertisement"
"Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
2. have or contain a cer
"The passage reads as follows"
"What does the law say?"
3. look at, interpret, and say out loud something that i
"The King will read the proclamation at noon"
4. obtain data
"This dictionary can be read by the computer"
5. interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky, etc.; al
"She read the sky and predicted rain"
"I can't read his strange behavior"
"The gypsy read his fate in the crystal ball"
6. interpret someth convey a particular m
"I read this address as a satire"
"How should I take this message?"
"You can't take credit for this!"
7. indica of ga
"The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"
"The gauge read `empty'"
8. be a student
"She is reading for the bar exam"
9. audition for a stage role by rea
"He is auditioning for `Julius Cesar' at Stratford this year"
"I read you loud and clear!"
"She understands French"
"Can you read Greek?"
Dig Reader's Digest
初一英语下册单词表_百度文库 ... unit 5 clean 打扫 read 读 happy 快乐的.
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  ⑤读取(Read):该权限允许用户查看该文件夹中的文件以及子文件夹,也允许查看该文件夹的属性、所有者和拥有的权限等;  ⑥写 …
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3. 读取档案
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方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:连词成句What often do you on Sundays do(?)books Sometimes read I (.)Do in this often read park books you )should sports You play every day( .) _百度作业帮
连词成句What often do you on Sundays do(?)books Sometimes read I (.)Do in this often read park books you )should sports You play every day( .)
连词成句What often do you on Sundays do(?)books Sometimes read I (.)Do in this often read park books you )should sports You play every day( .)&
下午好What do you often do on Sundays?Sometimes I read books.Do you often read books in this park?You should play sports every day.谢谢采纳啦
能告诉我 答题的方法吗 因为我很菜
这个只能背诵句子了,多读多背诵1. T&& 2. F&& 3. F&& 4. T&& 5. T
阅读理解。John: When is my birthday, Mum?Mum:&Your birthday is in MayJohn:&And when is my father's birthday?Mum:&His birthday is in April.John: And you, Mum?Mum:&My birthday is in June.John:&Oh.&&dear! Father is only one month older than&&&&&&&&&& (比……大)&me,&and I am one month& older&&&&&&& &than you,&Mum!阅读对话,根据对话内容判断正误,正确的在题前括号内写"T",错误的写"F"。(&&&&& )&1.&John's birthday is in January(&&&&&&)&2.&John's father's birthday is in April(&&&&&&)&3.&John's mother's birthday is in June(&&&&& )&4.&John's father is only one month older than John(&&&&& )&5.&John is one month older than his mother}


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