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官方公共微信14社交网络 中英文字幕-第5页
14社交网络 中英文字幕-5
我曾经用Napster打垮唱片公司这次也是一样 In case I brought down the record company with Napster and I left the company since then too. 抱歉 你没有整垮唱片公司 是他们赢了Sorry, you didn't bring down the record companies. They won.- 在法庭上 - 对- In court. - Yeah.你现在还想买唱片吗 爱德华多You wanna buy a Tower record, Eduardo?然后他不停地说他在硅谷的生活And he told story after story about life in Silicon Valley, 斯坦福的派对 还有在洛杉矶的百万富翁朋友 Parties at Stanford and down in LA, friends who'd become millionaires, 不过主要是为什么马克一定要...一定要去加州 But mostly how Mark had to, he had to come to California. 然后他终于说到the Facebook And then he cut around to theFacebook. 跟我说说你们的进展吧So tell me about your progress. 我们覆盖了29所大学已经有75000多个会员Well, we're in 29 schools now, we got over 75 thousands members...说说你们的战略Tell me about the strategy. 好吧 比如 我们想入驻德州的贝勒大学 但贝勒大学已经有了一个校园社交网络 Ok, for instance, we wanted Baylor in Texas butBaylor already had a social network on campus所以我们并不直接去找他们 而是列出了他们周围所有学校So instead of going right after them, we made a list of every school within a hundred miles 然后先让the Facebook入驻这些校园 And put theFacebook on those campuses first.不久之后所有贝勒大学的学生就会在我们的网站上找到他们的朋友Pretty soon all the Baylor kids were seeing their friends on our site.- 我们就成功入驻了- 小饵钓大鱼 - We were in. - Its called a little bait for a big one.- 很聪明啊 马克- 谢谢 那是我的主意 - That's smart, Mark.- Thanks that's was mine. 放松点 Easy.不如你来说说看Hey you know what, settle an argument for us, 我觉得the Facebook是时候开始盈利了 I say it's time to startmaking money fromtheFacebook 但马克不想要广告 你觉得谁对 But Mark doesn't want advertising. Who's right? 你们都不对 Neither of you yet.the Facebook很酷TheFacebook is cool,- 这应该长久保持 - 对- That's what it's got going for it. - Yeah.你想用广告毁了它You don't want to ruin it with ads- 因为广告不酷 - 正是- Because ads aren't cool. - Exactly.这就像你们在校园里搞一场盛大的派对 It's like you're throwing the greatest party on campus. 但有人说 十一点必须结束 And someone's saying, it'sgotta be over by 11:00. 正是如此That's exactly right.你们还不知道这到底是什么呢You don't even knowwhat the thing is yet.能做多大 能走多远How big it can getand how far it can go.这还不该是停手的时候This is no time to take your chips down. 一百万美元不够酷你们知道什么才叫酷吗A million dollars isn't cool.You know what's cool? 你? You? 十亿美元A billion dollars. 然后大家就都安静了And that shut everybody up. 这才是你们的目标 十亿美金的价值And that's where you're headed. A billion dollar valuation.除非你们听了坏建议虽然那样你们仍能做成功的连锁酸奶店 Unless you take bad advice in which case you might aswell come up with a chain of very successful yogurt shop. 去钓鱼时 你可以钓很多小鱼 也可以只钓一只大鱼When you go fishing you can catch alot of fish or you can catch a big fish. 你会走进一个人房间里看到他和14磅鳟鱼的合影吗 You ever walk into a guy's den and see apicture of him standing next to fourteen trout? 不 他一定是抱着3000磅的枪鱼No he's holding an 3000 pound marlin. - 对 - 好比喻 - Yup.- That's a good announce.但我们都知道枪鱼不可能有3000磅重不是吗But we all know, that marlin won't weight 3000 pounds, right?- 我见过差不多那么大的 - 我从没见过 - I've seen a big one at close - No, I haven't. 但那家伙要抱着像路虎那么大的鱼But I don't think the guy holdings a marlin at size of a range rover. 那得是多大的鱼 多壮的人啊 That would really bigfish or a very strong guy.你没搞清楚重点吧You think I might be getting away from the point? 我不是来惹麻烦的I don't have a dog in this fight. 我只是个粉丝 过来打声招呼 I'm just a fan who came to say hi.他那晚之后就完全抓住了马克的心He owned Mark after that dinner. 他告诉马克很快会再谈拿起账单 然后就走了He picked up the check, He told Markthey'd talk again soon and he was gone.不过临走他还做了对公司的一次重大贡献 But not before he made his biggestcontribution to the company. 把&the&去掉 只留Facebook Drop the &the&. Just Facebook. 更简洁 It's cleaner. 靠 Shit.那都可以破说话速度的世界纪录了That's gotta be some kind of land speed record for talking.你想让派对在十一点结束吗 You want to end the party at eleven?我要为派对付钱I'm trying to pay for the party. 如果不酷的话就根本不叫派对了There won't be a party unless it's cool.你觉得呢 What'd you think?是啊 好吧 把&the&去掉Yes, sure, let's drop the &the& 我是说丢掉14磅鳟鱼 去抓枪鱼这听起来不是很棒吗I meant catching the marlin instead ofthe 14 trouts. Doesn't that sound good? 鳟鱼才这么觉得If you're a trout. 我要把这些加入记录里I'm going to enter this into the record.Facebook的合并文件以及在佛罗里达注册的有限公司Incorporation papers for Facebook, and LLC registered in Florida,- 为什么在佛罗里达注册 - 我家在那 - Why Florida? - That's where my family lives. 文件中对合并后股权分配说明如下And ask the respondent to stipulate that the documentsof incorporation state the ownership as follows,65%归马克.扎克伯格所有 Sixty-fivepercent for Mark Zuckerberg,30%归爱德华多.萨佛林5%归属达斯丁.莫斯克维茨 30 percent for Eduardo Saverin and 5 percent for DustinMoskowitz.- 是做出了规定 - 是在日签的 We stipulate And that was April 13th 2004 你可以标一下 You can mark it. 还有什么问题吗Do you have anything here? 是的 谢谢 萨佛林先生Yes, thank you. Mr. Saverin, 你做过什么可以合法终止合同的事吗Have you ever done anything that might be considered legitimate ground for termination? 没有 No.你从没做过使公司名誉受损 或者危及公司的事吗You never did anything to embarrass the company or even seriously jeopardize it? 没有 No. 没有? No? - 没有- 你曾经被控虐待动物 - No.- You were accused of animal cruelty. 等一下 Wait.- 你没有吗 - 这...这不是事实- You weren't? - T- this not happening.我这有篇校报的报道I have here an article from The Crimson... 上帝啊Jesus Christ... 我完全不能接受 瓦尔多I can't have this, Wardo.拜托 这是狗屎 这只是社团的恶作剧Come on, man this is bullshit, thisis another clubs playing a prank. 我即将加入凤凰社 而作为加入的考验I'd gotten into the Phoenix. I'd beenaccepted and as part of my initiation,我必须一整个星期随身携带并照顾一只鸡 I had to, for one week, carry with meall the times and take care of a chicken.他们将你作为the Facebook创始人之一&小爱德华多.萨佛林&They identify you as one of the foundersof theFacebook, &Junior Eduardo Saverin,&我虽然不是专家 但也知道 被扯上虐待动物对我们的事业不利I'm not the expert but being connected to torturing animals is probably bad for business. 我没有虐待那只鸡我不虐鸡 你们疯了吗I did not torture the chicken, I don't torture chickens, are you crazy? 不 冷静点No, and settle down, please. 我这里有篇校报的报道I have here, an article from The Crimson... - 这真尖刻 - 956 - This is scathing. -Nine-hundred-fifty-six.我当时和马克在宿舍食堂吃饭I was having dinner in the Kirkland Dining Hall with Mark, 我带着那只鸡是因为我必须时刻带着它 这就是大学生活And I had the chicken with me because I had to havethe chicken with me at all times. This was college.总得有人出来澄清一下啊 Somebodygonna have to answer for this. 969Nine-hundred-sixty-nine.食堂用鸡做菜 而我要喂我的鸡Dining hall was serving chicken fordinner and I had to feed my chicken.所以我只好喂了点鸡肉给鸡吃So I took... Little pieces of chicken and gave it to the chicken.肯定是有人看见了 因为我接下来就被指控逼迫同类相食了 Someone must have seen me because the next thingI knew I was being accused of forcedcannibalism. 我不知道这是不允许的我和好多动物权益组织联系过I didn't know you could't do that. I dealtwith the various animal rights groups,我也和联合院长讨论过 问题都解决了I dealt with the Associate Dean ofthe College, this was all resolved. 988Nine-hundred-eighty-eight.肯定是坡客或福莱的人打了小报告Someone from the Porc or the Fly must have reported it.我觉得肯定是温克艾沃斯 For all I know it was the Winklevoss... 好吧 忘掉它吧 Alright, let's just forget about it. 这太可笑了 我被指控虐待动物还不如被指控成恋尸癖呢 This is absurd, I'm being accused of animalcruelty. Better to be accused of Necrophilia. 确实还不如被指控恋尸癖啊 It is better to be accused of Necrophilia. 我得向我父亲解释这件事 I have to explain this to my father, 我得向所有人解释这件事 我要...你在干什么 I'm gonna explain this to everybody, I'm gonna... what is happening on that? 我的&战后时期及当代艺术&马上要期末考 I have my final coming up for &Postwar and Contemporary Art&.我还没去上过课呢我要写关于这四幅画的论文 And I haven't been to class. I'm supposed to write about those four paintings. 那是个Facebook的页面吗 Is that a facebook page? 对 我用马甲把画传上去然后让大家在下面评论Yeah, I opened it under an alias. I postedthe paintings and asked people to comment.时不时我再上去搅和一下 保持讨论气氛 Every once in a while, I hop on andstir the pot to get a good debate going.扎克伯格先生在期末考时作弊?Mr. Zuckerberg wascheating on his final exam? 我不想回答那个 格雷琴I'd rather not answer that, Gretchen. 为什么Then why not? 我不会指控他考试作弊因为那不是朋友干的事Because I'm not suing him for cheating on his final exam and so that's notwhat friends do. 但你刚刚告诉我们他作弊了 Well you just told us he was cheating.你告诉你的律师我虐待动物了?You told your lawyers I was torturing animals?!不 他什么也没告诉我们No, he didn't tell us about it at all. 我们的诉讼律师有能力找到校报文章Our litigators are capable of finding Crimson article. 事实上我们跟他说这件事时 他还为你辩护 In fact when we raised thesubject with him he defended you. 993 就差一点了Nine-ninety-three, we are so close.噢 我想起来了 我们还需要点钱 瓦尔多Oh yeah, that reminds me, We're gonna need more money, Wardo.我知道 更多服务器 更多应用...I agree. More servers, more apps...我要面试两个实习生我们要付他们报酬I'm interviewing two interns to come to Palo Alto and we're gonna have to pay them something.抱歉 你说什么 Sorry what? 我已经在距离斯坦福I already found a house for rent on astreet two blocks from the Stanford campus.非常完美 而且还带游泳池 It is perfect and it's got a pool. 你什么时候决定暑假要去加州的When did you decide to go to California for the summer? 你是问我什么时候确定的吗 You mean when did I actually decide?&肖恩.帕克个人秀&的时候? Somewhere in the middle of The Sean Parker Variety Hour? 他说得对 我们就该去加州 He was right. California'sthe place we've gotta be.你是加德.克拉皮特吗(下面所说的节目主角]Is you Jed Clampett?你们在巴西也能看到&豪门新人类&? (美国电影)You guys got The Beverly Hillbillies in Brazil...是啊 在巴西也看得到 很好看 Yes, we got the show inBrazil, it was genius.你到底对肖恩有什么意见 What is your problem with Sean?他根本没有什么上得了台面的东西He doesn't bring anything to the table.他没钱 达斯丁编程都比他好 He doesn't have money,Dustin's a better programmer... 他认识风投的人 He's got connections to the VCs.我们不需要风投 我们需要广告商而且我也认识风投的人啊 We don't need VCs, we need advertisersand I've got connections to the VCs.- 他有经验而且... - 听着- The real players and... - Look作为一个刚让公司颜面受损的人 As someone who's really embarrassed the company in a bad way...那是温克艾沃斯俩干的好事 马克It was the Winklevosses, Mark!等一下 点刷新 Hang on. Hit refresh. .004150000个会员 瓦尔多 150.000 members, Wardo.- 恭喜你 兄弟 - 恭喜 -Congratulations, dude. -Congratulations. 你不觉得很奇怪吗还被私人侦探跟踪 You don't think it was strange? Thathe was followed by private detectives? 谁人无错Who came up with nothing. 但已经错到让他离开公司了 毒品 泡妞... Enough to get him out of the company. The drugs, the girls... 我们又不知道那些是不是真的We don't know any of that's true.你可以去查查看You can read about it.我查得到你虐待动物I can read about your torturing birds. Since when reading something about...鱼就不吃鱼了吗?! 枪鱼和鳟鱼?Don't fish eat other fish?!The marlins and the trout?! 他在说什么 What's he talkin' about?我明晚十点要去实验室面试实习生I'm interviewing interns at 10 tomorrow night in the CS lab. 随便你怎么样 我无语了Get on board with this man, you know...I don't really know what else to say.这是在干什么 What's goin' on? 他们有十分钟入侵Python服务器 They have 10 mins to get root access to a Python web server,破解SSL加密 在安全端口拦截所有流量 Expose its SSL encryption and then intercept all traffic over its secure port. 他们是在黑别人They're hacking. 都是在Pix防火墙模拟器上 但这正是有趣之处All behind a Pix FirewallEmulator. But here's the beauty. 你知道我完全听不懂你在说什么吧You know I didn'tunderstand anything you just said, right? - 我知道- 所以好玩之处在哪- I do know that. - So what's the beauty?每写十行代码 就要喝一杯 Every 10th line of code written, they have to take a shot.而且黑客应该隐蔽And hacking's supposed to be stealth,所以服务器每检测到一次入侵负责的那个人也要喝一杯 So anytime the server detects an intrusion, the candidate responsible has to take a shot. 我还有个时不时就同时在五台电脑上跳出窗口的程序I also have a program running that has a pop-up window appear simultaneously on all five computers... 最后一个点窗口的人也得喝一杯 The last candidate to hit the window has to take a shot. 另外每三分钟他们也都得喝一杯Plus every three minutesthey all have to take a shot. 三分钟到 Three minutes. 我能问问实习生工作里面 有什么部分是需要喝醉的吗 Can I ask, what part of the interns jobswill they need to be able to do drunk?对 更应该做的测试是他们能不能养一个礼拜的鸡 You're right. A more relevant test would be seeing if they can keep a chicken alive for a week. 我很刻薄That was mean. 看 Here... 这是什么 What is this. 我开了个新账户 存进去18000美金I opened a new accountand put $18.000 in it.那够暑假用吗 Will that get you through the summer?欢迎加入Facebook Welcome toFacebook. - 18000美元 - 对- $18.000 - Yes.- 外加你已经投入的1000美元 - 对- In addition to the $1000 you'd already put up. - Yes.总共是19000美元 A total of $19.000 now. - 对 - 等等 - Yes. - Hang on.我只是检查一下计算I'm just checking your math on that.对 我也得到了同样的结果 Yes, I got the same thing. 我能继续了吗 May I continue? 在表达了对扎克伯格先生 暑假把公司搬到加州去的忧虑后After expressing misgivings about Mr. Zuckerberg takingthe company and moving it to California for the summer, 你为什么改变心意给他18000美元Why did you turn around and put$18.000 in an account for his use?我觉得我们是伙伴 我们是团队I figured we were partners. I wanted to be a team player. 我觉得马克 达斯丁还有新的实习生I figured Mark, Dustin and the new interns could work onthe site.在我去纽约寻求商机的期间 可以做好网站的工作While I was on generating advertiserinterest in New York.不过我更多是觉得就三个月能出什么事But mostly I figured, how much could possibly go wrong in three months? 上上上go.go...我没死我知道- 我做到了- 确实- - 我跳了八米远 - -最多两米- 不是吧- 没错 - - yeah. - 我没事 - 你确定? - I'm ok. - You sure... 对 yeah. Yikes. 门铃响了 That's the doorbell我不知道我们还有门铃I don't know we had a door bell. - 安德鲁 去开门- 他才不会去开呢- Andrew get the door.- No, he's wired in.我们的安全押金要没了That's gonna cut into the security deposit.- 安德鲁 不错 - 现在不行- Andrew... Not now.- Good boy - 肖恩 - 马克 - Sean - Mark.- 你住这儿? - 是啊 你也是? - Do you live here?- Yeah. Do you? 我们就住对门 我们看见烟囱 We were right across thestreet, we saw the chimney... - 是的- 有人受伤吗 - Yeah- Is anybody hurt?没有 你住街对面?No. You live across the street. 我叫莎伦 I'm Sharon.这是我的...莎伦 她也住街对面 我正要帮她搬家 然后就看到烟囱This is my... Sharon. She lives across the street andI was helping her move out when we saw the chimney...对 我们做了个滑索通往泳池 Yeah, we had a zip line to the pool.你终于来加州了You came to California. 对 Yeah.你做了正确的选择You made the right choice. 接着Here you go. 莎伦 Sharon. - 对不起 - 没事- I'm so sorry. - No problem - 我不知道你要...- 再给你来一瓶 - I don't know you're gonna... - Here you go. 不 不 等等 No, no, wait... 这间房子和这个团队太棒了 正是应该有的样子This house and this team are great.It's exactly what it should be. 我是肖恩.帕克 I'm Sean Parker. 噢 他走火入魔了Oh, he's wired in.要的就是这感觉That's what I'm talkin' about. 爱德华多呢 Where's Eduardo?他在纽约实习 He got an internship in New York.爱德华多没一起来Eduardo didn't come out?我只是在那儿挤一下I was crashing there for a little bitwhile I'm taking care of some things.不过她的暑假要过完了所以她要回父母那But she's done for the summer soshe's back at her parents place. 帕罗奥多无家可归的流浪汉 Homelessrockstar of Palo Alto. 没错 Alright.你暑假有什么打算What your plan for the summer? 马克 Mark. 不好意思 我在看这个建筑 I'm sorry, I was looking at the architecture. - 我问你暑假有什么打算- 我夏天一结束就回学校- I asked, &what's your plan for the summer?&- I hit school by the end of the summer.- 我要去下洗手间 - 好- I'm going to the rest room - Okay.我跟你一起去 I'll go with you. - 跟你一起那女生很眼熟- 很多人都觉得她很眼熟- Your date looks so familiar to me.- She looks familiar to a lot of people.什么意思What do you mean? 有个斯坦福的工商硕士叫罗伊.雷蒙想给他老婆买内衣A Stanford MBA named Roy Raymond wants to buy his wife some lingerie.但他很害羞 不敢去内衣店买But he's too embarrassed to shop for it at a department store.所以他想了个主意 一个让你感觉不那么像流氓的高端店He comes up with an idea for a high end place that doesn't make you feel like a pervert. 他贷款了四万美金找亲戚又借了四万美金 He gets a $40,000 bank loan, borrows another $40,000 from his in-laws, 开了家店 叫维多利亚的秘密 Opens a store, and calls it Victoria's Secret. 第一年就赚了五十万 他做了邮购目录 开了三家分店Makes a half million dollars his first year.He starts a catalog, opens three more stores 五年之后他以四百万美元的价格把公司卖给了Leslie Wexner And after five years he sells the company to LeslieWexner and the Limited for four million dollars. 大团圆结局 对吧Happy ending, right?只不过两年之后那家公司就值五亿美金 Except two years later, the company's worth 500 million dollars.而罗伊.雷蒙跳下了金门大桥 And Roy Raymond jumps offthe Golden Gate Bridge.可怜的只是想给老婆买内衣的男人Poor guy just wanted to buy his wife a pair of thigh highs. 那是个寓言吗跟我在一起的姑娘是维多利亚秘密的模特所以你才觉得她眼熟My date is a Victoria Secret model.That's why she looks familiar to you.不用被这吓到 我看过你的博客 Don't be impressed by all of this. I read your blog.噢 噢 那都是胡扯Oh, oh you know, no thats for webprints. 你知道我是怎么创办Napster的吗You know how I started Napster. 我高中喜欢的那个女生Girl I love in high school. 和曲棍球队队长在一起Was with the co-captain of The Varsity Lacrosse team 而我想把她从他手里抢过来 And I wanted to take her from him所以我决定做点大事So I decided to comeup to next big things.这我倒没听说过I didn't know that.Napster不是个滑铁卢我永远地改进了音乐行业 Napster wasn't the faillure... I changed the music industry for better and for always.也许它没挣什么钱但把不少人气个半死 They might not have been a goodbusiness but it piss a lot of people off.而这正是你的Facemash的特点它吓到我了 伙计And this now what your facemashabout, they scare of my pal,大家都被吓到了那些风险投资者会说 不错的点子孩子 剩下的就交给大人们吧 What the VCs wanna to say, good idea kid, grown up so we could take it from here.不过这次不是 这是我们的时代But not this time, this is our time. 在这个时代你可以给他们一张名片然后说&我是首席执行官 婊子&This time you gonna hand them a business card that says I'm a CEO... bitch.我就想让你变成这样That's what I want from you. 爱德华多到底在什么鬼地方 Where the hell was Eduardo? - 他在纽约 - 去什么该死的纽约- He's in New York.- 他要去实习- He's got an... - internship. 这里有大把公司 成千上万的公司The company's here. A billion dollar company is here.- 你无法离开Facebook了吗 - 对- Do you live and breathe Facebook. - Yes我知道一定是这样I know you do. 爱德华多想做个生意人我知道他一定可以成为成功的生意人Eduardo want to be a businessman for all I know he gonna be a good one但是他不该在纽约卑躬屈膝 but he shouldn't be in New York
这是个创意高于一切的时代而金门大桥下的水可是冷得像冰一样And the water under thegolden gate is freezing cold. 看着我 你敢说我说的是胡话吗Look at me face tell me Idon't know what I talkin' about. 你后来还想过那个女孩吗 Do you ever thinkin' about that girl... 哪个女孩 What girl?高中那个和曲棍球队长一起的女孩The girl from high school with the Lacrosse team... 没有 No.你就不该问&风流肖恩&这个问题- 假期末尾就拓展到百所大学? - 对 - Hundred schools by the end of the summer? - Yup.姿态决定一切 I tell you what, gesture of a good faith.你把它拓展到百所大学我帮你把它拓展到两个大洲 While you're getting into a hundredschools, I put you on two continents. 两个大洲Two continents. 如果你没地方挤的话完全可以来跟我们一起住 If you don't get a place to crash i think you should definitely come in live with us. 不醉不归 Let's line-up some shots. 服务生Excuse me... 有什么需要 Yes, Sir.把这些收走 来瓶1942年的唐胡里奥You can take this away and bring back Don Julio 1942.没问题 卡特先生Absolutely, Mr. Carter.英国亨利皇家赛舟会泰晤士河畔亨利- 比赛很不错 - 谢谢 Thank you.- 这是我哥哥 卡梅隆 - 很出色- And this is my brother Cameron. - Excellence. 尊敬的阿尔伯特王子殿下 His Royal Highness, Prince Albert.殿下 这是卡梅隆和泰勒.温克艾沃斯Sir, this is Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. 是啊 十分出色 我还没看过这么激烈的比赛 Of course. Brilliant race. I'venever seen a race that close. - 是的 殿下 - 我的祖父 杰克.克里 - yes, sir.- My grandfather, Jack Kelly,是他那个时代最早一批赛艇队员之一was one of the premiere rowers of his day.我已经三十年一直来看亨利赛艇赛I've been coming to Henley for 30 years.从来没见过这么激烈的比赛 And I've never seen the race that close.- 你见过这么激烈的比赛吗 - 没有 殿下 Have you seen a race thatclose? No, your Highness.1.5英里的比赛通常可以领先一到两个船身 Mile and a half races are more commonly won by a boat length or two.对 完全没错 真是激烈啊 Yes, that's absolutelyright. Brutally close.我可以介绍一下其他队员吗... May I introduce my team mates... - 抱歉我们得先走了- 非常出色- I'm sorry you have to excuse us...- Until the Beijing.- 这么大老远飞过来就为了看这个?- 别管了 老兄 - So you flew out here to see that?- Wouldn't miss you brother. 那个皇室成员怎么样How was the royalty?他一个劲地说&比赛有多么多么激烈&I just want him to tell me couple more times, how closethe race was just brutal,brutally-brutally- excruciating. 坎
放松点 那家伙是一个王子但那国家跟东汉普顿差不多大Cam. The guy's the prince of a country thesize of East Hampton. Relax. Its fine...- 孩子们- 父亲- Boys.- Dad- 你好- 你好 温克艾沃斯先生 - Mr. Winklevoss. 刚刚真是惜败啊That was a tough beat.很抱歉让你和妈妈飞这么大包含各类专业文献、中学教育、各类资格考试、文学作品欣赏、生活休闲娱乐、幼儿教育、小学教育、14社交网络 中英文字幕等内容。 
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