
摘要:新托福口语第一题问题,分析,参考答案,高分版 Free Que 1 A. Describe a person/people 1. Describe a family member/close friend/schoolmate/workmate/neighbor/an adventurous( 胆大的 爱冒险的) person ANSWER: the perso
新口语第一题问题,分析,参考答案,高分版 Free Que 1 & A.&&&&& Describe a person/people & 1.&& Describe a family member/close friend/schoolmate/workmate/neighbor/an adventurous(胆大的 爱冒险的) person & & & ANSWER: the person I would love to describe today is & Family member: my mum, a beautiful woman , she has big black eyes, long hair , and slim body shape to wear nice closes. She is the most beautiful woman in my heart not only due to her appearance but also her heart. She is very strong and brave. She raised me up by herself since My dad&saccident when I was 10 years old. She works very hard to give me a happy life, offer me all the things and oppotunities that other children have.&It is my mum who lights my life . & Close friend/schoolmate/neibourgh: Spring, she is my classmate in college. She is very beautiful, big black eyes, long hail, slim bodyshape , and also lots of admirers. But she is not a pride princess. She is very kind, she always help ppl around her. Each end of the term is the time when she is buzy, because she always help those students who are not very good at study and tutor them for free. She always smile and neva leave unhappiness to others. She is my closest friend . it is her who accompany with me when i was in trouble every time. When I was ill, it is her who goes to the hospital with me together. When I break up with my boyfriend, it is her who always stand besides me. When I got failure or not confident enough for sth, it is her who encourage me. She always treats me like my elder sister. It is her who make my college life so wonferful. & & & Adventurous person: CICI, she is a classmate in my college, she is a adventrous person in my heart. She is a commom girl in her appearance maybe a little bit cute. But she has a brave heart. She likes hiking and biking. When she finish her job which lasts for some days, she would get her bag and camp to go out to camp by herself. Last summer, when she finished the design of a project, she told me that she would go to the highest mountain in the province tomorrow. But it rained heavily, we all told her to change the schedule, but she insisted. We all worried about very much those days. Then two days later, we found her standing outside the room with big simle and said it is the most wonderful trip I have evea had before. & & & 2.&&&&&& Describe your favorite teacher and explain how this teacher influenced you. & Professor Li, is my favorite teacher who taught me mechanical design in college. She taughts me a lot not only the mistery of science but also how to do researches. She is a dilighent woman. She always prepared for her class very well and make the boring mechanical knowledge very interesting. When we did some experiments, she demanded very rigid to us, which help us to have a good habit to study. When we have troubles. She would do her best to help us, even give money to some students who are too poor to pay for the tuition.. It is profess Li, who show me the misterious mechinical world. It is profess Li, who taught me what kind of attitude I should have to study science and research. It is profess Li who encourage me to go so far. So she is the person who influence me most. & & & 3.&&&&&& Describe a famous businessperson/a sport person/sports team you admire and explain why you admire him/her.
& Famous business person: Ma Yun, the founder and president of ALIBABA is the businessman I admire. His success tells me that dream is the first and most important step to success. He is thin and not very tall but he is full of energy, he has strong power to establish such a great internet kindom. When he decided to invest in internet and said he would make albaba as the top 10 internet company in the world in 1995, ppl around him all thought he was crazy. But he makes all of them realized in short time. His success really encourage me&that we need dream to motivate us, to encourage us and to give us the goal we strive for. & 马云是一个激情四射的&造梦人&。马云最大的特点就是喜欢梦想,并通过不断奋斗把梦想一步一步变为现实。在许多人看来,梦想可能是荒诞的想法和不可能实现的目标。然而,拥有梦想未必等于成功,成功者却一定拥有梦想。因此可以说,梦想是实现成功不可或缺的动力。 & 在这里,梦想就是树立一个不实现便永不罢休的目标。1995年,当马云投身互联网并到处推销他的&中国黄页&时,曾被当成骗子;当他说要在5年内使阿里巴巴打入世界互联网前十强时,被人认为是狂人;而当马云在2003年提出全年赢利1亿元、2004年提出每天赢利100万元、2005年提出每天缴税100万元时,又有许多人认为这是不可能实现的梦想。但这些梦想后来都被证明并非是遥不可及的幻想,而恰恰是可以触摸、也可以实现的目标。马云在很短的时间里,就将这些梦想一一变成了美丽的现实。 & 在这里,梦想就是为实现目标而执著追求的一种精神。马云说过:&刚开始做Internet,能不能成功我也没信心。只是,我觉得做一件事,无论失败与成功,总要试一试,闯一闯,不行你还可以掉头;但是你如果不做,总走老路子,就永远不可能有新的发展。&而当事业获得成功,许多人来问他成功的秘诀时,马云的答复很简单:永不放弃。这形象地说明了,只有当梦想化为不懈追求的精神,才真正具有不可阻挡的力量,也才能够走上成功的起点。 & & & Sports Man: Yao Ming, everyone knows that he is one of the hottest NBA basketball players nowadays. He is the hero in my heart. He does have great gift to play basketball, however it is his diligence and hard working which help him to get all the feats. He has already get the greencard of usa, but he still regarsd himself as a representitive of a chinese, and he is still working hard on showing the chinese culture to western countries. SO he opens the Yao restaurant to let others know more about chinese food and culture. He is a great patriot.; When chinese are in trouble, he donates a large amout of money to help them. He is doing all his best to be a great chinese. & 第一:姚明并没有依赖他的天赋 & 第二:姚明的职业精神可敬可佩 & 第三:跨越了文化鸿沟,又保持了自己的东方本色 & 第四:姚明的爱国心 & 第五:姚明有着顽强的拼搏精神 & 第六:社会公益意识强,积极回报社会 & & & & & & 4.&&&&&& Describe your favorite singer/actor/actress/band group/character in a film and explain why you like him/her/them. & Favourite singer: Jay, a pop singer in taiwan is my favourite singer. He began singing in 2000, and he became the hottest singer in china immediately. And he is still the top one until now. He has great talent on music. Most of&his songs are composited by himself. The most important reason for me to love his song is that the rhythem is entirely different for others and lyrics is very classic which can get very close to my life, and teach me a lot some times. Everytime, when I listen to his songs, I become very quiet and relax to follow his thinkings. It is his song that stay with me these year and make me happy and wise all the time. & & & Favourite character in a fim: Forres Gump: The reason that I like forres gump is that I was shock that there are still some ppl out there who are so optimistic to life. The first impression of him is that he looks like some retared and even cant using whole sentences to express himself. But he has great spirit. He always work very hard on everything he decides to do. He got hurt in an accident and the doctor said that he might not walk like other normal ppl, but he has the dream of runing faster than anyone else. SO he tried again and again, he fell, he stand up, fell again, and stand up again, and finally he can walk, and he also realize his dream of runing faster than anyone else. All of these could be contributed to his optimistic attitude to life and his deligence on his dream. And his spirits really encourage me a lot when I confront with some troubles. & a sentence said by him: life is a box of chocolate and u ll neva kno what u ll get next, so we need to be full of hope. & & & 5. Describe a celebrity/a famous person in history you want to see most and explain why you want to see this celebrity. & Thomas jefferson: the third president of america & 1. he is a great politician, he was chosen as the president for twice & 2. he drafted the declaration of independence & 3. He was a man of many talents--an architect, an inventor, a scientist, and a collector of books and artifacts of American history. He could read more than five languages and was the U.S. minister to France for several years & 6. a place u consider to be beautiful: & My&hometown: it is a small city with not too many ppl, but a lot of beautiful places, such as the center park, there are several fundations there, a rive across there and a large area of grass where ppl can sit on。 The other reason I think it is beautiful is I have a lot of beautiful memory there. I still remember the sky at night which is full of stars sparking there, and I cant see such a scene in any big cities. And my mum will take me to the river side to sit and enjoy the beautiful sky, and she will also tell me some storys. It is the usual way I spent summer nights when I was a child , maybe u would think without many friends playing games with me, I would be lonely, but I know I fell happy and I think that is&the most beautiful part of my childhood. So it also make the hometown very beautiful in my heart. & 7.&Describe your room and explain how you spend time there. & It is a small room about 30square meter, there are not too many furniture there, but I spent most of my time in it. There is a bed in the center of the room , not big but very cozy. There is a book shelf on the right side, I put all the book I love on it and also a cabinet to put closes. There is also an very important thing there my computer. Actually, without sleep, I spent most of my spare time on the computer. I goole info on it, I communicate with friends far away on it, I study on it, such this ibt test, it really helps me a lot.&I also relax on it , listening to the musci , watch movies&. I really enjoy the time I spent in my room. & & & 8.&Describe your school and campus and explain what impression it gives you. & My campus has a long history , so there are lots of old buildings there, I can smell the scents of the old books in the library. Due to the long history, there are lines of huge trees standin in the campus, and you can find flowers are spreading everywhere, which makes the campus smells so well, esp in the morning, the clean air mingled with the smell of flowers gives me a good mood for the whole day, so I love reading english near the river very much. There is a river in the campus which separate the living part from the studing part of the campus, and it also makes the campus special and so beautiful. There are four bridges across the river in the campus,which makes it so convenient to reach every part of the campus.&So the impression of my campus is old, beautiful and smells nice. & 9.&Describe the highest/emblematic/historic building in your town. & My campus. & 10.&&&&&&& Describe a kind of traditional building in your country &
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官方公共微信百度2014校招笔试题目题解& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &----武汉站,9.28号百度校招笔试题目算法题目部分二、算法与程序设计题1、给定任意一个正整数,求比这个数大且最小的&不重复数&,&不重复数&的含义是相邻两位不相同,例如1101是重复数,而1201是不重复数。(15分)2、长度为N(N很大)的字符串,求这个字符串里的最长回文子串。(15分)3、数轴上从左到右有n各点a[0], a[1], &&,a[n -1],给定一根长度为L的绳子,求绳子最多能覆盖其中的几个点。(15分)&这是百度的笔试题目,好像是什么系统行为分析师职位的笔试题目!博文最后会贴出试题照片!&题解:(题解非官方,仅供参考,转载请联系博主,有错误的地方望指正!谢谢)1、给定任意一个正整数,求比这个数大且最小的&不重复数&,&不重复数&的含义是相邻两位不相同,例如1101是重复数,而1201是不重复数。解: 这道题目我也没有什么特别出彩的算法,就是按照常规思路来求解,首先要理解什么叫做&不重复数&,这是解题的关键之一,相邻两位不相同的数即为&不重复数&;还有一个地方要注意的就是&求比这个数大且最小的&,就是在比给定数大的不重复数中找到最小的!理解了这两个地方,这道题目就可以着手求解了!  我用一个实例来说说我的思路,加入给定的正整数为11233:  用最常规的方法,就是每次对这个数加1,判断是不是&不重复数&,加1后为11234,有两个1重复了,于是继续加1,&&,那么主要就在判断是不是&不重复数&上面了,我设置了两个变量,是currentBit, lastBit,顾名思义,lastBit保存上一个数位的值,currentBit保存当前数位的值,拿整数12345来说,就是初始化lastBit = 5,然后计算currentBit = 4;下一步,把currentBit 值赋给lastBit,即lastBit = 4,计算currentBit &= 3;依次类推。  说到这里,很多朋友觉得可以有更加高效的方法,小难点有4:  1、因为可以直接定位到&重复&的数位那里,比如12344,我们可以直接定位到个位数4和十位数4上面,然后在低位数(这里就是个位数)上加1即可,事实上,不是如此简单,假设是对整数12199呢?还能简单的加1操作吗,加1之后结果为12200,那结果显然是错的,当然这也是可以处理的,处理方法就是把12200继续拿到循环去判断是不是&非重复数&;  2、这里又产生一个问题,因为&重复&的数位可能不止一对,有可能有多对,比如整数11233,定位&33&之后变为&34&,定位&11&之后变为&12&,结果就是12234。又有重复的地方,就是&22&。继续拿到循环去重复;  3、还有要注意的是,你的程序设计,是如何存储数位的值的,是一个一个数位的值求出来呢?还是像我这样设置一个前后索引?每个数位取值,程序会变得繁琐复杂,不易读懂,如果是设置前后索引,则要注意程序退出循环的条件!  4、对于存在多对&重复&数位的正整数,数位&重复&的定位和变换,是从高位到低位,还是从低位到高位呢?正确的应该是从高位到低位,这与我们的程序设计也带来了不便。  这些就是我在试图找到高效算法时得到的经验,每个小难点都要处理,有点繁琐,有耐心的朋友,可以试着写一下更高效的算法,另外,使用了比较高效的算法,代码尽量保持简洁,并告知博主,谢谢!  注:评论网友13楼&巴鲁斯&给出了高效的C#算法代码,这个算法我当初也考虑了,我主学C,只是C处理字符串没有C#、Java那么方便,类型转换也比较麻烦,就没去管,十分感谢&巴鲁斯&朋友的code!来自评论中24楼朋友&garbageMan&给出了比较简洁的c语言代码,采用递归方法,值得借鉴!再次感谢!  my code:(简单加1的方法)/*
给定任意一个正整数,求比这个数大且最小的&不重复数&,&不重复数的含义是相邻两位不相同,例如1101是不重复数&*/#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&int getNumNonrepetition(const int NumGived){
int flag = 0;//为0表示该数不是&不重复数&
int numRepeat = NumG
int numTemp = 0;//
int currentBit = 0, lastBit = 0;//前后数位索引
numTemp = numR
lastBit = numTemp % 10;
numTemp /= 10;
while(numTemp != 0)
currentBit = numTemp % 10;
numTemp /= 10;
if(lastBit == currentBit)
lastBit = currentB
if(flag == 1)//该数为不重复数,返回
return numR
}}int main(void){
int NumGived = ;
int result = getNumNonrepetition(NumGived);
printf("the number is %d/n", result);
return 0;}View Code &更新内容:(10.9号下午)简单加1的算法,效率太低,看到这么多的朋友的评论,大家的算法大同小异,我也写了一个算法,拿出来和大伙分享。算法:1、把整数放到字符数组里面去,从高位为低位(用变量i)扫描,找到重复的数位,重复数位为&99&跳到第2步,否则跳到第3步,若没有重复的数位,则该数为不重复数,返回;2、遇到&99&的重复数,则把&99&改为&00&,然后在&99&前面一位字符加1,把扫描的地方定位在&99&往高位方向的第2位,比如是1299,变换后为1300,然后把扫描变量&i&定位在1这一数位上,返回第1步;3、遇到非&99&的重复数,则直接在低位加1,后面依次变为010101&&,结果就是最小的不重复数,返回改值;至于前面说的一些难点,真是害怕误导了大家,毕竟总有考虑不到的地方,希望见谅!code:(高效)#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&#include &string.h&#define SIZE 100int getNumNonrepetition(const long long
NumGived, char NumStr[]){
int NumTmp = NumG
int NumLength = 0;
int i = SIZE - 1;
//那么数组NumStr[96] = 1
NumStr[97] = 2
NumStr[98] = 3
NumStr[99] = 4, SIZE = 100
NumStr[i] = NumTmp % 10 + '0';
NumTmp /= 10;
}while(NumTmp != 0);
NumLength = SIZE - i - 1;//计算整数的位数
int flag = 0;//设置010101的时候用的变量
i = SIZE - NumL
while( 1 )
//定位到重复的位上面,下标i + 1为低位,此时NumStr[i] == NumStr[i + 1]
while(i + 1 & SIZE && NumStr[i] != NumStr[i + 1]) i++;
if(i == SIZE - 1) break;//扫完一遍,没有重复的,跳出循环,该数是不重复数
if(NumStr[i + 1] == '9')//重复的数位为99这种情况,将这两位全部置0,高位加1
NumStr[i + 1] = '0';
NumStr[i + 1] = '0';
NumStr[i + 1] += 1;
NumStr[i + 1] += 1;
while( i & SIZE )
NumStr[i] = flag % 2+ '0';
int start = SIZE - NumL
if(NumStr[start - 1] != '0') putchar(NumStr[start - 1]);
for(i = i & SIZE; i++ )
return 0;}int main(void){
NumGived = ;
char NumStr[SIZE];
memset(NumStr, '0', SIZE * sizeof(char));
getNumNonrepetition(NumGived, NumStr);
return 0;}View Code &2、长度为N(N很大)的字符串,求这个字符串里的最长回文子串。解:题目指出&N很大&,就是提示我们不要想通过遍历的方法来找到这个字符串,我想到的就一种解法,时间复杂度应该不高,但是我算不出来这个算法的复杂度是多少,首先说一下什么是回文字符串:回文字符串是指从左到右和从右到左相同的字符串,比如"1221"或者&12321&都是回文字符串。刚好举得这两个回文字符串的例子就是我的算法的两个类别:  第一类&12321&:中间是一个单独的字符。算法的思想是从第2个字符直到倒数第2个字符遍历,每遇到一个字符,就依次判断这个字符前后的字符是否相等,如果相等,则继续判断下一个字符,直到以这个字符为中心的两边对称的字符不相等为止,或者前后字符的位置数组越界为止;计算此时的回文字符串的长度,与之前的比较,记下较长的回文字符串的长度和中心字符的位置;遍历结束则返回最大长度和中心字符的位置。  图示:若字符串为&1234321&&&  第二类&123321&:中间是两个相同的字符。算法思想同上,其实是一样的过程!图解也是一样的!my code:&/*
长度为N(N很大)的字符串,求这个字符串里的最长回文子串。*/#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&#include &string.h&//第一类&12321&:中间是一个单独的字符int
FindLongPaliSubstr_Odd(const char A[], int * indexMid){
int i = 0, cnt = 0;//cnt表示前后移动位数
int MyMax = 0;
int lenOfA = strlen(A);
*indexMid = 0;
for(i = 1; i &= lenOfA - 2; i++)
while(i - cnt &= 0 && i + cnt &= lenOfA - 1 && A[i - cnt] == A[i + cnt])
if(MyMax & 2 * cnt + 1)
MyMax = 2 * cnt + 1;
*indexMid =
return MyM}//第二类&12321&:中间是两个相同的字符。int
FindLongPaliSubstr_Even(const char A[],int * First){
int i = 0, cnt = 0;//cnt表示前后移动位数
int MyMax = 0;
int lenOfA = strlen(A);
*First = 0;//中间两个相同字符的第一个字符位置
for(i = 0; i &= lenOfA - 2; i++)
if(A[i] == A[i + 1])
while(i - cnt &= 0 && (i + 1 + cnt) &= lenOfA - 1 && A[i - cnt] == A[i + 1 + cnt])
if(MyMax & 2 * cnt + 2)
MyMax = 2 * cnt + 2;
return MyM}int main(void){
char A[] = "adfadfbadfdg12321fagage";
int indexMid = 0;
int First = 0;
int i = 0;
int MaxOdd = FindLongPaliSubstr_Odd(A, &indexMid);
int MaxEven = FindLongPaliSubstr_Even(A, &First);
printf("indexMid = %d/n", indexMid);
printf("First = %d/n", First);
if( MaxOdd & MaxEven)
for(i = indexMid - (MaxOdd - 1) / 2; i &= indexMid + (MaxOdd - 1) / 2; i++)
for(i = First - (MaxEven - 2) / 2; i &= First + 1 + (MaxEven - 2) / 2; i++)
return 0;}View Code &3、数轴上从左到右有n各点a[0], a[1], &&,a[n -1],给定一根长度为L的绳子,求绳子最多能覆盖其中的几个点。解:我对第3题的题解也是很常规,就是把相邻两个点的距离求出来,保存在一个数组arr[N]里面,从头到尾遍历数组arr[N],和直接选择排序差不多,写两个for循环,第一个for循环(外循环)中计数器 i 表示连续线段的起点,第二个for循环(内循环)的计数器 j 从 (i + 1)开始,依次累加Sum,若Sum & L,则记录点的个数(j - i)中的较大值max;其中,外循环,只要遇到的数比L大,就continue,内循环,只要遇到的数比L大,就break,这是因为长度为L的绳子是不可能覆盖这些点的,可以直接跳过!如图:my code:&/*
数轴上从左到右有n个点a[0],a[1],...,a[n - 1],给定一根长度为L的绳子,求绳子最多能覆盖其中几个点。*/#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&#include &string.h&#define N 8int MaxTimesOfL(int A[], int L){
int i = 0, j = 0;
int *arr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (N - 1));
memset(arr, 0, sizeof(int) * (N - 1));
for(i = 0; i & N - 1; i++)
arr[i] = A[i + 1] - A[i];
for(i = 0; i & N - 1; i++)
printf("%-3d", arr[i]);
int MaxTimes = 0;
int Sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i & N; i++)
if(arr[i] & L)//遇到比L大的数则跳过
Sum = arr[i];
for(j = i + 1; j & N - 1; j++)
if(arr[j] & L)//遇到比L大的数则跳过,这一句对于程序来说加与不加都一样
Sum += arr[j];
if(Sum & L)
MaxTimes = (MaxTimes & (j - i)) ? MaxTimes : (j - i);
return (MaxTimes + 1);//因为是线段,所以要加1表示覆盖的点数}int main(void){
int A[] = {-1, 0, 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 25};
int L = 5;
int result = MaxTimesOfL(A, L);
printf("/nthe max times is %d/n", result);
return 0;}View Code &  更新内容:(10月4日下午)  有网友指出,我的算法其实没必要申请多余的数组,那么有没有更加高效的算法呢,我身边的一个大神给了我一个O(N)复杂度的算法:  他的原话:两个指针,一个front,一个rear,每次front-rear,比L小,看覆盖的点数。保存覆盖点数的最大值,然后front++;比L大,rear++,每个数最多遍历2遍,复杂度O(N)。  对于这个算法,他给了一个形象的比喻:  就好像一条长度为L的蛇。头伸不过去的话,就把尾巴缩过来最多只需要走一次,就知道能覆盖几个点实现代码:#include &stdio.h&#include &stdlib.h&int main(void){
int front = 0 , rear = 0;//设置首尾指针索引
int cnt = 8;
int L = 15;//绳子长度
int MaxTimes = 0;
int arr[] = {-1, 0, 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 25};//数轴上的点
while(front & cnt)
if(arr[front] - arr[rear] &= L)
MaxTimes = MaxTimes & (front - rear) ? MaxTimes : (front - rear);
printf("the max times is %d/n", MaxTimes + 1);//第一个数是没有参与计数的,所以要在最后加1
return 0;}View Code&最后贴一下试题:&&}


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