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My reading experience of the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen has been a pleasant one. I feel that the theme of the story,
The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》
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Magic Tree House
Magic Tree House求一篇英文中外名著读后感(初中水平,300词左右)
内容包括:1.故事大概内容 2.道理 3.真实感受
此乃coppy,lz选择使用《谁动了我的奶酪》读后感 今天我读完了美国著名作家斯宾塞.约翰逊写的《谁动了我的奶酪》一书,真是受益匪浅! 《谁动了我的奶酪》讲的是两个小矮人和两只小老鼠的故事。文章主要围绕“奶酪”的获得、拥有、失去,不同的人产生的不同心态,由此产生迥异的行动策略。是像嗅嗅和匆匆,迅速开始行动?还是像哼哼那样害怕变化,否认和拒绝变化?还是像唧唧那样看到变化会使事情变得更好,并能够及时地调整自己去适应变化?其实,对于任何一个人来说,生活和学习中有太多的变化,变化无时无处不在发生,无论我们是否害怕变革的到来。如果我们能够尽快调整自己适应变化,我们完全可以做得更好。当我们面对变化时,我们会害怕,会感到无所适从,这很正常。只要我们能够认真科学的对待畏惧,它甚至可以帮助我们避开真正的危险。我们无须拒绝变化,我们完全可以改变对变化的态度,在变化中享受变化,拥抱变化,迎接变化。 从另一方面来说,“奶酪”是一种通过艰辛努力而获得的优越状态。“奶酪”是一种机遇,也是一种拥有的核心能力。我们该如何把握和拥有呢?作为一种换位思考,我们对于常常向往着孟郊的“春风得意马蹄急,一日看尽长安花” 的轻狂和喜悦,却难以体会“小楼昨夜又东风”的李煜伤感情怀。作为这种对比,我们就需要把握今天,把握机会,学会细心保护和精心呵护,不要等手中的“奶酪”变酸、变坏,在无可奈何之中又惊羡别人的拥有。 变化是永恒的。尽管还有如同嗅嗅一般因害怕变化而否认变化,怨天尤人的人在,但如唧唧一样及时调整自己去适应变化的人是越来越多了,这是时代和社会的发展所致。原有的“奶酪”总有一天会消耗,我们该如何面对?卡奈基在“人性的弱点”中说,不要为打碎的玻璃杯而伤心,我们也不要为记忆中的“奶酪”而向往,那只会是“白头宫女话玄宗” 的无奈和一厢情愿的神往。我们需要的是发现适合自己的道路,摆脱安逸,超越恐惧,恃机而动,寻找新的“奶酪”。生活并不会遵从某个人的愿望,改变随时会降临,但积极地面对改变却会让你发现更好的奶酪,不管我们是否意识到,新的“奶酪”总是存在于某个地方。问题补充:(语言也不要太深,像个中学生写的就好!再次感谢!)Today, I read a famous American writer Spencer. Johnson wrote &Who Moved My Cheese&, which is really benefited! &Who Moved My Cheese& the stress of the two dwarves and the story of two small mice. The article centers around the &cheese& acquisition, possession, lost, different people have different state of mind, resulting in very different strategy. Xiu Xiu is like a hurry and quickly start up? Or as Hengheng as afraid of change, and refused to deny that change? Or chirp like to see changes in the way things will get better and be able to adjust in time to adjust to the changes in their own? In fact, for any one person, living and learning in too many changes when no changes occur everywhere, whether we fear the arrival of the change. If we are able to adapt to the changes as soon as possible to adjust their own, we can do better. When we are faced with change, we fear, will feel at a loss, which is normal. As long as we can seriously deal with the fear of science, it can even help us to avoid the real danger. We do not have to refuse to change, we can change the attitude changes, changes in the enjoyment of change, to embrace change to meet the change. On the other hand, the &cheese& is a hard won through the superior state. &Cheese& is an opportunity, but also have a core competence. How are we going to have to grasp and it? Transposition as a thinking, we often long for the Meng Jiao's &Horseshoe Chunfengdeyi radical, Chang spent every day to see& extremely frivolous and joy, but difficult to understand &small building last night, the east wind,& Li Yu's sad feelings. As part of this comparison, we need to grasp today, seize the opportunity to learn to care for the protection and well-protected, such as not in the hands of &cheese& change acid, worse, do nothing in the way other people have also Jingxian. Change is constant. Although Xiu Xiu as the general fear of change and denied that changes in the blame, but if the same chirp in time to adjust themselves to adapt to the changes are more and more, this is the times and social development due. The original &cheese& will one day consume, how do we address it? In Carnegie, &the weakness of human nature& that do not break the glass and sad, we have not remembered for the &cheese& and longing, it will be &white-lady-in-waiting Xuanzong words& helpless and wishful Fascinated. What we need is found suitable for their own roads, out of an easy life, beyond fear, which relies on local animals and look for a new &cheese.& Life does not comply with the wishes of an individual to change at any time will come, but actively to change the face of it you will find a better cheese, no matter whether we are aware of the new &cheese& is always present in a place.
的感言:谢了,三克油 相关知识
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语读后感300字求一片2英语名著读后感300字.本人升初二,词语不要超出我的能力范围,不过可以比其它升初二的人水平好一点,用几个复杂点的句型,我只作参考.好的话我一定+分!_百度作业帮
卖火柴的女孩(Sell to the girl of the match)After the little girl who sells the match who reads Anderson's fairy tale,I can't help crying ." sold the little girl of the match "ing ,this text has reflected the grimness that treats the small and weak force in unfairness and people of the human society.I am happpy that I live in such a happy and happy big family.As soon as I really extremely sympathize with the miserable experience that is sold to the little girl of the match,I hate the capitalism further.Seeing our socialist China again,children wear the neat clothes,eat the delicious meal,live in the comfortable room ,still can carry the schoolbag and study knowledge in the bright classroom every day,how happy our life is!I am really proud of socialist life in order to live!Compared with her we,true and already very happy.She hopes to stay with family,with grandmother,live a ordinary and happy life,it is obvious,in her eyes,happy life is with family laughs heartily,no matter how poorly,how bitterly the happy one lives.In our economy is developed,make the country prosperous in the society stablizing the country,can't be more ordinary.We live and pamper imagination on the future in the light and warm society,we have beautiful attire,there are good study environments.It is the day carefree to pass and have.Can sell to the little girl of the match She hopes to have an intact family!The bright hope that I am concealed in the heart by the little girl is moved.The little girl who sells the match lets me understand a lot of reasons,let me know how to treasure today's happy life.
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《人性的弱点》读后感As early as the middle of the 20th century,when the economic downturn,inequality,war is the devil indelible human pursuit of a better life of the soul,of Carnegie,with his insight into human nature,a large number of ordinary people constantly strive to achieve the success stories,through him,The speeches and writings arouse the morale of many a confused,encourage them to a brilliant success,as Mr.Carnegie said:"A person's success,only 15 percent attributed to his expertise,85 percent attributed to him Expression of thought,leading others and the ability to arouse the enthusiasm of others." "The weakness of human nature," a book the author described as dealing,the rationale for doing things,so that impressed me most deeply in an article entitled "unfavorable factors will translate into success factor",there has been a story to inspire Me.Happen in 1929,a youth to the mountains to cut down Hill walnut,he wood pile in the car,drove home.Suddenly a wooden sliding down,he is Jizhuan Wan,the wood in the axle of the card,he bounced to a tree,the spine was injured.Since then both legs paralyzed.At that time,young people aged 24,since then,he has not traversed step Road,was considered a lifetime spent in a wheelchair.Zuonong the fate of his resentment,but with age Jianchang,he found no resistance on their help,only to become their own Jiansuankebo.Others are courteous and good to me,I should at least have to respond to the courtesy and good people.More than 10 years have passed,some people asked him think that is an unfortunate incident?& He said:"No!I was almost glad that it happened." Shock and resentment that experience of the stage,he began reading the literature and culture from the hobby.14,he read over 1,400 books,these books expand his vision,his life than in the past could have imagined even rich He also began listening to music,he moved before the symphony will only let him nap However,really the most important changes,or thought he had the time."The first time in my life,the real intentions of the world to see and appreciate its value,experience of previous efforts to pursue a lot of things have no real value." Since reading,he began the political interest in his study of public issues,in a wheelchair a speech.He began to understand people,and people have begun to know him,because such efforts,a local political figures from elevated to a national political figure.The legend is that Al • Smith.He was re-elected governor of New York 4 session - then no one has such a record.In 1958,he was elected as the Democratic presidential candidate,and the results achieved so hard to make up for his deficiencies are inseparable.James once said:"Their success is the most excited because some of the shortcomings of their potential." Yes,a lot of successful people is successful,because they have a capability,will be a negative factor for the successful conversion factor The ability of such capacity in general the depths of adversity,when almost no transfer will be inspired by,if Zhang Lincoln in a rich family,perhaps it can not become now the Americans can not forget a great leader.People always will be faced with difficult,in the face of failure,but this is not your retreat of the reasons people are above the other on biological,because he is extremely subjective initiative,he can to change some things,but not forever Quietly waiting for extinction.Life is not the most important thing you have used to measure the real important issue is how you from the loss of profit.This requires wisdom,it also shows the Sophia Xia Yu,the fate of each person to a lemon acid,it into a cup of sweet lemonade,this is our need to do,Carnegie,said:" True happiness is not pleasant,it is more than a victory."Right,sometimes you win in possession of forged by the unfortunate,it is not in itself be good,but your training.Is you get rich inner world,can only become a victory.Also as the title "human weakness",is full of human weaknesses,but because there are weaknesses,we may look forward to tomorrow will be better,be more perfect}


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