美拍60秒的背景音乐release of mind 是什么的歌的啊?求花千骨10大神器是什么帮忙

美拍有史以来最重要的一次更新!最新版本的iOS版首次把照片与视频相结合,新增“照片电影”功能,自己旅游的照片或是好看的照片都能在10秒的美拍里录制成电影,让用户们在视频功能的体验之外有更不同的照片感受。 美拍推出照片电影的原因 此次“照片电影”功能的推出主要是为了满足用户在视频之外更多的需求,对于手机内本身就存储了不少美照,想合理利用这些照片的用户来说,该功能就显得相当实用,不用特地再找氛围意境拍摄,用原有的几张照片、简单几个步骤就能化身为10秒视频电影,尤其对于外景拍摄、旅游酷爱人士来说,之前
最火热的短视频社交软件非美拍莫属,能够在10秒内记录自己的短暂生活,并且各种各样的特效也是十分有趣,没更新一次的美拍都带来不一样的新特效,就是想吸引更多用户使用美拍,爱上美拍。如今1.5版本的美拍又将带给我们什么样的惊喜呢? 最新的美拍iOS版1.5.0首次将照片跟视频结合,新增“照片电影”功能,好看的照片也能变成10秒短视频电影,让用户在视频功能的体验之外有更不同的照片感受。喜欢美拍的用户自然是不可错过啦!如今最新版本的美拍正在公测,想下载正式版本的小伙伴们还需要慢慢等待哦! 小编推荐文章:美
如何让xp系统的录音机录音时间加长 安装WINDOWS操作系统的时候就已经安装了一个小巧录音机了,只不过它的录音时长是60秒,录音时间短,没人使用,只好从网络上下载其他录音软件. 能不能加长它的录制时间?回答可以的. 1、点'开始'--'所有程序'--'附件'--'娱乐'--'录音机',启动录音机. 2、制作一个加长时间的录音文件:方法,不管是否有声音信号,上来就点红色'录音'按扭,等录60秒后,再继续加录60秒,如果想加长录制时间到300秒,每完成一次,再按录音扭一次.就等到了300秒时间.点
华为3COM交换机配置命令详解 1、配置文件相关命令 [Quidway]display current-显示当前生效的配置 [Quidway]display saved-configuration ;显示flash中配置文件,即下次上电启动时所用的配置文件 &Quidway&reset saved-configuration ;檫除旧的配置文件 &Quidway&reboot ;交换机重启 &Quidway&display ver
++实现RedHat非正常关机的自动磁盘修复 先登录到服务器,然后在/etc/sysconfig里增加一个文件autofsck,内容如下: AUTOFSCK_DEF_CHECK=yes PROMPT=yes ++改变文件或目录之最后修改时间(变为当前时间) 执行格式:touch name ( name 可为文件或目录名称。) ++如何设置login后欢迎信息 修改/etc/motd,往里面写入文本即可。 ++如何设置login前欢迎界面 修改/etc/issue或者issue.net,往里面写入
1:测试光盘 网上下载的CentOS5.0,刻成光盘,测试能够启动,在老黑上测试可以安装,但老黑提示只能用文本安装,当然,他不提示我也用文本形式安装。 2:安装过程 整个安装的过程,我基本都是采用默认。 以前的版本这个地方显示的是空硬盘,但这里好像就已经有分区了,这个地方是没有搞明白。我就把默认的都删除 分区我采用最简单的办法,分一个swap分区,320m,根分区5g,创建一个data的分区,占用全部剩下的空间,其实你也可以是根分区是占用全部空间。 这个就选择最小化的安装,什么都不选。声明:我这
拒绝服务攻击(Distributed Denial of Service)。 所谓拒绝服务,是指在特定攻击发生后, 被攻击的对象不能及时提供应有的服务,例如本来应提供 网站服务(HTTP Service)而不能提供网站服务,电子邮件服务器(SMTP,POP3)不能提供收发信件等等 的功能,基本上,阻绝服务攻击通常利用大量的网络数据包,以瘫痪对方之网络及主机,使得正常的使用者 无法获得主机及时的服务。 分布式拒绝服务,简单的说就是用远超过目标处理能力的海量数据包消耗可用系统,以及网络带宽,造成网络
cisco交换机出现“err-disable”错误的问题该怎么解决?关于接口处于err-disable的故障该再怎么排查,下面本文将详细的讲解关于cisco交换机出现“err-disable”问题的解决办法,需要的朋友可以抱走。 故障症状: 线路不通,物理指示灯灭或者显示为橙色(不同平台指示灯状态不同) show interface 输出显示接口状态: FastEthernet0/47 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)
IPSec 首先需要指出的是,IPSec和TCP/IP筛选是不同的东西,大家不要混淆了。TCP/IP筛选的功能十分有限,远不如IPSec灵活和强大。下面就说说如何在命令行下控制IPSec。 XP系统用ipseccmd 本站附件下载 2000下用ipsecpol。 WIN2003下直接就是IPSEC命令。遗憾的是,它们都不是系统自带的。ipseccmd在xp系统安装盘的SUPPORT/TOOLS/SUPPORT.CAB中,ipsecpol在2000 Resource Kit里。而且,要使用ipse
【命令】 display mac-address aging-time 【视图】 任意视图 【参数】 无 【描述】 display mac-address aging-time 命令用来显示 MAC 地址表动态表项的老化时 间。 相关配置可参考命令 mac-address,mac-address timer,display mac-address。 【举例】 # 显示 MAC地址表中动态表项的老化时间。 &H3C&display mac-address aging-time Mac
1,声卡设置 在频道聊天窗口上点击“按F2说话”右边的倒三角符号 2,语音设置 YY可以定义通话快捷键,在频道内点击下拉箭头可以快速进入设置界面,也可以在系统设置中的通话设置中进行设置: YY允许用户使用键盘键和鼠标键进行通话,用户可以按照自己的习惯进行设置。 也可以使用自由发言,按照灵敏度,直接说话即可激活语音。 3,卡拉OK功能 在YY频道,可以使用卡拉OK功能同时输出背景音乐和麦克风,在唱歌时可以使用。 勾选卡拉OK选项,然后选择背景音乐,若使用播放器播
Redis 是一个高性能的key-value数据库, 使用内存作为主存储,数据访问速度非常快,当然它也提供了两种机制支持数据持久化存储.比较遗憾的是,Redis项目不直接支持Windows,Windows版项目是由微软开放技术团队建立和维护一个实验性项目(支持32,64位),所以并不适用生产环境,但可在Windows环境下用于开发测试。 1.下载安装 猛戳这里就到了开源首页,下载源码包,解压ZIP包后进入msvsbinrelease文件夹有三个文件分别对应32,64位,windows服务三个版本
1,声卡设置 在频道聊天窗口上点击“按F2说话”右边的倒三角符号 2,语音设置 YY可以定义通话快捷键,在频道内点击下拉箭头可以快速进入设置界面,也可以在系统设置中的通话设置中进行设置: YY允许用户使用键盘键和鼠标键进行通话,用户可以按照自己的习惯进行设置。 也可以使用自由发言,按照灵敏度,直接说话即可激活语音。 3,卡拉OK功能 在YY频道,可以使用卡拉OK功能同时输出背景音乐和麦克风,在唱歌时可以使用。 勾选卡拉OK选项,然后选择背景音乐,若使用播放器播
房间面板的右上角为语音模式区域,用于指明当前房间/子房间内的语音状况,目前QT语音共有以下3种语音模式,管理员可根据应用场景在3种语音模式之间进行切换。 所有人模式 在此语音模式下,大家可以自由说话,目前QT语音一个房间最多可支持四人同时说话。 管理员模式 在此语音模式下,只有管理员可以说话,其他人无法说话。 排队模式 在此语音模式下,只有管理员和排在语音队列首位的人可以说话。此语音模式下您可点击排队按钮到语音队列中排队,排到队列第一位时可说话,每位用户说话的时间长度可在房间属性中设置,默认为3
一. 账户安全 1.1 锁定系统中多余的自建帐号 检查方法: 执行命令 #cat /etc/passwd #cat /etc/shadow 查看账户、口令文件,与系统管理员确认不必要的账号。对于一些保留的系统伪帐户如:bin, sys,adm,uucp,lp, nuucp,hpdb, www, daemon等可根据需要锁定登陆。 备份方法: #cp -p /etc/passwd /etc/passwd_bak #cp -p /etc/shadow /etc/shadow_bak 加固方法: 使用
麦序模式:麦序模式只有管理员和麦序第1位的人可以发言。 适用于K歌、线上活动等情景。 点击抢麦可以开始排麦: 麦序后的粗体数字表示剩余秒数,头像后面括号内的数字代表您当前处在麦序第几位。 默认麦序的时间长短为300秒,频道管理可以在频道信息中修改。
Autofs是自动挂载工具,用于挂载文件系统,在启动Linux系统的时候,Autofs也会自动运行,下面小编将给大家介绍下RHEL5使用Autofs挂载文件的方法。 将磁盘/dev/sdb用autofs挂载到/data/abc目录下。 新增磁盘,然后重启。 [root@localhost~]# reboot 实现触发挂载需编辑两个文件。编辑/etc/auto.master文件,可以参考文件中系统默认的触发挂载编辑。首先写上所挂载目录的父目录,即/data 然后写上所要编辑的另一个文件名,此文件名
1. 如果你使用的是VIA HD Audio声卡,有可能会出现只在某些特定应用中才能听到声音的现象.此时可右键单击任务栏的声音图标,选择&播放设备&; 2.选择&播放设备&; 3.选择合适的设备作为默认通信设备(此处作为演示,演示设备未使用VIA声卡); 4.设置好默认通信设备后,再打开设备属性(上图右键菜单); 5.切换到增强选项卡,将所有增强选项去掉. 方法二: 1. 如果你使用的是Realtek audio声卡,当你遇到0x错误提示时,可通过修
近期更新的美拍新玩法60秒短视频中快进玩法让视频更加有趣!想知道如何掌握新玩法吗?请看本文的教程大家就知道了哦!新增的60秒可快进的短视频一定会让你喜欢哦! 美拍60秒怎么拍 1、首先将美拍更新至最新版本,然后进入美拍时,我们可以看到10S那里有新的提示! 2、体验60秒段视频以及快进玩法是目前美拍的内测版,当大家完成任务以后即可抢先体验内测! 任务包括:关注15个好友、发布3个视频、喜欢50个视频。 相关教程:美拍照片电影使用方法以及美拍1.5iphone版公测下载地址 3、由于小编没有完成任
风靡一时的短视频社交软件美拍近日再推出重大更新,最新的美拍iOS版1.5.0首次将照片跟视频结合,新增“照片电影”功能,好看的照片也能变成10秒短视频。那么美拍照片电影怎么拍?美拍照片电影怎么做?下面脚本之家就为大家详细介绍一下,希望能帮到大家! 1)打开美拍点击主界面中的【拍摄】按钮;选择【照片电影】。(如下图) 2)选择要制作成电影的照片3至6张点击【开始制作】。(如下图) 3)根据需求设置【滤镜】或者【MV】小编以【MV】为例,选取自己喜欢的模式;点击【A】可编辑字幕。(如下图) 4)点击这个是我以前开的广告背景音乐帖:/publicforum/content/funinfo/1/1244878.shtml      现在收集整理无水+下载地址版    谢谢大家支持~~        发言前,请仔细阅读并同意以下注意事项,未注册用户请返回社区首页注册。  1.请尊重网上道德;  2.遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规;  3.严禁发表危害国家安全、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、破坏社会稳定、侮辱、诽谤、教唆、淫秽等内容的作品;  4.承担一切因您的行为而直接或间接导致的民事或刑事法律责任。  5.据本地法律法规和政策,部分内容将被删除。    发言前,请仔细阅读并同意以下注意事项,未注册用户请返回社区首页注册。  1.请尊重网上道德;  2.遵守互联网电子公告服务管理规定及中华人民共和国其他各项有关法律法规;  3.严禁发表危害国家安全、破坏民族团结、破坏国家宗教政策、破坏社会稳定、侮辱、诽谤、教唆、淫秽等内容的作品;  4.承担一切因您的行为而直接或间接导致的民事或刑事法律责任。  5.据本地法律法规和政策,部分内容将被删除。    
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  直播??鸡冻  沙发
  这里的下载地址基本都是迅雷的,复制地址用迅雷下载就OK了~~      不喜勿拍,喜则拿走      hiahia~~~~      招商银行那个和主题广告歌      下载地址:http://www./cmbcard/visa2008/60sec%20CMB%20Song%20FMix%20Whistle.rar      
  you’ve make my dreams come true  超迷人的
  我想问问 特仑苏广告里背景音乐是什么 好像是个交响乐 不知道名字。谁知道告诉一声。多谢。
  芝华士的广告曲      完整(歌词):     chorus:   we could be together   everyday together   we could sit forever   as loving waves spill over     verse:   the moon is fully risen   and shines over the sea   as you glide in my vision   the time is standing still   don’t shy away too long   this is a boundless dream   come close to me my reason   i’ll take you in my wings     chorus:   we could be together   everyday forever   we belong together   further seas and over     verse:   in the garden of the sea   i see you looking over   with my wistful melody   you leap into the water   it is no breaths sighing   this is the mermaid song   the singing of my sisters   the sea has drown for long         下载:
  作者:聪聪马 回复日期: 13:17:48 
    楼主现在的歌是什么啊  ------------  就是招商银行和广告    现在我的手机铃声就是这个  、      同事听到都问我是什么歌曲,很赞    
  21金维他广告歌One more chance        One more chance     Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有   All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来   Ever knew I paid that what can FAID 我曾经付出的可能会褪色。。。   I wanna be back there again 我希望再回到那里   Life goes on 生命在继续   The journey is on 旅途再继续   When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活     You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会   I won’t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过   Cause you awaiting me 因为你在期待我   Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下   I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着   Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会     Oh yeah…       Ever know the moment turn time 过去的时光倒转   Mirror is in the dail and shine 镜子里折射出光芒   Everything of friend picks to flow 朋友们的一切都流逝   We should wish you get them all我们希望你能抓住   The show goes on 表演还在继续   You have to be strong 你要坚强   When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活     You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会   I won’t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过   Cause you awaiting me 因为你在期待我   Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下   I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着   Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会     And to I have none 我一无所有   And the day when that fall 当末日到来   Was a moment I need it I’m afraid 此刻我想我需要它   I need it I’m afraid 我想我需要它       You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会   I won’t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过   Cause u awaiting(ONLY TO)me 因为你在期待我   Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下   I turn to you and smile because you 我转向你微笑着   Give me one more chance 因为你又给了我一次机会     You give me one more one more chance to living 给我再多一次生的机会   You ggive me one more one more chance to read now 给我最多一次阅读的机会   You give me one more one more one more one more chance to live now 给我再多一次机会   You give me gave me gave me 请在给我多一次机会   One more oh yeah…     歌手:美国偶像歌手ferras      下载地址:http://music.bbs.star-bbs.net/One_More_Chance_a_KPM_655_8500.mp3
  楼主 好人
    强生,一个类似公益广告一样的.        强生,为爱而生(MS)        百度搜来过,老男人弹着吉他唱那首,超好听.                下载地址:/media/mp3s/Isreal%20Kamakawiwo’ole%20-%20Somewhere%20Over%20The%20Rainbow.mp3
  作者:halfseawater 回复日期: 13:17:02 
    我想问问 特仑苏广告里背景音乐是什么 好像是个交响乐 不知道名字。谁知道告诉一声。多谢。      ---------------------------------      格里格的《培尔金特组曲》的《晨曲》     下载地址:/tempuploads/b/Morning%20Mood.mp3
    lz 有没有轩尼诗VSOP的广告曲啊```就是一个女的啊啊啊啊~的那首```敢梦想敢追寻的那首```有没有完整版的    
    natasha thomas 的pink song     鳄鱼的香水广告      下载地址:/upload/la%20coste香水广告曲-natasha%20thomas%20pink%20song.wma      
  NOKIA“will you marry me”广告的主题曲《underneath your clothes》,广告很有创意很好看,歌也相当好听
  大众的I WILL COME TO YOU    歌手:Hanson
  Hanson / I Will Come To You  Album: Middle Of Nowhere    I Will Come To You    When you have no light to guide you  And no one to walk to walk beside you  I will come to you  Oh I will come to you  When the night is dark and stormy  You won’t have to reach out for me  I will come to you  Oh I will come to you        Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days  And you don’t know how or why, but you’ve lost your way  Have no fear when your tears are fallin’  I will hear your spirit callin’  And I swear I’ll be there come what may    (Repeat Chorus)    ’Cause even if we can’t be together  We’ll be friends now and forever  And I swear that I’ll be there come what may  When the night is dark and stormy  You won’t have to reach out for me  I will come to you  Oh I will come to you  We all need somebody we can turn to  Someone who’ll always understand  So if you feel that your soul is dyin’  And you need the strength to keep tryin’  I’ll reach out and take your hand    (Repeat Chorus)         下载地址:/grzy/zhaolj/Hanson_-_i_will_come_to_you.mp3
  作者:不信我者不得好死 回复日期: 13:42:18 
        lz 有没有轩尼诗VSOP的广告曲啊```就是一个女的啊啊啊啊~的那首```敢梦想敢追寻的那首```有没有完整版的  ---------------------        轩尼诗VSOP,是舞曲吗?    下载地址:
  作者:啃着包子奔小康 回复日期: 13:49:56 
    NOKIA“will you marry me”广告的主题曲《underneath your clothes》,广告很有创意很好看,歌也相当好听    --------------------------    下载地址:.cn/uploads/_237.mp3    
    哦买噶的。。。21金维他那首歌。。我从2007年找到2008年也没有找到。。搜遍整个网络只有歌词。。都快忘记了。。 惊喜。。    三星I908E的那首《 built to last》也好听  
  我在那一角落患过伤风 步步高OPPO手机广告曲 :      下载地址:/001.wma
  作者:你土鳖了吧 回复日期: 13:59:52 
        哦买噶的。。。21金维他那首歌。。我从2007年找到2008年也没有找到。。搜遍整个网络只有歌词。。都快忘记了。。 惊喜。。        三星I908E的那首《 built to last》也好听  -----------------------------------        built to last      歌手:melee
专辑:devils and angels
  I’ve looked for love in stranger places,  but never found someone like you.  Someone whose smile makes me feel I’ve been holding back,  and now there’s nothing I can’t do.  ’Cause this is real, and this is good.  It warms the inside just like it should,  Melee  but most of all it’s built to last.  All of our friends saw from the start.  So why didn’t we believe it too?  Whoa yeah, now look where you are.  You’re in my heart now.  And there’s no escaping it for you.  ’Cause this is real, and this is good.  but most of all it’s built to last.  Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight  You and I were made to get love right  ’Cause this is real, and this is good.  It warms the inside just like it should,  but most of all it’s built to last.  ’Cause you are the sun in my universe,  considered the best when we’ve felt the worst  and most of all it’s built to last           下载地址:http://www./music/Melee-Built_To_Last.mp3
  作者:小喇叭八卦 回复日期: 13:53:40 
    作者:不信我者不得好死 回复日期: 13:42:18              lz 有没有轩尼诗VSOP的广告曲啊```就是一个女的啊啊啊啊~的那首```敢梦想敢追寻的那首```有没有完整版的    ---------------------                轩尼诗VSOP,是舞曲吗?  --------------------------------------------------------  LZ辛苦了~不过不是这首啊```是这个样的  /v_show/id_XNjI4NTk2MTI=.html  
  有一段奔驰E230的广告,广告的大概是一个小孩把一个汽车模型放入一个坑里,浇水,希望长出一辆真的汽车。结果真的长出了一辆奔驰E230   广告曲英文歌:   Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better - Irving Berlin (原唱)       Anything you can do,I can do better.   I can do anything Better than you.     Anything you can be, I can be greater.   Sooner or later, I’m greater than you.     Anything you can wear, I can wear better.   In what you wear,I’d look better than you     In my coat?   In your vest!     In my shoes?   In your hat!     No, you can’t!     Yes, I can   Yes, I CAN!     Anything you say,I can say faster.   I can say anything faster than you.     No you can’t     Yes I can     No you can’t!     Yes I can     No you can’t     Yes I can!     No you can’t can’t can’t。。。。。     Yes I can can can can can 。。。。       下载地址:/atraira/Soundtracks/Warrior vs Paladin/Anything%20You%20Can%20Do.mp3    
   苹果电脑的广告歌貌似,叫new soul          下载地址:/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/yael-naim-new-soul.mp3
  酷玩新的主打歌也是IPOD的广告歌,叫viva la vida      coldplay - viva la vida    [verse 1]  i used to rule the world  seas would rise when i gave the word  now in the morning i sleep alone  sweep the streets i used to own    i used to roll the dice  feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes  listened as the crowd would sing:  &now the old king is dead!  long live the king!&  one minute i held the key  next the walls were closed on me  and i discovered that my castles stand  upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand    i hear jerusalem bells a-ringing  roman cavalry choirs are singing  be my mirror my sword and shield  missionaries in a foreign field  for some reason i can’t explain  once you’d gone there was never,  never an honest word  that was when i ruled the world    [verse 2]  it was the wicked and wild wind  blew down the doors to let me in  shattered windows and the sound of drums  people couldn’t believe what i’d become  revolutionaries wait  for my head on a silver plate  just a puppet on a lonely string  oh who would ever wanna be king?  [chorus 2]  i hear jerusalem bells a-ringing  roman cavalry choirs are singing  be my mirror my sword and shield  missionaries in a foreign field  for some reason i can’t explain  i know saint peter won’t call my name  never an honest word  but that was when i ruled the world    (ohhhhh ohhh ohhh)  [chorus 3]  hear jerusalem bells a-ringing  roman cavalry choirs are singing  be my mirror my sword and shield  my missionaries in a foreign field  for some reason i can’t explain  i know saint peter won’t call my name  never an honest word  but that was when i ruled the world      下载地址:/christineyifan/music.mp3    
  玉兰油的广告歌  坐在巷口的那对男女...      坐在巷口的那对男女  ---自然卷---  lrc:sunpzh  坐在巷口的那对男女  紧紧的抱在一起  一动也不动的呆在那里  时间好像跟他们没关系  是什么样的心情什么样的心情  难道这就是爱情  啦啦啦啦...  坐在巷口的那对男女  脸上没有表情  路灯一盏一盏的熄灭  他们始终没有说上半句  是什么样的情绪什么样的情绪  难道这就是爱情  啦啦啦啦...  让人又哭又笑抓摸不定  让人飞翔让人坠落谷底  喔难道这就是爱情    坐在巷口的那对男女  笑声从来没停  老师叫你上台介绍自己  也没见你那么充满自信  是什么样的勇气什么样的勇气  我想这就是爱情  啦啦啦啦...  我想这就是爱情  啦啦啦啦...  我想这就是爱情  啦啦啦啦...  我想这就是爱情    ---end---        下载地址:/手机宝库/apple13_.mp3
  星空投影灯,与你共度浪漫情人节。火热销售中~大家快来抢啊~~~      /auction/item_detail-0db1-b82f0e6b7ae1dca021ab3cda776c7971.jhtml    
  LG手机 moon river      Moon river, wider than a mile  I’m crossing you in style some day  Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker  Wherever you’re goin’, I’m goin’ your way  Williams Andy  Two drifters, off to see the world  There’s such a lot of world to see  We’re after the same rainbow’s end, waitin’ ’round the bend  My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me  (Moon river, wider than a mile)  (I’m crossin’ you in style some day)  Wherever you’re goin’, I’m goin’ your way  Two drifters, off to see the world  There’s such a lot of world to see  We’re after that same rainbow’s end, waitin’ ’round the bend  My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me  (Moon River, Moon River)      下载地址:/UPLOAD/UPLOAD_MUSIC/MOONRIVER_ANDY.MP3    
  萨博93 的广告歌 release me     那天在电视上听到就一下子很喜欢,是瑞典乐队Oh Laura的《Release Me》         歌词:   I am the wilderness locked in a cage   I am a growing force you kept in place   I am a tree reaching for the sun   Please don’t hold me down   Please don’t hold me down   I am a rolling wave without the motion   A glass of water longing for the ocean   I am an asphalt flower breaking free but you keep stopping me   Release meRelease me   I am the rain that’s coming down on you   That you shielded yourse   lf from with a roof   I have the fire burning desperately but you’re controlling me   Release meRelease me         下载地址:/bbs/uploadfile/0.wma     
  李宁广告的背景音乐    里边以坚持为主题   人物有王义夫,桑兰,      这首歌是Era的The Champions改编的.原歌没有女声部分.   李宁广告里新加的歌词如下:   here comes the game   time for the brave   on the way to victory   no time to lose   no time to feel pain   there’ll be no second chance   we are the heroes   yes, we are   my friend   we are the champions   tonight we’ll touch the sky   (男声那段实在听不清楚了)       下载地址 http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/USA/24KB/EraThe%20Champions.mp3   
  多喜爱床上用品的(是一个美女在床上滚来滚去享受的不行的画面,呵呵 原谅我描述的这么8CJ)      all i have to do is dream     歌手:carly simon
专辑:into white
  (Felice & Boudleaux Bryant)    I can make you mine,  Taste your lips of wine,  Any time, night or day.  Only trouble is, gee whiz,  I’m dreamin’ my life away.    Dream,  Dream, dream, dream,  Dream,  Dream, dream, dream  Whenever I want you  All I have to do is dream,  Dream, dream, dream.    When I want you  In the night,  When I want you  To hold me tight,  Whenever I want you  All I have to do is dream,  Dream, dream, dream,  Dream,  Dream, dream, dream.    I can make you mine,  Taste your lips of wine,  Any time, night or day.  Only trouble is, gee whiz,  I’m dreamin’ my life away.    I need you so  That I could die.  I want you so  And that is why  Whenever I want you  All I have to do is dream,  Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream,  Dream,  Dream, dream, to dream, to dream, to dream,  Dream,  Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream       下载地址:/contents/music15/cf_middle003.mp3      
  unwritten  潘婷
  一汽大众的“卡罗拉的汽车广告    COROLLA卡罗拉广告       好的广告创意如果有了合适的音乐,其宣传效果也会加分的。该首歌曲的原唱是大名鼎鼎的“The Beatles——甲壳虫乐队”,日本新生代歌手藤田惠美(Emi Fujita)翻唱过。后来被丰田汽车花重金买来版权,广告中由肖楠与麦田守望者乐队演唱。这首歌曲的旋律很轻快,很舒服,有一种很青春的味道,也很阳光。     歌词:   In my life 歌手:Beatles   There are places I’ll remember   All my life though some have changed   Some forever not for better   Some have gone and some remain   All these places have their moments   With lovers and friends I still can recall   Some are dead and some are living   In my life I’ve loved them all   But of all these friends and lovers   There is no one compares with you   And these memories lose their meaning   When I think of love as something new   Though I know I’ll never lose affection   For people and things that went before   I know I’ll often stop and think about them   In my life I love you more   Though I know I’ll never lose affection   For people and things that went before   I know I’ll often stop and think about them   In my life I love you more   In my life I love you more       下载地址:  http://files./files/J04/64072/m/03_in_my_life.mp3     
  直播?  这贴得留爪
  作者:不准退缩 回复日期: 14:53:18 
    unwritten    潘婷  ---------------------    unwritten    natasha bedingfield - unwritten    i am unwritten, can’t read my mind, i’m undefined  i’m just beginning, the pen’s in my hand, ending unplanned    staring at the blank page before you,  open up the dirty window  let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find  reaching for something in the distance  so close you can almost taste it  release your inhibitions  feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you  only you can let it in  no one else, no one else  can speak the words on your lips  drench yourself in words unspoken  live your life with arms wide open  today is where your book begins  the rest is still unwritten    oh, oh    i break tradition, sometimes my tries,  are outside the lines (yeah yeah)  we’ve been conditioned to not make mistakes,  but i can’t live that way (oh oh)    staring at the blank page before you,  open up the dirty window  let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find  reaching for something in the distance  so close you can almost taste it  release your inhibitions  feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you  only you can let it in  no one else, no one else  can speak the words on your lips  drench yourself in words unspoken  live your life with arms wide open  today is where your book begins  feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you  only you can let it in  no one else, no one else  can speak the words on your lips  drench yourself in words unspoken  live your life with arms wide open  today is where your book begins  the rest is still unwritten    staring at the blank page before you,  open up the dirty window  let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find  reaching for something in the distance  so close you can almost taste it  release your inhibitions    feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you  only you can let it in  no one else, no one else  can speak the words on your lips  drench yourself in words unspoken  live your life with arms wide open  today is where your book begins  feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you  only you can let it in  no one else, no one else  can speak the words on your lips  drench yourself in words unspoken  live your life with arms wide open  today is where your book begins  the rest is still unwritten    the rest is still unwritten    the rest is still unwritten...        下载地址:http://cd12./music/04/13/11/.mp3        
  雪碧广告那个透心凉心飞扬那首歌的英文原版    Third Eye Blind的Semi-Charmed Life(雪碧最新广告歌曲英文原版)         歌词:     SEMI-CHARMED LIFE   (Jenkins)     I’m packed and I’m holding,   I’m smiling, she’s living, she’s golden and   she lives for me, She says she lives for me,   Ovation, She’s got her own motivation,   she comes round and she goes down on me,   And I make her smile, It’s like a drug for you,   Do ever what you want to do,   Coming over you,   Keep on smiling,   what we go through.   One stop to the rhythm that divides you,   And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse,   Chop another line like a coda with a curse,   And I come on like a freak show takes the stage.   We give them the games we play, she said,   I want something else, to get me through this,   Semi-charmed kind of life,   I want something else,   I’m not listening when you say, Good-bye.     The sky it was gold, it was rose,   I was taking sips of it through my nose,   And I wish I could get back there,   Some place back there,   Smiling in the pictures you would take,   Doing crystal myth,   Will lift you up until you break,   It won’t stop,   I won’t come down, I keep stock,   With a tick tock rhythm and a bump for the drop,   And then I bumped up. I took the hit I was given,   Then I bumped again,   And then I bumped again.   How do I get back there to,   The place where I fell asleep inside you?   How do I get myself back to,   The place where you said,   I want something else to get me through this,   semi-charmed kind of life,   I want something else,   I’m not listening when you say, good-bye,     I believe in the sand beneath my toes,   The beach gives a feeling,   An earthy feeling,   I believe in the faith that grows,   And the four right chords can make me cry,   When I’m with you I feel like I could die.   And that would be all right,   All right, When the plane came in,   She said she was crashing,   The velvet it rips,   In the city we tripped,   On the urge to feel alive,   But now I’m struggling to survive,   The days you were wearing,   That velvet dress,   You’re the priestess,   must confess,   Those little red panties,   They pass the test,   Slide up around the belly,   Face down on the mattress,   One,   Now you hold me,   And we’re broken.   Still it’s all that I want to do.   Feel myself with a head made of the ground,   I’m scared but I’m not coming down.   And I won’t run for my life,   She’s got her jaws just locked now in smile   but nothing is all right,   All right, I want something else,   To get me through this,   Semi-charmed kind of life,   I want something else,   I’m not listening when you say,   good-bye.          下载地址:http://www.popmom.org/mp3/xuebi.mp3       
  可爱的笑 索尼T300广告插曲.      下载地址:/midi/0004/ring/.mp3      
    弗蕾奶茶的广告歌    就是男主角很萌的那个        歌名叫《if you fall》      下载地址:http://www.medianstrip.net/~jmk/azureray/-IfYouFall-Live.mp3      
  我想问下,阿迪达斯的广告 —— (够NBA 够兄弟)
那个的背景音乐叫什么? 没人唱的.内容是一个外国队员问一个中国队员中国人怎么说brother, 那个中国人说&兄弟&
的那个广告的背景音乐...    谢谢!
  MK 来收歌得
  立邦漆的……    大概十年以前
漆的红红黄黄的房子      还有苹果
new soul  这首歌太火了现在
  天顺洗发水    Hear me cry(也是日剧“恋爱世纪”的主题曲)
  广告,删除并封杀2年——慕容朱颜-- 妖精婆儿-- 操作时间: 20:53:45 -- 8496739
  马克一个。好想知道现在那个浦发银行的广告歌哦。  就是一开始就有一女孩在公交车上戴着耳机然后手指在钢管上做弹琴动作的
  先mark下  有人知道  09澳网lacoste的广告曲吗  跪求
  LZ好人啊~~~~  o(∩_∩)o
  知道平安最近那个的歌吗?  就是下着雨的那个  小孩的父母为小孩遮雨  平安的人为父母遮雨··
  都都henhao ~~
   lz 有没有轩尼诗VSOP的广告曲啊```就是一个女的啊啊啊啊~的那首```敢梦想敢追寻的那首```有没有完整版的    我也找这个好久了,可是找到的都是不完整的还掺杂着广告语,我也求这个,再问下那个演男主角的男人叫什么名字。  
  马克之  ..
  作者:baoweixueer 回复日期: 16:16:15 
    天顺洗发水        Hear me cry(也是日剧“恋爱世纪”的主题曲)  ---------------------      歌词:     You couldn’t say   needed someone new   You actually thought   deep inside I knew   Can you tell me how can you say   Why this should suffice   You passed me by   and your heart as cold as ice (You passed me by)   Did you see me cry (Did you ask yourself why)   Did you see me cry (Did you ask yourself how)   Can you hear me cry (Did you ask yourself)   Will we ever grew apart   You, you couldn’t say   needed someone new   and you actually thought   deep inside I knew   I wonder where we will go   Will we be the same (You passed me by)   I laugh inside I think of you   and the love we made (You passed me by)     Tell me why this should suffice   I hold you through the night   Now will I let it go   Soon I’ll let it go   Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself why)   Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself how)   Can you hear me cry (Will you ask yourself)   Will we ever grow apart   You, I’ll stand by your side   I’ll be there for you (You passed me by)   You, I’ll stand by your side   Please just do me right (You passed me by)   You, I’ll stand by your side   I’ll be there for you   歌曲:hear my cry   歌手:natalie burks         下载地址:/music_data/up/375/687/0213410.mp3      
  记得原来 芝华士的那个很不错
  作者:stybym 回复日期: 16:36:42 
    马克一个。好想知道现在那个浦发银行的广告歌哦。    就是一开始就有一女孩在公交车上戴着耳机然后手指在钢管上做弹琴动作的      =========    纳米盘下载地址:/d/8b529dbc68bbd5d7ade1ee5d673a589f6f799b          PS:此下载地址非迅雷下载,请复制地址到地址栏点回车。
  泰康人寿广告主题曲the world is wild        下载地址:http://www.tf-swufe.org/UploadFile/8844.mp3
  摩托罗拉一款手机的广告歌。。。。      radio in my head      朴树    could you    ......    我很穷,而你富有    他很寂寞,一事无成    in peking street    in usa    感到快乐还是难受    anytime i feel the radio    oh, it’s my radio    in my head    也不妨让我自由    if i listen to the radio    oh, just my radio  that all my life    i’ll play my sounds to you    if i was a girl on rich new york    i am a boy ,or a pretty girl    in peking street    in usa    无所谓喜悦还是狼狈    anytime i feel the radio    oh, comes my radio  in my head    也不妨拥有自由    if i listen to the radio    oh, just my radio  that all my life    i’ll play my sounds to you    anytime i feel the radio    oh, comes my radio  in my head    也不妨永远自由    if i listen to the radio    oh, just my radio that all my life    i’ll play my sounds to you    .......  http:         下载地址:/music/radio%20in%20my%20head.mp3      
  魅族 all in one           下载地址:   /pic//b8c7dukkziiw5cy27cjh.mp3
  巩俐最近的美的广告        斯卡布罗集市 沙拉布莱曼      下载地址:/upload/mp3/skbljs.mp3      
  魅族 all in one ,这个,以后用过
  俺一直在找雪碧广告曲。。。  不是Third Eye Blind的Semi-Charmed Life哦    有周杰伦 何洁,在一个炎热的夏天正午一大堆人跳游泳池。  有一句歌词似乎是&we believe....&    
  built to last  好听
  马克一记。  今天下班咯。明天来。
  马克呀 金维他那个我找了很久了
  记号一个  明天再找来听
  喜欢喜欢  ~~~    大半夜的马克~
  喜欢ipod nano 3的广告曲 feist的1234  ADD:/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/feist-1234.mp3
  我来推荐一个前两天刚听到的    台湾版蒙迪欧广告的主题曲    广告创意很好,很感人,主题歌和广告的画面结合得非常好    甩广告视频 /v_show/id_XMzg5OTM4ODA=.html    主题歌是whole world around  下载链接 /media/wholeworldaround.mp3
  这楼好 我也搜集一点好听的
  作者:无缺的梦 回复日期: 15:57:24 
  好帖子  lz继续整理啊
  小广告,代表月亮消灭你!——慕容朱颜-- sajdh-- 操作时间: 14:33:16 -- 8496739
  underneath your clothes好听  
  哈哈   很好啊 记号
  想求高人给一个广告歌下载    屈臣氏里经常放的明治巧克力的,一个女孩子唱的“巧克力、、、巧克力。。。巧克力就是明治”    就是极道里面,情人节的那集  3D的大家在教室里唱的那个“chocolate~~chocolate~~~”     有高人知道不?
  推荐下昨天刚刚推出的还热腾腾的百利新一季广告歌哦    歌由百利代言人尚雯婕演唱,小尚同学的声音和百利的口感一样醇,很有质感    画面也很清新        视频地址:/programs/view/Shj-_EXUChQ/  音频地址:/play.aspx?reg_id=1797405&song_id=2455642         歌迷听写的歌词:    come back tonight     be by my side     like the weather’s turning all day     you chase my sorrows always     friends are here to stay     wow wow wow     be part of my dream     wow wow wow     ’cause i know what you need   
  由尚雯婕所代言拍摄的百利女性甜酒的广告歌真好听,广告也很不错哦  尚雯婕·百利新装广告╰☆唇感受,心聆听★
  /play.aspx?reg_id=1797405&song_id=2455642   /programs/view/Shj-_EXUChQ/         贴歌词     Come back tonight
  Be by my side
  Like the weather(’s) turning all day
  You chase my sorrows away
  Friends are here to stay
  Be part of my dream
  Cos i know what you need
  贡献几个:  Happy Together 曾是嘉士伯啤酒广告歌。  Coldplay 的 Viva la Vida
曾是iPod 广告歌。  Coldplay 的 Yellow 曾是奥林巴斯数码相机广告歌。
  朴树的 colorful days,曾是TOYOTA威驰的广告。  以前也喜欢的。  张艺谋导的,吴彦祖主演。    朴树- colorful days  作词:朴树  作曲:朴树  编曲:张亚东    imagination  it’s on my way    never lose my passion  it’s on my way    像一阵风掠过我身边  当你错身而过的瞬间  忽然间想要去很远  和你去看繁华世界  imagination  never lose my passion  it’s on my way it’s on my way now  whatever it takes  not for the destination  it’s on my way it’s on my way  all my colorful days  never lose my passion  
  喵~    做个快乐农夫~
  魅族 all in one     谁有完整的??
  /u18/v_NDExODQwMDc.html    诺基亚广告歌,underneath your clothes 夏奇拉的。很棒这歌  
  继续  mark
  求一下LAVIDA朗逸的广告歌    很好听,但找到的都是广告长度的  有米完整版的啊
      作者:小喇叭八卦 回复日期: 15:26:28     -------------------------  多谢这位筒子哦。不过好像已经不能下了。。。Orz      我又想到一个。好像是登山等旅行用品广告的。一开头就是一声音,嘟,嘟,“你拨打的电话无法接通”,然后出现一人背个大包在树林里呀小溪边徒步旅行中,接下来似乎一圈人在帐篷边围着吃东西的画面。那个音乐听起来很舒服。不知道是谁唱的呢。
  /data/baobao__video_53.mp3      Wonderful a blue world(多乐士广告歌)歌词    蓝蓝天空 太阳红红  小狗追着小蜜蜂  夏天的风吹着我走入梦中 我看到七彩的天空  绿绿的松 白白莲蓬 空气中有香香的梦  夏天的风吹着我走入梦中  我看见爸爸妈妈在梦中  我作着甜甜蜜蜜的美梦  
  有没有哪位大仙提供那个叫张子宣的模特拍的叫珍妮花婚纱的广告音乐啊,找了好久好久了      呐喊高人~~~~~~~~~~  呐喊高人~~~~~~~~~~  呐喊高人~~~~~~~~~~  呐喊呐喊高人~~~~~~~~~~高人~~~~~~~~~~  
  恩 谢谢
  |iN悆N .^v


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