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UID139960在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别女
新手上路, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 50 积分
大家好,小蚂蚁正在啃OG的紫书阅读,问题巨多,贴出来请NN们多多帮忙。尽量能够一天2篇。紫书共17篇,从第17篇开始整理,问题解决后会把我的整理工作再一一贴上来,谢谢大家了。第十七篇(1楼2楼),17篇有问题7、8、9、10目前还没有得到解答,详见13楼第十六篇(10楼11楼)16篇有楼第十六篇(10楼11楼)16篇有楼第十六篇(10楼11楼)16篇有楼第十五篇(17楼18楼)15篇现有&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 本篇问题太多了,做的时候就很糊涂。我会每天把解决了的问题在这里作修改。谢谢大家了,小蚂蚁的阅读不太好,问题一堆,别笑话小蚂蚁。此书第17篇内容我把文章删除了,只保留第一段让大家知道这是哪一篇,因为我刚才编辑阅读进度的时候系统说我的字数已经超过了。The modern multinational corporation (multinational corporation: 多国(跨国)公司) is described as having originated when the owner-managers of nineteenth-century British firms carrying on international trade were replaced by teams of salaried managers organized into hierarchies. Increases in the volume of transactions in such firms are commonly believed to have necessitated this structural change. Nineteenth-century inventions like the steamship and the telegraph, by facilitating coordination of managerial activities, are described as key factors. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century chartered trading companies, despite the international scope of their activities, are usually considered irrelevant to this discussion:&&&the volume of their transactions is assumed to have been too low and the communications and transport of their day too primitive to make comparisons with modern multinationals interesting.[此贴子已经被作者于 23:24:07编辑过]
UID139960在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别女
新手上路, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 50 积分
chartered trading companies chartered第一段最后一句话the volume of their transactions is assumed to have been too low and the communications and transport of their day too primitive to make comparisons with modern multinationals interesting.这句话中的and后面的我划线的地方在该句中的成份请帮忙分析一下。38on the bay 45 a substantial minority share&&& substantial minoritywhereas minority?15irrelevant to this discussion 43acted abroad OG98-10598AOGAAOGA的OG解释:&& Early trading companies share similarities with modern multinational companies but are not credited with having originated them8)& 99DDNNDOGThe author argues that, in contrast to the discussions that usually dismiss their relevance, early trading companies do offer an interesting comparison to the modern multinations.&9100OGThe previous paragraph had ended with the prevailing dismissal of these companies as unimportant.& 10101ADEOG101OG(A)& analyze the various ways in which these activities contributed to changes in management structure in such companies(B)& demonstrate that the volume of business transactions of such companies exceeded that of earlier firms(C)& refute the view that the volume of business undertaken by such companies was relatively low(D)& emphasize the international scope of these companies’ operations(E)& support the argument that such firms coordinated such activities by using available means of communication and transport&OGA& Management structures were necessary to oversee the activitiesbut the passage does not mention specific ways in which the activities contributed to changesB& No comparison to earlier firms is madeC& CorrectThe list contradicts the statement in the previous paragraph that the volume of transactions was lowD& The international scope of the activities is not in question(1ines 13—15)and does not need to be defendedE& The list is included to argue against a common assumptionnot to argue for a position that this passage does not call into question&& The correct answer is C&&&&[此贴子已经被作者于 7:27:44编辑过]
UID156905在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
新手上路, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 50 积分
1. Charted: 应该是相当于“登记了”的,相当于现代的“正式设立了的”。2. and后面是重复结构,恢复以后就是(thevolume of their transactions is assumed to have been too low) and (thecommunications and transport of their day [is assumed to have been] too primitive) to makecomparisons with modern multinationals interesting3. 个人理解是港口4. minority是与majority shareholder相比;substantial是和后文的insignificant相比。5%的与95%的比就是in 45%和55%的比就是substaintial minority。5.指origin of morden corporation。6.在国外活动
UID138181在线时间2 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
黑侠, 积分 13501, 距离下一级还需 16499 积分
补充一下这一题第一段是一个比较. 大型的国际公司和特许国贸组织1) 特许公司 算是一个固定用法 是西方殖民时代做国际贸易和拓展殖民下产生的组织. 通常有欧洲殖民政府特许权和支持&&&& 其实了解的这个背景整个题目会变的简单很多. irrelevant to this discussion 因为是一个比较关系,(clue: despite the international scope of their activities, another clue: 2nd paragraph In reality, however)&这里是说前面对于大型国际公司要请salaried managers 的成长过程不能用在特许公司上, 因为 daily communications & transports too "primitive" (clue: inventions like the steamship and the telegraph) steamship=transportation, telegraph=communication& too primitive= therefore, irrelevant to the discussion [此贴子已经被作者于 22:57:19编辑过]
UID138181在线时间2 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
黑侠, 积分 13501, 距离下一级还需 16499 积分
第二段既然是态度转变. (clue: in reality, however) 所讲的当然是 chartered company is actually&relavent to the discussion. 接下来当然就是解释为什么 relavent 啦. 其实是干扰你的根本不需要细读. 只是用来连接态度转变的. on the bay!! 其实不难了解. 看作者举例的公司名字 (clue: hudson bay company)
UID139960在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别女
新手上路, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 50 积分
UID138181在线时间2 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
黑侠, 积分 13501, 距离下一级还需 16499 积分
第三段是一个让步语气开头. 其实如果不了解 chartered company 的历史背景. 这一段可以猜出来. (clue: They depended heavily on the national governments of their home countries and thus characteristically acted abroad to promote national interests.) acted abroad 是在国外. 这个是要记下来的喔. 不过并不是真的需要知道. 你已经知道这题是讲国贸的这样答题应该够. 真的要推也该可以. 照理说这个字摆在 acted 后面应该是指地方.前面题到 "home country" 后面又 'promote national interest" 应该可以推出是国外.& a substantial minority&&&share:  &楼上其实解释的相当好. 不过因为这个文章最好的地方是有非常多的比较关系存在. 所以这个应该仔细可以推出来的. (clue: whereas senior managers’ holdings in modern multinationals are usually insignificant. )&&&[此贴子已经被作者于 23:34:27编辑过]
UID41687在线时间1428 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
黑侠, 积分 13723, 距离下一级还需 16277 积分
UID138181在线时间2 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别男
黑侠, 积分 13501, 距离下一级还需 16499 积分
题目就不多说了. 打字慢& 好累. 休息时间结束. 复习去也. 加油!!
UID139960在线时间0 小时注册时间最后登录主题帖子性别女
新手上路, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 50 积分
Most large corporations in the United States wereonce run by individual capitalists who owned enoughstock to dominate the board of directors and dictatecompany policy. Because putting such large amounts of(5) stock on the market would only depress its value, theycould not sell out for a quick profit and instead had toconcentrate on improving the long-term productivity oftheir companies. Today, with few exceptions, the stockof large United States corporations is held by large(10) institutions-pension funds, for example-and becausethese institutions are prohibited by antitrust laws fromowning a majority of a company's stock and fromactively influencing a company's decision-making, theycan enhance their wealth only by buying and selling(15) stock in anticipation of fluctuations in its value. Aminority shareholder is necessarily a short term trader.As a result, United States productivity is unlikely toimprove unless shareholders and the managers of thecompanies in which they invest are encouraged to(20) enhance long-term productivity (and hence long-termprofitability), rather than simply to maximize short-term profits.Since the return of the old-style capitalist is unlikely,today's short-term traders must be remade into(25) tomorrow's long-term capitalistic investors. The legallimits that now prevent financial institutions fromacquiring a dominant shareholding position in a corpora-tion should be removed, and such institutions encouragedto take a more active role in the operations of the(30) companies in which they invest. In addition, any institu-tion that holds twenty percent or more of a company'sstock should be forced to give the public one day'snotice of the intent to sell those shares. Unless theannounced sale could be explained to the public on(35) grounds other than anticipated future losses, the value ofthe stock would plummet and, like the old-time capital-ists, major investors could cut their losses only byhelping to restore their companies' productivity. Suchmeasures would force financial institutions to become(40) capitalists whose success depends not on trading sharesat the propitious moment, but on increasing the produc-tivity of the companies in which they invest.&&&91. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?(A) Comparing two different approaches to a problem(B) Describing a problem and proposing a solution(C) Defending an established method(D) Presenting data and drawing conclusions from the data(E) Comparing two different analyses of a current situation&&&92. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of majority shareholders in a corporation?(A) They make the corporation's operational management decisions.(B) They are not allowed to own more than fifty percent of the corporation's stock.(C) They cannot make quick profits by selling their stock in the corporation.(D) They are more interested in profits than in productivity.(E) They cannot sell any of their stock in the corporation without giving the public advance notic.&&&93. According to the passage, the purpose of the requirement suggested in lines 30-33 would be which of the following?(A) To encourage institutional stockholders to sell stock that they believe will decrease in value(B) To discourage institutional stockholders from intervening in the operation of a company whose stock they own(C) To discourage short-term profit-taking by institutional stockholders(D) To encourage a company's employees to take an active role in the ownership of stock in the company(E) To encourage investors to diversify their stock holdings&&&94. The author suggests that which of the following is a true statement about people who typify the “old style capitalist" referred to in line 23?(A) They now rely on outdated management techniques.(B) They seldom engaged in short-term trading of the stock they owned.(C) They did not influence the investment policies of the corporations in which they invested.(D) They now play a much smaller role in the stock market as a result of antitrust legislation.(E) They were primarily concerned with maximizing the short-term profitability of the corporations in which they owned stock.&&&95. It can be inferred that the author makes which of the following assumptions about the businesses once controlled by individual capitalists?(A) These businesses were less profitable than are businesses today.(B) Improving long-term productivity led to increased profits.(C) Each business had only a few stockholders.(D) There was no short-term trading in the stock of these businesses.(E) Institutions owned no stock in these companies.&&&96. The author suggests that the role of large institutions as stockholders differs from that of the “old-style capitalist” in part because large institutions(A) invest in the stock of so many companies that they cannot focus attention on the affairs of any single corporation(B) are prohibited by law from owning a majority of a corporation’s stock(C) are influenced by brokers who advise against long-term ownership of stocks(D) are able to put large amounts of stock on the market without depressing the stock’s value(E) are attracted to the stocks of corporations that demonstrate long-term gains in productivity&&&97. The primary function of the second paragraph of the passage is to(A) identify problems(B) warn of consequence(C) explain effects(D) evaluate solutions(E) recommend actions&26be remade into这是什么意思,remade在这里作何解比较好,查了字典说是重做的意思,在这里有点不通。44 on trading shares at the propitious moment (1)individual capitalists(2)old-style capitalists(3)old-time capitalists(4)majority capitalists(5)financial capitalists(6)minority capitalistOG91-974)91OGThe first paragraph presents a problemthe failure of shareholders and managers to enhance a company’ s longterm productivity& OG591C(C) Defending an established methoddefendingdefend692BOGB& The passage does discuss current limitations on minority shareholdersbut there is no discussion of limitations on majority shareholdersBminority shareholders28financial institutionsminority shareholders797BOG&& B The author has warned of the consequences in the previous paragraph.&&&& 18As a result, Unired& States productivity is unlikely to improve26be remade into这是什么意思,remade在这里作何解比较好,查了字典说是重做的意思,在这里有点不通。44 on trading shares at the propitious moment (1)individual capitalists(2)old-style capitalists(3)old-time capitalists(4)majority capitalists(5)financial capitalists(6)minority capitalistOG91-974)91OGThe first paragraph presents a problemthe failure of shareholders and managers to enhance a company’ s longterm productivity& OG591C(C) Defending an established methoddefendingdefend692BOGB& The passage does discuss current limitations on minority shareholdersbut there is no discussion of limitations on majority shareholdersBminority shareholders28financial institutionsminority shareholders797BOG&& B The author has warned of the consequences in the previous paragraph.&&&& 18As a result, Unired& States productivity is unlikely to improve26be remade into这是什么意思,remade在这里作何解比较好,查了字典说是重做的意思,在这里有点不通。44 on trading shares at the propitious moment (1)individual capitalists(2)old-style capitalists(3)old-time capitalists(4)majority capitalists(5)financial capitalists(6)minority capitalistOG91-974)91OGThe first paragraph presents a problemthe failure of shareholders and managers to enhance a company’ s longterm productivity& OG591C(C) Defending an established methoddefendingdefend692BOGB& The passage does discuss current limitations on minority shareholdersbut there is no discussion of limitations on majority shareholdersBminority shareholders28financial institutionsminority shareholders797BOG&& B The author has warned of the consequences in the previous paragraph.&&&& 18As a result, Unired& States productivity is unlikely to improve[此贴子已经被作者于 7:40:58编辑过]
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