urflipped classroomm on的否否肯定肯定回答

Miss zhang is in the classroom怎样改为否定和肯定回答_百度知道
Miss zhang is in the classroom怎样改为否定和肯定回答
多谢,更上一层楼;t in the classroom,请及时采纳.祝你学习进步! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟. 肯定回答, she is: Yes: Miss Zhang isn&#39否定句
Miss zhang is not in the classroom
Miss zhang isn't in the classroom, is she?
出门在外也不愁**Introductions 自我介紹
My name is Mr. [Mrs./Miss] Lee. I'm your new English teacher.
I'll be teaching you English this year. 我這學年將上你們的英語課
I've got two lessons with you each week.
**Class Starting 開始上課
Hoist the flag. 升旗。
Stand up. 起立。
Attention. 立正。
Bow. 敬禮。
It is class time!
It's time to start now. 現在開始上課。
Let's begin our lesson now.
Is everybody ready to start? 大家準備好了嗎?
I hope you are all ready for your English lesson.
Now we can get down to work. 現在我們可以開始了。
I think we can start now.
Now, let's begin today's lesson.
We are going to start today's lesson.
師: Are you ready to start?
生: Yes, we are.
I'm waiting for you to be quiet. 等你們安靜下來再上課。
We won't start until everyone is quiet.
Settle down now so we can start.
We are studying lesson 5 today. 我們今天要上第五課。
Let's take a look at page 32 請看第32頁。.
**Checking Attendance (Roll Call) 點名
I'm going to call the roll. 我要開點名了。
[take the register./
call your names./
see if you're all here.]
Now, I'll call your names.
Let's see who's absent.
[if everyone's here./
if anyone's away.]
I'd like to check who is present and who is absent.
師: Who is not here? 有誰缺席呀?
生: Bill isn't. 比爾缺席。
師: Is anybody absent today?
生: Nobody is. 都有來。
Why were you absent last Friday, Ruth? 露絲,上週五你為何缺課?
師: Mary, you've been absent for two days, haven't you?
生: Yes, I have
What's wrong with Mary today? 瑪莉今天怎麼了?
師: What was the matter (with you)? 你怎麼了?
生: I had a stomachache.我胃痛。
Everybody is here except for John. 除了約翰之外的人都到齊了。
師: Has anybody seen John today? 有誰看到約翰?
生: No, I haven't. 我沒看見。
What's your excuse for being late? 你遲到的理由是什麼?
Where have you been? 你去哪裡了?
We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing?.
Did you miss your bus? 你錯過了公車嗎?
Did you oversleep? 你睡過頭了嗎?
Don't let it happen again. 不可再重蹈覆轍了。
**Instructions can be sequenced
First, ... Next,... After that,... Then,....Finally,........
首先....其次.... 然後.........接下來....最後.......
Let's review our last lesson. 讓我們複習上一課。
Let's go over our last lesson.
師: How about doing it again quickly, OK?
師: Let's do it once more, shall we?
生: Yes, we will..
師: Can anybody tell me what we talked about?
生: Yes, I can. We talked about &Foods&. 是的,我們探討了「食物」。
師: Who can remember what we did?. 誰能記得我們上了什麼?
生: Yes, I can, Ms. Park. We learnt about &birds&.
Last time, we studied &farm&.
Don't forget what you learnt last week. 不要忘了上週你們所學的。
**Using Visual Aids
Look at the picture. 看這張圖。
Do you remember this picture? 你還記得這張圖嗎?
This is the picture about animals. 這是張關於動物的圖。
What do you see in the picture? 在圖中你看見了什麼?
This is a picture of a typically English castle. 這是張典型英國的城堡圖。
In the background you can see ~. 你可以看到~在背景中。
Let's have a look at the flash cards. 看一下這些閃示卡。
Let's watch the videotape. 來看錄影帶。
Here is a nice cartoon, let's watch it. 來看這部卡通。
**Related to Tape/ CD player
Plug this into the socket. 把這個插入插座。
Turn [Switch] on the tape recorder [CD player]. 打開音響。
Push [Press] the ~ Button. 按~鈕。
You will hear the song on the tape. 你們將聽到卡帶上的歌曲。
師:an you hear at the back? 後面的聽得到嗎?
生:No, I can't. Volume up, please. 聽不到,請開大聲一點。
Turn up [down] the volume. 調大[小]聲。
Listen and repeat after the tape. 聽並且跟著說。
One more time. 再一次。
Wait a minute/second. I'll just rewind the tape. 等我倒帶一下。
Take out the tape. 取出卡帶
Turn off the tape recorder. 關閉音響。
**Related to Textbook
Where did we leave off last time? 上次課文上到哪裡?
What page were we on?
Can you follow me? 在那一頁? 你們懂嗎?
(Take) your books out, please. 拿出你們的書本。
Now, turn to page 10. 翻至第十頁。
Open your books at page 10.
Look at page 10.
Let's look at the picture on page 10.
You will find this picture on page 10.
Say it all together. 大家一起說。
Next page, please. 下一頁。
Turn to the next page.
Let's move on to the next page.
Over to the next page. 翻到下一頁
Turn back to page 8. 翻回第八頁。
Look back at our last lesson. 看上一課。
師:Where are we in the book? 我們上到那兒了?
生:We are on page 20 now.
師:Have you all found page 20? 你們都找到第二十頁了嗎?
生:Yes, we have.
It's the second line from the top[from the bottom]. 從上[下]面算來第二行。
Speak up. 大聲點。
Repeat after me. 跟著我複誦。
As I said earlier, ~. 正如我之前所說的。
Okay, let's get back to the lesson. 好,現在我們再回到課文。
Listen to me and repeat. 聽我唸同時跟我唸。
Read the passage once more. 把這一節再讀一遍。
Everybody, please. 大家一起(唸)。
All together now.
Again, please. 再一次
There are exceptions to all rules. 所有的規則都有例外。
The stress is on the first syllable. 重音在第一音節。
Can you give me another[some other] example? 請再舉個例。
Did you understand what I (just) read? 我剛才唸的你們懂嗎?
I'll get to that in a minute. 我馬上講那個。
Let's go on to the next paragraph. 我們再看下一段。
Please read the next paragraph. 請讀下一段。
Let me explain what I want you to do next. 讓我來解釋接下來要你做的事。
The idea of this exercise is for you to ~. 這個練習是要使你~
Which topic will your group report on? 你們這組報告的主題是哪一個?
Make a sentence with ~.
Let's sing a song. 來唱首歌。
The whole class, please. 全班一起來。
I want you all to join in.
Could you try the next one? 你們能嘗試下一個嗎?
I would like you to write this down.我希望你們能寫下來。
That's not too bad. 不錯。
Think hard. 好好想想。
Let's check the answers. 來對答案。
This [what you said] is a very common error. 這是個很普遍的錯誤。
We'll take that up in the next class. 我們下堂課再討論這點。
It might be an idea to leave this till next time.
**Questions and Feedback 提問與回饋
What day of the week is it today? (What day is it?) 今天星期幾?
What's the date today? 今天幾號?
How's the weather today? 今天天氣如何?
Would you mind switching the lights on? 可以開燈嗎?
Raise your hands if you have any questions. 有問題請舉手。
Do you have any questions about what we read last time?
That's a good question. 這個問題問得好。
Any other questions? 還有別的問題嗎?
Is that clear?
Is everything clear?
Any questions?
Did you understand what I (just) read? 我剛才唸的你們懂嗎?
Are you ready? 準備好了嗎?
Are you with me?
Are you OK?
OK so far?
Do you get it? 你明白嗎?
Do you understand?
Do you follow me?
Like this? 像這樣嗎?
Is this OK? 這樣可以嗎?
What about this word?
I want you to use a complete sentence. 請用完整的句子說這句話。
Say it in a complete sentence.
Best of luck. 祝你好運
Good luck.
I hope you pass. 希望你能通過。
Congratulations! 恭喜!
Good Job [Well done]! 做得好!
Excellent [Wonderful/Great/Terrific/Amazing/Perfect/Marvelous/Fantastic]!
Quite right 答對了!
That's right [it/correct].
That's quite right.
You've got it.
You've got the idea.
It depends. 看狀況而定
It might be, I suppose. 也許是。
In a way, perhaps. 某種程度上是。
Sort [Kind] of, yes.
That's more like it
You've improved a lot. 你進步很多。
That's much [a lot] better.
Never mind. 沒關係。
Hard lines!
Better luck next time.
Not really. 不全然正確。
Not exactly.
Unfortunately not.
I'm afraid that's not quite right .
You can't say that, I'm afraid.
Good try, but not quite right.
You're halfway there.
You can't use that word here. 這個字用在這裡不合適。
Have another try. 再試別的看看。
Not quite right. Try again.
You were almost right. 大致如此。
That's almost it.
You've almost got it.
You're on the right lines.
You didn't make a single mistake. 你完全正確。
That's exactly the point.
There's nothing wrong with your answer.
What you said was perfectly all right.
There's no need to rush. 別急。
There's no hurry.
We have plenty of time.
Have a go. 試看看
Go on. Have a try.
Have a guess.
That's just what I was looking for. 那正是我要的。
Don't worry about your pronunciation. 不要擔心你的發音是否正確。
Don't worry about your spelling. 不要擔心你的拼字是否正確
Do you want a clue [hint]? 你需要提示嗎?
You are communicating well. 你溝通得很好。
You speak very fluently. 你說的很流利。
You have made a lot of progress. 你進步很多。
You're getting better at it all the time.
You still have some trouble with ~. 你在~方面有待加強。
You need more practice with these words. 你需要加強練習這些字。
You'll have to spend some time practicing it. 你需要花更多時間練習它。
You've improved no end. 你持續都在進步。
You're blocking the way. 你擋到我了。
I can't get past you. 我無法過去。
Could I get past please? 我可以過去嗎?
Get out of the way, please. 請走開。
I'm sorry about that. 對不起。
Sorry, that was my fault.
I'm sorry. / That's O.K.
Carry on with the exercise while I'm away. 當我離開時做這個練習。
Do you feel better today? 你覺得好一些了嗎?
Are you better now?
Have you been ill? 你生病了嗎?
What was the matter? 怎麼了?
I seem to be losing my voice. 我似乎要失聲了。
I'm afraid I can't speak any louder.
I have a sore throat.
I have a headache. 我頭痛。
I'm feeling under the weather. 我覺得身體不舒服。
Do you mind if I sit down? 你介意我坐下來嗎?
**Class Management 教室管理
Keep silent, please. 安靜。
Please, be quiet, will you?
No more talking. 
Calm down, now
Settle down.
Leave that alone now.
Please tidy up, will you? 請收拾乾淨。
Keep it clean and neat. 請保持整潔。
Pay attention, please. 請注意。
It's too noisy. 太吵了。
Listen up!
Listen to what ~ is saying. 注意聽~說。
Stop doing that. 停止做那件事。
Nobody move. 不要動。
Stay in your seat. 待在你的位子上
(Everybody) Stay where you are.
Look straight ahead. 向前看。
Eyes to the front.
May I have your attention, Class? 大家請注意。
Look to the left. (Look on your left.) 看左邊。
Turn and face the left side.
Be a good boy. 做個乖孩子。
Turn this way. 轉過來。
Look this way. 看這裡。
Turn around and face me.
Turn and face the board. 轉過來看黑板。
Can you all see the board? 你能看到黑板嗎?
Have you found the place? 你找到了嗎?
Are you all ready? 你們都準備好了嗎?
Put your pencils down. 放下你的鉛筆。
Hold your books/pens up. 拿起你的書/筆。
Whose turn is it to read? 輪到誰來唸了?
Next one, please. 下一個。
Who hasn't answered yet? 誰還沒有回答?
(Go) Back to your seat. 回到座位上。
Put your things away. 請把東西拿開。
Sit still. 請坐好!
Sit up straight and put your hands on your heads. 端坐,手放頭上。
It's a bit stuffy [hot/dark/draughty] in here, isn't
It's much too untidy for me to teach in. 太亂了。
noisy for you to hear me. 太吵了。
It's terribly untidy [noisy] in here, isn't it?
Oh! That's nice. You've remembered to tidy up
today! 很好,你今天有記得弄整齊。
Clean off [Clear up] your desks. 請整理書桌。
Please keep up the good work. 請保持好的表現。
**Distribution of Handouts 分發講義
Team leaders from each group! Please, come to the front and take the
handouts on my desk and hand them out. 組長來前面領講義並發下去。
Now, I'll hand out these copies.
Put your books away, will you? 把書收起來。
One copy between two. 兩個人一份。
師:Is there anybody who hasn't got a copy? 誰沒有拿到?
生:No, there isn't.
One handout to every three students. 三人一份。
There is one set of l flash cards for each group. 每組一套閃示卡。
I have some flash cards to give out today. 我有一些閃示卡要發。
Don't forget to write your names on the paper. 不要忘記在紙上寫上名字。
Close your books.
Pack your things away. 把你的東西收起來。
**Using Activities 活動
Hands front.
Hands back.
Right turn! 向右轉!
Left turn! 向左轉!
About turn! 向後轉!
Let's play a game. 我們來玩遊戲
Stand by your desks. 站在桌子旁邊
Everybody work individually 個別作業。
Work by yourselves.
Work independently.
Ask your neighbor for help. 向你的鄰座請求協助。
Stand up and find another partner. 站起來並找一位夥伴。
Work together with your friend.
Find a partner.
Interview someone else. 訪問另一位。
Work on the task together. 一起完成任務。
Pair up. 配對
Line up. 排隊
Make a horseshoe shape with your desks. 把桌子排成U字形。
Make a line of desks facing each other. 把桌子排成兩兩相對的一列。
Sit back to back. 坐背對背。
Work in pairs/threes/fours/fives. 二[三/四/五]人為單位進行活動。
Work in groups of two/three/four. 二[三/四]人為一組。
Move your desks into groups of four. 移動你的桌子成為四人一組。
I want you to form groups. 我要你們分組。
Six pupils in a group. 六人一組
Make [Form] groups of six.
I asked for six people to a group.
Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups of six.
Each group makes a circle. 圍成一圈
There are too many in this group. 這組人太多了。
Can you join the other group? 你能加入其他組嗎?
Take turns. 輪流
Ready? Go! 準備好了嗎? 開始!
Let's play ball. 我們來玩球。
Throw [Roll] the dice. 丟骰子。
Point to ~. 指向~。
Who's next? 下一個是誰?
It's my turn. 輪到我了.
You have five minutes to do this. 你們有五分鐘來做這件事。
Attention! 注意!
Take your time. - There is no hurry. 慢慢來。 不要急。
Hurry up. 快一點。
Turn around, Please.請轉過來。
Please come here. 請到這兒來。
Come out and write it on the board. 出來並把它寫在板上。
Please go back to your seat. 請回到你的座位上。
Finish this by ten to twelve. 在十一點五十分之前完成它。
It's time to finish. Have you finished? 結束的時間到了,你完成了嗎?
Do the next activity. 進行下個活動。
Move on to the next activity.
**Wait a Minute 等待一下
Hang on a moment. 等一下。
Just hold on a moment.
Just a moment, please.
Stay where you are for a moment. 在你的位置上停一下。
One more thing before you go. 在你走前還有一件事。
I've got to go next door for a moment. 我要去隔壁一會兒。
Excuse me for a moment. 請等一下。
I'll be back in a moment. 等我一下馬上回來。
**Assigning Homework 指定作業
This is your homework for tonight. 這是你今晚的作業。
Do exercise 2 on page 14 for your homework. 做第14頁練習二的題目。
Prepare the next chapter for Monday. 為了下週一的課,請準備下一章。
There is no homework tonight. 今天沒有作業。
Remember your homework.
Finish off it at home. 回去把它作完。
Take a worksheet as you leave. 當你離開時拿一張工作表。
**Ending 課堂收尾
Let me sum up. 讓我做個總結。
Collect your work, please. 請收拾一下。
Pack up your books. 把書放入書包。
Don't forget to bring your ~ tomorrow. 明天別忘了帶~。
We seem to have finished early. 我們似乎提早上完了。
We have an extra five minutes. 我們還有額外的五分鐘。
There are still two minutes to go. 還有二分鐘。
We still have a couple of minutes left. 我們還剩下若干分鐘。
We'll do the rest of this chapter next time. 下次我們將上這章剩下的部份。
We'll finish this exercise next lesson. 下堂課我們將會完成這個練習。
It is Break time!
We've run out of time, so we'll continue next lesson.
We'll continue this chapter next Tuesday. 下週二我們再繼續這一章。
Sit quietly until the bell goes. 在下課鐘響前請安靜坐好。
It's almost time to stop. 這堂課即將要結束了。
I'm afraid it's time to finish now. 現在是結束的時間了。
We'll have to stop here. 我們要在這裡結束了。
Time is up. That's the end of class. 下課時間到了。
There's the bell. It's time to stop. 鐘響了,下課時間到了。
That's all for today. You can go now. 今天上到這裡,你們可以下課了。
Get into a queue. 排隊。
Form a queue and wait for the bell. 排好隊,等待下課鐘。
Try not to make any noise as you leave. 離開時不要吵鬧。
Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.
Goodbye, everyone. 小朋友再見。
See you again next Thursday. 下週四見。
See you tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午見。
See you in room 5 after the break. 在休息時間後在第五號教室見。
Have a nice holiday. 假日快樂。
Enjoy your vacation. 假期快樂。
It is time to go home!
**Student Language 學生用語
I'm sorry to be late.
I'm sorry. I'm late. 很抱歉我遲到了。
I missed the bus. 我沒趕上公車。
There was a traffic jam.
Sir, please repeat what you said. Would you please say it again?
Can you repeat that please? 你能再說一次嗎?
I beg your pardon. 對不起,沒聽懂。
I don't quite understand. 我不太懂。
Would you please explain this word [phrase, sentence]
How do we read this word?
How do I say that in English?
How do you spell“APPLE”? 「頻果」怎麼拼?
I have another question. 我還有一個問題。
I don't quite understand the difference between A and B.
What is the difference between A and B?
Is there a difference between A and B?
Is it all right to say ~? 我們說~對嗎?
When will we get the test results? 何時可拿到測驗成績?
Have you corrected our papers yet? 您改了我們的作業嗎?
Please speak louder! 請大聲一點。
Where does the stress go in the word &Chinese&?
May I leave the room?
Teacher, may I go to the restroom? 老師, 我可以上廁所嗎?
I'll be back. 我馬上回來
What does ~ mean? ~是什麼意思?
Can you give me an example? 可以舉個例嗎?
**Lunch Time
It's 12:00. It's time for lunch! 現在是十二點鐘。午餐時間到了!
It is lunch time!
Look at the clock. Time for lunch!
Clean up your desk before you go to the lunchroom/cafeteria.
Which group is the first to go? 那一組要第一個去?
Make a line. [ Line up] 排隊。
Put in the straw. 放入吸管。
Drink some milk. 喝些牛奶
Drink the rest of the milk.
Wipe your face with your napkin. 用手巾擦你的臉。
It's called tissue [toilet paper]. Wipe your mouth with it.
Take the garbage to the garbage can. 把垃圾放入垃圾桶。
Empty the garbage can. 把垃圾桶的垃圾倒掉。
Have you emptied the garbage can?
It is nap time! 午睡時間到了。His schoolbag is on the desk on the desk 是划线的部分 对划线部分提问 is the radio(接上面)is the radio on the table 做肯定回答Are your friends in the classroom 做否定回答_作业帮
His schoolbag is on the desk on the desk 是划线的部分 对划线部分提问 is the radio(接上面)is the radio on the table 做肯定回答Are your friends in the classroom 做否定回答
His schoolbag is on the desk on the desk 是划线的部分 对划线部分提问 is the radio(接上面)is the radio on the table 做肯定回答Are your friends in the classroom 做否定回答
1.Where is his schoolbag?2.Yes,it is3.No,they aren't
his schoolbag yes ,it is No,they aren't
Where is his schoolbag?Yes,it is.No,they aren\t
Where is his schoolbag?yes,it is.No,they are not将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答.将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答Tom is
reading books.I am
football in the playround.The students are cleaning the classroom.My bro_作业帮
将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答.将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答Tom is
reading books.I am
football in the playround.The students are cleaning the classroom.My bro
将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答.将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答和否定回答Tom is
reading books.I am
football in the playround.The students are cleaning the classroom.My brother is work in the office now.对于划线(括号)部分提问.(The baby)is liltening to the music.The boys are (playing ping-pong).They are (reading )now .I am (singing an Ehglish song).They are swimming (in the river).The girls are (flying kites)The children are (playing football).I am
eating (an apple)She is singing (in the classroom)They are singing (happily)>.< 没错又是我
&- - 你好眼熟的说&好多 0.0Tom is &reading books.一般疑问句:Is Tom reading books?肯定回答:Yes,he is.否定回答:No,he isn&#39;tI am &playing &football in the playround.一般疑问句:Are you playing football on the playground?肯定回答:Yes,I am.否定回答:&No,I am not.The students are cleaning the classroom.一般疑问句:Are the students cleaning the classroom?肯定回答:Yes,they are.否定回答:&No,they aren&#39;tMy brother is work in the office now.一般疑问句:Is your brother working in the office now?肯定回答:&Yes,he is.否定回答:& No,he isn&#39;t.对于划线(括号)部分提问.(The baby)is liltening to the music.Who is listening to the music?The boys are (playing ping-pong).What are the boys doing?They are (reading )now .What are they doing now?I am (singing an Ehglish song).What are you doing?They are swimming (in the river).Where are they swimming?The girls are (flying kites)What are the girls doing?The children are (playing football).What are the children doing?I am &eating (an apple)What are you eating?She is singing (in the classroom)Where is she singing?They are singing (happily)How are they singing?T_T &累屎我了保证准确率~}


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