
高一英语的几个问题.1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein_作业帮
高一英语的几个问题.1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein
高一英语的几个问题.1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein time at a timeat one timeat times/from time to time的意思和区别7.hold down/out/back/on/to/up的区别8.break down/into/out/off/up/through的意思区别问题有点多和麻烦,先谢谢了!
1、乘飞机、火车、公共汽车等旅行的费用是fare;专业服务、课程等的费用是fees(复数).recognize与realize都有“认出、意识到”的意思,不同的是realize强调发现以前没有注意的事物.如果是认出了某个人,用recognize更好;如果是意识到了某件事,用realize更妥当.extend后面所接的宾语一般是具体的,如建筑、道路或时间;而expand后面所接的宾语可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的,如信心、兴趣等.2、cut across 抄近路穿过,横越;(问题、看法等)影响(不同群体的人)cut sth away 去掉,砍掉,切掉cut back (尤因资金不足而)削减,缩减;[+on] cut back on staff裁员;cut sth back 修剪(植物)cut down 减少,缩减:You smoke too much-you should try to cut down.你抽烟太凶了,该少抽点.cut in [+on]插嘴,打断别人说话:I wish Marie would stop cutting in on our conversation all the time.我希望玛丽在我们谈话时别老插嘴.cut off 中断,切断(电、煤气、水等)的供应cut out 剪下,割掉cut up 切碎,割碎3、是.4、care for(在某人生病、受伤时) 照顾(某人)care about 关心,在乎not care to [过时]不喜欢(做某事)She dosen't care to spend much time with her relatives.她不喜欢花太多时间跟亲戚待在一起.Would you care to?[口,正式]要不要…?…怎么样?(礼貌性说法)Would you care to join us for a drink?要不要跟我们一起去喝上一杯?我的字典里找不到care of,不好意思了.5、表示某物既不好也不坏时用fairly或quite:Thw weather was fairly cold.天气相当冷(有些冷,但不十分冷).The movie was quite good.那部电影相当好.rather较正式,尤用于英国英语,常指某物不好或不恰当:It's rather cold.天挺冷的.I was driving rather fast.当时我的车开得相当快.英国人用rather来表示他们非常喜欢的事物:Yes I painted it myself—I'm rather pleased with it.对,是我自己刷的漆,我挺满意的.very最常用.除了用于强调所修饰的形容词或副词外,它还可以用于形容词最高级前以加强语气:We only use the very best ingredients.我们只用最最好的配料.6、in no time 立刻at no time 决不at any time 在任何时候in time 终于;及时at a time 一次at one time 曾经at times 偶尔from time to time 有时倒数两个意思区别不大,可以互换.7、hold down 抑制(价格等的)上涨hold out (供给品等)维持,持续hold back 控制(情感)hold on (短时间)等候hold sb to sth 使(某人)恪守[信守]-"I'll ask him tomorrow."“我明天问问他.”-"All right,but I'm going to hold you to that."“好吧,不过你要说话算数.”hold up 支撑;(使)耽搁,推迟,阻延8、break down (机器)停止运转,出故障break into 闯入(建筑物以便行窃)break out (不愉快之事)爆发,突然发生break off (使)突然结束,(使)中断(尤指谈话)break up (使)碎开;(使)断开;打碎break through 突围,突破强烈建议LZ买本朗文当代或牛津高阶词典里面对于词语用法、搭配的解释很详细的我只不过抄了很少一点上来(哎呀妈呀 累死我了T-T) 你可以自己慢慢查
1fee指上学、求医以及找律师等付的费用,还可指会费、借书费等。fare侧重指旅行时所付的车、船费等费用recognize认出,识别;认识[(+as)] 2. 正式承认;认可,认定[(+as)] 3. 承认(事实)‘relize’我也不知道是什么...expand强调展开,张开,使膨胀;使扩张
(强调大。宽)extend延伸, 延长, ...高一英语的几个问题1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein _作业帮
高一英语的几个问题1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein
高一英语的几个问题1.区别:fare&feerecognize&relizeextend&expand2.关于cut的词组总结3.if虚拟句型be动词都用were吗?4.care about/of/for/to的意思和区别5.rether/quiet/fairly/very的区别6.in no timeat no timeat any timein time at a timeat one timeat times/from time to time的意思和区别7.hold down/out/back/on/to/up的区别8.break down/into/out/off/up/through的意思区别问题有点多和麻烦,先谢谢了!
1.fare指the money that you pay to travel by bus,plan,taxi,etc.乘坐交通工具费fee 指1) an amount of money that you pay for professional advice or service:专业服务费;咨询费或者报酬:leagal fees 律师费2)an amount of money that you pay to join an organization or todo sth.会费或学费或者门票 entrance fee to the museum /membership fees3.考试要求都用were,实际有用was 的5.只有rather 能与too 或比较级连用,这是高考考点,其他高考无考点.6.at a time:每次 One thing a time.at one time 一度,曾经,与一般过去时连用.at times=sometimes(occasionally rather than all of the time) from time to time:occasionally but not regularly
carefor是什么意思 carefor在线翻译 carefor什么意思 carefor的意思 carefor的翻译 carefor的解释 carefor的发音 carefor的同义词 carefor的反义词
careforcarefor 网络解释1. 照顾,照料;喜欢& & callup召集;使人想起;打电话(给) | carefor照顾,照料;喜欢 | carryoff夺走,拿走2. 喜欢& & callon拜访 | carefor喜欢 | cashacheck将支票兑成现金3. 关怀,照管;愿意& & capinhand恭敬地,谦恭地 | carefor关怀,照管;愿意 | carryaway运走,使失去自制力4. 喜欢;照顾(病人)& & callup号召,打电话 | carefor喜欢;照顾(病人) | carryoff携走,夺走carefor 网络例句1. But now I can understand why you ask me not to follow or carefor you? & &但是现在我能理解你为什么不让我跟着照顾你了2. Do not be anxious. I do like you as a friend and carefor you very much. & &别担心,你是我的朋友而且我非常的喜欢你。3. Able to carefor me and help me. & &能关心我和帮助我。4. She is center on herself and don't carefor other people never. & &他是个以我为中心不为别人着想的人。5. Youare always trying your best in everything, and like to help and carefor other people. & &对任何事你总是全力己赴的,还有你很爱照顾其他人。6. Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to carefor me and to teach me manners? & &如果你愿意花时间照顾我,教我如何当一只好狗狗,我是不是就可以留下来了?7. Because it represents husband and wife, this whole life you will be dedicated,love and carefor each other & &这个时候,大家会惊奇的发现无名指怎么也张不开,因为无名指代表夫妻,是一辈子不分离的。carefor是什么意思,carefor在线翻译,carefor什么意思,carefor的意思,carefor的翻译,carefor的解释,carefor的发音,carefor的同义词,carefor的反义词,carefor的例句,carefor的相关词组,carefor意思是什么,carefor怎么翻译,单词carefor是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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