bottom up approachh和method有什么区别

approach method
[?'pro?t? 'meθ?d]
[?'pr??t? 'm?θ?d]
1. Objective to approach method to treat the refractory aseptic impetiginous dermatosis.
2. Hilbert called the above approach the genetic method.
3. The damage quantification approach based on second - order modal division method is derived.
4. Human resource measurement includes cost method and value approach.
5. Simplified hough transformation ( HT ) and adaptive including box method ( AIB ) approach are proposed.
提出了简化的霍夫变换HT ( Hough  Transform ) 方法和适应性包容盒AIB ( Adaptive Including Box ) 原理.
心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... approach learning 趋近学习 approach method 接近法 approach motive 趋近.
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所以科研中必须采用逼近法(approach method)。逼近法的精神在于“锲而不舍”,如果有了好的开头而不循序推进,研究活动就可能 …
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application of newton approach method in hydraulics calculation ., 牛顿渐近法在水力学计算中的应用.
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...illiam James 探讨意?如何运作,他的径路方法(approach method)在心理学上被称作: ?结构主义(structuralism) ?功能主义(…
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1. 逼近方法
using numerical - approaching method to study the potential of assembled electron lens ., 用数值逼近方法研究组合电子透镜的电势.
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2. 贴近度法
ideal - point - approaching method to multi - indicators limited decision ., 多指标区间决策的理想点贴近度法.
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1. 系统的方法
methodical approach with effective documentation ability ., 用系统的方法高效整理文件的能力.
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2. 妥善的处理方法
上海知名零售业全国风险防范经理NATIONAL... ... § 妥善的处理方法 Methodical Approach § 敬业精神 Task Orientation.
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1. 方法接近
he was clearly exasperated as they debated the best method approach a training exercise , and every time Ken made a suggestion , he gave a frustrated huff and lost a little more composure .当他们辩论了最好的方法接近一种训练练习,而且每一次肯恩作了一个建议的时候,他清楚地被恼怒,他给予了一个失望的愤怒而且失去了小的更多镇
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heuristic method approach to the computational stability analysis of finite-difference equations启示性方法用于分析有限差分方程的计算稳定性
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approach method
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08-10-03 & 发布
approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 接近, 动手处理 vi. 靠近 method n. 方法 way n. 路, 路线, 路途, 习惯, 行业, 规模, 道路, 情形 adj. 中途, 途中的 adv. 远远地, 大大地, 非常 manner n. 礼貌, 风格, 方式, 样式, 习惯 put down v. 放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔 write up v. 详细描写, 补写...到最近日期, 写文章赞扬 method & way 当表示方法的时候,是没有区别的,可以替换. 但method还表示&条理& 例如: If you had used more method, you wouldn't have wasted so much time. 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时间了。 * 1.pleasant 是常用词, 指“愉快的”, 强调“所形容的人或物有给予愉快的性质”, 如: We spent a very pleasant evening. 我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 2.pleasing 指“令人愉快的”、“合意的”, 如: The food is pleasing to my taste. 1&2都有“给予精神、感情或感官以快慰和满足的”的意思。 而3.delighted 指”喜欢的, 高兴的” 例如:a delighted look 高兴的神气[表情] ##是ask for请求(有礼貌的语气),request是要求 manner”方式”: 1 可指使用某一方法过程中所表现的好的或坏的方式. It's not the method itself , but the manner youmake use of the method that is responsible for the failure . 不是方法本身,而是你使用这方法的方式,造成了这次失败. 2可指某人具有典型特色的行为方式 He lived and entertained in the French manner . 他的生活与娱乐方式都是法国式的. way &方式,方法& 1 比较正式的用词,指某人对待问题具有典型特色的方式; He likes taking his own way . 他喜欢采用自己的方式行事. 2 也可以指整个的生活方式或风格 American way of life 美国生活方式 3表示”方法”时,比method 通用得多可以指一个单项的技术方法,也可指一套复杂的操作方法 To scare a bird is not the way to catch it . 吓唬鸟不是捕鸟的方法. Is this the way you do it ? 这是你做这件事的方法吗? method &方法” 1意示一组相当精心安排的技术技巧所构成的方法,强调以效率与精确为其目标 I do like to see more scientific methods used . 我愿看到有一些更科学的方法得到使用. I have a new method of working out the problem . 我有一个解决这个题目的新方法.
approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路 vt. 接近, 动手处理 vi. 靠近 method n. 方法 way n. 路, 路线, 路途, 习惯, 行业, 规模, 道路, 情形 adj. 中途, 途中的 adv. 远远地, 大大地, 非常 method & way 当表示方法的时候,是没有区别的,可以替换. 但method还表示&条理& 例如: If you had used more method, you wouldn't have wasted so much time. 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时间了。 It's not the method itself , but the manner youmake use of the method that is responsible for the failure . 不是方法本身,而是你使用这方法的方式,造成了这次失败. way &方式,方法& 1 比较正式的用词,指某人对待问题具有典型特色的方式; He likes taking his own way . 他喜欢采用自己的方式行事. 2 也可以指整个的生活方式或风格 American way of life 美国生活方式 3表示”方法”时,比method 通用得多可以指一个单项的技术方法,也可指一套复杂的操作方法 To scare a bird is not the way to catch it . 吓唬鸟不是捕鸟的方法. Is this the way you do it ? 这是你做这件事的方法吗? method &方法” 1意示一组相当精心安排的技术技巧所构成的方法,强调以效率与精确为其目标 I do like to see more scientific methods used . 我愿看到有一些更科学的方法得到使用. I have a new method of working out the problem . 我有一个解决这个题目的新方法.
请登录后再发表评论!&&&approach and method
The Communist Party of China has discovered the approach and method to solving China?s problems in practice with Marxism-the universal truth of Marxism combines with China?s concrete reality.
As an important approach and method to the realization of spiritual civilization construction,ideological and political education can actually improve the construction through its influence on people's mind.
思想政治教育是实现精神文明建设的重要途径和方法 ,它通过对人施加思想上的影响促进精神文明的建设。
The approach and method of evaluating medical students' clinical competence
The method provides new technical means for boundary confirmation,scope plotting and data renovation in Dynamic Observation of Mining,resolved the problems such as big errors and low speed data processing existed in the past approach and method for obtaining information.
The approach and method have been proved to be effective via sample calculation. By comparison with analytical calculation results, the error does't exceed 0.85%.
Study on the approach and method of ideological education entering into dormitory
Combined with the teaching practice, the paper discusses thee importance of fostering the students' teaching ability, the content of the teaching ability and its training approach and method in the course of the middle school teaching method of chemistry.
结合教学实践 ,阐述在化学中教法课中培养学生教学能力的重要性、教学能力的内容、以及培养的途径与方法。
A Brief Talk on Approach and Method of
Patriotic Education in Higher Schools
Approach and Method to Improve the Harmoniousness of the Students' Movements
With the increasing enrollment of high school and commonalty of higher education,it is very important to transform educational thought and concept,explore the approach and method for clinical teaching administration,improve teaching condition,enhance construction of teaching staff and emphasize the development for learning ability,practice ability and pioneering ability of clinical medical undergraduates.
Approach and Method of Professor YUAN Chang-jin for Treatment of Disease
First,a new approach and method was utilized to set up a unitary-module refined model of high versatility.
This is a new approach and method on the study of semantic combination rules of Chinese nouns which attempting to explain complicated Chinese meaning by intentional features. It also can provide new theory support on the Chinese Information processing and solve the problem which Statistical method fail to do.
(3)The approach and method findingminimum section area through one point in the passage.
According to the practical condition of construction of Qingdao Marine Science Data Sharing Service Center, the approach and method of WebGIS-based marine science data sharing platform construction are introduced in detail.
根据国家自然科学基金委青岛海洋科学资料共享服务中心建设的实际情况,从需求分析、系统结构设计、数据建模以及实现技术等几个方面,详细介绍了基于WebGIS的海洋科学数据共享平台建设的思路和方法。 在建设过程中,采用用户界面层、业务逻辑层、数据库层的三层架构模式进行系统软件设计,提高了系统的可维护性;
Aiming at the high rate issue the small businesses meet in informal finance, this paper makes a strict proof with basic approach and method in modern economics, including phenomenon observe, basic hypothesis, model establishment and inference.
the thesis takes a basin spacer (e-poxy resin cast) in a 126kV three-phase in common cased GIS as an example, introduces consideration approach and method in structure and design of insulating part.
现以126 kV三相共箱式 GIS中所用的盘式绝缘子(环氧树脂浇注)为例介绍绝缘件结构设计的思路和方法。
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2008 CNKI-中国知网
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&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社approach&[ə‘prəutʃ]基本翻译n.&途径,方法v.&靠近,接近,动手处理网络释义APPROACH:爱谱诗|鼓掌|对待approach&to:类似,办法,通道|接近|约等于approach&of:驶近method&[‘meθəd]基本翻译n.&方法,办法n.&类函数,类成员函数(计算机)网络释义Method:方法|方法&技巧|杀人手法T-Method:方法|张力变动方法method&n:方法access&[‘ækses]基本翻译n.&通路,进入,使用之权v.&存取网络释义Access:数据库|进入|二级E-Access:创齐access&to:接近|通向…的入口|有机会接近solution&[sə‘lju:ʃən]基本翻译n.&解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液网络释义Solution:解决方案|溶液|溶解e-solution:解决方案A-Solution:素仙露


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