
&& [图文]4/24一句话新闻总汇快报,星球大战新作等
■Lucas Arts多机种版动作AVG新作发表
Lucas Arts会社宣布开发PS2、Xbox、PC WINS三机种版摩托车动作AVG游戏《Full Throttle:Hell on Wheels》,预定于E3展出,2003年末在北美发卖。
据英国透露David Braben带领的Frontier Developments开发组正在开发世界首个主角为狗并体验狗的生活的PS2专用游戏《狗的一生(Dog's
SCE会社Polyphony小组开发的PS2赛车游戏巨作《GT赛车4(Gran Turismo 4)》决定在E3展出试玩版,详细情况将于E3发表。
LucasArts会社4月23日发表由Factor5小组开发的GC用《星球大战》系列最新作《Star Wars Rogue Squadron III:
Rebel Strike》,新作包括《星球大战》旧三部曲全部情节,主角为天行者卢克,预定于今秋在美国发卖。
EIDOS会社开发的PS2、Xbox、GC三机种美版射击名作《Hitman 2: Silent Assassin》决定于7月3日在日本发卖Xbox版,价格6800日元。
The prequel trilogy follows the early life of Anakin Skywalker.He is discovered by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn,who believes him to be the "Chosen One" foretold by Jedi prophecy to bring balance to the Force.The Jedi Council,led by Yoda,sense that Anakin's future is clouded by fear,but reluctantly allow Qui-Gon's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to train Anakin after Qui-Gon is killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul.At the same time,the planet Naboo is under attack,and its ruler,Queen Padmé Amidala,seeks the assistance of the Jedi to repel the attack.The Sith Lord Darth Sidious secretly planned the attack to give his alter-ego,Senator Palpatine,a pretense to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and take his place.[4] The remainder of the prequel trilogy chronicles Anakin's gradual fall to the dark side of the Force as he fights in the Clone Wars,which Palpatine secretly engineers in order to destroy the Republic and lure Anakin into his service.[5] Anakin and Padmé fall in love and secretly wed,and eventually Padmé becomes pregnant.Anakin has a prophetic vision of Padmé dying in childbirth,and Palpatine convinces him that the dark side holds the po desperate,Anakin submits to the dark side and takes the Sith name Darth Vader.While Palpatine re-organizes the Republic into the tyrannical Galactic Empire — appointing himself Emperor for life — Vader participates in the extermination of the Jedi Order,culminating in a lightsaber battle between himself and Obi-Wan.Obi-Wan defeats his former apprentice and best friend,severing his limbs and leaving him for dead.However,Palpatine arrives shortly afterward to save Vader and put him into a mechanical suit of black armor that keeps him alive.At the same time,Padmé dies while giving birth to twins Luke and Leia.The twins are hidden from Vader and are not told who their real parents are.[6]The original trilogy begins 19 years later as Vader nears completion of the massive Death Star space station,which will allow the Empire to crush the Rebel Alliance,which has formed to combat Palpatine's tyranny.Vader captures Princess Leia Organa,who has stolen the plans to the Death Star and hidden them in the astromech droid R2-D2.R2-D2,along with his counterpart C-3PO,escape to the planet Tatooine.There,the droids are purchased by Luke Skywalker,the son of Anakin,and his step-uncle and aunt.While Luke is cleaning R2-D2,he accidentally triggers a message put into the droid by Leia,who asks for assistance from Obi-Wan.Luke later assists the droids in finding the Jedi Knight,who is now passing as an old hermit under the alias Ben Kenobi.When Luke asks about his father,Obi-Wan tells him that Anakin was a great Jedi who was betrayed and murdered by Vader.[13] Obi-Wan and Luke hire the smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca to take them to Alderaan,Leia's homeworld,which they eventually find has been destroyed by the Death Star.Once onboard the space station,Obi-Wan allows himself to be killed in a showdown with V his sacrifice allows the group to escape with the plans that help the rebels destroy the Death Star.[3]Three years later,Luke travels to find Yoda and start his Jedi training,but is interrupted when Vader lures him into a trap by capturing Han and the others.Vader reveals that he is Luke's father and attempts to turn him to the dark side.[7] Luke escapes,and returns to his training with Yoda,who by this time is on his deathbed.Before he passes away,Yoda confirms that Vader is Luke' moments later,Obi-Wan's spirit tells Luke that he must face his father before he can become a Jedi,and that Leia is his twin sister.As the Rebels attack the second Death Star,Luke confronts Vader as P both Sith Lords intend to turn Luke to the dark side and take him as their apprentice.During the subsequent lightsaber duel,Luke succumbs to his anger and brutally overpowers Vader,but controls himsel realizing that he is about to suffer his father's fate,he spares Vader's life and proudly declares his allegiance to the Jedi.An enraged Palpatine then attempts to kill Luke with Force lightning,a sight that moves Vader to turn on and kill his master,suffering mortal wounds in the process.Redeemed,Anakin Skywalker dies in his son's arms.Luke becomes a full-fledged Jedi,and the Rebels destroy the second Death Star and,with it,the Empire 这是你要的介绍,孩子,如果你连看一看改一改都懒,那么,哎……
The prequel trilogy follows the early life of Anakin Skywalker. He is discovered by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, who believes him to be the "Chosen One" foretold by Jedi prophecy to bring balance to ...
The prequel trilogy follows the early life of Anakin Skywalker.He is discovered by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn,who believes him to be the "Chosen One" foretold by Jedi prophecy to bring balance to the Force.The Jedi Council,led by Yoda,sense that Anakin's future is clouded by fear,but reluctantly allow Qui-Gon's apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi to train Anakin after Qui-Gon is killed by the Sith Lord Darth Maul.At the same time,the planet Naboo is under attack,and its ruler,Queen Padmé Amidala,seeks the assistance of the Jedi to repel the attack.The Sith Lord Darth Sidious secretly planned the attack to give his alter-ego,Senator Palpatine,a pretense to overthrow the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and take his place.[4] The remainder of the prequel trilogy chronicles Anakin's gradual fall to the dark side of the Force as he fights in the Clone Wars,which Palpatine secretly engineers in order to destroy the Republic and lure Anakin into his service.[5] Anakin and Padmé fall in love and secretly wed,and eventually Padmé becomes pregnant.Anakin has a prophetic vision of Padmé dying in childbirth,and Palpatine convinces him that the dark side holds the po desperate,Anakin submits to the dark side and takes the Sith name Darth Vader.While Palpatine re-organizes the Republic into the tyrannical Galactic Empire — appointing himself Emperor for life — Vader participates in the extermination of the Jedi Order,culminating in a lightsaber battle between himself and Obi-Wan.Obi-Wan defeats his former apprentice and best friend,severing his limbs and leaving him for dead.However,Palpatine arrives shortly afterward to save Vader and put him into a mechanical suit of black armor that keeps him alive.At the same time,Padmé dies while giving birth to twins Luke and Leia.The twins are hidden from Vader and are not told who their real parents are.[6]The original trilogy begins 19 years later as Vader nears completion of the massive Death Star space station,which will allow the Empire to crush the Rebel Alliance,which has formed to combat Palpatine's tyranny.Vader captures Princess Leia Organa,who has stolen the plans to the Death Star and hidden them in the astromech droid R2-D2.R2-D2,along with his counterpart C-3PO,escape to the planet Tatooine.There,the droids are purchased by Luke Skywalker,the son of Anakin,and his step-uncle and aunt.While Luke is cleaning R2-D2,he accidentally triggers a message put into the droid by Leia,who asks for assistance from Obi-Wan.Luke later assists the droids in finding the Jedi Knight,who is now passing as an old hermit under the alias Ben Kenobi.When Luke asks about his father,Obi-Wan tells him that Anakin was a great Jedi who was betrayed and murdered by Vader.[13] Obi-Wan and Luke hire the smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca to take them to Alderaan,Leia's homeworld,which they eventually find has been destroyed by the Death Star.Once onboard the space station,Obi-Wan allows himself to be killed in a showdown with V his sacrifice allows the group to escape with the plans that help the rebels destroy the Death Star.[3]Three years later,Luke travels to find Yoda and start his Jedi training,but is interrupted when Vader lures him into a trap by capturing Han and the others.Vader reveals that he is Luke's father and attempts to turn him to the dark side.[7] Luke escapes,and returns to his training with Yoda,who by this time is on his deathbed.Before he passes away,Yoda confirms that Vader is Luke' moments later,Obi-Wan's spirit tells Luke that he must face his father before he can become a Jedi,and that Leia is his twin sister.As the Rebels attack the second Death Star,Luke confronts Vader as P both Sith Lords intend to turn Luke to the dark side and take him as their apprentice.During the subsequent lightsaber duel,Luke succumbs to his anger and brutally overpowers Vader,but controls himsel realizing that he is about to suffer his father's fate,he spares Vader's life and proudly declares his allegiance to the Jedi.An enraged Palpatine then attempts to kill Luke with Force lightning,a sight that moves Vader to turn on and kill his master,suffering mortal wounds in the process.Redeemed,Anakin Skywalker dies in his son's arms.Luke becomes a full-fledged Jedi,and the Rebels destroy the second Death Star and,with it,the Empire 这是你要的介绍,孩子,如果你连看一看改一改都懒,那么,哎……
The prequel trilogy follows the early life of Anakin Skywalker. He is discovered by the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, who believes him to be the "Chosen One" foretold by Jedi prophecy to bring balance to ...


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