
A.民族国家的进一步巩固 B.近代科技和工业化的扩展 C.教育世俗化的不断发展 D.宗教对人自由思想的钳制英国圣安德鲁斯大学留学生课程作业代写
The different country
Europe is a different country: they do things differently here, but there's only so many ways I can bang that particular drum, and only so many ways I can repeat that the whole edifice is designed not to get in the way of national governments running the show. It is precisely why they chose that van Rompuy character to be President. He may be competent, he may be easy- but damp rag and low-grade bank clerk or not (as Nigel Farage, the ex-UKIP leader in the European Parliament so elegantly phrased it), he is essentially harmless.
Actually, it was fairly ironic that Farage was so vitriolic in his attack on our new Dear Leader this week: for him, it is quite a victory that van Rompuy is so invisible for fairly obvious reasons. The less representative - the less sex appeal that he has - the less that he's going to interfere with Nigel & friends' attempts to ridicule and underm and the less he's going to attempt to edge into the chummy family photos at World-leader style summits. Incidentally, van Rompuy gave his talk at the College this week, and to his credit he was a better speaker than I thought he would be,even if he was clearly wearing the same suit and tie as the day before when Farage had a go at him.
Van Rompuy is quite possibly the best possible choice for President of the EU that Farage or anyone not a rampant Eurofederalist could have hoped for, because he is - in the words of one of my colleagues - completely without 'aura'. Van Rompuy, I am sorry to say, projects about as much leadership as a rubber chicken. They got precisely what they asked for.
Getting what we ask for is another story, and it is a choice, at least in the UK, between a rock and hard, dour, unrepentant Scot. In any case the lack of direction in the EU is fine because for now, it precludes any 50s-era Grand Plans which - given the half-assed compromising nature of the decision-making procedure - are usually half-baked and don't taste all that good.
If you want an example, just look at that monopoly money called the Euro, pick out a book called The Economics of Monetary Union by Paul De Grauwe and turn to the page about the tongue-twister that is 'fiscal transferability'. In a nutshell, the European Monetary Union doesn't have 'fiscal transferability', because when EMU was cooked up ready for the 1992 Maastricht treaty, none of the chefs wanted to give up their abilities to tax and spend as if budget deficits were the new black.
Monetary union - and I apologise for boring you with the details - requires fiscal transferability because without it, the currency destabilises and falls apart. This is the reason for what in EU circles is called the 'Stability & Growth Pact', known by everyone else by its other name 'pfff ...hahaha the SGP, lolz'. The bloodlust for Schadenfreude from early commentators aside, there were many economists who were quick to point out that a European Monetary Union without a method for ensuring that some regions' growth or decline doesn't upset the fine economic balance would collapse at the first crisis. Well we've had a bump or two in the road, and the best is yet to come.
We now have a system where countries such as Greece and Spain make a mockery of public finance (and when I say mockery I really mean such rampant financial mismanagement as to make good ol' Flash Gordon look like a bastion of careful, considered economic direction), and their irresponsibility completely undermines the steadiness of the European economy. Shocks to their economies are not easily absorbed and gradually balloon from slight asymmetries to become embedded, permanent structural weaknesses in the edifice of the European (and particularly Eurozone) economy. And, because the Treaty - the Koran of European integration - forbids the EU from issuing its own debt, which is the standard tool of macroeconomic stabilisation, there is sweet F.A. that the European Central Bank in Frankfurt can do to stop it.
This is why Greece has been able to run a budget deficit of over 14% (and I add that not even the Greeks know the real figure - they actually lied on their last budget report, neglecting to include some 5 or 6% of defence spending); there is nothing to really enforce responsibility, and nothing can (legally or practically) be done to correct it. The agreement made at the birth of the Eurozone that no Member State would act in a way to endanger the viability of the EMU was 'forgotten' pretty much from the word 'Go!', but no surprise there, let's face it.
Because of its significant economic power, Germany has been the creditor for these countries for a long time, but now the Deutsches Volk have quite simply had enough of paying to bail out mendacious Mediterraneans. One must beware of Greeks begging for money.
It is quite simply a miracle that the Euro hasn't already succumbed to a barrage of speculative attacks and broken up like most monetary unions of old. Its demise is unlikely for now - but it is possible - and needless to say the end of the Euro would be the end of the EU. It is very telling that the grandest of Grand European projects was suggested, planned and implemented with such total and utter disregard for even the most basic principles of economic common sense.
This is why we require leadership - good leadership, not cardboard cut-out Belgians and UK Labour party activist cronies arbitrarily assigned cushy Brussels offices and paid more than Barack! What is needed is the real legal power to govern, tax and allocate resources where necessary. But this will never happen, not because national leaders are self-evidently better (because, well, they aren't are they Silvio...) but because their squabbling and allergy to joined-up thinking emasculates worthwhile endeavours before they're even off the Council table.
In 2000 the EU attempted to implement an ambitious Grand Plan called the Lisbon Strategy. The aim, and I quote, was to make 'the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, and respect for the environment by 2010'. It failed. The Lisbon agenda read more like a children's wish-list to Santa, which made its abortion all the crueller when a lump of coal was found in the stocking on Christmas day.
We, here at the College, also hear a lot about how the European Union will one day overcome its problems and materialize onto the world stage to stand as the counterweight to the emerging G2 of the USA and China. Van Rompuy actually said this to us yesterday. I'm not saying I know better, but: He's wrong.
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表 1中所显示的包括等式和整个时期(1960 - 2008)的FGLS 估计结果是很有趣的,并且都是基于发展文献和其他的实证证据。所有的这些变量都有正确的标志并且具有统计学意义。方程式对核心规范Eqs. (1)和(2)系数的估计(表1,列0)不仅体现了投资和实物资本积累这些基本变量对经济增长和外国直接投资的直接影响,而且也体现了其它制度上的变量的影响。
Insight into the convergence process
The FGLS estimation results reported in Table 1 -for both equations and the entire period () - are interesting and according to growth literature and other empirical evidence. All these variables have the correct sign and are statistically significant. The estimation of Eqs. (1) and (2) coefficients in the Core specifications (Table 1, column 0) embed not only the direct impact of fundamental variables -investment and physical capital accumulation- on economic growth and foreign direct investment, but also other institutional variables.
In Eq. 1 (income per capita growth), the variable of initial income per capita is very significant with a negative sign, reflecting conditional convergence across these countries in the given period. The convergence process can be characterized by two additional concepts: on the one hand, the convergence rate (or speed), which can be defined as, for & the coefficient of income per capita and t the gro on the other hand, the half-life or the time necessary for the economies to fill half of the variation that separates them from their steady state: . In the Core estimation, the associated speed of convergence is 2.2%, quite similar to the 2% usually found in the convergence literature, with a half-life of almost 24 i.e. at this speed, South American countries will reach convergence in 50 years. This speed significantly accelerates for the last extension of the Eq. 1 model, in column (4), to 3% shortening the half-life measure in some years. These results are similar compared to other empirical references in the subject, for example our & coefficient of 3 percent is similar with the results of Serra el al. (2006) where the & coefficient is 2.8 percent once it controls for sectoral variables (agriculture and manufacturing). The longest period revised is for 100 years, by Astorga et al.(2005), but only for 6 most developed Latin American countries, it founds a lower speed of absolute and conditional convergence of around 1.4%. In the other hand, other regional studies after controlling for exogenous output (agriculture and manufacturing) found a & coefficient of 3%. (Serra et al. 2006).
Regarding the coefficients for the explanatory variables of foreign investment (Eq. 2), international trade policies (real openness) boost capital funds. Similarly the coefficient that represents the accelerator principle (one-period lagged GDP per head growth) has a positive and significant relation with foreign direct investment. Considering the two institutional variables (life expectancy and secondary enrollment), they are also statistically significant. Life expectancy, which reflects convergence in terms of health, is also likely to reveal other important contributing factors of long-term growth, such as the accumulation of human capital and structural and institutional changes. The positive sign of secondary enrollment indicates a direct positive association between growth and human capital accumulation, especially in developing countries, which are actually converging to human capital international standards (Barro and Sala-i-Mart&n, 1997).
Finally, the external debt coefficient still has a negative impact on South American economies, and it is highly significant as we discussed in the literature review. The empirical results indicate that it is difficult to say whether external debt has a negative or positive effect on economic growth, though much analysis concludes the first. In effect, the debt hypothesis basically indicates that the accumulated debt acts as a tax on future output, discouraging investment plans of the private sector, and it usually demands efforts on the government side. Sachs (1986) indicates that when indebted countries pay their debt, these payments are transfer resources from the private sector to public sector. So if governments want to pay their debt obligations, they need to levy a tax on the private economy or reduce any future project, leading to negative effects on future production and income. Geiger (1990) -for nine Latin American countries- reaches to our same conclusion, i.e. that there is a statistically significant negative relationship between debt and economic growth. In the other hand, Warner (1992) indicates that the reasons behind the decline of investment in many of the heavily indebted countries are declining exports prices, high world interest rates and sluggish growth in developed countries.
Empirical extensions
Table 1 presents through columns 1 to 5 the econometric outcome of a set of exogenous variables on the dependent variables. These results are extensions of the main equations (core equation); this part of empirical results includes other important socioeconomic variables mainly related to development economics. They are included to capture the effects of other factors associated with income growth and foreign investment. For example, the presence of good institutions built strong political institutions that could link growth with welfare and are able to attract foreign capital funds in the internal markets. On the other side, the negative effects of debt overhang problems can create major dislocations on the balance sheet, bringing the regional economy closer to a risky external position.
On the other hand, the export sector&s low diversification of South American economies is one of the key obstacles for sustainable income growth, for example, fuel and mineral exports represent approximately a 37 percent, and, agricultural and manufactures exports are about 25 percent of the sample, that&s why we introduce sectoral exports (manufacture, services and food exports) to check for sectoral production has significant effects on income growth, or if on the other side, oil production has an impact on growth. (See Table 1, column 1). The results are quite interesting especially for manufacture and services exports which are highly significant, with a direct and positive impact on economic growth. It may be due to the impact of the Industrialization Substitution Imports policy which before the 1980s (during our first sub-period) attracted high levels of foreign investment (see also Table 2). Regarding food exports variable, it appears to be one of the most significant factors that attract investment, due to higher foreign prices and better production techniques.
The results of macroeconomic volatility and real exchange rate deviations have a negative effect on both income growth and investment, being highly significant in all equations. On its side, U.S rate has the expected negative sign and it is statistically significant, its negative association with income growth is related with capital outflows due to increments of foreign interest rates (Table 1, column 2), In that way, it also has other important effects on income growth , i.e. if foreign interest rates increases, debtors countries will have to pay more for their external debt, therefore reducing future projects, putting a drag on the recovery and hampering the potential output.
With regards to the presence of terms of trade, we found it influences positively trade and the accelerator principle, on the other hand, surprisingly it boosts secondary enrollment and diminished the impact of life expectancy variable on the investment equation (See Table 1, column (3)).
. In fact, the variable of terms of trade exhibits a negative impact on foreign direct investment (Table 1, column 3). A plausible explanation for our result under the above explanation may be due to the production structure of the region. Since it depends -in some part- by commodities exports, in that way, the effect of macroeconomic disturbances may be more notable in the investment variable due to price changes. Additionally, we consider plausible that foreign investment is attracted to sectors with lower volatility. Finally we suggest that the export promotion strategy leads to a somehow &biased& income growth in countries specialized in e even more, it thus possibly increases the region&s output gap and disparities. A theoretical description on this subject can be found on the sectoral structure of exports. According to the above theory, Bhagwati et al. (1978) find that terms of trade might worsen the country&s capital inflows, resuming that the effect on foreign investments depends on the country&s trading mode, that is, import substitution or export promotion
Reading the outcome from Eq. 1 (Growth equation, Table 1 column 3), terms of trade is positively significant in boosting income growth probably by incrementing the government revenues due to commodity exports, on the hand it has negative impact on manufacture exports reducing its effect on growth and its statistical significance and finally voiding the secondary enrollment variable&s effect on income growth.
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