i'm having a great time visiting scholarmy grandparents

八年级英语新目标上Unit 5 单元复习试题
八年级英语上《GO FOR IT》Unit 5 单元复习A卷听力部分一、听小对话,选图 5%二、听小对话,回答问题
5%1. Can Maria go to the movies? A. Yes, because she loves the movie very much. B. No, because she has a geography lesson. C. No, because she has to finish a geography lesson.2. Who is having a birthday party?A. Alice.
C. Simon.3. When is Mr. May free?A. At 9 in the morning.
B. Before 9 in the evening.
C. After 9 in the evening.4. What is it today?A. Friday, 17th
B. Saturday, 17th
C. Saturday, 18th5. Where is Jimmy?A. At home.
B. In the classroom.
C. In Shanghai.三、听较长的对话,回答问题
5%  听下面一段较长对话,回答1-2小题1. Who wants to study science?A. Alan.
C. Peter.2. When is Alan free?A. This evening.
B. Tomorrow evening.
C. Tomorrow afternoon.  听下面一段较长对话,回答3-5小题3. When is Charlie's birthday?A. Thursday, 14th.
B. Friday, 16th.
C. Saturday, 16th.4. What's Charlie doing for his birthday?A. Having a party.
B. Having a picnic (野餐).
C. Having a game.5. Why can't Hector go there?A. He's visiting America with his friends.
B. His American friends are having a party.C. His American friends are visiting him.笔试部分一、单项选择
10%  I am going to have a party tomorrow night. I promised(答应) mother that she needn't do
for me. My friend Jane is coming, too. She would like to help me,
she can't. Because she has a piano lesson in the morning and in the afternoon she has to babysit her sister. So I will do everything by myself. I try to make(使)
party a nice one.I sent invitations to my friends
. Now I am thinking about what I need to do tomorrow. Yes! I have to clean the room and do some shopping. I am going
some food, drinks and some fruit in the supermarket. I am going to make a shopping list
I go. I also have to decorate(装饰) the room. I need to do so many things, so I
see the movie "Da Vinci Code" after lunch. A terrible thing!  The party begins
8pm. So I must have my dinner
. Because I am tired after I finish
so many things and after dinner I can have a short rest.1. A. something
B. anything
C. nothing
D. everything2. A. so
B. although
D. because3. A. a
D. /4. A. yesterday
B. tomorrow
C. tomorrow morning
D. the day after tomorrow5. A. buy
D. buying6. A. after
D. before7. A. can
D. never8. A. at
D. with9. A. late
D. quick10 A. do
D. doing三、阅读理解 40%Passage ADear Carolyn,I'd love to see you next week, but I'm very busy. I'm stressed out! I have to study for my English test on Monday night. I'm going to the dentist on Tuesday, and you have to see the dentist on Wednesday. My mother's having a party on Friday, so I have to help her with that. What are you doing on Thursday? I'm not busy that day. Are you working in the afternoon? Can we talk on the phone or listen to CDs? Call me!Your friend,David阅读短信,判断正(T)误(F)  1. David can't see Carolyn on Monday night.  2. David has to see the doctor on Wednesday.  3. Dave's mother is free on friday.  4. Dave is free on Thursday.  5. David wants to listen to CDs with Carolyn.Passage B  Answering machine(机器): Hi. This is Jim. I can't come to the phone now. Please leave me a message(留言) after the beep. Beep!  Bob: Hi, Jim. this is Bob. My friend Alex is visiting me, and we're going to see a movie tomorrow. Do you want to see it with us? Please give me a call today, if you can.  Jim: Hi, Bob. Thanks for the call. Too bad I miss(错过) it. I'm sorry, but I can't go to the movie with you tomorrow. Susan is in town, and I'm going to go out with her. Guess what! I asked her to marry(嫁) me, and she said yes! We want to talk to her parents, so we're going to have dinner with them. But say hello to Alex for me. I remember you well.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。6. ____ called ____ first.A. Bob, Jim
B. Jim, Bob
C. Jim, Alex
D. Bob, Alex7. Bob and Alex are going to ______.A.make telephone calls
B. have dinner
C. call Jim
D. see a movie8. _____ isn't at home when the telephone rings.A. Bob
D. Nobody9. Jim will ______ tomorrow.A. go out with Susan
B. marry Susan
C. visit Alex
D. call Alex10. Why can't Jim anwser the phone at the beginning? A. Because he is at work.
B. The passage doesn't tell us C. Because he goes to the movie.
D. Because he goes out with Suan五、根据中文提示或首字母提示,写出单词,完成句子,一空一词
10%1. _________ (美国的) cars are very good and cheap.2. --- Can you come to my _________(音乐会)?--- Of course. And I am going to ask all my family to come, too.3. --- What are you doing _________(明天)?--- Just stay at home and have a rest.4. --- When are you going for a vacation?--- I plan to go this __________ (周四).5. I usually get up at 6 on __________(工作日), but late on weekends.6. --- Are you busy now?--- No. I am really f________.7. --- Are there any l________ today?--- Yes, we have three, they are Chinese, English and chemistry.8. I had a p_______ because I got the first in the exam.9. --- Do you like playing soccer?--- No. But I like watching the m_________ on TV.10. This noodles are so delicious, I want a__________ bowl.六、书面表达
10%Eliza的朋友Amy邀请她一起去背包旅行,阅读下面Eliza的一周日程表,并代替她写一个回绝email.Eliza's CalendarMon: tennis trainingThu:go to schoolTue: have a piano lessonFri: go to a birthday partyWed: free but want to have a good restDear Amy,Thanks for your invitation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eliza八年级英语上《GO FOR IT》Unit 5 单元复习A卷(答卷)听力部分一、听小对话,选图1___________
4____________ 5___________三、听较长的对话,回答问题1___________
13___________ 14__________
10__________11___________ 12___________ 13____________ 14____________ 15__________16___________ 17___________ 18____________ 19____________ 20__________四、词语填空1____________
10___________六、书面表达Dear Amy,Thanks for your invitation. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eliza     八年级英语上《GO FOR IT》Unit 5 单元复习A卷听力材料一、听小对话,选图1. W: Can you come to my party on Friday, Wilson?M: Sorry, I can't. I have a piano lesson.2. M: Can you come to the baseball game tomorrow afternoon?W: Sure, I'd love to.3. W: Can you go to the mall with me this weekend, Tom?M: Ah, hmm. I...I have to visit Mr. Clark.4. M: Can you go to Susan's party this evening, Elisa?W: No, I can't. I have to babysit my sister.5. M: Can you play table tennis with me this weekend?W: Saturday morning, I have to study for a test. Saturday afternoon, I'm visiting my grandparents. But Sunday is OK.二、听小对话,回答问题1. M: Marie, what are you doing on Saturday? Can you go to the movie with me?W: I'd love to, but I have to finish the geography project.2. W: What's that, Ben?M: An invitation to you, Alice. Simon is having a birthday party next Tuesday.3. W: Excuse me, Mr. May. I want to talk to you about our project.M: Come to my house this evening. I'm free till 21:00.4. M: What? Is it the 17th today?W: It's not Friday. It's Saturday, 18th.5. W: Where is Jimmy? I called him but he's not at home.M: He's playing tennis with the second team. He is in Shanghai till next Tuesday.三、听较长的对话,回答问题  听下面一段较长对话,回答1-2小题W: Hi, Alan. Can you help me with my science?M: When?W: This evening?M: Sorry, Betty. I have to go to my guitar lesson with Peter. What about tomorrow afternoon?  听下面一段较长对话,回答3-5小题M: What's today, Alice?W: It's Thursday, 14th.M: The day after tomorrow is Charlie's birthday.W: Are you going to his party, Hector?M: I'd love to, but I can't. My American friends are visiting me this weekend.八年级英语上《GO FOR IT》Unit 5 单元复习A卷参考答案听力部分一、听小对话,选图
A A B C C二、听小对话,回答问题
C C B C C三、听较长的对话,回答问题
B C C A C笔试部分二、完形填空1-5 B C C A C
6-10 D C A B D三、阅读理解1-5 T T F T T
6-10 A D B A B五、根据中文提示或首字母提示,写出单词,完成句子,一空一词1. American
2. concert
3. tomorrow
4. Thursday
5. weekdays6. free
7. lessons
9. matches
10 another六、书面表达阅读理解Dear pen pal ,I‟m having a great time in Hong Kong,it‟s a great place to visit and I‟m(A)______to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students are learning French.I might like to learn some too.(B)_作业帮
阅读理解Dear pen pal ,I‟m having a great time in Hong Kong,it‟s a great place to visit and I‟m(A)______to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students are learning French.I might like to learn some too.(B)
阅读理解Dear pen pal ,I‟m having a great time in Hong Kong,it‟s a great place to visit and I‟m(A)______to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students are learning French.I might like to learn some too.(B)There‟s just so much to see and do here.Last night I went to a Chinese music concert.( C) concert suited me just fine.What kinds of music do you like Before the concert we went for Italian food.Do you like (D) 这儿有许多不同种类的食物.I don‟t know what to try next.What kinds of food do you prefer My host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weekend.(E)because I have never seen an Indian film,have you Some people say they‟re boring,but others say they‟re great.What kinds of films do you prefer YoursLingling56.在(A)的空白处填一个适当的词语:57.将划线部分(B)译成英语:______________________________________58.将划线部分(C)译成汉语:______________________________________59.将划线部分(D)译成英语:______________________________________60.将划线部分(E)改写成:I‟m not sure what_______ ______expect…
56 happy57这儿有那么多要看的和做的事情58音乐会很适合我59There are lots of different kinds of food here60 I can}


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