i will be theree be后面都可以加什么,怎么用?

英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?of 是什么意思都什么情况下用他们?_作业帮
英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?of 是什么意思都什么情况下用他们?
英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?英语中的“有”什么时候用have 什么时候用there be句型?of 是什么意思都什么情况下用他们?
当表示从属关系的时候,即某个东西归谁所有,这时就应该用“have”,例如:I have a cellphone.表明手机是我的,具有从属关系.当表示客观存在的某种事物,而这种事物不属于某一方或从属关系不明时,这时就应该用“there be 句型”,例如:There is a pen on the floor.表明地上有一支笔,而这支笔是谁的不确定,再如:there are some birds in the sky.天上有几只鸟,鸟是客观存在的,并且不属于哪一方.至于with和or,它们都是连词,在意义上有一点区别,with意思是“和”表附带关系,而or意思是“或”表选择关系.
我试一下!have的主语一般是人或物,而there be一般是用于介绍某个东西。 with的意思是“和”,例如make fof的意思是‘什么的’,例如the nationality of somebody,当然这些都是它的主要意思,具体意思还要视情况而定.
朋友您好:"There be"是英语中最常见的又是非常重要的句型,它是表示"存在" 的一种基本方式,其句型结构通常为:There be + sb./sth. + somewhere/doing sth. 但作为英语教师,仅仅知道这点用法还远远不够,"There be"还有更多较为特殊的用法。下面笔者想通过例子来共同商榷。我们都知道 "There be" 后面可跟一个名词或动名词,请看下面例句: <...There be句型后的Doing怎么理解?有不加doing的例子吗?比如用to do来在there be句型中表示将来,可以吗._作业帮
There be句型后的Doing怎么理解?有不加doing的例子吗?比如用to do来在there be句型中表示将来,可以吗.
There be句型后的Doing怎么理解?有不加doing的例子吗?比如用to do来在there be句型中表示将来,可以吗.
“there be...”句型是存在句的常用基本结构,there在句中处于主语位置,起形式主语的作用,真正的主语是随后的名词词组.其谓语动词通常是be的各种时、体等形式.如:There is ice on the lake.湖上有冰.There were three students in the classroom then.当时教室有三个学生.There has never been anybody like you.从来还没有像你这样的人.There will be snow on high ground.在高地上将会有雪.除此之外,there be句型还有一些特殊的结构:1.there + 情态助动词 + be表示 “预见”、“可能”、“必然”或“过去习惯存在”等.如:There might be some desserts if you wait a bit.如果你等一会儿,可能会有甜点.There ought to have been someone on duty all the time.本来应该有人全天值班.There shall be no more wars.再也不会打仗了.也可以用there + 某些半助动词 + be(很少使用完成体形式),如:be going to,be certain to,be sure to,be likely to,have to be等.There is going to be a rain.要下雨了.There's likely to be an interview.可能会有一场面试.There has to be a mistake.必定有错.2.在正式文体中,某些表示存在、发生、出现、坐落等意义的不及物动词也可以与there连用,如:appear,seem,come,remain,exist,live,stand,lie,arise,enter,follow,occur,rise,grow,happen,belong,arrive,fly,flash,sail,pass,run,spring up,emerge等.如:There exist many ancient temples in the country.那个国家有很多古老的寺庙.There lies a small village in the mountain.山里有个小村子.Once upon a time,there lived an old queer man in the city.从前,城里住着个怪老头.There remains nothing more to be done.没有什么别的事可做了.There followed the first world war.接着就是第一次世界大战.There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter.他的头脑中闪过英雄战士的形象.There sprang up a wild gale.突然刮起一阵狂风.偶尔也能见到there后接及物动词:There struck me a sudden idea.突然我有了一个主意.如果句中的地点状语前移就可以省略there.如:Behind the house (there) is a small river.3.there + 不定式 to be 或there + being形式,称为非限定存在句,可以作主语、宾语、介词补足成分.1) 作主语 There being a railway station in the town is a great advantage.镇上有个火车站,真方便呀!“there to be+NP”作主语时,通常用for作引导词:For there to be a mistake in a computer's arithmetic is impossible.计算机计算错误是不可能的.It was seldom for there to be no late comers.新来者很少没有迟到的.2) 作宾语 The committee anticipated there being less debate in the second discussion.委员会期望在第二次讨论中争议能少一些.We expect there to be no objections.我们希望不会有人反对.I'd prefer there to be more cooperation.我希望有更多的合作.3) 作介词补足成分:介词是for,用there to be形式; 介词不是for,则用there being形式.What's the chance of there being an election this year?今年进行选举的可能性有多大?We have no objection to there being a meeting here.在这儿举行会议,我们不反对.Jill is waiting for there to be a big party.吉尔等着举行一次盛大的晚会.此外,there + being形式还可以用作状语分句,形成独立主格结构:There being no further discussion,the chairman stood up and left the meeting-room.没有可讨论的了,主席站了起来,离开了会议室.There having been no rain,the stream was dry.一直没有下雨,小溪都干涸了.“there be...”句型的难点在于它的非限定形式,怎样分辨使用there to be 和there being 两个要点是关键:它们在句子中的成分及与句子中其他成分的搭配关系.如非限定形式的第2小点中的例句:anticipate与there being搭配,而expect 和prefer与there to be配伍.There be结构不仅表示“存在”,如:There is a village at the foot of the hill.(山脚下有个村子)/Are there any food in the fridge?(冰箱里还有食物吗?) 除了用动词be,还可以用seems、appear、happen、exist等,在这种结构里,谓语的单复数由靠近谓语的主语定(就近原则).如:There seemed to be no one who really understood me.(好像没有人能理解我.)/There happened to be somebody else in your office when I phoned.(我打电话给你时好像有别人在你办公室.) There be句型中时态根据要求是多变的,如:There is going to be a football match on TV tomorrow.(明天电视上有场球赛.)/There have been no letters from my friends after that car accident.(从那次车祸以后,再也没有朋友写信给我.) 这个和形式主语不牵扯,形式主语是指it is .比如,it is so hard to find it.there be句型就是指某处有某物,地点再最后交代.比如,there are three people in the room.there is an egg in the box.都有哪些语法用就近原则 还有There be那个是怎么用_作业帮
都有哪些语法用就近原则 还有There be那个是怎么用
都有哪些语法用就近原则 还有There be那个是怎么用
1.neither ...nor Neither he nor you are right .2.either...or Either you or he is wrong.3.not only...but also Not only you but also I am very excited.4.There be ,There is a book and two pens on the desk.There are two books and a pen on the desk.5.not...but Not you but they are to blame.6.the number of+ 名词复数做主语谓语用单数.a number of + 名词/代词复数做主语谓语用复数The number of guests invited to the party was fifty but a number of them were absent.
neither noreither ornot only but also临近后面there is a apple and two pears
there are two pears and a apple 如果离be动词最近的是单数【复数】,那么就用is【are】the number of 和 a number of的区别是啥前者是......
1.There be句型2.neither。。。 nor 既不。。。也不。。。3.either... or... 要么....要么4. not only... but also... 不仅...而且...就近原则 用于There be句型时,be动词的选择根据离be 动词最近的名词而定。如: There are 35 stuents and a t...
the number of “...的数量”作主语,谓语动词要用单数
a number of “一部分..."作主语,谓语动词要用复数
oreither...or...neither......nor......not only......but also......there be......Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room.老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^
There be就是要遵循就近原则,就是be与最近的主语保持一致。用英语翻译“我有很多优点” there be 句型能用吗 怎么用?_百度知道
用英语翻译“我有很多优点” there be 句型能用吗 怎么用?
除了I have lots of advantages,
there be 句型怎么表达?
there be 意思是“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”,此句不能用there be结构。
谢谢 涨姿势了
there be句型表客观存在.There be关于人时 还可以这样用There are 12 students in this class,建议不使用there be 句型,There is an apple on the desk,而用have来表达。但是这种“我有很多优势”这种主观判断的话.have表示人(有生命的存在)如 I have a brother.(这里指的是“有12个人”这一客观现实)一般说来
There are manyThere are manyThere are many strong points on me.
There are many advantages in me.
there are lots of advantages on me.
出门在外也不愁请问专家,“There be...”句式后面还可以加什么?_作业帮
请问专家,“There be...”句式后面还可以加什么?
请问专家,“There be...”句式后面还可以加什么?
不知道楼主具体想问什么?there be...后面紧跟的一般是一个名词短语.如:There are many students in the classroom.教室里面有很多学生.名词短语many students紧跟在there be后面.如果你满意我的答案,敬请点击 ,
后面可跟名词,如There is an apple.这是第一种,第二,后面可跟某人某物正在做某事:There be sth/sb doing sth.


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