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Using push notification technology, server applications can
send rich content to apps installed on iOS or Android devices,
saving you the trouble and
expense of implementing Short Message Service (SMS) or Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS) in your mobile-messaging apps. Michael Yuan shows how to support
this key feature in your iOS applications. You'll also see how to use an open
source Java library that simplifies the notification
(350 KB) |
, Chief Scientist, Ringful Health
Dr. Michael Yuan is a well-known technologist in the area of enterprise computing and consumer mobile technologies. He is the author of 5 books on software engineering and has published more than 40 articles in both peer-reviewed and industry journals. Dr. Yuan is a pioneer in the emerging field of consumer-driven healthcare. His work at Ringful Health has been widely covered and recognized in national media such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times.
Also available in&&&&&
BackgroundSMS and MMS messages are delivered by wireless carriers to specific devices
via their phone numbers. Developers of server-side applications that
implement SMS/MMS messaging must go to great lengths to interact with the
existing, closed telecommunications infrastructure—including
obtaining phone numbers. (Read more details on developing server-side
SMS/MMS applications in ".") SMS/MMS messages
have no awareness of the applications installed on the recipient's
device.The popularity of super-smartphones like iPhone and Android devices (and
their Wi-Fi cousins, such as the iPod Touch and iPad) has created a need
for a modern mobile-messaging infrastructure that can deliver rich-media
information directly to installed apps—rather than to phone
numbers—and that is more open and less expensive than SMS/MMS.Apple and Google have both stepped up to the challenge by developing
Internet-based infrastructure that can deliver messages to iOS and Android
devices, respectively, from server applications. Push
notifications are designed from the ground up to communicate with
applications installed on mobile devices. They can send text, media files,
and app-specific data such as alert sounds and badges to display on the
app icon.This article explains how push notification technology works on the iOS
platform and how to incorporate it in your applications. To get the most
from the article, you should have some iOS and Java development
experience.iOS push basicsApple uses public-key digital certificates to authenticate push requests
from your iOS application, so you first need to create authentication keys
and register them with Apple. I'll cover this straightforward but rather
lengthy process in the next section.Next, each device that installs the application and opts to receive push
notifications for that app needs to be identified. The sequence works like
this:An alert dialog in the iOS app requests the user's permission to
receive push notifications.If the user grants permission, the iOS app contacts the Apple Push
Notification service (APNs) to get an ID string that uniquely
identifies this application installed on this device. (You can think
of the ID as analogous to the recipient's phone number in a
traditional messaging scenario.)The iOS app uploads the ID to your server application.When the server application needs to send a push message, it
authenticates against Apple's push servers and then uses the ID from
steps 2 and 3 to specify the message's recipient.If the recipient device is online, it receives and processes the
message. If the device is offline, the message is queued and then
delivered the next time the device is online.The APNs also enables your server applications to validate your stored list
of application IDs periodically. That gives you an opportunity to remove
the IDs of users who later delete the application or change their push
opt-in status.This probably sounds like a lot of work, and it is. That's why services
like Urban Airship (see the sidebar) exist to broker messages for a fee. After showing you how to register your application, I'll go into the
details of developing an iOS push notification app and, with the help of
an open source Java library, its server components.Registering the applicationTo register your application for push notification, you first need to
create a pair of private/public keys for authenticating your API calls
against the APNs servers. You can do this on the Mac via the KeyChain
Access application. Select KeyChain Access &
Certificate Assistant & Request a
Certificate from a Certificate Authority to create a
certificate signing-request file. The request file contains the generated
public-key pair, and the corresponding private key is saved in KeyChain
Access. Be sure to select the Saved to disk option in the
dialog box, as shown in Figure 1:Figure 1. Generating a key pair and
signing request from the KeyChain Access program on the MacNext, log in to Apple's application-provisioning portal (see ) and upload your signing-request file,
which will be associated with the appropriate provisioning profile. Most
applications have a development provisioning profile for testers and a
production profile for the App Store, so you will most likely generate and
upload two signing requests. After you upload the signing request, the
portal generates a digital certificate for you to download. The
certificate contains the public key, which APNs now recognizes as being
associated with your application. Figure 2 shows an example:Figure 2. Digital certificate from
AppleDownload the digital certificate and double-click the downloaded file.
KeyChain Access now automatically imports the digital certificate and
associates it with the private key you generated when you created the
signing request. Figure 3 shows a public and private key pair in KeyChain
Access:Figure 3. Public and private key pair
in KeyChain AccessNow, you export the key pair to a file using a format called Personal
Information Exchange (p12). When you create the p12 file, KeyChain Access
asks you to assign a password to protect the private key. You can use an
empty password if you want.From this point on, all your API requests to the APNs push server must be
encrypted by the private key in the p12 file, and then digitally signed by
the public key in the p12 file, to verify that the API call is really
generated by you. I'll demonstrate how to use the keys later in the
article, when I describe how to interact with APNs servers. (If you use
Urban Airship, it asks you to upload the p12 file along with any password
to its server so that it can send push messages on your behalf.)Now that you have the push certificates, you must re-download and
re-install your application-provisioning profiles—because the
profiles are now updated to support push notification for the
application.Requesting and saving a device
tokenYour iOS application needs to request user permission to receive push
notifications on the devices it's installed on. Typically, you do this in
the application delegate via a simple API call, as shown in Listing 1:Listing 1. Requesting user
permission[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
(UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge |
UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound |
UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert)];If the user grants permission, the application automatically contacts the
APNs server for a device token. The token enables APNs to identify this
particular application installed on this particular device as a message
destination. This process is automatic and happens in the background. You
don't need to write any code for it.After the APNs server responds, the
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method in
the application delegate is called, with the device token passed in as a
call parameter. You must save the device token and upload it to your own
push notification server, as shown in Listing 2:Listing 2. Receiving an ID
and uploading it to the
server- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)deviceToken {
NSString *tokenStr = [deviceToken description];
NSString *pushToken = [[[[tokenStr
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@""]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@""] retain];
// Save the token to server
NSString *urlStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://%@/push_token", RINGFULDOMAIN];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlStr];
NSMutableURLRequest *req = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[req setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
[req setValue:@"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-type"];
NSMutableData *postBody = [NSMutableData data];
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"username=%@", username]
[postBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"&token=%@",
pushToken] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[req setHTTPBody:postBody];
[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:req delegate:nil];
}Ideally, you associate the token with some information that identifies the
user (such as that person's username in your system) so that your server
knows who to send the message to later. (You can think of this as
analogous to associating a phone number with a person's name.) If you
don't associate tokens with your own user-identification information, you
can still send messages to those devices, but you can't customize the
message for each user, because all you have is an alphanumeric token
string for the destination device. The server should save the token and its related identification information
in a database. In most applications, it's saved in the user-profile
database.Sending a push messageTo send a push message, your server:Looks up a list of application IDs to send the message toPersonalizes the message for each recipient based on that recipient's
user profileContacts the APNs messaging serverThe web services API for the APNs server is complicated. Fortunately for
Java developers, the open source JavaPNS library makes working with it
much simpler. See
for links to the
JavaPNS download and documentation.The code in Listing 3 shows how to send an SMS-like message to the device
using the JavaPNS library:Listing 3. Sending a push
messageString[] devices = {"token1", "token2};
List&PushedNotification& notifications
= Push.alert("Hello World!", "keypair.p12", "password", false, devices);The JavaPNS library's main interface methods are static methods in the
Push class. APNs allows you to embed a variety of content in
your message. Refer to the iOS push messaging guide for a complete list of
supported payload types (see ). The
Push class provides convenience methods for each type of
message, and it handles conversion of the message to the JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) format accepted by the APNs servers. In , keypair.p12 is
the p12 file exported from KeyChain Access, and
password is the password to the p12 file. The
devices array is a list of device tokens received from the
iOS application. All those devices will receive this push message. The
false value in the parameter designates that the message
should be sent to the APNs development server (the sandbox)
instead of its production server. (Recall that you typically create one
p12 key pair for the sandbox and a different one for the production
server.)The return value of the method call is a list of
PushedNotification objects that you can use to ascertain the
status of the push delivery, as shown in Listing 4:Listing 4. Checking the
status of the push
deliveryfor (PushedNotification notification : notifications) {
if (notification.isSuccessful()) {
/* Apple accepted the notification and should deliver it */
String invalidToken = notification.getDevice().getToken();
/* Add code here to remove invalidToken from your database */
}If the notification object tells you that a certain device token is no
longer active—for example, if the user removed the app from the
device or disabled notification in the app settings—you should
remove the token from the database so that you do not send more messages
to it.Another way to keep your list of active device tokens up to date is to have
your server application check in periodically with the APNs servers.
Listing 5 shows how to query the APNs feedback service using JavaPNS to
receive a list of invalid device tokens from the APNs sandbox:Listing 5. Checking in to
update active device
tokensList&Device& inactiveDevices = Push.feedback("keypair.p12", "password", false);
/* remove inactive devices from your own list of devices */It's important not to waste resources by sending messages to devices that
have deleted your application or opted out of receiving notifications.Additional considerationsPush notifications can't be tested on iOS you must deploy the
application to an actual device to test it. Because the digital
certificate used to authenticate the message is tied to the application's
provisioning profile, you need to test with the development certificate
when you are in development or distributing the app ad hoc. You must
switch to the production certificate after the app is approved for and
available in the App Store.Also, it's important to understand that customizing and sending push
messages for a large database of users is resource-intensive work. For
instance, it's costly to crawl through a million-user database every 5
seconds to identify the 10 users who need to receive a message at that
moment. The server-side infrastructure requires careful design and
planning to support frequent push notifications to a large number of
users. Conversely, sending a push message to a million users at once
creates a lot of traffic that could be better handled via a pool of
threads, as opposed to blocking a single thread. The JavaPNS library
provides an easy API that uses thread pools for pushing messages to a
large number of devices simultaneously.ConclusionPush technology lets your server applications bypass the telco carriers and
send messages directly to iOS device apps over the Internet. Although
implementing push notification isn't trivial—the need for
client-side SSL certificates to authenticate against Apple servers is
complicated—help from third parties like Urban Airship and JavaPNS
can make it easier to send notifications. SMS and MMS have their place,
and are still more reliable than push technology, but you can make your
iOS applications richer and more versatile by implementing push
ResourcesDevelop and deploy your next app on the .Read "" to learn how to push mobile notifications automatically by
using the Push service in Bluemix with an instance of Node-RED. : This section of the Apple Local
and Push Notification Programming Guide is the authoritative source on how
the iOS push service works. : Sign in here to obtain
SSL certificates and provision user profiles for your iOS applications. : This tutorial by
Matthijs Hollemans is a step-by-step guide on how to create and work with
the SSL certificates required for push notifications. : This commercial service simplifies many of the aspects of
communicating with APNs servers. : Java PNS is a
simple library for managing interactions with APNs servers from your
application. Check out the
to get started.
"" (Michael Yuan,
developerWorks, November 2011): Learn about implementing traditional
mobile messaging in server-side applications. : Find hundreds of articles about every aspect of
Java programming.:
Download the JavaPNS JAR.
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