
JAX Mice Database - 001026 BALB/cByJ
& & & Cell Line:
& & & Cell Line:
Common Names:
BALB B & &
BALB/c Bailey J; & &
BALB/c mice are particularly well known for the production of plasmacytoma on injection with mineral oil, forming the basis for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Mammary tumor incidence is normally low, but infection with mammary tumor virus by fostering to MMTV+ C3H mice dramatically increases tumor number and age of onset. BALB/c mice develop other cancers later in life, including reticular neoplasm, primary lung tumors, and renal tumors. BALB/cByJ was separated from the BALB/cJ strain in 1935. BALB/cByJ mice have the advantage of better reproductive performance and less aggression than the BALB/cJ substrain. Rare spontaneous myoepitheliomas arising from myoepithelial cells of various exocrine glands have been observed in the BALB/cByJ substrain. BALB/cByJ has a deletion in the Qa2 subregion of the murine MHC. A deficiency of Acads (acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short chain) leads to severe organic aciduria. BALB/cByJ develop a fatty liver upon fasting or dietary fat challenge and become hypoglycemic after an 18-hour fast.
Strain Information
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Mating SystemSibling x Sibling
& & & & (Female x Male) & 01-MAR-06
Breeding Considerations
Specieslaboratory mouse
H2 Haplotyped
AppearancealbinoRelated Genotype: A/A Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b
Important NoteThis strain is homozygous for Cdh23ahl, the age related hearing loss 1 mutation, which on this background results in progressive hearing loss with onset after 10 months of age.
DescriptionBALB/c mice are particularly well known for the production of plasmacytomas following injection with mineral oil, forming the basis for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Although not all BALB/c substrains have been examined for plasmacytoma induction, substrains derived from the Andervont (An) lineage (which includes BALB/cByJ) typically are susceptible, while those descended from BALB/cJ are resistant (see: Potter M, 1985). Mammary tumor incidence is normally low, but infection with mammary tumor virus by fostering to MMTV+ C3H mice dramatically increases tumor number and age of onset. BALB/c mice develop other cancers later in life including reticular neoplasms, primary lung tumors, and renal tumors. Rare spontaneous myoepitheliomas arising from myoepithelial cells of various exocrine glands have been observed in both BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ substrains. BALB/cByJ has a deletion in the Qa2 subregion of the murine MHC.
Related Strains
BALB Strains
BALB Strains & & (5 strains)
Strains carrying & Ahrb-2 allele
Strains carrying & Ahrb-2 & & (18 strains)
Strains carrying & Cdh23ahl allele
Strains carrying & Cdh23ahl & & (41 strains)
Strains carrying & Hld allele
Strains carrying & Hld & & (6 strains)
Strains carrying other alleles of
Strains carrying other alleles of Ahr & & (37 strains)
Strains carrying other alleles of
Strains carrying other alleles of Cdh23 & & (8 strains)
Strains carrying other alleles of
Strains carrying other alleles of Mdmg1 & & (1 strain)
Additional Web Information
Phenotype Information
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Data
(This chart reflects the typical correlation between body weight and age for mice
maintained in production colonies at The Jackson Laboratory.)
Related Disease (OMIM) Terms
provided by
- Model with phenotypic similarity to human disease where etiologies involve orthologs.
Human genes are associated with this disease.
Orthologs of those genes appear in the mouse genotype(s).
- Potential model based on gene homology relationships.
Phenotypic similarity to the human disease has not been tested.
Mammalian Phenotype Terms
provided by
& & & assigned by genotype
Acadsdel-J/Acadsdel-J & & & &
behavior/neurological phenotype
abnormal food preference
given a choice, selection of a fat/protein diet declines with time
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abnormal liquid preference
did not develop a preference for drinking water containing a corn oil emulsion
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homeostasis/metabolism phenotype
abnormal adaptive thermogenesis
body temperature in most BALB/cByJ mice dropped 10 degrees C in less than 4 h at 4 degrees C, with none able to maintain body temperature for longer than 8 h in the cold
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abnormal circulating amino acid level
serum glycine concentrations are markedly lower than controls
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decreased circulating carnitine level
slightly lower plasma carnitine level
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abnormal fatty acid oxidation
block in short-chain fatty acid oxidation shown by reduced butyryl-CoA dehydrogenation in liver mitochondria
& (MGI Ref ID )
organic aciduria at 7-14 weeks of age, caused by relatively large amounts of n-butyrylglycine and ethylmalonate in the urine
& (MGI Ref ID )
ethylmalonate, methylsuccinate, and butyrylglycine urinary excretion is higher than in controls
& (MGI Ref ID )
markedly increased urinary concentrations of ethylmalonic and methylsuccinic acids, and N-butyrylglycine in nonfasting and fasting mice, and remained elevated with or without medium chain triglyceride challenge
& (MGI Ref ID )
upon dosing with carnitine, mice excrete large amounts of butyryl-carnitine in the urine
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hypoglycemia develops after 18 hours of fasting with mean serum glucose measuring less than half of control values
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increased circulating HDL cholesterol level
HDL levels were significantly increased in mutant mice for both males and females fed either a regular chow or a high-fat diet
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liver/biliary system phenotype
hepatic steatosis
fat deposits accumulate in the liver after 18 hours of fasting or with dietary fat challenge
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renal/urinary system phenotype
organic aciduria at 7-14 weeks of age, caused by relatively large amounts of n-butyrylglycine and ethylmalonate in the urine
& (MGI Ref ID )
ethylmalonate, methylsuccinate, and butyrylglycine urinary excretion is higher than in controls
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markedly increased urinary concentrations of ethylmalonic and methylsuccinic acids, and N-butyrylglycine in nonfasting and fasting mice, and remained elevated with or without medium chain triglyceride challenge
& (MGI Ref ID )
upon dosing with carnitine, mice excrete large amounts of butyryl-carnitine in the urine
& (MGI Ref ID )
cellular phenotype
abnormal fatty acid oxidation
block in short-chain fatty acid oxidation shown by reduced butyryl-CoA dehydrogenation in liver mitochondria
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muscle phenotype
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology
wehn dosed with carnitine, mutant muscle exhibits a 9-fold increase in butyryl-carnitine concentration compared to controls
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Hld/Hld & & & &
either: BALB/cByJ or BALB/cJ
nervous system phenotype
abnormal dendrite morphology
abnormally positioned by being late-generated
& (MGI Ref ID )
cell bodies are located below the intrapyramidal mossy fiber layer
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abnormal hippocampus morphology
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abnormal hippocampal mossy fiber morphology
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abnormal hippocampus CA3 region morphology
there is abnormal lamination of this cell layer resulting in superficial early generated neurons and deep late-generated neurons
& (MGI Ref ID )
abnormal hippocampus layer morphology
the anomaly is also seen in BALB/cByJ, F1 mice involving BALB sublines noted, and some CXB RI C57BL/6J is considered wild-type for this feature
& (MGI Ref ID )
this is secondary to a defect in neuronal migration
& (MGI Ref ID )
ectopic hippocampus pyramidal cells
located below the
some of the ectopic cells have short, fine-caliber dendritic branches arising near the points of contact of the intrapyramidal mossy fibers
& (MGI Ref ID )
abnormal neuronal migration
& (MGI Ref ID )
cellular phenotype
abnormal neuronal migration
& (MGI Ref ID )
Research Applications
Research Applications
This mouse can be used to support research in many areas including:
Increased Tumor Incidence
& & & Mammary Gland Tumors
& & & Mammary Gland Tumors: late onset
& & & experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE)
Hearing Defects
& & & Age related hearing loss
Neurodevelopmental Defects
& & & callosal agenesis, incomplete penetrance
Cancer Research
& & & monoclonal antibodies, myeloma and hybridoma production
General Purpose
Immunology, Inflammation and Autoimmunity Research
& & & background strain for histocompatibility congenics
Hearing Defects
& & & Age related hearing loss
Cdh23ahl related
Hearing Defects
& & & Age related hearing loss
Hearing Defects
& & & Age related hearing loss
Gene & Allele Information provided by
deletion, Jackson
Strain of OriginBALB/cByJ
, acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short chain
butyryl CoA dehydrogenase 1;
expressed sequence AI196007;
A 278bp deletion occurs which starts in intron "A" and includes exon "B" and the first 78bp of exon "C".
As a result of this deletion, mRNA transcription is reduced to about 35% of normal and includes two forms, a longer normal length transcript and a shorter misspliced form.
If these mRNAs were translated they both would result in truncated products.
Protein product is undetectable immunologically and there is a total absence of enzyme activity. [MGI Ref ID ]
[MGI Ref ID ]
b-2 variant
Not Applicable
Strain of OriginBALB/cBy
, aryl-hydrocarbon receptor
aromatic hydroc
C57BL/6 carries the responsive Ahrb DBA/2 carries nonresponsive Ahrd. Heterozygotes (Ahrb/Ahrd) are responsive (J:5282). Later work identified a second (J:8895) and later a third (J:22144) allele conferring response. Thus the allele in C57, C58, and MA/My strains is now Ahrb-1; Ahrb-2 is carried by BALB/cBy, A, and C3H; and Ahrb-3 by Mus spretus, M. caroli, and MOLF/Ei. The nonresponsive strains AKR, DBA/2, and 129 carry Ahrd (J:22144). Nucleotide and amino acid sequence differences between Ahrb-1 and Ahrd have been determined (J:17460).
Strain of origin - this allele was found in BALB/cByJ, A/J, C3H/HeJ, CBA strains
This allele encodes a high affinity, heat labile, 104 kDa receptor containing 848 amino acids. Sequencing studies of cDNA from C57BL/6J congenic mice homozygous for this allele identified nucleotide substitutions in the ORF that would cause 5 amino acid differences between the C57BL/6J and BALB/cBy peptides, and 2 amino acid differences between the BALB/cBy and DBA/2J peptides. A T to C transition in exon 11 replaces the opal termination codon in the C57BL/6J allele with an arginine codon in the BALB/cByallele. This change would extend translation of the BALB/cBy mRNA by 43 amino acids, accounting for the larger size of the peptide produced by this allele (104 kDa, vs 95 kDa for the C57BL/6J allele).
[MGI Ref ID ]
[MGI Ref ID ]
age related hearing loss 1
Strain of Originmultiple strains
, cadherin 23 (otocadherin)
age related hearing loss 1;
neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 112;
neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 181;
neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 252;
Genetic complementation tests have shown allelism between the
mdfw (modifier of deaf waddler) locus and the ahl
Further analysis has identified an association between ahl and a G to A transition at nucleotide position 753 of Cdh23.
This hypomorphic allele causes in frame skipping of exon 7 and reduced message stability.
Twenty-seven strains classified with ahl and carrying the 753A allele include:
CD1, RBF/DnJ, PL/J, AKR/J, RF/J, BALB/cBy, A/WySnJ, P/J, SENCARA/PtJ, DBA/1J, ALS/LtJ, C58/J, C57BLKS/J, 129P1/ReJ, C57BR/cd, SKH2/J, BUB/Bn, MA/MyJ, LP/J, 129X1/SvJ, NOR/LtJ, A/J, C57BL/6, NOD/LtJ, DBA/2J, ALR/LtJ, C57L/J.
Strains classified with ahl that DO NOT carry this mutation include:
C3H/HeSnJ, I/LnJ,YBR/Ei, MRL/MpJ. [MGI Ref ID ]
hippocampal lamination defect
Strain of OriginBALB/cJ
, hippocampal lamination defect
, mandibular morphogenesis 1
Genotyping Information
Helpful Links
References provided by
Selected Reference(s)
Bentvelzen P; Daams JH; Hageman P; Calafat J. 1970. Genetic transmission of viruses that incite mammary tumor in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Champy MF; Selloum M; Zeitler V; Caradec C; Jung B; Rousseau S; Pouilly L; Sorg T; Auwerx J. 2008. Genetic background determines metabolic phenotypes in the mouse. Mamm Genome
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Ebbesen P. 1971. Reticulosarcoma and amyloid development in BALB/c mice inoculated with syngeneic cells from young and old donors. J Natl Cancer Inst
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&[MGI Ref ID ]
Heston WE; Vlahakis G. 1971. Mammary tumors, plaques, and hyperplastic alveolar nodules in various combinations of mouse inbred strains and the different lines of the mammary tumor virus. Int J Cancer
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Hinsdale ME; Kelly CL; Wood PA. 1993. Null allele at Bcd-1 locus in BALB/cByJ mice is due to a deletion in the short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase gene and results in missplicing of mRNA. Genomics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Petkov PM; Cassell MA; Sargent EE; Donnelly CJ; Robinson P; Crew V; Asquith S; Haar RV; Wiles MV. 2004. Development of a SNP genotyping panel for genetic monitoring of the laboratory mouse. Genomics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Roderick TH; Langley SH; Leiter EH. 1985. Some unusual genetic characteristics of BALB/c and evidence for genetic variation among BALB/c substrains. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Smith Richards BK; Belton BN; York B; Volaufova J. 2004. Mice bearing Acads mutation display altered postingestive but not 5-s orosensory response to dietary fat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Sundberg JP; Hanson CA; Roop DR; Brown KS; Bedigian HG. 1991. Myoepitheliomas in inbred laboratory mice. Vet Pathol
[PubMed: ]
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Wood PA; Amendt BA; Rhead WJ; Millington DS; Inoue F; Armstrong D. 1989. Short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency in mice. Pediatr Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Wood PA; Hinsdale ME; Kelly CL. 1993. Molecular detection of the Bcd-1 null allele in BALB/cByJ mice by polymerase chain reaction: a simple assay for genetic monitoring Mouse Genome
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Additional References
Bouwknecht JA; Paylor R. 2002. Behavioral and physiological mouse assays for anxiety: a survey in nine mouse strains. Behav Brain Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Flaherty L; DiBiase K; Lynes MA; Seidman JG; Weinberger O; Rinchik EM. 1985. Characterization of a Q subregion gene in the murine major histocompatibility complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
International Nomenclature Committee. 1952. COMMITTEE on Standardized Nomenclature for Inbred Strains of Mice Cancer Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Moy SS; Nadler JJ; Young NB; Perez A; Holloway LP; Barbaro RP; Barbaro JR; Wilson LM; Threadgill DW; Lauder JM; Magnuson TR; Crawley JN. 2007. Mouse behavioral tasks relevant to autism: phenotypes of 10 inbred strains. Behav Brain Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Sass B; Peters RL; Kelloff GJ. 1976. Differences in tumor incidence in two substrains of Claude BALB/c (BALB/cfCd) mice, emphasizing renal, mammary, pancreatic, and synovial tumors. Lab Anim Sci
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Smith BK; Andrews PK; West DB. 2000. Macronutrient diet selection in thirteen mouse strains. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Southwick CH; Clark LH. 1966. Agressive behavior and exploratory activity in fourteen mouse strains Am Zool
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Teuscher C; Blankenhorn EP; Hickey WF. 1987. Differential susceptibility to actively induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and experimental allergic orchitis among BALB/c substrains. Cell Immunol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Acadsdel-J related
Amendt BA; Freneaux E; Reece C; Wood PA; Rhead WJ. 1992. Short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase activity, antigen, and biosynthesis are absent in the BALB/cByJ mouse. Pediatr Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Armstrong DL; Masiowski ML; Wood PA. 1993. Pathologic characterization of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in BALB/cByJ mice. Am J Med Genet
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Guerra C; Koza RA; Walsh K; Kurtz DM; Wood PA; Kozak LP. 1998. Abnormal nonshivering thermogenesis in mice with inherited defects of fatty acid oxidation. J Clin Invest
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Kruger C; Kumar KG; Mynatt RL; Volaufova J; Richards BK. 2012. Brain transcriptional responses to high-fat diet in Acads-deficient mice reveal energy sensing pathways. PLoS One
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Prochazka M; Leiter E. 1985. A null activity variant found at the butyryl CoA dehydrogenase (Bcd-1) locus in BALB/cByJ subline. Mouse News Lett
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Qureshi IA; Leblanc D; Cyr D; Giguere R; Mitchell G. 1993. Breeding experiments to combine the X-linked sparse-fur (spf) mutation with the autosomal recessive BALB/cByJ strain: testing the biochemical phenotype of double-mutant mice as a model for ammonia: fatty acyl CoA synergism. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Reue K; Cohen RD. 1996. Acads gene deletion in BALB/cByJ mouse strain occurred after 1981 and is not present in BALB/cByJ-fld mutant mice. Mamm Genome
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Schiffer SP; Prochazka M; Jezyk PF; Roderick TH; Yudkoff M; Patterson DF. 1989. Organic aciduria and butyryl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in BALB/cByJ mice. Biochem Genet
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Schuler AM; Gower BA; Matern D; Rinaldo P; Vockley J; Wood PA. 2005. Synergistic heterozygosity in mice with inherited enzyme deficiencies of mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation. Mol Genet Metab
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Schuler AM; Gower BA; Matern D; Rinaldo P; Wood PA. 2004. Influence of dietary fatty acid chain-length on metabolic tolerance in mouse models of inherited defects in mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation. Mol Genet Metab
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Skilling H; Coen PM; Fairfull L; Ferrell RE; Goodpaster BH; Vockley J; Goetzman ES. 2010. Brown adipose tissue function in short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Su Z; Leduc MS; Korstanje R; Paigen B. 2010. Untangling HDL quantitative trait loci on mouse chromosome 5 and identifying Scarb1 and Acads as the underlying genes. J Lipid Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Wang W; Mohsen AW; Uechi G; Schreiber E; Balasubramani M; Day B; Michael Barmada M; Vockley J. 2014. Complex changes in the liver mitochondrial proteome of short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficient mice. Mol Genet Metab
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Wood PA; Kelly-Kurtz CL; Hinsdale ME; Hamm DA; Rhead WJ. 1999. Lessons learned from the mouse model of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency Adv Exp Med Biol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Ahrb-2 related
Nebert DW; Considine N; Owens IS. 1973. Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction. VI. Control of other aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible mono-oxygenase activities at or near the same genetic locus. Arch Biochem Biophys
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Nebert DW; Gielen JE. 1972. Genetic regulation of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in the mouse. Fed Proc
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Nebert DW; Jensen NM; Shinozuka H; Kunz HW; Gill TJ 3rd. 1982. The Ah phenotype. Survey of forty-eight rat strains and twenty inbred mouse strains. Genetics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Nebert DW; Robinson JR; Niwa A; Kumaki K; Poland AP. 1975. Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in the mouse. J Cell Physiol
85(2 Pt 2 Suppl 1):393-414.
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Niwa A; Kumaki K; Nebert DW; Poland AP. 1975. Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in the mouse. Distinction between the 'responsive' homozygote and heterozygote at the Ah locus. Arch Biochem Biophys
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Poland A; Glover E. 1990. Characterization and strain distribution pattern of the murine Ah receptor specified by the Ahd and Ahb-3 alleles. Mol Pharmacol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Poland A; Glover E; Taylor BA. 1987. The murine Ah locus: a new allele and mapping to chromosome 12. Mol Pharmacol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Poland A; Palen D; Glover E. 1994. Analysis of the four alleles of the murine aryl hydrocarbon receptor. Mol Pharmacol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Robinson JR; Considine N; Nebert DW. 1974. Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction. Evidence for the involvement of other genetic loci. J Biol Chem
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Schmid FA; Pena RC; Robinson W; Tarnowski GS. 1967. Toxicity of intraperitoneal injections of 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in inbred mice. Cancer Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Schmidt JV; Carver LA; Bradfield CA. 1993. Molecular characterization of the murine Ahr gene. Organization, promoter analysis, and chromosomal assignment. J Biol Chem
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Smith AG; Clothier B; Robinson S; Scullion MJ; Carthew P; Edwards R; Luo J; Lim CK; Toledano M. 1998. Interaction between iron metabolism and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in mice with variants of the Ahr gene: a hepatic oxidative mechanism. Mol Pharmacol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Thomas PE; Hutton JJ; Taylor BA. 1973. Genetic relationship between aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility and chemical carcinogen induced skin ulceration in mice. Genetics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Cdh23ahl related
Bosco A; Crish SD; Steele MR; Romero CO; Inman DM; Horner PJ; Calkins DJ; Vetter ML. 2012. Early reduction of microglia activation by irradiation in a model of chronic glaucoma. PLoS One
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Davis RR; Newlander JK; Ling X; Cortopassi GA; Krieg EF; Erway LC. 2001. Genetic basis for susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss in mice. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Di Palma F; Pellegrino R; Noben-Trauth K. 2001. Genomic structure, alternative splice forms and normal and mutant alleles of cadherin 23 (Cdh23). Gene
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Fetoni AR; Picciotti PM; Paludetti G; Troiani D. 2011. Pathogenesis of presbycusis in animal models: a review. Exp Gerontol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Han F; Yu H; Tian C; Chen HE; Benedict-Alderfer C; Zheng Y; Wang Q; Han X; Zheng QY. 2010. A new mouse mutant of the Cdh23 gene with early-onset hearing loss facilitates evaluation of otoprotection drugs. Pharmacogenomics J
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Hurd EA; Adams ME; Layman WS; Swiderski DL; Beyer LA; Halsey KE; Benson JM; Gong TW; Dolan DF; Raphael Y; Martin DM. 2011. Mature middle and inner ears express Chd7 and exhibit distinctive pathologies in a mouse model of CHARGE syndrome. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Erway LC; Cook SA; Willott JF; Zheng QY. 1997. A major gene affecting age-related hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Longo-Guess C; Gagnon LH; Yu H; Zheng QY. 2008. A locus on distal chromosome 11 (ahl8) and its interaction with Cdh23 ahl underlie the early onset, age-related hearing loss of DBA/2J mice. Genomics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Yu H; Ding D; Jiang H; Gagnon LH; Salvi RJ. 2010. Separate and combined effects of Sod1 and Cdh23 mutations on age-related hearing loss and cochlear pathology in C57BL/6J mice. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Zheng QY; Bykhovskaya Y; Spirina O; Fischel-Ghodsian N. 2001. A nuclear-mitochondrial DNA interaction affecting hearing impairment in mice. Nat Genet
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Zheng QY; Noben-Trauth K. 2006. Strain background effects and genetic modifiers of hearing in mice. Brain Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Johnson KR; Zheng QY; Weston MD; Ptacek LJ; Noben-Trauth K. 2005. The Mass1(frings) mutation underlies early onset hearing impairment in BUB/BnJ mice, a model for the auditory pathology of Usher syndrome IIC. Genomics
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Kane KL; Longo-Guess CM; Gagnon LH; Ding D; Salvi RJ; Johnson KR. 2012. Genetic background effects on age-related hearing loss associated with Cdh23 variants in mice. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
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Keithley EM; Canto C; Zheng QY; Fischel-Ghodsian N; Johnson KR. 2004. Age-related hearing loss and the ahl locus in mice. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Liu X; Bulgakov OV; Darrow KN; Pawlyk B; Adamian M; Liberman MC; Li T. 2007. Usherin is required for maintenance of retinal photoreceptors and normal development of cochlear hair cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Manji SS; Williams LH; Miller KA; Ooms LM; Bahlo M; Mitchell CA; Dahl HH. 2011. A mutation in synaptojanin 2 causes progressive hearing loss in the ENU-mutagenised mouse strain Mozart. PLoS One
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Mathews CE; Leiter EH. 1999. Resistance of ALR/Lt islets to free radical-mediated diabetogenic stress is inherited as a dominant trait. Diabetes
[PubMed: ]
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Nadeau JH. 2003. Modifier genes and protective alleles in humans and mice. Curr Opin Genet Dev
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Nagtegaal AP; Rainey RN; van der Pluijm I; Brandt RM; van der Horst GT; Borst JG; Segil N. 2015. Cockayne syndrome group B (csb) and group a (csa) deficiencies predispose to hearing loss and cochlear hair cell degeneration in mice. J Neurosci
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Noben-Trauth K; Latoche JR; Neely HR; Bennett B. 2010. Phenotype and genetics of progressive sensorineural hearing loss (Snhl1) in the LXS set of recombinant inbred strains of mice. PLoS One
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Noben-Trauth K; Zheng QY; Johnson KR. 2003. Association of cadherin 23 with polygenic inheritance and genetic modification of sensorineural hearing loss. Nat Genet
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Noben-Trauth K; Zheng QY; Johnson KR; Nishina PM. 1997. mdfw: a deafness susceptibility locus that interacts with deaf waddler (dfw). Genomics
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&[MGI Ref ID ]
Perrin BJ; Sonnemann KJ; Ervasti JM. 2010. beta-actin and gamma-actin are each dispensable for auditory hair cell development but required for Stereocilia maintenance. PLoS Genet
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Perrin BJ; Strandjord DM; Narayanan P; Henderson DM; Johnson KR; Ervasti JM. 2013. beta-Actin and Fascin-2 Cooperate to Maintain Stereocilia Length. J Neurosci
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Vazquez AE; Jimenez AM; Martin GK; Luebke AE; Lonsbury-Martin BL. 2004. Evaluating cochlear function and the effects of noise exposure in the B6.CAST+Ahl mouse with distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Zheng QY; Johnson KR. 2001. Hearing loss associated with the modifier of deaf waddler (mdfw) locus corresponds with age-related hearing loss in 12 inbred strains of mice. Hear Res
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Zheng QY; Scarborough JD; Zheng Y; Yu H; Choi D; Gillespie PG. 2012. Digenic inheritance of deafness caused by 8J allele of myosin-VIIA and mutations in other Usher I genes. Hum Mol Genet
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Zilberstein Y; Liberman MC; Corfas G. 2012. Inner hair cells are not required for survival of spiral ganglion neurons in the adult cochlea. J Neurosci
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&[MGI Ref ID ]
Hld related
Barber RP; Vaughn JE; Wimer RE; Wimer CC. 1974. Genetically-associated variations in the distribution of dentate granule cell synapses upon the pyramidal cell dendrites in mouse hippocampus. J Comp Neurol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Nowakowski RS. 1984. Hippocampal lamination defect = Hld. Mouse News Lett
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Nowakowski RS. 1984. The mode of inheritance of a defect in lamination in the hippocampus of BALB/c mice. J Neurogenet
[PubMed: ]
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Nowakowski RS; Davis TL. 1985. Dendritic arbors and dendritic excrescences of abnormally positioned neurons in area CA3c of mice carrying the mutation hippocampal lamination defect. J Comp Neurol
[PubMed: ]
&[MGI Ref ID ]
Vaughn JE; Matthews DA; Barber RP; Wimer CC; Wimer RE. 1977. Genetically-associated variations in the development of hippocampal pyramidal neurons may produce differences in mossy fiber connectivity. J Comp Neurol
[PubMed: ]
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Health & Colony Maintenance Information
Animal Health Reports
Room Number & & & & &
Room Number & & & & &
Room Number & & & & &
Colony Maintenance
Mating SystemSibling x Sibling
& & & & (Female x Male) & 01-MAR-06
Breeding Considerations
Diet Information
Pricing, Supply Level & Notes, Controls
Pricing for
USA, Canada and Mexico
shipping destinations
Weeks of AgePrice&per&mouse (US&dollars&$)Gender
$27.50Female or Male
$27.50Female or Male
$27.50Female or Male
$30.15Female or Male
$32.80Female or Male
$35.45Female or Male
$38.10Female or Male
$40.75Female or Male
$43.40Female or Male
$46.05Female or Male
Standard SupplyLevel 2. Up to 100 mice. Larger quantities or custom orders arranged upon request.
Supply Notes
are available from the Bar Harbor, Maine facility.
This strain is available from both the Bar Harbor, Maine and Sacramento, Calif. facilities.
Shipped at a specific age in weeks. Mice at a precise age in days, littermates and retired breeders are also available.
JAX& Cells, Tissues & Products
Select the cell line of interest to go to the cell line data sheet
Pricing for
shipping destinations
Weeks of AgePrice&per&mouse (US&dollars&$)Gender
$35.80Female or Male
$35.80Female or Male
$35.80Female or Male
$39.20Female or Male
$42.70Female or Male
$46.10Female or Male
$49.60Female or Male
$53.00Female or Male
$56.50Female or Male
$59.90Female or Male
Standard SupplyLevel 2. Up to 100 mice. Larger quantities or custom orders arranged upon request.
Supply Notes
Shipped at a specific age in weeks. Mice at a precise age in days, littermates and retired breeders are also available.
This strain is available from some international Charles River (CR) breeding facilities in Japan and/or Europe. For more information, see the .
JAX& Cells, Tissues & Products
Select the cell line of interest to go to the cell line data sheet
Standard SupplyLevel 2. Up to 100 mice. Larger quantities or custom orders arranged upon request.
Important NoteThis strain is homozygous for Cdh23ahl, the age related hearing loss 1 mutation, which on this background results in progressive hearing loss with onset after 10 months of age.
Payment Terms and Conditions Terms are granted by individual review and stated on the customer invoice(s) and account statement. These transactions are payable in U.S. currency within the granted terms. Payment for services, products, shipping containers, and shipping costs that are rendered are expected within the payment terms indicated on the invoice or stated by contract. Invoices and account balances in arrears of stated terms may result in The Jackson Laboratory pursuing collection activities including but not limited to outside agencies and court filings.
See Terms of Use tab for General Terms and Conditions
The Jackson Laboratory's Genotype Promise The Jackson Laboratory has rigorous genetic quality control and mutant gene genotyping programs to ensure the genetic background of JAX& Mice strains as
well as the genotypes of strains with identified molecular mutations.
JAX& Mice strains are only made available to researchers after meeting our
standards. However, the phenotype of each strain may not be fully characterized and/or captured in the strain data sheets. Therefore, we cannot guarantee a strain's phenotype will meet all expectations. To ensure that JAX& Mice will meet the needs of individual research projects or when requesting a strain that is new to your research, we suggest ordering and performing tests on a small number of mice to determine suitability for your particular project.
Ordering Information
Tel: 1-800-422-6423 or 1-207-288-5845
Fax: 1-207-288-6150
Terms of Use
Contact informationContracts Administrationphone:207-288-6470
JAX& Mice, Products & Services Conditions of Use "MICE" means mouse strains, their progeny derived by inbreeding or crossbreeding, unmodified derivatives from mouse strains or their progeny supplied by The Jackson Laboratory ("JACKSON"). "PRODUCTS" means biological materials supplied by JACKSON, and their derivatives. "RECIPIENT" means each recipient of MICE, PRODUCTS, or services provided by JACKSON including each institution, its employees and other researchers under its control. MICE or PRODUCTS shall not be: (i) used for any purpose other than the internal research, (ii) sold or otherwise provided to any third party for any use, or (iii) provided to any agent or other third party to provide breeding or other services. Acceptance of MICE or PRODUCTS from JACKSON shall be deemed as agreement by RECIPIENT to these conditions, and departure from these conditions requires JACKSON's prior written authorization. No WarrantyMICE, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED &AS IS&. JACKSON EXTENDS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO MICE, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.
In case of dissatisfaction for a valid reason and claimed in writing by a purchaser within ninety (90) days of receipt of mice, products or services, JACKSON will, at its option, provide credit or replacement for the mice or product received or the services provided. No Liability In no event shall JACKSON, its trustees, directors, officers, employees, and affiliates be liable for any causes of action or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, arising out of the provision of MICE, PRODUCTS or services, including economic damage or injury to property and lost profits, and including any damage arising from acts or negligence on the part of JACKSON, its agents or employees. Unless prohibited by law, in purchasing or receiving MICE, PRODUCTS or services from JACKSON, purchaser or recipient, or any party claiming by or through them, expressly releases and discharges JACKSON from all such causes of action or damages, and further agrees to defend and indemnify JACKSON from any costs or damages arising out of any third party claims.MICE and PRODUCTS are to be used in a safe manner and in accordance with all applicable governmental rules and regulations.
The foregoing represents the General Terms and Conditions applicable to JACKSON&s MICE, PRODUCTS or services. In addition, special terms and conditions of sale of certain MICE, PRODUCTS or services may be set forth separately in JACKSON web pages, catalogs, price lists, contracts, and/or other documents, and these special terms and conditions shall also govern the sale of these MICE, PRODUCTS and services by JACKSON, and by its licensees and distributors. Acceptance of delivery of MICE, PRODUCTS or services shall be deemed agreement to these terms and conditions. No purchase order or other document transmitted by purchaser or recipient that may modify the terms and conditions hereof, shall be in any way binding on JACKSON, and instead the terms and conditions set forth herein, including any special terms and conditions set forth separately, shall govern the sale of MICE, PRODUCTS or services by JACKSON.}


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