艾薇儿一首fly歌词艾薇儿i say you 开头的

一首英文流行歌,女的唱的,轻快,声音像艾薇儿,歌词好像是I wanna you,wanna you_百度知道
一首英文流行歌,女的唱的,轻快,声音像艾薇儿,歌词好像是I wanna you,wanna you
ve been wonderful in all that you can be
But it hurts when you say that you understand me
So believe me, I wanted you
I't do this anymore
&#39, I wanted you
I;m so sorry baby
But I;s stop pretending now
We&#39. I, I
I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you. I&#39, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I;t be mended, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I, I've got to stop it babe
You&#39.:《I wanted you》
歌词;ve been stressing to fall back in love with you
I&#39., I., It follow through
But I can&#39. I&#39, I. I gotta pack up and leave
But I;Cause we can&#39:Lately I&#39, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
Ive been pushing hard to open up the door
Trying to take us back to where we were before
But I&#39, I
I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I, I am sorry. I, so let've been walking around in circles for some time
And I think we should head for the finish line
So believe me. I just can&#39.;ve been thinking about what I can do
I&#39.;m done, I歌名叫, I am sorry. to being how I wanted to be
I wanted you baby
I wanted you
I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
Im so sorry that I couldn'll always remember how we came close
, I am sorry.
出门在外也不愁I Will Be-Avril Lavigne, I Will BeMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye
And now I know how far you'd go
I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go
I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe
'cus you're here with me
And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
'cus I will never let you go
I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
'cus without you I can't sleep
I'm not gonna ever ever let you leave
You're all I've got
You're all I want
And without you
I don't know what I'd do
I could never ever live a day without you
Here with me do ya see
You're all I need
And I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life (my life)
I'll be with you forever (forever)
To get you through the day
And make everything okay (okay)
I will be (I'll be)
all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
编辑于 13:36
编辑于 13:38
喜欢I Will Be的人们也喜欢...
i know that ive let u down
here, with me, do you see?
I will be, all that you want.
i will be这样就能never let you go吗,以前我也以为你那么重要呢
(第1页, 共165条)
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09-07-22 & 发布
【专辑介绍】  第一张专辑  Let GoAvril一直都希望自己有一天可以站在舞台上唱歌,然而她做到了。当唱片公司听到她的歌声后立即与她签了约,而有些人要花10年时间才能谈到合同,所以连她自己都认为非常的幸运!   在搬到纽约后,艾微儿马上开始了唱片的创作,当2002年她拿到自己的首张专辑CD时,便踏上了完全不同的人生道路。只出了第一张专辑就立刻迅速地走红、成了万人迷的偶像歌手。而她还不满18岁。大概连她自己都没有想到自己会这么成功。 这张名为《展翅高飞(Let Go)》的专辑全球销售高达960万张,无俚头式的穿著迅速获得大批乐迷的支持,滚石杂志(Rolling Stone)选出艾薇儿是2002年的年度风云人物(People of the Year), 而新闻周刊(Newsweek)更提早预告艾薇儿是2003年的最佳年度艺人(Artist of the Year) 。  《Let Go》专辑中,她炫耀似的唱腔活力四射,嗓音一如水晶般清澈,歌词更是流露出纯粹的女性风格。“Anything But Ordinary”是一首赞扬个体独特性的颂歌;吉他奔驰的首支单曲“Complicated”,是首正中爱情骗子要害的简洁歌曲;沾染了弦乐色彩的“I’m With You”反映了Avril较为温和的一面: “Losing Grip”和“Unwanted”这些歌曲,勇敢地面对了拒绝与背叛这些主题所需要的沉重与悲哀;而接下来的“My World”与具有暗喻意味的“Mobile”,则是完美的舒展了Avril的生活经历。  “我有了这个让人肃然起敬的机会去实现我的梦想。我跑遍了各个地方,飞到这儿、飞到那儿,每天遭遇不同的事物。”她解释道。“这就是我的生活方式,但是我不愿意去过正常的生活,不然我会觉得很无聊”。总之这是一张“绝对不一般”的专辑,我们同样也期待艾微儿的下一张专辑,希望她会做的更好!  第二张专辑  Under My Skin艾薇儿于2002年发行的首张专辑“展翅高飞”,在全球乐迷心目中,建立了一个不随波逐流、特立独行的清晰印象,一举将艾薇儿推举为新生代最具代表性的女性新声音以及新样貌。在创下全球近一千五百万张惊人的专辑销售佳绩,并且荣获八项格莱美奖提名之后,这一个加拿大籍的摇滚女孩,即将再以其全新力作“Under My Skin”席卷全球。  如果你期待这一回的艾薇儿,将会带给世人与上一张专辑相同风格的歌曲,那你就大错特错了。因为就正因为艾薇儿是艾薇儿,她绝对不是一个会在闪耀的得奖光环以及无数的摇滚桂冠之下歇息止步的艺人。“Under My Skin”这张专辑以非常戏剧性的歌曲&Take Me Away& 以及&Together&这两首歌曲作为开场,这样的用意是为了第一波的主打歌曲&Don'tTell Me& 做极佳的情绪铺陈。”Don`t Tell Me&这首单曲,充满了重节奏的吉他伴奏,绝对是一首深受电台欢迎的畅销单曲;同时,这一首充满女力以及伸张女性主权意识的歌曲,更延伸了专辑“展翅高飞”之中的单曲&超复杂Complicated”的意境以及延续其深层意义。  此外,全球乐迷若听见&He Wasn`t&这首单曲,也一定会对其中的吉他主奏大喊过瘾。另外&Who Knows&这一首歌曲,更叫人忍不住的跟着摇头,融入节奏之中。而&Freak Out&这一首单曲,更是带领着听众天旋地转,猛暴性的流行动力保证让大家大呼过瘾。而一些较为慢板,表达情感、略带忧虑的单曲,像是&Forgotten& 以及&Nobody`s Home&,也将艾薇儿内心深层忧郁、悲伤的那一面,用音符以及其寓意,赤裸裸的呈现在大家面前。   艾薇儿表示:“我在这两年当中,成长了许多。我经历了许多事,也体验了许多生命中的酸甜苦辣。我的歌曲都是我对周遭事物的体会以及表达,每一首歌曲对我来说,都是非常私密的个人经验以及最真切的生活体验。”这一次共同参予艾薇儿全新专辑的制作人,包括了:巴奇沃克(Butch Walker,the Marvelous 3的制作人)、 瑞梅达(Raine Maida ,Our Lady Peace的制作人)、 唐吉尔莫(Don Gilmore ,l林肯公园Linkin Park以及珍珠果酱 Pearl Jam的制作人)。   艾薇儿并且共同参予写作了“Under My Skin”专辑中的12首歌曲,而这些歌曲都是关于曾经发生在艾薇儿周遭的真实故事。  第三张专辑  The Best Damn Thing《The Best Damn Thing》以眩目的、即兴发挥的吉他伴奏形式出现,伴随即刻可以让人记住的旋律、副歌部分以及不变的叛逆摇滚态度。这标志着她摆脱了黑暗,音调仿佛是对《Under My Skin》的反省。同时Avril也乐于为她的歌词营造一些情节,如她所说的,这并不是直接出自她的日记。现今我们听到她的一系列作品,展示了她如何慢慢发展为一个曲作者和歌手,从那首时髦的初出茅庐的“I Can Do Better”(Avril的个人最爱之一)到这首难以抗拒的专辑第一主打单曲“Girlfriend”(此歌出乎预料地在朋克摇滚的旋律里融入了嘻哈节奏,强劲的和音、掌声以及饶舌式的女生组合和声);到为20世纪福克斯公司的传奇电影《Eragon(龙骑士)》录制的动人情歌“Keep Holding On”。  作为一个对流行乐有着敏锐感觉并且训练有素的艺人,Avril将自己的热情投入到了《The Best Damn Thing》专辑制作的方方面面:从独立创作她自己的歌(她强调:‘在这张唱片制作过程中没有公司A&R人员的参与,我非常明确地知道我想要怎样的作品’)到选择制作人和音乐上的合作伙伴。在录音室里她近乎苛刻地来回调整吉他的音调及鼓点,以期能做出迄今为止她个人的最好专辑。所有的努力最后化作一道冲击波,“我根本没有想到制作一张唱片会那么有趣”她说道。也有一些制作大师为这张专辑贡献了他们的制作技术,其中包括Dr. Luke(Pink, Lady Sovereign),Butch Walker(Avril的老朋友,曾参与“Under My Skin”的制作),Rob Cavallo(Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Goo Goo Dolls),以及艾薇儿的丈夫Deryck Whibley(Sum 41成员)。关于和已经为她之前专辑共同创作过好几首出色作品的Dr. Luke的再次合作,她说:“Luke和我之间有很好的沟通和化学反应。”他们在录音室的制作过程中充满了轻松的气氛:你可以在“I Can Do Better”中听到Avril的笑声,而在“Girlfriend”的最后几个和声中她说甚至可以听到吹奏啤酒瓶的声音。  《The Best Damn Thing》这张专辑中有四首歌是Avril和她以前乐队的成员Evan Taubenfeld一起写的,分别是“Innocence”,“Hot”,“One of Those Girls”和“Contagious”,“Evan是我在这个世界上最好的朋友之一”,她非常亲切地说道,“他从第一天起就一直陪伴在我身边”。当然,所有这些轻快而充满能量的歌曲,将在计划中于今年晚些时候举行的现场演出中得到生命,Avril不仅为此组织了一支新的乐队还特地招募了两个伴舞(‘我甚至第一次被安排跳舞’,她笑着说,‘这绝对将是一个劲爆点’)。【所有演唱歌曲】  出道前  1. Touch The Sky (Stephen Medd. 1999)  2. World To Me (Stephen Medd. 1999)  3. The Quinte Spirit (Stephen Medd. 1999)  4. Temple Of Life (Stephen Medd. 2000)  5. Two Rivers (Stephen Medd, Jamie Medd. 2000)  第一张专辑 Let Go  6. Losing Grip (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2002)  7. Complicated (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  8. Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  9. I’m With You (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  10. Mobile (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2002)  11. Unwanted (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2002)  12. Tomorrow (Avril Lavigne, Curtis Frasca, Harriet Breer. 2002)  13. Anything But Ordinary (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  14. Things I’ll Never Say (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  15. My World (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2002)  16. Nobody’s Fool (Avril Lavigne, Peter Zizzo. 2002)  17. Too Much To Ask (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2002)  18. Naked (Avril Lavigne, Curtis Frasca, Harriet Breer. 2002)  Let Go 未收录歌曲  19. I Don’t Give A Damn (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  20. Get Over It (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  21. Why (Avril Lavigne, Peter Zizzo. 2002)  22. Falling Down (Avril Lavigne, The Matrix. 2002)  23. You Never Satisfy Me (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness)  24. Not The Only One (Curtis Frasca, Harriet Breer)  25. All You Will Never Know  26. Headset  27. Move Your Little Self On  28. Let Go  29. Once And For Real  30. Take Me Away (The Matrix)  31. Tomorrow You Didn’t (Keith Follese, Peter Zizzo)  32. Falling Into History (Keith Follese, Peter Zizzo)  33. Make Up (The Matrix)  34. Stay - Be The One  第二张专辑 Under My Skin  35. Take Me Away (Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld. 2004)  36. Together (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  37. Don’t Tell Me (Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld. 2004)  38. He Wasn’t (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  39. How Does It Feel (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  40. My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne, Bradley Walker. 2004)  41. Nobody’s Home (Avril Lavigne, Ben Moody, Gilmore Don. 2004)  42. Forgotten (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  43. Who Knows (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  44. Fall To Pieces (Avril Lavigne, Raine Maida. 2004)  45. Freak Out (Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld, Matthew Brann. 2004)  46. Slipped Away (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  Under My Skin 未收录歌曲  47. I Always Get What I Want (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2004)  48. Daydream (Avril Lavigne, Chantal Kreviazuk. 2004)  49. Take It (Avril Lavigne, Clifton Magness. 2004)  50. Breakaway (Avril Lavigne, Matthew Gerrard, Bridget Benerate. 2004)  国内版未收录:Don’t Tell Me (Avril Lavigne, Evan Taubenfeld. 2004)  影视歌曲  51. Fast  52. Not Gonna Run  53. Reject  54. SpongeBob SquarePants Theme (Derek Drymon, Mark Harrison, Stephen Hillenburg, Mc Dannel, Blaise Smith)  演唱会歌曲  55. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (Bob Dylan)  56. O Holy Night (Placide Clappeau, Adolphe Adam)  57. Fuel (Metallica)  58. Basketcase (Green Day)  翻唱  59. Chop Suey (System Of A Down)  60. No One Needs To Know (Shania Twain)  61. Kiss Me (Sixpence None The Richer)  62. You Were Mine (Dixie Chicks)  63. Iris (Goo Goo Dolls)  64. Song 2 (Blur)  65. Ironic (Alanis Morrisette)  66. American Idiot (Green Day)  67. I Shall Be Released (Bob Dylan)  68. All The Small Things (Blink 182)  69.imagine(John Lennon)  70.Adia(sarah McLachlan)  片断  69. Oops! I Did It Again (Britney Spears)  70. Whenever, Wherever (Shakira)  71. Fat Lip (Sum 41)  72. Hey Ya! (Outkast)  73. Happy Birthday To Jesse  74. What Made You Say That? (Shania Twain)  75. We Are Family (Sister Sledge)  76. Wide Open Spaces (Dixie Chicks)  77. It Matters To Me (Faith Hill)  78. Good Riddance - Time Of Your Life (Green Day)  79. How Do I Live (Leann Rimes)  80. Adia (Sarah McLachlan)  81. Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley)  82. Longview (Green Day)  83. Give Up The Grudge (Gob)  幼时所唱歌曲  84. Can’t Stop Thinking Of You  85. O Canada - Inno Del Canada  86. Near To The Heart Of God  87. Calendar Boy (Nail Sedaka ‘Calendar Girl’)  肯定被唱过,但是没有太多详细纪录的歌曲  88. Jesus Loves Me  89. Fly Away (Lenny Kraviz)  90. Breathe (Faith Hill)  91. Fall In To The Sky (Avril Lavigne, Richard Nowels Jr.)  92. Next Time (Avril Lavigne, Richard Nowels Jr.)  93. Everything Burns (Ben Moody)  94. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)  第三张专辑 The Best Damn Thing  01 Girlfriend   02 I can do better   03 Runaway   04 The Best Damn Thing   05 When You Are Gone   06 Hot   07 Innocence   08 I Don’t Have To Try   09 One Of Those Girls   10 Contagious   11 Keep Holding On   The Best Damn Thing 国内版未收录  12. I Will Be (Bonus Track)   13. Alone   14. Everything Back But You  艾薇儿出到至今发行唱片列表  专辑:  Let Go(发行时间:日)   Under My Skin (发行时间:日)   Under My Skin(Special Edition)[CD+DVD](发行时间:2004年)  The Best Damn Thing(发行时间:日)   The Best Damn Thing(Advisory)[CD+DVD](发行时间:日)  单曲  (在日本国及海外发行的单曲)  Complicated(发行时间:2002/4)(海外版)   内容:  1.Complicated(Tom Lord-Alge Mix)   2.I Don't Give   3.Why   4.Complicated音乐录影带   Complicated(发行时间:)(日本版)   内容:  1.Complicated(The Matrix Mix)   2.I Don't Give   Sk8er Boi(发行时间:2002/8)   内容:  1.Sk8er Boi   2.Get Over It   3.Nobody's Fool(Live)   4.Sk8er Boi音乐录影带  I'm With You(发行时间:)   内容:  1.I'm With You   2.I'm With You(Live)   3.Unwanted(Live)   4.I'm With You音乐录影带  Losing Grip(发行时间:2003)   内容:  1.Losing Grip   2.I'm With You(Live)   3.Unwanted(Live)   4.Losing Grip 音乐录影带  Mobile (推出时间:2003)   描述:唱片公司样盘  I Don't Give (推出时间:2004)   描述:唱片公司样盘  Don't Tell Me (发行时间:)(日本版)   内容:  1.Don't Tell Me   2.Take Me Away   Don't Tell Me (发行时间:2004)(海外版)   内容  1.Don't Tell Me   2.Don't Tell Me (原声带)   3.Take Me Away   4.Don't Tell Me音乐录影带  My Happy Ending (发行时间:) (日本版/海外版)  内容:  1.My Happy Ending(电台打榜)  2.My Happy Ending(CD原声)  3.Don't Tell Me(Live)   Nobody‘s Home (发行时间:) (日本版/海外版)  内容  1.Nobody's Home   2.My Happy Ending(Live)  3.Take Me Away(Live)  4.Nobody’s Home音乐录影带  He Wasn't (推出时间:2005) (北美发行,日本BMG保留样盘)  Fall to Pieces (推出时间:2005) (北美发行,日本BMG保留样盘)  Girlfriend (发行时间:) (日本版)  内容:  1.Girlfriend(电台打榜)   2.Girlfriend(器乐伴奏)  When You're Gone ) (日本版)  内容:  1.When You're Gone (电台打榜)  2.When You're Gone(器乐伴奏)  3.Girlfriend(日本语)  Hot (发行时间:) (日本版)  1.Hot( 电台打榜)  2.Hot(器乐伴奏)  3.Girlfriend ft Lil‘Mama(Dr Luke Remix)  The Best Damn Thing(发行时间:) (日本版)  1.The Best Damn Thing(电台打榜)  2.Priceless  3.The Best Damn Thing(器乐伴奏)  Bad Repution  EP:  Angus Drive(发行时间:2004)  Avril Live Acoustic(发行时间:2004)  Control Room - Live EP(发行时间:2007)  The Best Damn Thing[艾薇儿来日纪念CD](日本BMG限量发行)(发行时间:2008年9月)  DVD:  My World (发行时间:2003)  Sk8er Girl(发行时间:2003)  Live at Budokan(发行时间:2005)(日本BMG发行)  Live in Toronto(发行时间:2008年9月)
when you're gone
I can do better The Best Damn Thing anything but ordinary,Don’t Tell Me
请登录后再发表评论!一首英文歌曲是女的唱的,歌词含i can be anything want to be。_百度知道
一首英文歌曲是女的唱的,歌词含i can be anything want to be。
开头是钢琴几秒钟然后sometime..什么的 高潮是believe拉很长的音.,歌词中有一句好像是 i can be anything want to be 或者是 i can‘t be everything i want to be 声音很像艾薇儿的 里面有哼几句oh oh的一首英文歌曲是女的唱的.
m not afraid to dreamHard as it may seemImpossible is nothingI know it in my heartI feel it in my soulI's all I needOh they try to bring me downBut I won's all I needI't listen to their soundNo I will never failIf ICuz IBelieve in meI can be anything I wanna beCuz IBelieve in meIn the end that&#39  
Believe--Sepideh VaziriSometimes I fallThey say I'll never stopCuz quitters never winAnd winners never quitI'll never let it goCuz quitters never winAnd winners never quitI't listenWon'm a championI will keep on fightingWhen no one else believesOr sees what I can seeI turn to meCuz IBelieve in meI can be anything I wanna beCuz IBelieve in meIn the end that'm a championI will keep on fightingWhen no one else believesOr sees what I can seeI turn to meCuz IBelieve in meI can be anything I wanna beCuz IBelieve in meIn the end that'll walkI'll never give in to doubtNo matter how farThe distane I'm lostI&#39
Idaho-Nerina Pallot
是艾薇儿的《Wish you were here 》吗听第一句有点像
难道是我大艾薇儿的anything but ordinary??


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