复述实用英语2does it help usmore to learn 摩天轮more这篇文章

1.Our English teacher uses f_____ to help us learn new words.2.She enjoys speaking in class because her p____ is very good.3.He m____ new words more quickly than me.4.We found the holiday f_____ because of the bad weather.5.As a student,it's our d____百度作业帮
1.Our English teacher uses f_____ to help us learn new words.2.She enjoys speaking in class because her p____ is very good.3.He m____ new words more quickly than me.4.We found the holiday f_____ because of the bad weather.5.As a student,it's our d___
1.Our English teacher uses f_____ to help us learn new words.2.She enjoys speaking in class because her p____ is very good.3.He m____ new words more quickly than me.4.We found the holiday f_____ because of the bad weather.5.As a student,it's our d_____ to study hard.6.I was deeply i____ by his speech.7.Jim's behavior c_____ one a lot of trouble.memorize应不应该变单三啊?第四题fascinating是迷人的的意思,而后面是bad weather啊?怎么会因为坏天气使假期变得迷人呢?
pronunciationmemorize dutyimpressedcauses
您可能关注的推广回答者:回答者:英语翻译.they help us get ready for th day.2.i love reading because i want to learn more about world.3.it is too difficlt and we have too much 4.Amy and Sandy are studying in the library,but they are having trouble with their Enlish homework._百度作业帮
英语翻译.they help us get ready for th day.2.i love reading because i want to learn more about world.3.it is too difficlt and we have too much 4.Amy and Sandy are studying in the library,but they are having trouble with their Enlish homework.
英语翻译.they help us get ready for th day.2.i love reading because i want to learn more about world.3.it is too difficlt and we have too much 4.Amy and Sandy are studying in the library,but they are having trouble with their Enlish homework.
1.they help us get ready for th day.他们帮助我为这天而作准备2.i love reading because i want to learn more about world.我喜欢阅读是因为我想更了解世界3.it is too difficlt and we have too much 太难了,我们已经够多了.4.Amy and Sandy are studying in the library,but they are having trouble with their Enlish homework.艾米和珊迪在图书馆学习,但是他们在英语作业上遇上了点小麻烦.Mathematics  摘 要:基于Kolb的“经验学习”理论,结合高职英语教学的基本特征及教学实践,对高职英语体验式教学模式的实施理念和程序" />
  摘 要:基于Kolb的“经验学习”理论,结合高职英语教学的基本特征及教学实践,对高职英语体验式教学模式的实施理念和程序进行了剖析,提出了有效地实施体验式教学模式的建议和对策。 中国论文网 /9/view-4631617.htm  关键词:高职英语;体验式教学;对策   作者简介:戴日新(1976-),男,岳阳职业技术学院英语讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向为应用语言学;彭宣红(1969-),女,湖南长沙人,岳阳职业技术学院副教授,研究方向为应用语言学。   基金项目:本文系中国职业技术教育学会年度科研规划项目立项课题(编号:730423)的阶段性成果。   中图分类号:G712 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(4-02   一、国内体验式英语教学研究的特点与问题   (一)从研究内容上看,对高职英语教学进行系统整体性探讨的比较少,富有影响力的研究成果不多。同时,研究成果的同质性现象比较明显。在对策建议探讨上,虽然导入多种新的教学模式或方法,但在对问题的统筹程度上还显欠缺。   (二)从研究方法上来,“应然”探讨的多,但是居于严谨的实证研究少,或就理论谈理论的简单运用,或基于实践进行经验描述总结,“理论”与“实践”融入度不够。   (三)从研究深度上看,对高职英语教学的深度还尚显不足。笼统的研究多,深度分析的少;演绎性研究多,归纳性研究少;描述性研究多,学理性探讨的少;一线教师的经验总结多,感性认识多,以理论分析为依据的少。因此,本研究旨在通过多年英语教学实践,引进众多学者教育理念中体验教学的思想,尝试将体验式教学应用于高职英语教学中,以期对高职英语教学模式改革和提高高职学生英语综合运用能力起到抛砖引玉的作用。   二、体验式教学的理论基础   Kolb的“经验学习”理论为体验式教学实践提供了理论基础和参照。Kolb的“经验学习”理论中最为著名的是经验学习过程的结构模式,也即经典的四阶段“体验学习圈”。这一模式分为两个基本维度:“理解维度和转换维度”。理解是两种对立的看待世界的方式(一种是体验深入内心并依赖概念解释和符号描述的领悟过程;另一种是依靠真实具体的东西感觉直接经验的感知过程)。而积极主动与反思是两种对立的经验理解或符号描述的转换方法(即内涵缩小的内部反思过程与主动积极地操纵外部客观世界的外延扩大过程)。感知和领悟是经验理解相互独立的模型,内涵和外延是经验转换的两个独立模型。经验学习的过程有四个对应的学习环节:具体体验(concrete experience)、反思观察(reflective observation)、抽象概括(abstract conceptualization)和行动应用(active experimentation)。经验学习的过程就是这四个环节循环往复,螺旋上升的过程。   Kolb认为,“学习,即知识是要求对感知获得的经验和表象的经验进行陈述,并且加以转换”。 Kolb突出经验理解过程(包括感知和领悟两个独立模型)的作用,他认为经验转换过程与经验理解过程具有同等重要地位。也就是说,仅有经验的感知或操作转换都是不够的。可见,Kolb将体验与反思紧密联系在一起。   体验式教学是指学生在真实学习任务的情境下,通过动手操作、直观感受、反思等方式,使他们处于主动实践,积极思考的探索状态,在实践中感受、发现、领悟,从而不断建构出属于自己的新知识。但在进入常规教育的过程中,往往容易走入体验形式随意化、形式化的误区。这也提醒我们,在体验式教学设计之时,必须认识到: 既要有体验参与,引起学生的“感知”和“领悟”;又要注意及时能够引发学生的反思。这两者具有同等重要的作用,单是一方的作用都是不够的。   从Kolb的“经验学习”理论进行简要梳理的结果来看,它突破了“教师中心”的传统观点,从“学生”出发,以“学生”为中心,强调了“情境”的创设、突出学生的“体验”、“经验”和参与,从而自主进行知识或意义的“建构”。而体验式教学的精髓正与之相一致,因此, Kolb的“经验学习”理论是体验式教学的理论基础。   三、体验式教学在高职英语教学中的实施   近年来,高职教育取得了长足的发展,国家推出了相关的政策和法规,引导、促进和保障高等职业教育的健康发展。无论是在硬件设施上,还是在软件条件上,都为高职体验式英语教学实施提供了基本的保障。高职体验式英语教学就是指在教学过程中 ,“以学生为中心 ”,“基于职业活动导向 ”,“以体验活动教学为特征 ”的教学方式[1]。这种教学实施模式Kolb的“经验学习理论”以及课程改革的核心思想相一致的。   (一)实施理念   1.以学生为中心 ,进行互动教学。传统的英语教学方法是以教师为中心 ,教师讲,学生听 ,以讲授语法为主。这种教学方法不能充分调动学生的上课积极性。而体验式英语教学强调以学生为中心,以学生的个体差异为基础 , 让学生通过角色体验、情境体验、情感体验、实践体验和创造体验等体验活动,掌握学习内容并学会如何运用,而不是孤立地学习语言。这种教学法体现了交际教学的原则,主张在课堂教学中让学生有更多的机会练习英语,体验其实际运用。这样,学生充分体验到了英语学习的乐趣,师生之间 、学生之间加强了互动,也培养学生对自己的学习负责任的意识,由老师“让我学”变成了“我要学”,课堂气氛活跃,学习热情高涨 ,培养了学生英语实践能力,英语实际运用的能力得到加强。教师在教学中扮演导入者、助学者、信息输出者和信息反馈接收者,使课堂教学从“传授式 ”的模式向“体验式 ” 模式转变,最终实现对所学知识的建构[2]。   2.基于职业活动导向,执行螺旋上升教学。高职教育旨在培养应用型人才,因此高职英语教学也应该像专业课一样,以职业活动为导向。基于职业活动为导向的教学模式要求,淡化理论知识的传授,突出实践能力和职业能力。传统的英语教学以语法为基础,单一强调句法的作用和语言的准确性,强调以教师为中心的知识传播。而体验式高职英语教学结合文化教学,以内容为基础材料,根据学生的基础知识、个性、所学专业的不同,以项目为驱动,将职业活动贯穿课堂始终,使用相关、自然、生动活泼的语言,创设不同的职场语言情境 ,关注课堂的职场生活质量,使课堂教学更贴近学生的生活和思想感情,紧扣学生未来的职业,让学生在课堂教学中体验自己的生活和工作实践 ,思想和感情 ,达到理解内容 ,并运用到解决问题中去。这样的教学过程不是简单的平面循环,而是一个螺旋上升的过程,学生从具体的体验学习起步,先后经过观察、抽象概括、主动应用,再到具体的职场体验,它不是简单的主张在做(实践)中获得新的知识和能力,而是更关注对经验的总结和反思,强调在掌握技能和知识的过程中不仅是能知道,能行动,而且要求能从深刻的反思中获得经验的提升,使学习者能通过反思与体验过程获得成长性的发展,所以,我们可以将体验学习看作为“做中学”与“思考中学”的结合。每一次教学,都是学生新一轮体验学习循环的开始,它是在上一次循环的基础上,回到具体体验,开始新一轮英语实践运用的体验。
  (二)实施程序   如前所述,库伯在他的“体验式学习圈”中提出了一种可应用于教学的有效学习模式。该模式分为四个步骤:具体体验;反思观察;抽象概括和主动应用。这四个步骤不同于平面循环,是一个螺旋上升的过程[3],其最终目标是完成原有经验的改造和新体验的内化。由于英语是一门实践性很强的课程,加之高职生英语基础普遍较弱,专业学习的压力大,在校学习英语的时间十分有限,要达到提高学生听、说、读、写、译等各项技能的目标是很困难的。因此教师必须知道和督促学生课后进行反复语言实践和操练。作者根据自身多年高职英语教学实践,把学习圈理论运用于高职体验式英语教学中,在具体操作中作了相应的调整,主要分为四个步骤,下面以《实用英语综合教程》(第三版)第2册Unit 6 TextB Does IT Help Us Learn More?为例,具体阐述高职体验式英语教学的这四个步骤:   1.创设情境,激发兴趣。兴趣是学生主动探究的向导。它能促使学生积极地探索事物,积极思考问题,动手操作。体验式教学实施中一个必不可少的步骤就是设计不同形式的体验。体验式教学作为一种教学模式,会因其教学进程的延缓,而具有一定的局限性。因此为了更好地促进体验式教学在高职英语教学中的实施,教师和学生就需做大量的课前准备工作。而在课前的准备工作中,又可更好地促进高职学生专业知识和技能的融合,提升学生的实践操作能力,延伸第一课堂,探索和创新第二课堂。课前准备是学生体验活动的起点,也是师生的互动,生生合作的过程。一方面,教师要明确教学目标、教学内容、教学任务和教学安排,从而针对某一语言知识点,收集相关的语言素材,场景素材,视听素材,语言应用情境素材,引导创造出场景,把学习主题和学生的生活实际及职场实际操作紧密结合起来,在和谐、愉悦的学习氛围中,架起学生已知经验、情感与学习之间的桥梁,激发学生的学习情感,唤起学生参与的欲望。另一方面,学生也要通过教材和积极利用计算机多媒体、网络技术等现代化的手段,预习相关的语言素材。与此同时,教师应将学生课前体验活动纳入学生综合评价体系中。这样既激发了学生的学习热情,提高了他们的自学能力,又能保证教学活动按计划、高效地完成。例如在学习本课之前,要求学生分组讨论“Does IT help us learn more?”在进行本课教学时,教师可以学生课前的体验活动为基础,以上述问题为提示,按学生所持的观点,设计不同角色,创设不同的情境和情感活动导入教学任务。如:几位“工作人员” 正在电脑前认真高效地工作;几位“网迷” 正沉迷于互联网或在电脑游戏里拼杀着,从而激起学生对使用电脑的两大典型现象进行分组讨论,进而以此为驱动去学习语言知识和急性相关的技能训练。   2.合作探究,感悟体验。合作探究的核心要素是问题的创设。在教学中,教师可以创设问题情景,引导学生发现问题、探究问题,从而诱发探究的意识,激活探究的思维。合作探究,感悟体验,首先需设计目标明确、可探究的问题,问题能调动学生自主性和大胆设想并实践的特点。教师应紧扣大纲的教学内容精心设计问题,为学生提供相关的背景资料、语言素材,把学生引向一个明确的方向,做到层层推进。在进行“Unit 6 TextB Does IT Help Us Learn More?“教学时:首先,教师可用多媒体课件将语言点呈现出来;然后,让学生以老师在课件上提供的语言点为提示,围绕课前老师预设的问题“Does IT Help Us Learn More?”,分组讨论,共同探究“‘IT’作用”这一颇具争议的话题,让同学们在探讨中,共同体验“IT”给人们的学习、工作能带来哪些帮助,同时也会产生哪些负面影响,从而促使同学们去思考如何正确合理地利用“IT”为人们的生活和工作带来积极的帮助。   3.实践创新,提升能力。学生对语言的模仿不是在强化的基础上发生的,而是在正常的环境中发生的语言习得模式,所以“用语言”才是“教语言”“学语言”的实质,因此,英语教学,特别是高职英语教学,应多创设实践活动。人的活动过程是不断解决问题的过程,也是不断建构的过程。建构过程又是不断发现和创新的过程,当我们充分利用学生的好奇心,表现欲望和创新潜能,让学生自主参与实践活动时,学生就会根据自己的需要和意愿进行不同形式和不同方面的体验、领悟与创新性学习,就能获得直接经验与成功感,学生的主体性和个性就能获得充分的发展。在进行“Unit 6 TextB Does IT Help Us Learn More?”教学过程中,我设计了让学生以“Does IT Help Us Learn More?”为主题的辩论赛。在辩论赛中,学生学会了运用书上的词汇和语言,还能联系实际表达自己的观点,提高了语言表达能力。   4.延伸课外,深化感情。课外延伸是课堂教学的深化和补充。它和课堂教学紧密相关,课后的体验活动必须是与教学内容有关,旨在锻炼学生用英语进行实践、创造和解决某一问题的能力的一组活动或任务,但绝对不是课堂教学的简单重复,不应该是为了重复而重复的简单机械训练,否则达不到学生情感和知识深化的目的。在此课教学结束前,我设计了这样一项任务:IT有利亦有弊,怎样正确地利用IT促进我们的学习和工作。并要求学生以“How does IT help us learn more?”为题进行写作。   这样,通过以上四个步骤的体验式教学,学生的听、说、读、写译等各项技能得到了操练,从而使学生的语言实际运用能力在实践和操作中得到了提升。   四、结语   体验式教学作为一种教学模式,它并非是万能的,也存在一定的局限性,如体验式教学强调高职生通过对情境的体验并完成内省,可能会导致教学进程的缓慢;教学过程的监控程度增大等等。因此,在推进高职院校英语教学实施体验式教学的过程中,应使之与其他教学模式应“共生”、“互补”,实现优势互补。为了充分体现体验式教学的优势,则需要研究和规范体验式英语教学的教学模式[4],将学生学习结果和学习过程有机地结合起来。同时,体验式教学的有效性是依托于一系列条件、一定的环境的,其实施推进需要多方的努力,就学校而言,可行建立教师学习共同体;提供支持性的外部环境等有效措施来推进高职院校英语教学实施体验式教学。   参考文献:   [1]黄玉华,梁友珍.关于体验式英语教学的探讨[J].高教论坛,2008(6):100-101.   [2]Nunan, D. Tradition and Change in the ELTCurriculum. ELT in China 2001— Papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium on ELT in China. [C]Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2003.   [3]汪东萍.一种创新写作方法—体验性英语写作的实验研究[J].外语界,2009(39).   [4]池娟. 大学英语体验式教学探析[J]. 黔西南民族师范高等专科学校学报,2009(3).   责任编辑 何颖萍
xzbu发布此信息目的在于传播更多信息,与本网站立场无关。xzbu不保证该信息(包括但不限于文字、数据及图表)准确性、真实性、完整性等。Speak a little English every day. The absolute best way to learn any new language is just to speak it. It doesn't matter if you only know five English words or if you're practically fluent -- speaking English with another person is the fastest, most effective method of improving.
Don't wait until you "feel more comfortable" speaking in English -- you probably won't reach that level for a long time, so push yourself outside of your comfort zone and start speaking English today. You' ll be amazed at how quickly your language skills improve.
Find a native English speaker who is willing to spend some time speaking English with you -- you may be able to offer them a language exchange, where they spend 30 minutes speaking English with you and you spend 30 minutes speaking your native language with them.
If you live in an English-speaking country, you can practice by starting simple conversations with the people you meet, whether it's saying "hello" to a shopkeeper or asking a stranger for directions.
Work on your pronunciation. Even if you have an acceptable grasp of the English language, with good grammar and an extensive vocabulary, native English speakers may find you very difficult to understand if you don't work on your pronunciation.
Correct, clear pronunciation is essential if you really want to improve your level of English. Listen closely to how native English speakers pronounce certain words and sounds and do your best to copy them.
Pay particular attention to any sounds that you are unfamiliar with or that do not exist in your native tongue. For example some people have difficulty pronouncing the "r" sound, as it does not exist in their native language, while other people have difficulty with certain consonant clusters, such as the "th" sound.
Be aware that the pronunciation of certain English words varies greatly depending on the part of the world it's spoken in. For example, American English is very different from British English. If you intend to travel to or live in an English-speaking country, this is something you should take into account when learning how to pronounce certain words.
Expand your vocabulary and use idiomatic phrases. The wider your vocabulary and the more English phrases you learn, the easier speaking English will become.
Again, spending time with native English speakers will help you to pick up on common vocabulary and phrases in a natural way. Although reading, watching English TV and listening to the news is also beneficial.
Once you have learned a new word or phrase, you should make an effort to use it in a sentence -- this is the best way to commit it to memory.
Another easy way to commit new words to memory is to make labels for everyday household items and stick them around your house or apartment. Then every time you use the kettle or look in the mirror, you will see the English word for these items staring back at you.
You should also start a notebook of idiomatic phrases that English speakers use all the time. Some examples include "it's raining cats and dogs " (raining heavily), to be on "cloud nine" (to be very happy) or saying something is a "piece of cake" (when something is very easy). Sprinkling these kinds of phrases into your conversation will bring your level of English up several notches.
Attend an English class or discussion group. Another great way to incorporate some extra English conversation into your weekly routine is to sign up for a class of discussion group.
Attending an English class is a great way to focus on some of the more formal aspects of speaking English. A class will teach you the grammatically correct way of speaking -- which includes proper sentence structure and verb conjugation and will generally provide a very structured approach to language learning.
Attending a discussion group is a more informal and relaxed way of learning English, where the emphasis is more on communication and relationship building than on speaking "correct" English. Speaking English in this setting can help you to become more comfortable with speaking in front of other people.
Both of these language-learning settings have their pros and cons, so it's best to do both if you can!
Carry a dictionary. Carrying an English dictionary with you at all times (whether it's an actual book or a phone app) can be very useful.
Having a dictionary means that you will never be stuck for a word. It can save you a lot of embarrassment if you're having a conversation with an English-speaker and forget a word in the middle of the sentence -- all you have to do is take a second to look it up!
Aside from saving you awkwardness, looking up the word you need then immediately using it in a sentence will actually help you to commit the this new vocabulary to memory.
It is also helpful to have a dictionary to peruse throughout the day, during private moments, like when you're sitting on the train, waiting to cross the street or just having a cup of coffee. You could learn an extra 20 to 30 English words per day using this technique!
As a beginner, you should should start with an English dictionary that provides definitions in your native language. However, once your language skills improve, you should switch to using an English-English dictionary, which provides English definitions for English words.
Listen to English radio or podcasts. One of the best ways to improve your English listening comprehension is to download English-language podcasts or radio apps on your phone or MP3 player.
You should then make an effort to listen to the podcasts or radio shows for at least 30 minutes per day. Do it in the gym, on your commute to work, or while you're sitting at your computer.
Really make an effort to understand what's being said, don't just let the English wash over you. Even if you find it too fast, try to pick out key words and phrases to get a general idea of what the conversation is about.
If you can, make a note of any words or phrases that you don't understand and look up the translation afterwards. Then listen to the podcast or show again to hear the new words or phrases in context.
Watch English movies and TV shows. Another fun way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English movies and TV shows.
Try to pick movies or TV shows that you will enjoy -- this will make the exercise feel like less of a chore. If possible, choose movies or shows that you are already familiar with, such as children's cartoons or blockbuster films. If you already know the basic story you will find the language much easier to pick up on.
However, you should avoid watching movies or television shows with subtitles in your native language -- they will only distract you and make you less inclined to focus on understanding the English, which is the whole point of the exercise.
Read an English book, newspaper or magazine. Reading is an essential part of learning a new language, so don't forget to practice!
Find something you are really interested in -- whether that's a famous English novel, The New York Times or a fashion magazine and start working your way through it. If you find the content boring, you will be less inclined to persevere with it.
Again, make an active effort to actually understand what you're reading, don't just skim over it. Highlight any words or phrases that you don't understand, then look them up in the dictionary.
If you're alone, you could also try reading aloud -- this will allow you to improve your reading comprehension while also working on your pronunciation.
Keep a diary in English. Aside from reading and listening comprehension, you should also spend some time working on your written English.
This may be one of the most difficult aspects of your language learning, but it is important nevertheless. Writing in English will help you to work on your sentence structure, grammar and spelling.
Try keeping an English diary in which you write down a few sentences every day. It doesn't have to be deeply personal -- you could write about the weather, what you ate for dinner or what your plans are for the day.
If you feel comfortable with it, get a native speaker to look over what you've written and check it for any errors. This will help you to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
Find an English-speaking pen-pal. Once your written language skills have improved, you could consider getting an English-speaking pen-pal!
Having an English-speaking pen-pal combines your English writing practice with the excitement of getting a letter or email!
Your pen pal may be someone who is learning English like you, or they may be a native English speaker who wants to practice their foreign language skills by writing to you in your native tongue.
Having a pen pal from an English-speaking country (such as the United States, Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa, for example) will also allow you to learn more about the culture and what life is like in that part of the world.
Stay motivated. When learning any new language, it is important to stay motivated and never give up on your goal of fluency.
Stay committed to your language-learning goal by reminding yourself of how badly you want to achieve it. Think of all of the amazing experiences and opportunities that will be available to you once you've mastered the English language.
You will be able to converse with English speakers from across the world and develop new and exciting relationships, you will be able to engage with English-speaking culture like never before and potentially further your career as a result of your new language skills.
Practice every day. If you want to to gain fluency quickly, you need to commit to practicing every day.
Learning a new language is based on repetition, so if you wait too long between study sessions, you will forget everything you learned previously and have to start all over again, wasting valuable time.
However, you shouldn't study so much that you grow sick of English -- try to keep things interesting by completing a different task each day - one day of reading, one day of listening comprehension, one day of writing practice, one day studying grammar, etc.
However, you should never pass up an opportunity to practice speaking English, as this is the number one most important thing you can do to gain fluency.
Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language.
Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy. Every language has its own nuances and peculiarities, which makes it impossible to accurately translate from one language to another in certain instances.
As a result, your spoken and written English will flow much more naturally and fluently if you can just train your brain to think in English. Think of it like a switch -- when it's time to communicate in English, you need to turn your English brain on and your mother language brain off!
Make friends with English speakers. One of the greatest tests of a person's fluency in a second language is to put them in a room with a bunch of native speakers and see if they can follow and contribute to the conversation.
The best way to achieve this level of fluency is to make some English-speaking friends and hang out with them in a social setting, like in a cafe or bar.
This way, you will be forced to speak in English if you want to interact with your peers, but it won't feel like work or study because you'll be having so much fun!
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of learning a new language is the fear of making mistakes.
This fear serves no purpose -- it is merely a hindrance that prevents you from reaching your goal of fluency.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language -- it's a right of passage. You will almost certainly have your fair share of awkward or embarrassing moments when you accidentally say something rude or incorrect, but this is all part of the fun.
Also remember that you are not aiming for perfection when learning to speak English, you are aiming for progress. Making mistakes is all part of the learning process, they will help you to become better, so embrace them!
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For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Learn the phonetic alphabet (pronunciation symbols). This can help you pronounce correctly, and it's necessary to speak with the correct tone if you want to make some friends with native English speakers. This is a big deal for non-native English speakers.
Dictation is an excellent way to improve your listening and spelling skills. Have a friend read a few paragraphs from a book or a newspaper. Write down what you think you hear. Compare what you have written with the actual text.
Learn about the cultures of English-speaking countries.
Find a native individual who not only speaks English, but can teach it. Learn grammar and vocabulary using visual, auditory and spoken methods. Spiral the cycle and keep it interesting.
Learn all the verb tenses and moods in English. A quick internet search will take you right to them. It is also important to learn correct subject-verb agreement. If you conjugate verbs improperly, it will sound sloppy, as native speakers hardly do so. If you conjugate them correctly, on the other hand, you will impress native speakers of English.
If you have your sights set on the US, look for literacy programs in your area -- they are often free, learn a trade and do your best to acquire English-speaking friends. Americans like people with an "I can do it!" attitude. In Britain, a useful skill and some modesty are more the key.
Take an ESL (English as a Second Language) class at your local community college.
Read English or bilingual news papers.
Many old British sitcoms use strong (and sometimes ambiguous) accents and dialects.
Suggestions and exercises to help students become fluent in English
For the BBC news site.
For the BBC Radio 4 site, offering 'listen live' and 'listen again' options (down the right hand side).
For the BBC World (Radio) Service site (there's no point visiting it if you don't view it in English).
Useful expressions.
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