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关于环保的英语作文 120词_百度作业帮
关于环保的英语作文 120词
关于环保的英语作文 120词
关于环保的英语作文 120词,范文一、Save the earthHow to protect theenvironment has become one of the biggest problems in the world .It’s our duty toprotect our environment .No matter where we live ,we should do something tokeep our neighborhood clean and tidy .We can collect waste paper or otherwaste things for recycling.We should plant more trees and we should preventthose factories from pouring waste water into rivers,lakes and fields.We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere andspit in public places .We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass inpublic.If everyone tries his best to protect the environment ,the world willbecome much more beautiful and our life will be better and better .二、Improve our environmentGood environment canmake people feel happy.To improve the environment means to qualify our life .What should we do to improve our environment We should plant moretrees .And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water intorivers ,lakes and fields .Whenever we see litter on the ground ,we shouldpick it up and throw it into a dustbin .Don’t spit in public places .Don’tdraw on public walls .It’s our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy .三、Pollutionaround usInrecent years our life is becoming better and better.But our environment isbecoming worse and worse.It’s very bad for our life.Now many people haveair-conditioners and cars,they produce (give off ) waste gas.More and moretrees are being cut down.There are so much sand on the earth (leaving onlysand ) .We often see factories pour waste into rivers or lakes.Water in theriver is quite dirty.We haven’t enough clean water to drink in cities.Now weare in danger.It’s very necessary and important to protect the environmentwell.I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment,the worldwill become much more beautiful ,and our life will be better and better .四、My country lifeI like to live in the countryside.I live in a small village.There is a river near it.Lots of trees are around my house.I can see a lot of farms and birds.There is less noise.The air here is cleaner and fresher.There are fewer cars.I read aloud early in the morning.When it is getting dark,the moon is brightin the sky.It’s very quiet .What a nice place I live in !您还未登陆,请登录后操作!
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假如你是理明 赞成:学生缺乏锻炼冬季长跑提供了机会.....如题
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theplanaboutlongdistancerunninginwinterAllweknowinnowdays,thestudentsalwaysbeaskedformoreandmoreexerciseinstudy,buttheschoolandparentsseemsforgotanotherimportantyoungboysandgrils,weareingrowingdaybyday.weshouldhavegoodhealthandstrongbody,orwecantakeonthedutyofusinthefuture.butthefactiswehaven'tenoughsparetimetopractiseourselfinbody.whatapity!butnowthereisagoodch 'sbodybuilding.ifweusehalfhourinlongdistancerunningeverday, Isuggestthatallstudentsofourschoolhavetorunninglongdistancehalfhoureveryday
theplanaboutlongdistancerunninginwinterAllweknowinnowdays,thestudentsalwaysbeaskedformoreandmoreexerciseinstudy,buttheschoolandparentsseemsforgotanotherimportantyoungboysandgrils,weareingrowingdaybyday.weshouldhavegoodhealthandstrongbody,orwecantakeonthedutyofusinthefuture.butthefactiswehaven'tenoughsparetimetopractiseourselfinbody.whatapity!butnowthereisagoodch 'sbodybuilding.ifweusehalfhourinlongdistancerunningeverday, Isuggestthatallstudentsofourschoolhavetorunninglongdistancehalfhoureveryday,eithermorningorevening.Ihopethesuggestionwillbeadopt.Liming
all we know in now days school and parentes require us to treat study as the fri...
With the development of science and technology,
the economy of China is booming. As a result, people 's living standard has improved greatly.
However, as an old saying goes, every coin has two sides. Though we have achieved a lot, we actually have paid a very high price for that. Our environment is badly damaged. Plus, the balane of ecology is also disrupted. Recently hazy weather occurred more and more often. Needless to say, the total number of people who suffer from different kind of cancer has also increased.
It tops the government's agenda to fight against pollution. So far, the central government has taken some measures in coping with this problem. However, that's far from enough. Every person in this country should do their parts so that we human beings can live in harmony with nature. (100%原创)速求高中英语作文——My school day
速求高中英语作文——My school day 5
get up at 6 o&clock.I go to school at 6:40.The school day starts at 7:30.My lesson begins at 8 o&clock.After class,I often play with my friends.I have lunch at 12 o&clock.At lunchtime ,I like chatting with my friends.School is over, I go home at xx .写得一般般,请不要见怪. First Day of School 

The first day of school has the biggest impact on the way a person will eventually turn out in the future. If, on your first day, you look “cool” and people see you as cool, then you’ll be popular, but if you start off your day by crying and vomiting, then people will avoid you no matter how nice or generous you are to them. Why crying you ask? Crying because this isn’t any first day of school. It’s the first day of kindergarten. 

In the end of summer 1992, I got into the small enclosed room of a new and unknown world that my mother called school. On first arrival, I was scared to see children my age with their parents. I lived on a street where most of my neighbours were relatively older people. I only had a friend that was near my age and we played together all the time, but sadly, he wasn’t in St-Lawrence with me. Now, standing with my mother just like the rest of the kids, I saw some parents leave. They left their children there to play. My mother looked at me and said “I’m going to go now. I will be back before you have to leave. Don’t worry everyone is very nice here.” and gave me a peck on the cheek. I looked at her with big eyes and a confused glare, wondering “Why are all of us here at school?” She slowly walked away, turning back a few times to check if I started to mingle with the other kids. I stood still and looked around the room. None of the children were playing. They were only trying to keep their parents from leaving them. I observed one of the children who started to cry and turn red in the face. He yelled and pounded on his father’s legs. I saw a table with crayons and paper and I just walked towards it and stood beside the miniscule seat watching to see if anyone was going to stop me from drawing. No one came so I took a seat, a piece of paper and of course the green coloring pencil just like the one that I had at home. When other kids saw me already hard at work with my drawing that appeared to look like a vortex, they came and sat down with me. Even that child who was hitting his father saw me and decided that school wasn’t as bad as he thought. 

Since that day, I made a lot of friends with whom I still talk to. For example, Justin who was the father-pounding kid and Emily the sweet little innocent girl of my class. Every couple years or so, we have a reunion to see how everybody is doing and if they changed. I like going and seeing them, mostly to remind them of how we all were in kindergarten and of course to see if they remember me. They usually do and tell me: “You’re the guy that liked to draw.”
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &如果没有明天
&&&&&&& 夜幕降临,一个人孤零零的站在窗口,数着天上闪烁的星斗,数着眼角凄楚的泪水,也数着心底无尽的失落。一天就这样过去了,我做了什么?又收获了什么?时间这么的宝贵,可是它的价值在我的生命中得到了真实的体现了吗?一连串的疑问,如同侩子手的严刑拷打,弄得我遍体鳞伤、心力交瘁!
&&& 本来今晚是打算去图书馆的,但考虑到外面比较寒冷,一直在宿舍犹豫不决。来来回回的踱步,让平静的心灵开始浮躁,开始疼痛。明天去可以吗?其实,明天去又何尝不可?但是,如果明天还是一样的寒风凛冽,是不是又继续愚昧的推迟和拖延?如果没有明天,怎么办?今天本可以完成的任务,是不是就这样让它停留在意识层面或者半途而废,最后让自己肝肠寸断、遗憾终生?
&&& 生活中,几乎每一个人的身上都存在惰性,只不过聪明的人知道努力去克服,而是不让自己肆无忌惮的一步一步的堕落。对于每一个人来讲,时间是有限的资源,盲目的浪费,只会贻误“战机”,甚至葬送前程。伟大的管理大师彼得.德鲁克曾这样说:“时间是最珍贵的资源,不能管理时间,便什么也不能管理。”虽然他是站在管理的角度来谈时间的合理利用的重要性,但这对于一个人的人生管理同样具有类似的作用。从某种角度来说,人生管理本质上是时间的管理,即时间的合理安排和利用。值得庆幸的是,时间管理这门课程正在引起人们的普遍重视,并被一些大学或者企业管理辅导班作为重要课程来进行讲解。不会管理时间的人,必定不会管理自己的人生。到头来,很可能一事无成。
&&& 朋友,请不要再把今天的差事推到明天了,好吗?明天还有明天的事情,有限的空间根本容纳不下累积的苦役。当然,你可以把明天的任务推到明天的明天。不过,你能保证自己明天一定能够做完今天的事情吗?这还是比较理想的假设,更糟的恐怕是明天的任务也被无情的推到了又一个未知的明天。一天推一天,原本很少的工作,到要做的时候,突然发现,怎么桌上有这么多的事情等着自己去做啊?
&&& 有一些学生,平时很清闲,但是一到要交作业的时候,顿时就会手忙脚乱。想做数学,可是语文也没做;想做物理,化学又没做;而且,每样作业马上就要交。纵然你有九头六臂,怕是也难以完成这样的苦役。不过,有的学生就比较轻松。今天的作业尽可能今天就做完,坚决不把今天的任务推到明天。当别人在教室胆战心惊的忙碌的时候,他们却在宽敞的足球场踢着美丽的足球。也就是说,有可能你今天你在做一个星期的工作的时候,别人很可能只在做今天一天的工作。哪一个更轻松,你自己掂量一下吧?!
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能比现在会更加忙碌!也许,有些事情可以推迟到明天。不过,一旦明天不再存在,我们就没有推延的理由。除了争分夺秒的完成今天既定的任务外,别无选择!尽管可能有些忙碌,但是你或许会感觉更充实、更满足!
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能会更加懂得珍惜!我们会毫不犹豫的珍惜每一天的每一小时、每一分钟,甚至没一秒钟。一秒钟的浪费都不应该被允许,因为失去的时间,就像抛出去的水,怎么可能挽留?
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能比今天更加负责!曾经对明天的幻想都宣告破灭,只能脚踏实地、一步一个脚印向着理想的角度艰难的迈进!我们没有任何借口或者理由,除了对自己的人生负责,除了认真的把今天的事业做完、做好!
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能会拥有一个更加璀璨的明天!
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能会创造一个更加辉煌的未来!
&&& 如果没有明天,我们很可能会享有一个更加耀眼的人生!
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