perfect friendsperfect是什么意思牌子

The Perfect Body | Dear Kate
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If you haven’t heard, Victoria’s Secret came out with the Perfect “Body” campaign in the UK a couple days ago. As an advertisement for their new “Body” bra,VS has ten thin models with the words “The Perfect ‘Body’” overlaid on top of them.
As if women need a reminder of our society’s homogenous definition of beauty, the ad features ten models with almost identical body shapes. The creators ofthe ad probably didn’t think twice about the message it is sending, and to us, it’s irresponsible marketing.
As an all-girl company making , we think we can do better.
Through this photo, we showcase women who are often neglected by the media and traditional retailers. We show the multitude of shapes perfect bodiescan take.
We stand with the
of Gabriella Kountourides, Laura Ferris, and Frances Black for Victoria’s Secret to apologize and amend the wordingon their advertisements for the “Body” bra.
If you feel the same way, share below.
These ladies are more than just pretty faces. From left to right:
Christina Vuleta | Founder at Tinuade Oyelowo | New York based performance artist, who tackles issues of social/political injustices within her workKate Gardiner | Digital strategy consultant working with clients across the United States on national and globalfacing audience developmentHayley Rynehart | Founder of The Rynehart AgencyCindy Gallop | Founder/CEO, /Mellie Davis | Editor of
& Social Media StrategistQuinne Myers | The one-woman-show behind the dreamy loungewear label, Shelly Ni | Chief Product Officer of , a company improving the food stamp application process, and founder of , a feminist superhero underwear lineGa?a Orain | Ga?a is a Brooklyn-based design strategist for non-profits. The lady makes magic in the kitchen and is the co-designer of . Arlene Chung | Medical Education Fellow and Attending Physician at Maimonides Medical Center
Photography by
Written by The Dear Kate Team & October 31, 2014
Your OrderPast Perfect & English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes
On this page:
Past Perfect&
Contrast earlier
from later&events
Past Tense vs. Past Perfect
Past tense focuses on an event or a series of events. No particular importance is placed on&timing. The events are reported in the sequence (order) that they happened.
First, Jill
stopped at an ATM.
Then she took her friends out to lunch.
First, Jill took her friends
stopped at an ATM.
First, they sat down.
Then the waiter tripped and dropped his tray on their table.
First, they stood up to leave.
Then the waiter tripped and dropped his tray on their table.
Past perfect contrasts the timing of two events and
emphasis on the timing of the first event which has an effect on the second event. &good or bad timing&
Jill had stopped at an ATM
before she took her friends out to lunch. (good timing)&
Jill had taken her friends
before she stopped at an ATM. (bad timing)&
They had just sat down
when the waiter tripped and dropped his tray on their table.
(bad timing)&
They had just stood up to leave
when the waiter tripped and dropped his tray on their table.
(good timing.)&
The difference in time often indicates &good timing& &a fortunate sequence or &bad timing& an unfortunate sequence.
Past Perfect
Word Form & Order
Perfect Forms
— will, would, may, might,can, could, shall, should, ought
Charlie will &rA have raised his hand by then. (future perfect)
Charlie would &rA have raised his hand. (conditional perfect)
— has, have, had &
Charlie has &rA raised his hand.
Charlie had &rA raised his hand.
Charlie had &rA raised his hand. (same as past)
— is / are, was / were, been&
Charlie has been &rA raising his hand.
— is / are, was / were, been&
Charlie's hand has been &rAraised.
Charlie's hand had been &rAraised.
Also see .
Word Order
to the ATM
before she met her friends.
when the waiter dropped his tray.
such a thing happen
before (then).
to the ATM
before lunch?
forgotten& &
to get some cash
before she met her friends.
the waiter coming
before he fell.
¹ A past perfect clause may occur alone if the second activity is understood from context.
Related pages:&, .
Past Perfect
With &before& or &after&
Placement of &before& or &after&
Before is optionally
used with a past perfect sentence to emphasize which action happened first.&
After is optionally
used with a past perfect sentence to emphasize which action happened second. After introduces the earlier event.
Jill took my friends out to lunch&&& (independent clause)
she had stopped at an ATM&& & (dependent clause)
Jill took my friends out to lunch,&&& (dependent clause)
she had stopped at an ATM& && (independent clause)
After introduces the earlier event& &After joins a
to an independent clause.
Before, when or by the time introduces the later event.& Each conjunction joins a&dependent clause to an independent& clause.
Jill had stopped at an ATM,&&& &
she took my friends out to lunch.&&&
Jill had stopped at an ATM& && & &
she took my friends out to lunch.&&& &
Jill had just stopped at an ATM& &&
her friends approached.&&
Jill had already stopped at an ATM& &&&
by the time
her friends approached.&&
Related pages& & |& && &|& &&
Past Perfect Progressive
Background Events
Past progressive relates
two past activities with the focus on the activities rather than their timing.& Timing can be expressed by adding connectors indicating sequence: and then, next, etc.
We were sitting there having lunch,
and suddenly the waiter dropped his tray on the table.
He was talking on his phone.
Then, he crashed into the back of a bus.
She was drinking an icy fruit drink,
and then her head started to ache.
We were stting
there an hour
he arrived.
Past perfect progressive relates the timing of two past activities: one that is ongoing and
the other that follows or interrupts.&Backgrounding sets the scene for the &main activity&.
We had been sitting there having lunch
when the waiter dropped his tray on the table.
He had been talking on his phone
before he crashed into the back of a bus.
She had been drinking an icy fruit drink
when her head started to ache.
We had been sitting
there an hour
by the time he arrived.
Also see .
Common Mistakes
Errors and Solutions
*My grandfather had lived in a small village in Italy when he was a child.
Conflict: the adverb when however, the verb indicates an earlier time.&
My grandfather lived in a small village in Italy when
he was a child.&&&
(Use past tense because no time
when= same time)
My grandfather had been living in a small village in Italy when
the war started.
(Use past perfect to contrast ea when=
interruption of new activity)
The bank robber &had took the gun, threw it in the bushes and drove away.
The bank robber took the gun, threw it in the bushes and drove away.
(Use simple past tense for a series of past actions, and when there is no need to emphasize one action happening earlier than the other.)
When has two meanings:& 1) same time, 2) immediately after (interruption of one activity by a second activity)
Grammar Notes
and Linguistic Description
Error and Solution
In traditional grammar, while, when, before, after, and since may be used to introduce a &time-related& clause.&These words
to the conjunction category. The &time-related clause& is called an adverbial clause:&it tells When?
Azar & Hagen
call these adverbial clauses or &time clauses& with no mention of a term for the connector.& (Azar 4-3, Adverb clauses 17-2; Reduction& 18-1)
Swan (2009) refers to while, when, before, after, and since as conjunctions. (Swan 30.1)
In current linguistic analysis – while, when, before, after, and since — belong to the category preposition, which can
a clause as a complement.& (In traditional grammar, a&preposition is followed by an
Huddleston&& Pullum (2009) have re-assigned a large number of items previously analyzed as adverbs after, as, as soon as, before, once, since while, and when
to the class of prepositions.& The preposition is the head of the prepositional phrase (PP) which can be complemented by a noun phrase or a clause. (Huddleston 612-7)
Quirk & Greenbaum (1989) place while, when, before, after, and since in the class of conjunction.& They function
as subordinators of adjunct clauses that express time-relationship.& Also see Biber (8.53)
Azar, Betty Schrampfer, and Stacy A. Hagen. Understanding and Using English Grammar. White Plains, New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. Print.
Biber, Douglas, and Stig Johansson, et al. Longman Grammar Of Spoken And Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education, 1999. Print.
Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum, et al. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Print.
Quirk, Randolph and Sidney Greenbaum. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. 7th ed. New York: Longman Group, 1989. Print.
Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print.
A Late Night Fever
Determine which verb form is needed to complete the sentence.
Select the response from the list that best completes the sentence.&
Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the &check all& button at the bottom or the &check& button to the left of each item.
had had to
go to the pharmacy late last night
when my child
had become
(when - at the time that)
Feedback 1
The pharmacist
already left
had already left
by the time we
had gotten
Feedback 2
By the time we
had returned
the baby's fever
already went
had already gone
Feedback 3
The next time the baby
better prepared.fever.
fever (N) – an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature
Feedback 4
a baby-care course at the hospital.
Feedback 5
After our baby
we realized how easy our life
Feedback 6
Last night, I was thankful that the baby fell asleep early.
had just fallen
had woken up
(when = interruption)
Feedback 7
had changed
his diaper
him a bottle,
had fallen
asleep peacefully.
Feedback 8
Practice 2
Contrasting earlier from later past
Read &The Family Picture&
One summer when I was eleven, my family had the money and the time
to take our first vacation. My father, my mother, my younger sister
and I got into my father's '54 Ford to go to Cordoba where my parents
rented a house up in the hills. Cordoba is a city that is famous for
its mountains and rivers and is located 900 miles away from Buenos Aires
where we lived. After we drove a long time, we had arrived there.
father wanted to capture everything in pictures, the scenery, the family
and the car. The problem was that he wanted everything together in each
picture. One morning, after breakfast it was a the perfect time for
a picture with the car, the family, the house and also the scenery,
all in one shot. In spite of the fact that it was almost impossible
he decided to try his best. First, he made us get closer to the car,
it didn't work because the scenery was gone. Second, it was time for
him to go down the hill, it didn't work either because he couldn't see
the car. Finally, he had the great idea of moving the car to the front.
Since he didn't have the keys with him, he decided to push the car down.
He gave my mother a rock to put under the car wheel to stop it when
it was in right position for the picture. Despite my mother's effort
to put the rock in the right place, my sister's open eyes and my open
mouth, the car went over the rock and rolled down the hill.
ran into the house crying. The three of us started walking down the
hill looking at the car which stopped on the bottom of hill with the
front up. I remember thinking &how we are going back home?&. When we
got to the bottom of the hill, to our surprise, the car was intact. The two front wheels were up on two big rocks as if somebody place them
there on purpose. We were so happy! My sister and I ran up the hill
to gave my mother the news. My father staring at the car was saying
&One more thing to tell our grandchildren.&
capture – keep, save, take
intact – together, not broken
scenery – the land and trees, the view
Contrast the earlier from the later activity or event.
Select the response from the list that best completes the sentence.&
Compare your response to the feedback by clicking
the &check& button.
My father, my mother, my younger sister and
had gotten into
my father's '54 Ford to go to Cordoba
where my parents
had rented
a house up in the hills
Feedback 9
Cordoba is a city that
famous for its mountains and rivers
located 900 miles away from Buenos Aires where we lived.
Feedback 10
had driven
a long time,
had arrived
Feedback 11
The three of us
had started
walking down the hill looking at the car
had stopped
at the bottom of hill with the front up
Feedback 12
our surprise,
had reached
the bottom of the hill.
Feedback 13
The two front wheels
up on two big rocks
as if somebody
had placed
them there on purpose.
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