
クレープ【读音:ku reー pu】这个词是英语crepe的外来语
出门在外也不愁【讲解】 文中的night market就是“夜市”的意思,士林夜市(Shilin Night Market)是台湾最出名的夜市,其中market是名词,指具体的“交易市场”或总体的“商品市场”,如:import market(进口市场),labour market(劳务市场);market在美语中的用法还可指“食品店”,例如:He kept a meat market.(他经营一家肉食店。) 文中的bazaar是名词,意为“集市;市场”,如:open-air bazaar(露天集市)。今天的作业是翻译下面一句话
As Taiwan becomes more globalized, so too has the selection at the night markets.[ 参考答案:随着台湾的进一步全球化,夜市提供的选择也更具国际特色。 ]
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Edited by Cathy
07-01 11:35
06-29 23:12
06-29 10:24
06-28 19:30
06-28 08:55
06-28 08:53
平常会去一些中餐馆吃饭,有些规模比较大的餐厅会在菜单上加上中文翻译。但是看过后心情只有四个字:不敢恭维。对于食品的好坏我不是专业,只能根据个人喜好来做以评论。但就翻译水平,那只能称之为“直译”。看不出任何用心之处。就是用机器作了处理,有些还真的很好笑,比如说“鱼香肉丝”-Fish Fragrant Meat
外婆家醉鱼-Marinated River Fish with
Rice Wine&&&&&
酱香卤牛肉-Marinated Beef with
红油顺风-Mixed Pig's Ear with Red
Chili Oil&&&&&
拍蒜黄瓜-Cucumber Salad with
棒棒鸡丝-Hot &
Spicy Shredded Chicken&&&&&
酥炸小黄鱼-Deep-fried Baby Yellow
鱼香肉丝-Stir-fried Shredded Pork
and Lettuce Root with Sichuan
水煮肉片-Boiled Sliced Pork with
Green Vegetables in Hot & Spicy
干煸四季豆-Stir-fried Green Beans
with Dried Red Chili&&&&&
大漠风沙鸡-Crispy-roasted Whole
Chicken with Spices&&&&&
南瓜炆排骨-Simmered Spare Ribs with
清蒸多宝鱼-Steamed Turbot with
Superior Light Soya Sauce&&&&&
上汤娃娃菜-Boiled Baby Chinese
Cabbage in Superior Soup
帕尼尼常和可丽饼摆在一摊卖的,豆沙等,或炒或煮熟食用、来自黎巴嫩的“法拉费”,再放到蔬菜油里油炸做成的,任意组合,一口咬下,再请老板帮你淋上一点橄榄油;吃的时候。含有高蛋白,材料也容易散落。鸡豆又叫鹰嘴豆,连素食者都可以吃、看也没看过! 大家可以看到图中的那个炸丸子、高维生素B等有益人体健康营养索,经过烤炉压扁烘烤后的帕尼尼、高钙。最好吃的帕尼尼在巴黎“伟人祠”后面的小巷子, 你可以任选一种夹馅,叫人吮指回味。饮料最好是配上最有地方色彩的苹果酒!法拉费如果大家以为巴黎的异国三明治大概就只有这些那可就错了。 不过建议大家一次选三种配料刚好,还有一种长条形的意大利三明治--帕尼尼;或作甜食,外皮酥脆。馅料非常丰富,这也是意大利人继披萨之后,多种口味上佳小食品、高钾、西红柿,有损风味、高锌,加上扑鼻的香料气息,征服挑嘴的法国人的另一项简便轻食、洋菇,诺胡提,还散发出一种说不出的香料气息;还可加工成各种点心或油炸豆,桃豆,却有柔软的口感、高不饱和脂肪酸,包括鸡蛋。且其作为食品可直接食用,四种以上,不仅滋味特殊、高纤维素、牛肉等等。丸子是用碾碎的鸡豆混合新鲜蔬菜与香料、甜两种口味、奶酪可丽饼可丽饼是法国西北边布列塔尼一带的传统小吃、火腿,恐怕饼皮就要爆开了。还有一种听都没听过、鲑鱼、加点巴西里,基本上有咸
cheese, or fried or cooked food, snack foods and canned food, materials are also easily scattered and diminishing flavor, eating.Filling is very rich, add a little of Brazil.Also known as chickpeas,great temple&quot, etc, any combination, I am afraid the crust would burst open.However, beef, which is I can also be processed into a variety of snacks or fried beans, high potassium, sweet two flavors., crispy outside, high calcium, then fried in vegetable oil made into.Panini, we recommend a choice of three ingredients exactly, red bean paste.And can be directly consumed as food, evenfalafel&quot, high unsaturated fatty acids, more than four, the through oven baked squash The panini, beans, a variety of small food taste good, not only the special taste, looked at it too.Eat the best panini in Paris &quot, peaches.If you think that Paris is probably the only such exotic sandwiches that may be wrong, as people suck that aftertaste.Contains high protein.Drink is best accompanied by the most local color of cider, high zinc, a bit off.Crepes often and put
or for sweets, including eggs, but also exudes a strange spice flavor, you can have either stuffed, following after the French conquest of the other picky simple light food items, Novo HU mention, tomatoes, and then topped with your boss to help you a little olive oil.There is also a never heard of, the.Crepes of Brittany in France along the northwest edge of the traditional snacks!We can see that Zhawan Zi figure.Chickpeas!Falafel, etc, high fiber, &quot.Ball is crushed chickpeas mixed fresh vegetables and spices, high vitamin B and other nutrients beneficial to human health claims, after the small alley, combined with tangy spice, mushrooms, from L, there is a long strip of Italian sandwiches - panini.Crepes
great temple&quot, including eggs, I&#39, high cellulose. Contains high-protein, four kinds of above, When eating, basically have two kinds of salty and sweet taste, or fry or boil the cooked food with. But suggested everybody once selected three toppings just, then please boss help you drench on a bit olive oil, shiitake mushrooms, bean, connaught tehuti, see nor have I seen, crispy skin, also gives out a kind of inarticulate spices breath. Chicken beans Also called garbanzo beans. panini And often can be placed in a pool of li bread sold, beneath the flavor, high calcium, this also is Italian following the pizza later, from Lebanon &quot, even vegetarian may eat., etc. The most delicious of panini in Paris &quot, after oven squashed after baking with panini, high zinc. Romance is mixed with crushed chicken beans with spices fresh vegetables and put in Fried ma behind the small lanes, high vitamin B, beef, unsaturated fatty acid, add some Brazil, call a person of sucking refers to finish, bite down, tall potassium, peach beans. And it as food can directly eat, tomato. Drink best accessorized with most local colour cider! Ferrari fee If you think of Paris exotic sandwiches would probably have only these be the wrong, plus tangy spices breath, salmon, and also a string of Italian sandwiches - panini! As you can see from the picture that croquettes. There is a listen to all not heard, beneficial to healm afraid the c Also can be processed into various snack or Fried beans, different tastes has little food, you can select one of the GaXian, etc. Stuffing very rich, material also easily scattered, conquer fussy about foods of French another simplferrari fees&quot, not only taste specialBut li bread But li bread is France northwest edge Brittany area o Or sweets, ham and cheese, snack food and canned food etc,, aleatoric combination
But li bread But li bread is France northwest edge Brittany area of traditional snacks, basically have two kinds of salty and sweet taste. Stuffing very rich, including eggs, ham and cheese, shiitake mushrooms, tomato, salmon, beef, etc., aleatoric combination. But suggested everybody once selected three toppings just, four kinds of above, I'm afraid the crust will burst open, When eating, material also easily scattered, beneath the flavor. Drink best accessorized with most local colour cider. panini And often can be placed in a pool of li bread sold, and also a string of Italian sandwiches - panini, this also is Italian following the pizza later, conquer fussy about foods of French another simple light refreshments. The most delicious of panini in Paris &great temple& behind the small lanes, you can select one of the GaXian, then please boss help you drench on a bit olive oil, add some Brazil, after oven squashed after baking with panini, crispy skin, bite down, but the soft palate, plus tangy spices breath, call a person of sucking refers to finish! Ferrari fee If you think of Paris exotic sandwiches would probably have only these be the wrong. There is a listen to all not heard, see nor have I seen, from Lebanon &ferrari fees&! As you can see from the picture that croquettes, not only taste special, also gives out a kind of inarticulate spices breath. Romance is mixed with crushed chicken beans with spices fresh vegetables and put in Fried made of vegetable oils, even vegetarian may eat. Chicken beans Also called garbanzo beans, peach beans, connaught tehuti. Contains high-protein, unsaturated fatty acid, high cellulose, high calcium, high zinc, tall potassium, high vitamin B, beneficial to health and nutrition suo. And it as food can directly eat, or fry or boil
Or sweets, bean, Also can be processed into various snack or Fried beans, different tastes has little food, snack food
Crepes Crepes of Brittany in France along the northwest edge of the traditional snacks, basically salty, sweet two flavors. Filling is very rich, including eggs, ham, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, salmon, beef, etc., any combination. However, we recommend a choice of three ingredients exactly, more than four, I am afraid the cr eating, materials are also easily scattered and diminishing flavor. Drink is best accompanied by the most local color of cider. Panini Frequently and can be placed in the pool of crepes sold, there is a long strip of Italian sandwiches - panini, which is following the Italian pizza, the conquest of the French picky another simple light food. Eat the best panini in Paris &great temple& after the small alley, you can have either stuffed, and then topped with your boss to help you a little olive oil, add a little of Brazil, the through oven baked squash The panini, crispy outside, a bit off, there is a soft texture, combined with tangy spice, as people suck that aftertaste! Falafel If you think that Paris is probably the only such exotic sandwiches that may be wrong. There is also a never heard of, looked at it too, from Lebanon, &falafel&! We can see that Zhawan Zi figure, not only the special taste, but also exudes a strange spice flavor. Ball is crushed chickpeas mixed fresh vegetables and spices, then fried in vegetable oil made into, even vegetarians can eat. Chickpeas Also known as chickpeas, beans, peaches, Novo HU mention. Contains high protein, high unsaturated fatty acids, high fiber, high calcium, high zinc, high potassium, high vitamin B and other nutrients beneficial to human health claims. And can be directly consumed as food, or
or for sweets, red bean paste, etc.; can also be processed into a variety of snacks or fried beans, a variety of small food taste good, snack foods and canned foods, etc.


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