she said nothing ( )your story。i can’twhen you believee h

搜狗Sogou--音乐搜索,MP3搜索--I don鈥檛 cry
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the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
Annie Mae, I need you night and day, Annie MaeAnnie Mae, Annie Mae, I want you for my own Annie Mae.Annie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 ever leave me by myselfAnnie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 leave me here to cryYou ...
I would not doFor my dream is sweet dreams for youIt seems far awayBut there once was a dayIt was grey in ...that I would not doFor my dream is sweet dreams for youSo hush you byeAnd don钬檛 you crySweetly dream, ...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
makes me wanna get on both my knees and tell you take all my loveBaby take all my loveBaby please don钬檛 ...cryI ask myself why did IDo those things that I didn钬檛 meanIt钬檚 not too late baby we still can see if it was ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
hourHow do we explain this, cure for aids and patients?They said he wouldn钬檛 walk now he钬檚 racing, tell there钬檚 no foolingI can钬檛 hide from you why do I hide under?Lies come I stutter cry out I love yeThe ...
cryIt钬檚 about make a little music everyday 钬榯il you di-ieBeautiful ride (Chorus)As I stand on the precipice of ...ride(Chorus)(bridge--)Sing in to your handLead the marching bandDon钬檛 you let 钬榚m fade your colors gray...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
It will until they don钬檛钬?They钬檙e not my home, not anymoreNot like they so were beforeStill, I钬檒l split, and...can钬檛 hear a wordYou want to crash a burnRight, tell me moreYou start to cave, you start to cryYou try to run...
Avalanche in your heartLove is buried underNo way out, for the fools that all followMake me laugh, make me cryJust can钬檛 get close enoughClimb your walls, hope I钬檒l fall into your armsDon't believe a word you tell meBut ...
Avalanche in your heartLove is buried underNo way out, for the fools that all followMake me laugh, make me cryJust can钬檛 get close enoughClimb your walls, hope I钬檒l fall into your armsDon't believe a word you tell meBut ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
Annie Mae, I need you night and day, Annie MaeAnnie Mae, Annie Mae, I want you for my own Annie Mae.Annie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 ever leave me by myselfAnnie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 leave me here to cryYou ...
like a G6Like a G6, Like a G6Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6Gimme that Mo-MoetGimme that Cry-Crystal...give me 2 more bottlesCuz you know it don钬檛 stop(808) Hell YeaaDrink it up, drink-drink it up,When sober ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
the road, the road to homeOh the sound is fading in my earsAnd I can钬檛 believe I钬檝e lasted all these years...goI钬檓 on the road, the road to homeNow I must say good byeKeep telling myself 钬渘ow don钬檛 you cry钬?...
Annie Mae, I need you night and day, Annie MaeAnnie Mae, Annie Mae, I want you for my own Annie Mae.Annie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 ever leave me by myselfAnnie Mae, Annie MaeDon钬檛 leave me here to cryYou ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...
give up my lifeThan to see tears in your eyesI can't stand to see you cryCause it's hard for me to tell you I, with myselfI just don钬檛 know what to do with myself I can钬檛 stop looking at those pictures on my shelf ...精彩文章推荐銆EUR|銆EUR銆EUR|銆EUR
your position :&&&&&&&&& &content
1. It's not like that銆備笉鏄?偅鏍风殑銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄?敤鏉ヨ緹璋g殑銆傚綋鍒?汉璇?細浜嗕竴浠朵簨鐨勬潵榫欏幓鑴夛紝浣犲氨鍙?互璺熶粬璇碔t's notlike that銆傗EUR滀笉鏄?偅鏍风殑銆傗EUR濆綋鐒堕殢鐫EUR璇?皵鍙婃儏澧冪殑涓嶅悓锛孖t's not like that銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽涔熸湁鍙?兘鏄?綘鐢ㄦ潵纭?嫍鐨勮棄鍙cEUR?/p>
2. There is nothing good playing.娌″ソ鐢靛奖鍙?湅
杩欓噷鐨凾here's nothing good playing銆傛槸鎺ョ潃闂?彞鑰屾潵鐨勶紝鎸囩殑鏄?EUR滄病鏈夊ソ鐢靛奖鍙?湅銆傗EUR濆悓鏍风殑锛岃嫢鏄?數瑙嗕笂娌℃湁濂借妭鐩?彲鐪嬶紝浣犲氨鍙?互璇碩here's nothing good onTV銆?/p>
3. I've gotten carried away.鎴戞壇澶?繙浜嗐EUR?/p>
get carried away瀛楅潰涓婄殑鎰忔EUR濇槸鈥滆?甯﹁蛋浜嗏EUR濓紝閭d箞琚?甫璧扮殑鏄?粈涔堝憿?灏辨槸蹇冩EUR濄EUR傚綋浣犳垨鏄?粬浜鸿?璇濈殑鏃跺EUR欑?浜嗛?锛屽亸绂讳富鏃ㄦ壇杩滀簡銆備綘灏卞彲浠ョ敤涓婅繖涓?〃杈炬硶I've /You've gotten carried away銆?/p>
4. Good thing...杩樺ソ锛屽垢濂解EUR?/p>
鍦ㄧ編璇?綋涓?嫢瑕佽〃杈句腑鏂囬噷鈥滆繕濂斤紝骞稿ソ鈥︹EUR濈殑璇?皵锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ョ敤Good thing.銆傘EUR傚仛寮EUR澶淬EUR傝繖涓?彞鍨嬮潪甯哥畝鍗曞張濂界敤锛屼綘鍙??鍦℅ood thing鍚庨潰鍔犱笂瀹屾暣鐨勫彞瀛愬氨鍙?互銆?/p>
5. I don't believe you're bringing this up.浣犵幇鍦ㄦ彁杩欎欢浜嬬湡鏄?矀鏈夋?鐞?/p>
浣犵幇鍦ㄦ彁杩欎欢浜嬬湡鏄?矀鏈夋?鐞哹ring something up鏄?寚鈥滄彁鍒?鏌愪欢浜?鈥濄EUR傚綋鐒舵儏鍐典細鏈夋?鍙嶄袱闈?EUR備綘鑻ユ病鎯冲埌瀵规柟浼氭彁璧疯繖浠朵簨璁ㄩ獋锛屼綘鍙?互璇碔 don't believe you're bringing this up.銆傝EUR屽弽杩囨潵璇达紝鑻ヤ綘寰堥珮鍏村?鏂逛富鍔ㄦ彁璧蜂簡涓EUR浠朵簨锛屼綘涔熷彲浠ョ敤杩欎釜鐗囪?锛岃嚜鐒惰?鍑篒 am glad you are bringing this up銆?/p>
6. spy on...璺熺洃(鏌愪汉)
spy杩欎釜瀛楀氨鏄?EUR滈棿璋嶁EUR濄EUR傚綋鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄧ殑鎰忔EUR濊嚜鐒跺氨鏄?EUR滃仛闂磋皪鍋氱殑浜嬧EUR濓紝涔熷氨鏄?EUR滅洃瑙嗭紝璺熻釜鈥濅箣鎰忋EUR傚綋浣犺?鍘荤洃瑙嗚窡韪?煇浜猴紝缇庤?涓?氨璇存垚spy on someone銆?/p>
7. There's no other way of saying it銆傛病鏈夊埆绉嶈?娉?/p>
鏈夋椂鍊欎笉绠′綘鍐嶆EUR庝箞杞?EUR佸啀鎬庝箞鎷楋紝涔熸病鏈夊姙娉曟洿濠夎浆鎴栨槸閬垮紑涓EUR浜涚粷瀵逛細鍑虹幇鐨勫瓧锛岃繖鏃跺EUR欎綘灏卞彲浠ョ敤涓奣here's no other way of saying it銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽锛屾潵琛ㄨ揪鑷?繁閬挎棤鍙?伩鐨勪负闅撅紝鍥犱负鈥滄病鏈夊埆绉嶈?娉曘EUR傗EUR?/p>
8. That will not always be the case.鎯呭喌涓嶄細姘歌繙鏄?繖鏍?/p>
case杩欎釜瀛楁湁鈥滄儏鍐碘EUR濈殑鎰忔EUR濓紝That will be the case銆傚氨鏄?寚鈥滄儏鍐靛氨浼氭槸杩欐牱浜嗐EUR傗EUR濅絾鏄?綘鑻ヨ?寰楃幇鍦ㄧ殑鎯呭喌鍙?細鏄?殏鏃讹紝涓嶄細闀夸箙锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ュ弽杩囨潵璇碩hat will not always be the case銆傗EUR滄儏鍐典笉浼氭案杩滄槸杩欐牱銆傗EUR?/p>
9. She is coming on to you.濂瑰?浣犳湁鎰忔EUR?/p>
She is coming on to you銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄?敤鍦ㄤ袱鎬х殑鍏崇郴涓婏紝鎰忔EUR濇槸鈥滃ス瀵逛綘鎶曟EUREUR閫佹姳銆傗EUR濅篃灏辨槸褰㈠?鏌愪汉瀵规煇浜烘湁鎰忔EUR濈殑鎯呭喌锛岃繖涓?彞鍨嬬敺濂充袱鎬ч兘閫傜敤;鍚屾牱鐨勬儏鍐碉紝浣犱篃鍙?互璇碨he is making a pass at you銆傗EUR滃ス瀵逛綘鐪夋潵鐪煎幓鐨勩EUR傗EUR濊繖涓ょ?璇存硶閮藉緢鐢熷姩锛岃EUR屼笖鏈EUR妫掔殑鏄?病鏈夋柊鍗曞瓧锛岃禐!
10. I was being polite銆傛垜杩欐槸鍦ㄨ?瀹㈡皵璇?/p>
polite杩欎釜瀛楋紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄥ?鏍″?鐨勬剰鎬濇槸鈥滄湁绀艰矊鐨勩EUR傗EUR濆綋鐒朵綘鑻ヨ?璇翠竴涓?汉鏈夌ぜ璨岋紝浣犲彲浠ヨ?He is polite銆傛垨鏄疕e has good manners銆備笉杩嘔 was beingpolite銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄?寚鈥滄垜杩欐槸鍦ㄨ?瀹㈡皵璇濄EUR傗EUR濅娇鐢ㄧ殑鎯呭?姣旇緝瓒嬭繎浜庡?濂楄EUR屼笉浼ゅ拰姘旂殑鍑哄彂鐐癸紝涓庘EUR滃仛浣溾EUR漚rtificial (a銆?鍙堜笉涓EUR鏍蜂簡銆?/p>
11. stand someone up鏀?鏌愪汉)楦藉瓙
stand someone up杩欎釜璇嶇粍锛屽ぇ瀹惰嫢鏄??涓EUR娆$湅鍒帮紝鎯冲繀澶氬崐鏄?弧澶撮浘姘达紝鎬庝箞鍗曞瓧鍏ㄩ兘璁よ瘑锛屾剰鎬濆嵈瀹屽叏鐚滀笉鍑烘潵銆傚叾瀹瀞tand someone up鐨勬剰鎬濆氨鏄?EUR滄斁(鏌愪汉)楦藉瓙鈥濓紝杩欎箞绠EUR鍗曞張瀹炵敤鐨勫彞瀛愶紝鍙?緱璧跺揩璁拌捣鏉ャEUR?/p>
12. So that explains it.鍘熸潵濡傛?
鏈夋椂鍊欎簨鎯呯殑鏉ラ緳鍘昏剦娴戞矊涓嶆竻锛岃?浜烘懜涓嶇潃澶磋剳锛岃嫢鏄?獊鐒舵洐鍏変竴鐜帮紝璁╀綘璞佺劧寮EUR鏈楋紝杩欎細鍎夸綘灏卞彲浠ョ敤涓婅繖鍙ヨ瘽So that explains it / everything銆傗EUR滆繖灏遍兘璇村緱閫氫簡銆傗EUR?/p>
13. I feel the same way.鎴戞湁鍚屾劅銆?/p>
褰撲粬浜鸿?鍑轰簡浣犵殑鎰熻?锛屼綘鍐嶅悓鎰忎篃涓嶈繃鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣犲氨鍙?互鐢ㄤ笂杩欏彞璇滻 feel the same way銆傗EUR滄垜鏈夊悓鎰熴EUR傗EUR濊繖鍙ヨ瘽涓嶄絾鍙?互璁╀綘閬垮厤鎶婂悓鏍风殑璇濆啀璁蹭竴娆★紝甯?綘鐪佷簡涓嶅皯鍙f按锛岃繕鍙?互璁╁?鏂硅?寰楄嚜宸辩殑鎰忚?琚?皧閲嶅憿銆侷 feel the same way銆傝刀蹇??璧锋潵銆?/p>
14. Is there someone else?浣犳槸涓嶆槸鏈変簡鏂版??
Is there someone else?杩欏彞璇濆瓧闈?笂鏄?寚鈥滄湁鍏跺畠浜哄悧?鈥濅笉杩嘔s there someone else?杩欏彞璇濆湪浣跨敤涓婏紝闂?殑閭d釜鈥滃叾瀹冧汉鈥濅竴瀹氭槸鎰熸儏涓婄殑鈥滄柊娆?紝鏂板?璞♀EUR濓紝鎵EUR浠ヨ嫢鏄?儏渚f垨鏄?か濡讳箣闂存湁浜鸿?浜嗚繖鍙?s there someone else?鈥滀綘鏄?笉鏄?湁浜嗘柊娆?鈥濊繖鍙?氨涓嶅お濡欎簡銆?/p>
15. I can't help myself.鎴戞儏涓嶈嚜绂?/p>
鎴戞棤娉曟帶鍒惰嚜宸便EUR?I can't help myself銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鍙?笉鏄?EUR滄垜甯?笉浜嗚嚜宸便EUR傗EUR?璧跺揩娑堥櫎璁板繂)锛屽叾瀹濱 can't help myself.杩欏彞璇濈殑鎰忔EUR濇槸鈥滄垜鎯呬笉鑷??銆傗EUR濇寚鐨勬槸瀵硅嚜宸辩殑鏃犺兘涓哄姏銆侷 can't help...杩欎釜鍙ュ瀷寰堝ソ鐢?紝鑻ユ槸浣犻亣鍒颁竴涓?儏鍐碉紝鎯宠?璇粹EUR滄垜涓嶇?绾抽椃浜嗚捣鏉ャEUR傗EUR濆湪缇庤?涓?綘灏卞彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ?锛?I can't help but wonder銆?/p>
16. come hell or high water杩欎釜鐭??鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ椂鏈烘槸褰撲綘瑕佸幓鎵ц?涓EUR椤逛换鍔℃垨鏄?仛涓EUR浠朵簨涔嬮檯锛屽彧璁告垚鍔熶笉璁稿け璐ョ殑鍐冲績銆傚氨鐘瑰?涓?枃鐨勨EUR滃氨绠楀ぉ宕╁湴瑁傗EUR︹EUR濓紝姣斿柣涓嶈?鍙戠敓浠EUR涔堢姸鍐甸兘瑕佸幓瀹屾垚浣垮懡銆傚彲浠ョ敤鍦ㄥ彞棣栧綋浣滀竴鍙ヨ瘽鐨勫紑澶达紝鎴栨槸鏀惧湪鍙ュ熬琛ヨ堪銆?/p>
17. have something in common
have something in common鏄?寚鈥滃郊姝ゆ湁鐫EUR鍏遍EUR氱偣鈥濓紝鍙?兘鏄?棞濂斤紝涔熷彲鑳芥槸瑙傚康銆傝嫢浣犲拰鏌愪汉瀹屽叏涓嶅?鐩橈紝涓濇?娌℃湁鍏遍EUR氱偣锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ヨ?We have nothing in common銆?/p>
18. What have you got to lose?
What have you got to lose?杩欏彞璇濆綋涓?殑lose鏄?寚鈥滃け鍘烩EUR濈殑鎰忔EUR濓紝褰撴湁浜虹姽璞?笉鍐筹紝濮嬬粓鍋氫笉浜嗗喅瀹氾紝浣犲氨鍙?互鐢ㄨ繖鍙ヨ瘽What have you got to lose? 鈥滀綘鏈夊暐濂芥崯澶辩殑?鈥濓紝鏉ュ?寮哄?鏂圭牬閲滄矆鑸熺殑鍐冲績銆?/p>
19. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself銆?/p>
杩欏彞璇濇槸鐢ㄦ潵瀹夋叞浠栦汉鐨勶紝褰撴湁浜哄?浜庤嚜宸卞お杩囪嫑璐o紝缁欎笌鑷?繁璁╀汉鍠樹笉杩囨皵鏉ョ殑鍘嬪姏锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ヨ窡瀵规柟璇磋繖鍙ヨ瘽You shouldn't be so hard on yourself銆傗EUR滀綘涓嶈?杩欎箞鑻涜矗鑷?繁鐨勨EUR濄EUR傝?瀵规柟濂借繃涓EUR浜涖EUR?/p>
20. Don't get me started on it銆?/p>
杩欏彞璇濇槸鎸団EUR滃埆璁╂垜鎵撳紑璇濆專瀛愨EUR濓紝鎰忔EUR濇槸浣犲?浜庢煇涓EUR浠朵簨鎴栨槸涓EUR涓?富棰橈紝鏈夊緢澶氱殑鎰忚?锛岃?鏄??浣犲紑浜嗚瘽澶达紝鍙?兘灏辫?鍚?綘杩炶?涓?竷澶╀竷澶滐紝娌″畬娌′簡銆侱on't get me started on it銆傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄?敤鏉ヨ〃杈句綘瀵逛竴浠朵簨鎯呯墷楠氭弧鑵圭殑蹇冩儏銆?/p>
21. When you get down to it
get down to鏄?寚鈥滆拷绌跺嚭鏈EUR鏍规煝鐨勫師鍥犫EUR濓紝涔熷氨鏄?妸灞傚眰鐨勫師鍥犳憡寮EUR锛屽湪鎶戒笣鍓ヨ導涔嬪悗鎵EUR寰楀埌鏈EUR绮剧‘鏈EUR鍘熸湰鐨勯偅涓?瓟妗堛EUR?/p>
22. let someone off
let someone off鏄?寚鈥滄斁鏌愪汉涓EUR椹?EUR濓紝涔熷氨鏄痩et someone off the hook锛屽氨濡傚悓浣犲湪閽撻奔锛岄奔鍎夸笂浜嗏EUR滈挬鈥漢ook锛岃EUR屼綘鎶婂畠鏀炬帀let it off the hook鈥滄斁瀹冧竴椹?EUR濄EUR?/p>
23. I don't know what came over me銆?/p>
24. I think you're thinking of somone else銆?/p>
杩欏彞璇濈殑浣跨敤鏃舵満鏄?嫢璋佽?閿欎汉锛屾垨鏄??閿欎汉鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浣犲氨鍙?互璺熷?鏂硅?I think you're thinking of someone else銆傗EUR滄垜瑙夊緱浣犳槸鎯冲埌鍒?汉鍘讳簡鈥濄EUR?/p>
25. This is not how it looks銆?/p>
杩欏彞璇濇槸鐢ㄦ潵杈熻埃鐨勶紝褰撴湁浜涗簨鎯呯湅璧锋潵璁╀汉璇?細锛岃EUR屽疄鎯呭嵈涓嶆槸琛ㄩ潰閭h埇锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ョ敤涓婅繖鍙ヨ瘽This is not how it looks銆傗EUR滀簨鎯呬笉鏄?〃闈㈢湅鏉ョ殑杩欐牱鈥濓紝浠ヨ?鏈嶄粬浜轰笉瑕佹寚鍑?粬浠?墍鐪嬪埌鐨勭墖闈?紝楠や笅缁撹?銆?/p>
26.Wisdom turns the corners of your mouth up銆?/p>
27.You're going to love it here銆?/p>
瑕佽〃杈惧枩娆?竴涓?湴鏂癸紝浣犲彲浠ヨ?I like / love this place.锛屾垨鏄??鎴愭洿閬撳湴鐨処 like /love it here.銆傝繖閲岀殑it鏄?寚鈥滄皵姘涒EUR漚tmosphere鑰岃█锛岃嫢鏄?綘瑕佽窡鍒?汉鎸備繚璇侊紝鎷呬繚浠栦竴瀹氫細鍠滄?涓婃煇涓?湴鏂癸紝浣犲氨鍙?互瀵逛粬璇碮ou're going to (You'll) like/ love it here.銆?/p>
28.I don't seem to fit銆?/p>
fit鏄?寚鈥滃悎閫傗EUR濅箣鎰忥紝杩欏彞璇濈殑鎰忔EUR濆氨鏄?EUR滄垜璺熻繖閲屾牸鏍间笉鍏ャEUR傗EUR濅箣鎰忋EUR傞EUR氬父涔熶細璇存垚I don鈥檛 seem to fit in銆傚綋浣犺?寰楁煇涓?湴鏂规垨鍦哄悎锛屽拰浣犵姱鍐诧紝寰呭湪閭i噷灏辨槸璁╀綘娴戣韩涓嶅?鍔叉椂锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ヨ?锛欼 don鈥檛 seem to fit in銆?/p>
29.You're well on the way銆?/p>
濡傛灉璇磜ay鏄?寚涓EUR娈佃矾閫旂殑璇濓紝閭d箞be well on the way灏辨槸鎸囧湪杩欐?璺?EUR斾笂寰堥『閬傦紝鏈夌潃濂界殑寮EUR濮嬨EUR傜敤be well on the way杩欎釜鍙ュ瀷鐢ㄦ潵褰㈠?涓EUR涓?汉瀛︿範鐨勮矾閫旓紝灏辨槸鎸囦粬鈥滄湁鎱ф牴锛屾偀鎬ч珮鈥濄EUR?/p>
30.You're out of your mind銆?/p>
mind鏄?寚鈥滃績鏅虹姸鎬侊紝绁炴櫤鈥濓紝be out of.銆傘EUR傛槸鎸団EUR滄病鏈変簡鈥?锛岀敤瀹屼簡鈥︹EUR︹EUR濓紝be out of one's mind鐨勬剰鎬濆氨鏄?EUR?鏌愪汉)涓уけ绁炴櫤鈥濓紝涔熷氨鏄?EUR?鏌愪汉)鍙戠柉鈥濈殑鎰忔EUR濄EUR傚綋浣犺?寰楁湁浜哄仛浜嗛潪涓EUR鑸??甯镐汉浼氬仛鐨勪簨锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ュ?浠栬?You're out of your mind.銆傚綋鐒惰繖鍙?互鎸囨殏鏃朵抚澶辩?鏅猴紝涔熷彲鑳芥槸鐪熺殑鍙戜簡鐤?EUR?/p>
銆EUR銆EUR銆EUR Editor锛?
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