l like to stay at home ()thi like winter best

你可能喜欢Dress warmly. Warm clothing, especially when it's layered, not only prevents exposure, it also helps retain body heat.
Wear a warm hat and thick socks. We lose most of our body heat through our head, hand and feet.
Layer your clothing. Long underwear is thin, so it fits easily under most everyday clothing, including jeans and shirt. Bundle up with a fleece or a woolen sweater for extra warmth.
Wear comfortable pajamas, thick socks and heavy clothing while you are inside a private house.
Cuddle up under blankets.
Keep blankets on your couch so that you can wrap yourself up while reading or watching TV, and get extra blankets to sleep with.
Use a hot water bottle. Water retains heat for a long time, making hot water bottles an affordable and effective way to stay warm. You can use one while sitting at your desk or watching television, and a water bottle under the blankets will keep your bed warm through the night.
Consume warm foods and beverages. Delicious winter soups and hot cocoa are part of the fun of the season. Hot tea and coffee, and substantial foods like pizza, meat and toast will keep your body warm as well.
Take hot baths. They're a nice way to relax your muscles, especially after a stressful day, and can warm you up in no time. If you really want to relax, add some candles and soothing music. Be sure to dry off well afterwards.
Utilize your body heat.
Find a place to get cozy, wrap yourself in army-style 100% wool thick blankets and slowly but surely your trapped body heat will warm you right up!
Get up and get moving! An active body heats up quickly – run, dance, jump until you break a sweat. You can jump for a few minutes, ride an exercise cycle or dance to your favorite music. And if you don’t mind being a little cold at first, a mile’s walk around the neighborhood will get you sweating pretty quickly.
Use other people’s body heat: big holiday parties warm a house quickly, thanks to the body heat generated by the many guests. Snuggling also works, so cuddle up with your honey. Don’t have a honey? Maybe you’ll meet someone beneath the mistletoe at that holiday party!
Weather-proof your house.
Patch up any drafty areas you might have in your house.
Prevent cold from coming in through windows with double-paned glass.
Make sure the rubber strip at the base of your door is nice and tight, so that cold air can’t blow through.
If you have a fireplace, keep the flue closed. Cold air can blow in from the chimney.
Build a fire. Both fireplaces and campfires keep you nice and toasty. If you do build a fire, be sure to open your flue, so that the smoke can escape through the chimney.
Candles also generate warmth, however, they are a major fire hazard, so use them for illumination, rather than warmth.
Warm up your room by shutting windows, doors and curtains.
Wear appropriate winter clothing.
Look for jackets that are made of down or wool. If it's snowing or raining, wear a water-resistant jacket or shell to prevent getting soaked.
Wear thick or woolen sock, and water-resistant shoes.
Cover all exposed areas.
Wear gloves or mittens.
Keep your throat warm with a scarf.
Wear a hat. Again, we lose most our body heat though our head, as well as through our hands and feet.
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For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
If you're cooking in the oven, leave the door slightly open when you're done. The hot oven air will heat your kitchen.
There are many ways to make a great cup of hot cocoa. You can add mint, vanilla, marshmallows or whipped cream. Look for fun recipes.
Put a hot water bottle in your bed one hour before you go to sleep. The sheets will be nice and warm when you're ready for bed.
These tips were designed with winter in mind, but they can be used in any season or situation in which you find yourself chilly.
If you don't have a fireplace, get a portable electrical fireplace, they keep you warm and don't cost a lot.
Put a heater near the couch and kitchen or near the middle of the house and when its on open all the doors and its all warm.
Candles are one the biggest causes of home fires. They should be fixed in non-flammable containers. Remember to extinguish all candles before going to bed.
Candles and fires burn oxygen, and can use it up quickly during winter when doors and windows are closed. To prevent smoke inhalation, make sure the flue in your fireplace is open, and consider opening a window just a crack, to ensure a steady supply of fresh oxygen.
Never drink alcoholic beverages to keep you warm. Though they do make you feel warmer, they actually lower your body temperature, which can lead to hypothermia and even death.
Be careful with hot foods and beverages as they can burn your tongue.
A cold winter
Lots of blankets
Winter clothing, including hats, socks and woolens
Lighters and matches
Warm food and drinks
Exercise tools (for example, tennis shoes, a jump-rope, a treadmill)
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