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10:54:44 那个乌龟叫做小鳄龟,根本不值钱。
10:54:44 那个乌龟叫做小鳄龟,根本不值钱。
11:10:32 小鳄龟和日本鳖不值钱
10:55:24 这人运气真好,这么大的龟和团鱼都被他捉了。
11:23:41 哪来的???
11:23:41 哪来的???
下载手机客户端FO3 辐射3审校心得——初翻太过分了,真该抓去喂乌龟(原文) - 大师的资源
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NAM1_13951Please step into the open and identify yourself. Law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear.NAM1_13952It's just little old me. Nothing to be afraid of.NAM1_13953Someone dirty and disreputable, I shouldn't wonder.NAM1_13954Here kitty-kitty-kitty!NAM1_13955As if I'd know what to do if I found something.NAM1_13956Why not let the robot deal with it?NAM1_13957I'm going to look over here now.NAM1_13958Are you afraid of me? You should be because I'm going to kick your ass when I find you!NAM1_13959Step forward and identify yourself!NAM1_13960Do you think you can hide from me?NAM1_13961I'm starting to get angry. You would not like me when I'm angry.NAM1_13962Are you playing games with me, goddammit?NAM1_13963I cannot wait to find you so I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam.NAM1_13964I know you're out there, clown shoes!NAM1_13965What's that?NAM1_13966Hmm... What was that?NAM1_13967I can hear you...NAM1_13968Something there?NAM1_13969What? I hear somethin'.NAM1_13970Hello? Someone there?NAM1_13971Hmm. I was sure I heard something.NAM1_13972Maybe I'm just jumpy.NAM1_13973Anybody there?FULL_13974LostIdleNAM1_13975Hunh?& Gary?NAM1_13976Gary-wha?NAM1_13977You better hope I don't find you...NAM1_13978Hiding is for fools. Show yourself!NAM1_13979This is foolish. Let's end this!NAM1_13980Expanding search pattern.NAM1_13981Switching to pattern zeta-seven-four.NAM1_13982Still no go on targets.NAM1_13983Still no sign of target.NAM1_13984Scope still negative. No tangos.NAM1_13985Zero targets detected.NAM1_13986Come on out, son, I promise I won't hurt you!NAM1_13987Come on out, miss, I promise I won't hurt you!NAM1_13988You don't really think you can hide from us, do you?NAM1_13989We'll find you eventually. You know that, don't you?NAM1_13990You're only making it worse for yourself by hiding.NAM1_13991It's all a big mistake! Come with me and we'll figure it out together!NAM1_13992I know you're around here.NAM1_13993I can smell ya.NAM1_13994Don't worry... we'll find you soon.NAM1_13995Here kitty, kitty...NAM1_13996Come on, asshole. I ain't got all day.NAM1_13997I hate this cat and mouse crap.RNAM_13998It's only a matter of time.NAM1_13999Continuing sweep.NAM1_14000Target may still be in area.NAM1_14001Search pattern delta-two.NAM1_14002Still trying to reacquire hostile.NAM1_14003I got nothing here.NAM1_14004Oh, I know you're here. I'll find you.NAM1_14005When you turn up, you're dead.NAM1_14006Come on out... I promise a quick death!NAM1_14007Only a fuckin' coward hides.NAM1_14008Scared huh? You should be.NAM1_14009No need to hide. It'll all be over soon.NAM1_14010Alert. Non-combatant safety cannot be guaranteed.NAM1_14011Target lock status: red. Continuing perimeter sweep.NAM1_14012Alert. Hostile remains at large. Recommend non-combatants seek secure location.NAM1_14013There's no point in trying to hide from me, you know. I've been programmed to be quite relentless.NAM1_14014Please come back. I'm sorry about all that recent unpleasantness.NAM1_14015Are you still there?NAM1_14016Warning. Dangerous fugitive is on the loose. Do not attempt to apprehend.NAM1_14017Attention. Fugitive should be considered armed and dangerous.NAM1_14018Continuing search for fugitive.NAM1_14019You better run, you commie-loving bastard!NAM1_14020Come on, people, I need a target!NAM1_14021This is taking time from my experiments.NAM1_14022Where have you gone?NAM1_14023You can't hide fwom me fowever.NAM1_14024Come out, come out, wherever you are!NAM1_14025You can't hide from me forever.NAM1_14026You're here. You're here... Stop hiding!NAM1_14027Gonna find you soon, human!NAM1_14028You have to come out sooner or later.NAM1_14029You can't hide from me... I can taste your fear!NAM1_14030Here human, human, human. I got a treat for you!NAM1_14031Come out, come out wherever you are!NAM1_14032I'm going to find you.NAM1_14033Nothing yet.NAM1_14034Where did you go?NAM1_14035I've got something for you...FULL_14036ServiceRefusalFULL_14037RepairFULL_14038TravelFULL_14039TrainingFULL_14040BarterExitNAM1_14041Did you take something?NAM1_14042Hey, what are you doing?NAM1_14043Did you find what you were looking for?NAM1_14044Let me know if you need anything else.NAM1_14045Yeah, yeah. I hope you choke on it.NAM1_14046Don't like your deal? Tough shit.NAM1_14047No refunds, asshole.NAM1_14048What wonderful items for the Museum of Dave!NAM1_14049A pleasure doing business with you.NAM1_14050Another satisfied customer.NAM1_14051Give me a shout if you need anything else.NAM1_14052Thanks.NAM1_14053Come again! I should have more stuff in soon.NAM1_14054Always a grab bag with my stuff, see?NAM1_14055Come back later. Never know when I'll get another big find!NAM1_14056Don't forget to sign out.NAM1_14057Gotcha. We'll see you next time... leech...NAM1_14058Try not to break it, outsider.NAM1_14059You done? Good.NAM1_14060That it?NAM1_14061Enjoy!NAM1_14062Come back if you're still hungry!NAM1_14063See you soon, drunky.NAM1_14064Come back when you're sober.NAM1_14065That should liquor you up for a while.NAM1_14066Enjoy the drinks.NAM1_14067Enjoy the ride.NAM1_14068You'll be higher that a fucking kite.NAM1_14069Good hunting!NAM1_14070Don't hurt yourself!NAM1_14071You'll shoot your eye out!NAM1_14072You must come back soon.NAM1_14073It's been a pleasure doing business.NAM1_14074Enjoy your meal.NAM1_14075Just call me if you want that freshened.NAM1_14076Do I look like I care?FULL_14077ObserveCombatNAM1_14078Holy moley, it's a fight!NAM1_14079Hey, be careful!NAM1_14080Are you crazy?NAM1_14081None of my business, okay?NAM1_14082I'm staying out of the way.NAM1_14083This should be interesting.NAM1_14084Barbarians.NAM1_14085So much violence in the world these days.NAM1_14086Fight! Fight! Fight!NAM1_14087Yeah! Awesome!NAM1_14088Fight!NAM1_14089Whoa!NAM1_14090Damn, it's a fight!NAM1_14091Ain't none of my business!NAM1_14092This is madness...NAM1_14093This isn't right.NAM1_14094This is what we've come to.FULL_14095CorpseFULL_14096TimeToGoNAM1_14097Beat it, mungo.NAM1_14098Move it or lose it.NAM1_14099Get out of here.NAM1_14100You need to leave now, mister.NAM1_14101You need to leave now, miss.NAM1_14102Uh, can you leave now, please? I've got to do something.NAM1_14103Time for you to go.NAM1_14104You've got to leave now so I can lock up.NAM1_14105I'm locking up, so you'll need to leave.NAM1_14106Come on, let's go.FULL_14107RepairExitFULL_14108RechargeFULL_14109RechargeExitFULL_14110TrainingExitFULL_14111RadioHelloNAM1_14112This is the Overseer.NAM1_14113If anyone can hear this, this is Bob Andersteen.NAM1_14114&Strange Breathing&NAM1_14115&Morse Code Clicking&NAM1_14116This next piece is dedicated to my old friend Crazy Wolfgang. No one can scour the Wasteland and find such oddities as you.NAM1_14117I'd like to play this next piece of music for the man out there who keeps an old lady alive and well. Doc Hoff, once again I thank you.NAM1_14118To the traveling merchant who only goes by the name Crow, I thank you for all the times you spent keeping me company. Enjoy the music, my love.NAM1_14119This is just a quick thank you to my new friend. Thank you for bringing me what I'd been searching for all these years.NAM1_14120Music has always been an important part of my life. I hope you enjoy listening to these pieces as much as I enjoy playing them.NAM1_14121Here is another lovely song for a lonely traveler wandering the Wasteland. You know who you are.NAM1_14122If my notes sound sweeter it's all thanks to a special someone who helped out a poor old lady living alone in the Wasteland. Thank you, my friend.NAM1_14123Remember, Agatha is with you on those cold nights. Just keep listening to this broadcast and I'll keep you company. It's the least I can do.NAM1_14124They say recent events have made the world seem like a better place. I hope all of you out there can smile and feel better knowing that it's true.NAM1_14125This next selection was one of my mother's favorites. I hope you'll enjoy hearing it as much as I enjoy playing it.NAM1_14126That song reminded me how wonderful these composers were. How delightful to have such an amazing imagination.NAM1_14127This is for all those people out there who take the time to help out those in need. Enjoy the music... you've earned it.NAM1_14128This next piece reminds me of something my husband said. "Friendship is like a violin. Even if the music stops, you'll still have the strings."NAM1_14129Just a word to my Wasteland friends out there. Stay safe, stay healthy and above all, stay happy.NAM1_14130I'm dedicating this next piece of music to my loving husband. May his soul find peace.NAM1_14131People of the Capital Wasteland, you can HEAR MEEEE!!!! Yeeeaa haaaa!!! You can't stop the signal, baby!NAM1_14132This is Margaret and you're listening to... Oh, the hell with it. Listen to some music, and pray we find someone to replace Three Dog.NAM1_14133If Three Dog were here, he'd say something witty. But he's not. Cause somebody killed him. So you get me playing music. Yay.NAM1_14134It's me again, Margaret the technician, talking into the microphone and hoping somebody gives a shit. Enjoy the music.NAM1_14135Margaret here, bringing you... music. Why just music? Because I'm just a technician, and some asshole murdered our DJ. Hooray.NAM1_14136This is Margaret again, with another funtabulous round of ancient music. Three Dog's dead, and that's all I got.NAM1_14137This is an automated distress message from Vault-Tec Vault 101. Message begins:NAM1_14138Hey everybody, this is Three Dog, your friendly neighborhood disc jockey. What's a "disc"? Hell if I know. But I'm gonna keep talkin' anyway.NAM1_14139People of the Capital Wasteland! It is I, Three Dog, your ruler! Hear me, and obey! Oh, sorry, that's that OTHER radio station.NAM1_14140Men and ladies, boys and girls, prepare to be astounded, bedazzled, and otherwise stupefied! I am Three Dog, your master of ceremonies!NAM1_14141Hey nifty America. It's me, your president, John Hen... Ahhhh... Gotcha! Three Dog here! How's everyone doin'?NAM1_14142Thrrreeee Dooooggg! That's me, kids. Comin' to you taped from my fortified bunker in the middle of the D.C. hellhole. Ain't life grand?NAM1_14143Because one dog ain't enough, and two is too low, it's me, Three Dog! How you kids handlin' Post-Apocalyptia today?NAM1_14144Hey kiddies, this is Three Dog -- your voice in the darkness. Or... at least, the radiation.NAM1_14145Hellooooo Capital Wasteland! This is Three Dog, coming to you loud and proud from Galaxy News Radio.NAM1_14146Wake up, Wasteland! It's me, Three Dog, bringing you all the music and news your little hearts can handle.NAM1_14147You're listening to Galaxy News Radio, and I'm your host, Three Dog, lord and master of all I survey!NAM1_14148GNR. Three Dog. All you need to know.NAM1_14149What's up Wastelanders? This is Three Dog, and you're listening to GNR! That's Galaxy News Radio, in case you forgot...NAM1_14150Repeating message. This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers sending out an S.O.S. on all known friendly frequencies.NAM1_14151This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers. If anyone can hear this signal we're in danger and we need your help.NAM1_14152To anyone receiving this message. This is Butcher of the merc company Reilly's Rangers. We're in danger and need help.NAM1_14153To anyone that can receive this. We are in danger and need your help. This is Butcher of Reilly's Rangers.NAM1_14154Mayday. Mayday. Mayday.NAM1_14155&unintelligible&NAM1_14156Greetings to the oppressed masses from the peace-loving peoples of China!NAM1_14157All peace-loving peoples must join together to stop the war of aggression being waged by the Wall Street gang!NAM1_14158Remember - A clean vault is a healthy vault. Please place all trash into the appropriate incineration receptacle on your scheduled burning day.NAM1_14159Remember - Your Pip-Boy is not a toy. Proper cleaning and maintenance will ensure the device's operation for this, and future, generations.NAM1_14160Remember - Vault 101 IS America.NAM1_14161Remember - Vault Depressive Syndrome, or V.D.S., is a treatable condition. See your vault physician today for an antidepressant that's right for you.NAM1_14162Remember - Only you can prevent fatal work-related injuries. Proper use and storage of all high-velocity tools is essential to survival.NAM1_14163The Overseer's authority is absolute.NAM1_14164This is Vault 101, and you're enjoying a brighter future?underground.NAM1_14165Current radiation level -- 0 rads. As always.NAM1_14166Walk. Don't run.NAM1_14167Did you know - the average life expectancy of a resident in a properly maintained vault is 92.3 years?NAM1_14168Did you know - due to the threats of radiation and mutant domination, the United States will not be habitable again for at least three centuries?NAM1_14169Did you know - the odds of a Vault-Tec shelter failing are 1,763, 497?to 1?NAM1_14170Did you know - Vault-Tec water and life support systems can sustain a vault for over 900 years, without failure?NAM1_14171Did you know -- the Vault-Tec/RobCo partnership is considered the most successful joint venture in the history of American industry?NAM1_14172Attention all Raven Rock personnel. This is your President, John Henry Eden.NAM1_14173We stand now at the precipice.NAM1_14174Thank you for listening to Tenpenny Tower radio service. Brought to you by Allistair Tenpenny.NAM1_14175This is Tenpenny Tower radio!NAM1_14176You're listening to Tenpenny Tower radio, the sound of progress!NAM1_14177This is Tenpenny Tower radio, music and inspiring talk for forward thinking people.FULL_14178MegatonTalkDeathReactionFunnyNAM1_14179You're really an asshole, you know that?NAM1_14180That's appalling.NAM1_14181You're going to a special hell, you know that?NAM1_14182Too soon!NAM1_14183You can't be serious.FULL_14184MegatonTalkEnclaveNegativeNAM1_14185Help us? Are you crazy? I heard about some shit they pulled out west somewhere... NAM1_14186From what I hear, they're nothing but bad news.NAM1_14187Yeah, well. We'll see. They can't be worse than those Brotherhood of Steel psychos down in the city.NAM1_14188Yeah, right. I'm not holding out hope for the cavalry to come save the world.FULL_14189MegatonTalkEnclavePositiveNAM1_14190Really? Maybe there's hope yet...NAM1_14191I don't know... I want to believe that but I'm just not sure.NAM1_14192If that's true, then all we have to do is hold out for a little while, right?NAM1_14193I hope you're right. I really do. But after 200 years, don't you think they'd have done something by now?FULL_14194MegatonTalkDoubtNAM1_14195No! That's terrible!NAM1_14196I hadn't heard! That's just awful...NAM1_14197Terrible business.NAM1_14198Ashes to ashes. NAM1_14199May they rest in peace...NAM1_14200Hopefully they won't come back as a Ghoul! Ha! Ha ha! ... ... what? Too soon?NAM1_14201Dibs on their stuff!NAM1_14202Dead meat, you say? So... will there be a feast tonight? Hahaha!NAM1_14203All I can say is: better them than me.NAM1_14204Shit. I wonder if their house is up for bids...NAM1_14205Well, on the bright side, now there are more water rations for the rest of us.NAM1_14206My sympathies go out.NAM1_14207It could happen to any of us, you know.NAM1_14208How does the saying go? "Death is like a robe that everyone has to wear."NAM1_14209"Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable."NAM1_14210"God full of mercy who dwells on high, grant rest for this soul on the wings of your divine presence..."NAM1_14211"We have come from God and unto him we shall return..."FULL_14212How can I convince you to stop preying on Arefu?NAM1_14213No convincing is necessary. I must say your visit is a pleasant change from what I am accustomed to when dealing with humans.NAM1_14214In light of this, I promise you that no further harm will befall you or Arefu. Of that you have my solemn oath.NAM1_14215Now, what of young Ian? Tell me his decision.FULL_14216I believe that blood preserved in bloodpacks could provide what you need.NAM1_14217Many years ago, I survived by drinking from fresh bloodpacks I recovered from hospital ruins.NAM1_14218The problem was that these bloodpacks were scarce.NAM1_14219What do you propose?RNAM_14220Oh, come on. I'm a nice guy, really. May I please come in?NAM1_14221Well, okay. But you better not be lying, or else we'll shoot you.RNAM_14222Oh, come on. I'm a nice gal, really. May I please come in?FULL_14223What is this place?NAM1_14224This is Little Lamplight. We live here, and we don't need no mungos messing it up. So just take a hike.FULL_14225Can I come in?NAM1_14226Hell no! No mungos allowed!NAM1_14227I already told you no. Stop asking!FULL_14228I really need to get to Vault 87. Do you know the way?NAM1_14229It's not safe, even for someone as brave as you. There's monsters back there.NAM1_14230You don't want to go there. That's where the monsters are.NAM1_14231We got pretty good at keeping them out. Probably better than you could do.NAM1_14232We don't go there. It's bad back there. Ask Mayor if you really want to know.FULL_14233So you know the way to get there?NAM1_14234Yeah, I do. It's through Murder Pass. Not a real safe way to go, but it's the only door that works.NAM1_14235Yeah, I do. But it's through Little Lamplight, and you're not getting into Little Lamplight. Guess you better find some other way, mungo.FULL_14236Why, what happened to Sammy and Squirrel?NAM1_14237Them and Penny got themselves caught... By mungos, just like you. Slavers from Paradise Falls.NAM1_14238I told them to watch out, but the stupid kids didn't listen.FULL_14239Forget it.FULL_14240How can I get you to trust me?NAM1_14241Why should I trust you? I got no reason to.NAM1_14242You mungos are nothing but trouble. I ain't gonna let what happened to Sammy and Squirrel happen to anyone else.NAM1_14243You'd do that?NAM1_14244Maybe... If you can bring them back, I might let you in.RNAM_14245What if I go and help Sammy and the others? Then will you trust me?FULL_14246Monsters? What monsters?NAM1_14247The big ones. You know, the ones that sort of look like people except they're all wrong.FULL_14248Okay, so you were talking to the Enclave. What did they want.FULL_14249You were talking... to the Enclave?! About what?!FULL_14250Liar! He... he would never betray me like that!FULL_14251What? No... No, that's impossible. He would never... Would he?FULL_14252InterruptYetAgainFULL_14253InterruptAgainFULL_14254InterruptFULL_14255That's the only way?NAM1_14256It's the only way that works, yeah.NAM1_14257The other door hasn't worked since before I was here. Computer's busted, and not even Joseph can make it work.NAM1_14258If you're going to go through Murder Pass, let me know and I'll have the door opened for you.NAM1_14259But I still say it's a bad idea.FULL_14260On second thought, never mind.NAM1_14261Okay. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else you chickened out.FULL_14262Yeah, I'm sure.NAM1_14263Okay, if you say so...NAM1_14264Come on. Let's go get the gate open for you, mungo.FULL_14265I want to use Murder Pass to reach Vault 87.NAM1_14266Not unless Mayor says it's okay. You'd better ask him.NAM1_14267You sure about that? It's scary in there. Even I don't like going there, and I'm really brave.NAM1_14268Okay, it's your funeral.NAM1_14269Come on. We'll open the gate for you.FULL_14270Can you turn the computer back on?NAM1_14271Sure, if you want.NAM1_14272Come on. It's over here.FULL_14273I hear there's a door that doesn't work.NAM1_14274Nuh-uh. Door works fine. Computer's broke.NAM1_14275Well, maybe not broke, but it sure don't work right. I turned it off because it was just wasting power.FULL_14276Tell me more about Little Lamplight.NAM1_14277Why would I tell you anything? God, you're dumb.FULL_14278InitialGreetFULL_14279Know anything about the area outside Megaton?NAM1_14280Outside of Megaton? Any place other than here sounds like heaven to me. Fuck this place.NAM1_14281&If it weren't for you Wasteland types coming through with your caps, I'd be out of here in a second. Assuming that I could convince Jenny and Leo.NAM1_14282All I know is that I spent too much time out there and beyond that, I ain't gonna talk about it.NAM1_14283The Wasteland? Why the hell would you want to go out there? Listen to me, lass, Megaton has everything you could possibly need. Why go anywhere else?NAM1_14284The Wasteland? Why the hell would you want to go out there? Listen to me, lad, Megaton has everything you could possibly need. Why go anywhere else?NAM1_14285In my youth, I traveled quite a bit. But... that was a different life. I assume that you are seeking information and advice, yes?NAM1_14286The only advice that I can offer is this: you will find no wealth in the Wasteland greater than that which you will find within yourself.NAM1_14287Bask in Atom's Glow, and you will understand.RNAM_14288Confessor, have you ever traveled outside of Megaton?NAM1_14289None of your fucking business.RNAM_14290What do you know about the Wasteland?NAM1_14291I've said just about all I'm going to say about that.NAM1_14292I spent a lot of time out there and I've left a lot of ghosts in my path. Some of them, well... they're coming a bit close to catching up to me.NAM1_14293It's called "The Wasteland" for a reason. But there are settlements, too, spread all around. The human race is stubborn like that. NAM1_14294To the south you got Rivet City, but don't bother going to D.C. The place is a warzone.FULL_14295What can you tell me about Megaton?NAM1_14296It's a hole. A dead end. So why I do stay? Well... it's a hole that makes me money.NAM1_14297Megaton is the best little town you'll find in the Capital Wasteland. Don't let anyone tell you different.NAM1_14298Strong walls, strong people, and strong booze. We've got everything you need to make a life these days.NAM1_14299Megaton is the best little town in the Wasteland. Don't let anyone tell you different.NAM1_14300Stay the fuck out of my business, don't go where you don't belong, and buy your drinks here. That's all you need to know.
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