
速度与激情7里面那句翻译的你若安好便是晴天 英文是怎么说的?_百度知道
速度与激情7里面那句翻译的你若安好便是晴天 英文是怎么说的?
as long as your happy i am happy with it
我说的是电影里面的原句 不是翻译
出门在外也不愁《速度与激情 7 》中的哪些片段是保罗的弟弟作为替身拍摄的?
的邀请。----------------------自从答完了Furious 7 的观后影评,没怎么太注意知乎。今天上来看到了这个问题,在这里特别向OP 道歉, 我来迟了。 看了一下答复,知友 引用Quora 用户的回复已经很简练了。 这里答主本人换从另一个角度来答复。可能会有很大程度的跑题,但请相信答主,我的所作所为,完全是出于自己对-----------Fast & Furious Franchise 伴我成长的感谢,有很深的感情在里面。以下英文文章选自BuzzFeed News Entertainment 答主会部分翻译(意译为主)。因为在看完这篇文章以后,太多的感动,所以很想和诸位知友分享下,也希望知乎上目前仍然身在国内的高中或大学的,全当做阅读理解。有疑问的话可以在评论区回复,或是直接私信我。
----------------John中恩==========================================================================================================================================The Daunting Task Of Making “Furious 7” Without Paul WalkerIt wasn't enough that director James Wan had to mourn the death of one of his film’s biggest stars halfway through filming — he also had to find the strength to finish the movie and then figure out how to do it.题目是
James Wan 的角度进行叙述速七缺人后拍摄过程的文章。=====================================================================1. Justin Lin Furious 3-6
林诣彬答主个人认为,最心痛的其实应该是导演本人。答主选择这个角度部分原因是因为和 Justin Lin 的原因。没错,基于答主和Justin Lin 的Alma mater 都是UCLA的原因,这里特意跑题赞一赞。可能各位对Justin Lin 不是很熟悉,但是如果各位(如果愿意的话)Google下或百度下 Fast & Furious 3--6 你会发现,真正使the whole franchise alive and kicking的人 就是他------------------Justin Lin林诣彬,美籍台湾人,UCLA film making MFA出生。除去第一部 Rob Cohen 开创了Fast & Furious 的热血模式,二代目黑人大叔John Singleton的中规中矩的承接,从Furious 3 开始 到 Furious 6 再传给 Furious 7的 James Wan 温子仁华裔导演在整个Furious里的存在感是十分强烈的。=============以上跑题了但是对于下文没有任何铺垫编辑时我走神了,别介============2 James Wan
温子仁 不介绍太多这位大神的背景,淡淡地说一下如果诸位是Saw 电锯惊魂
Insidious 阴儿房 这两部作品的爱好者,请您一定记住这位指导并且监制了整个系列的导演。=============Here Story goes=============================================On Nov. 30, 2013, filmmaker James Wan was enjoying the first relaxing Saturday he’d had in many, many weeks. He was about halfway through directing Furious 7, his first time working on the multibillion-dollar movie franchise. And Universal Pictures’ aggressive plan to release the film just 13 months after its predecessor set box office records for the Fast & Furious series meant Wan, his cast, and his crew had barely had a moment’s rest as they pushed through shooting as much footage as they could on the film’s Atlanta set.
He was having such a great time, actually, that he didn't notice that his phone’s battery had run out.Then he got back home and plugged it in.天不遂人愿,离你再近也无法料到下一秒,你我阴阳两隔。13年11月30日温在享受,(速七已拍摄近半的间歇),难得的休假时光。静静地,静静地.................手机的电格也懒懒异于往常的精神饱满,精疲力尽的躺在主人的兜里,等待着回家蓄能调养。“When the phone came back on, it just blew up with all these messages,”
James said sadly.People around James struck an ominous tone: “Is this for real?” “Did this really happen?” “Is Paul OK?”也许那没有充电的短暂时光,很平凡,却平凡地摊上了ensuing的 悲凉。消息,漫天地从充着电的手机里跑出来,飞在人群里。“At first I thought this is another one of those internet hoaxes that you get all the time on social media,” he said. “I’m like, this is a horrible, horrible joke, whoever’s playing this.” But then Wan noticed he had missed calls from Universal executives, and Fast & Furiousfranchise producer Neal Moritz. “My heart sank. I knew something really bad was up.”“ 起初我觉得,扯吧!像这样社交传媒网上的恶作剧一出又一出,不论是谁,这么做都太过份了。” 但当温注意到环球影业的高管以及制片尼尔的未接来电时,“我的心一沉,确实出事儿了。”It was. Paul Walker, who played former undercover cop Brian O’Conner in all but one film in the Fast & Furious franchise,
after an event for his charity organization Reach Out Worldwide. He was just 40 years old.40岁的行者走在了远去天际的路上...............................“When I got the news, I literally slid down the wall,” Wan said. “I just broke down. I could not believe that that happened. I was just in total, total shock.”In the ensuing days, the most Wan and Universal could do was to agree to suspend production on the film. Whether they would ever return at all, Wan said, remained undetermined out of respect for Walker.“I actually want to give credit to the studio for not jumping at that,” Wan said. “Because they were just as shocked. They truly loved Paul. It hit everyone really hard. We truly did not talk about finishing the movie until Paul was buried and we had a memorial for him. It was in the following weeks that we started thinking if this was something that we could actually finish without him.”Ultimately, Wan, Universal, Moritz, and the rest of the Furious 7 cast agreed they really had no choice but to finish the film. After mourning his friend and colleague, Wan had to pick himself up and then, somehow, he had to get back to work. “I didn’t feel I had to necessarily finish this movie for the sake of finishing this movie,” said Wan. “I, like everyone else, felt like we had to finish this movie for Paul.”为了你,Paul ,我们要坚强...........................................................There is practically no precedent in modern Hollywood for the impossible dilemma the director was facing. The closest example is probably the accidental death of actor Brandon Lee in 1993 on the set of The Crow, but Lee, the film’s star,
had three more days left of filming. Furious 7, by contrast, was just halfway done. And, as Wan pointed out, The Crow’s shadowy aesthetic and Lee’s long hair and painted face made obscuring anyone doubling for the actor relatively straightforward. The opposite was true of Walker’s character. “The Fast and Furious franchise takes place in a world that is very bright, very happy,” said Wan. “There was no way I could hide him.”其实像速七这样动作类型片的遭遇,在先前的好莱坞已有过---痛。李小龙的儿子李国豪的电影《乌鸦》就是一例。但是相比于,离拍摄结束后庆功还有三天的《乌鸦》,拍摄到一半的速七,明显难度太过,一暗一明的电影主打色调,黑长发与褐色短发的鲜明对比。“ 你让我怎么把Paul前后的不同藏起来?”温说。For Wan, however, the hardest part of finishing Furious 7 wasn't in those technicalities. “For me, the most daunting part was the idea of waking up every morning, getting back on set, rallying the troops, and getting all the cast and all the crew back to making this movie,” Wan said, half sighing, half laughing. “Just the idea of that made it so hard to continue with it.”But they knew that had to do it — for Walker. “It became our obligation to finish this movie as a tribute to honor his memories and his legacy,” Wan said. “That became our number one goal when we picked up the pieces and we went back to work.”为了你,Paul,我们要继续................................................................................重点来了,诸位,在Paul 离去后,怎么还原一部拍摄一半后没有了Paul的速七呢?====================================================================The first step in picking up the pieces was figuring out how much footage he had of Walker. Before the film went back into production in April 2014 — Universal pushed the release date from July 11, 2014 to April 3, 2015 — Wan and his post-production team spent months poring over every scrap of footage that had ever been shot of Walker for 2009’s Fast & Furious (the fourth in the series), 2011’s Fast Five, 2013’s Fast & Furious 6, and what Wan had already shot of Walker in Furious 7. “We had to look for … little nuances that he would make, so that we could possibly tell our visual animators, ‘Well, when Paul says a line like this, he would look more like that,’” said Wan. “We literally had to build a bible, so to speak, that we could reference. Oh, when Paul is happy, he does this. When he’s sad, he does this. It was so meticulous.”第一步,挖历史。在环球把上瘾日期从14年的7月11日推迟到15年的4月3日,温和他的后续发行团队,花了数个月的时间埋头从过去的脚本残迹里挖去有用的,关于Paul的脚本。涵盖了从2009年 速4 ,2011年速五,2013年的速六以及先前速7已有的Paul的 脚本,“我们必须找出并留意Paul之前做过的所有的细微动作,只有这样才能对后期绘制人员的工作加以指导。” 比如,当Paul 再说一段台词的时候,会怎样怎样,他是什么动作反应。温说:“毫不夸张地讲,我们等于为Paul 做了一部影像采集库,他高兴如何,他悲伤怎样,应该有哪些反应。细心细心,一定要细心的完成(这工作真的很累,答主兼译者注!)”Working with screenwriter Chris Morgan, Wan then reshaped the movie’s plot to fit every shot of and every line from Walker they knew they had, and then they planned how each of those elements would be incorporated into what Wan would shoot on the set. “[It was] probably more meticulous than anything we've had to plan for this film,” said Wan. “And this movie has incredibly detailed action sequences and visual effects sequences.”与编剧Chris Morgan 一道工作,温从新修改了剧情,为了确保每帧每节都能用上先前他们拍摄过的Paul的脚本,随之有的各类元素再经过温从新的并入采集,进入到他将会用到且有编排过的影像里。温说,“细心是绝对需要的,这些细碎的脚本编排一定要确保可以乱真地融进剧情,细微的动作场景,视觉特效中。To double for Walker, the production turn to his younger brothers Caleb and Cody, as well as actor John Brotherton (who also has a separate role in the film). Visual effects artists then replaced their faces with Paul Walker’s face — but occasionally, Brian O'Connor's lines would be a hybrid of multiple voices. “Sometimes, we would use the brothers to say certain lines, because we wouldn't necessarily have ‘Archive Paul’ saying that,” said Wan. “So we may have the brothers saying one or two lines here, and Paul would finish off the sentence. It was this incredible jigsaw puzzle that we had to put together. I mean, Paul had a very distinct way of speaking. [Cody and Caleb] have the mannerisms, but they don’t sound quite like Paul. So there’s a lot of tweakage that we had to do. It really is a combination of so many different techniques and different methods to make it work.”替身方面,原创的手头有Paul的两个弟弟,以及John。视觉特效人员,把替身的脸编辑成Paul的脸。所以还好解决。麻烦又出来了,这回事是声音问题。Paul的声音是个多选,有时会选用Paul的弟弟的声音来念台词,因为并没有类似 “Paul声音档案 ”的存在,(所以在配音上,用替身来演绎一个场景, 在接到之前已有的Paul的脚本上,再用Paul弟弟的声音连起来形成一个完整的场景。答主兼译者注)。但毕竟,Paul的声音与众不同,除了Paul的两个弟弟的亲力亲为,仍然有一堆工作需要后期加工,所以我们有大量的音频采集重建合成的流程要做。这是项注入了诸多技术方法的复杂集合,真心难。Wan declined to go into specific detail about what scenes involved this level of complex digital sleight-of-hand. “We don’t want you to go, ‘Oh, yeah, that looks kind of bad,’” he said. “We worked very hard so you don’t have to be picking it apart.” But once Wan finally got into the editing room to assemble the film, he said he tried to use every possible second of footage that he had shot of Walker for Furious 7. “One thing I realized as I was putting it all together was everything I had shot with Paul for this movie became so precious,” he said. “Because I didn't have enough stuff with him, everything I do have with him became like gold that I just cannot let go.”One example: Wan confirmed that Walker does appear in one of Furious 7’s most affecting — and eerie — scenes, when Brian has a phone conversation with Mia (Jordana Brewster), his series-long romantic interest, as he prepares for the final confrontation with the film’s villains Deckard (Jason Statham) and Jakande (Djimon Hounsou), bracing her for the possibility he may not come back from it alive.“It was very difficult, obviously,” he said. “We have to be sensitive to what happened. We’re very mindful of [how] people watching this movie would feel. I will say that is my favorite scene in the whole movie. There are many cool action scenes in this whole film, but that scene says a lot about who Paul’s character is. It says a lot about his relationship with Mia. And I just love how emotional it is.”The scene is also a perfect example of one of the most emotionally taxing challenges Wan faced making Furious 7, because Brewster, who had missed much of the first half of production filming her (since canceled) TNT dramaDallas, shot her side of that phone conversation after Walker had died.“It was a tough one for Jordana,” said Wan. “For her to try to do the dialogue with him and he’s no longer there — it was just so hard. … I think Jordana was the most emotional through it all. It was doubly surreal when she had to do her scenes with Cody or Caleb, or with John, but pretend that it’s Paul. That was a tricky one for me to direct, because I had to be very sensitive to that and just help her along and just try to get her in the right mindset.”So much of the appeal of the Fast & Furious franchise, on screen and off, is wrapped up in the theme of family, both by blood and by choice. That added yet another heartrending strain to any scene in which cast members had to act as if their friend Walker was still there — no more so than for the franchise’s paterfamilias Vin Diesel. “One thing that I never realized is how much Vin did look up to Paul,” said Wan. “He would bounce a lot of ideas off Paul. … They shared so many scenes and moments together.”But Diesel’s familiarity with Walker also meant he could help Wan breathe more of the late actor back into his scenes. “Vin actually helped me fill in a lot of gaps,” said Wan. “A lot of times he would say, ‘You know, James, the way this is scripted now, Paul wouldn't do that. Paul would maybe say it more like this.’ It was really cool to have that.”With the film finally finished and just days away from opening in theaters, Wan still seemed a little raw from the experience. If the Fast & Furious franchise does continue without Walker, it’s unclear whether Wan will continue with it. “No one tells me how to make my horror films. But with this, I kind of have to play to other people’s rules,” Wan said. After spending so much time looking after other people’s emotional well-being while also making his first enormous action movie — and one that comes with the pressure of being the seventh installment of a franchise that lost one of its biggest stars — Wan finally found himself able to begin to take stock of the toll the entire process has taken on him. “I need a break,” Wan said with a sigh. “I look at pictures of me now, and I go, oh my god, I’ve lost so much weight making this film. I need to go back and look after my health.”所以在看完以上,对于那些依旧认为本作的剧情很没剧情,还喜欢借用第十放映室里龙斌在解说《敢死队》电影时用到的” 一部你看了预告片就等于看完了全剧“的人们,你们看到的实际上是很多幕后电影人注入心血后的作品。至少在我看来是这样的这几天都在听Wiz Khalifa 的See you again ......................真的好好听==================================FIN=================================
泻药第一次被邀好激动(??ω??)我看过之后不得不感慨科技之发达,全程真的没怎么看出是其兄弟参演的部分。(可能是我本人不太敏感这个 没有特别注意) 不过在Quora看到刚好有相同问题 搬运过来如有翻译成中文需要请在评论区告知原文如下The following scenes were filmed by Paul's brother's Caleb and Cody-:1.The scene in which Mia and Brian are talking in the garage which occoues fairly early on.2.The Abu-Dhabai sequence where Brian is getting the device from the car and Dom crashes the car from one building to another.3.The scene when they are standing on the Bridge in Los-Angeles and discussing their next course of action.4.Some parts of the final action sequence.5.The end scenes(obviously).From Quora
@Darsh Segal-----------------------------------------------我是翻译分割线-------------------------------------------------翻译如下 如有不准确地方望指正 1.Brian 与 Mia 在车库里面谈话。2.在阿布扎比飞车一幕,Brian把 God's eye 从车里拿出来,Dom驾车连飞几幢高楼。3.一群人站在Los-Angeles 一个大桥上讨论下一步怎么打Boss 的时候。4.最后几幕 海滩那里?(记不太清了 答主健忘癌晚期 =_=!)5.Brian 与 Dom最后并驾齐驱。
《速度与激情7》保罗沃克走了,杰森斯坦森来了!作为一部遗作,本片是合格的。片尾打出的保罗沃克从第1部到第7部里的精彩片段剪辑,无疑是速度与激情对保罗沃克从系列诞生之初,一直走到现在最好的悼念。不同于希斯莱杰之于《蝙蝠侠》,保罗沃克作为主角,已经跟速度与激情互相打上了烙印。相信大部分观众也很难想象,没有保罗沃克的速度与激情会是怎样?可是当杰森斯坦森被戴上镣铐丢进牢房那个意味深长的镜头出现时,没有保罗沃克的《速度与激情8》无疑是板上钉钉了。这个镜头很有趣,看似是杰森斯坦森被丢进牢房了,可是尽头不断往外拉,于是戏剧性的一幕出现了:似乎在监狱里的不是杰森斯坦森,而是我们,是多米尼克和他的boys们。而杰森斯坦森更像是在看望监狱里我们的英雄们。这个镜头的运用可以追溯到98年游达志的《暗花》——虽然刘青云被梁朝伟关到了监狱里,但是真正困斗之兽的却是站在牢房外往里看的梁朝伟。虽然巨石强森被拿来为本片好好宣传了一番,但是他无疑是本片最大的一个酱油,开场跟杰森斯坦森的武斗基本就像前戏,虽然不乏一些精彩的地方,但始终不温不火,杰森该有的利落没有了,强森该有霸道也弱了,两个人的打斗似乎变成了两个互相扯头发掐指甲撕来撕去的悍妇。如此有个性的二人男子双人打斗没有运用好,就像拿海参+鱼翅炖了土豆,这是对食材的浪费!导演你都不看《舌尖上的中国》吗?!这两味优质的食材,真不应该拿来撕逼而暴殄天物,他们更应该拔屌无情!正如片尾范迪塞尔跟杰森斯坦森的那场肉搏战一样,且不管是枪还是钢棍,至少他们俩跳起来的那一刹那,观众觉得值回了票价,这就够了!因为大家既然选择看速度与激情,压根就没有希望温子仁能像克里斯托弗诺兰的《盗梦空间》抑或《星际穿越》一样多么严谨,你只要让大家爽够了,这片子就值回了它存在的意义。然而不得不承认的是保罗沃克对本片的贡献:见过飞机上跳伞的,跳人的,跳车的,但从飞机上驾车跳下去,还在空中做360托马斯全旋,come on!导演,你这是逼着人再去刷一遍IMAX巨幕3D啊!当保罗沃克跟那个死而复生的boy纠缠不休的时候,如果双双直接跳下车,已经很精彩了,毕竟前有卡车,后有追车,杰森斯坦森那个老坏蛋也在旁边兴风作浪着。可是你非得拖到悬崖边,然后让保罗沃克用双腿硬拼卡车的重力加速度,只能说一声:“你赢了!”真TMD精彩!如果你以为这样利用运到极致的悬崖应该已经差不多就够了时,你会发现范迪塞尔在对你摇手指:“nonono~”于是他驾着车,从敌军的重重包围中,先来了一个沙尘暴全旋,紧接着驾车跳崖了!这一次,导演没有跟重力加速度过意不去。而是直接向车的质量发出了终极拷问:这车,牛!坐在这车里的人,更牛!我瞬间脑补了一个画面:如果是国产车,应该是车从悬崖坠落接触地面的那一刹那,就会瞬间爆炸着火,具体参照《窃听风云》和绝大部分的TVB警匪剧。如果是日本车呢?爆炸是必然的,着火是必须的,但是人是绝不能死在车里的,必须让他着火,然后带着火出来跑!然后掉进路旁的一口古井里,于是没到半夜12点,都会有一只手从井里伸出来,接着是头,然后是一个披头散发身穿白色连衣裙的妹子。本剧第二个高潮在范迪塞尔在高楼之间驾驶的红色拉轰跑车。从一栋楼直接跳到另一栋楼,这是怎么想出来的?如此笨重的车,不仅连人带车直接克服了地心引力,还准确避免了从一栋楼向另一栋楼传送时,可能会撞到隔壁楼层之间的水泥板而不是窗户。不过这么热血的时候,确实也的确管不了那么多的bug,你敢说你没燃?!本剧的第三个高潮在飞车往飞机上挂手榴弹。这一点,明显是借鉴了我国的抗日剧啊有木有?!手榴弹炸飞机,听上去是否似曾相识?!没错就是我们的黄海波同志,在11年主演的《永不磨灭的番号》里,上演的激情一刻,于是这一刻先是被演变成为14年《饥饿游戏3》里用弓箭直接打飞机,到15年《速度与激情7》里用汽车直接向飞机运送炸弹。看来,连好莱坞都不得不借鉴我国抗日神剧的奇思妙想了。最后,想对男同学们说:虽然目前网上可以下到资源,但还是去电影院吧!不仅是值回票价,简直是赚!相对女同学们说:如果有男生邀请你12号凌晨去看《速度与激情7》首映的,千万不要去!看完都后半夜两点多了,他要是不打算睡你我随你姓!
多的大家都會說 就說個特別明顯的。最後一幕分道揚鑣 paul轉頭過來的樣子 看著V笑 眼睛感覺怪怪的。應該是digital mask吧。
谢邀个人感觉 从最后一次大战的时候就已经不是Paul在演了。因为基本上没有给Brian正脸且持续5秒以上的镜头了。特别是在Brian最后和Dom告别时在车上的那个侧脸,明显可以看出来他的脸比Paul的脸要肉一些
哈哈 泻药 同楼上一样好多第一次被药的好开森 楼上几位已经答得挺清楚的了 补充一下个人感觉比较明显的是最后和亚裔反派肉搏的时候肯定不是本人 应该是替身和哥哥 各种快镜头加负角度侧脸 还有最后和光头并排在车里的时候感觉不太真实想是处理的 因为是偏静态的 应该能够做到的吧
谢邀!答主脸盲啊!回答这个问题要死了要死了 (??????????????)
好吧,在CG技术如此发达的今天,非paul的戏已经做的很好了。当然还是有地方能看出来,私以为结局在海滩那出戏应该是替身。答主虽然脸盲但不瞎啊,因为是远景拍摄,而且角度是侧脸+背影,应该就没有用CG处理过,体型也有差。我就看出了这个 ⊙▽⊙
因为已经很多人回答过了。我在这里就回答哪些公司参与了,参与的特效公司非常的多。Weta,MPC,Scanline,Digital Domain,Pixomondo等等。Weta是负责换脸的。
引用的quora里面的回答已经比较全了,毕竟paul死的时候大部分还是拍完的。对于我这个氪金狗眼,能看出来较为明显的地方有:穿FBI衣服的时候;去接通信号的那栋楼里面跟托尼贾打架的时候;最后的最后一家人在沙滩玩的时候;最后的最后的最后,开车的那个,不过头好像是拼接过来的感觉。其他的实在看不出来了。。。for Paul, we never say goodbye!
据悉,剧中Brian妻子的扮演者Jordana Brewster进入剧组时,保罗已经车祸身亡,因此,剧中有关夫妻之间的对手戏,都是由替身完成。


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