
   Michael Jordan Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U. S. A.He is a legend sports man. His great skill is so amazing that people call him a flying man. Although he is not very tall in the basketball field, his wonderful skill always helps him to win games. He isn't a professional basketball player of NBA now,but he is still a good example in NBA. A few weeks ago, he came to visit China. So many of his fans followed his track in Beijing in order to have a look at this great sports star.
热门课程推荐Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan used to be an NBA member in the U. S. A.He is a legend sports man.
His great skill is so amazing that people call him a flying man. Although he is not very tall in the basketball field, his wonderful skill always helps him to win games. He isn't a professional basketball player of NBA now,but he is still a good example in NBA. A few weeks ago, he came to visit China. So many of his fans followed his track in Beijing in order to have a look at this great sports star.乐闻:Michael Jackson演唱会被迫推迟
编辑点评:Ticketmaster票务公司代表AEG现场娱乐公司宣布发言人在英国伦敦宣布,迈克尔-杰克逊(Michael Jackson)原本将于7月8日举行的伦敦演唱会因为技术原因被迫推迟。
沪江英乐讯& 当地时间5月20日),Ticketmaster票务公司代表AEG现场娱乐公司宣布发言人在英国伦敦宣布,迈克尔-杰克逊(Michael Jackson)原本将于7月8日举行的伦敦演唱会因为技术原因被迫推迟。前四场演出被重新安排时间举行。歌迷闻讯后炸开了锅。
由于给不少歌迷带来不便,AEG与旅行套餐公司达成协议,将为改变行程的歌迷提供10%的酒店预定折扣。如果歌迷不能前往观看改变日期后的演唱会,就可申请全额退票。由于演唱会延期,所以杰克逊门票最早也只会在6月19日后才会开始邮寄给全世界的歌迷。 如果不申请退票,你就依然可以出席改变日期后的演唱会。除了日期,一切都没有变化,座位也将是你最初订购时的座位。
'沪江英乐讯 当地时间5月20日),Ticketmaster票务公司代表AEG现场娱乐公司宣布发言人在英国伦敦宣布,迈克尔-杰克逊(Michael Jackson)原本将于7月8日举行的伦敦...'
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10 Amazing Success Lessons from Michael Jordan
kira86 于发布 l 已有人浏览
Michael Jordan is a former American professional basketball player, active businessman, and majority
become positive, in order to experience success.
9. Loyalty and Responsibility
&The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace.&
Success demands loyalty and responsibility! Are you loyal to your duties, do you faithfully complete the critical tasks that are requisite to your success?
Are you consistent? To succeed, you must be l you must give it your all.
10. Expectations
&You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.&
Jordan said, &If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.&
In life you will get what you accept and what you expect. What are you expecting? What are you accepting? When you change the answers to these questions, you will change your life.
我们也在这里:He is a strong man.He looks handsome and kind.He is about twenty–nine years old.He is wearing a white shirt,blue jeans and a pair of purple shoes.He is an athlete,so he is very hard-working.He is running in the street now.作文录入:周炎南&指导老师:更多阅读上一篇:下一篇:Michael的相关文章He is a strong man.He looks handsome and kind.He is about twenty–nine years old.He is wearing a white shirt,blue jeans and a pair of purple shoes.He is an athlete,so he is ...>>推荐作文热门阅读最新发布的作文}


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