用there are造句__s are___.造句,四组

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例: What is the boy going to buy?
A.some juice B. some oranges C.some
A. 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从体重所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段给对话后,你都将有10秒的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1.How is the weather in New York?
A. It's couldy B. It's rainy C. It's sunny
2.Where is the hotel?
A. On the right B. Next to the post office C. Across from the post office
3.What's Paul doing?
A.Reading B. Smoking C. Writing
4.What does the man mean?
A.Because Tom may miss the train.
B.Because the train is late.
C.Because Tom has changed his plan.
5.What does the man mean?
A.It's hard to pass the exam.
B.It's easy to pass the exam.
C.They didn't work hard before.
1. 根据"--How's the weather in New York?" "--It's sunny."选C
考点: 天气
2. 根据"--Is there a hotel near here?"…"It's next to the post office."选B
考点: 地点
3. 根据"-- What are you doing?""-- I am reading an article."选A
考点: 事件细节
4. 根据"If he doesn't hurry, he won't catch the train"选A
考点: 逻辑关系
5. 根据"It's a piece of cake. "选B
考点: 主旨大意
B. 倾听下面3段对话和2段独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你将有30秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What are they going to do on Saturday?
A.Play volleyball B. Play tennis C. Watch the tennis match
7.When are they going to meet?
A. At 2:00 B. At 2:30 C. At 3:00
第6-7题主题: 兴趣爱好
6. 根据"-- I've got two tickets for front seats ""-You have! Then I'll come "选C, 考点: 事件细节
7. 根据"I'll meet you at the school gate at two thirty"选B
考点: 时间细节
8.How did lily go to work today?
A. on foot B. by bus C. by car
9.What will Mike do tomorrow?
A. visit lily B. drive to work C. leave home earlierwhich
10.Which of the following is ture?
A.Lily has a new flat.
B.Lily was late for work.
C.Mike lives close to the office.
第8-9题主题: 工作生活
8. 根据"Ten minutes by bus or by car?" "On foot."选A
考点: 事件细节
9. 根据"What are you doing tomorrow?" "I'll start 15 minutes earlier."
选C, 考点: 事件细节
10. 根据"How's your new flat?"选A
考点: 逻辑关系
11.Where does David spend time after school these days?
A. At a coffee shop B. At a library C. At a music club
12.Whom does David like to meet?
A. classmates B. friends C.strangers
13.What can we get from the conversation?
A.David doesn't like drinking coffee a lot.
B.Mum knows much about David's girl friend.
C.David would like to talk about girls with mum.
11. 细节题,考察地点。据原文可选出正确选项"I stop at a coffee shop"
12. 细节题,考察人物。根据原文可选出正确选项" meet new people there"
13. 主旨题,
14.How old is Nancy ?
A. fourteen B.fifteen C.sixteen
15.What does Nancy often do at weekend?
She often visits her friends.
She often goes to parties.
She often does homework.
16. What can we learn about Nancy?
She has enough time for activities.
She sometimes makes money by herself.
She is tired of doing homework.
14. 细节题,考察年龄,数字。据原文可选出正确选项"She is sixteen"
15. 细节题,考察日常生活。根据原文可选出正确选项"She often goes to parties at
16. 细节题,考察课余生活。据原文可选出正确选项"She sometimes makes some
money by looking after young children for other families."
17.What's Bob going to do this summer holiday?
A. go to the English class B.learn to father C.work as a waiter
18.Who will open a restaurant?
A. bob's uncle B.bob's father C.bob's friend
19.What makes Bob worried Steve?
A. too much work B.his poor English C.The bad weather
20.Why is Bob calling Steve?
To ask Steve for help
To talk about his school life.
To invite Steve to go travelling with him.
17. 细节题,考察事件安排。根据原文可选出正确选项"I am going to work in London.
He needs some waiters and waitresses."
18. 细节题,考察人物。根据原文可选出正确选项"My uncle will open a restaurant."
19. 细节题,考察事件安排。根据原文可选出正确选项"The only thing I'm worried about
is my English."
20. 推理题,考察逻辑关系。根据原文可选出正确选项"You're goo at English, so can you
Programs on TV 19 on Saturday
A magazine program
Young people
Gils and women
21:要填的空格栏为programs, 可判断出要填的词为名词,并且时间段为7:00-9:00,所以从听力原文中"We start at 7:00 with cartoons.可知答案为cartoons.
22: 要填的空格栏来自for whom, 所以单词应该是某种职业的名词,时间段为9:00-10:00,由文中可知These go on unitl 9:00 when we continue with a magazine program.
23: 本空要填的词为同样为电视节目,由文中from 10:00 until 12:00 we have something for young peole,Rock Music
24. 本空要填的词也为电视节目,时间段位12:30-16:00,由文中there's half an hour of news and that's followed by sport.
25. 本空要填的词也为电视节目,时间段位16:00-18:00,由文中football is followed at 4:00 by a TV play called I love you forever.
二. 语言知识运用
A.) 请阅读下面个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
26. -Would you like some rice?
. I'd rather have a piece of bread.
A.Yes,please B.No problem C.That's OK
吃点饭?回答的是我已经吃了一点面包。所以应该是婉言谢绝。Yes,please.是表示是的,No problem表示的是没问题。That is ok,表示的是好的。
27.If you go to visit London, don't forget your
because it rains a lot.
A.passport B.money C.map D.umbrella
27.本题考查的是名词。本题容易。Passport 护照
money 金钱
雨伞题目说it rains a lot 说明是经常下雨,要带着伞。
28.My dog is very
.It is safe to touch him if you want to.
A.smart B.brave C.happy D. friendly
28.本题考查的是形容词。本题容易。Smart 聪明的
brave 勇敢的
happy 开心的
friendly 有好的题目中说的是摸我的狗很安全,说明这只狗很友好。
29. the girl is only nine,she takes care of her brohers and cooks meals everyday.
A.If B.Because C.Although D.As
29.本题考查的是连词。本题容易。If 表示如果
because 因为
although 表示的是即
30.Last year I drive.I used to take the bus.
A.could B.couldn't C.should D.shouldn't
30.本题考查的是情态动词。本题容易。后面出现了used to表示的是过去时。表示的是对
31.It's easy to find a good hotel in our city because we have
of them here
A.none B.few C.many D.each
31.本题考查的是不定代词。本题容易。None 表示完全没有。 Few表示的是可数名词的
否定 many修饰的是可数名词的复数 each 表示每一个题目中说在我们的城市里找
32.-Hello,Mary!This is John.You must know why I
--Oh,hello,John!I've waited for this call since last month.
A.called B.am calling C.was calling
D.have called
33.You should practice more to improve your English ,then you'll be
A.good B.better C.best D.the best
英语。这样你在英语方面就会更好的!Be good at 的延伸。但这是表示比以前更好。
34.More and more students_________ too much home work and they are really tired
A.complain about B.care about
C.learn about
D.hear about
34.本题考查的是动词组词词义,本题难度中等,根据题中and后tired of可得知答案,题意为:越来越多的学生抱怨太多的作业,并且他们很厌倦。
35.He said he would go ________, but then he drove very fast.
36.You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure _______ a pen and some
paper with you.
C.to bring
D.not bring
36.本题考查非谓语动词,难度中等,make sure to do
37.-Hi, Paul. Long time no see._________?
-I've just bought a new car. It's great.
A.What's new
B.What's wrong C.How are you D.What about you
37.本题考查情景对话,难度中等,根据回答中I've just 我刚刚可找出答案。
38.-Hello, mum. Are you still on Lushan Mountain?
-Oh, no. We are back home. We ________ a really good journey.
C.are having
D.will have
38.本题考查动词时态,难度易,根据回答中We are back come可以得知已经回来,所以使用过去时。
39.-Oh, my God. I can't find my key to the office.
-Don't worry. Perhaps it _________ at your home.
B.has left
C.was left
D.had left
39.本题考查动词的被动语态,本题易。题目中的it代替的my key,需要使用被动语态。
40.I know ________ I promised to take you to dinner, but I won't finish working until
ten o'clock.
40. 本题考查宾语从句的连接词,本题易。题目中know后接是从句,从句是一个陈述句。若从句是陈述句,连接词使用that。
B)请阅读下面各小题, 选择方框中所给的短语填空, 并在答题卷上将其序号涂黑。每个短语限用一次。(每小题1分)
41. Even though there are some difficulties learning English, Jack is sure to ______them.
41. 考察动词短语,句中提到的difficulties与它搭配的事get over表克服,选C.
42. Kate and Ann dress themselves up as adults. ______, they are only 13 years old.
42. 考察介词短语, 空前空后隐藏一种转折, 所以用"in fact"事实上.
43. Yesterday morning I overslept and was late for class because the alarm clock didn't _______.
43. 考察动词短语, go off表"发出声响", 选A.
44. I can't leave my home now. David will ______ later this morning.
44. 考察drop by表"顺便来访"。选F.
45. Computers have brought problems too. ______, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes.
45. 考察介词短语,在此表举例for instance. 用的是G.
46. We speak different languages, but we have interests ______.
46. 考察介词短语。句中出现different,然后but转折,说明填的词表"相同"in common,故填的是J.
47. Peter, don't break your sister's favorite toy car, or she will ______you.
47. 考察介词短语, 根据题意,否则她会"对…生气", 用 "get mad at."选I.
48. There is little time left. We must set off ______, or we won't catch the bus.
48. 考察介词短语,根据句中提到剩下时间不多了, 所以必须立刻right away出发. 选D.
49. They started their hiking in different ways, but they all _____at the exit.
49. 考察动词短语, 句中提到start, 且出现了转折连词but, 所以用的词组end up表"结束", 选H.
50. Maria hasn't seen her son since he went to China. She may _____seeing him soon.
50. 考察介词短语. 根据句中seeing, 表期望的是B.
C) 请阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话,并在答题卷上将其序列号涂黑。其中两个句子是多余的。(每小题1分)
Father: What time did you come back home
last night, Judy?
Judy: 51. _________________
Father: Half past ten? You were not at home
at that time! How can you lie to me?
Judy: 52. _________________
Father: Did you play video games with her?
Judy: Video games? Oh, no, Dad.
53. _________________
After dinner, I went to Jack's birthday
party with my friends.
Father: Oh, really? Why did you come back so late?
Judy: 54. ________________ We all forgot the time.
Father: Why didn't you tell me the truth?
Judy: I'm sorry, Dad. 55. __________________
浏览文章发现是父亲批评自己的孩子Judy,七个选项中D是关心的语气,E是说明文的句型, 可以排除。
51. 前一句是问时间,所以只有C回答了时间,选C
52. 后一句提到了with her说明跟某人去做了一件事,G是单讲电视游戏,可以得知只有F回答了去做了什么事情。选F
53. 前句说no,后面没说玩电视游戏可以得知这句加强语气说明没玩。选E
54. 后句说忘记了时间说明前面玩的很愉快才导致了忘记时间。选B
55. 前句说抱歉,后面说我下次不敢了。选A
Teddy's Bear
The story of how the teddy bear was invented is an interesting one. In 1902, American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was hunting (打猎) in the forest with several of his friends. Almost everyone had successfully shot (射中) an animal, but the president _____56____ not. Nobody wanted to make the president look ____57_____, so they tied an American black bear to a _____58_____. They wanted the president to shoot
(射中) it.
The president was very surprised to see the bear tied to a tree. He felt it was ____59_____ to
shoot the bear, because it couldn't run away. He ____60_____ to shoot it, and the story of his decision went all over the country. Everybody was moved by the president's beliefs (信念). There was ____61_____ a cartoon showing the president refusing to shoot a cute bear.
It was this cartoon and the story behind the president's hunting trip that gave Morris an idea to make a new _____62_____. He made a small, bear and showed it in his shop window. Next to the bear he made a sign that read, "Teddy's Bear". The new toy was a big success and it ___63____ Morris with the money to create a toy company.
Teddy bears have been ____64____ since they were first made. A teddy bear would be the first choice when people think about children's toys. Theodore Roosevelt's famous ____65_____ on a hunting trip in 1902 brought millions of soft, stuffed (填满填充物的) bears. They are being loved by people across the world.
56. 选D。前句出现"had successfully shot",所以此空时态确定为过去完成时态。
58. A.wall
58. 选D。根据第二段第一句话"the bear tied to a tree",得出选择tree。
59. A.difficult
C.dangerous D.exciting
60. A.wanted
61. A.only
62. A.company
62. 选B。 Teddy's bear 是玩具,所以选择toy。
63. A.gave
63. 选D。考查固定搭配,provide ..with..提供某物给某人。
64. A.colorful
64. 选C。根据后句,一只teddy bear是给孩子玩具时的最好选择。所以看出非常受欢迎。
65. A.decisionB.speechC.sign
65.选A。考查名词的意思,根据文章的意思,得出应该是Theodore Roosevelt的决定。
The best and the worst jobs
There are lots of jobs which we can do. Some are just ordinary (普通的) jobs and____66_____ are careers (职业),but each person likes something ____67_____.
My favorite job is that of a(n) ____68____. You can make beautiful things and you don't have to ____69____ to get to work. Also, you don't have to do what other people tell you. You can ______70_____ what you are going to paint and then just do it. The only ____71___ thing is that artists don't make much money.
The worst job I can think of is a pilot's. You have to work for long hours and it's ____72____ tiring and boring. If you make a serious mistake, ____73_____ will go wrong. It's so dangerous. The only good thing is that pilots are paid a lot of money, ____74____ money isn't the most important thing about a job.
In a word, ____75____ job had both good and bad things about it, but I think that artists have got the best jobs。
分析:本题框中所给出的12个词中,有3个动词(travel, decide, give);4个形容词(bad, different, every, real);2个名词(artist, thing);2个连词(but, because);1个代词(others)。本文主要是利用词性和前后文大意进行选择,排除法在此种题型中广泛使用。
69.答案:travel,本题难度为中;本空前的提示是have to,空后提示为不定式to do,因此本空中应填入一个动词,根据前后文含义,艺术家不用东奔西走找工作,因此本空填入travel to get to work.
71.答案:bad, 本题难度为低;本句句意为"唯一的缺点是,艺术家挣的不多。"因此本空中应填入一个负面意义的形容词,因此bad是正确答案。
73.答案:things, 本题难度为高;"如果你犯了严重错误,情况将会变糟。"框中只有thing的复数形式things表示"情况;事态"。
74.答案:but, 本题难度为低;"唯一的好处是飞行员的薪水很高,但钱并不是工作最重要的事。"本句中存在明显的转折意味,因此选择转折连词but.
Adult&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& £5.00
years)&&&&&& £2.50
2 adults and 3 children)
under 5&&&&&&& Free
Craven Arms, Shropshire SY7
7 miles NW of London off A49
Mar-30 Sep: daily&&&& 10am-5pm
Oct: Wed-Sun&&&&&& 10am-5pm
-28 Feb: Thu-Sun&& 10am-4pm
24-26 Dec & Jan&& 10am-5pm
tour&&&&&&&& Family learning
dogs&&&&&&&&&& Parking
Shop&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tearoom
information ring direst on .
76. If Mr. Smith goes to visit Stokesay Castle with his 4-years-old daughter, how much should he pay for the tickets?
C. £12.50
D. £16.50
77. On what day can we visit Stokesay Castle in November?
A.Every day.
B.From Tuesday to Sunday.
C.From Wednesday to Sunday.
D.FromThuesday to Sunday.
78.What can we do in Stokesay Castle?
A.Take a walk with a pet dog.
B.Do some shopping.
C.Enjoy tea in the tearoom anytime. D.Get free souvenirs.
76题答案选A,细节题。由 children under 5
FREE 和Adult 5 ,得出答案为A
77题答案选D,细节题。由OPENING TIMES 中 Nov-28 Feb: Thu-Sun 可找出答案。
78题答案选B,细节题。在Facilities 那一栏中可找出 No dogs,souvenirs guide book,Tearoom Apr-Oct only。判断A,C,D 信息错误。
We huamans are only born with one set of eyes, so it's our job to take care of them for our whole lives. The good news is that if we do a few simple things every day, we can maintain (保持) our eyesight and reduce (减少) the risk of ever hurting our eyes.
Almost all doctors agree that we can improve and maintain good eyesight by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is especially important for us to eat vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes. Besides, we need to protect our eyes when we spend a long time in a bright sunlight. The best way to do this id by wearing sunglasses that have 100% UV (紫外线) protection. What's more, it is necessary to protect our eyes when we work with dangerous chemicals (化学物质). For this reason we should always wear goggles in chemistry labs at work or at school. Finally, we should not spend too much time in front of the computer for a long time, we should take a short break every fifteen or thirty minutes.
Maintaining good eyesight is important. If we do these few simple things we can protect our eyes and reduce the chances of losing our eyes. As the popular English expression goes, "It's all fun and game, until someone loses an eye." When people say this, they mean that losing an eye is a very terrible thing.
79.How many pieces of advice are given in the passage?
80.What dose the underlined word 'that ' refer to?
A.We should eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
B.We should take a short break every fifteen or thirty minutes.
C.We should not spend much time in front of a computer or TV.
D.We should do a few simple things every day to keep our eyesight.
81.Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Fun and Games with Our Eyes
B.Caring for Our Eyes
C.The Risk of Hunting Our Eyes
D.Born with One Set of Eyes
79题答案选C,细节题。由文章第二段的1.It's especially important for us to eat …2. Besides 3 what's more 4. Finally
80题选C,细节题。直接在第三段中that 前的句子可直接找出答案
81题选C,主旨大意题。根据第一段中的主旨句we can maintain our eyesight and reduce the risk of even hurting eyes可推断出选项C。
How would we travel without maps? It would be a bit adventurous (冒险的)to set off from Oxford University to go to London Bridge if there wasn't a map of the London Underground at each station. In fact, a lot of the early map-makers were adventurers and explorers, especially in the late 15th and 16th centuries.
So what did people do people there maps? Well, it was quite easy to use natural signs like mountains and rivers if you were tramelling on foot or riding a horse. People took small boats down rivers and followed coastlines. And it was much more logical (合理的) to use time, not distance, to measure (计量) journeys: the next villages is a three-hour ride, for example.
In fact, in the earliest maps, people didn't draw landmarks. They drew the stars. It was very easy to see the night sky and use it for navigation (航行). The sky was a lot clearer before the light pollution from cities that we have today. When towns and cities were built, people drew road maps which gave correct distances and directions.
The London underground was opened in 1863cand it also used a road map style. But a man called Henry Beck realized that travelling by train wasn't the same as driving your car across London. Passengers only needed to know which stations to change at his new design or the Underground map wasn't very popular with the train companies at first. But the passengers loved it and in
copies were printed.
These days, of course, you can ride a bike, drive a car or go through a forest and know where you are exactly, using a GPS. It's really difficult to get lost.!
82. What was drawn in the earliest maps?
B. Landmarks
C.Cities and towns
D. Mountains and rivers
83. When did road maps come out?
A.Around 15th
and 16th centuries
B. When people began to travel by train
C.When people began to travel by sea
D. When cities and towns appeared
84. Which of the following is true?
A.A GPS helped people to travel long time ago.
B.Ancient people could travel on a horse without maps.
C.The sky was polluted by light before cities were built.
D. Henry Beck's map wasn't popular with passengers.
85. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Maps have a long history
B. We never get lost thee days
C.We can't travel without maps
D. Henry Beck designed a new map
82题答案选A ,细节题。答案在原文的第三段第一句和第二句"In fact, in the earliest maps, people didn't draw stars. They drew stars."
83题答案选D,细节题。答案在原文的第三段第五句即本段的最后一句"When towns and cities were built, people drew road maps which gave correct distances and directions."
84题答案选B,推断题。答案在原文的第二段第二句。"it was quite easy to use natural signs like mountains and rivers if you were travelling on foot or riding a horse."
You have been thinking about it all week. It kept you awake last night. Now, as you walk to the front of the class, your throat is dry and your stomach feels funny. 86.______________________ However, by making a few small preparations and rehearsing (预演) carefully, you too can be a public speaking star.
87_______________________ Being excited about your topic is necessary for all the good speeches, so it's important to choose carefully. If you enjoy your topic, your audience (观众) will,too. Even if you are given a topic, try to find something about it that is exciting or funny.
Next, do some research. Don't just research your topic. 88.____________________________ If you can, study video of a great speaker to see how they move, speak, and pause(停顿. Copying their style will help you to write a great speech.
After researching, it's some to write your speech. During this stage, think of your audience all the time.89.________________________________ It helps you relax if you know that your audience is enjoying your speech.
Finally, rehearse. You really need to rehearse a lot. Measure your speech with a watch, and practice in front of a mirror (镜子). 90._______________________________ If you have followed all these steps, you should be ready for your audience. Good luck!
A.You are a very successful speaker
B.Rehearse some great speakers as well
C.Entertaining your audience is important
D.Start by choosing a topic that you are interested in
E.Research is very important for writing a great speech
F.Many students find it difficult to give a public speech
G.You can check your hand movement and facial expression
89题答案选C,89题下面一句有个it代词开头,则说明89题一定有it 这个代词的完整形式,那么我们要仔细阅读89题后面那句"it helps you relax if you know that……"中文翻译是它能帮助你轻松。则选诙谐幽默的语言让听众愉悦也是很重要的。
I'm a junior high school student from Jiangxi. __________________________
一. 考查题材和体裁
二. 新东方课程与之相关的内容
三. 写作步骤及可用句型、模板
In my opinion, on one hand, on the other hand, not only... but also...,
What'smore, besides, ...
With the development of society and economy, ....is becoming more and
more popular.
However, as "every coin has its two sides" there are some disadvantages.
In a word, if we could make full use of advantages and keep away from
disadvantages, it will make our life easier and more convenient.
四. 写作注意事项


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