stand on the parrotstand for是什么意思思

Instructions on How to Build a Parrot Tree Stand | eHow
With the high cost of most store-bought parrot trees and play stands, it is little wonder that many bird lovers make their own parrot trees. Custom stands offer bird enthusiasts the ability to fully customize a stand to suit their space and size requirem own preferences. Any wood gathered for the stand must be natural hardwood (never pine or cedar) and must not be toxic for birds. Good choices are manzanita, oak and maple.
Hardwood branches
Plywood (3- by 3-foot sheet)
2 36-inch 1- by 3-inch strips
2 35-inch 1- by 3-inch strips
Lag bolt and washers
Latex paint
Select clean, dry branches without signs of decay or insect infestation. Use branches with at least a 3-inch base diameter for the main portion of the parrot tree.
Thoroughly scrub and disinfect the branches with a mixture of 1 gallon water to 1 cup bleach. Rinse well and air dry in a sunny location to allow bleach fumes to dissipate for at least 24 hours.
Cut the plywood sheet into a 3-foot by 3-foot square.
Place the 1-by-3 strips carefully along each edge of the plywood square, working with one at a time, and drill into place. The 1-by-3s will create a lip to catch seed and feathers beneath the tree.
Paint the entire base with a high-gloss, nontoxic interior latex paint, and allow to dry.
Cut a straight edge across the base of the branch which will connect directly to the tree stand to ensure a smooth, flush fit.
Pre-drill the holes to connect the tree branches to the base using a 5/16 drill bit, drilling through the stand and approximately 2 1/2 inches into the base of the branch.
Connect each branch to the stand using a lag bolt and washer.
Connect any cross branches to the parrot tree by tying with twine or sisal, or using stainless steel nuts and bolts to bolt branches together. Toys can also be affixed in this way.英语动物习语的文化承载及汉译
摘& 要: 动物在与人类长期有着密切关系。人们借动物喻人,寓情于动物,来表达不同的人类情感,从而形成了动物习语。英汉两种语言皆有丰富的动物习语。英语和汉语的动物习语在习俗,宗教,地理环境及文学作品上反映了各自的特点。本文拟从保留文化承载的方向出发,以奈达的功能对等理论为指导,对如何处理习语翻译中的文化价值特点及具体翻译进行讨论,指出在翻译中,我们应力图使目的语读者和原语读者对动物意义的理解达到最大程度的一致。
General survey of animal idioms
A comparison of cultural connotation of animal idioms between English and Chinese
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版权所有:@ 智尚代写联盟 电话:1 客服QQ:
地址:广东中山市学院路1号 邮编:528402 技术支持:安徽三户网络 皖ICP备号请教一个句子的语法,There is a parrot standing on a book. 为什么stand要加ing形式还有一个的句子,“Find five girls wearing dresses.& 为什么动词都要变成动名词呢?_百度作业帮
请教一个句子的语法,There is a parrot standing on a book. 为什么stand要加ing形式还有一个的句子,“Find five girls wearing dresses." 为什么动词都要变成动名词呢?
还有一个的句子,“Find five girls wearing dresses." 为什么动词都要变成动名词呢?
现在分词表主动和进行,这里stand 和parrot 之间是主动关系,所以是现在分词.
There is a parrot standing on a book.这句话的动词是is,一句话只能有一个动词。standing on a book是修饰parrot的,用动词+ing(动名词)避免一个句子有2个动词的情况。Find five girls wearing dresses.是个祈使句,动词find开头,同样,一个句子里就不能有其他动词了。动...
动名词作定语修饰前面的名词新视野大学英语 B4 Unit5 Choose to be alone on purpose_百度文库
新视野大学英语 B4 Unit5 Choose to be alone on purpose
1 A woman has
a seal has emerged also,
and is embracing her. 一位女子从水面升起,一只海豹也随之出现,与她相拥。
2 A comedian is entertaining a group of friends.
3 A cameo shows the profile of a man that suggests the outline
of his country. 贝壳浮雕上一个男子的侧脸令人想起他的祖国的样子。
4 Two lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.
5 A wh it has golden wings.
6 A black square stands firmly, illumined red on one side.
7 A man comes forward flushed with the successful and
simultaneous expression of his talents in two separate realms.
8 A large old-fashioned woman's hat is revealed with streamers
flying in a stiff breeze from the east.
9 A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.
10 A savant is revealed, a man who has created new forms for
old symbols that have lost their meaning.
11 The president of the republic or the ruler of his country
is presented. 共和国的领导人或国家的统治者上台了。
12 A flock of white geese is seen in flight overhead.
13 A bomb that has failed to explode is now safely hidden from
discovery. 此刻发现了一只安全地隐藏着的引爆失败的炸弹。
14 A serpent is circling a man and a woman who are very
engrossed in each other. 一条毒蛇正缠着一对相互倾情注目的男女。
15 An Indian is silently but deftly weaving a basket in the
light of the setting sun. 印第安人在夕阳的余晖中沉默却又熟练的编织着篮子。
16 Brightly clad brownies are seen dancing in the warm dying
light. 衣着亮丽的小精灵们在暖暖的微光中起舞。
17 Two prim spinsters are sitting together quietly.
18 An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.
19 A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of every
day life in an industrial area. 工业区的日常生活充满压抑,魔毯盘旋在上空。
20 A young girl is seen feeding the swans in a sheltered
public park. 年轻姑娘正在被保护的公园里喂天鹅。
21 A pugilist flushed with life and strength is entering the
ring. 迸发了活力和力量的拳击手正进入拳击场。
22 A handsome grilled gateway opens to the garden of all
desired things. 通向渴望之园的那扇富丽堂皇的栅门大敞开着。
23 A woman clothed in the delicate tints of early summer is
seen carrying a heavy and valuable yet veiled burden.
24 An open window of an old-fashioned room is seen, the net
curtain is blowing inward into the shape of a cornucopia.
25 A double promise revealed by some suggestive event of both
immediate or literal and sentimental significance.
26 A man is seen burning to incandescent heat with the wealth
of that which he has to give. 男人面对他必须付出的财富,燃烧在炽热之中。
27 A panorama of blending events out of the past shows the
regaining of lost opportunity through the imagination.
28 A large audience is seen rejoicing in some disillusionment
to which it has just been subjected.
29 A celestial choir has risen to sing. 唱诗班歌唱着。
30 A duck pond is revealed, on which a young brood of
ducklings are disporting themselves. 一群幼鸭正在鸭池中嬉戏。
1 A clear mountain stream flows steadily through a rocky
defile. 一股清澈的山涧平稳的流过嶙峋的峡谷。
2 A brilliant electrical display illuminates the heavens and
the forests beneath. 闪电划过天际,照亮了天空和森林。
3 A beautiful expanse shows natural steps leading upward to a
lawn of clover in full bloom. 通往盛开着三叶草地的,是草坪上美丽天然开阔地。
4 The rainbow's pot of gold is revealed in the midst of shower
of sparkling and flashing colors. 在五彩缤纷的阵雨中出现了彩虹的金罐。
5 A youthful widow, fresh and soul-cleansed from grief, kneels
at a grave to receive the secret of eternal life.
6 A delicate cantilever bridge is in process of construction
across a high narrow gorge. 横跨在狭长的深谷上的一座悬臂桥正在建设中。
7 Out of the past comes the woman of Samaria to draw water
from Jacob's well.撒玛利亚城的妇女们走出过去,去雅各布福祉取水。&
8 A sleigh with all the suggestive warmth of the winter season
speeds over ground on which the snow is yet to fall.
9 A Christmas tree, bending with its weight of gifts, is
illumined at the end of a vast darkened hall.
10 A pretty lass in Red Cross uniform is hurrying about the
duties that a warm sympathy has dictated.
11 A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is
leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.
12 A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy
street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.
13 A man very cheerful in his working clothes is handling a
mountain of baggage the best he can.
14 Several children are splashing with delight in a receding
tide, and at their feet are shellfish groping for shelter.
15 A man in evening clothes, muffled to breast the storm
through which he walks, yet wears his top hat rakishly.
16 An old man is attempting with a degree of success
unsuspected by him to reveal the Mysteries to a motley group.
17 An imaginative battle is underway between swords (the
disciples of might) and torches (the disciples of enlightenment)
18 A woman is holding a linen bag out of her window to give it
fresh air and sunshine. 女人把亚麻布袋拿到窗外,让它接受新鲜的空气和阳光。
19 A newly formed continent is seen, fresh and green within
its setting of interminable ocean. 新形成大陆在无边无际的大洋中,显得翠绿和清新。
20 Light scurrying wisps of clouds are streaming in rapid
movement across the sky. 一缕轻云在天空中飞快地滑过。
21 A moving finger points to the significant passages in a
large open book. 游动的手指指向了已经打开的大本书中的重要章节。
22 A white homing pigeon flies straight a fearlessly over a
broad body of troubled water. 白色的家养鸽无畏的在汹涌的宽阔水面上笔直向前飞翔。
23 A magnificent jewelry shop is revealed, containing every
conceivable article of value of beauty.
24 A mounted Indian brave rides proudly with human scalps as
trophies at his belt. 骄傲的印第安人骑着马,腰带上挂着战利品。
25 A magnificent public park spreads its charm before the eye
in a vista that awes the loftiest spirit.
26 A Spanish gallant stands at the window grill of his love,
serenading her with the softer melodies of night.
27 A hopelessly withered old Indian squaw, with a clear light
persisting in beady eyes, is selling trinkets.
28 A woman in middle life stands in rapt sudden realization of
forgotten charms, in unexpected recovery of romance.
29 Two garrulous cobblers are working side by side on their
ancient bench. 两个多话的补鞋匠一同坐在老式长椅上干活。&
30 A peacock parades its splendor on the quiet lawn of an old
palace garden in dignified silence.
1 A glass-bottomed boat drifts silently and easily over a
constantly shifting panorama of marine wonders.
2 A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause
costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.
3 An etching or rare beauty displays a charming court life at
the garden of the Tuileries under Louis XIV.
4 A series of rooms in a hospitable house, opening one into
another, are decorated gaily with holly and mistletoe.
5 A publication devoted to some vital moment for human welfare
flaunts an attention-compelling cover.
6 In flaring artificial light, amidst ghostly steam escaping
through the rigging, grimy workmen are drilling for oil.
7 An old fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest
of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.
8 A great industrial plant is closed down and around it mills
a crowd of agitators and striking workmen.
9 A medieval archer stands with ease of one wholly sure of
himself, bow in hand and quiver filled with arrows.
10 An airplane dives toward the earth as though falling, but
rights and recovers itself with smooth gracefulness.
11 A new real-estate subdivision is revealed with wide paved
streets, ornamental lights and a few- newly-built houses.
12 A little black slave girl of ante-bellum days, with crinkly
hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.
13 The great artist, a world famous pianist, sits at his
instrument on the stage of a huge auditorium.
14 Two people at widely different points are in conversation
with each other by means of
15 Two Dutch children in their immaculate native costumes are
studying their lessons together. 两个穿着整洁民族服饰的荷兰小朋友在一起共同学习。
16 A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an
impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.
17 The head of a handsome youthful athlete slowly changes into
a different type of beauty, the mature thinker.
18 Standing apart from the passing stream of well-dressed
shoppers, two Chinamen in San Francisco are talking Chinese.
19 In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic
volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.
20 A self-service restaurant, the cafeteria such as originated
in Los Angeles, displays its inviting steam tables.
21 A throbbing mass of humanity have packed the confines of a
it is a labor demonstration.
22 An old-fashioned harvest home festival is at its height
with flashing dancing couples crowding the barn floor.
23 Three fledglings, secure in their nest high in the tree,
already reveal deep pride of their heritage.
24 A group of carefree children, gaily dressed for their
sport, are skating about smoothly on a backwoods pond.
25 A gardener, with all of a mother's care for her child, is
trimming a magnificent row of tropical palms.
26 The winter frost has stolen through the woods and given to
the trees and underbrush a witching cosmic lacery.
27 A young gypsy youth comes springing out of the forest,
regarding the spreading vista before him with deep interest.
28 A man is leaving a courtroom with mixed feelings of relief
& he has just passed through
29 High in a tree that has given
only the faintest evidence of returning spring, a mocking bird
delivers its
30 A typically American conceit is
a parade of bathing beauties before the judges and crowd at a
seaside resort.&这是一场典型的美国式狂想:海滨度假胜地,一群泳装美女正接受着裁判和众人的检阅。&
1 A man upon a ship stands
impatiently with a flag in his hands, ready to run it up in place
of the one now
2 An alert and eager individual
rests upon a magic carpet, observing a vast level vista over which
he hovers motionless.
3 Through the cold darkening depths
of a Northern canyon a man all bundled up in furs leads a shaggy
4 In an imaginative tableau a
hungry cat is seen arguing earnestly with the mouse who is to be
her victim.
5 A man in an automobile, maddened
by the lust for speed, races with a he is
killed. 开着汽车地一名男子,疯狂地追求速度,在雨中狂奔,结果出车祸死了。
6 It is in the flush of spring, and
innumerable wild or game birds are seen feathering their
7 In a fairy glade, in a quiet
circle of moonlight, two of the little people are executing a
fanciful dance.&在有如仙境地林中空地上,在幽静的月光下,两个小人正跳舞。
8 An imaginary land of rabbits is
revealed, with its citizens faultlessly dressed and on dignified
9 A little miss, innocently devoid
of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a
sparkling pond. 一位小少女,天真无邪地光着身子,身体前倾去抓一条闪闪发光池塘的金鱼。
10 A large and beautiful diamond,
in the hand of the lapidary, is now to be cut to its full
perfection. 一颗美丽的大钻石,在宝石匠手中,将会得到完美地加工处理。
11 A clown is making merry, gently
caricaturing all manners of human traits with his grimaces and
pantomime. 一位小丑为了制造欢乐,用夸张的面部表情和手势模仿了人类千奇百怪的行为举止。
12 A slant-eyed Chinese woman is
nursing a baby, and about the child is the glorious nimbus of
13 A hand, which is held out
receptively, is remarkable for the suggestion of character in its
prominent thumb.
14 A very old man, feebleness adds
strangely to his dignity, stands alone, facing the darkness in the
northeast. 一位年迈的老男人,虚弱怪异地衬托了他的庄严,他面对着朝向东北方。&
15 A group of merry sluggish
ind they have over eaten most indiscreetly and
enjoyed it.&一群懒散快乐的人在休息,他们刚刚尽兴地饱餐了一顿。
16 A futuristic editorial office
provides u table, manuscript, martial visitor,
all are square. 一个超现代的编辑部散发着潜意识象征:办公桌,手稿本和好斗的来访者,他们都是方的。
17 A huge precious stone is so cut
that its principal facet mirrors the whole scene before it in
sparkling miniature.
18 On all sides is the bustle of
the barnyard, and its old-fashioned and natural life a hen clucks
19 A fragile miss, representative
of proud old blood, is wed by a pompous priest to an eager youth of
the new order.一个代表传统性情的弱女子,被一个高傲的牧师许配给了一个代表新潮的年轻人。
20 During celebration of some fete
the canals of V in a gondola are serenaders
21 The magnificent opera house with
its glittering audie the prima donna is
22 A young woman, neatly attired in
outing clothes, eyes softened by dreaming, awaits a sailboat headed
toward her.
23 A serious little study group, a
literary club, has met for social and intellectual fellowship in
some member's home. 一个正规的研究小组,也是个文学俱乐部,聚在某个成员家中交流并讨论学术问题。
24 Three castaways, a woman and two
men, stand on a bit of glorious sunlit land facing the broad
southern ocean.
25 A leader of men erect and
fearless suddenly finds thrown across his right shoulder an
invisible mantle of power. 一群人的领袖站起来,没有惧色的发现突然扔在他右肩上的隐形的力量斗篷。
26 The magnificent, luxurious
library of some weal among the cushions
several guests are reading. 一个某大富人家宏伟奢华的图书馆里,几位宾客靠在软垫上阅读书籍。
27 In a normally peaceful canyon,
with wealthy secluded ranches, a furious storm seems to multiply
its terrors.
28 An American Indian girl, college
trained but returned to her people, seek to win their friendship
29 A Grecian pastoral allegory is
a peasant lass is mother of twins and these a Muse now weighs
in golden scales. 一则希腊田园寓言是这样写的;乡村少女生了一对双胞胎,缪斯正用金制的天秤为他们称体重。
30 A Daughter of the American
Revolution walks pr it is the meeting of some
1 A fat and normally
good-natured little man of affairs is bursting with determination
to have his own
2 Several children are having
an epidemic of mumps has given them new, not
3 A woman of middle years is
bobbing her hai a look of rebellion melts to
4 An elderly man in evening
clothes, of poised and military bearing, stands alone before a
lovely mounted moose
5 Overhanging a vast canyon, but
giving evidences of thousands of years of survival, are suggestive
masses of granite.在空旷的峡谷之上,仅有大量的花岗岩能作为生存的证据。
6 A sweet old-fashioned belle and a
pert and attractive little modern flapper, stand in mutual envy of
each other.一位可爱的古典美女和一位时尚迷人的年轻女孩,她们彼此妒忌对方。
7 The night heavens are seen in
their wonder, as on the desert w the
constellations are at play.夜色奇妙,在沙漠中当月影渐暗时,星座就开始表演了。
8 A man of mean and low appearance,
but with the burning fire of a great cause in his eyes, is stirring
9 In a scene of weird display and
brilliant colors, glass-blowers produce one-by-one the marvels of
10 Everywhere there is a sparkle
and nature is revea the early morning dew
salutes the
11 Beneath a huge oak, which holds
back the rising heat of noon, some children potter at their games
in a great
12 Japanese lanterns, music from a
string ensemble & an animated interweaving of
colorful figures mark a garden
13 A bit of green grass before a
neatly flowered cottage by the sea supports a chair in which an old
sea captain rocks. 海边,干净的鲜花小屋后,一小段青草地上有一把椅子,一位老船长在椅子里摇晃。
14 In the form of a cherub,
whispering soft coaxing in words into every receptive ear,a human
soul seeks
15 The great American carnival,
Mardi Gras at New Orleans, is seen with a wealth of floats,
decorations and merriment.&在新奥尔良的盛大的狂欢节Mardi
16 The sunshine floods the sleepy
village street, a storm has left everything drenched, and
17 A volunteer church choir is seen
during rehearsal, far more interested in social than musical
elements of the
18 An instructor in chemistry is
conducting an experiment before his class, in the midst of a maze
of apparatus.&一位化学老师在上课前,在迷宫般的仪器中做着实验。
19 A clubhouse built on a floating
barge is gaily decorated, and c the water
reflects its lights. 装饰华丽的会所建在一艘浮动的驳船上,上面挤满了狂欢的人,水面倒映出它的亮光。
20 A group of prehistoric American
Indians are seen in the course of an elaborate and impressive
invocation to the
21 A few chickens who have gotten
at some fermented seed, and are happily intoxicated.
22 A carrier pigeon comes swiftly
through the early light of morning, and flutters to the feet of a
group of fanciers. 一笼信鸽在晨光中降临,扑腾到一群饲养员的脚上。
23 The scene is a circus-crowded
with spectators, and in a moment of hush a bareback rider performs
24 A strange figure is revealed,
outwardly unprepossessing, untidy, unkempt, he is a yogi of
25 A solitary camel crosses the
d he is indifferent to the hazards of storm
and lack of supplies. 一直孤单的骆驼正在穿越沙漠,骑着它的那个人对沙尘暴的袭击和供给的缺乏毫不在意。
26 A perfect rainbow forms slowly
in the summer rain as the sun begins to break through the rather
27 Over at the eastern edge of the
night the st gradually the mounting light
wipes out the
28 Innumerable little birds have
settled down they chirp happily to each other
in endless
29 A mermaiden has climbed to the
rocky sh she awaits the prince who will bring
30 Into a letter is poured vital
and conf it is folded carefully, but the
envelope is not
1 A man' it is
a portrait in which the artist has sought to idealize the best of
human character. 艺术家终于寻找到了一个人,那个人的头部特点完全符合他对人类头部最理想特征的看法。
2 A simple but impressively large
white cross has been set up in splendid isolation on top of a
3 A glorious vision unfolds over a
little struggling fami two mighty angels
4 A little chocolate pickaninny is
playing neither he nor they are aware of the
5 A man lies dreaming in the shade
of an I his dreams bring to him the playful little
6 Children's voices,
merry-go-round with blatant music and unrestrained
7 The women's quarters of an Oriental
here are the bright and unafraid eyes of cloistered
8 A poor little rich girl, not
above five years of age, is given with much attendance a first
dancing lesson. 一个看起来很瘦弱的富家小女孩,还没到五岁的她,第一堂舞蹈课就被给予了很多表现的机会。
9 An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a
his art is futuristic and unintelligible.
10 As if in a moment of vision a
man is seen po both of these look out and
beyond the
11 A beaut he
is all boy in every way, but in him lives the idealization of a
12 A bride rises laughingly,
youthfully radiant in her white, wishing to scold the groom who has
snatched way her veil. 新娘笑着站起身,穿着朝气蓬勃,光彩照人的白色婚纱,想去责怪抢走她面纱的新郎。
13 A statesman stands before the
his strong hand can be seen in a transforming of hysteria into
14 A large sheet of parchment is
covered with finely lettered names
splendid family tree. 一张大羊皮纸被细微的字母作标识的人名和神秘的线所覆盖;记录的是一个辉煌的家谱。
15 A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies
folded near milady's mirror by a bottle of rare
16 The delighted children are
crowded abo an orang-utang is sitting is a
spot in the afternoon
17 A vast display of cosmic forces
is seen in the eruption of a volcano with dust clouds, flowing
lava, earth rumblings.
18 Two giggling young girls are
sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working a ouija
board on their
19 There is a colorful gallery on
in the clear blue water a swimming race nears
20 A group of old-fashioned
automobiles comprise a caravan of
enthusiasm marks the
21 A large cheerful but bare room
holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of
22 Upon rich velvet in a case, at
an exhibition, is an exquisite a jewel-set
royal coat-of-arms.
23 A man clad in gay colors of the
circus rushes into the barred arena where unwilling animals await
24 A large book for children is
op here Mary with her yellow curls leads an
immaculate white lamb. 一本大儿童图书打开到一幅彩页;是黄色卷发的玛丽领着一只纯洁的白羊羔。
25 A large glorious public building
is seen se before it a flag moves with the
breezes at
26 A highly ritualistic service is
officiating priests are automatons, a boy with a censer
27 In the luxurious quarters of a
home furnished in delicate period style elderly ladies are enjoying
28 A bald-headed man in uniform
completely dominates an assembly of men, diplomats, scientists, and
29 A scholar has just succeeded in
deciphering a it holds for him an idea for
which he has long
emergency call to the house of a neighbor frees him from some item
of household
1 A symboli a
beautiful butterfly meeting sacrificial death through an impaling
2 A new symphony is played by the
the music dramatizes racial progress from aspiration to
3 A new day dawns when the light
permits the recognition of detail it can be seen that all things
are changed. 新一天的拂晓来临,光芒使得所有细节都显露出来,一切都发生了变化。
4 A group of students of higher
truth in summer conference are seated about a camp fire in
5 A teacher of the occult betrays
his possession of the real knowledge by the inspiration of his
6 A pilgrim sits on a rustic bench
and one-by-one his ideals in a sort of trance vision take form
before him. 一位旅行者坐着乡村的长椅,恍惚中仿佛看到了理想一个接一个地在他面前实现了。
7 An eccentric old witch is feeding
her chickens and seeking to allay their fear of a hawk whom she has
8 In the depths of the woods is an
in the deserted house a fireplace blazes merrily
9 Three Old Masters hang together
they have a room to themselves and seem to hold
converse. 三位年老的大师一起吊死在一间美术馆;他们有属于他们自己的空间仿佛还保持着交谈。
10 Placid waters are revealed at
the botto a canoe is rapidly and surely
approaching. 一座独木舟正快速且平稳地靠近那块在极湍流底端已显露出来的平静水面。
11 A kindly old professor, from
(behind) his battered desk looks out over his eyeglasses at a class
eagerly awaiting his
12 A worker's shift is finished and
the miners emerge from their grimy hole into the daylight and life
above ground.&矿工结束了值班之后从阴暗的洞里出来,返回地面,重见天日。
13 A children's birthday party is
on a side porch a group of youngsters are blowing soap
14 The courtyard of a Spanish
hacienda in a tropical in its shade the master
takes a noon
15 An odd looking collection of
machiner all are new and ready to use, all are
16 The storms of the winter have
washed away the boat- some happy souls at the beach resort
are building
17 A retired sea-captain, still
resplendent in his uniform, frequents the docks from which the
world's commerce
18 Two men are placed under arrest
and taken away to give an accounting for their acts before a
tribunal of society. 两个人被捕并被带走是为了让他们在审判团面前陈述自己的所作所为。
19 A gang of robbers are seen in
hiding, ready and anxious to attack the heavily armed caravan just
coming into sight. 一伙强盗隐藏起来,准备急于进攻那支刚刚进入视线全副武装的商队。
20 In a tiny room ridiculously
cluttered with manuscripts and books sits a Jewish rabbi at ease
with self and world.
21 It is a hot Sunday afternoon in
summer and upon the beach is a milling crowd enjoying precious
22 A little child is laughing as
the water is turned into an artistic little fountain and as the
birds hurry to drink.艺术小喷泉在喷水,小鸟连忙喝着,小孩子开心地笑着。
23 A chanticleer mounts the corner
never will the day again be greeted with the
enthusiasm now born. 一只雄鸡爬上围栏角落的邮箱上面;充满热情迎接生机勃勃新的一天来临。
24 A marvelously colored and
figured butterfly is sp on its left is an
extra and third wing.
25 A little boy, rebellious against
school, watches a fluttering autumn leaf that seems to spell out
his lesson for
26 In an allegorical representation
an eagle and a large white dove are revealed constantly changing
into each other.&一则寓言显示出一只鹰和一只大白鸽子相互持续变成了对方。
27 Like a great soaring bird - a
single brilliant spot in the bright sky- an airplane overhead sails
28 A man stands alone in
were his eyes open to spirit things he would see
helping angels
29 It's a seer' vast masses
of humanity push forward in frantic effort to cross the black chasm
30 The phrenologist is reading
b he explains three mounds of knowledge on a
1 A sight-seeing bus is threading
its way through
its occupants eagerly view
the sights. 一辆想尽快到达风景名胜区的观光巴士,在拥挤的交通中行驶着。
2 What has been a handsome and
valuable bottle lies
a track of living
perfume leads from
3 At a clearing of pioneer days in
the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy
house-raising. 这是属于开拓者晴朗的日子,森林里所有的邻居聚集在一起帮助盖起一间幸福的屋子。
4 In an old-fashioned candle
lighting service a youth gains for the first time a sense of the
great other world. 在一根老式蜡烛亮光的照耀下一位年轻人生平第一次懂得了另外一种全新的世界观。
5 A massive rocky shore presents
its unchanging face of the centuries to the furies and coaxing
calms of the sea.一个巨大的岩岸面对着时而狂怒时而暗涛汹涌的大海,展示着它好几个世纪不变的容颜。
6 Sutter's river empire of early
C then all is swept away in the spectacular gold
7 A queer craft equipped with
special machinery is the base of operations for courageous divers
of the deep sea. 这个由特殊工艺配备而成的装置,是潜水员能够进行深海作业的基础。
8 A beautiful gem of a lake set
high in the mountains is revealed in the silvery bathing light of a
full moon. 美丽的宝石湖在山的高处,沐浴着满月的银色光芒。
porcelain replaces nature's enamel which consciousness has been
10 A fellowship supper is served to
a group of men brought together in reunion to live again in
11 There is great excitement on the
narrow a finally a drowning man is saved and
12 A brilliant assembly of
dignitaries is seen on a highly
important embassy ball. 一位很有地位的大使举办了舞会,闪闪发光的舞池那里集结了很多名流政要。
13 In a rattle trap old wooden barn
an earnest man works in invention at the point
14 Through a seemingly inaccessible
mountainous country the telephone linemen carry their thin lines of
communication. 尽管这是一个群山环绕的村子,信号几乎不可能存在,线务员们还是弄出了微弱的信号联接。
15 In unconscious occult symbolism
a group of laughing, joyous children are playing on five mounds of
sand. 在一个玄奥的潜意识象征里,一群欢笑,快乐的孩子正在玩五堆沙子。
16 A girl's face is revealed of
fine, delicate, a suddenly these break into a
17 A woman the
remarkable thing is that she was impregnated by her own spirit or
18 A winding quiet road, carpeted
by the falling leaves, leads through an old fashioned woods rich in
19 A wise old parrot has been
listening attentively to the conversation
he begins to talk.
20 An immensely tall entranceway is
closed by heavy and d a woman in white draws
21 A soldier runs the risk of
court-martial in remaining absent without leave, but a lovely miss
22 A group of hunters protected by
heavy clothing are making their way out into the marsh to shoot
wild ducks.&一群穿着厚厚衣物的猎人为了生计进入沼泽地去捕猎野鸭。
23 A little white rabbit rests
con before the eyes he metamorphoses into an
elf in a fairy
24 A steady stream of people down a
mountain side gives testimony to the power of the man who has there
25 An x-ray machine is in
by means of it a bit of fine diagnosis is made possible,
and a life is
26 A group of American Ind as if by magic
the teepees are erected and home comfort
27 Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the
colors of banners and uniforms, a military band is
28 A pageant of fairyland is
made vi the king of the little people is
welcomed to his
29 Flanked by the splendor of an Incan monarch's court a
mother of captured&princelets pleads archly for
their lives. 在印加最高统治者显赫的法庭旁一位母亲狡黠地为被俘获幼年王子们的生命做抗辩。
30 The town jester is in his
it is Halloween and there is now justification for any and
all of his
1 A group of elderly men in
uniforms, eyes bright with reminiscence, are gathered at a Grand
Army of the Republic campfire.
2 A quick wind is making sport with
through sharp mist as far as sight reaches are scurrying
3 Two men, lounging in the comfort
of an old drawing room and with strong pipes, are playing a games
of chess.&两个男人吊着大烟斗,舒服地躺卧在一间旧式的会客厅里下西洋棋。
4 A little child is learning to
near(by) are happy parents wise enough to refuse unnecessary
5 An owl is gravely perched high
and deep in the shade of an old landmark of a tree, solitary on a
point of land.&一只猫头鹰肃穆的高高停在一棵老树上阴凉之处,兀自独处。
6 There is a great display of color
coming and going in a large it is a cricket
game. 五彩斑斓的人群所在,一场板球比赛正在进行。&
7 A little fellow sly and smiling
knocks at the doo it is none other than cupid
himself. 一个淘气的小家伙边微笑边敲着人类的心门,他不是丘比特还能是谁呢。
8 In the caldron of the universe
the rocks and world stuff are in the
metals glint
9 A mother is leading her children
up a broad flight of steps, they enjoy the task of lifting little
10 In a pageant of progress a
glorious little maid with golden hair enacts the part of the
goddess of
11 An ugly old human figure is the
carved rep near the left side is an
ever-burning lamp. 人们雕出一个丑陋老人的形象用来代表神,它的左边不远处放着一盏长明灯。
12 In a curious allegorical
transformation a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes
13 A wistful young woman, dressed
in black, is surprised into a warm companionship to which she has
14 A vast panorama of sand and time
the pyramids and sphinx in their glory rise before
the eye.&广袤的时空正在展开,壮丽的金字塔和狮身人面像在眼前浮现。
15 The time is at hand to determine
whet the ground hog comes forth looking for
its shadow. 冬天快要结束的时候即将到来,土拨鼠出现,寻找春天的影子。
16 A peaceful scene is unfolded to
a calm ocean, a single motionless ship, a few lazy soaring
17 An Easter sunrise service is
abut to begin at th darkness surrenders to the
18 Little children are playing on
but each is protected from the glare by a tiny
19 The pelicans have been
distressed by
they are moving their habitat
20 The pond has been deeply frozen
now the men and machinery are at work cutting out the
21 A child and a dog are having all
the fun in the world, gravely attending to things in borrowed
eyeglasses. 一个孩子和一条狗正玩得不亦乐乎,专注的看着借来的眼镜中的世界。
22 A perfect bit of the old world
a Chinese laundry has its shutters up and is
23 Bathed in the slantwise western
sun, with the statue of liberty beyond, Ellis Island welcomes the
24 The bluebird, as a sign of good
luck, and happiness, alights at the door of a little cottage on the
25 A chubby little rich boy rides
on a hobby horse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may
26 The scene is an old-fashioned
in the hot hand-to-hand fighting a flag bearer
27 A sculptor is at work in his
studio, and under his skilled hands a lovely form slowly and surely
takes shape.
28 A splendidly built bridge, a
heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly
29 A perspiring fat-boy is mowing
he has discovered the handicap of flesh and is
determined to lose
30 A picture of regal and
sacerdotal pomp and
the Pope is holding
audience in his
1 An Indian chief is standing
before the assembled pow-wow of tribes and demands recognition,
coldly and regally.
2 Three stained glass windows in an
old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by
3 The human soul is visualized as
hovering spirit eager and receptive to the lessons to be learned
from life. 人类灵魂是在摇摆不定的精神渴望以及接受生活所带给自己的经验教训中显现出来。
4 A group of merry-makers are
embarking in a large canoe on the magic little lantern-lit lake at
5 An American Indian encampment
rests by the side of a canoe-filled stream and on the shore a war
6 A dark archway in the forest
leads to greater depths and darkness beyond, in its shade lie an
7 A highly sophisticated magic
ritual is displayed with the central figure as a heavily veiled
prophet of
8 A huge living room in an old
fashioned frame mansion is flooded with sunlight and the canaries
are singing happily. 阳光洒满一间老式别墅的客厅,金丝雀欢快地歌唱。
9 There is a vast stretch of
heavenly realm and across it an angel carrying a harp comes
leisurely but
10 On the deck of an old fashioned sailing ship seamen are
taming an albatross that feeds from their
11 In a quiet and landscaped
portion of a vast private estate a group of pheasants display their
brilliant colors. 在一个安静私人庄园的某处园林里,一群野鸡在那里展示它们色彩鲜艳的羽毛。
12 A student is lecturing and
conjuring up dancing pictures of distant wonders before each
13 Back against the mountains
towards the East that fringe the roof of the world a fire
worshipper is meditating.&背对大山面朝东方在世界屋脊的边缘一名拜火教徒在进行冥想。
14 A vast pile of Mayan ruins in
tropical America discloses a perfectly preserved bas-relief carved
in the granite. 在南美洲热带一大片的玛雅文明废墟中,一座保存着非常好的完美浮雕被刻在了花岗岩上。
15 It is the children's ward in the
hospital with an abundance of toys, books, and gifts for the
youngsters. 在医院的儿童病房,有大量的玩具,书籍,和为孩子准备的礼物。
16 The high school grounds are
alive with fresh vitality as the boys appear in their gymnasium
suits. 穿着运动服的高年级男生使得学校操场充满了生机与活力。
17 A mature but long repressed
young woman is bathing surreptitiously in the nude and finding
released in
18 From the proud new warship of
Britannia in token of her maritime power flies the Union Jack in
calm dignity. 身居显职的杰克联盟从代表大不列颠海上力量的辉煌新舰艇中沉静地飞了出来。
19 A little miss of about five has
gone to market with a huge shopping bag and is quite as adult as
anybody. 一位约五岁的小女孩拎着一个巨大的购物袋去逛市场,好像她已经是个成年人一样。
20 There is no service in the
church but rising full and clear come the voices of a hidden choir
21 Excitement thrills the
grandstands during the relay race as each runner springs to place
22 The defeated general yields up
his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is
real success. 虽然战败的将军放弃了他的剑但是在这次失败中他赢得了尊严,算作真正的成功。
23 The army is erect in a long
faultless line as resplendent officers confer upon a private two
awards for
24 The convent lies between gnarled
old trees as a very picture of peace and a woman approaches this
sure haven. 建在古树间的修道院如同一幅非常平和的画,一个女人靠近了它,她把它当作可靠的避难所。
25 The little boys are welcomes to
the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled
softness. 一位做珍贵东方地毯生意的经销商,非常欢迎小男孩们来店里感受地毯毛细腻的柔软。
26 In a little glade never t rod by
the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a care-free
water sprite. 在人迹罕至的森林某处,一只水精灵无忧无虑地在瀑布水雾中跳舞。
27 A party of anchorites are making
a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the
quiet way ahead. 一批隐士在山地朝圣,期望能同时在庸碌的世俗和自我平静的修行道路上安身立命。
28 A large aviary built as a wing
to a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contended
feathered citizens. 一座大型鸟舍建得像乡村大厦的翅膀,长羽毛的公民们争着歌唱自己作为主人的曲目。
29 Afternoon tea is served in a
gypsy parlor patronized by socialites and here a young lady reads
30 In the mahogany-paneled and
magnificently furnished directors room a secret business conference
has begun. 在镶嵌着桃花心木装饰得富丽堂皇的董事室一个秘密商务会议开始了。
1 An old adobe mission rests in the shelter of the California
hills and seems as ancient as the mountains behind it.
2 An unexpected thunderstorm breaks over the parched lands of
the river empire and its terror is welcome relief.
3 A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the
dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.
4 A Hindu pundit emerging from the sleepy and idle warmth of
his hut suddenly glows with a mystic healing power.
5 In the land of shades a grave council of the ancestors of a
man of world importance has been called to guide him.
6 The stage is dimly lit for an allegorical drama and a
solitary performer carries the thread of mystery.
7 In a fantasy presented by the children of an exclusive
school a huge egg cracks to reveal a cherubic miss.
8 The fall-fashion display has opened in the fine stores and
in their windows are beautifully gowned wax figures.
9 A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a
flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.
10 A man of stature has been catapulted into ephemeral
popularity and unspoiled he plans further achievements.
11 An artist has withdrawn from friends and all accustomed
haunts to be alone with a new inspiration just forming.
12 A magnificent painting presents life as a broad stairway
with the landings (as) various grades of life.
13 Under the shade of the porch of an old-fashioned hotel in a
happy little village hangs a sedate barometer.
14 A long and heavy train climbs the steep mountain grade and
at last a tunnel offers a shortcut to the other side.
15 Two little love birds are sitting on a fence singing to
each other and advertising their happiness to the world.
16 The active executive of a large corporation sits at his
desk immersed in the details of some business project.
17 The master is sleeping in the little hut near his newly
discovered gold mine with his faithful dog on guard.
18 The masquerade has been long in progress and laughing young
ladies at last have forced the final male to unmask.
19 On every hand are the still smoking embers but the forest
fire is out and the weary fighters are most jubilant.
20 A large white dove circles about and about overhead and
then descends and proves to be a carrier with a message.
21 Leaving the room is a well-groomed and striking and
conspicuously solitary woman long disappointed and disillusioned.
22 A new deep and velvet-like carpet has been placed in an
airy nursery and the happy children revel upon it.
23 A big trained bear sitting on a chair especially built for
him is waving all four paws in grotesque fashion.
24 A man obviously of the world has turned his back on passion
and is giving people a deep and undying wisdom.
25 A butterfly struggles to emerge from the chrysalis and it
seems that the right wing is more perfectly formed.
26 The battery man at the automobile service station (is)
about to inspect a customer's car and has his hydrometer in hand.
27 In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art
connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.
28 The pioneer cottage is prepared for winter's rigors with a
tree felled and sawed for fuel and all else in order.
29 The beautifully winged insect has just come forth into
glorious adult being on completion of its metamorphosis.
30 A mystic and traditional Babylon has sprung into delicate
white bloom. 整个传统神秘的巴比伦城突然开满了精致的白色花朵。
1 The public market is thronged
with people and all are good-natured and hurried on a late Saturday
afternoon. 在快过完的星期六下午,市集被忙着赶集的良民们挤满了。
2 Almost as if possessed with man's
intelligence a tiny squirrel remains watchful on a limb hidden from
3 A dull expanse of rocky
formations turns out to be a petrified forest or an eternal record
of life lived long
4 The narrow isthmus between two
summer resorts both sparkling with life carries crowded holiday
5 Through the spacious grounds of
the church are strung Japanese lanterns for a bazaar of merry
hearts and faces. 利用教堂的宽敞场所搭起一个挂着日本花灯笼的集市,人们在那里很开心。
6 All the traditional dignity of
West Point is seen in the parade of officers-in-the-making under
the setting sun.&夕阳下官兵的队列显示出西点军校所有传统的尊严。
7 Over the strewn and irregular
masses of stone at the shore is low-lying fog, but on one rock a
8 A trim and splendid young miss at
the camp of a semi-military organization blows her bugle
triumphantly. 一位装扮整洁、光彩照人的姑娘,在半军事化组织的营地吹响了她胜利的号角。
9 A tiny jockey from his
magnificent horse looks about eagerly and as the race starts he
becomes a god of
10 As a tiny fleck of dust in the
sky an aviator sails across the horizon in absolute mastery of
these higher realms.在空中看起来像粒微小灰尘的飞行员,为支配更高更广的领域,航行跨过了地平线。
11 A group of serious-eyed, earnest
-faced men are seeking illumination and are conducted into a
12 A convocation of the Lodge of
Initiates has brought the earth's glorious souls in spirit to
examine candidates. 地方支部召开吸纳新成员的集会,审查候选人是否在精神上属于品格高尚的人。
13 In a still corner of the museum
are weapons of long ago and in a glass case, by itself, is a single
14 A young lady from top of
coiffure to tip of toes is regal and she displays soft beauty of
face above fox
15 An officer in unkempt campaign
uniform is preparing to drill men dressed in military tops quite
worn for wear.&穿着凌乱战役制服的军官正在准备训练士兵穿着破旧的军队上装。
16 In the sacred quiet and
afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in
17 In the boulevard sunshine the
promenade of wealth's Easter is seen and in poorer quarter's is
equally brave show.在林荫大道的阳光下富人举行复活节的活动,穷人的表演也同样精彩。
18 The celebrated revivalist has
erected his huge tent, now warmed by music, lights and the smell of
19 The young man and old one have
walked weary miles but as master and pupil they neither are
20 The window of a farmhouse yields
its view of soft purple fields and the table is set for a quiet
21 A child who is strange to rural
life has taken violent fancy to a little white lamb and a Chinese
22 Down the man-made mountain of
industry in allegorical representation some the prophet with
tablets of a new
23 A huge hulk of a woman medium
gone into trance and around her are entities continually forming
24 The tiny island seems lost in
the broad ocean but its happy inhabitants have created a great
world all their own. 一个被人遗忘的小岛,岛上的居民创造了一个自己的伟大世界。
25 Ecclesiastical reform of drastic
nature is in progress and a purged and purified priestcraft opens a
26 A new moon just visible at
sundown to the lovers is romantic only, but to the philosopher it
27 The harvest moon rises superbly
in the east and the light of day is shamed by the colors of an
28 Night has seemed light as day
and in the odd shadows of diffused whiteness the fertile fields
appear quite
29 The scientist adjusts the tiny
prism carefully and by means of the divided rays of light makes his
clever analysis. 科学家仔细调整了微小的三棱镜以便获得光线的各个成分用来完成他绝妙的分析。
30 Nathaniel Hawthorne's conception
of the Great Stone Face has been brought to fruition in a huge
mountain carving.&纳撒尼尔·霍桑关于


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