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85 Tauren Shaman
More blue gems than red gems? Change it back.
Highly Rated
80 Human Priest
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
90 Human Warlock
I also don't understand the point of the change...?
Why make the meta gems we've been using for years useless? No one's going to regem for them. Might as well have simply removed them from the game. And not including the change in the patch notes? Classy.
Now there are virtually no viable metas for plate DPS. Great job.
Also, still scratching my head over the absurdly inflated cost of heirloom items that don't even scale to level 85.
85 Human Warlock
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
85 Dwarf Paladin
wish a blue would respond with something regarding this instead of deleting the threads. this is a stealth &gamebreaking& change!
80 Undead Mage
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
Cool guy troll 'cept for one thing
PvP doesn't require as much hit as PvE, and so my meta is totally useless now too
I don't need that much spellpen nor hit, so please fix my meta.
More blue than red is useless.
85 Undead Priest
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
Sorry I'm capable of hitting hit cap without having to gem for it.
85 Draenei Priest
It is impossible for me to activate this gem without completely ruining my other stats. And no other Meta Gem comes close to being this good. I bet this issue would be a lot bigger if more than 95% of the players that use it actually realized it is broken. Most probably haven't even noticed yet. Unintended change?
100 Draenei Paladin
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
Cool guy troll 'cept for one thing
PvP doesn't require as much hit as PvE, and so my meta is totally useless now too
I don't need that much spellpen nor hit, so please fix my meta.
More blue than red is useless.
Hit requirements at 85 are greatly increased. You may very well need extra. If you do not...
I agree. It makes NO sense to require more blue gems than red on a dps class. The main gem color for melee and spellcasters is red. Why would you want us to waste gems getting spirit or some other useless stat when red is the most valuable?
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
Sorry I'm capable of hitting hit cap without having to gem for it.
... If only there was a system where one could take stats on gear and trade them in towards a different stat.
Remember also that suboptimal is not the same as useless. Infact, there was a few dev posts specifically stating they wanted to find ways to encourage players to do something with gems other than stack the same one over and over. Looks like they did.
85 Worgen Death Knight
I see your meta gem requirements and raise you /item=34220
If you can meet those requirements, I salute you.
85 Human Warrior
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.[/quote
In decent raid gear You will not be stacking all hit......YOU will want a meta that makes sense at that point now wont you????? I'm sorry you have never had an intelligent thought. It must be hard for you.
Edited by Resoluteval on 11/23/ PM PST
85 Night Elf Druid
I have to agree with the thinking posters here. Changing the gem makes no sense at all. For hit, your gear should be able to compensate even at an increased value. If it doesn't why gem for it when you can reforge it?
Please, change this gem back.
Edited by Bást on 11/23/ PM PST
81 Night Elf Warrior
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
If you are geming for hit you are doing it wrong, and more than likely a bad.
Hit requirements at 85 are greatly increased. You may very well need extra. If you do not...
Oh, you mean kind of like the requirements between Vanilla and BC were greatly increased? Maybe also like the requirements between BC and Wrath? Fail logic is fail.
85 Goblin Mage
Hit is generally more valuable than any other stat up until the cap, and it is a blue gem now. I'm sorry you actually have to think about gemming now. It must be very hard for you.
Even if you are COMPLETELY gemming for hit, there will be a time when you are hit capped, at which point you WILL want a RED gem instead of a BLUE, and that effectively will deactivate this Meta. Is that so hard to understand?
Community Manager
More blue gems than red gems? Change it back.
The current design has been reconsidered, so we're planning to revert gems that now require more blue than red gems back to their original requirements. Such a change can't be accomplished via a hotfix though, so we'll have to wait to revert these in a future patch.
80 Human Rogue
I have a suggestion regarding a replacement meta. A lot of people have Tuskarr's Vitality for a boots enchant. It has a minor run speed increase (non-stacking).
Find a new enchant for your boots that's dps orientated and use either the Tireless Skyflare or Swift Skyflare diamonds for the minor run speed increase. Then all you're really out is the 3% increased crit damage, but it's better than regemming everything to meet the requirement or doing nothing.
100 Dwarf Warrior
More blue gems than red gems? Change it back.
The current design has been reconsidered, so we're planning to revert gems that now require more blue than red gems back to their original requirements. Such a change can't be accomplished via a hotfix though, so we'll have to wait to revert these in a future patch.
Ok, so hopefully we need a minor patch to fix something tomorrow and you guys can throw this fix in.
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