have a hat dog ,please怎么写出一手好字答语

新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 121 The man in a hat
Lesson 121
The man in a hat
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why didn't Caroline recognize the customer straight away?
CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive
dictionaries here half
and hour ago, but I forgot
to take them with me.
MANAGER: Who served you, sir?
CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing
behind the counter.
MANAGER: Which books did you buy?
CUSTOMER: The books which are on
the counter.
MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman
half an hour ago, Caroline?
He says he's the man who
bought these books.
CUSTOMER: I can't remember.
The man who I served was
wearing a hat.
MANAGER: Have you got a hat, sir?
CUSTOMER: Yes, I have.
MANAGER: Would you put it on, please?
CUSTOMER: All right.
MANAGER: Is this the man that you
served, Caroline?
I recognize him now.
New Word and expressions 生词和短语
forget (forgot, forgotten)
v. 照应,服务,接待
顾 客:半小时以前我在这里买了两本很 贵的辞典,但是我忘了拿走。
经 理:是谁接待您的,先生?
顾 客:站在柜台后面的那位女士。
经 理:您买的是两本什么书?
顾 客:就是柜台上的那两本。
经 理:卡罗琳,半小时前你接待过这位先生 吗?他说他就是买这两本书的人。
卡罗琳:我记不起来了。我接待的那个人戴着 一顶帽子。
经 理:先生,您有帽子吗?
顾 客:有的,我有帽子。
经 理:请您把帽子戴上好吗?
顾 客:好吧。
经 理:卡罗琳, 这就是你接待过的那个人吗?
beautiful flower
a book on the desk
I saw the boy yesterday.
This is the boy.
This is the boy I saw yesterday.
I have a sister.
She lives in Paris.
I have a sister who lives in Paris.
1 连接主句和从句 2 在从句中做句子成分。
1 连接主句和从句
2 在从句中从句子成分,作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。
who, whom, whose, which, that
先行词是人 + who + 动词
The man is Mr.White.
The man has white hair.
The man who has white hair is Mr.White.
先行词是人,whose + 名词
I have a friend.
His father is a teacher.
I have a friend whose father is a teacher.
先行词是人,whom + 及物动词/不及物动词 + 介词
The man is my uncle.
We met the man.
The man we met is my uncle.
The man whom we met is my uncle.
The man who met us is my uncle.
The man is my uncle.
I spoke to the man.
The man whom I spoke to is my uncle.
The man to whom I spoke is my uncle.
I have a sister.
She lives in Paris.
I have a sister who lives in Paris.
The man who has white hair is Mr.White.
I have a friend whose father is a teacher.
I see you everyday.
I look at the blackboard everyday.
The man who we met is my uncle.
speak to sb.
I spoke to the man.
The man whom I spoke to is my uncle.
The man to whom I spoke is my uncle.
which 是指人以外的生命或没有生命的东西。
先行词(物) + which + 动词
He likes the house.
The house has a lot of windows.
He likes the house which has a lot of/many windows.
The books are on the desk.
The books are mine.
The books are on the counter.
The books which are on the counter are mine.
The dog is his.
The dog is carrying a basket.
The dog which is carrying a basket is his.
The dog carrying a basket is his.
Those men are making all that noise.
Those men are repairing the road.
Those men who are repairing the road are making all that noise.
Those men repairing the road are making all that noise.
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免费学习 新概念英语视频课程
英语能力测评初中英语试题 |
初中英语Why don’t you get her a scarf单元调研测试题
Unit 8 Why don&t you get her a scarf?
话题 Gift giving
功能项目 Compare qualities
词汇 album 集子;像片薄 suggestion 建议;提议 personal 私人的;个人的 special 特别的;特殊的;专门的 receive 收到;接受 guy 家伙;人 mouse 老鼠child 孩子;儿女rabbit 兔;野兔 pig 猪 clean 清洁的;干净的 company 伙伴,公司 asleep 睡着的 cost 价值;花(多少钱)choose 选择 present 礼物 open 打开 later 稍后;随后
instead 代替;而不是 en ter 参加;进入 nearly 几乎 clearly 清楚地;明显地 interested
感的 encourage 鼓励 progress 进步;前进 suggest 建议;提议 drive 开车;驾驶 besides 而且;除&.之外 mention 提及;说起 winner 胜利者 comment 评论;意见 advantage 有利条件;优点 perfect 完美的;理想的 modest 谦虚的;谦让的[来源:中.考.资.源.网]
短语 fall asleep 入睡 give away 分发;赠送 rather than 与其&(不如 ;不是&.(而是) make friends with 与&.交友take an interest in 对&..感兴趣 hear of 听说 make a meal 做饭 take care of 照顾;照料 photo album 相册 too much 太多
句型 What should I get& my mom for her birthday?
How about a CD? No, that&s too expensive.
What&s the best present you have ever received? A bike.
Why don&t you buy a scarf?
语法要点&& &表示提建议&的句子结构。
&&& Why don&t you get a camera?
&&& How about some tennis balls?
&&& What about a watch?
&&&& That&s too expensive / cheap / personal / boring / scary / hairy.
&&&&& That&s not interesting / special / creative enough.
&&&&& Dogs are difficult to take care of.
&&&&& What&s the best gift you have ever received?
&&&&& What&s the best gift he / has she received?
例 1.----Shall we go to visit the Museum of Nature History First ?&& ------ _______.
A.Yes, we do&&&& B. Yes, Let&s go&&
C. No, you shan&t&& D. It&s a pity
〖解题思路〗 Shall we &? 是提建议的交际用语,后接动词原形,除此之外,还有Let&s & Why not&/why don&t you & 后加动词原形,What about/How about &后接名词或动名词。等。对上面这句型的回答,常用以下几种:
Yes, I think so.是的,我想是这样。
Yes, I agree. 好,我同意。
Ok/All right 行/好吧
That&s a good idea./Good idea.那是个好主意 。/好主意。
Yes, please. 好的,请便吧。Thank you./Thanks a lot 谢谢/非常感谢。
(3) 当对于对方的帮助、要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用:
I don&t think so 我不那样想。
Sorry. I can&t & 对不起,我不能&
I&m afraid &我恐怕&&&
I&d love to, but & 我很乐意,但是&
例2 You look so terrible,you&d better ______ to see the doctor.
&&&&&&&& A going&& B to go&& C went&& D go
〖解题思路〗 &had better&结构表示 &最好干某事&后接动词原型. 故选D
例3 Why not ______ a good rest after woking hard?
A have&& B having&& C to have&& D had
〖解题思路〗 &why not &&表示 &为什么不&&后接动词原型.故选A
1.相册&& ______________________
2.个人电脑& ____________ __________
3.做饭&& ______________________
5.宠物狗 ______________________
6.最好的礼物 _____________________
7.足够特殊的 _____________ _____
9.收到&&的来信 ______________
10.在他六岁生日那天___ __________________
11.分配& ______________________
12.听说& ______________________
13.取得进步& __________________
1.What&s the best gift your sister has ever r__________ __&& ?
2.Her voice s________ very sweet. The scarf is too c_________ .
3. --_______should I get my mom for her birthday?
--Why _______& get her a camera?
4.His pet watches TV_______________ the sofa every night.
5.What p______ should I give my mother for Mother&s day?
6.I think dogs are the____________&& popular pets.
7.I can take good care____________& myself.
8.People like hamsters____________ they are quiet and clean.
9.I want to buy a photo__________& and put all my photos in it.
10.Don&t s_______ too much time on computer games.
11.Many people like to keep small animals as their p_____________.
12.I&m going to i________________&& myself this year.
13.China will be the h___________&&&& for the 2008 Olympic Games.
14.A girl n____________ Lily called you.
15 He took us out to dinner at an e________ restaurant, but the food was not good at all.
三, 同义句转换(每空0.5分,共10分)
1 Please pass me the hat.
Please _____& _____& _____& _____.
2 How do you like the story?
_____& ____& you ____& ____ the story?
3 He is too weak to car ry the box.
He is ____& ____& ____& ____& ____ the box.
4 He is such a good father.
He is ____& _____& ____& _____.
5 I am fatter than her.
She is not _____& _____& ______ me.
1 这外套足够便宜让他来买
The coat is ____& ____ for him _____& _____.
2 哥哥送给我一本英语词典.
Brother ____ an English dictionary _____ me.
3 他们要在户外打篮球.
They are going to play basketball ____& _____& ____& ____.
4 他正要睡着,电话铃响了.
He ____& ____& ____, when the telephone rang.
5 请把它还给我.
Please ____& _____& _____& _____ me.
6 他去年放弃了学业.
He ____& ____& ____ last year.
(& )1.It&s her birthday next week. What should I get her ? ____.
A. They are too expensive
B. What about a bicycle ?
C. That&s a good idea .&&&&
D. Why not buying a wallet
(& )2. --Have you ever been to Water World, Tom?[
--No. I&ve __been there.
A. ever&& B. already&&& C. never&& D. sometimes
(& )3. --Why don&t you get him some fast food ?
&& --Oh no. __.
A. That&s not healthy enough.
B. That&s too healthy .
C. That&s delicious enough .&&
D. That&s enough delicious
(& )4. --has Joe been playing baseball ?
&& --Since he was ten years old.
A. How often&& B.& When&&
C. How long&&& D. How soon
(& )5. --Would you mind doing the dishes ?
&& --________.
A. Thank you
B.OK. I&ll do them right away.
C.You&re welcome
D.No thanks
(& )6. If it _ tomorrow, we _ _ go to the park..&&
A. won&t&& B. won&t&
C. don&t&&& D. will
(& )7.& There are four people in my family. ___me, there are my parents and my brother
A. Beside&& B. Besides&& C. Except&&&& D.But
(& )8. -- How about a hamster?
&& -- _____ too noisy.
A. It&s&&&& B. They ar e&& C. It was&&&& D. They&re
(& )9.& --How about the football match yesterday?
&& --It was not ___. Some fans thought it a little __________.
C. bored&&&&
(& )10.Last night I ___ at ten o&clock. Half an hour later, I ______.
A. slept, fell asleep
B. fell asleep&
C. slept, went to bed&
六、阅读理解(每空2分,共10分) 仔细阅读下面的文章,然后选择正确答案
Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of& us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). It&s important for us to eat our meal at regular(规律)time each day. When we feel worried or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges often decided whether a man was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that he wasn&t telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish they thought it was good way of finding out truth. A man who is worrying something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry, because he loses&&&&&&& his appetite.
(& )1. Good eating habits make us ________.
A. stronger&&&&&&&&& B. happier
C. more beautiful& D. more polite
(& )2. It&s good to eat sweets and ice cream ________.
A. after a meal&&&&&&&&& B. before a meal
C. when we are happy&& D. when we want to eat
(& )3.It&s good for us to have our meal _______ every day.
A. earlier&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. at the same time
C. at any time&&&&&&&&&& D. at the different time
(& )4. The judge in old England thought if a man didn&t tell me the truth, he can ________.
A. drink milk or tea&&&&&& B. eat a lot of dry bread
C. hardly eat dry bread& D. swallow dry bread easily
(& )5. A person who feels ________ may not want to eat.
A. happy&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. shy
C. upset&&&&&&&&&&&& D. well
七、仔细阅读下面的文章,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (每空2分,共10分)
Yesterday afternoon two thieves wear ing police uniform arrived at the museum and asked the guard (1)______&& (show) them Monet&s paintings. They said that they had received a telephone call at the police station that morning telling them that the paintings were in danger. The guard immediately let them (2) _____&& (see) the paintings. The thieves told them (3)_______ ____(turn )off the alarm system and then suddenly they made him (4)_________(lie) on the ground and they tied his arm and legs. They worked very quickly and carefully and when they had collected the best paintings they (5)___________(leave) the museum quietly a nd& calmly through the front door.
Alan: Bill (1) _________
Bill: My mother&s birthday is coming. But I still have no idea what to get her.
Alan: (2) ____I know a wonderful gift shop. Let&s go there to find a good gift for your mother.(In the gift shop)
Bill: Alan, (3) __________
Alan: I don&t think your mother will like it. (4)_______.
Bill: Oh, I forgot I should buy a present for my mother, not for myself.
Alan: (5) ______
Bill: Oh, its color is my mother&s favorite. I think it&s Ok. I&ll take it.
A. Why don&t you get her a present? E. Oh, don&t worry
B. It&s interesting enough.&&&&&&&&& F. Does she like music
C. Why do you look so worried?&&& G. How about this scarf?
D. I like this CD very much
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Wei& Hua答案:Unit 8 Why don&t you get her a scarf?
1. photo album 2 .personal co mputer 3.make a meal/cook dinner 4.take an interest in/be interested in 5.pet dog
6. the best present/gift7.special enough 8. not creative enough 9.receive sb&s letter/hear from sb.
10.on his sixth birthday 11.give away 12. hear of 13.make progress14. make friends with
二、每个1分共16分1.received 2. sounds ,cheap/colourful 3.what, not 4. on 5.present
1. most 7. of 8.because 9. album 10.spend 11.pets 12.improve 13.host 14.named 15 expensive
三 每空0.5,共10分1 the hat to me&& 2 what do think of& 3 not strong enough to carry& 4 so good a father& 5 as fat as
四 每空0.5,共10分1 cheap enough to buy& 2 gave to& 3 in the open air& 4 was falling asleep& 5 give it back to& 6 gave up studying
五、每个1分共10分1-5.BCACB 6-10.ABABB.
六、每个2分共20分(A)1DD5.AABDC& (B).1.to show 2. see 3.to turn 4. lie 5. left.
七、每空1分,共5分1DD5 CEDBG
八、,共15分One possible version:
& Dear Sam,
How is everything going these days? Thanks for your present.
I like the T-shirt very much. Red is my favorite color and the T-shirt is just my size. I&ll wear it to school tomorrow.
My parents will hold a birthday party for me in our house next Monday. I&ll invite some of my classmates and friends. I&m sure we&ll have a good time. What a pity that you can&t come to my party!
I hope we will meet each other some day.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Wei& Hua
六年级英语阅读练习(一)(1)The Cat's Family  My family is not very large. There are only three cats.I'm a white cat. People call me Snow-white. My husband is a black cat.
People call him Captain Black Cat.(黑猫警长) We have a beautiful daugeter.her name is Lily.She is black and white.She's only two years old.We live a happy life.  From now on, we will work harder to catch the mice.We must let people live
in a happy life in this house.选择填空:1.There are
people in the cat's family.A: two
Mother Cat is
C: black and white3.
Mother Cat and Father Cat have a
C: daughter4.
All the will work hard to
.A: catch the mice
B: catch people
C: eat good food5.
years old.
The black cat is Lily's
.A. mother
C: uncle(2) What Am I?  Hello, boys and girls! My name is Mike. I'm tall and fat. I have a long nose and two big ears. My mouth is nit too big. My teeth are very long. My body looks like a wall. I have four strong legs and a short tail, too.Do you know me? What am I?快速判断:1.Mike is an animal.
)2.Mike is strong.
)3.He has two small ears.
)4. He has no tail.
)5.Mike's body looks like a wall.
)填空:1. - What am I?
--You are an
.2.I have a
nose and two
ears.3.I have
teeth.       (3) Mr.Pig and Mr.Cow       Mr. Cow:
Hello, Mr. Pig. Why are you sad?Mr. Pig:
Everybody likes you, but nobody likes me.They always say,"How nice the cow is!"Mr. Cow:
Yes. Maybe I give milk and cream.Mr. Pig:
I give more.
Bacon(咸肉),pork(猪肉),ham(火腿)and ......But they don't like me,why?Mr. Cow:
Maybe you're too fat. You should do morning exercises everyday.Mr. Pig:
Oh,no......选择填空:1. Mr. Pig is
C: sad2. The cow give us
and cream.A: milk
C: pork3. The pigs give us bacon, pork and
C: ham4. Mr. Pig can't do
everyday.A: his homework
B: morning exercises
C: the washing5. Mr. Pig is too
C: fat    六年级英语阅读练习 (二)(1) A
RiddleHello! I'm a word . I have three letters. My first letter is in "soon" butnot in "room" , my second is in "rose" and also in "rise" , my third is notin "pencil" but in "paper", my whole is a place where there is a lot of water.I am the twin sister of the word "see". Who am I?快速判断:1.The word is a kind of animal.
)2.The first letter is "m".
)3.The second letter is "e".
)4.The third letter is " r".
)选择填空:1. The word is a place where there is a lot of
C: milk2. How many letters are in this word?A: One.
C: Three.3.What's this word?
D: glass4.Is the second letter in "rose"or in "snow"?
.A: Yes,it is.
B: No,it isn't.
C: It's in "rose". D: It's in "snow".(2) An Old Woman and a BoyAn old woman wants to go to New York to see her son. She gets upearly and gets to the station at nine o"clock in the morning .When does thetrain come and leave? She is very worried. She stops a boy and asks him.The boy looks at the woman and says,"tu: tu: tu: ". The old womansits in a chair and thinks and thinks. Then she says,"Oh, I see."快速判断:1. The woman is young.
)2. The boy does not tell her the time.
) 3. The woman gets up early.
) 4. The train comes in thr afternoon.
) 5. The woman knows the time at last.
)选择填空:1. The woman gets to the station at
in the morning.2. The train comes at
in the afternoon.3. The train leaves at
in the afternoon.A: 1:58
C: 2:02(3) A
DogA dog has large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking ona small bridge, he looks down and sees himself
in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself,"I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat." He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water ,and his meat falls into water.快速判断:1.The dog has a small piece of meat.
)2.He wants to get two pieces of meat.
)3.He finds another dog in the water.
)4.The dog is standing on the grass.
)5.He has no meat at last.
)选择填空:1.There is a
of meat in the dog's mouth.A: piece
D: cup2.The dog looks down and sees
in the water.A: yourself
C: himself
D:herself3.He opens his mouth to
D:dark      六年级英语阅读练习 (三)(1) The Tiger's DinnerTiger:
Good afternoon.
Mrs Goat. Let me eat you.Goat:
Don't eat me, Mr Tiger. I'm old. That deer is younger than me.(The goat runs away.)Tiger:
Miss Deer, Miss Deer, Let me eat you.Deer:
Oh, no. Many birds are standing over there. (The deer runs away.)Tiger:
Birds, I will eat you. You are my dinner.Birds:
(The birds fly away.) You are bad. We can fly, can you?Tiger:
No, I can't . But where is my dinner?选择填空:1. The tiger is
C: scared2.The tiger doesn't eat the goat, because there is a
over there.A: deer
C: rabbit3.Can the bird fly?
A: No, they can
B: Yes ,they can. C: No, they can't.4.The tiger can't fly. He
at last.A: eat dinner
B: eat the goat
C: doesn't have dinner(2) Your Head Isn't the Right SizeThe assistant:
Can I help you, sir?A man:
Yes, I would liked to buy a hat, please.The assistant:
Of course. How about this one?A man:
This one is too big. Would you mind bringing me a few more hats, please?The assistant:
Not at all.A man:
Let me try this one. No, I'm afraid it's too wide. What about that one? No, I'm afraid it is wide enough. None of the hats is the right size.The assistant:
The hats are all right, sir. But I'm afraid your head isn't the right size.选择填空:1. The man wants to buy a
C: a pair of shoes2. The shop has
brings him some hats, but none of them is fit.A: The assistant
B: The doctor
C: The customer4. The assistant says to the man "
".A: The hats aren't the right size.
B: Your head isn't the size.C: We have no hat.(3) How many letters?Father:
How many letters are there in the English Alphabet?Son:
I don't know.Father:
You don't know? You are in the school
for one year and you don't know how many letters there are in the Alphabet?Son:
No. But let me ask you a question, Dad. You often go to the post office, please tell me how many letters there are in the post office?快速判断:1. There are twenty-six letters in the English Alphabet.
)2. The son doesn't study English well.
)3. The son can't answer his father's question.
)4. The father works in the post office.
)5. There are twenty-six letters in the post office.
)(4) Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack  Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors. They live on different floors. They have different jobs-an engineer, a worker, a teacher and a doctor. Tom lives above Sam, but blow Jim. Jack lives on the third floor. The doctor lives above the teacher, but below the worker. The engineer lives on the ground floor. What are their jobs? Which floor does each of them live on?回答问题:1. What does Sam do ?2. Which floor does Jim live on?3. What does Jack do ?4. Which floor does Tom live on?  六年级英语阅读练习 (四)(1) My Father's Old CoatTeacher:
Children, name the material we often use to make things, please.Student:
Glass, gold, metal
,paper, plastic, silver, wood and wool.Teacher:
Very good, sit down, please. And what do we get from sheep?Student:
You're quite right. Tom what do we make from wool?Tom:
I'm sorry. I don't know.Teacher:
Well, what is your coat made of?Tom:
My coat is made of my father's old coat.回答问题:1. Write down the names of the materials we often use to make things, please.2. What shall we get from sheep?3. Can Tom answer the teacher's question?4. Is Tom's coat new?5. What is our coats made of?(2) A
Barking DogDad:
My dear, let's go out for a walk.Son:
Great. ( On their way, a dog is barking nearby.)Son:
Oh, help! A dog is over there.Dad:
Don't be afraid, Tom. Don't you know the proverb(谚语)"A barking(咆哮的) dog does not bite?"Son:
Yes. I know the proverb ,you know the proverb, but the dog know the proverb?回答问题:1. What did the son see?2. Is the father afraid of the dog?3. Does the dog know the proverb?4. What's the proverb in Chinese?(3) To Catch the MoonLittle Sam:
Look ,Dad. There is a moon in the river. How bright it is!Dad:
Yes. It's beautiful .Little Sam:
Give me a pail, and I will catch the moon.Dad:
Oh, no. The moon is in the sky . Look! The river is like a big mirror. That is why you can see moon in it.Little Sam:
I see.回答问题:1. What can Sam see in the river?2. Can he catch the moon?3. Why can't Sam catch the moon in the river?(4) The Fox and the Grapes  A fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he is stopping up. He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall.  "How nice they are! I want to eat them." The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He can't get the grapes. The fox does away and says, " I don't like those grapes. They are not good to eat."快速判断:1. The fox is playing near the wall.
)2. There are many nice grapes at the top of the wall.
)3. The fox doesn't like those grapes.
)4. The fox goes away because the grapes are not good to eat. (
)选择填空:1. The fox is looking for
. A: grapes
C: food2. The fox wants to eat them, so he
.A: runs and runs
B: jumps and jumps
C: goes away3. The wall is too
for the fox to get the grapes.  A: high
C: far4: The fox goes away because
.  A: the grapes are not good
B: he can't get them  C: he isn't hungry  
六年级英语阅读练习 (五)  
( 1) I Can See YouJohn has a parrot. It is a nice bird. Everyday John says to it, "Hello! I can see you!" Soon the bird can say "Hello! I can see you!"  One day John is at school. A thief comes into John's room. He wants to steal something.
A voice comes, "Hello! I can see you!" The thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.快速判断:1. John is a policeman.
)2. John has some birds.
)3. The thief wants to take some things away from the room.
)4. The bird can say some Chinese.
)5. The thief sees John and goes away.
)选择填空:1. John's bird is very
C: nice2. The bird can say,
.A: Look! A thief.
B: Bye-bye.
C: Hello! I can see you!3. One day a
comes into John's room.A: policeman
C: farmer5.
drives away the thief at last.  A: The bird
B: The policeman
C: John  
New SonOld man:
May I sit here?Young man:
The seat is for my sister.Old man:
Where is your sister?Young man:
Eh...yes. She is my sister.Old man:
Really? Then I am glad to see you, my new son.Young man:
What do you mean?Old man:
She is my daughter.快速判断:1. The young man is the old man's son.
)2. The beautiful girl is the young man's sister.
)3. The girl is the old man's daughter.
)4. The young man wants to help the old man.
)(3) I'll Show You the WayA driver:
Hello, sir. I want to go to the Moon Hotel. Do you know it?An old man:
Yes ,let me get on, I'll show you the way.( They drive about ten miles, and come to a small house.)An old man:
Stop here!A driver:
But this isn't a hotel.An old man:
No, this is my house. And now I'll show you the way to the Moon Hotel. Go back nine miles. Then you'll see the Moon Hotel on the left.回答问题:1. Where does the driver want to go?2. Where does the old man take him?3. Why doesn't the old man stop the driver when they pass the hotel?  4. How many miles does the driver go to the Moon Hotel altogether?(5) The Dog's Dirty Feet  It's a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It's a big dog and its feet are not clean.  The conductor doesn't want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman says to the conductor,"Oh,I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?"  The conductor looks at the dog and says, "Yes, Madam ,but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair."选择填空:1. It's a
D: cloudy2. A woman with a
dog gets on the bus.A: big
D: thin3. The dog wants to sit on the
D: table4. The woman pays for her
in the bus.A: friend
D: son    六年级英语阅读练习 (六)  (1) Two Goats  Two goats starts at the same moment from opposite ends to cross a rude bridge that was no wide enough for them to cross at a time.Meeting at the middle of the bridge,neither would give the way to the other. They locked horns,and fought for the right of way, until both fell into the torrent below and were drowned.快速判断:1. Three goats wants to cross the bridge.
)2. The bridge was very wide.
)3. The goats didn't give the way to the other.
)4. They were drowned at last.
)选择填空:1. The goats
the bridge.  A: was crossing
B: have crossed
C: were crossing2. The bridge was
C: smooth3. They fought
their horns.
C: use4. The goats were fighting at the
of the bridge.  A: middle
C: back  (2) Saying Goodbye  Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading the newspaper and some are saying goodbye to their friends.  Mr. Wang,Mr.Li and Mr Chen are talking so happily that they don't know the train is going to leave. The guard says to them,"Hurry up! The train is going to leave." The three men hear the guard. Two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves. Mr. Wang is left behind. He looks very sad. The guard says to him," Don't feel bad. The next train will come in ten minutes." " I know," Mr. Wang says,"It is my train . My friends only come to say goodbye to me."快速判断:1. Mr. Wang ,Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking at the station.
)2. There are only three men at the station.
)3. Mr. Wang jumps onto the train.
)4. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are Mr. Wang's friends.
)5. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li really want to jump onto the train.
people are waiting for the train.  A: Three
C: Some2. Some people are
A: reading the books  B: cleaning the train
C: saying goodbye to their friends3. Mr. Wang , Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are
.  A: eating
B: talking
C: playing4.
should jump onto the train.  A: Mr.Li
B: Mr. Chen
C: Mr. Wang  (3) Three Families  Three families live in a building. Each family has only one child.One of the three children is a girl. Her name is Xiao Hui. The other two are boys. They are Xiao Peng and Xiao Ming. The children's fathers are Mr. Wang ,Mr. Zhang and Mr. Chen. The children's mothers are Liu Ying,Li Ping and Hao Fang. Now we know: Mr. Wang's son and Li Ping 's son are on the boy's basketball team. Xiao Ming isn't Mr. Zhang's son. Mr. Chen isn't Hao Fang's husband. Now,can you tell me the family numbers of each family?快速判断:1. Mr. Chen is Xiao Peng's father.
)2. Li Ping is Xiao Hui's mother.
)3. They have two sons and one daughter.
)4. Xiao Ming is Liu Ying's son.
)5. Xiao Peng and Xiao Ming like to play basketball.
)   六年级英语阅读练习 (七)  (1) Two Pence LessTom:
Ni, Ben . Why are you unhappy?Ben:
No,no. I am very well. I'm very angry. The bus ticket was three pence last week. But today it is two pence.Tom:
That's good. The bus ticket is cheaper now. You can save two pence everyday.Ben:
No,you are a fool. I walk to work and back home everyday. Last week I saved six pence everyday. But now I save only four pence. I have two pence less.回答问题:1. Is Ben happy?2. How much is the bus ticket now?3. Is Tom a fool?4. How does Ben go to work and back home everyday?(2) English
Mum, we have an English test today.Mum:
How many marks have you got in English , Rose?Rose:
Just ten less than Tom.Mum:
And how many has he got?Rose:
Well, ten marks.回答问题:1. How many marks has Tom got?2. Is Rose's mark less than Tom's?3. Is Rose good at English?4. What's Rose's mark?(3)Writing a LetterMum:
What are you doing, Amy?Amy:
I'm writing a letter to my friend, Kitty.Mnm:
But how can you ? You are only five years old. You don't know how to write.Amy:
Well. It doesn't matter. Because
Kitty doesn't know how to read.回答问题:1. How old is Amy?2. What is Amy doing?3. Can Amy write?4. Who is Kitty?(4)Seeing the DoctorMum:
What is the matter, my son?Son:
My head is hurting. I can't go to school.Mum:
Come with me to the doctor..Son:
The doctor! Oh, no! My head is not hurting. I can go to the school.回答问题:1. Is the boy's head hurting?2. Is he afraid of the doctor?3. IS the boy going to school now?(5)Who Is He?Tomson:
Jack, I have a riddle. Can you guess?Jack:
OK. What's it?Tomson:
Please tell me who he is: He is not my brother, and not is my sister, but he is a child of my parents.Jack:
I don't know.Tomson:
Ha-ha, it's very easy. It's me.快速判断:1.
Tomson has a riddle.
Jack understand the difficult.
This riddle is very difficult.
Jack can't answer Tomson's question.
)  六年级英语阅读练习 (八)  (1) In a Train Car  Nick and his father are in a train. Nick likes to stand and puts his head out of the window. His father says, "Sit down! Don't put your head out of the window!" But nick goes on putting his head out of the window.  His father tacks Nick's cap quickly and says, "You see , your cap has flown . Sit down! Perhaps, your cap will come back." Nick is afraid and he sits on chair quickly. Nick father puts the cap on Nick's head.  Oh! It is wonderful! Nick is happy. He takes his father's cap quickly and throws it out of the window. "Now your turn, Dad!" Nick says happily.快速判断:1.
The wind blows Nick's cap down.
the father whistles the cap will fly back.
Nick's father wants to prevent Nick from putting his head out of the window.
)选择填空:1. Nick and his father are in a
C: train2. Nick likes to put his head
of the window.A: out
D: down3. Nick lots his cap, and he is
.A: happily
D: glad4. Nick throws his father's
out the window.A: bag
D: shoes(2) Where Are My Sandwiches?  A man is going to see his friend. He takes some sandwiches with him because his friend's home is very far. On his way, he says to himself, "My friend is going to give me a very good lunch." Then he throws them away. He goes on and comes to a river. There's no boat on the river. He can't cross it. He start to go home. He is hungry now. And he trys to find his sandwiches. " Oh, my god. A dog has them." He quickly goes up, but the dog runs away. He is still hungry and he goes back home.快速判断:1. The man's friend's home is not far.
)2. He takes some sandwiches on his way.
)3. He can't find a boat on the river.
)4. The man catches the dog at last.
)5. The man does not meet his friend.
The man is going to see his
.A: grandma
C: friend2.
He throws sandwiches away, because he thinks his friend will give him a
A: sandwiches
B: hot dog
C: very good lunch3.
He goes home, because he
.A: can't cross the river
B: is hungry
C: is ill4.
has the man's sandwiches at last.A: cat
C: cow(3) Parents' MeetingJim:
Can I invite my grandpa to the parents' meeting?Teacher:
Why doesn't you invite your parents? Are they busy?Jim:
No,they aren't. But I want to invite my grandpa. Because,because...my grandpa is deaf.回答问题:1. Are Jim's parents busy?2. Who is deaf?3. Will Jim invite his parents to the parents' meeting?   六年级英语阅读练习 (九)    (1) Don't Cry, Miss White  Miss White is a teacher .Her home is not far from her school. SO she always walks to school in the morning everyday.  One morning it is very cold and windy. Miss White walks to school. The cold wind goes into her eyes, and big tears begin running out her eyes. She gets to the school, opens the door and goes to the classroom. It is warm there and Miss White is very happy. But then a small boy looks at her for a few minutes, puts his arms round her and says kinds," Don't cry, Miss White. School isn't very bad.'选择填空:1. Miss White usually goes to school
.A: on cold morning
B: on warm daysC: on windy morning
D: on foot2. The small boy thinks that
.A: Miss White doesn't like the school.B: Miss White likes cry.C: Miss White's eyes are not good.D: He does something wrong with his teacher.4. Which of the four is wrong?A: Miss White's eyes are full of tears.B: The small boy knows why Jones is crying.C: The small boy loves his teacher.D: Miss White doesn't cry at all.5. It is
that morning.
A: very cold outside
B: windy outsideC: very warm in the classroom
D: A, B and C           (2)Where Is My Cat?  Mr Black likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes them home for supper. His wife, Mrs Black often asks her friends to their home to have lunch and eat fish.  One day, when Mr Black comes home in the evening, he cannot find his fish. And Mrs Black says their cat has eaten the fish. Mr Black is very angry. HE takes the cat to the shop near their house to weigh the cat. HE says," You see, my fish is one kilo, and this cat is one kilo, too. My fish is here. Then where is my cat?"快速判断:1. Mr Black likes to eat cat very much.
)2. Mrs Black often eats fish with her friend.
)3. The cat is one kilo.
)4. The cat ate the fish.
)回答问题:1. What does Mr Black often do?2. How does Mr Black feel when he cannot find his fish?3. Who eats the fish?              (3)What's Four and Six?Dad: Tom,what's four and six?
Son: Em......,I don't know,dad.Dad: You are foolish. It's ten.Son: That's not true. My Maths teacher tell us," Five and five is ten."回答问题:1. What's five and five?2. Is the dad right?3. What does the teacher say?                (4)An Open-book ExamMiss Wang:
Boys and girls,we'll have an open-book exam.You can bring anything.
Great!Miss Wang: Why are you so happy?
Billy: Because I can bring my father.快速判断:1. The student will have an exam.
)2. Billy is a good student.
)3. Billy wants to bring his father.
)4. The teacher does not let her students bring their books.
)六年级英语阅读练习 (十)(1) Buying TicketsSam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket .Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, "Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?" Sam answers, "No, I nave no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my tickets in piece."快速判断:1. Sam buys the tickets for himself.2. Sam doesn't go to the cinema.3. Sam is too young to make friends.4. Sam has no friend in the cinema.选择填空:1.Sam wants to buy
when the girl asks him.A: the second ticket
B: the third ticketC:the fourth ticket
D: the fifth ticket2.The big boy stops Sam at the door because
.A: it is the big boy's job
B: the big boy doesn't like SamC: the big boy doesn't know Sam
D: Sam doesn't buy tickets3. The big boy is
of the cinema at all.A: a bookseller
B: a policemanC: a shop keeper
D: a worker4.From the story we know
.A: the little boy has a lot of moneyB: the little boy knows nothing about the cinemaC: Sam doesn't like the filmD: the girl wants to get more money(2) At the Barber'sLen was thirty years old, and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work.One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him,"People in this city don't like long hair. Why don't you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work"At the barber's Len said to the barber,"Please cut most of my hair off."The barber began. He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len,"Were you in the army a few years ago?""Yes,I was," Len answered,"Why did you ask that?""Because I found a cap in your hair."快速判断:1. Len was old,so he did not find any work.2. Len often wash his long hair.3. Len's hair was short.4. Len barber found a cap in Len's hair.5. Len was in the army now.选择填空:1.Len met
one day.A: his father
B: an old man
C; his old friend2.Len was very
C: tidy3. The cap was in Len's
C: hair4. People in the city don't like
.A: straight hair
B: long hair
C: short hair六年级英语阅读练习 (十一)(1) Is Ink Very Expensive?Son:
Is ink expensive,father?Dad:
Why? No, what make you think so?Son:
Well,mother seems quite angry when I spilled some on the carpet of the hall.回答问题:1. Is the ink very expensive?2. Why does mother seem quite angry?3. Does the son spill the ink on the carpet of the hall?(2) The Country Mouse and the City MouseOne day a city mouse net a county mouse in the field. The countrymouse was eating nuts."Hello, friend! Why are you eating such bad food? Come with me andsee. You can find the delicious food easily in the city." the city mouse said."Is that so?" the country mouse was surprised and wanted to go with his friend. They walked and walked. At last they came to the city. There was a lot of food in the house. The country mouse was very glad."Come on! Let's have dinner." The city mouse said. They started to eat. At this moment they heard the sound of people's voices." Run! Run away!" the city mouse shouted. Two mice ran and cried in fear." Oh, my heart was in my mouth," the country mouse said," I am going back to the filed to eat the bad without fear."快速判断:1. The city mouse lived in fear.2. The country mouse didn't like to eat good food.3. The city mouse didn't like to eat bad food.4. The country mouse was happy in the field.选择填空:1. The country mouse and the city mouse met in the
C. garden2. The country mouse doesn't like to
.  A.live in the city
B. eat good food
C. live in the country3. The country mouse was going back to the
.  A. city
B. city mouse's home
C. field4. Two nice were afraid of
in this story.  A. cats
C. food  (3) We Have the Same MotherBen and Jim are twin brothers. They are nine. They are pupils. They study in Yuxin Primary School. They are in the same class. Everyday they go to school and come back together.Their teacher, Mrs Green, says to the pupils,"please write a composition 'My Mother'."Jim is a good boy. He writes the composition at home. But Ben plays footb all with his friends. The next day Mrs Green says to the class," I
read your compositions today. But two of yours are just the same." Ben stands up and says," Jim and I are twins. We have the same motheer."快速判断:1. They are twins, so they have the same mother.2. They are brothers so they have the same parents.3. They are twins, so they are good pupils.4. They have the same mother, so their compositions are the same.填空:1. Jim and Ben are
.2. Jim and Ben are in
Primery School.3. The title of the composition is "
is a good student, he writes the composition.5. Ben does not
with his friends.六年级英语阅读练习 (十二)(一) Do You Want Me To Tell a Lie?Mummy:
Which apple do you want,Dick?Dick:
The biggest one,Mummy.Mummy:
What? You should be polite and pick the little one.Dick:
Should I tell a lie just to be polite,Munny?快速判断:1. Mummy have two pears.
)2.Dick wants to eat the big one.
)3.Mummy wants Dick to eat the big one.
)4.Dick eats the big one, because he doesn't want to tell a lie.
)(二) Good News  Jim is a primary school student, he's in Grade Two now. He has a round face and wears glasses. He likes football and swimming. But today he's not at school. He's ill . He's in bed. He had a bad cold. He must stay in bed for a week. But that's a good news for him, because he doesn't like school.快速判断:1. Jim wares glasses.
)2. Jim doesn't like football.
)3. Jim isn't at school. He's ill.
)4. Jim is ill, so he is very sad.
)5. Jim has a bad cold,he can't go to school.
)6. Jim likes school.
)选择填空:1. Jim is a
student.A: primary school
B: middle school
C: senior school2. Jim is in Grade
C: Two3. Jim likes
A: basketball
B: football
C: table tennis4. Jim is in bed because
.A: he is tired
B: he is ill
C: he is sleepy5. Jim must stay in bed for
C: two weeks(三) Delicious Bird(四)  A rich man wants to give his mother a birthday present, but what will be the best one? One day he finds a amazing bird in the market, it can talk in twelve languages and sing ten famous operas. Imnediately he buys the bird and sends it to his mother. It costs him $ 50,000.  The next day he phones to his mother:"What do you think of the bird, mother?'  "Oh ,it's very delicious." His mother answers.快速判断:1. The rich man sends his mother a bird for birthday.
)2. The bird is very clever.
)3. The bird can sing and dance.
)4. The bird is very expensive.
)5. The rich man's mother eats the bird.
)选择填空:1.The rich man sends
a birthday present.A: his wife
B: his mother2. The bird can
.A: talk in twelve languages
B: sing two famous operas3. The bird very
B: expensive4. His mother thinks
.A: the bird is clever
B: the bird is delicious六年级英语阅读练习 (十三)(一) Gary and Donkey  Gary goes to the market to sell his donkey. When he feels third, he gets on it. After a while , a friend comes and asks him: " Where are you going?" " I'm going to sell my donkey." Answers Gary. "Oh,my god!" he cries, "Where's my doney?' " What?" His friend laughs and says, " Aren't you riding a donkey?'快速判断:1. Gary wants to sell his donkey.
)2. Gary rides his donkey to the market.
)3. gary loses his donkey.
)4. Gary's friend rides the donkey.
)选择填空:1. Gary goes to sell
.  A: his chicken
B: his goat
C: his donkey2. He feels
, so he gets onto the donkey.A: thirsty
C: hungry3. He meets
on the way.A: his brother
B: his friend
C: his donkey4. Gary can't find
.A: his friend
B: his donkey
C: his father(二)A Clever Crow  A crow is thirsty . He finds a bottle with a little in it. But the neck of the bottle is too long, the crow can't get the water. The crow thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea. He puts some pebbles in the bottle, the water rises up. Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow!快速判断:1. The crow wants to drinks water.
)2. There isn't any water in the bottle.
)3. the bottle's neck is too long,so the crow can't get the water.
)4. The crow drinks water at last.
)5. The crow is very clever.
)选择填空:1. The crow is
.A: hungry
C: thirsty2. The bottle's neck is
.A: too long
B: too short
C: too big3. The crow puts man
in the bottle.A: sticks
B: pebbles
C: bricks4. The crow is
.A: stupid
C: naughty     (二)The Man and the MonkeyA monkey likes miming man's action. One day a man wants to play a joke on the monkey. First he gives the monkey a banana. So when he peels the banana, the monkey peels, too.
He eats, the monkey eats, the monkey eats. He smiles, the monkey smiles. He pretends angry, the monkey shows an angry face. At last, the man picks up a stone and pretends to hit his head by himself, but the monkey makes a face to him and do an action. That is to say"How stupid you are!"快速判断:1. The monkey can mime man's action.
)2. The monkey can't eat the banana.
)3. The man hits himself with a stick.
)4. The monkey is very clever.
)选择填空:1. The monkey is
A: naughty
B: stupid2. The man gives the monkey
.A: an apple
B: a banana
C: a peach3. The man pretends to hit himself with
.A: a bone
B: a stick
C; a stone4. The monkey thinks
.A: the man is clever
B: the man is stupid六年级英语阅读练习 (十四)(一) Magic WordsHello! I'm Mr Black. I like fishing very much. I often go fishing in the sea. Every time I get many fish home. My neighbours are very surprised. They often ask me:"How can you get so many fish?"
I always tell them: "I have magic words. When I am fishing, I will close my eyes and murmur,' Fish, fish, send me a fish.' Then the fish comes." Do you believe me? Have a try!快速判断:1. Mr. Black likes fishing very much.
)2. Mr. Black often goes fishing in the river.
)3. Mr. Black naver fishes one fish.
)4. Mr. Black often fishes many because he has magic words.
)选择填空:1. Mr Black likes
. A: swimming
B: fishing
C: shopping2. He often goes fishing in the
. A: river
C: sea3. Mr Black often fishes
B: little4. The neighbours are
at so many fish.A: happy
C: surprised5. Mr Black will
and say his magic words.A: close his mouth
B: close his eyes(二) One Yuan and Ten YuanTom:
Mum. I save you one yuan today.Mum:
How can you do it?Tom:
I run home after the bus.Mum:
Good! Tomorrow you can run after a taxi, then you can save ten yuan.(三) Why Are You So Sad?Mrs Green :
Why are you so sad?Mrs Brown:
Because I lost my cat last week.Mrs Green:
I'm so sorry. But why don't you write something on the paper and send it to the newspaper that you want it back?Mrs Brown:
Don't be so silly. She is a Japanese cat and she can't read English newspaper.选择填空:1. Sad means
. A: happy
D: unhappy2.
lost a cat . A: Mrs Brown
B: Mr Brown
C: Mrs Green
D: Mr Green3. Mrs Green asks Mrs Brown to wrote something to the
.A:Mrs Brown
B: Mrs Green
D: newspaper4.
A: Mrs Brown B: Mr Brown C: Mrs Green D: Mr Green5. "She"in the last sentence means
.A: Mrs Green
B: Mrs Brown
D: nobody   (四) They Can't Understand Me   Son:
Mum ,I spoke to English people in English.Mum:
English? You learn only a little English, can you understand them?Son:
It doesn't matter! But they can't understand me!快速判断:1. The boy's English is very good.
)2. He spoke to Chinese people in English.
)3. The people can't understand him.
)4. The son can't understand them.
)   六年级英语阅读练习 (十五)   (一)Is Bod In ?(请把Betty 与Tim之间的对话重新排列,使句意通顺)Betty
Tim1. Hello! 6503794.
Hello,Bob.2. Bye!
OK.Thanks. Goodbye!3. Oh,sorry! He's not at home.
Hi,Betty. This is Tim.4. No,this is Betty.
How are you?5. Fine,thanks,Tim.
9. Is Bob in? Betty?(一) What will the Weather Be Tomorrow?Lily:
Mum,what will the weather be tomorrow?Mum:
Maybe it'll be rainy. Maybe it'll be sunny.Lily:
I don't like rain. Will it be sunny?Mum:
Sorry,I don't know. I'm not the weatherman. By the way, why do you care the weather tomorrow?Lily:
Tomorrow is Sunday. I want to fly my kite in Xinghai Square.Mum:
It sounds wonderful. I do hope the weather tomorrow will be fine. And you can enjoy yourself. Look! It's 7:20. Let's listen to the weather forecast. OK?Lily:
OK! That's a good idea. Ten minutes later, I'll know the weather tomorrow in Dalian. Thank you, Mum.回答问题:1. What day is today?2. Why daes Lily care the weather tomorrow?3. What will she do tomorrow?4. Does Lily's mother give some advice for her?(二) The Crow and the Frog( There is a frog living in a well. He never came out from the well. And thought the sky just as big as the mouth of the well.)Crow:
Hello,Frog. Let's have a talk.Frog:
OK. Where are you from?Crow:
I'm from the sky.Frog:
From th sky? I don't believe you. The sky is just as big as the mouth of a well. How can you coma from the sky?Crow:
It's blue. The sky is very big. You're wrong..Frog:
You can come out and have a look yourself.Frog:
Wow! How big the world is!完成句子:1.
lives in a well.2.
have a talk.3. The crow is from the
.4. First,
don't believe
is very surprised. How
the world is!(三) A Clever CrowA crow is thirsty . He finds a bottle with a little water in it. But the neck of the bottle is too long, the crow can't get the water. The crow thinks and thinks, and then he has a good idea. He puts some pebbles in the bottle,the water rises up. Now he can drink the water. What a clever crow!快速判断:1. The crow wants to drink water.
)2. There isn't any water in the bottle.
)3. The bottle's neck is too long, so the crow can't get the water.
)4. The crow drinks water at last.
)5. The crow is very clever.
)完成句子:1. The crow is
.2. The bottle's neck is
.3. The crow puts many
in the bottle.4. The crow is}


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