make tight turnsturns是什么意思思

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原标题:THROUGH THE EYES OF ANNA ALPHA TESTER- |5 `5 t8 @. Y( K) ]! g$ n' V# @& L
作者:战舰世界Alpha测试玩家Ariecho4 I2 b9 J& g! x
编辑:WG员工CatStalker) f- U# X) T+ t4 L( H7 n
17:48:50 上传
当我们收到开始战斗的信号时,大和号的舰长向大家下令调整航线,让主力舰汇聚成一条平行线,朝着太平洋的第一个群岛前进。不一会儿,他环顾四周,看到一艘衣阿华和另一艘大和正更着他呈一列纵队。在战列舰们的左舷,一些弗莱彻级和岛风级驱逐舰也正跟随着这3艘战列舰一起行动,成为编队的组成部分。另一方面,远处的航母正在前往预定隐藏地点的路上。一场恶战即将开始,并且部分飞机已经升空待命。很快,这些战舰机便会被铺天盖地的炮弹所覆盖。8 W( I6 [* |6 U( ?6 Y
When the signal wasreceived to start maneuvering, the Yamato’s Captain gave the order to set acourse that would lead the large ship into a line parallel to the first set ofPacific islands. Switching view, he could see one Iowa and another Yamatofollowing, in line astern formation. On their port side, a few Fletcherand Shimakaze destroyers were also forming their own line, and in the distance,an aircraft carrier was getting in position. A battle was about to start,and already some aircraft were filling the air. Soon, they would befollowed by large shells. 0 v8 d# b& O) U# ~/ {' {
17:49:50 上传
' p# S8 u- r8 v/ C7 c3 r
Hi各位炮友!我的论坛昵称(美服论坛)是Ariecho(读作ariayko,日文:有家町),但是大多数人叫我“阿里”。我是战舰世界美服论坛的居民。我也把我平时的大部分空余时间都奉献给了这个论坛。我在数周之前有机会被选为了战舰世界的A测玩家,然后我被询问是否愿意为你们分享一下我的试玩经验。. V* O$ v/ Q0 U4 {
Hi! My forumname is Ariecho (pronounced Ariayko) but most people call me Ari. I am aresident of the North American forum, where I dedicate most of my time ondaily threads dedicated to the real ships that we will eventually find in-game,or others who also served in the same time frame the game will cover. Ihad the chance a few weeks ago to be selected as an alpha tester for the gameWorld of Warships, and I was asked if I wanted to share my experience with you.
17:50:26 上传
/ b+ o8 e* n2 t7 C9 y" o
When I discovered thegame’s forum a year ago, I was immediately hooked not only by what I believedthe game would be, but also by the community that was being created fromscratch by both its members and the Wargaming team around us. A yearlater, when I was lucky enough to receive an email that many were looking toget as well, my expectations were on the line, but I had almost zero doubtabout what I would see.
3 k, H: E: j* R0 N
I said “almost”, because I willadmit that I still had one question on my mind. Will the game look asbeautiful as the screenshots that Wargaming is throwing at us from time totime? When the developers said that they were actual game footage, I toldmyself “yeah … right!”
17:51:08 上传
2 V9 ]5 O/ x. j
所以,当我完成游戏下载,点击“PLAY”按钮的时候,我双手交叉思考着。我做的第一件事是上下左右地把那些我仅有的几艘在船厂的船只看了个遍。这些模型看起来非常细腻,生机勃勃,甚至看起来像是活的。于是,在我第一次实际接触到这个游戏的时候,一直困扰我一问就被揭开了!是的,官方游戏截图就是实际的游戏镜头,战舰也一样有十足的细节。2 `4 w&&p9 C3 [
So, when I was donedownloading the game and clicked on the big red button that said “PLAY”, Icrossed my fingers. The first thing that I did was to circle around thevery few ships that were in my dockyard, and to take a good look at them. They looked gorgeous, animated, and alive. When the first game sessionwas set and I could freely zoom at them at leisure, my question wasanswered. Yes, the screenshots are actual game footage, and yes, theships look that beautiful. 1 G6 I&&s) J- r9 P5 e
17:51:39 上传
1 H7 V8 F&&P5 _1 i+ @
Game sessions are verysimilar to World of Tanks, as you can imagine. You pick up a ship, andyou are assigned to a team that consists of destroyers, cruisers, battleships,and aircraft carriers. Each ship has her own feeling, her own sensationswhen you maneuver her, just like when you sit in two different cars, and youcan feel the difference in power, maneuverability, and acceleration. Yes,get used to it, we call ships “she” for the most part, a naval tradition in mostcountries.
The first ship I triedwas the battleship Yamato. I had to! Whether you like Japanese ships or not, she is a legend, and Iwanted to see how impressive she looked. So, I zoomed as much as I could,and I was almost expecting to see little men in uniforms manning battlestations. The details on the ship are that great! When the game timer reached zero, and I ordered the ship to go to full power, Icould feel the ship slowly but surely come to life, her turrets turning in thedirection I was aiming at, and I could measure how big Yamato was, compared toanything around. Maneuvering the ship was very intuitive, and aiming atthe enemy, eventually spotted by scout airplanes from our team also came like asecond nature.
17:52:25 上传
$ C+ A, {+ F1 r&&V5 E$ c+ R( M2 i
如果你玩过WoT的火炮,你会在战舰世界有家一样的感觉。将你所有炮塔旋转至对准同一目标,需要一定的时间,并且当其最终瞄准的时候,你会被告知你可以开火了。我的第一次齐射对准的是一艘倒霉的得梅因级重巡洋舰。那个逗比想要冒险在她的舰队前面形成一道防空弹幕。我能非常清楚的看到她船体和螺旋桨产生的尾流, 一些小东西从天上掉下来,以及由各式机关炮们造成的灰色云雾:,还有友军战机被敌方追捕的景象。我立马点击了鼠标左键,我的第一轮18寸炮弹就在他们的路上了。在数秒后,它们抵达了目标周围,激起了巨大的水柱。其中一颗击中了目标, 我能看到敌舰慢了下来,它的一个炮塔开始冒烟(译者:目测坏炮了)。唯一的遗憾是……我无法在开炮时闻到无烟火药的气味……(译者:这是有多丧病……)/ ]. T4 z- n% ^0 s4 `1 h
If you played artilleryin World of Tanks, you will feel at home in World of Warships. It takessome time for your turrets to align (as it should), and eventually, you arebeing told that you are in a position to fire. My first salvo wasdirected at a Des Moines-class cruiser who had ventured ahead of her formationto create an anti-aircraft screen. I could see very clearly the wakegenerated by her hull and propellers, and little things falling from the sky,amid dark clouds generated by anti-aircraft artillery: friendly scout airplanesthat the carrier was shooting at. A quick click on the left mouse button,and my first salvo of 18-inch shells was on its way. Within a fewseconds, they were landing around the cruiser, creating gigantic geysers. One of them reached its target, and I could see the enemy ship slowing down,smoke coming from one of her turrets. The only thing missing was thesmell of cordite.' J9 {7 I) |; u6 j, F
17:53:48 上传
A look at my radarscreen told me that I had aircraft inbound. It was time to play dodge.Switching view, I could clearly see torpedo bombers lining up and releasingtheir torpedoes. I guess I made a big target, now I had to check if it wasnimble enough. I took a hit … or two … but Yamato is a big girl, and shesurvived the first air raid, helped by a nearby Fletcher who laid down asmokescreen to hide me from enemy aircraft. If you thought that team play wasimportant in other games, here it is primordial.
8 G* k&&n( S0 i$ G
I will pass on the restof that game. I honestly don’t remember if my team won or lost. Even morehonestly, at that time, I didn’t care, as I was more focused into looking at myship, trying out her abilities, and checking out all the eye candy through thedifferent view modes offered.
17:55:03 上传
+ B% \; x+ G8 G&&g&&p: j+ U# G
在使我对于游戏优良画质的好奇心被满足(甚至超过满足),并且了解了战舰的基本操作之后,我想尝试一下其他的舰种,去检验一下是不是真的有完全不同的体验。(译者:A测目的之一是为了检验游戏可玩性)。如果你玩过坦克世界,你也一定知道老鼠开起来不会有流氓轻坦那样的手感。所以我想知道在战舰中,这样的差别是怎样的。4 m) R% M, J/ l7 D& f) E
其实我在跟你们说坦克世界的时候,我早就发现了第一个战舰和坦克不同的地方,船不会在短时间内立刻停下!当你开着70000t的船全速前进,突然想停下来时,你也许可以疯狂地按刹车键(……如果那能被叫做刹车的话……),但是你还是只会看到她用了好长的时间才停了下来。不仅如此,甚至像弗莱彻级驱逐舰一样的小船都不能“紧急刹车”。你必须与船的惯性作斗争,不管你是想倒退,还是要急转弯。4 |5 `' F/ B( N( S( g9 T
After (more than)satisfying my curiosity about the graphical delight the game was, as well asits functionality as far as commanding a ship was, I wanted to check otherclasses, and see if I could “feel” a difference. If you have played World ofTanks, you know that a Maus doesn’t handle like an AMX 13-90. So, I wonderedhow it would be in World of Warships.
While I’m talking aboutWorld of Tanks, the first difference that I noticed was that unlike tanks,ships don’t stop on a dime! When you have a 70,000-ton ship going at fullspeed, you can hit the brakes all you want (… if you find them…), she will takeher sweet time to stop, as she should. Even smaller ships such as a Fletcherdestroyer don’t have an emergency hand brake. You will have to deal with theship’s inertia, whether you want to reverse course, or make hard turns.; c$ ], |, c& r
3 G( v: c3 N1 W4 k&&W
The second ship I playedwas a Shimakaze-class destroyer. The difference was immediate! I ordered her togo to full speed, which she reached in a few seconds (remember that time has tobe compressed in the game). When the starting position was clear of otherships, I also tried her turning abilities, and noticed how tight turns couldbe. In the game, destroyers can be used either defensively, providingsmokescreens to capital ships, or offensively, with a combination of theirspeed and torpedoes. To make a last reference to World of Tanks, if you enjoyed“wolf packs”, destroyers are for you, although coordinating their moves andtorpedo salvos will prove a bit more difficult.+ l4 Z: B+ U( C- {9 ]/ e1 F
. E+ E8 `/ N2 a7 Q
言归正传,当大船们打得正high的时候,我查看了一下小地图,发现有一艘船落单了,或者看上去是这样……我以40节的速度迂回前进,期待那是一艘翔鹤级航空母舰。但迎面而来的还有一艘弗莱彻。那艘弗莱彻勇敢地封锁了通往远处航母的航道,并且也以近40节的速度冲了过来,一场恶斗要开始了。在距离6km左右的地方,我让岛风左满舵,进行15枚鱼雷的齐射。“呲——扑通、呲——扑通……”,鱼雷全部入水。与此同时,数发炮弹落了下来,敌舰在英勇地回击。好吧,在检查鱼雷是否击中敌人之前,有必要战术回避一下。! d7 \7 X! C* y: L: B&&M5 G: t6 H
While all the big shipswere firing at each other, I checked my tactical map, and found an isolatedship, or so it seemed. At 40 knots, I set the destroyer in a bee line towardswhat appeared to be a Shokaku aircraft carrier. Between her and Ieventually appeared a lone Fletcher who bravely set herself in between the flattop and my destroyer, coming down at her at 40 knots. At a distance of 6kilometers, my ship hit the rudder hard to port side, unveiling her 15 torpedotubes. Within a few seconds, the sound of torpedoes hitting the water could beheard, but also the noise of shells from enemy ships trying to defend theiraircraft carrier and firing back at me. It was time for a tactical retreatwhile checking if the torpedoes were doing their job.9 Q7 X: w% M1 a, S: `
Switching view again, Ichecked the Fletcher, and saw her almost rise in the air before breaking inhalf and rapidly disappearing. It was my first kill, maybe not an aircraftcarrier, but still a good satisfaction. So busy was I checking the Fletcherslowly disappear that I didn’t listen to the warnings announcing the arrival ofenemy dive bombers. The screen froze for a second, before I saw my own shipdisappear from the surface. It didn’t matter, I was ready to go for the nextclass.
17:56:25 上传
I set my mind on anEssex-class aircraft carrier. The mission and feeling were againdifferent. I stayed in the back of the map, and as soon as I felt that myship was moving (slowly) in the right direction, I set up a scout aircraft inthe air to spot the enemy formation. Aircraft carriers are not the onlyships to have scout airplanes. Some other large types of ships also havea few.
17:57:04 上传
" S8 K; }) s6 C; d
Through TeamSpeak, Icommunicated my intentions to my team, and one of my teammates copied my moveswith his Des Moines-class cruiser, who we consider THE aircraft killer in thegame. After a moment, the icon of an enemy battleship appeared, and itwas time to try out offensive aircraft. I selected a torpedo bombersquadron, a dive bomber squadron, and sent them towards the enemy battleship. Again, the interface was easy enough that it was very easy to give thegame my orders.
9 \$ t' x/ v" o
Because it was the firsttime, I’ll admit that I switched view to see my aircraft take off. Beautiful! Of course, I won’t do that in a “real” game, but I hadto do it once. Aircraft carriers are not your World of Tanks’ artillery. Theyare more than that! Because it was my first battle, I forgot to send somefighter aircraft with my bombers, which didn’t end very well (a lesson welllearned since then), but instead formed a cover air patrol on top of ourbattleships. That was equally important, but since then, I have learnedto do both. Rome was not built in one day, right?
17:57:49 上传
$ N&&T6 b) c&&r& z5 E' m, e, g8 _
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n. 攀登,爬行;争夺,抢夺v. 攀登,爬;争夺,抢夺;搅乱;炒(蛋)
It's quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop.
The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
There was a scramble for the best seats.
The scramble was designed by the belgian Freddy and it's undulating slopes and tight turns were appreciated by the crowd.
The children scrambled over the rocks.
My yearning to scramble across those walls grew so strong.
The reporters scrambled for the phones.
In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly, the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire's heritage.
Scramble the message so that nobody can understand it.
I'll scramble some eggs with roe.
She scrambled eggs for breakfast.
The latest machines scramble the messages so that the conversation cannot easily be intercepted.
US authorities scrambled fighter jets above American cities as a precaution.
美国当局数驾战斗机紧急起飞,在美国各城市上空以备不测。 move hurriedly
The friend scrambled after them
2.climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling
3.bring into random order
4.stir vigorously
beat the egg whites
beat the cream
5.make unintelligible
scramble the message so that nobody can understand it unceremonious and disorganized struggle
2.rushing about hastily in an undignified way
1.The scrambling begins.
2.The children scrambled over the rocks.
3.There was a scramble for the best seats.
4.The reporters scrambled for the phones.
5.She scrambled eggs for breakfast.


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