完型填空the chaoshanv is in the east of guangdong

用适当的单词填空.1.Go to the No.1 People's_______and see a doctor.2.We can buy some books at a________.3.You can borrow books from the_______.4.Let's go home together______school.5.Beijing is in the______of China.6.Shanghai is in the______of China.7.Guangdong is in the____百度作业帮
用适当的单词填空.1.Go to the No.1 People's_______and see a doctor.2.We can buy some books at a________.3.You can borrow books from the_______.4.Let's go home together______school.5.Beijing is in the______of China.6.Shanghai is in the______of China.7.Guangdong is in the___
1.Go to the No.1 People's_______and see a doctor.2.We can buy some books at a________.3.You can borrow books from the_______.4.Let's go home together______school.5.Beijing is in the______of China.6.Shanghai is in the______of China.7.Guangdong is in the______of China.8.Xinjing is in the______of China.9.We can buy shoes in the_______ ______.
Hospitalbookstore/ bookshoplibraryafterheart(中心)southwestshoe store
1 Hospital 医院2 bookshop 书店3 library 图书馆4 after (放学后)5 capital 首都6 east 东方7 south 南方8 north 北方9 shoe shopthe south of sw.和in the southern part of sw.有区别吗.不过我认为没区别,各位说的好像是to the south 与in the south 请问;Guangdong is in the south of China.和Guangdong is in the souther part of China.是大家说的这种区别吗。I am not sure,FYI_百度作业帮
the south of sw.和in the southern part of sw.有区别吗.不过我认为没区别,各位说的好像是to the south 与in the south 请问;Guangdong is in the south of China.和Guangdong is in the souther part of China.是大家说的这种区别吗。I am not sure,FYI
不过我认为没区别,各位说的好像是to the south 与in the south 请问;Guangdong is in the south of China.和Guangdong is in the souther part of China.是大家说的这种区别吗。I am not sure,FYI
in the south of sw.在某地的南方in the southern part of sw在某地的南部
in the south of sw在sw的南面(不包括sw在内)in the southern part of sw. 在sw的南部(包括sw在内)
& Unit 8 First aid
Unit 8 First aid
17:03& 新浪教育
  Don't play with electrical equipment. 不要玩弄电器设备。
  (1) play with意为“与……一起玩”,“玩弄”。如:
  The children were playing with a ball. 孩子们在玩球。
  Stop playing with your hair! 不要捣鼓你的头发了。
  (2) electrical意为“电的”、“与电有关的”,指关于电的知识或电的研究内容,而electric 意为“电的”、“用电的”、“带电的”,指以电为动力进行工作的装置。如:
  an electric blanket/car/kettle/light 电热毯/电动汽车/电壶/电灯
  electrical equipment/goods/devices 电器设备/电器商品/电器装置
  This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.
  She studied electrical engineering in a college. 她在大学时学习电机工程学。
  (1) Do型祈使句是英语中最常见的。这类句子常以动词原形开头,末尾用感叹号或句号。如:
  Hurry up. 快一点!
  Sit down, please. 请坐。
  Do listen to your teacher! 一定要听老师的话。
  (2) Dont型祈使句表示否定意义,有时在动词前边加Never,起加强语气的作用。如:
  Please don't be late again. 请不要再迟到!
  Never offer to teach fish to swim.(谚) 不要班门弄斧。
  (3) Let型祈使句中,Let's的主语是we,指说话者和听者双方,表示建议;Let us/ me 祈使句的主语是you,表示请求。
  Let's go swimming on Sunday. 我们星期日去游泳吧!
  Let me have a rest, will you? 让我休息一会儿,好吗?
  You go away. 你滚开!
  You girls clean the windows, and you boys wash the floor.
  To the bus stop. 到汽车站去!
  No smoking. 禁止吸烟!
  (6) 祈使句还可以用来表示条件,用于“祈使句+and/or+主句”句型,相当于“if 条件句+主句”。如:
  Hurry up or well be late. (= If we don't hurry up, we will be late.) 快一点,要不就迟到了。
  ①― Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
  ― ____
. (NMET 1994)
  A. I don'tB. I wontC. I cantD. I havent
____ it with me and I'll see what I can do. (NMET 1998)
  A. When leftB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave
Alice, you feed the bird today, ____
  ― But I fed it yesterday. (NMET 1999)
  A. do youB. will youC. didnt youD. don't you
  (Keys: ①B ②D ③B)
  The car was upside down and the driver was bleeding and screaming. 那车翻了,司机流着血尖声叫喊。
  (1) upside down意为“上下颠倒”、“乱七八糟”。如:
  Turn the jar upside down and shake it. 把这个缸颠倒过来,晃一晃。
  The plane was flying upside down at high speed. 飞机正高速上下颠倒飞行。
  Their lives were turned upside down when their son was arrested.
  (2) bleed(bled, bled) 用作动词,意为“流血”、“放血”、“榨取”等。bleed for意为“悲痛”、“伤心”。如:
  His nose bleeds badly. 他的鼻子流了很多血。
  My heart bleeds for her. 我为她伤心。
  The cut on my arm bled for a long time. 我胳膊上的伤口流了好长时间的血。
  (3) scream用作动词,意为“尖叫;嚎叫”、“高声喊道”,用作名词,意为“尖声叫喊; (机器、汽笛等)发出尖锐刺耳的声音”。如:
  She screamed with fear. 她害怕地尖叫起来。
  Stop screaming, we can hear you. 别高声大叫,我们可以听到你的话。
  No one heard their screams. 没有人听到他们的喊叫声。
  If I had known more about first aid, I could have helped them. 要是我多懂得一些急救知识,我就能帮助他们了。
  (1) first aid意为“急救”,表示“进行/实施急救”常说do/give/offer/carry out first aid等。如:
  Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid.
  She was badly injured. First aid was immediately offered.
  (2) 这是一个虚拟条件句,表示与过去事实相反的假设。如:
  If I had known your telephone number, I would have phoned you.
  If I'd had any sense, I would have kept quiet about it.
  aid用作名词,意为“救助”、“救护”、“救助物”,aid用作动词,意为“援助”、“救护”、“接济”,常见短语有:with the aid of 借助于, 通过……的帮助,come to ones aid 前来援助某人,in aid of 用以援助
  ①He gets about in the aid of a walking stick.
  ②Did you learn any first aids at school?
  ③If she had been there that night, she might read the notice.
  (Keys: ①in→with ②aids→aid ③read→have read)
  People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently. 目睹过意外事故的人们常常希望他们做点与此不同的事情。
  (1) witness用作及物动词,意为“亲眼看见, 目睹”、“证明”、“作证”,witness to (doing) sth. (在法庭上)作证。如:
  He witnessed the accident. 他目睹了那场意外事故。
  We witnessed tremendous changes in the city.
  She witnessed to having seen the man near the scene of the crime.
  (2) 用作名词,意为“目击者”、“证明”、“ (在法庭上经过宣誓的)证人”。如:
  a witness of the accident 事件的目击者
  The tests bear witness to the quality of this new car.
  differently adv. 有差别地,不同地
  different adj. (常与from, to连用)不同的;相异的;不同类的
  difference n. 差异, 差别
  differ vi. (常与from连用)不同;不像;相异
  ①My brother and I ____
in many ways.
  ②The United States has many
kinds of climate.
  ③I can't see much
  (Keys: ①differ ②different ③difference)
  Seconds count in an emergency, and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. 紧急情况下分秒必争,知道该怎么办意味着生死之差。
  (1) emergency用作名词,意为“紧急情况”、“突然事件”。in an emergency 作“遇到紧急情况, 在紧急关头”讲。如:
  In an emergency, telephone the police. 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。
  The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency. 要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃。
  (2) count这里用作不及物动词,意为“有价值;重要”。count还可以表示“数数”、“清点”、“看作”。如:
  Count these apples. 清点一下这些苹果。
  Every second counts. 每一秒钟都很重要。
  (1) 含有emergency的词组:an emergency treatment紧急治疗, 急诊
  emergency door 太平门emergency fund应急基金
  emergency meeting紧急会议state of emergency紧急状态
  (2) count的派生词:
  countable adj.可数的uncountable adj.无数的,不可数的
  ①How would disabled people escape ____
  ②I've always believed that happiness
____ (比金钱更重要).
  ③ ____ (数数你的钱) carefully to make sure it's all there.
  (Keys: ①in an emergency ②counts more than money ③Count your money)
  The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm. 在处理紧急事情时要记住最重要的事情是保持镇定。
  (1) 该句主语是The most important thing,to keep in mind用作定语。
  (2) keep...in mind意为“记住”、“记在心里”。如:
  Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind.
  Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well.
  (3) 在时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句中,若主从句主语一致或者主语是it 时,常常省略主语和be动词。此时若后边动词与从句主语之间是主动关系,用现在分词,反之,用过去分词。
  Fill in the blanks with articles where (it is) necessary.
  Be careful when (you are) crossing the street. 过马路时要当心。
  Though (he was) defeated, he didn't lose heart. 虽然被打败,可他并不灰心。
  (4) deal with可以表示“对付;应付”、“与……做买卖”、“关于;论及”等。
  He is easy to deal with. 他很容易打交道。
  The book deals with this problem. 这本书论述了这个问题。
  The teacher deals fairly with his pupils. 这个教师公平地对待他的学生。
  (1) mind构成的短语或句型:
  call...to mind回忆起;记起make up one's mind决心
  speak one's mind 直言不讳never mind 别难过;没关系
  (2) 表示“如何对付”,可以说how to deal with或what to do with。如:
  How do you intend to deal with this problem? 你打算如何处理这个问题?
  I wonder what you are going to do with the waste paper.
  ①The research is so designed that once ____
nothing can be done to change it. (NMET 2002)
  A. beginsB. having begunC. beginningD. begun
  ②Generally speaking,according to the directions, ____ the drug has no side effect. (上海2003)
  A. when takingB. when taken
  C. when to takeD. when to be taken
  (Keys: ①D ②B)
  We should first of all make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous. 我们首先要确保事故现场不再具有危险性。
  (1) above all;after all;first of all;in all用法辨析:
  ①above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意。如:
  We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.
  ②after all意为“毕竟;终究;到底”,表示让步。如:
  He is certain to come. After all, he's already accepted the invitation.
  ③ first of all意为“首先”,强调次序。如:
  First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自我介绍。
  ④in all意为“总共;总计”。如:
  There are thirty in all in the party who will travel to Lanzhou.
  (2) make sure意为“确信”、“确保”,后接从句或不定式。如:
  Make sure you lock the door behind you when you go out.
  Make sure to get a ticket for the concert. 要确保得到一张音乐会的门票。
  be sure that 注意, 一定要做到be sure of使有把握
  for sure必然, 毫无疑问, 肯定地to be sure自然;的确
  sure enough 果真, 的的确确
  ①I do like her, ____
all, she is my sister.
all have you been these days?
  ③A child needs many things, and
all, he needs love.
  (Keys: ①after ②at ③above)
  The question will also calm the person, letting him or her know that help is on the way. 这个问题也能使双方镇静下来,让他或她知道援助就要到了。
  (1) letting him or her know that help is on the way是现在分词短语作伴随状语,相当于and let him or her...。如:
  The girls came in, following their parents. 女孩们跟在父母身后走进来。
  The girl stood there, reading a letter. 那个女孩站在那里,读着信。
  (2) on the way (to...)在(……去的)途中,接副词时,省略介词to。如:
  On the way, a young man waved to me. 路上,一个年轻人向我挥手。
  On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech.
  I fell on the way to school. 我在上学的路上跌倒了。
  常见短语有:all the way始终,一直by the way顺便提起by way of途经
  in no way决不, 无论如何不in a way在某种意义上; 在某种程度上
  in the way挡住路, 妨碍in this way以这种方式
  under way在进行中the other way round相反地
  go out of one's way尽力feel one's way谨慎小心地进行
  fight one's way奋斗前进force one's way挤(出去)
  follow one's way随心所欲地做lead the way带路
  lose one's way迷路make way for为……让路
  ①He sent me some flowers
way of an apology.
  ②Please get prepared. A storm is
  ③I won't stand
your way if you want to apply for a job abroad.
  (Keys: ①by ②on ③in)
  We should never try to revive a person unless we know how to do it. 除非知道如何处理,否则我们决不要铤而走险去抢救一个人。
  (1) revive意为“使苏醒”、“使复兴”、“恢复(精神)”。如:
  The fresh air soon revived him. 新鲜空气很快就使他苏醒过来了。
  These flowers will revive in water. 这些花在水中会再活。
  (2) unless是连词,相当于if...not,意为“除非;如果不”。注意主句是将来时,从句要用一般现在时代替。如:
  I shall go there tomorrow unless I'm too busy.
  Unless you go at once you will be late. 如果你不马上走,就会迟到的。
  ①You will be late
you leave immediately. (NMET 1992)
  A. unlessB. untilC. ifD. or
  ②The water will be further polluted unless some measures ____
. (上海1992)
  A. will be takenB. are taken
  C. were takenD. had been taken
  (Keys: ①A ②B)
  However, after a few hours of study, you will manage to know enough to save other people's lives. 不过,经过几小时的学习,你会设法知道足够多的知识来挽救他人生命。
  (1) manage to do意为“设法做到某事”,强调动作成功这一事实,而try to do则侧重表示“试图去做某事”,但不涉及动作结果。如:
  The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time.
  He managed to avoid an accident. 他设法避免事故。
  He tried to climb the tree, but he could not. 他试图爬树,可爬不上去。
  (2) save one's life意为“救某人的命”。如:
  It was the soldier that saved the boy's life. 是那个士兵救了那个男孩的命。
  Thanks for helping me with that report― you saved my life!
  ...it was suggested that the American people turn off all power in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honour of this great man.
  (1) suggest表示“建议”时,后边的宾语从句谓语用“(should)+动词原形”形式。如:
  Liz suggested (that) I try the shop on Mill Road.
  I suggested the meeting be put off till next week. 我建议会议推迟到下周。
  (2) in honour of有时写作 in one's honour,表示“为了纪念(人或事件)”。如:
  They held a banquet in honour of the president.
  A monument was made in honour of the little hero.
  (1) honour构成的短语:
  do sb. honour向某人致意do one's honour以人格担保
  have the honour of有……之荣幸It is an honour to do...很荣幸……
  (2) 类似in honour of的短语:
  in front of在前边in charge of负责;主管
  in possession of拥有in case of一旦;万一
  in search of为了寻找in favour of支持
  ①They didn't like my suggestion that we must all share the cost.
  ②She received a honour for her services to the community.
  ③The teacher is standing in front of the classroom and giving a lesson.
  (Keys: ①must or must→should ②a→an ③front→the front)
  We do our best to be careful and prevent bad things from happening, but most of us will eventually find ourselves in a situation where we or someone else needs help. 我们尽自己最大努力小心翼翼,防范事故,但大多数人还是会发现我们自己或别人总会有处于需要帮助的情形。
  (1) prevent...from doing意思是“阻止某人做某事”,介词from可以省略。如:
  We were prevented by heavy smog (from) seeing anything.
  What prevented you (from) joining us last night?
  (2) eventually是副词,意为“最后, 终于”。如:
  He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.
  It might take him ages but he'll do it eventually.
  (3)“find oneself +介词短语”表示“不知不觉中处于……”,介词短语作宾语补足语。如:
  I found him at home. 我发现他在家。
  We fell asleep on the train and woke up to find ourselves in Calais.
  ①His disability prevents him from ____
  ②I don't find him an easy person ____
(get) on with.
  ③They were surprised to find their house
____ (break) into.
  (Keys: ①driving ②to get ③broken)
  Next, call for an ambulance. 下一步,叫救护车。
  call for这里意为“呼叫”、“请来”,还可以表示“要求”、“取; 接”、“需要”等。如:
  Someone is calling for help. 有人在大声呼救。
  He asked me to call for him at four o'clock in the afternoon.
  He will call for his book tomorrow. 他明天来取他的书。
  The occasion calls for a cool head. 这种场合需要冷静的头脑。
  call in叫进来call back回电话call out大声叫喊
  call on/upon拜见某人;号召call at访问某地;(船)停靠
  call up 提醒;使忆起;召集;应征入伍;打电话
  ①Do you think we should call
Frank's when we go to New York?
  ②An old friend called
me the day before yesterday.
  ③Many experts have been called
for advice.
  (Keys: ①at ②on ③in)
  Send whatever you find to the hospital to help the doctor know what kind of poison the person has swallowed. 把你所找到的所有东西都送到医院,让医生了解病人吞服了什么有毒物品。
  (1) whatever you find to the hospital引导的从句作动词send的宾语,what kind of poison the person has swallowed也是宾语从句。
  (2) whatever引导名词性从句时,相当于anything that, 引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。如:
  Do whatever she tells you and youll have peace.
  Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.
  You may do whatever you want to do. 无论你想做什么事,你都可以做。
  Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret.
  Whatever do you mean? 你究竟是什么意思?
  ①Whatever I say I always seem to get it wrong.
I say, I always seem to get it wrong.
  ②Do whatever you want, it won't affect me.
you want, it won't affect me.
  (Keys: ①No matter what ②anything that)
  Ask your friend if he or she needs more explanations. 询问你的朋友他或者她是否需要进一步的解释。
  What is your explanation for being late? 你对迟到怎么解释?
  The only explanation for his behavior is that hes mad.
  explain意为“解释, 说明”,常用于explain...to sb. 或explain to sb. sth.短语。如:
  Can you explain why you were late? 你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?
  Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it.
  ①The teacher explained the rules for the children.
  ②He said, by way of explanations, that he hadn't seen the traffic light change to red.
  (Keys: ①for→to ②explanations→explanation)
  1.表示与现在事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句中的谓语动词用“过去式(be的过去式用were)”。而主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+动词原形”。如:
  If John had enough money, he could go out of the U.S.
  If I were in your position, I would accept their offer.
  2.表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+have+过去分词”。如:
  If you had taken my advice, you wouldn't have failed in the examination.
  If I had known your address, I would have written to you.
  3.表示与将来事实相反的假设时,主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+动词原形”,条件从句中用“were to (should)+动词原形”,如:
  If the sun were to rise in the west, I would follow you.
  If he should come tomorrow, we would be greatly surprised.
  If you had taken the medicine yesterday, you might be well now.
  如果你昨天吃了药, 你的病今天也许就好了。
  If he had taken my advice, he would be a scientist now.
  如果当时他听了我的劝告, 现在他应该是个科学家了。
  ① 省略if用“were, had, should+主句”。如:
  Were I in school again, I would work harder.
  Had you been here earlier, you would have seen him.
  但在虚拟条件状语从句中,省略连词的倒装形式的句首不能用动词的缩略形式,如我们可以说:Were it not for the expense, I would go to Italy.
  但不能说:Weren't it for the expense, I would go to Italy.
  ② 用介词短语without, but for代替条件状语从句。如:
  Without air, there would be no living things. 没有空气,就没有生命。
  But for your help, I couldn't have made so much progress.
  八、虚拟语气用于“情态动词+have done”句型
  1.can/could have done用于肯定句时,表示对过去发生的事情做出判断,意为“本可以”或者“可能已经”;用于否定句时,表示完全否定,意为“不可能已经”。如:
  Linda didn't catch the train. She could have caught it.
  She can't have gone to school today ― It's Sunday.
  2.must have done表示对过去发生的事情作出肯定判断。如:
  You must have seen her yesterday. 昨天你一定见到她了。
  You must have been mad to speak to the servant!
  3.对过去发生的事情的可能性作出判断应用may/might have done, 用might比用may所表示的可能性更小。如:
  She may/might have gone to the cinema. 她可能去电影院了。
  4.should/ought to have done表示责备或批评,意为“本应该(但)”,ought to的语气更强烈些; 用于否定句则表示“本不该(但)”。如:
  You should/ought to have told her the truth earlier.
  5.needn't have done表示做了本不必要做的事情,意为“本不必要”。如:
  Our colour TV set is still good enough. You needn't have bought a new one.
  1. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ____
in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. (上海2002)
  A. wouldn't have fallenB. had not fallen
  C. should fallD. were to fall
  2.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I
so much fried chicken just now. (上海2002春)
  A. shouldn't eatB. mustn't have eaten
  C. shouldn't have eatenD. mustn't eat
  3. What would have happened, ____ , as far as the river bank? (上海 2001)
  A. Bob had walked fartherB. if Bob should walk farther
  C. had Bob walked fartherD. if Bob walked farther
  4. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he
____ a goal. (上海2001春)
  A. had scoredB. scored
  C. would scoreD. would have scored
  5. I was really anxious about you. You ____
home without a word. (NMET 2001)
  A. mustn't leaveB. shouldn't have left
  C. couldn't have leftD. needn't leave
  6. You didn't let me drive. If we ____
in turn, you so tired. (NMET 1996)
  A. didn't getB. wouldnt get
  C. wouldn't getD. wouldn't have got
____ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. (上海1995)
  A. If it is notB. Were it not
  C. Had it not beenD. If they were to
  8. I didn't see your sister at the meeting. If she ____
, she would have met my brother. (NMET 1994)
  A. has comeB. did come
  C. cameD. had come
____ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. (上海1994)
  A. WereB. ShouldC. WouldD. Will
  10. ― If he
____ , he ____
that food.
  ― Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.(NMET 1993)
  A. would not take
  B. would not have taken
  C. had not taken
  D. wo had not taken
  (Keys: 1―5 BCCDB6―10 DCDBB)
  1. ― I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.
  ― ____
. It was her fault. (NMET 2003)
  A. No wayB. Not possible
  C. No chanceD. Not at all
  【点拨】A。no way(决不;不可能)表示拒绝对方的要求。not possible不可能no chance没机会not at all一点也不。
  2. If you want help ― money or anything, let me know, ____
  A. dontB. will C. shallD. do
  【点拨】B。以Let me...开头的祈使句构成反意疑问句时,附加问句用will you。
  3. Don't be discouraged.
things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.(上海2003春)
  A. TakingB. To takeC. TakeD. Taken
  4. Is this the reason
at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? (上海2002春)
  A. he explainedB. what he explained
  C. how he explainedD. why he explained
  【点拨】A。这是一个含有定语从句的复合句,从句谓语动词explained是及物动词,缺少宾语;关系代词that, which, whom作宾语时可以省略。
  5. Washington, a state in the United States, was named ____ one of the greatest
American presidents. (上海1999)
  A. in honour ofB. instead of
  C. in favour ofD. by means of
  【点拨】A。结合语境得知A为最佳答案。instead of相反、代替in favour of 同意;赞成by means of通过(途径)。
  Ⅰ. 单项选择
  1. Having a cell phone makes people feel safer,since they can call for help ____
an emergency.
  A. in the case ofB. in case of
  C. in need ofD. in honour of
  2. ― Oh, dear! I wish I had not taken
____ lift.
  ― If I had known it would be out of ____
order, I would have stepped up.
  A. anB. theC. 不填D. 不填
words I use can't express my gratitude to your help.
  A. WhicheverB. Whatever
  C. No matter whatD. No matter which
  4. All possible means
been taken to prevent the river .
  A. polluting
  B. polluted
  C. from being polluted
  D. being polluted
  5. The boy accepted the mistaken thinking of his ability,
____ that it was useless to try.
  A. feltB. feelingC. to feelD. had felt
  6. You ____
have told him the bad news, which made things even worse.
  A. shouldntB. needntC. couldntD. wouldnt
  7. Was it
the conference of APEC that made Shanghai the focus of the world then?
  A. holdingB. to holdC. held D. having held
  8. The police finally found the robber ____
near a river ____ .
  A. deadB. died
  C. deathD. dying
Mum, I've cut my finger. It's bleeding!
  A. Let me see.B. Don't worry.
  C. Be careful.D. Let me have a look.
  10. Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means
____ trouble.
  A. making B. to make
  C. to have madeD. having made
  Ⅱ. 完形填空
  The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California, USA. “11
station? A train for Santa Fe collided(相撞) a
at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please come here at once. With an ambulance(救护车), too. A man is badly wounded,” said a(n) 13 voice of a young woman.
  “OK. Well come soon. Please stay there and wait,” replied the
  Within a minute, a police car and an ambulance
15 off. Soon they got to the crossing, but only to find everything was 16. No collision, no wounded man.
  “What a dirty 17!” said the policeman angrily. “We must find out that mischievous(恶作剧的) 18
  They had not been able to say anything about a
when they heard the whistle of a train was nearing them quickly. All of a sudden, a truck appeared. It came
towards them, too. When it was passing the crossing, it suddenly
21 to move on. Right then and 22, before the eyes of all the people
23, the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it dozens of metres away.
  When Randolph Bruce, the 24, was helped out of the damaged truck, he was badly wounded just
25 the young woman had foretold(预言) on the phone. As he was taken to hospital in time, he was 26 at last. Later the police did whatever they could to 27
the woman who had 28
them, but failed.
  It is really 29 that a prophecy(预言) should coincide(巧合) with the fact so
  11. A. Police B. Weather C. Railway D. Fire
  12. A. trainB. busC. truckD. taxi
  13. A. lowB. sweetC. anxiousD. beautiful
  14. A. teacherB. officialC. policemanD. doctor
  15. A. walkedB. turnedC. tookD. started
  16. A. fineB. badC. satisfiedD. pleasant
  17. A. plan
C. lieD. trick
  18. A. driver B. policemanC. boyD. woman
  19. A. punishmentB. rewardC. praiseD. thanks
  20. A. passing B. turningC. runningD. starting
  21. A. stopped B. continuedC. refusedD. began
  22. A. whereB. thereC. afterD. later
  23. A. away B. presentC. aliveD. frightened
  24. A. driverB. womanC. policemanD. boy
  25. A. when B. asC. becauseD. if
  26. A. alive B. savedC. deadD. awake
  27. A. thank B. findC. meetD. punish
  28. A. visitedB. laughedC. telephonedD. repeated
  29. A. interestingB. excitingC. surprisingD. pleasing
  30. A. carefullyB. equallyC. trulyD. exactly
  If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the water, if he isnt breathing, you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed. Support his neck, tilt (使翘起)his head back and press his chin(下巴)upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesnt work, start mouthtomouth breathing. Press his nostrils (鼻孔) together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives.
  To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue-grey colour, and you can feel no pulse (脉搏),then pressing is the last chance of saving his life.
  With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breast bone. Dont be too hard or you may break a rib (肋骨).Check how effective you are seeing if his colour improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing. If this happens, stop the pressing. Otherwise continue until rescue arrives.
  31. This passage is mainly about ____ .
  A. how to save people out of the water
  B. how to give first aid to people who are drowning
  C. how to do mouthtomouth breathing
  D. how to save a child from a river
  32. Once you get a drowning man out of the water, if he isnt breathing, you must first ____
  A. get him breathing again
  B. take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible
  C. find someone to help you
  D. call the First Aid Centre
  33. In the last paragraph, the word “rescue” means ____ .
  A. breathB. helpC. doctorD. pulse
  34. If the drowning boy has no pulse, ____ .
  A. pressing his chin upwards is enough to get him breathing
  B. blowing air into his mouth is sure to save his life
  C. pressing his nostrils together with your fingers can work
  D. pressing is the last chance of saving his life
  35. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
  A. If a man does not breathe for four minutes, his brain will be completely destroyed.
  B. If you see someone drowning, you must give him mouthtomouth breathing.
  C. Don't stop pressing his chest, if the drowning man starts breathing again.
  D.When pressing, you can do it as hard as you can.
  Suppose a key man in your firm had just met with a terrible accident. The doctor tells you that this man upon whom you depend for directing sales, checking your books or for performing some other important roles, will be laid up for months. Youd have to replace him, wouldn't you? And probably at a pay about equal to his?
  Then youd be faced with double paying for one job because stopping the pay of an injured man would simply be out of the question.
  You can prevent this kind of unproductive outgo(开支) on your payroll by providing your key man with the protection of Travelers Business Accident Insurance!
  This insurance provides total medical expense and a weekly income in case a key man is disabled for some time. Should the disability prove everlasting(持久的), an income for life is certainty. Why not make out a list of your key men now? Then get together with Travelers Insurance Company, and let us tell you how little it costs to apply this much needed protection to your business.
  Write and we'll serve you!
  36. The above is most probably ____ .
  A. a reportB. a letter
  C. an announcementD. an advertisement
  37. What is really TRUE according to the above?
  A. Travelers Insurance Company provides services of accident insurance.
  B. An important person of the firm has just had an accident.
  C. Accident Insurance will protect the important person from accident.
  D. Unfortunately the important person has become disabled.
  38. Whom might the writing be mainly for?
  A. An important person in a firm.
  B. An employee of a firm.
  C. The boss of a company.
  D. Readers of a newspaper.
  39. Why would the pay be doubled?
  A. Because two persons are doing one job of the same.
  B. Because the important job is worth double pay.
  C. Because it is necessary that the injured person should be paid.
  D. Because the double pay is for two persons.
  40. Travelers Insurance Company
for a person insured ____ .
  A. will pay for all the cost of treatment
  B. will pay the weekly income or even that of lifetime
  C. won't get much from the firm
  D. will provide everlasting pension as well as medical expense
  Ⅳ. 短文改错
  It is important of you to learn some knowledge41 ____ .
  about first aid in your daily life. If a person has accident42 ____ .
  he needs medical care before the doctor can be found.43 ____ .
  When you give first aid, you must pay attention to the44 ____ .
  following thing. First, when a person stops breathing,45 ____ .
  open his mouth and see that if there is food at the back46 ____ .
  of his mouth. Second, if a person cannot breath, do your47 ____ .
  best to start his breathing at once, use a mouthtomouth48 ____ .
  way. Third, if a person is bleeding bad, try at once to stop49 ____ .
  the bleeding. Then take him to a doctor. If a person lost50 ____ .
  one third of his blood, he may die.
  Ⅴ. 书面表达 (共1小题,计25分)
  根据以下提示以 “My Unforgettable Experience”为题用英语写一篇100―120个字的短文。
  4.你没留姓名便离开了,但心中充满了喜悦 。
  注意:摩托车motorcycle清醒come to oneself
  感到轻松relaxed快乐之本the source of happiness
  Never use ladders on a wet floor.
  You can't play football in the street.
  You mustn't speak Chinese like that.
  If you do that, you'll make things worse.
  Wet paint. Keep off!
  Make sure to lock the door when you leave.
  Take care! The pans very hot.
  You should always be careful when dealing with injuries.
  You must never touch the electric fire. It's dangerous.
  You ought to send the patient to the hospital or call for an ambulance.
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