
当前访客身份:游客 [
对 Android 开发者有益的 40 条优化建议
Here’s a good way to get into Android programming:
&Find some code that does something similar to what you want to do
&Adjust it to try to make it do your thing
&Watch it fail
&Troubleshoot using StackOverflow
Repeat the process for the each feature you want to add. This method will keep you motivated and, because you keep iterating, you’ll also learn a lot without realising it. However, you’ll need to go a bit further when you release the app.
To go from having some code that works pretty well to having an awesome app is a big jump, much bigger on Android than it is on iOS. When publishing on iOS your app jumps from one device – your phone – to a lot of devices that are pretty similar – same size screen, all with pretty good hardware, 95% running the same OS version. On Android, your app leaps into the void.
Your app must be able to handle whatever comes its way: in terms of screens, processor, custom OS, API level, and any other device specific quirks.
Here are my personal tips for making Android awesome.
从一些可正常工作的代码到一个可怕的应用程序是一个巨大的跳跃,相比iOS平台Android更是如此 。当在iOS上发布应用时只是在一个设备上跳跃–你的手机–对很多设备而言都很相似–同样大小的屏幕,都有很好的硬件,95%上运行相同版本的操作系统。在Android应用中你不会遇到这种情况。
Targeting screen size and resolution
There are currently over 100 different screen sizes on Android, and an even greater profusion of resolutions.&To make your app look good on different screen configurations there are two things you’ll need to make sure of:
&You have a good layout or structure for different screen sizes
Your images work well at different resolutions
These are independent tasks, you might have a super tablet layout, but your graphics could look horribly bobbly on it. We’ll look at them in turn.
Designing layouts for multiple screen sizes
Tip 1: ScrollViews and ListViews are an easy win. While there are a huge array of screen sizes, most of the variation – for phones at least – is in the screen height. For this reason ScrollViews and ListViews work well. They’re not appropriate for all views, however. For the dashboard tab in OpenSignal users should see everything all in one go, without scrolling. For the more advanced stats tab, scrolling is not such a bad thing. If you can design your layouts so they work well across all screens without using a scrollview, do so, but it’s an easy way of making sure it works on a lots of screens.
Dashboard style screens shouldn’t scroll
1.通常会用ScrollView 和 ListView 轻松搞定
Dashboard style 的设计不需要scroll
Tip 2: Use the folder structures.&The resource folder structure is powerful in Android, it allows you to vary images/strings/layout files/dimensions/colours depending on the api level/language/screen size/screen resolution among other things. Here’s an example of some of the things you can do with it:
In values-small (above) I have a bools.xml file, this contains a line:
&bool name=&small_screen&&true&/bool&
In the code I reference that like so:
if(getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.small_screen)){ getSupportActionBar().hide(); }
On small screened devices that boolean is found to be true and I hide the ActionBar to save space.&This is actually using the marvellous ActionBarSherlock, more on that later.&In values-sw360dp – so for screens wider than 360dp – I have
&bool name=&small_screen&&false&/bool&
For large screens, the ActionBar is not hidden.
I don’t need to include the bools.xml file in values-sw400dp, because of the way that the OS searches for resources. For example for a device of width 600dp (600/160=3.75 inches, so this is what we generally call a 7″ tablet) the OS will look for a bools.xml in values-sw600dp and fail, look again in values-sw400dp and fail, then look in values-sw360dp and look no further.
2: 使用文件夹.&Android 的资源文件夹结构非常强大, 它允许开发者将不同的图片、字符串、布局文件、外形、颜色这些资源,在api、代码、屏幕尺寸等部分. 下面是一个例子,展示了在资源文件夹下你可以怎样做:
在 values-small 文件夹中存放了一个 bools.xml 文件, 文件中有如下几行代码:
&bool name=&small_screen&&true&/bool&
在小尺寸设备中boolean值将置为true 我此时将因此ActionBar来节省空间.&这段代码正是非凡的ActionBarSherlock 扩展库中的一部分,稍后再详细介绍. 在values-sw360dp文件夹中,存放对应屏幕宽于360dp的资源文件。与上面相同的位置,有如下代码
&bool name=&small_screen&&false&/bool&
我不需要将 bools.xml 文件放入 values-sw400dp文件夹中, 因为操作系统会自动按相应路径搜索. 例如一个设备宽 600dp (600/160=3.75 英寸, 这就是我们通常所说的7片装) 操作系统会在values-sw600dp 和其包含的的文件夹中搜索 bools.xml 文件, 若没有找到则搜索 values-sw400dp 文件夹,在搜索 values-sw360dp 文件夹以此类推.
Tip 3: 160dp = 1 inch. 320 dp = 2 inches. dp == dip
Tip 4: you can use these folder structure tricks for all resource types&For example you can use the system of appending folder names for XML layouts e.g. layout-sw360dp can be used if you have a layout file you want to target to screen width 360dp. If you want to switch the layout between portrait and landscape you can go one step further:
layout-sw360dp-land layout-sw360dp-port
But wait, half your users will speak Arabic? You probably want to flip your layout right to left, try:
layout-sw360dp-land layout-sw360dp-port layout-sw360dp-land-ar layout-sw360dp-port-ar
The first two files will get served for all other languages, your -ar files just for Arabic.
Tip 5: Resource rules of thumb:
XXX // i.e. no append to the folder name: default – use this for Nexus One, Droid 2, S2 XXX-sw360dp // larger phones – Galaxy Nexus, S3, S4 XXX-sw600dp // 7″ tablets XXX-sw720dp // 10” tablets
For Kindle devices things differ, use: XXX-large-mdpi // kindle fire 7″ XXX-large-hdpi // kindle fire 7″ HD
建议3:160dp = 1英寸。320 dp = 2英寸。dp = dip
XXX //例子:没有添加目录名:默认-适用于Nexus One,Droid 2,S2
XXX-sw360dp // 比较大的手机 – Galaxy Nexus, S3, S4
XXX-sw600dp // 7〃 平板
XXX-sw720dp // 10” 平板
XXX-large-mdpi // kindle fire 7〃
XXX-large-hdpi // kindle fire 7〃 HD
Tip 6: you don’t have to tailor all your layout files, you could instead tailor the dimens.xml files.&In the screenshot a few paragraphs up, you’ll notice that I have a lot of dimens.xml files in my values folders, that’s because I prefer to work with a single set of layout.xml files, within each layout file I have code like:
&ImageView android:layout_centerHorizontal=&true& android:layout_marginTop=&@dimen/small_margin& android:layout_width=&@dimen/dashBoardWidth& android:layout_height=&@dimen/dashBoardHeight& android:id=&@+id/dashboard&/&
Where e.g. small_margin is defined in a dimens.xml file:
&dimen name=&small_margin&&4dp&/dimen&
That 4dp varies between all the dimens files. I have an Excel file that creates all these different dimension definitions based on scaling up by a certain factor. You might ask: why not just let the Android OS handle all the scaling? Wy not, instead of hardcoding all values, just use one values folder and one layout folder? That would work, everything would get scaled if it was properly set up, but some elements look stupid scaled.
&dimen name=&small_margin&&4dp&/dimen&
这个4dp变量在所有dimen文件里。我有个Excel文件,里面创建了所有不同的基于不同因素所需的尺寸定义。也许你会问:为什么不让android OS来处理所有尺寸的问题?为什么不呢,为什么不用一个values目录和一个布局目录来代替所有写死的数值呢?那当然是可以的,如果设置得当,都会得到所有的尺寸,但是对于有些元素看起来就不是那么好计算尺寸了。
Tip 7: Let whitespace scale more than graphics. Let graphics scale more than buttons.&Buttons, checkboxes, toggles look stupid when scaled up. A button that’s 100dip (0.63″) on a phone does not want to become 200dip (1.25″) on a tablet of twice the screen width. Just because the screens are bigger, it does not mean that tablets are used by giants. Instead, let the space between buttons increase while your shiny dials and images expand.
Tip 8:&Use the GraphicalLayout tool for fast previews.&GraphicalLayout is the WYSIWG editor for XML files. I prefer to write all my elements directly – instead of dragging and dropping – but after adding some elements, test out your layout on various screen sizes by toggling the GraphicalLayout selecting from the dropdown.
Lots of options, use them.
Scaling Images&
建议8:用GraphicalLayout工具快速预览。GraphicalLayout是WYSIWG XML编辑器。我喜欢直接编写元素-而不是拖,丢弃的可见编程方式,但在添加一些元素之后,可以在GraphicalLayout的下拉选择菜单里选择不同屏幕尺寸进行测试。
Tip 9:&Don’t scale all your images.&Getting the layout files to adjust to different screen-sizes is just half the battle, the elements themselves (e.g. images) must work when blown up onto high-res screens. The conceptually simplest way of doing this is to produce a whole host of images and pop them into a matching plethora of drawable folders:
drawable-sw600dp-ldpi drawable-sw600dp-mdpi drawable-sw600dp-hdpi drawable-sw600dp-xhdpi drawable-sw600dp-xxhdpi
… And the same for other screen widths.
Don’t do this. You will go insane in the membrane. Having drawble-ldpi, drawable-hdpi, etc. folders might be worthwhile, but you don’t necessarily need to have all of them.
一般来说有drawble-ldpi, drawable-hdpi等目录就足够了,不需要将所有的情况都加上。
Tip 10:&Avoid bitmaps (jpg, png).&For some images – such as icons – bitmaps might be the best option, as they are simple to include. But where possible avoid them, you can save a lot of space and achieve much sharper results by using different methods.
Tip 11:&Use XML Drawables.&Wherever you can use XML drawables instead of bitmaps. XML drawables won’t let you do everything, but I was surprised by how flexible they are.
have a full overview, but here’re some tasters:
&shape xmlns:android=&/apk/res/android& android:shape=&rectangle& &
&corners android:bottomRightRadius=&14dp& android:bottomLeftRadius=&14dp& android:topLeftRadius=&14dp& android:topRightRadius=&14dp&/&
&gradient android:startColor=&@color/off_white& android:endColor=&@color/pale_yellow& android:angle=&270& android:type=&linear&/&
&stroke android:width=&4dp& android:color=&@color/osm_darkerblue&/&
This defines a rectangle with rounded corners, a border (darker blue) and a gradient. In layout files you can set it whatever width you like and it will look crisp on any screen. Ideal for buttons.
android:shape=&rectangle& &
&/shape& 这里是定义了一个圆角矩形,一个有渐变的边(深蓝)。你可以在布局文件的任何地方来引用,而且它可以适应于任何屏幕。用它可以做出理想的按钮。}


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