matlab lpfilterr在哪个工具箱?

subplot(222),imshow(fftshift(H),[]),xlabel('(b) 高斯低通滤波器');subplot(223),imshow(log(1+abs(fftshift(F))),[]),xlabel('(c) 图(a)的频谱');subplot(224),imshow(g,[]),xlabel('(d) 处理后的图象');4. 掌握lpfilter和高通频域滤波器 (锐化)高通频域滤波器:H=hpfilter(type,M,N,D0,n);[5. 了解高通强调滤波答:若偏移量与滤波器乘以一个大于1的常数结合起来,则这种方法就称为高频强调滤波,因为该常量乘数突出了高频部分。第五章 图像复原1. 何谓OTF,PSF及区别与联系答:g(x,y)=H[f(x,y)]+η(x,y); g(x,y)为退化的图像,f(x,y)为输入图像,(若退化函数H是线性的、空间不变的过程:g(x,y)=h(x,y)*f(x,y)+η(x,y); h(x,y)是退化函数的空间表示,‘*’表示卷积),η(x,y)为加性噪声。等价频域表示:G(u,v)=H(u,v)F(u,v)+N(u,v);退化函数H(u,v)有时称为光学传递函数(OTF)。在空间域,h(x,y)称为点扩散函数(PSF)。OTF和PSF是一个傅立叶变换对,工具箱提供了两个函数otf2psf和psf2otf,用于OTF和PSF之间的转换。2. 掌握imnoise,imnoise2,imnoise3区别与联系答:g=imnoise(f,type,parameters); [r,R,S]=imnoise3(M,N,C,A,B); 3. 会使用rand,randn, randperm,state(教材没有,见课堂笔记)答:rand(m,n):生成[0 1] 均匀分布随机数的m*n矩阵。randn(m,n):生成零均值、单位方差的正态(高斯)随机数m*n矩阵。randperm(n):生成[1 n]随机排列数的1*n向量。State:初始值(?)计算均值和n阶中心矩:[v,unv]=statmoment(p,n);p为直方图向量,n是计算的矩的向量。4. 不同噪声的来源(见p106,p111) 5. 如何用空间域和频域方法去除不同噪声(不限于本章)答:spfilt函数+表5.2中空间噪声滤波器
自适应空间滤波器{频域滤波(dftfilt,低频,高频)}……6. 掌握spfilt和自适应空间滤波答:f=spfilt(g,type,m.n,parameter);(例5.5)自适应空间滤波器(例5.6):adpmedian(g,Smax);Smax是允许的最大自适应滤波器窗口的大小。(例5.6)7. 会编程降低周期噪声答:(自己编的大体思路,正确性未知,望高人指点!)PQ=paddedsize(size(f));[U,V]=dftuv(PQ(1),PQ(2)); D0=w*PQ(2);%w是填充后占图像的宽度百分比。D1=sqrt((U-M./2-u0).^2+(V-N./2-v0).^2);D2=sqrt((U-M./2+u0).^2+(V-N./2+v0).^2);%(u0,v0),(-u0,-v0)是陷波位置。H=1./(1+(D0.^2./(D1*D2)).^n);G=dftfilt(f,H);8. 掌握维纳,正则滤波,LR和盲去卷积以及其区别与联系答:维纳滤波(例5.8):fr=deconvwnr(g,PSF);(逆滤波器)。fr=deconvwnr(g,PSF,NSPR);NSPR是一个交互的标量输入。fr=deconvwnr(g,PSF,NACORR,FACORR); NACORR,FACORR:噪声和未退化图像的自相关函数。(线性)约束的最小二乘方(正则)滤波(例5.9):fr=deconvreg(g,PSF,NOISEPOWER,RANGE); NOISEPOWER与加性噪声η的欧几里得向量范数||η||2成比例:=M*N*[方差-均值],RANGE为值的范围。(线性)Lucy-Richardson(L-R)算法迭代非线性复原(从最大似然公式中引出)(例5.10):fr=deconvlucy(g,PSF,NUMIT,DAMPAR,WEIGHT);g代表退化的图像,PSF是点扩散函数,NUMIT为迭代的次数(默认10),DAMPAR指定了结果图像与原图像g之间的偏离阈值。当像素值偏离原值范围在DAMPAR之内时,就不用再迭代。WEIGHT是一个与g同样大小的数组,它为每个像素分配一个权重来反映其重量。盲去卷积(不以PSF知识为基础的图像复原方法统称为盲去卷积)(例5.11):[fr,PSFe]=deconvblind(g,INITPSF,NUMITV,DAMPAR,WEIGHT);INITPSF是点扩散函数的初始估计。PSFe是这个函数最终计算得到的估计值。9. 何为仿射变换答:仿射变换是最常用的一种空间变换形式。矩阵形式:[x y 1]=[w z 1]T=[w z 1][t11 t12 0;t21 t22 0;t31 t32 1]该变换可以按比例缩放、旋转、平移或者剪切一些点等。具体取决于T的元素的取值(表5.3)。10. 何为图像配准,会用makeform,cp2tform,imtransform答:图象配准:取两张相同场景的图像并加以对准,从而可以将它们合并,以便目测或者定量比较。空间变换:tform=maketform(transform_type,transform_parameters);transform_type:?affine?仿射,?projective?投影,?box?盒,?composite?合成,?custom?自定义(表5.4)。以控制点(联结点)为基础的图像配准:tform = cp2tform(input_points,base_points,transformtype);transformtype:'linear conformal'线性等角, 'affine'仿射, 'projective'投影, 'polynomial'多项式, 'piecewise linear'分段线性, 'lwm'。反向映射g=imtransform(f,tform,interp);imterp:?nearest? 最近邻内插,?bilinear?默认内插双线性方法的线性等角变换,?bicubic?,用来指明输入像素怎样插值来获得输出像素。(例5.13) 第六章 彩色图象处理1. 会使用表6.3(哪些变换可逆,只能从高到低)答:表6.3 RGB、索引和灰度级亮度图像间转换的IPT函数Gray(灰度)&==&index(索引)&==&rgb(彩色)↑____________________________|2. 了解NTSC,YCbCr,CMYK,RGB,HSV,HSI区别与联系答:NTSC:灰度信息和彩色信息是分离的,图像数据组成:亮度(Y)、色调(I)和饱和度(Q)。 YCbCr:亮度信息(Y)、彩色信息(Cb(蓝色分量和一个参考值的差)、Cr(红色分量和一个参考值的差)) CMYK:(青色、品红色、黄色、黑色)颜料。 HSV:(色调、饱和度、数值)基于柱坐标系。(图6.5) HSI:(hue,色度;saturation,饱和度;intensity,亮度)该模型将亮度分量与一幅彩色图像中携带的彩色信息分开。(基于彩色描述的图像处理算法理想工具)3. 掌握ICE用法(负片、彩色平衡、空间滤波、平滑、锐化)答:g=ice(?Property Name?,?Property Value?,….); ?Property Name?和?Property Value?必须成对出现,并且这些点表示由相应输入对所组成的模式的重复。(表6.4)(表6.5)(表6.6) 负片(例6.3) 彩色平衡(彩色校正)(例6.6)空间滤波(线性):1图像平滑:(例6.8)2图像锐化:(例6.9)4. 掌握彩色边缘检测和图像分割方法。答:向量空间直接处理:1彩色边缘检测:[VG,A,PPG]=colorgrad(f,T);(彩色梯度)。T是[0,1]内的一个可选阈值(默认0),VG是RGB向量梯度,A是以弧度计的角度,用于实现RGB图像的彩色梯度,PPG是对单独彩色平面的二维梯度求和形成的梯度 。(例6.10) f=imread('Fig0619(a)(RGB_iris).tif');%图6.25[VG,A,PRG]=colorgrad(f);subplot(221),imshow(f),xlabel('(a)RGB图像');subplot(222),imshow(imopen(VG,strel('disk',3)),[]),xlabel('(b)向量的梯度图像');subplot(223),imshow(PRG*255,[]),xlabel('(c)二维合成的梯度图像');subplot(224),imshow(abs(VG-PRG)*255,[]),xlabel('(d)(b)和(c)绝对差的图像');2区域分割:S=colorseg(method,f,T,parameters);method:?euclidean?平均颜色估计(希望分割的颜色),?mahalanobis?要分割的彩色样值表示的3*3协方差矩阵;(例6.11)第七章 小波1. 小波有哪些特性答:wavlet(时间-尺度或时间-频率),改变了富里叶变换fft(仅对频率且平稳信号,)的整体分析,具有时频兼顾的特性,由短时富里叶变换(可对时间-频率且次稳定信号)因窗口大小变化而损失(小则时间局部好而低频少,大则频率局部好而时间差)部分细节而改进2成窗口内可调,数学放大镜,分析信号的显微镜wavemenu。条件:Ψ(t)∈L(R)2. 如何理解小波函数和尺度函数尺度函数对应图像二维小波变换中的近似子带、小波函数对应细节子带。尺度函数被称作“父小波”,它一般满足双尺度方程,根据多分辨分析的空间分解原理,高分辨率空间可以分解为低分辨率空间和小波空间(细节空间)的结论,通过正交归一条件求出小波函数(母小波),母小波的平移伸缩构成了小波空间;但是,并不是所有的小波都有母小波和父小波3.以下为小波其余问题的回答:连续小波:cwt(s,scales,'wname')精确但计算量大,见doc cwt,在matlab中只有一维cwt。 离散小波:dwt(x,'wname')单尺度,粗糙有快速算法,但满足人视/听觉特性。单尺度重构为upwlev,单支(即只取其中的一个信号)重构为:X=wrcoef(‘type’,C,L,'wname'),直接重构为upcoef,多尺度(即多了N)小波分解为[C,L]=wavedec(X,N,'wname'),重构为:X=waverec(C,L,'wname'),取高频系数D=detcoef(C,L,N),取低频系数A=appcoef(C,L,'wname',N),逆变换前面加I,二维后面加2。[psi,Xval]=wavefun(?wname?,iter) 整数小波:对于图像处理,有时希望小波变换后仍为整数,可用提升算法(向下取整)实现,即提升小波:一维为:[CA,CD] = lwt(X,W),X = ilwt(CA,CD,W),W为小波名,见doc lwt。二维为:[CA,CH,CV,CD] = lwt2(X,W),X = ilwt2(CA,CH,CV,CD,W)。jj二进小波:对其时域进行二进制离散称之为二进小波变换,即a=2,b=2 k,仅尺度离散而时域连续,性能介于cwt和dwt之间。即平稳小波:S=swt(X,N,'wname'),X=iswt(S,'wname'), 见doc swt。f=imread('_lena_std.bmp');[A,H,V,D] =swt2(double(f),4,'db1');F=[A,H;V,D];imshow(F(:,:,1),[]),imshow(F(:,:,2),[]),imshow(F(:,:,3),[]),imshow(F(:,:,4),[])小波模极大值:abs(max((CA,CH,CV,CD)))可检出边缘等特征。冗余小波:对离散小波不做向下采样而实现消除小波变换的平移性且保持原大,当N=1时的swt即是。小波包:分解为T=wpdec(X,N,'wname'),重构为:X=wprec(T),树剪切为:T=wpcutree(T,L),画树为:plot(T) 最佳树为:T=besttree(t);重组节点为:t=nodejoin(T,N).嵌入式零树小波:EZW将小波数中用上层(粗分辨率)代表下层的压缩数据技术。 包含各类专业文献、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、应用写作文书、行业资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、《数字图像处理》完全解答60等内容。 
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Features and Specifications
Meet the New Game-Changer&Changing the way users capture still images and video with a DSLR camera, Canon proudly introduces the EOS 70D – a trailblazing powerhouse featuring a revolutionary autofocus technology that unlocks the potential of Live View: Dual Pixel CMOS AF. This game-changing technology allows the EOS 70D to capture video in Live View with smooth and precise autofocus similar to that of a camcorder, complete with the superb image quality that is a hallmark of EOS cameras. Additionally, Dual Pixel CMOS AF provides fast and accurate autofocus during Live View still image capture, enabling you to fully benefit from the freedom of angle allowed by the Vari-angle Touch Screen 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor II. Compositional options are now nearly limitless with the two real-world choices of Live View and viewfinder shooting. To further empower the photographer, Canon engineers spent months ensuring that the cutting-edge Dual Pixel CMOS AF on the EOS 70D is compatible with 103?&Canon EF lenses, greatly expanding creative possibilities. Built-in wireless technology and the EOS Remote app* further enhance shooting versatility, as well as enable easy sharing. Brilliant image quality is provided by the EOS 70D’s 20.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor, a first for an EOS camera with an APS-C sized sensor. A powerful DIGIC 5+ Image Processor supports continuous shooting up to 7.0 frames per second, as well as an extended ISO range of 100–12800 (H: 25600) that allows shooting in a wide variety of lighting conditions. Stunning photos can be accomplished using the remarkable 19-point all cross-type AF system with a high precision dual cross f/2.8 center point, and advanced display options available on the Intelligent Viewfinder supply exceptional control. In-camera imaging features like HDR, HDR Backlight Control, Multiple Exposure, Handheld Night Scene, and Creative Filters available in real time help turn even simple images into spectacular photos. Elevating the possibilities of creative expression to extraordinary new heights, the powerful EOS 70D with Dual Pixel CMOS AF places the ability to capture both amazing stills and video right in your hands.?&As of July 2, 2013.* This software enables you to upload images to social network services. Before uploading images, please be aware that image files may contain privacy related information such as people and places. If necessary, please delete such information. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this software.The Next Generation in Live View AF.Dual Pixel CMOS AFThe EOS 70D features Canon’s all-new Dual Pixel CMOS AF, a revolutionary leap forward in speed and accuracy that unlocks the potential of Live View shooting. This game-changing technology will forever change what is possible with a DSLR camera.Shoot Video Like a CamcorderThe benefits of the groundbreaking Dual Pixel CMOS AF are clearly evident in video shooting, where bringing scenes and subjects into focus is a critical element of the final composition. On the EOS 70D, Dual Pixel CMOS AF helps ensure focus is achieved naturally and precisely, even when switching between subjects. And, combined with the predictive power of Movie Servo AF, subjects in motion are smoothly and consistently tracked – once the EOS 70D locks focus, it doesn’t let go. Plus, with the shallow depth-of-field afforded by EOS optics, your video gains a cinematic ambience.Compositional Freedom, Quick and Accurate Live View FocusFor stills, Dual Pixel CMOS AF makes Live View AF precise and faster than ever, freeing the photographer to take advantage of the freedom of angle afforded by the camera’s Vari-angle LCD monitor. Whether capturing images of athletes on the field or kids in the park – with a tripod or handheld and operated from a number of angles and positions – crisp focus can be obtained nearly instantly across a wide shooting area, especially useful for those spontaneous or fleeting shots. And, when composing and shooting in Live View mode, the image, exposure and chosen effects can be previewed before shooting, ensuring better accuracy, increased comfort, and more control from the start.Compatible with 103?&Canon EF Lenses103?&Canon EF lenses are able to fully realize the benefits of Dual Pixel CMOS AF. Compatible lenses greatly expand creative and compositional possibilities so users can enjoy a wide range of endeavors made possible through various lenses whether shooting still images or video.&?&As of July 2, 2013.The Genius of Pixel Based AFDual Pixel CMOS AF is a cutting-edge Canon technology, made possible by a sophisticated redesigning of the CMOS sensor. Traditionally, image sensors have one photodiode per pixel, but the CMOS sensor on the EOS 70D has two photodiodes per pixel, enabling each pixel on the sensor to both perform phase-difference detection autofocus and capture light – a first for EOS cameras. With phase-difference detection AF, autofocus is achieved quickly and easily on the camera. This unique AF system enables autofocus on 80% of the image plane, vertically and horizontally, and helps ensure virtually no loss in image quality.Sophisticated Wireless System.The simplicity and convenience of wireless technology, built-inThe new EOS 70D incorporates cutting edge wireless technology right into its compact design. The camera’s exposure settings, such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO, focus, and shutter can be operated wirelessly using an iOS or Android smartphone* with the free Canon EOS Remote app**. Using a smartphone with the EOS Remote app** installed, you can shoot remotely from a distance, even in Live View mode, for those difficult-to- you can also review images on the EOS 70D without having to take it out of the bag, and easily transfer and save images directly from the camera to a smartphone. Full DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatibility means easy sharing between the EOS 70D and other DLNA products, like HDTVs, smartphones and more. Still images can even be transferred between two wireless-enabled Canon cameras over a Local Area Network (LAN). Images and video can be uploaded instantly to CANON iMAGE GATEWAY#&for easy sharing on social networking sites, and photos can even be printed on a wireless PictBridge certified printer without the need for a PC. Remarkably, the EOS 70D has all of these wireless features without the need for any ad they’re built right in!* Compatible with iOS version 5.0 or later and Android devices version 2.3/4.0 or later. Data charges may apply.&** This software enables you to upload images to social network services. Before uploading images, please be aware that image files may contain privacy related information such as people and places. If necessary, please delete such information. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this software.#&One-time registration required on CANON iMAGE GATEWAY online photo album.Amazing Capture and Processing Power.20.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensorOffering the highest pixel count of any APS-C sized sensor in EOS history, the EOS 70D camera’s 20.2 Megapixel CMOS sensor records a massive 5472 x 3648 pixels, perfect for even the biggest enlargements and offering enough resolution for significant cropping while maintaining the detail and essence of the particular scene. 14-bit signal processing ensures excellent tonal gradation and a wide ISO range of 100–12800 (H: 25600) ensures excellent image capture even in dim lighting situations. The EOS 70D camera’s image sensor combines with Canon’s powerful DIGIC 5+ Image Processor for improved data processing speeds, greater noise reduction, and even real-time compensation for chromatic aberration.14-bit A/D conversionWith 14-bit analog-to-digital conversion, the EOS 70D captures and records images with remarkable gradations and detail in subtle tones and colors, resulting in more realistic and detailed images. By recording up to 16,384 colors per channel, the EOS 70D ensures that the fine detail found in subjects like foliage, sky and water are preserved and recorded with a tremendous level of accuracy, ensuring gorgeous results.ISO 100–12800 and expandable to 25600 in H modeThanks to its DIGIC 5+ Image Processor, the EOS 70D features an expanded ISO range of ISO 100–12800 (expandable to 25600 in H mode) that makes shooting possible in situations previously unthinkable without flash. The EOS 70D, with the DIGIC 5+ Image Processor’s remarkable noise-reduction technology, performs brilliantly in low-light shooting. Used with one of Canon’s EF or EF-S lenses with Optical Image Stabilizer, the EOS 70D can record beautiful images even when light sources are scarce.DIGIC 5+ Image ProcessorFor a whole new level of performance, the EOS 70D uses a DIGIC 5+ Image Processor. Working with two 4-channel A/D converter front-end processing circuits, and delivering speeds of up to 7.0 fps continuous shooting, the DIGIC 5+ Image Processor improves data processing performance and features algorithms that promote greater noise reduction at higher ISOs. In addition to conventional image processing functions, the DIGIC 5+ Image Processor offers real-time compensation for chromatic aberration in both still and motion images. With the power of this processor, speed improvements are noticeable from the instant the camera is turned on. The stunning results speak for themselves.The Speed You Need.High speed continuous shooting up to 7.0 fpsCapable of shooting up to 7.0 fps during continuous shooting, the EOS 70D is a perfect camera for quick action. Canon’s remarkable shutter, combined with speedy, sophisticated electronics, ensures instant response and performance. A rapidly occurring scene can be captured moment by moment, second by second, so that even the briefest of opportunities are captured in perfect clarity.True HD Performance in Your Hands.EOS Full HD Movie mode with Movie Servo AF and 3–10x Digital Zoom at Full HD resolutionThe EOS 70D captures HD video with an impressive level of sophistication, offering phenomenal performance on a DSLR camera. It offers both All-I (UHS-I memory card is required) and IPB compression, supports H.264/MPEG-4 AVC High Profile, and automatically splits files greater than 4GB (FAT specifications) for extended recording without interruption. It offers the option of time coding during recording only (Rec Run) or at all times (Free Run), which is useful for multi-camera shoots. It also features improved sound recording adj the EOS 70D has an internal stereo microphone for enhanced audio capture and a wind filter feature to reduce wind noise when shooting outdoors. Sound recording levels can be manually (up to 64 different levels) or automatically controlled, while a built-in attenuator is also provided to reduce audio clipping. For more advanced audio recording, the EOS 70D is compatible with many third-party electret condenser microphones with a 3.5mm diameter plug. The EOS 70D also boasts the advanced Movie Digital Zoom, allowing you to magnify the center of the image by approximately 3x–10x when Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution is set.The EOS 70D features Movie Servo AF for continuous autofocus tracking of moving subjects while recording video. Combined with the camera’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF system, even fast subjects remain crisply in focus. Autofocus is smooth and continuous, and quiet when recording video using one of Canon’s STM lenses. The revolutionary performance of Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF System, the predictive power of Movie Servo AF, and the pleasing depth-of-field provided by the EOS 70D’s optics make it possible to accomplish stunning, cinematic video capture, easily.Video SnapshotWith the Video Snapshot feature, the EOS 70D can capture short video clips (of 2, 4 or 8 seconds) then combine them automatically into one video file as a snapshot or highlights "album." With no editing needed after shooting, the compiled video is perfect for sharing online or displaying directly on an HDTV via the camera’s HDMI port. Additionally, stills can be recorded during video shooting simply by pressing the camera’s shutter button. During playback, video clips in an album can be reordered or deleted.Sharp and Clear, with Tactile Controls.Vari-angle Touch Screen 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor II with multi-touch operation and Touch AFThe EOS 70D comes with a Vari-angle Touch Screen 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor II for shooting videos and stills at a variety of angles, high or low, with up to 180° of rotation. Using capacitive technology similar to today’s popular mobile devices, this screen is touch-sensitive and delivers intuitive touch panel operation. Two-finger touch gestures can be used for zooming or changing images. Menu and quick control settings can be accessed, and focus point and shutter release can be activated with the touch of a fingertip using Touch AF. Displaying fine detail (at approximately 1.04 million dots), this screen is perfect for composing and reviewing images. Thanks to a solid construction between the monitor’s resin-coated cover and the liquid crystal display, reflections are minimized, and the display can be viewed, without glare, from any number of angles. The LCD’s surface is treated with a smudge-resistant coating to minimize fingerprints and maintain a bright, clear image display.Fast, Accurate, Phenomenal AF.19-point all cross-type AF system (including a high-precision f/2.8 dual cross-type AF center point)The EOS 70D has a high-performance AF system that’s ready for anything. The camera features 19 high precision cross-type AF sensors, all of which can be selected automatically or manually. With cross-type AF points placed throughout a wide area, the EOS 70D’s AF system ensures amazing compositional flexibility whether shooting vertically or horizontally, and is superbly equipped to track the subject, even if movements are erratic or unpredictable. And with its high-precision f/2.8 dual cross-type AF center point, the EOS 70D delivers a whole new level of focus accuracy when shooting with lenses of f/2.8 or faster. The EOS 70D camera’s AF modes can be customized to suit the situation, helping ensure reliable focus.Sophisticated Composition, Simply.Intelligent Viewfinder with superimposed LCD display provides approximately 98% field of viewThe EOS 70D camera’s Intelligent Viewfinder offers a sharp, bright, approximately 98% field of view with an approximate magnification of 0.95x, a viewing angle of 27.9° and a 22mm eyepoint. Featuring a new coating that reduces reflections and new construction that improves response in cold environments, the EOS 70D’s Intelligent Viewfinder makes it simple to adjust and confirm settings without the risk of missing a beat. The Intelligent Viewfinder uses a transparent LCD to superimpose a customizable combination of focus points and gridlines directly over the image: it displays AF mode, AF points, electronic level, grid, alerts informing when white balance is being corrected and when Spot metering is enabled, and much more. With the EOS 70D’s Intelligent Viewfinder, unlike with other cameras, the photographer has the choice of seeing shooting information or looking only at the scene in front of the camera. The ability to effectively erase all shooting data and turn it back on with the touch of a button gives the photographer the opportunity to concentrate simply on looking and composing the photograph without distraction, a great advantage in numerous shooting situations.Amazing Effects for Dramatic and Gorgeous Results.High Dynamic Range (HDR)With its High Dynamic Range (HDR) mode, the EOS 70D can merge three images of varying exposure in-camera and save them as one final image, capturing a broad range of shadow and highlight detail with stunning tonal range. Adjustable to cover a range of ?±3 stops, HDR recording truly expands the parameters of the light and dark detail a camera can actually record, surprising viewers with the range of tones a photograph can accurately recreate.Multiple Exposure ControlThe EOS 70D offers a Multiple Exposure mode for film-like image creation with the convenience of in-camera processing. It offers two different compositing methods for proper exposure and composition: additive or average. Multiple exposure shots from 2 to 9 are stored as one final image and can be taken in both RAW and JPEG shooting modes. A RAW image previously captured by the EOS 70D (3:2 aspect ratio only) can be used as a starting point, and cumulative results can be observed and corrected in real time on the camera's LCD screen.Handheld Night Scene modeHandheld Night Scene mode captures nightscapes with bright highlights and detailed dark areas, delivering results previously difficult without the use of a tripod. By shooting and combining four consecutive shots at a shutter speed fast enough to avoid camera shake, the EOS 70D’s Handheld Night Scene mode makes dramatic nighttime photography simple.HDR Backlight Control modeThe EOS 70D camera’s HDR Backlight Control mode ensures that backlit subjects are not recorded too darkly. By automatically shooting three consecutive shots at different exposures (underexposed, correctly exposed and overexposed) and combining the images, the final result maintains detail in both the shadow and highlight areas, ensuring the backlit subject is properly exposed.Seven Creative Filters that can be displayed in real timeTo add to the fun and creative possibilities available with the EOS 70D, the camera has seven different Creative Filters that can dramatically alter the mood and visual effect of any particular scene. Creative Filters include Grainy Black and White, Soft Focus, Fisheye Effect, Toy Camera Effect, Miniature Effect, Art Bold Effect and Water Painting Effect. Each effect can be applied in three different levels (low, standard and strong), and easily previewed on the LCD panel in Live View. Since the filters can be applied to the image after shooting, it's easy to try several effects on the same shot during post-process.Complex Functions Made Simple.Scene Intelligent Auto modeThe EOS 70D features Scene Intelligent Auto mode, which incorporates a number of Canon technologies to deliver the best possible exposure. Joining Picture Style Auto, Automatic Lighting Optimizer, Automatic White Balance, Autofocus, and Automatic Exposure, Scene Intelligent Auto mode analyzes the image, accounting for faces, colors, brightness, moving objects, contrast, even whether the camera is handheld or on a tripod, and then chooses the exposure and enhancements that bring out the best in any scene or situation.More Features for Increased Versatility.Compatible with the full line of Canon EF and EF-S lensesThe EOS 70D is compatible with all Canon lenses in the EF lineup, including compact and lightweight EF-S lenses, ranging from ultra-wide angle to super telephoto lenses and including the STM series optimized for video shooting. Canon lenses employ advanced optical expertise and micron-precision engineering to deliver outstanding performance and deliver beautiful results. Special technologies like Canon’s Optical Image Stabilizer help to minimize the effect of camera shake, effectively adding up to STM lenses even feature a stepping motor for smooth and quiet continuous autofocus while capturing video. With an array of lenses perfect for travel, sports, still life and everything in between, photographers can truly maximize the quality and performance of their EOS 70D camera.Multi Shot Noise ReductionTo enhance its already admirable high ISO shooting capabilities, the EOS 70D camera features an intelligent Multi Shot Noise Reduction tool that reduces noise even further than the camera’s sensor and the DIGIC 5+ Image Processor do. With Multi Shot Noise Reduction activated, the camera takes four consecutive shots, merges and aligns them. This eliminates more noise than the camera’s traditional Noise Reduction filter, with little or no apparent resolution loss. Moving subjects are even optimized to minimize subject blur! Thanks to this clever feature, high ISO shooting has never looked better.Lens Aberration CorrectionThe EOS 70D features lens correction tools that compensate for lens characteristics that can affect overall image quality. The EOS 70D camera’s Peripheral Illumination Correction feature corrects light falloff in the corner of the image according to the characteristics of the lens being used. It even has correction data for a number of popular lenses stored in its memory. With the chromatic aberration correction tool, distracting color fringing can be corrected at the time of shooting.Feature GuideTo help explain the specific function of features found on the EOS 70D, the Feature Guide displays a simple description helpful in determining the applicability for the situation at hand. It is displayed in each shooting mode, during mode dial operations, and for Quick Control screen functions. It appears automatically when a function is selected – a lifesaver when trying to determine the best mode or function for the next picture. The feature guide works automatically by default, and can be disabled easily through the camera’s menu.GPS CompatibleWith the optional GPS Receiver GP-E2 attached to the hot shoe or the digital terminal, the EOS 70D can record location, including latitude, longitude and altitude, and has the ability to track the trajectory of movement with its logging function, perfect for photographers on the go. An electric compass records the camera’s orientation during each shot, and world time information is recorded through GPS syncing.Image RatingTo help organize images recorded to the camera’s storage, the EOS 70D makes it simple to rate individual images from one star to five. Therefore, image browsing, printing and slide shows can be based upon those ratings.Compatibility with SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards, including Ultra High Speed (UHS-I) cardsThe EOS 70D uses popular SD, SDHC, SDXC, and is even compatible with Ultra High Speed (UHS-I), memory cards. Compact and available in large capacities, SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards are a perfect complement to the camera’s compact design.
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