
恶灵附身 第九章暗影之王第十三章,宠妃撩人免费阅读 莎,借刀杀人,城市规划
恶灵附身 第九章暗影之王第十三章,宠妃撩人免费阅读 莎,借刀杀人,城市规划
抱走 ^_^    
  谢谢lz分享    再听了,好听。
  lz啊  你推荐的个好好听哦  我有说一个  dying in the sun  大家应该有听过八
  MM 你听的全是女孩子的歌曲啊?
资料却是个男孩子! 吼吼~~    留一首我喜欢的!!    Scorpions - Always Somewhere  download:  http://s8./...ck_Ballads/06%20Scorpions%20-%20Always%20Somewhere.mp3     Arrive at seven the place feels good  No time to call you today  Encore till eleven then chinese food  Back to the hotel again    I call your number the line ain't free  I like to tell you come to me  But every city has seen me in the end  And brings me to you again    Always somewhere  Miss you where I've been  I'll be back to love you again  Always somewhere  Miss you where I've been  I'll be back to love you again    Another morning another place  The only day off is far away  A night without you seems like a lost dream  Love I can't tell you how I feel    Always somewhere  Miss you where I've been  I'll be back to love you again  Always somewhere  Miss you where I've been  I'll be back to love you again  
  继续跟贴.  很多歌真是很好听.    新年快乐!
  友情推荐:  Creepin`up on you情不自禁爱上你-戴伦海斯darren hayes  把耳朵叫醒吧!
  25.  Nobody Understands  The Midway State     Can't cool off your own fire 你无法熄灭心中的火焰  No cold tears going to put you out,out,out 冰冷的泪水也不能让你解脱   You're awake in love you're wired 你被自己的爱捆绑,无法挣脱  Kiss her goodnight now you walk by yourself 给她一个吻,道声晚安,然后独自上路吧  You're so confused because he told you 你很犹豫,因为曾经有人告诉过你  Be careful you know she's a mess 要小心,这个女孩是个麻烦  And sh oh that girl is always depressed 和她在一起总没有好结果,因为她老是让男孩受伤  It's something you feel 可是你对她的感觉  They can't see it 他们都体会不到  She is a warmth that ignites   What you got inside 她的热情能够温暖你的胸膛  What you just can't hide 也让你无处可藏  The way you love her 你爱她的方式  Nobody understands the way you feel her 没人能够理解,你对她的感受  Oh it's above their heads 没人能够体会   The way you bleed her 连你伤害她的时候  Oh nobody understands her boy 也没人能够理解爱她的这个男孩  Nobody understands 没人能够理解  You're awake and you're on fire 你也了解自己的处境,但是依然如飞蛾般扑火  Burning up with how you feel yeah 就让你的爱和你一起烧尽吧   Well she's a freak and she's a liar 也许她反复无常,也许她会撒谎  But you're in love with girl she's concealed 但你爱上的,是那个躲藏在她心里的女孩  Oh you're so confused because they told you 你很犹豫,因为他们曾经告诉过你  Her father was bad he was messed 他的父亲曾经待她很坏  Sh oh that girl is always depressed 和她在一起总没有好结果,因为她老是让男孩受伤  So where do you go when there's no one   When no one believes in your love 如果没有人相信你的爱是真的,你该怎么办  Though it all shines out when you kiss her mouth 即使当你吻她的时候,光芒会在你们的吻中盛开  The way you love you her 你爱她的方式  Nobody understands they way you feel her 没人能够理解,你对她的感受  Oh it's above their heads 没人能够体会  The way you bleed her 连你伤害她的时候  Oh nobody understands her boy 也没人能够理解爱她的这个男孩  Nobody understands 没人能够理解  The way you love her  Nobody understands the way you feel her  Oh it's above their heads  The way you bleed her  Oh nobody understands her boy  Nobody understands  Oh nobody understands her boy  Nobody understands  
  Nobody understands    上面的歌词翻的比较匆忙~MS有错别字~大家表怪我^___^最后一段歌词是重复的~没有翻~本来想打个副歌标记~偷懒了~没有打~将就啦~明天还要出门~累昏了#_____#~    贴一个百度上的下载地址~  http://disk.yydy.org/myfile%2fza_114fc8dadb.wma
  作者:pretty_redhot 回复日期: 22:05:23 
    友情推荐:    Creepin`up on you情不自禁爱上你-戴伦海斯darren hayes    把耳朵叫醒吧!  ------------------------------------------------  此人的歌我就不贴了~因为实在都太有名了^________^大家喜欢可以去找找他的歌~如果喜欢一首~所有的都会喜欢~    作者:evantzou 回复日期: 20:14:11 
    MM 你听的全是女孩子的歌曲啊? 资料却是个男孩子! 吼吼~~  ------------------------------------------------  那你还叫我MM~@____________@~瀑布汗~    作者:evantzou 回复日期: 20:16:56 
    颓废的声音~~ 我蛮喜欢下班后躺在沙发上,拿杯啤酒。。。听一下 找寻一下 那种隐约在某处,希望回归并紧紧抓住的感觉!  ------------------------------------------------  是共鸣吗~我比较迷惘你的这段话#______#~    作者:千陌草 回复日期: 18:49:59 
     lz啊    你推荐的个好好听哦    我有说一个    dying in the sun  ------------------------------------------------  小红莓的歌和戴伦海斯的歌是一个道理^________^      作者:猪的爆米花 回复日期: 21:52:45 
    新年快乐!  ------------------------------------------------  你也快乐^_________^    作者:水醉红莲 回复日期: 17:16:31 
    YEARBOOK,I LIKE  ------------------------------------------------  ^_____________^    
  谢谢楼主推荐,辛苦了!  ...都粉喜欢...
  mark     3Q    
  我失恋时常听得歌 alone again gilberto sullivan那个吉他独奏很精彩
  追着这个贴很久了~~辛苦了楼主~~很多歌都很喜欢    Best Friend            贴一个下载的地址~但是试听好象很慢~先下再听吧~    /attachmentssd9fh4f764fg6dfs/Mon_84_e4dce.mp3     ========================================================  这首的下载地址下不下来。。。下下来的是一个很小的文件~不能播放~不知道为什么~LZ能不能换个地址呢        
  26.  Hush   Automatic Loveletter
    This is as quiet as it gets hush down now go to sleep we were once perfect me and you will never leave this room     一切都安静下来了,去睡吧,我们的爱曾经那么完美,只要在一起就不愿分开    [Chorus:]  H H H Hush you color my eyes red your loves not live its dead this letters written itself inside out again when rivers turn to roads and lovers become trends     可如今你却让我哭红了双眼,你的爱已经不在,老套的故事又一次重演,沧海变做桑田,激情慢慢退却    H H H Hush this is where it ends     时间就是一切的终结    this is the calming before the storm we’ve been here like before this absolution is always incomplete its always bittersweet     虽然我们还象从前一样,但这只是暴风雨前的宁静,我总是没法完全释怀,这其中苦乐参半    [Chorus]     I won't make a sound so you don't wake don't wake don't wake you don't wake you don't wake     我会安静地离开,甚至不会让你察觉    [Chorus x2]
  Hush    这首歌虽然叫寂静~实际上是一首撕心裂肺的情歌^_______^另外这首歌的歌词没有标点符号~那叫什么来着~意识流吧~呵呵^____^Hush出自乐队Automatic Loveletter的首张EP~一共只有5首歌~这首是第3首~这张EP发表于2007年12月~    百度和搜狗上都没有下载的地址~还好我在别的音乐论坛上找到了一个~  /musics/a/7d79c027-7b7a-4ac2-a33d-a17fc8/02/05/06b23f96ffce4a94b48fb80c79e197e4.mp3  
  作者:顺子哥哥 回复日期: 21:09:17 
    好贴,可惜版面太过杂乱不好找,建议楼主把这些歌曲打个包给个地址下载就好了。  ------------------------------------------------------  每到10首的时候我都汇总一次的~你可以找一下^_______^    作者:爱看天的猫 回复日期: 18:11:57 
    这首的下载地址下不下来。。。下下来的是一个很小的文件~不能播放~不知道为什么~LZ能不能换个地址呢  ------------------------------------------------------  我刚试了一下~好象是可以下的~如果你下到的是一个很小的文件~那么第一次跳出迅雷下载框的时候按取消试一下~看看行不行~我下电影种子的时候MS也会遇到这种情况的~如果还不行~那就没办法了~因为这首歌在百度和搜狗上都没有下载的地址~不过你可以去YOUTUBE上看这首歌的MV~    作者:leon501007 回复日期: 20:53:58 
    我失恋时常听得歌 alone again gilberto sullivan那个吉他独奏很精彩  ------------------------------------------------------  我刚去听了~歌词真好^______^~这首好象还是电影处女自杀的插曲吧~      
  27.  Then Silence  Kjartan Salvesen    之前说了~这首歌原本是作为最后一首歌推荐的~想想还是不要把悲伤留到最后了~在27首的时候贴出来吧^________^    个人还是非常喜欢这首歌的~Kjartan Salvesen是曾经的挪威偶像的冠军获得者~这首歌很安静很简单~但是却又真的能打动听者的心扉~可惜的是~目前为止我在网上还是找不到这首歌的歌词~只能参照一些网友听记的歌词~把其中比较能够确定意思的副歌部分翻译出来~如果以后能找到歌词~我会补上^____^~不便之处请大家见谅~    So you say you last goodbye 于是你道了最后一句别  and leave the world behind 离开了这个世界  and pray you never let them down 心中默默祈祷,没有留下什么遗憾  when you look up to the sky 当你抬头望向天空  the angels start to cry 天使都流下了眼泪  for you they're singing it... 他们在为你而歌唱...    (歌词纯属猜测,猜错勿怪^_____^)    贴一个百度上的下载地址吧~  .cn/oldttx/Uploadfile/0791.mp3  
  总算在没结束前跟上楼主的帖子  都拿走了o(∩_∩)o
  谢谢.  已收纳.
  28.  Here Comes The Rain  A1    There's a chill in the air 空气中泛着寒意  Looks like the winter is returning 仿佛冬天又回来了这里  You know I have to stay 你知道我将留下  Until I find a way to get through this 直到找到解决的办法  Nothing ventured, nothing gained 踌躇不前,怎能找到新的方向  Now there's no healing without some kind of pain 没有经历过痛楚,又何从知晓幸福  Hey baby things have got to change 是到改变的时候了,宝贝    [Chorus:]  Here comes the rain 暴雨将至  No need to hide 无需躲藏  I know the sun shines on the other side 我知道阳光就在云之彼方  Oh let the storm roll over me 就让这大雨将我吞没  Just tear these walls once and for all 把所有的樊篱都一扫而光  And set me free 然后,我将获得自由  Here comes the rain 暴雨将至    I left it all to chance 我只能把一切都交于命运  Maybe the odds were all against me 即便得不到它的垂青  Now it's outta my hands 因为事到如今,我已无法回头  But I will see it through if you let me 但只要你和我一起,我就一定会坚持到底   Nothing ventured, nothing gained 踌躇不前,怎能找到新的方向  There's no healing without some kind of pain 没有经历过痛楚,又何从知晓幸福  Can you tell me baby 宝贝,难道你能说  We can't go on this way 我们不该这样做?    [Chorus]    We're the truth behind the lie 我们的爱被谎言真实地掩埋  All the dreams we left to die 所有的梦想正在褪去色彩   We're just rivers running dry 生命如同河流干涸般衰败    [Chorus x2]  
  Here Comes The Rain    很喜欢这首歌的气势^____^遇到阻碍的时候~尽管放手一搏的气概还是很鼓舞人心滴~歌词翻的自己觉得有点怪怪的~好象不太和谐#_______#但又不知道该怎么改~大家将就看下吧~    贴一个搜狗上的下载地址~
  作者:永远shi狗尾巴草 回复日期: 0:02:37 
    总算在没结束前跟上楼主的帖子    都拿走了o(∩_∩)o  --------------------------------------------------  赶早不如赶巧^_______^    作者:爱上双鱼的狮子 回复日期: 0:19:16 
    过完年回来了,楼主勤快.呵呵,明天会出太阳哦,亲戚走完了没?要加油更新。另,祝你新年快乐.还有就是歌我全拿走了,谢谢.  --------------------------------------------------  明天还有最后一顿饭了~呵呵~终于过完年了^__________^    
  记号~  看得出搂住很用心  谢谢分享~!
  LZ真是好人    百年难得一见的好贴。留名先    有没有迷幻或者英伦摇滚的啊呵呵...
  编外7.  Everybody's Changing  Keane    You say you wander your own land 你说你正游弋在现实生活之外  But when I think about it 我想了又想  I don't see how you can 不明白为什么你会这样     You're aching, you're breaking 你既痛苦又很矛盾  And I can see the pain in your eyes 我能从你的眼神中觉察出来  It's as everybody's changing 我们身边的每个人都在改变  And I don't know why 我也不知道是为什么     [Chorus:]  So little time  Try to understand that I'm 没有时间多想什么  Trying to make a move just to stay in the game 我也正试着改变自己去适应这生活  I try to stay awake and remember my name 只能试着保持清醒,不忘记真实的自己  But everybody's changing 每个人都在改变  And I don't feel the same 我已经找不回过去的感觉    You're gone from here 你正渐行渐远  Soon you will disappear 很快就会踪影不见  Fading into beautiful light 消逝在一道灿烂的光芒之间  'cause everybody's changing 因为每个人都在改变  And I don't feel right 这让我感到不安     [Chorus]    Ooo...  Everybody's changing 每个人都在改变  And I don't feel the same 我已经找不回过去的感觉  
  Everybody's Changing    作者:肠儿奔月 回复日期: 23:00:06 
    有没有迷幻或者英伦摇滚的啊呵呵...  -------------------------------------------------  满足这位同学的愿望哈~8过你可能已经听过了^_______^    这首歌很早之前就翻好了~一直犹豫要不要放上来~有感于最近去见了几个高中时的同学~还是放上来了~人的变化真是快啊~但别人对你的认识却永远都停留在曾经在一起的时光里~所以基本上~同学聚会就好象是一堆陌生人在假装熟人的样子#________#    贴一个百度上的下载地址吧~  /upload/public/magazine/video/Everybodys-Changing.mp3
  作者:jieryzh 回复日期: 11:03:06 
    还剩下2首歌了~~好舍不得呢,偶音乐上的小白能听到这么多好听的歌全拜楼主所赐,谢谢啦.....希望楼主除了这30首还能继续推荐好歌  -------------------------------------------------  我要休息一下~充充电才行啦^________^    作者:爱上双鱼的狮子 回复日期: 20:39:56 
    回到杭州2天了,终于把电脑的系统做好了,再次看到楼主的帖子真好.楼主勤劳,这个帖子就要结束了,希望能再看到新作.  -------------------------------------------------  我再多贴几首编外就还不会结束啊^_______^
  29.  Both Sides,Now  Joni Mitchell    Bows and flows of angel hair 有如天使那波浪般的长发飘舞  And ice cream castles in the air 有如冰淇淋般的城堡在空中浮  And feather canyons everywhere 有如飘散四处的羽毛将山谷裹素  I've looked at cloud that way 这就是我观察云朵的方式    But now they only block the sun 而现在它们渐渐遮住了太阳  They rain and snow on everyone 在每个路人身上落下雨滴与雪花  So many things I would have done 其实还有很多事情等着我去完成  But clouds got in my way 只是云朵挡住了我前方的路    I've looked at clouds from both sides now 这就是我观察云朵的两种方法  From up and down, and still somehow 看高处,看低处,但这些  it's cloud illusions I recall 也不过是我记忆里云朵的样子  I really don't know clouds at all 我想其实我还是不了解它们    Moons and Junes and ferry wheels 就像月亮、六月和摩天轮  The dizzy dancing way you feel 就像你在狂舞时感到的目眩头晕  As every fairy tale comes real 就像每个童话故事的那一刻成真  I've looked at love that way 这就是我看待爱情的方式    But now it's just another show 但现在它只是又一场闹剧  You leave'em laughing when you go 你在众人的嘲笑声中离去  And if you care, don't let them know 如果你在意,就別让他们看到  Don't give yourself away 不要泄露了你自己的心事    I've looked at love from both sides now 这就是我看待爱情的两种方法  From give and take, and still somehow 从给予的角度,从索取的角度,但这些  Its loves illusions I recall 也不过是我记忆里爱情的样子  I really dont know love at all 我想其实我还是不了解爱情    Tears and fears and feeling proud, 委屈、害怕和心怀骄傲  to say &I love you& right out loud 这是我大声喊出&爱你&时的心情  Dreams and schemes and circus crowds 梦想、计划和马戏团表演  I've looked at life that way 这就是我看待人生的方式    But now old friends are acting strange 而如今熟悉的老朋友也变得陌生  They shake their heads, they say I've changed 他们摇着头,说我已不再是原来的我  Something's lost but something's gained 当你得到某些东西时,也必然会失去些  in living every day 于我们每日的生活之中    I've looked at life from both sides now 这就是我看待人生的两种方法  From win and lose 从贏的角度,从输的角度  And still somehow it's life's illusions I recall 但这些也不过是我记忆里人生的样子  I really don't know love at all 我想其实我还是不了解人生    (翻译:沪江英语/homlee)  
  Both Sides,Now    Both Sides,Now是Joni Mitchell在1967年时写下的一首歌~她自己在当时演唱的版本带着轻快的乡村味道~而在2001年她的专辑Both Sides,Now里,她重新演绎了这首年代久远的老歌~只不过这次是爵士味道的版本^_______^    关于这首歌:  我曾经在不同的电影里听到过这首歌作为插曲或者背景音乐出现~在人生屋檐下(Life As A House)里,当男女主人公在海边的夕照下起舞时,放的就是这首歌~在真爱无敌(Love Actually)里~爱玛汤普森也在唱片机里放过这首歌~有时候~在生活里和你喜欢的歌曲不期而遇~是一件很美好的事情^_______^    歌词~正如大家所看到的~不是我翻的~我只是做了一些小小的修改而已~贴一个百度上的下载地址~  http://home./mp3/mp3/grammy2001/grammy13.mp3        
  光小小 是不是一定要走开    麦麦卖麦乐套餐   Joycedumbledore    谢谢你们啊,apologize 我还在听,还没听烦,从牢里出来后一直没在状态,'64'后这是第二次坐牢了,apologize是什么?害我生意也撂下不管了,一个人听这歌,完全离群,也不知道歌里唱的是什么,一听就几小时,歌里肯定有什么我要的,或者预示什么?伤感的旋律拌着车里的烟雾,一次次地触犯我,强烈却又莫名的感觉,
  作者:好书 回复日期: 15:17:59 
    光小小 是不是一定要走开      麦麦卖麦乐套餐     Joycedumbledore        谢谢你们啊,apologize 我还在听,还没听烦,从牢里出来后一直没在状态,'64'后这是第二次坐牢了,apologize是什么?害我生意也撂下不管了,一个人听这歌,完全离群,也不知道歌里唱的是什么,一听就几小时,歌里肯定有什么我要的,或者预示什么?伤感的旋律拌着车里的烟雾,一次次地触犯我,强烈却又莫名的感觉,  ---------------------------------------------------  我看了一下歌词~主要的大意就是一个人想回头~而他(她)的爱人虽然余情未了~但还是告诉她(他)一切都已经太迟了*________*
  30.  Comes love  Billie Holiday    Comes a rain storm 大雨来了  Put your rubbers on your feet 可以穿上雨鞋  Comes a snow storm 风雪来了  You can get a little heat 可以回家取暖  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力    Comes a fire 火灾来了  Firemen come and rescue me 可以找消防员  Blow a tire 轮胎爆了  You can patch the inner tube 可以马上补上  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力    Don't try hidin 谁都不必躲藏  cause it isn't any use 因为无济于事  You'll just start slidin 你会蠢蠢欲动  When your heart turns on the juice 心中热情汹涌    Comes a heat wave 热浪来了  You can hurry to the shore 可以前往海滩  Come a summons 传票来了  Hide yourself behind a door 可以藏身家中  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力    Comes a headache 头痛来了  You can lose it in a day 一天便会消失  Comes a toothache 牙痛来了  See your dentist right away 马上去见牙医  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力    Comes the measles 麻疹来了  You can quarrantine the room 你就独自待着  Comes a mousie 老鼠来了  You can chase it with a broom 扫帚便可驱赶  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力    That's all brother 其实不必多言,朋友  If you've ever been in love 若你曾坠情网  That's all brother 其实不必多言,朋友  And you know just what I'm speakin' of 便知其中奥妙    Comes a nightmare 噩梦来了  You can always stay awake 可以保持清醒  Comes depression 沮丧来了  You could get another break 就再休息一阵  Comes love 爱情来了  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力  Nothing can be done 谁也无能为力  
  Comes Love    今天是情人节~所以30首歌的最后一首放的是Billie Holiday的Comes Love~很有谐趣的一首歌~希望大家喜欢~也祝大家情人节快乐^___________^    不过我在网上没有找到Billie Holiday所唱的版本的下载地址~不过找到了试听地址~大家可以去听听~.cn/yueku/m/812642.html  贴一个Joni Mitchell所翻唱的版本的下载地址~
  楼主,好棒哦,已经偷偷的把这些歌都down到了电脑上,总要说声:谢谢!  非常喜欢这种精华荟萃的帖子,适合我这种口味刁钻的懒人,呵呵~~  YY一下,LZ应该是有贵族气质的布拉格恋人类型,哈哈。  新年快乐!情人节快乐! MS晚了一点^__^  天天快乐!
  汇总(3)    21.Teardrops On My Guitar-Taylor Swift  专辑.Taylor Swift(2007)  类型.Country/Pop  下载地址./Product/news/1/156.mp3  MV观看地址. /v_show/id_cf00XNDc1NTEzNg==.html  (可惜男猪没有说服力^________^)    22.Can't Go On-Group 1 Crew  专辑.Group 1 Crew(2007)  类型.Hip Hop/R&B  下载地址.  /gh/music/ee/Group_Crew-Cant_Go_On.Wma  MV观看地址.  /watch?v=MGc5qUgvRyk&feature=related  (现场版~但是缓冲非常慢#_________#)    23.Best Friend-Us5  专辑.In Control(2006)  类型.Pop  下载地址.  /attachmentssd9fh4f764fg6dfs/Mon_84_e4dce.mp3   MV观看地址.  /v_show/id_cf00XMTQ2ODc1NzY=.html    编外6.Sunny Came Home-Shawn Colvin  专辑.A Few Small Repairs(1996)  类型.Folk  下载地址.  /published1//pub1.mp3  MV观看地址./programs/view/Uq5i21KXalY/    24.Yearbook-Hanson  专辑.MMMBop(1997)  类型.Pop/Rock  下载地址./62.rm    25.Nobody Understands-The Midway State  专辑.Met A Man On Top Of The Hill(2007)  类型.Rock  下载地址.  http://disk.yydy.org/myfile%2fza_114fc8dadb.wma    26.Hush-Automatic Loveletter  专辑.Recover EP(2007)   类型.Rock  下载地址.  /musics/a/7d79c027-7b7a-4ac2-a33d-a17fc8/02/05/06b23f96ffce4a94b48fb80c79e197e4.mp3  MV观看地址./watch?v=STkzdgW7ONs&feature=related  (YouTube上的视屏缓冲都非常慢~大家要有心理准备*_______*)    27.Then Silence-Kjartan Salvesen  专辑.Then Silence(2007)  类型.Folk  下载地址.  .cn/oldttx/Uploadfile/0791.mp3    28.Here Comes The Rain-A1  专辑.Make It Good(2002)  类型.Pop  下载地址.    编外7.Everybody's Changing-Keane  专辑.Hopes And Fears(2004)  类型.Rock  下载地址.  /upload/public/magazine/video/Everybodys-Changing.mp3  MV观看地址./programs/view/7fUz_j4LyEk/  (很有意思的MV~去看看吧^___^)    29.Both Sides,Now-Joni Mitchell  30.Comes love-Joni Mitchell  专辑.Both Sides,Now(2001)  类型.Jazz  下载地址.  29.  http://home./mp3/mp3/grammy2001/grammy13.mp3  30.    Comes Love  Billie Holiday版本试听地址.  .cn/yueku/m/812642.html
  记号一个  LZ谢啦~~~
  楼主真是可爱~~~发的歌也超好听~~~  期待新帖哦 n皿n
  好贴  记号
  支持 好听!@!  
  再做记号    下载下来慢慢听
  楼主辛苦~~,推荐一首Babyface的seven seas也很好听
  楼主辛苦~~,推荐一首Babyface的seven seas也很好听
  以为没发上,又发了一遍,谁知道一看,发重了,不好意思,呵呵呵:)再推荐一首我喜欢的吧:plumb的God shaped hole
  记号    顶        顶
  留个脚印  以后看
  辛苦LZ...好听啊,享受大餐着, LZ 加油    
  记号 慢慢看
  henhao ~~~
  支持的哥们,顶下!  顶!
  作者:crewealth 回复日期: 20:33:15 
    楼主,很期待你的中文歌,来100首怎么样啊,新老都可以啊  ---------------------------------------------------------  &__________&    太为难我了~
  非常感谢和敬佩楼主!!!我把楼主推荐的所有30首和编外歌曲都找来听了!因为个人喜好。有的没有很喜欢 但是有的特别特别喜欢!谢谢你!
  不错。。  楼猪。顶你一下。。~
  谢谢LZ的推荐。歌曲抱走。    then silence    It's not about tomorrow   forget about today   there's matter anyway   you've turn a pain to sorrow   the thing will last spin   then we miss you.   i cannot do what's been down   forgive me it's over   and silence     so you say your last
goodbye   and leave the world behind   and pray,you never let them down   when you look up to the sky   the angels stop to cry   for you were singing it out.     never got to tell you   i wish i had to know   we should've been go   and never said how will you   let me in to your life   and i miss you   sometimes it's worser than now   and let it go   then silence.     so you say your last
goodbye   and leave the world behind   and pray,you never let them down   when you look up to the sky   the angels stop to cry   for you were singing it out.     when all of the angels are singing   you were given them grace alived   i know you in my heart still with me   you still alive     so you say your last
goodbye   and leave the world behind   and pray,you never let them down   when you look up to the sky   the angel stop to cry   for you were singing it out.     so you say your last
goodbye   and leave the world behind   and pray,you never let them down   when you look up to the sky   the angel start to cry   for you were singing it out.    
  最晚致谢.  辛苦辛苦了.
  wait till you hear from me的歌词如下:  Intro  This song is about Maria  A close friend of mine  Who lost herself in drugs  She told me to wait for her  But guess what...  She never came back  And I'm still waiting  She told me    Chorus  Wait 'til you hear from me  Monday, Tuesday it won't be  Wednesday, Thursday we will see  If only you can wait baby    Wait 'til you hear from me  Friday use your fantasy  Saturday you got over me  If only you can wait baby    Verse 1  She was called Maria and she really was a friend  I remember when we were walking hand in hand  She was telling me that she understands  All the world and every thrill by taking little     pills  So she was trying everything and more  Alcohol and speed, coke and weed and tried to score  Tragedy: she didn't feel much better than before  So she got away here quick to find a better kick    Bridge  Never let it, wanna find her  Can't forget it to remind her  She's my sister, wanna tell her  How I miss her, she told me    Chorus    B-chorus  Wait, don't call you've got to  Wait 'til you hear from me  Wait, that's all you've got to  Wait...    Verse 2  When she arrived in the city of the stars  Blinded by the lights, a burning in the heart  She believed to play what she called her part  A member of society to satisfy her dreams  No one paid attention on her skills  So she found crack is another way to fill  The emptiness inside right now she got her thrill  Guess, who gave his life away? She did it every day    Bridge    Chorus    Narration part:  Why did she throw her life away?  Why did she say don't call just wait?    
  C-part:  If you wanna go to the city of stars  Can you help me to find my girl Maria  She once was an actress and a beauty queen  Then the drugs took over and made her mean  I tried to stand by her side make her feel alright  But she wished to get over to the other side  And since I can't really get her out of my mind  I'm asking you, won't you help me to find  She told me      偶是个懒人 就不翻译了
  MARK低以后慢慢睇  LZ是有心人
  进来膜拜LZ先。。    要不是看到后面。。俺还以为LZ是MM。。    啊啊幸好没MUA。。- -
  再做记号 kan kan
  作者:有怪兽打怪兽 回复日期: 16:05:59 
    进来膜拜LZ先。。        要不是看到后面。。俺还以为LZ是MM。。        啊啊幸好没MUA。。- -  --------------------------------------------------  &__&
have downloaded many of them   so melodious  thanks
  哈 第一首原来我听过  中文的 雪花飘
  mark 赞楼主~
  哎呀,距离上次跟此贴都过去三个多月了~~  继续把歌下完,谢谢楼主GG了(说不定比我还小,哈)  期待楼主开新帖~
  收了十几首.. 欧美歌坛好大啊..
  支持原创歌手阿华《我最爱的人》推荐给大家,也不错哦,视听地址:.cn/mp3/%E6%88%91%E6%9C%80%E7%88%B1%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%BA.mp3  我最爱的人  词曲:潘广益
演唱:阿华  我以为我可以不再想你  给自己一个崭新的天地  到现在还经常把你想起  为什么你有这样的魔力    在爱与不爱的边缘  时常出现你的幻影  当痛过以后我才发现  我最爱的人还是你    你是我最深爱的人  但偏偏命运要弄人  每次梦中醒来  我的心都会痛  想知道你是否还一个人    你是我最深爱的人  但为何偏偏要离分  我是真的爱你  我是真的想你  希望可以再见你一面  我最爱的人    
  should it matter好听,前段时间在百度上还能找到,现在都找不到MP3的下载地址了.


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