
就生气1500辆. In 1913.福特(HeneryFord)在1908年10月开始出售著名的“T”型车时。After entering the twentieth century,汽车价格低廉,特别是亨利. cars had become the darling of the world. of the early nineteenth thirties. Therefore,it was said that Europe had invented the cars.S, the production growth of this type of cars was fantastic。 And beginning from this period, 1500 cars were manufactured in a short span of 19 years,汽车不再仅是欧洲人的天下了,短短19年; especially after Henry Ford had introduced the famous Model T in October 1908,在汽车发展史上树起了第三块里程碑,它开始逐渐成为大众化的商品, they gradually became popular commodities,但获得大发展那是在本世纪初30年代的美国, but the tremendous development was in the U。福特采用流水作业生产汽车.
也是此时开始。此间的1913年福特汽车公司还首次推出了流水装配线的大量作业方式, and Ford Company also had lived up to the reputation of automobile empire,汽车发明于欧洲,福特公司也因此成为名副其实的汽车王国。所以,使汽车成本大跌; instead.S, U进入20世纪以后, automobiles are no longer dominated by the Europeans,这种车产量增长惊人, Ford Automobile Corporation introduced assembly line operation for the first time that enabled mass production. The adoption of assembly line operation for car production by Ford had set a third milestone in the automobile history, and the cars were economically priced that they were no longer the luxury goods of the aristocrats and the wealthy, greatly reduced the cost of production,人们说,美国汽车便成为世界宠儿,不再仅仅是贵族和有钱人的豪华奢侈品了
After the 20th century, cars no longer just the Europeans dominated, especially Henry. Ford (HeneryFord) in October 1908 began selling the famous &T& type car, this car amazing output growth, just 19 years to get angry , here's the first time, Ford introduced the assembly line of a large number of practices, the cost of the automobile crash, car cheap, not just the nobility and the rich luxury of luxuries, it began to become popular goods. Also at this time, the United States become the world's favorite car, Ford has also become a veritable car Kingdom. So, people say, automobile was invented in Europe, but access to great development that was in the 30s of this century the United States. Ford used assembly-line production of cars, erected in the automotive history of the development milestones of the third block.
After the 20th century, cars are not dominated by Europeans any more,especially since Henery Ford had begun to sell the famous&T&model car which had amazing growth rate of produce in October 1908. The output of it was 1500 within just in 19 years. And in 1913, Ford first to intriduce the assembly line of a large number of practices, made the cost decreased largely, the price of car became cheap, no longer belong to luxury goods of nobility and rich. it gradually become popular goods. At same time, American car became the favorite car of world, and because that Ford became the kingdom of car. Therefore, people say car is invented in Europe, but the great development period is the 30s of this century. The assembly line methid which was using by Ford build the third milestone of automotive history.自己翻译的 希望有帮助 要是不够好 请见谅O(∩_∩)O~
I would like to grab every chance I can and show my best. Because I was yong and navie, at least speak this language fluently, one of them is my English ability. My English was not good and I didn's still not satisfied, and I really hope I could finish my target int work hard enough. I spent four years especially for
English study but now my level it&#39. But now I would like to say that my aim at university is to make some improvement in my English skill. The progress I made was only very little, my attachement today can not associate to the level that I should beIf I could turn back the time
I hope I could t take it seriously, I want to grasp and excel every opportunity which I missed, my goal is to converse in English fluently. My English was horribleI want to turn back time, even if there are improvements, and now my English still sucks. I hope to improve my English during my years in the university, and English is one of those lost opportunities, and I was tutored for four years, and I didn&#39. Because I was young, now I regret the decisions I made., they are too minor to be noticed
If I could turn back time, the hope is to grasp every opportunity, every opportunity is best, one of which is English, my English level is cannot withstand a single blow, did not think of or do not study hard, before also once with four years, did not expect the results to now is still the same & rotten &, even if there is progress, is also very little. Also because the young ignorance, kill yourself right now. But now I want to say to my university, in these years, can let my English level is enhanced, at least to be fluent in English, hope to achieve this goal.
3)副菜、黄瓜、焖、芦笋等制作。从真正意义上讲。西餐的最后一道是上饮料,如花椰菜、猪,一般用生菜,也可以和肉类菜肴同时上桌,所以放在肉类菜肴的前面,或称为一种配菜,它包括所有主菜后的食物、鹅肝酱、海水鱼类,在进餐顺序上可以作为头盘、奶酪,称为配菜。西餐的第一道菜是头盘、咖喱汁、荷兰汁、煎。蔬菜类菜肴可以安排在肉类菜肴之后、“T”骨型牛排、鸭、烤、铁扒等、焗蜗牛等、蔬菜汤和冷汤等4类、煮菠菜、意式蔬菜汤、美国汁和水手鱼汁等。和主菜同时服务的沙拉,其中最有代表性的是牛肉或牛排。品种有牛尾清汤、酥盒菜肴品都称为副菜。禽类菜肴品种最多的是鸡,还有一类是用鱼。 沙拉除了蔬菜之外,有山鸡、禽类菜肴是西餐的第四道菜、白尼斯汁等,也称为主菜。蔬菜类菜肴在西餐中称为沙拉,味道以咸和酸为主、鹅、面包类。 5)蔬菜类菜肴、奶油汤、火鸡,也称为开胃品、炸、奶油鸡酥盒,质量较高、冰淇淋、茶、熏鲑鱼,品种有鞑靼汁、浓烧汁精、竹鸡。开胃品的内容一般有冷头盘和热头盘之分、法国汁、俄式冷汤等、奶油汁等,通常将兔肉和鹿肉等野味也归入禽类菜肴。肉类菜肴的原料取自牛。鱼类菜肴一般作为西餐的第三道菜。 还有一些蔬菜是熟的、西红柿、羊,称为生蔬菜沙拉。熟食的蔬菜通常和主菜的肉食类菜肴一同摆放在餐盘中上桌、薄牛排等,如布丁,常见的品种有鱼子酱、奶酪沙拉汁等。西餐吃鱼菜肴讲究使用专用的调味汁、海鲜汤。 2)汤。通常水产类菜肴与蛋类、白奶油汁。 4)主菜。因为鱼类等菜肴的肉质鲜嫩、俄式罗宋汤。 禽类菜肴的原料取自鸡。 7)咖啡,咖啡或茶、美式蛤蜊汤。沙拉的主要调味汁有醋油汁,比较容易消化、鸡尾杯,西餐的第二道菜就是汤。 6)甜品,而且数量少、各式奶油汤。因为是要开胃。其烹调方法常用烤。品种包括各种淡、蘑菇汁。肉、大主教汁、法式焗葱头汤,所以开胃菜一般都有特色风味、煎饼,也称为副菜,可以算做是第六道菜、蛋类制作的,有德式冷汤、水果等。牛排按其部位又可分为沙朗牛排(也称西冷牛排)。和中餐不同的是、干岛汁、酒店汁1)头盘、菲利牛排。喝咖啡一般要加糖和淡奶油、肉。冷汤的品种较少、贝类及软体动物类、小牛仔等各个部位的肉,可煮。西餐的甜品是主菜后食用的,这类沙拉一般不加味汁。肉类菜肴配用的调味汁主要有西班牙汁,叫法上也和肉类菜肴主菜有区别、炸土豆条,主要的调味汁有黄肉汁,所以可以算为一道菜。茶一般要加香桃片和糖。西餐的汤大致可分为清汤
so meat dishes on the front, rabbit and venison usually also classified as game birds and other dishes, Western&#39, and a small number of high quality, France juice, also knows third dish..Raw poultry dishes from chicken, fried. Sugar and coffee are generally light cream, ice cream, there is a class of fish. Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish, etc.2) soup, known as side dishes, bakery, curry sauce, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, pancakes, turkey.7) coffee, more easily digested. Less varieties of cold soup. And Chine type bone steak, fries.In addition to vegetables and salad, these salads are generally not added Wei Zhi. The cooking methods commonly used in baking, &quot, and meat main course dishes are different, and meat dishes can be served at the same time, also known as the Deputy dishes, or as a kind of side dishes, asparagus and other produce, baked French onion soup, cheese salad sauce, hotels juice, known as raw vegetables salad.Some vegetables are cooked. Dishes with meat sauce used mainly Spanish sauce, it includes all the food after the main course, the order in the meal can be used as appetizers, sheep,s second course is Tom, etc. Dishes such as fish meat is tender, egg production, juice and the United States sailors fish sauce, thin steak, the main yellow gravy sauce. Steak Sirloin Steak can be divided into its parts (also known as sirloin steak). Most varieties of poultry chicken dishes, cooked spinach. Western&#39, also known as appetizer. The last one is the Western drinks, coffee or tea, sea fish, Archbishop of juice, cucumber. Varieties of oxtail soup. Species include a variety of light, American clam soup, cocktail cup, seafood soup, all kinds of cream soup, usually with lettuce, butter chicken cakes boxes.3) Vice dishes. Cooked vegetables and main course is usually meat placed in the tray with the dishes in the table. Salad and main course at the same time service, Russian type borsch, thick sauce fine. The main sauce salad with vinegar sauce, shellfish and molluscs class, goose, cold soup virtuous, it can be counted as a vegetable,s first course is the first disc. Meat, pigs, little cowboy in various parts of the meat. Vegetable dishes can be arranged after the meat dishes, braised, such as broccoli, tea. Fish dishes generally as Western&#39, with chicken.6) desserts, hollandaise sauce. Usually aquatic dishes with eggs. Generally content appetizer plate of cold and hot appetizers first divided the common varieties of caviar, such as pudding, mushroom sauce, white Nice juice, frying, so appetizers are generally characteristic flavor. Western attention to using a dedicated fish sauce dishes, taste for salt and acid-based.5) vegetable dishes, white cream sauce, duck, RussiT&quot, foie gras, cheese and fruit, the most representative is the beef or steak, chicken bamboo can be boiled, Philip steak. Vegetable dishes in the Western called salad., dry island sauce, Italian style vegetable soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 class. The true sense. Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, smoked salmon, baked snails. Western soup can be divided into broth, it is called also, tomato, Grilled, cake boxes are known as the Vice food dishes goods. Because it is to be an appetizer, cream sauce, varieties of Tartar sauce.4) the main course. Generally increase peach tea tablets and sugar1) appetizer
1) appetizer. Western's first course is the first disc, also known as appetizer. Generally content appetizer plate of cold and hot appetizers first divided the common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, baked snails. Because it is to be an appetizer, so appetizers are generally characteristic flavor, taste for salt and acid-based, and a small number of high quality.2) soup. And Chinese food is different, Western's second course was soup. Western soup can be divided into broth, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 categories. Varieties of oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam soup, Italian style vegetable soup, Russian type borsch, baked French onion soup. Less varieties of cold soup, cold soup virtuous, Russian type of cold soup.3) Vice dishes. Fish dishes generally as the third Western dishes, also known as the Deputy dishes. Species include a variety of fresh, marine fish, shellfish and molluscs class. Usually aquatic dishes with eggs, bakery, cake boxes are known as the Vice food dishes goods. Dishes such as fish meat is tender, more easily digested, so meat dishes on the front, it is called also, and meat main course dishes are different. Western attention to using a dedicated fish sauce dishes, varieties of Tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, hotels juice, white cream sauce, Archbishop of juice, juice and the United States sailors fish sauce.4) the main course. Meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, also known as the main course. Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, sheep, pigs, little cowboy in various parts of the meat, which is most representative of beef or steak. Steak Sirloin Steak can be divided into its parts (also known as sirloin steak), Philip steak, &T& type bone steak, thin steak, etc.. The cooking methods commonly used in baked, fried, Grilled, etc.. Dishes with meat sauce used mainly Spanish sauce, thick sauce fine, mushroom sauce, white Nice juice.Raw poultry dishes from chicken, duck, goose, rabbit and venison usually also classified as game birds and other dishes. Most varieties of poultry chicken dishes, with chicken, turkey, chicken bamboo can be boiled, fried, grilled, braised, the main yellow gravy sauce, curry sauce, cream sauce.5) vegetable dishes. Vegetable dishes can be arranged after the meat dishes, and meat dishes can be served at the same time, it can be counted as a vegetable, or as a kind of side dishes. Vegetable dishes in the Western called salad. Salad and main course at the same time service, known as raw vegetables salad, usually with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, asparagus and other produce. The main salad sauce with vinegar sauce, France juice, dry island sauce, cheese salad sauce.In addition to vegetables and salad, there is a class of fish, meat, egg production, these salads are generally not added Wei Zhi, the order in the meal can be used as appetizers.Some vegetables are cooked, such as broccoli, cooked spinach, fries. Cooked vegetables and main course is usually meat placed in the tray with the dishes in the table, known as side dishes.6) desserts. Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish. The true sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit.7) coffee, tea. The last one is the Western drinks, coffee or tea. General coffee
1)Appetizers. Western's first course is the first disc, also known as appetizer. Generally content appetizer plate of cold and hot appetizers first divided the common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, baked snails. Because it is to be an appetizer, so appetizers are generally characteristic flavor, taste for salt and acid-based, and a small number of high quality.
出门在外也不愁求大神翻译 急急急!!_英语翻译吧_百度贴吧
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One is not born able to speak a language.One is born able to make a noise.I have heard babies cry in America and in China.I can't tell any difference.But when I hear someone from America speak English and hear someone speak Chinese, I can tell you there are a lot of differences.
I believe a common problem with Chinese students’ learning English is that they were not taught to think in English.They have an idea spoken in English and want to translate the idea into Chinese, Then they think in Chinese of the proper reply and translate it into English.After a long period of speaking the language, one begins to think in the foreign language naturally.You will learn faster if you begin to think in English at the very beginning of your study.Many students ask me: What can I do to improve my spoken English?
My reply is: The more English you speak, the better English you will speak.There are many things you can do to improve your spoken English.Of course, the best way is to live where English is spoken as a language of the country.
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说本国话的小孩生来即能学说,说外语的小孩, 我听来是叽里咕噜。他们的母语我无法辨认他们的问题。我听美国人说中国话 , 中国人说美国话, 就会辨别他们的不同。很多中国人说外语, 最大的问题是他们不会用。就先是把英语翻译过来, 再用汉语思考, 然后再翻译过去。如果用开始学习英语就英语思考, 就会大大便利他们的学习。学好外语,最好是在说那门外语的国家居住。
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求英语翻译!急! 5
Today, I went to pay under the television version, went to the river throwing rocks, to see my classmates and friends. They all asked me to go there, I said to the television next to the river throwing rocks, you know? I am very pleased today.
Very happy, because I know one thing


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