
联合管理委员会的决定由签约双方的具有投票权的现任代表取得一致意见并签字后生效,各签约双方都必须遵守.Decisions of the Joint Management Committee shall take effect upon the consensus and signatures of incumbent representatives from both signing parties with voting rights, and shall be abided by both signing parties. 注:我认为这里的“决定”是框架协议范畴的泛指,因此使用 "decisions" 较合适.原文只提到双方签字生效,并无任何签订合同行为,因此只写 "signatures" 即可.take effect upon/on - 在...的条件下生效consensus - 一致意见signing party - 签约方 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问.若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢.
The decision of the JMC( Joint Management Committee) will be valid after being reached the same agreement and signed by both representives of
contracting parties who have voting rights,
both contracting parties must comply with this decision. 原创,希望帮到你
The joint management committee are decided by the signing of a voting incumbent representative agreed and after the date of signing the contract, both parties must abide by.
联合管理委员会的决定由签约双方的具有投票权的现任代表取得一致意见并签字后生效,各签约双方都必须遵守。The decision of the Joint Management Committee that it will take effect once the present representitives with voting rights of both parties had c...
The decision, made by the Joint Management Committee, will take effect when present representatives of both parties who have the right to vote archieve their agreement and affix their signature, and both parties have the obligation to
follow it.
The decision of the Joint Management Committee will take effect against the consensus and signatures of both contracting parties' present representatives who have the right to vote and both contracting parties must abide by the decision.
The decisions of joint administration committee will take into effect and be strictly observed by both parties only when the present delegates from both parties that have voting rights become unanimous with them and sign.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】
The resolution (或decision) made by the Joint Management Committee will enter into force once agreed and signed by votable incumbent representatives of both parties, and shall be binding on and abide by both parties.
The decision of the Joint Management Committee(JMC), signed with consent by the present representatives of both parties who have rights to vote, shall take effect and be abided by.一针见血,一目了然。由国名的每个字母想到的一句话例:Italy 转化为:I trust and love you.(我相信你并且爱你).(1) l.i.b.y.a 利比亚(2)f.r.a.n.c.e 法兰西(3)h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰(4)b.u.r.m.a 缅甸请将这些国名转译并翻译成汉语_百度作业帮
由国名的每个字母想到的一句话例:Italy 转化为:I trust and love you.(我相信你并且爱你).(1) l.i.b.y.a 利比亚(2)f.r.a.n.c.e 法兰西(3)h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰(4)b.u.r.m.a 缅甸请将这些国名转译并翻译成汉语
由国名的每个字母想到的一句话例:Italy 转化为:I trust and love you.(我相信你并且爱你).(1) l.i.b.y.a 利比亚(2)f.r.a.n.c.e 法兰西(3)h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰(4)b.u.r.m.a 缅甸请将这些国名转译并翻译成汉语
Libya(利比亚 ) love is beautiful,you also France(法国)Friendships remain and never can end友谊永固 Holland(荷兰)Hope our love lasts and never dies.希望我们的爱永恒不变。 Burma(缅甸)Between us,remember me always一千字汉语翻译成英文.高分.急.谢谢.《从实用语用学角度分析《阿甘正传》幽默对白》摘要:人物对白是电影艺术中重要的组成部分,具有丰富表现力.《阿甘正传》成功的在语用学层面显示_百度作业帮
模糊语言 合作原则 人物对白 幽默效果正文:《阿甘正传》公映以来,风靡全球,该片寓意深刻,内涵博大,具有丰富的审美价值.正如经典台词,一盒千克力,不同的人能吃出不同味道.人们能从不同角度给出多样的解读.本文从语用学角度,通过对影片中模糊语言的使用分析,探讨片中人物如何违反合作原则,达到幽默效果.1、模糊语言及合作原则.1.1模糊语言模糊语言是指外延不确定、内涵无定指的特性语言.模糊语言具有概括性和灵活性.可以起到含蓄委婉、加强语气、缓和语气的作用.1.2合作原则美国语言哲学家格莱斯认为,在所有言语交际活动中,为了达到特定目标,说话人和听话人之间存在一种双方都应遵守的规则——合作原则.cooperative principle、简称cp.具体来说要求每一个交谈参与者在整个交谈过程中所说的话符合这一次交谈目标或方向.合作原则包含:质量原则,关系原则等等.2、模糊语言及合作原则在《阿甘正传》对白分析中的运用.影片中主人公阿甘是一个智商只有75的弱智者.影片对白巧妙运用模糊语言,违反合作原则,从不同侧面展示了影片幽默的智慧.2.1违反质量准则产生的幽默.教官为竖立威信,问每个人问题,当问到阿甘,“你在军队里唯一要做的是什么?”的时候,阿甘回答"听从您的指示,长官".这让教官非常开心.“阿甘,你是天才,这是最杰出的答案,你的智商一定是160”.在言语交际中,见面称赞为了自然得体基本使用模糊语言.这段对白中,教官没有使用模糊语言而是精确语言,这样他对阿甘的评价就违背质量准则,因为影片一开始观众就知道阿甘智商是75.教官因为听到了想要的答案,在缺乏证据甚至违背现实的情况下,故意渲染提高阿甘的智商,并且给出具体数值,与现实形成强烈反差,从而让观众觉得讽刺,嘲笑教官的无知.2.2阿甘凭借奔跑天赋入选全美明星队,得到总统接见.阿甘连喝了15瓶汽水,当总到问阿甘“恭喜你,入选明星队感觉如何?”.阿甘却答非所问“我想去撒尿.”阿甘的回答让总统十分尴尬.让观众忍俊不禁.这幽默源于阿甘不着边际、不和逻辑的回答.从语用学角度看,总统问话在于询问阿甘成为明星队员的感受,然而阿甘并没有推断出此意图.由于低智商,使他没有抓住重点,而是找到与此问话关系最大的信息,回答,“想去撒尿”.违反了关系原则,引起了幽默.结语人物对白是电影塑造人物形象的重要手段之一,电影源于生活又高于生活,因此成功的对白设计必然与日常生活中语言有关,有存在违反合作原则的情况.如果对话都严格遵守合作原则,使用直白的精确语言,那么效果单调乏味.失去吸引力.没有幽默感.因此,将语用学的模糊语言及合作原则运用到电影对白的分析中,能帮助我们更多了解电影艺术魅力.另一方面也拓宽了语用学理论的研究领域.
《从实用语用学角度分析《阿甘正传》幽默对白》An analysis of the humorous dialogue of (the film) Forrest Gump from a practical pragmatic angle
摘要:人物对白是电影艺术中重要的组成部分,具有丰富表现力.《阿甘正传》成功的在语用学层面显示出了语言设计的专业性与准确性..Abstract: Character dialogue forms the important part of film arts, with rich expressive force. The success of ‘Forrest Gump’ has much to do with the pragmatic aspects, which show the professional language design and its accuracy.
模糊语言 合作原则 人物对白 幽默效果Key words: c C humorous effects .正文:《阿甘正传》公映以来,风靡全球,该片寓意深刻,内涵博大,具有丰富的审美价值.正如经典台词,一盒千克力,不同的人能吃出不同味道.人们能从不同角度给出多样的解读.本文从语用学角度,通过对影片中模糊语言的使用分析,探讨片中人物如何违反合作原则,达到幽默效果.Text: Since the showing of ‘Forrest Gump’, it has swept around the world. The
Implication of the film is profound and its connotation is great, which has a rich aesthetic value.
Just like the classic lines or a box of chocolate, different people will get a different taste. People from different perspectives will translate into different meanings. This paper from the pragmatic perspective, through the use of the film’s vague language analysis to explore how the characters of the film’s violation of the cooperative principle to achieve humorous effects.
1、模糊语言及合作原则.1、Vague language and cooperative principle 1.1模糊语言模糊语言是指外延不确定、内涵无定指的特性语言.模糊语言具有概括性和灵活性.可以起到含蓄委婉、加强语气、缓和语气的作用.1.1 Vague languageVague language refers to epitaxial unsure, the connotation is not specified language characteristic. Vague language also has the generality and flexibility. It can have a graceful, euphemistic, emphatic tone and moderate tone effects 1.2合作原则美国语言哲学家格莱斯认为,在所有言语交际活动中,为了达到特定目标,说话人和听话人之间存在一种双方都应遵守的规则——合作原则.cooperative principle、简称cp.具体来说要求每一个交谈参与者在整个交谈过程中所说的话符合这一次交谈目标或方向.合作原则包含:质量原则,关系原则等等.1.2 The cooperative principleAmerican linguistic philosopher Grice thinks that in order to achieve specific objectives, during all speech communication activities, between the speakers and listeners, which exist a kind of rule comply by both parties
— the cooperation principle (CP) . Specifically, it
requires every conversation participant in the entire process of conversation, their words in line with the conversation target or direction of this one time. The cooperative principle includes: the quality principle, the relation principle and so on.
2、模糊语言及合作原则在《阿甘正传》对白分析中的运用.影片中主人公阿甘是一个智商只有75的弱智者.影片对白巧妙运用模糊语言,违反合作原则,从不同侧面展示了影片幽默的智慧.2. The dialogue analysis application of vague language and cooperation principle in ‘Forrest Gump’.The film’s main character ‘Forrest Gump’ who is
mentally disabled with an IQ of only 75. The film dialogue’s clever apply of vague language, violation of the cooperative principle, from different sides showing the film’s wisdom of humour. 2.1违反质量准则产生的幽默.教官为竖立威信,问每个人问题,当问到阿甘,“你在军队里唯一要做的是什么?”的时候,阿甘回答"听从您的指示,长官".这让教官非常开心.“阿甘,你是天才,这是最杰出的答案,你的智商一定是160”.在言语交际中,见面称赞为了自然得体基本使用模糊语言.这段对白中,教官没有使用模糊语言而是精确语言,这样他对阿甘的评价就违背质量准则,因为影片一开始观众就知道阿甘智商是75.教官因为听到了想要的答案,在缺乏证据甚至违背现实的情况下,故意渲染提高阿甘的智商,并且给出具体数值,与现实形成强烈反差,从而让观众觉得讽刺,嘲笑教官的无知.2.1 Humour produced from the violation of quality criteria.In order to erect prestige, The instructor sergeant asks each person a question, when Forrest Gump was asked, "What is the only thing that you have to do in the army?"
Forrest Gump replied: "Listen to your instructions, sir". This made the instructor sergeant rather happy. "Forrest Gump, you are a genius, this is the most outstanding answer, your IQ must be 160".During the speech communication, in order to meet the basic natural appropriate, praise would use the vague language. In the above dialogue, the instructor sergeant did not use vague language but accurate language, so his evaluation on Forrest Gump was against the quality criteria, because in the beginning of the film, the audience already knew that Forrest Gump’s IQ is 75 and the instructor sergeant heard the answer, which he wanted to hear, in the absence of evidence even against the reality, intentionally over-stated Forrest Gump's IQ, and gave a concrete numerical value, which formed a sharp contrast with reality, so as to let the audience mocked the instructor sergeant and laughed at his ignorance.
2.2阿甘凭借奔跑天赋入选全美明星队,得到总统接见.阿甘连喝了15瓶汽水,当总到问阿甘“恭喜你,入选明星队感觉如何?”.阿甘却答非所问“我想去撒尿.”阿甘的回答让总统十分尴尬.让观众忍俊不禁.这幽默源于阿甘不着边际、不和逻辑的回答.从语用学角度看,总统问话在于询问阿甘成为明星队员的感受,然而阿甘并没有推断出此意图.由于低智商,使他没有抓住重点,而是找到与此问话关系最大的信息,回答,“想去撒尿”.违反了关系原则,引起了幽默. 2.2 Forrest Gump entered the United States star team because of his running talent, got the chance to meet the President meet. Forrest Gump drank a total of 15 bottles of soda, when the President asked Forrest Gump: "Congratulations, How do you feel being chosen into the star team?" . But Forrest Gump gave an irrelevant answer: "I want to go to the bathroom."Forrest Gump’s answer made the President rather embarrassed. The audience laughed uncontrollably. This humour came from Forrest Gump’s wide off the mark and illogical answer. From the pragmatic perspective, the question, which the President asked was about how Forrest Gump felt becoming a star team member, but because of Forrest Gump did not deduce that intention, due to his low IQ, so that he didn't catch the key point, instead he found an answer with this question relationship's largest information and replied, "want to go to the bathroom". Violated the the principle of relationship, which caused the humor.
结语人物对白是电影塑造人物形象的重要手段之一,电影源于生活又高于生活,因此成功的对白设计必然与日常生活中语言有关,有存在违反合作原则的情况.如果对话都严格遵守合作原则,使用直白的精确语言,那么效果单调乏味.失去吸引力.没有幽默感.因此,将语用学的模糊语言及合作原则运用到电影对白的分析中,能帮助我们更多了解电影艺术魅力.另一方面也拓宽了语用学理论的研究领域.EpilogueCharacter dialogue is an important method of characterizing of images of the films, and the films come from life and higher than life. Therefore, a successful dialogue design must be related to the language used in everyday life, which contains the violation of the cooperative principle. If the dialogue strictly abides by the principle of cooperation, using the precise and straightforward language, then the result will be dull, Losing its attraction, without the sense of humor. Thus, applying pragmatic’s vague language and cooperation principle to the movie dialogue analysis, it can help us understand more about the artistic charm of movies. On the other hand, also widened the field of pragmatic theory study. 很高兴能够帮到你,已替你精心精工翻译了过来,上口即知,与众不同,是全人手所为,希望会令你满意.
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哪位大神帮忙翻译下(把下面图片中的英语翻译成汉语) 谢谢
music:音乐My Documents:我的文档ndcommplatform:ndcomm平台Notifications:通知(单/书)PandaSpace:熊猫空间Picture,Pictures:图片PPTV:PPTV网络电视。参阅:/view/3114249.htmProduc...
这些都是文件夹的名字来的,有些都是汉语的拼音,试着翻译一下吧 Music-音乐
My documents-我的文件 Ndcommaplatform-91手机助手Pandaspace-熊猫空间 Picture-照片
Q9-这个不太清楚 也许是奥迪车,也...英语学习的过程中为什么把英文翻译成中文简单,但把同一句话用中文翻译成英文就很难了呢?大家有什么技巧性的方法解决这问题吗,谢谢了!_百度作业帮
楼下说的对, 主要是词汇量的问题,再就是你对语言的感觉,这是是慢慢培养出来的。拿英译汉来说,汉语是母语,只要理解英文的意思,你就能很好的组织语言。英语是第二语言,感觉要差一些,所以要做的就是提高对语言的感觉,除了词汇量,还有就是多听,多看。我觉得读书很有好处。 基本上所有的专业翻译人士,对目标语言的造诣更重要,很多英译汉的书,不同版本读起来感觉不同,他们翻的基本上都对,但是组织起来的时候就有问题。如果是汉语翻译英语,英语的水平不够,就会感觉很困难。英语基本上是所有语言里词汇量最大的一种语言。尤其是科学技术方面,很多都是起源于英语的。


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