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例句与用法1.Why ntt are the ud 50 sta 673574 rs on the fvg问:为甚麽有五十颗星在国旗2.Recently i bought 503i series . it is good最近我买了503i型号这是ntt的一个流动电话型号3.Ntt , the fixed - line provider , was worth just shy of $ 300bn - or about four times today ' s value固话供应商ntt当时的市价略低于3000亿美元,约为目前市价的4倍。 4.And this week the communications ministry indicated that it will make ntt open those fibre connections to rivals这个礼拜总务省指示说它将要求ntt向竞争对手开放那些光纤联接。 5.To transmit music , ntt of japan recently developed a high quality music encoding mode , called twin vq为了传送音乐,日本ntt公司近期开发了叫做twinvq的高品质音乐的编码方式。 6.In japan , it is estimated that ntt s docomo s third most popular web site types were those related to games在日本,据估计, ntt docomo的受欢迎程度名列第三的网站类型是与游戏有关的。 7.And this week the communications ministry indicated that it will make ntt open those fibre connections to rivals政府通讯部门本周表示会要求日本电话电报公司向其他运营商开放这些电缆门户。 8.In japan , politicians put pressure on the dominant operator , ntt , to connect people ' s homes by high - speed fibre lines在日本,政治家对占据优势地位的运营商, ntt ,施加压力,要他们用高速光纤线路将人们的家联接起来。 9.In japan , politicians put pressure on the dominant operator , ntt , to connect people ' s homes by high - speed fibre lines在日本,执政者向最大的运营商日本电话电报公司( ntt )施压,要求其给人们的寓所联上高速的光纤电缆。 10.The technology developed by ntt , japan ‘ s largest telecoms company , will make the downloading of movies and games from the internet easier据这位发言人声称,有了ntt公司的这项新技术,电影和游戏的网络下载将更加容易。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇maternity patient是什么意思_maternity patient在线翻译_maternity patient什么意思_maternity patient的意思_maternity patient的翻译_911查询
maternity patient是什么意思
maternity patient是什么意思 maternity patient在线翻译 maternity patient什么意思 maternity patient的意思 maternity patient的翻译 maternity patient的解释
maternity patientmaternity patient 网络解释1. 产妇& & maternity department 产科 | maternity patient 产妇 | maternity welfare center 母性福利中心maternity patient 网络例句1. We make consistent efforts to prevent each pregnant and maternity patient help each baby being healthy from the first moment of his/ and to help doctors and nurses with strenthening the occupational risk sconsciousness and enhancing the self-protection ability of them, through our us or our partners. & &我们希望我们的医疗科技通过我们或者我们的合作伙伴能给每一位孕产妇更多的人性化关爱;能够帮助每一个新生儿健康开始生命的第一刻;并且帮助广大的医护人员提高职业防护意识,以及更加高效、精确地提供医疗服务。2. After the episode in which the personal data of 16,000 patients, 160,000 banking clients and 44,000 citizens were divulged in Hong Kong, the same thing occurred to Shenzhen's maternity patient database in June 2008. It is estimated that personal data for more than 100,000 maternity patients are divulged every year and these data, which are recorded on disks, are sold in the market at the price of 0.3 Yuan per piece of information or 12,000 Yuan per disk. & &2008年6月继香港连续爆发1.6万名病人资料、16万银行客户资料、4.4万市民个人资料泄密事件后,深圳全市的孕产妇信息库也发生泄露,预计每年泄露的孕产妇个人信息达10万余例,而该类信息被刻录成光盘,按照每条信息0.3元一张光盘1.2万元的价格在市场上进行销售。maternity patient是什么意思,maternity patient在线翻译,maternity patient什么意思,maternity patient的意思,maternity patient的翻译,maternity patient的解释,maternity patient的发音,maternity patient的同义词,maternity patient的反义词,maternity patient的例句,maternity patient的相关词组,maternity patient意思是什么,maternity patient怎么翻译,单词maternity patient是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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It is estimated that some seven hundred million people, about half the world’s& adult population, are unable to read or write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level is so slight that it is hardly called literacy(有文化).Recently the attack on illiteracy had been stepped up. A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the United Nations Development Decade(十年计划),and an international conference of the subject has also been held. UNESCO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship, the ability of reading notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, price-lists to keep simple records and accounts, to select the importance of the information gathered, and to fill in the forms.The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. In Africa there are at least one hundred million illiterate people, which is eighty to eighty-five percent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty- most of them are in Sothern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand).UNESGO is eager for each country in the world, poor or rich, to wipe out illiteracy.【小题1】The author implies that this world plan is carried out in the major areas of illiteracy like Africa.2 O- Z' [* M$ S; G# \ realized in the years# H& K& A; e0 S6 e$ drawn up by Parisian experts) A' F' ?7 J& F% Y
h# discussed at an international conference% C) H. c4 `3 I【小题2】The world plan mentioned in the passage aims at____.A.asking African countries to take the lead in attacking illiteracy# F% E# e7 K6 F! b9 S# TB.strengthening the function of the UNESCO* f/ ^9 L. A7 \+ V2 _C.helping illiterate people learn functional reading and writing 4 V" ^6 c6 \8 a8 j% Q! responsible citizens$ E! L9 `9 Z& G- R$ E' H1 K【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following countries has the most illiterate people?A.England ; N% L! c$ A: OB.France1 c2 X2 _9 H8 a" HC.Sweden: ]+ j" j2 c- `D.Spain+ [9 M) O* D: P
M' Z2 X/ W0 R; P【小题4】Which of the statements is true?A.The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America.9 H! Y) g5 f3 \" F. e4 aB.In the USA there are at least one hundred million illiterate people,+ O+ c0 I; d* e' S6 GC.the United Kingdom has about seven hundred million illiterate people. J( G
`& ?4 ^, Y( C7 Y" [D.In Europe the figure is about twenty- most of them are in Northern Europe.$ j. D1 F: Y* a# X( S5 J
adj. 强壮的;强大的,强劲的;有力的;牢固的;坚强的;坚决的;浓的;激烈的adv. 强烈地
He had to be of very strong constitution to put up with such tiring mental labour.
He is strong enough to lift that rock.
It is estimated that tomorrow , the north will have strong cold air to affect Jiangsu.
There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate.
A strong chain linked him to the rock.
Many banks from Hong Kong have established a strong presence among businesses in the Mainland.
Jim has a strong will.
Being strong doesn't mean you can't cry, being strong means not giving up even when you are crying.
He is strong in mathematics.
Foreign affairs are his strong point.
On July 20,1944, the Army stood everywhere deep in foreign territory, nine million strong.
She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community.
It' s a little too strong, please add some water.
How do you like your tea, weak or strong?
你的茶要怎么样的? 要淡点还是浓点?
He has a strong prejudice against modern poetry.
Her impulse was strong against him, because he was not of her own sort.
1.having strength or power greater than average or expected
a strong radio signal
strong medicine
a strong man
2.having a strong physiological or chemical effect
a potent toxin
potent liquor
a potent cup of tea
a stiff drink
3.not faint or feeble
a strong odor of burning rubber
4.having or wielding force or authority
providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons to withstand attack
an impregnable fortress
fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
6.of good q solidly built
a solid foundation
several substantial timber buildings
7.of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
sing' is a strong verb
8.being distilled r having a high alcoholic content
hard liquor
9.freshly made or left
a warm trail
the scent is warm
10.strong and sure
a firm grasp
gave a strong pull on the rope
1.The Battle is to the strong
2.strong extremum
3.Strong reasons make strong actions
4.Strong will,belief, determination
5.A thin,strong,translucent paper.
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