welfare over welthturnover是什么意思思

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By Jasper Copping
But the growing trend for dog owners to clothe their pets has led to warnings from animal welfare experts who say it could be causing the animals to overheat.The RSPCA has compared the practice to leaving dogs in cars during hot weather and warned that if people consistently allow their dogs to get too hot when wearing clothing they could face prosecution.Owners and experts have also said that the growth of "canine couture" – dressing dogs in "fashionable" clothing – is demeaning to the animals and could even encourage bad behaviour.Dog clothing has become a big business in recent years. Among the products now available are all-in-one trouser suits, which only leave the head and paws exposed, "jumpers", which cover the body and the front legs, and even "hoodies". Fancy dress designs, such as Elvis Presley-style jumpsuits and pirate costumes, are also available.Designers, including Vivienne Westwood and Ben de Lisi, have also created dog accessories and clothing, while Harrods holds an annual fashion show for canine clothing, called Pet-a-Porter.
But experts say that, barring a few exceptions – such as very small dogs with short hair, thin breeds like greyhounds, or those bred for much warmer climates, like the Saluki – any form of clothing is unnecessary and impedes a dog's ability to regulate its own temperature.Mark Johnston, from the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, said: "There are very few occasions when an animal needs a coat, even in the recent cold weather."Dogs have developed a very effective coat of their own, which will protect them from the elements. It is adjustable so they can raise the fur to control their temperature. Dressing them in a coat diminishes the animal's ability to regulate their own body temperature and could be detrimental if the animal gets too hot."Too high a temperature is more of a risk to the dog's health than too low a temperature. Clothing could also rub and cause sores and if the animal is wearing it for a long time, it could cause skin conditions. Fashion-wise, coats are pointless for dogs."Helen Briggs, a spokeswoman from the RSPCA, added: "Under the Animal Welfare Act, you are obliged to provide appropriate conditions and environments for your dog. So if you are slapping a great big coat on it when it really doesn't need it, then that could cause it to suffer if it is overheating. It is the same as if you leave a dog in a car in hot weather."Some breeds have been bred to have less fur, so in some cases it is quite appropriate for a dog to wear a coat in very cold weather. But if an owner is just doing it for a fashion statement or because they think it is cool, I would question that. If people are worried that their dog might be cold, it is worth getting some advice from their vet to see if it is appropriate or not."Beverley Cuddy, editor of Dogs Today, said: "People fall in love with these items of clothing when they see them in the pet shop and don't think about why their dog is going to wear it.""It seems to bring the little girl out in owners. They are often the people who used to like dressing up dolls. Some dogs do enjoy the attention but there are others that look really embarrassed. The outfits can be ridiculous. The dog definitely knows if you are laughing at it and I don't think it is terribly pleasant."It demeans the dog. There is a nobility to being someone's best friend and if you are being used to accessorise and draw attention to the owner then it is not fair. "Cat Henstridge, a vet from the social networking website PetStreet, said: "Fundamentally, dogs don't need to wear coats. That's what their fur is for. There is a growing tendency for people to spoil their pets and treat them as children and be quite indulgent, and a large wardrobe is often a sign of this."Dogs who are not treated as dogs are often badly behaved and difficult, due to the lack of training and boundaries, which can make them, ironically, unpleasant pets."
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Breaking news
Over 100 million US residents on welfare
Government handouts are designed to help the needy across America, but how many US residents actually reap those benefits? According to a presentation to be delivered in Washington this week, it might be way more than you thought.
Republican Party representatives sitting on the Senate Budget Committee plan to present Congress with their latest findings on welfare programs in the United States this week, and their research reveals that the number of US residents receiving federal assistance isn’t only on the up but now is at its highest ever in the history of the country. According to an excerpt from the committee’s new presentation, nearly one-in-three US residents receive government assistance — and that’s not even including those benefitting from Social Security or Medicare. Over 100 million people in the United States are now receiving some form of federal welfare, GOP reps claim, a figure they’ve found after combing through statistics collected from the US Census’s Survey of Income and Program Participation. Paired with recent figures out of the Census Bureau, that brings the percentage of people residing in the States receiving some form or another of federal welfare at nearly one-in-three, given that the country’s population is estimated to be around 314 million, according to the department’s most recent statistics.The committee’s findings actually put the figure of US residents on welfare close to around 107 million, which appears substantial when compared to statistics from only a few years ago. During the first quarter of 2009 when Barack Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States, roughly 97 million US residents were on the receiving end of federal programs.And although the committee’s research does not take into account Social Security and Medicare, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps, more than makes up for that exclusion: the study finds that the number of American receiving SNAP benefits have doubled in barely a decade."Among the major means tested welfare programs, since 2000 Medicaid has increased from 34 million people to 54 million in 2011 and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from 17 million to 45 million in 2011," the Senate Budget Committee reports. Researchers add that the expect spending on food stamps to reach $800 billion during the next ten years.
rt news english appsoverridden
越控( override的过去分词 );
1. The chairman's veto was overridden by the committee.
2. Property'{ 0 }'is not declarable, and cannot be overridden.
属性 “ {0}”是不可声明的, 不能被重写.
3. Select a temp dir ( overridden by TMP env variable )
选择一个临时目录 ( 将被tmp环境变量覆盖 )
4. When overridden in a derived class, gets the input block size.
当在派生类中重写时, 获取输入块的大小.
5. Also, metadata can only be overridden once per type.
此外, 每种类型只可以重写一次元数据.
The verb is pronounced /???v?'ra?d/. The noun is pronounced /'??v?ra?d/. 动词读作 /???v?'ra?d/。名词读作 /'??v?ra?d/。
凌驾于;优先于;比…更重要 If one thing in a situation overrides other things, it is more important than them.&
【语法信息】:V n
The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents...
Their work is frequently an obsession that overrides all other considerations.
(以更大的权力)撤销,推翻,否决 If someone in authority overrides a person or their decisions, they cancel their decisions.&
【语法信息】:V n
The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto...
I'm applying in advance for the authority to override him...
Big companies think they can sometimes override local opinion.
(对决定等的)撤销,推翻,否决 An override is an attempt to cancel someone's decisions by using your authority over them or by gaining more votes than them in an election or contest.&
【语域标签】:AM 美
The bill now goes to the House where an override vote is expected to fail...
An override of the veto appears unlikely.
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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