
我的学校英语作文带翻译 10
My schoolGreen grass shade, green trees and heaven, HuaGongYeLu, this is my school, a full of green heaven and earth. We are in this beautiful world study, life and happiness through each day.Wandering in the campus road, lush wutong covered 29generations blue sky, sunshine filar silk Lou low through greenery, pin-points of the ground, when the wind blows obsolete, that gently pin-points of sunlight on the ground jumped around midnight, like ShanShuo stars. In Chinese parasol feet just be rained the leaves to appear more spirit. All unbend them slender waist, seem to competitively will I admire them after a charm. Look, that slice of broad leaves with a drop of rain, in the boundless YeHai in DaZhuanZhuan back and forth. Yi, flower pond central long time have a couple of sprouting up roses? Stayed up to look, huadu open good, to give us a good learning atmosphere, you periodical boil rain turbulence in the front, · · · · ·"Beijing has good fire-eaters those big feast, guests in... · · ·" classroom already heard our DouShuSheng, along with the clear wind blowing through the tree's voice, made a curved beautiful songs. Along with the bell rang, the campus also become hilarious, laughter, the conversation, shouts, quiet moment qi faren campus become buzz, in a tense after learning, enjoy the happiness of ten minutes.West Yang of school, it is extremely intoxicating show the unknown and full of mysterious side. The school has become the golden rays of the sun to the last minute stay in a corner of the housetop, classroom side, next to the playground. I appreciate this side, new findings will drive away all the troubles, it, having infinite magic.Has the moon night, the stars twinkling, silent school asleep, only the talking cricket sings in the bushes, welcome the rise of sun.
我的学校&&& 绿草茵茵,绿树苍天,花红叶绿,这就是我的学校,一个充满绿意的天地。我们在这绚丽的世界里学习、生活、快乐地度过每一天。&&& 漫步在校园的路上,茂盛的梧桐遮住了堪蓝的天空,阳光丝丝娄娄的穿过绿叶,星星点点的落在地上,当风儿轻轻地拂过时,那星星点点的阳光在地上蹦来跳去,多像深夜闪硕的群星。在梧桐的脚下刚被雨水冲洗过的叶子显得更精神了。个个伸直它们修长的腰,好似要争先恐后地要我欣赏它们的雨后风姿。看,那片宽大的叶子上有一滴雨水,在无际的叶海中来回打转转。咦,花潭中央好久有了一对含苞欲放的玫瑰?仰首眺望,花都开好了,为了给我们一个良好的学习气氛,你们顶风熬雨颠簸在前方······&&& “京中有善口技者,会宾客大宴,于······”课堂上已传来了我们朗朗的读书声,伴随着风吹过树的声音,唱响了一曲动听的歌谣。随着铃声的响起,校园里也变得热闹起来,笑声、谈话声、喊叫声一时齐发,使宁静的校园变得热火朝天,在紧张的学习后,尽情享受这快乐的十分钟吧。&&& 西阳下的学校显得格外醉人,它正在展现它那不为人知而充满神秘的那一面。余辉下的学校变得金灿灿的,夕阳把最后的一刻留在房顶的一角,教室的一面,操场的旁边。我欣赏着这一面,新的发现会赶走一切烦恼,它,有着无穷的魔力。&&& 有着月亮的晚上,群星闪烁,寂静的学校入睡了,只有蛐蛐在草丛中歌唱,迎接太阳的升起。
&I like my school life very much,it is very interesting.I usually reach school at half past seven.Then we do morning exercises at eight o'clock.We have eight lessons every day.The lesson begin at a quarter past eight.My favourite subject is English.I can get a lot of English knowledge from our teacher.Our teacher are very good-natured.They are always kind to us.I also like our outdoor activities.When we have outdoor activities,everyone in the playground is active and lively.How happy we are in our beautiful school!I love the life in my school!
My school in chengdu university of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture school, the school is my second home, school conditions, though is not very good, but I still like the school, the school teacher is very kind to me, as much as possible, teach us good after let's have a good way.
My school in chengdu university of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture school, the school is my second home, school conditions, though is not very good, but I still like the school, the school teacher is very kind to me, as much as possible, teach us good after let's have a good way.
I&m studying in the (NO.1)school.It&s very (big) and (clean).There are (42)classrooms ang (12)offices.There are two playgrounds in my school .We can have PEclass in the small playground and play basketball or football in the big playground.There are (4) floors .My classroom is in the (3) floor.&Are you smelling something? I&ll tell you .Our school has a small garden,there are lots of flowers .This is my school.I like my school very much.&我在第一学校学习,这里很大也很干净。这里有42个教室和12个办公室。我们学校有两个操场。我们可以在小操场上上体育课在大操场上打篮球或者踢足球。我们学校共有4层,我的教室在第三层。你闻见一些东西了吗?我现在要告诉你,我们学校有一个小的花园,哪里有许多花。这就是我的学校,我爱我的学校。&()里的可以替换
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语作文我的学校_百度知道
There’re many students and teachers in it. Our classroom is on the fourth floorHong Da School is beautiful and big. We usually have P. I sleep at school.E. School is a big family. class on it. It’s bright and clean, eat at school and study at school. Teachers are my parents. I love my school. Our school has a big playground
Our teachers are very strict but also very nice.Welcome to my school. Peoplo In my shool are very friendly. I love my school very much, and so on, volleyball. We will help each other when we are in trouble. Our classmates are very kind, which has many interesting books. the tall buildings stand orderly in a line.They usually take care of us and they work very hard to help us master the knowledge. There is a libruary in my schoolMy SchoolMy shool very beautiful. trees are along the roads. And my school is very big, basketball. Flowers are among the grass. We can play football, in the playground
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我们的学校 我的学校生活 英语作文 Our school
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我的学校 英语作文
In looking at the outside is walls,好看极了还有辛勤的蜜蜂在上面踩蜜呢,到了秋天, all the students went to the playground to the raising of the national flag,好看极了;t believe in, is really a beautiful scenery line, very good and diligent bees in the above step honey. Back is a beautiful flower;还有美丽的蝴蝶也在那里飞舞着。     这就是我的学校. This is my school?我带你去参观我的校园。再往后走就是一个美丽的花坛, a bent on learning, you don&#39,争先恐后的发言,真是一道美丽的风景线、, every classmates upright sitting concentrate one&#39! Bed is behind the teaching building,它们兢兢业业地站在那里,那里可以玩耍, play football,好看极了,走进大门. You see, they be conscientious and do one&#39,爬山虎的叶子慢慢的变红了, always came the sound of reading;每到星期一,开着五颜六色的花,好像是保卫着国家的栋梁之材, very good,围墙上爬满了爬山虎, very good-s attention on class there。教学楼的右侧还有一个篮球场, walls covered with ivy。在抬眼望外看就是围墙, can be fun, ivy leaves slowly turned red, I love my school,,教学楼的左侧是个很大的操场, guard our campus,每天同学们端端正正的坐在那里聚精会神地听课、、; every Monday。草坪的四周是亭亭玉立的杨树, but it is our indispensable faithful partner、可好玩了, and two rows of stand proudlys best to stand there,,它仿佛是站岗的士兵, where there are a lot of students are playing,两排傲然挺立的松柏迎接我们到来、, walked into the door、:
我的学校我的校园是个美丽的校园,所有的学生都到操场升国旗,踢足球, where you can play。操场上的左侧就是绿油油的草坪,它可是我们不可缺少的忠实伙伴My schoolMy school is a beautiful campus,你不信, in the fall!花坛的后面是教学楼.中文,我爱我的学校. The teaching building of the right there is a basketball court? I take you to visit my school,,钻心致志的学习,只见教室里摆放着整整齐齐的桌椅,, see the classroom desks and chairs placed in neat。     你瞧, open be riotous with colour of flowers, as if to defend the national dongliangzhicai,守卫着我们的校园,时时传来朗读声,, teaching to the left of the building i and a beautiful butterfly there is dancing in the air. Playground on the left is a green lawn, fall over each other to speak. The lawn is surrounded by a stand gracefully erect poplars,那里有很多学生在玩耍, it is like a soldier standing guard
My SchoolThis is my school, it is so big and beautiful. School classroom very capacious, also extremely clean, our teacher is very friendly to us. Our school is in stationery shop opposite. Our school learning environment is very good. We study at school very happy! I love my school! 中文:
00 dismissal time is 4.My school time is 8I really like my school:00.My favorite subject is sports
My school is Nanpu pramary school.It has three teaching buildings.in front of the building,there is a beautiful garden.Many flowers is planted there.Our playground is behind the builing,After class,i ...}


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