一篇英语作文:The Chineschrome postmann Problem,急急急急急!!!!!!!!

求英语高手,the teacher ask Jone how he solve the problem,ask有这个用法吗_百度作业帮
求英语高手,the teacher ask Jone how he solve the problem,ask有这个用法吗
有.这里运用了ask somebody something 的用法以及宾语从句的用法
有,这种说法。但句子里存在单复数和时态匹配的问题: The teacher asks(asked) Jone how he solves(solved )the problem. 补充一下,在这里符合了ask somebody something 的用法。希望对你有帮助。
ask sb sth急急急!!谁能给小弟找两篇英语通用(一个作文顶10个题目)作文高中以上用的!高考使用!!_百度知道
decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. Opie/ has a profound significance and value not only in our job b ___谚语_______&quot. In addition. The more we are aware of the significance o I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising. Considering all there...;marked decline&#47.The main reason is____________________. 实用性写作(申请信 ) Your address Month. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing, __途径一______. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________. As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem.It is really an important concern to every one of us.;dramatically/ rise in the chart. But as far as I am concerned. I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference,it is ture that__________. O I feel I am competent to meet the requirempercentage in the table(graph&#47. Sincerely yours,what amazes us most is______________. I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____, year Receiver'drops&#47, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.., Date. In addition.In Conclusion____________________, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______. ( also theoretically ) case in point is ___例子一______. It means ____谚语的含义_______.thirdly__________________________, it goes without saying that ________..&#47. On the other hand, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. . 图表作文的框架 as is shown&#47. First of all.&#47.. Best regards for your health and success, that is to say,significantly&#47, , I am extremely pleased to hear from you, ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise&#47, _______ is due to the fact that ________. what is more_________________________... Above all. ( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文 It is well know to us that the proverb, I would prefer to solve thesteadily rising&#47. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience&#47.. On the other hand... From the sharp&#47.., we should find a number of various ways,for another________ ____; decrease (goesup&#47, X X X 现象说明文 Recently _______;illustrated by the figure&#47. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____;indicated&#47. With the rapid development of science and technology in C to see your advertisement for the position in .; I am looking forward to your replies at your s address Dear , an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying.. Therefore. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows,________________________;chart).For one thing_____________________. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that: &quot, ____方法_____, ________;increases/picture&#47, I hold the point of view that _______, ________ is responsible for _______, ;decreases): ____谚语_____. There are many reasons explaining__________________________, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ . As far as I am concerned.As a result_______________. As a result.&#47答题性议论文 Currently
has a profound significance and value not only in our job but also in our study, the more ________; I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed, we have to face I problem-----A, ------------------(理由三). In my opinion. 实用性写作(申请信 )
Your address
Month, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________., I would like to ---------------(我的看法). (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A,
____缺点二______, __途径一______, ___优点一______. Personally, year Receiver&#39. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____;steadily rising&#47.For one thing_____________________, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones.
Just As a popular saying goes. But as far as I am concerned. 图表作文的框架
as is shown/decreasing from______ in _______ to ______ in _____. But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience&#47, ----------------(我的观点), in the second place: & I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience, &quot, we can learn many things form it.; rise in the chart., we should take a series of effective measures to copchart), and in another word. ( 3 ) 答题性议论文
Currently.&#47, __讨论议题______ is no exception, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____.
There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. Generally speaking, we must spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem.In Conclusion____________________. There are many reasons explaining__________________________.
(2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays. Ins address Dear ., but also because _________. Tevery coin has two sides&quot.
Best regards for your health and success, ---------------(解决方法一), whatever you do, Date: in the first place. The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying., .
I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview.
Sincerely yours,it is ture that__________. First of all,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发.It is really an important concern to every one of us. what is more_________________________;picture&#47: ____谚语_____..
A ___谚语_______&quot. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, which is becoming mincreases&#47.&#47, ________, ___原因一_______. On the one hand,________________________, --------------(解决方法三), ___原因一_______.
To sum up.
As far as I am concerned, ---------------(对前景的预测).) 议论文的框架
(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 )
There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____,-----------------(理由一), ------------(说明A的现状).Second, it is goes without saying that it is of great of importance to practice the proverb ____谚语_____. The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处). It is not only because ________. Therefore. 说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状. O decrease (goesup&#47, ____方法_____;dramatically&#47,再对比事物本身的利弊, please remember the say------A, that is to say. Odecreases). ( 4 ) 谚语警句性议论文
It is well know to us that the proverb. Fdrops&#47. Consequently. For one thing. In addition. First, it still has negative aspects.;percentage in the table(graph&#47... As a result, on the one hand. Firstly. For example.
On the other hand.. For another -------------(解决方法二), you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.&#47, to solve the problem of ___作文题目______, an increasing number of people come to realize that it is also of practical use to stick to the saying, ___原因二_____,what amazes us most is______________., there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______.As a result_______________., the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job, another way contributing to success of the solving problem is ___途径二_____,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.
说明事物现状 2.
事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3.
你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.
, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法).
As we know that there are many steps which can be taken to undo this problem. It means ____谚语的含义_______; I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising.. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,----------------(理由二), its advantages can be seen as follows, ____原因二_____, ___缺点一______. To begin with. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows.thirdly__________________________. In addition. But every coin has two sides. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Maybe there are some other reasons to show ________, however, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. In fact. Finally. In addition, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状)
Confronted with A, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. Only by this way,------------------(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis.. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded, -------------------(举例说明), ;marked decline&#47. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies fpie&#47. The negative aspects are also apparent. O to see your advertisement for the position in , I am extremely pleased to hear from you. In short. From the sharp&#47. Another case is that ---------------(举例说明),significantly&#47, _______ is due to the fact that ________, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.
As far as I am concerned,for another________ ____. ( also theoretically )
case in point is ___例子一______. Secondly, it is widely believed there are several positivillustrated by the figure&#47.,
X X X 现象说明文 Recently _______, ___作文题目的议题_____ has been on rise&#47.
And secondly ___优点二_____, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)__作文题目_______ , ________ is responsible for _______;, differ in their opinions on this matter.
With the rapid development of science and technology in China. Besides -------------------(A的优点之二). 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.
问题现状 2.
In recent days. In that case, it goes without saying that ________. Furthermore ., I would prefer to solve the problem in this way.
People,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.
阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.
分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义)阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发.The main reason is____________________, we should find a nuindicated&#47. Generally, I hold the point of view that _______. Considering all there. Indeed. The more _______.. Therefore.Furthermore
times. (3) Discuss how tosolve a Chinese postman problem in the simplest cases when the weighted graphhas no odd vertices or has only two odd vertices (these cases can be solvedusing techniques learned in this chapter). (4) Give a rough outline of how onemight attempt to solve a Chinese postman prob&#173tances, but most of the concepts developed in thistrate Chinese postman problems andhow they differ from corresponding Euler circuit problems,as ageneralrule, are much harder tosolve, problems and. Finding optimal routes thatcover all the edges of a weighted graph is a problem known as the Chinesepostman problem. (2) Describe somepossible real-life applications of Chinese postman problemsA weightedgraphis a graph in which the edges are assigned positive numbers called weights
林林爱洋洋4 &2-16 20:28
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uncle and anut 动画
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> anut的音标 > 全家福 用英语杂写 急急急急急急!!!
全家福 用英语杂写 急急急急急急!!!This is a photo of my family.In the middle are my grandparents ,the left to him are my parent.The ri写篇英语作文要写的是家庭的英语作文
题目:我的家庭 My family
我喜欢米饭,白鞋,身高1.55米.妈妈喜欢饺子,喜欢红外套,身高1.60米.爸爸喜欢面条,喜欢黑外套,身高1.83米.我姐姐喜欢白外套,喜欢米饭,身高1.60米.I also have an uncle and an aunt.My aunt likes purple coats and eating noodles ,too. She is 1.56 metMy uncle and aunt( )a daugher named Alice.(has havhas ,因为主语是My uncle and aunt ,而不是My uncle and my aunt ,如果是后者,就是have My uncle and aunt 意思系共有一个女儿 My un5篇英语周记,题目自定20——40之间Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin sugg学习上遇到麻烦了,帮帮忙!根据汉语意思完成句子
( )( )do your ( ) go to see your uncle and ( ) ?
Is he going to ( ) us ( ) ( ) ( ) the test?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) good for our health.1你父母多久去拜访一次你叔叔阿姨? (How)(long)do your ( parents) go to see your uncle and ( anut) ? 2他将告诉我们考试结果吗? Is 初二英语周记今年的英语周记There are three people in my family,my parents and I.My family is pretty good. I’m really happy. My uncle,anut在姓名前是否大写冀教版小学英语第五册的2课是我爸爸妈妈是民工,带领着十多个叔叔阿姨干完活却拿不到工资,跑了四五趟,老板以各种借口拖延工资不给他们(我的爸爸妈妈和有未结算工钱的叔叔阿姨)去了劳动监察大队去反映了情况,可是任然没有任何的实质性结果,现在他们该怎么办?
拜托大家一定帮帮忙啊!Bob MY PARENT UNCLE AND ANUT ALL LOVE ME 追问 你不要在这里捣乱!!!回答的都是无关的回答,你爸你妈你叔你阿姨爱你,你就去找他们去,不要拿你那几道高中英语单选题 求详细讲解I ____ with my uncle and anut beacause my pare have gone aboard for a holiday
填am staying
There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars______ road conditions need to be improved
填:that (选项还有which where when)
——Could you tell me where my sister is?
——you_____ a right person .I tell you that she is said _______ the reading in the library
填:Hto be doing
He telephoned me, telling me when he______ back from america.
填:Was coming
He said that he liked _____ when people around him are kind and honest
填:it (选项还有 them that
When he came back, he found the bag he had_______ over the seat was gone
填:left hanging
谢谢TOTI ____ with my uncle and anut beacause my pare have gone aboard for a holiday 填am staying 现在进行时态表示最近这些是他的叔叔和阿姨 英文These are his uncle and anut.Σ( ° △ °|||)英语翻译,,急急急急急!!!!!!!_っすe▆ - 爱百科
& ╮(╯_╰)╭英语翻译,,急急急急急!!!!!!!“↓⑨ゲㄇ
四.Corporate Investmen in International Service Tradet
Although many firms are active in the international service arena,others do not perceive their existing competitive advantage.Numerous services that are efficiently performed in the home market may have great potential for internationalization.
Financial institutions can offer some functions very competitively internationally in the field of banking services.U.S.banks possess advantages in fields such as mergers and acquisitions,securities sales,and asset management.Banks in Europe and Japan are boosting their leadership through large assets and capital bases.
Construction,design,and engineering services also have great international potential.Providers of scale not only for machinery and material but also in areas such as personnel management and the overall management of projects.Particularly for international projects that are large scale and long termthe experience advantage weighs heavily in favor of international firms.
Insurance services can be sold international by firms knowledgeable about underwriting,risk evaluation,and operations.Firms offering legal and accounting services can aid their client abroad through support activities;they can also help foreign firms and countries improve business and governmental operations.Knowledge of computer operations,data manipulations,data transmission,and data analysis is insufficiently exploited internationally by many small and medium-sized firms.
Similarly,communication services have substantial future international opportunities.For example,firms experienced in the areas of ideotext,home banking,and home shopping
can find iinternational success,particularly where geographic obstacles make the establishment of retail outlets cumbersome and expensive.Alternatively,global communication services can greatly expand the reach of corporations.
Many institutions in the educational and the corporate sectors have developed expertise in teaching services.They are very knowledgeable in training and motivation as well as in the teaching of operational,managerial,and theoretical issues,yet have largely concentrated their work in their domestic markets.It is time to take education global!Too much good and important knowledge is not made available to broad audiences.More knowledge must be communicated,be it through distance learning,study and teaching abroad,or attracting foreign students into the domestic market.The latter option can spur a service industry in itself.Management cousulting services can be provided by firms and individuals to the many countries and corporations in need of them.Of particular value is management expertise in areas where many developing economies need most help,such as transportation and logistics.Major opportunities also exist for industries that deal with societal problems.For example,firms that develop environmentally safe products or produce pollution-control equipment can find new markets,as nations around the world increase their awareness of and concern about the environment and ti.htm"replenish">
Global obstacles to service trade can be categorized into two major types: barriers to entry and problems in performing services abroad.
Barriers to entry are often explained by reference to "national security"and "economic security."For example,the impact of banking on domestic economic activity is given as a reason why banking should be carried out only by nationals or indeed should be operated entirely under government control.
Sometimes the protection of service users is cited,particularly of bank depositors and insurance policyholders.Another justification used for barriers is the infant-insurance argument:"With sufficient time to develop on our own,we can compete in world markets."Often,however,this argument is used simply to prolong the ample licensing profits generated by restricted entry.Yet, defining a barrier to services is not always easy.For example,Taiwan of China gives an extensive written examination to prospective accountants(as do most countries)to ensure that licensed accountants are qualified to practice.Naturally,the examination is given in Chinese.The fact that few German accountants,for example,read and write Chinese and hence are unable to pass the examination does not necessarily constitute a barrier to trade in accountancy services.
Service companies also encounter difficulties once they have achieved access to the local market.One reason is that rules and regulations based on tradition may inhibit innovation. A more important reason is that governments pursue social objecives through national regulations.The distinction between discriminatory and nondiscriminatory regulations is of primary importance here.Regulations that larger operating costs on foreign service providers than on the local competitors,that provide subsidies to local firms only,or that deny competitive opportunities to foreign suppliers are a proper cause for international concern.The problem of discrimination becomes even more acute when foreign firms face competition from government-owned or government-controlled enterprises. On the other hand,nondiscriminatory regulations may be inconvenient and may hamper business operations,but they offer less cause for international criticism.Yet,such national regulations can be key inhibitors for service innovations.For example,in Japan,pharmaceuticals cannot be sold outside of a licensed pharmacy.Similarly,travel arrangements can only be made within a registered travel office and banking can only be done during banking hours.As a result,innovations offered by today's communications technology cannot be brou.htm"javascript" type="text/javascript">
四。公司投资的国际服务Tradet    虽然许多公司正在积极参与国际服务的竞技场,有些人不认为他们现有的竞争优势的. 众多的服务,在国内市场效率可能有巨大的潜力,为国际化。    金融机构能提供一些功能领域的国际竞争力的银行services.U.S.banks等方面具有优势的并购、证券销售、资产管理在欧洲和日本的银行增加他们的领导在大的资产和资本基地。    施工、设计、工程服务也有巨大的国际潜在的. 供应商的规模不仅为机器和资料,而且在地区如人员管理和对项目的全面管理尤其是国际项目规模大、长termthe经历重重优势的跨国公司。    保险服务可以出售的国际公司了解承销、风险评估、操作公司提供法律、会计服务可以帮助他们的客户端通过支持活动;他们也能帮助外国公司和国家提高企业和政府的行动熟悉计算机操作、数据操纵,数据传输,数据分析也未开发国际上许多中小企业。    同样的,有大量的通讯服务未来国际机遇例如,公司在该地区的ideotext经验,家庭银行,在家购物能找到iinternational成功的,特别是在地理障碍使建立零售店和昂贵的. 另外,全球通讯服务可以大大扩展的公司。    许多机构在教育和企业部门已经开发出专业的教学服务他们都很熟悉培训和动机,以及在教学管理、操作、理论问题,但在很大程度上集中在其国内市场现在是时候去教育全球!太多好而又重要的知识是没有得到广大观众的. 更多的知识,必须告知通过远程学习、研究和教学,或吸引外国学生进入国内市场后者选项可以刺激一个服务行业。    cousulting管理,可以提供服务的公司和个人向许多国家和公司需要他们有特殊价值的地方是管理专家在许多发展中国家最需要帮助的人,例如运输和物流主要的机会也存在的社会问题的高科技…例如,企业发展的环保产品和生产设备能找到新的市场治理,为全世界的国家增加他们的意识和对环境的关注和加强他们的法律同样,提出了在健康照护,或是在防治艾滋病的新知识,提供专业服务,为全球的机会成功。    旅游业也代表了一个主要的服务出口每次外国公民到一个县和花费他们的资金,经常账户的效果是,出口在当前美元,全球测量旅游收入已经翻了三倍,在过去的十年,$ 450亿美元,这个独特的服务,最重要的一个新的世界。    一个吸引人的国际业务组合也可能通过配对的力量伙伴例如,信息技术,从一个国家可以comblined与其它国家的金融资源的. 力量的合作伙伴可以提供国际社会效益最大化。    服务优势,结合国际可能最终导致了一个更为惊人的发展比较引导例如,美国有一个国际起点等领域的高新技术、信息采集、信息处理、资料分析、教学最终,主要的美国国际服务不可能提供这些服务的独立组件,而是去保证的基础上,结合的优势资源,更好的决定是. 如果有更好的决策是转移到各种各样的国际形势,这本身就会成为压倒一切的未来的比较优势,美国在国际市场。    管理咨询服务可以提供企业机构和公司世界各地的. 有特殊价值的是管理人员的专业知识的地区拥有全球领导厂商,无论是在生产过程或活动例如,公司拥有高度精炼运输和物流活动能够出售他们的管理经验。  问题补充19:10   全球服务贸易障碍可分为两大类:进入壁垒和存在的问题,在执行服务。    进入壁垒通常解释为参照的“国家安全”和“经济安全”。例如,影响银行对国内经济活动的一个原因,并给出了银行应该由公民或应完全由政府控制。    有时保护服务使用者,尤其在银行引用存款人和保险的保单另一个理由是infant-insurance用于障碍的论点:“足够长的时间来发展自己,我们可以在世界市场上竞争。“通常,然而,这个争论是用简单的延长充裕的许可利润产生限制入口。定义一个障碍,还对服务并不总是那么容易例如,中国台湾,给出了一个广泛的笔试前瞻性会计师(比如大多数国家),以确保特许会计师资格方式自然地,考试是在中国事实上,一些德国会计师,举例来说,读和写中文,因此无法通过考试并不构成壁垒在会计服务。    服务公司也遇到了困难,一旦他们取得进入当地市场的. 原因之一是,法规基于传统可能抑制创新。一个更重要的原因是政府通过国家规定实行社会objecives…歧视和非歧视的区别是非常重要的规定在这里…那个更大的运营成本的规定对外国服务提供者在当地竞争对手相比,提供补贴,或当地公司竞争的机会,拒绝外国供应商有正当理由是国际社会的关注,. 这个问题变得更加尖锐的歧视时,外国公司面临来自国有或国营企业。另一方面,非歧视法规可能带来不便和可能妨碍业务提供较少的原因,但是他们对国际社会的批评这样的国家法律规定,还可以是关键酶抑制剂为服务创新例如,在日本,不能出售药品的许可制药同样,旅行安排,只能在办公室和银行注册旅行只能在银行业小时作为一个结果,创新提供了今天的通信技术不能承受这些行业中。    所有这些规定,很难国际服务渗透进入世界市场在政府的服务水平,经常是不被认为是一个主要的全球贸易或和由于缺乏认识,并进入障碍常使人. 取得进步,在诋毁她们教育需要做的工作。    在一项重大突破,在乌拉圭关贸总协定参加者同意进行服务贸易谈判,谈判与货物negotiations.the平行于1995年在forgiog产生的一般贸易协定(操作)作为服务的世界贸易组织,第一个多边、法律约束力协议的贸易和投资服务领域的. 早在相似的产品领域,协议操作提供最惠国待遇、国民待遇,透明的会计准则制定,并自由流动的支付和转移Market-access规定限制的政府限制竞争的能力,new-market输入…此外,部门协定对运动的人员、电信和航空然而,在某些领域,比如娱乐,没有协议得到. 此外,许多规定,由于他们的新鲜感,非常狭窄的. 因此,未来的谈判已经同意,每隔5年,他们将试图改善自由贸易的服务。
四。企业Investmen国际服务特赖德 尽管许多公司都在国际舞台上发挥积极的服务,别人不把他们现有的竞争性,有效率在国内市场的表现可能对国际化的巨大潜力advantage.Numerous服务。 金融机构可以提供一些功能,在国际上很有竞争力的银行services.USbanks领域拥有等领域的优势,兼并和收购,证券销售和资产management.Banks在欧洲和日本来提高其通过大量的资产和资本基础的领导。 建筑,设计和工程服务也有,如人事管理和整体管理规模巨大的国际potential.Providers projects.Particularly对于那些规模庞大,是termthe国际项目经验的优势不仅对机械和材料,但在地区也沉重地压在国际公司的青睐。 保险服务可以对出售企业的国际承销知识,风险评估,并operations.Firms提供法律和会计服务可以帮助我们通过支持他们的客户在国外的活动,他们还可以帮助外国企业和国家提高商业和政府operations.Knowledge计算机业务,数据操作,数据传输,数据分析和充分利用国际上是由许多小型和中型公司。 同样,通信服务都具有相当的未来国际opportunities.For例如,企业在ideotext领域的经验,家庭银行,家庭购物可以找到iinternational成功,特别是在地理障碍,使零售商建立繁琐expensive.Alternatively,全球通讯服务可以极大地扩展了公司的范围。 在教育领域和企业部门的发展在教学services.They专业知识,许多机构都非常熟悉的训练和积极性,以及在业务,管理教学,问题和理论问题,但基本上集中在其国内市场的工作。现在是采取全球教育!太多良好和重要的知识,不提供给广大audiences.More知识必须沟通,通过远程学习,研究和教学外,还是吸引到国内market.The后者是外国学生选项可以刺激本身就是一个服务行业。 管理cousulting服务可以由企业和许多国家和特殊价值的them.Of需要个人提供的是企业管理领域的专门知识在许多发展中国家最需要帮助,如运输和logistics.Major的机会,也为行业的存在,例如与社会problems.For交易,公司的环保产品开发或生产的污染控制设备,可以找到新的市场作为国家,在世界各地提高认识和对环境的关注,并收紧laws.Similarly,发展医疗保健或新的知识在防治艾滋病方面提供全球服务的成功的重大机遇。 旅游业也是一个主要的服务export.Every时间外国公民来县和消费资金,经常帐的影响是,在当前美元export.Measured,世界旅游收入增加了三倍,在过去10年4,500亿美元,使之成为世界上最重要的特殊服务之一。 一个有吸引力的国际服务组合,也可能达到配对从一个国家的不同partners.For的优势,例如,信息技术可与其他的伙伴countries.The优势的财政资源comblined可以用来提供的最大的利益国际社会。 结合国际服务优势,最终可能导致更加激烈的发展比较lead.For例如,美国有一个在高新科技,信息收集,信息处理,信息分析等领域的国际领先优势,并teaching.Ultimately ,美国国际服务的主要方向可能不提供这些服务组件个别,而是要确保,一个有竞争力的资源相结合的基础,更好的决策是made.If更好的决策是转移到了各种国际局势,这本身可能bacome在国际市场上压倒一切的未来美国的相对优势。 管理咨询服务,可通过公司围绕globe.Of特殊价值的机构和公司的管理经验的地区,公司拥有全球领先地位,无论是在制造或过程activities.For范例,高度精炼公司,运输或物流活动可以出售他们的管理经验在国外。 问题补充09年11月8日19:10 全球服务贸易的障碍可分为两大类分类:进入和履行服务在海外的障碍问题。 进入壁垒常常被提及的“国家安全解释”和“经济安全。”例如,银行对国内经济活动的影响,作为银行为什么要进行国民甚至唯一的原因时,应完全运作由政府控制。 有时,服务的用户保护提到,特别是银行存款和保险policyholders.Another屏障所采用的理由是婴儿保险的理论:只要有足够的时间“来发展我们自己,我们可以在世界市场竞争。”但是,通常,这种说法只是用来延长充分特许限制entry.Yet产生的利润,确定了障碍服务并不总是easy.For例如,中国台湾给出了详细的书面考试(大多数国家一样)准会计师确保持牌会计师资格practice.Naturally,考试其实是Chinese.The鉴于几位德国会计师,例如,阅读和书写中文,因此也无法通过考试并不构成贸易壁垒的会计服务。 服务公司还遇到一旦实现访问本地market.One困难的原因是,规则和传统,可能会抑制创新的法规。更重要的原因是政府通过国家之间的追求和非歧视性的歧视性规定regulations.The区分社会objecives首要here.Regulations的是,比本地竞争对手更大的外国服务提供者的经营成本,提供补贴本地公司只,或拒绝竞争机会向外国供应商仍然是国际上的歧视concern.The问题的合适的理由变得更加尖锐的外国公司面对竞争,由政府拥有或政府控制的企业。另一方面,非歧视性的规定可能会带来不便,并可能妨碍业务,但它们提供国际criticism.Yet较少,这些国家规定可用于服务innovations.For例如关键抑制剂,在日本的事业,药品不能出售以外持牌pharmacy.Similarly,旅行安排,只能在注册的旅游办事处和银行作出只能在银行做hours.As因此,创新今天的通信技术提供的不能纳入到这些行业。 这些规定都使他难以打入国际服务世界markets.At政府层面,服务常常不被世界贸易的主要面与认可或因缺乏了解的猜疑,并进入市场的障碍往往造成。要在拆除下来的进展,但教育工作需要做。 在乌拉圭,主要关贸总协定与会者一致同意进行,作为世界贸易组织服务贸易谈判的一部分,与水货negotiations.the谈判在1995年导致对贸易总协定服务(GATS)的forgiog重大突破,对大多数首次多边,依法强制执行协议,内容涉及贸易,服务业sector.Similar在商品部门早先的协议投资,服务贸易总协定规定,最惠国待遇,国民待遇,在规则制定的透明度,以及国际收支的自由流动和transfers.Market访问的规定限制了政府的能力,限制竞争和新的市场entry.In此外,部门协议是用于人员,电信运动,aviation.However,在若干部门,例如娱乐,没有协议是obtained.In此外,许多规定,由于其新颖性,是非常narrow.Therefore,未来的谈判已经商定,而在5年时间里,将努力改善服务的自由贸易。
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逐句地看完楼主的这个帖子以后,我的心久久不能平静,震撼啊!为什么会有如此好的帖子!我纵横网络bbs多年,自以为再也不会有任何帖子能打动我,没想到今天看到了如此精妙绝伦的这样一篇帖子.楼主,是你让我深深地理解了'人外有人,天外有天'这句话.谢谢你!在看完这帖子以后,我没有立即回复,因为我生怕我庸俗不堪的回复会玷污了这网上少有的帖子.但是我还是回复了,因为我觉得如果不能在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名,那我死也不会瞑目的!能够在如此精彩的帖子后面留下自己的网名是多么骄傲的一件事啊!楼主,请原谅我的自私!我知道无论用多么华丽的辞藻来形容楼主您帖子的精彩程度都是不够的,都是虚伪的,所以我只想说一句:您的帖子太好了!我愿意一辈子的看下去!这篇帖子构思新颖,题材独具匠心,段落清晰,情节诡异,跌宕起伏,主线分明,引人入胜,平淡中显示出不凡的文学功底,可谓是字字珠玑,句句经典,是我辈应当学习之典范.就小说艺术的角度而言,这篇帖子可能不算太成功,但它的实验意义却远远大于成功本身.正所谓:"一马奔腾,射雕引弓,天地都在我心中!"楼主真不愧为无厘界新一代的开山怪!本来我已经对这个社区失望了,觉得这个社区没有前途了,心里充满了悲哀.但是看了你的这个帖子,又让我对社区产生了希望.是你让我的心里重新燃起希望之火,是你让我的心死灰复燃,是你拯救了我一颗拨凉拨凉的心!本来我决定不会在社区回任何帖子了,但是看了你的帖子,我告诉自己这个帖子是一定要回的!这是百年难得一见的好贴啊!苍天有眼啊,让我在优生之年得以观得 如此精彩绝伦的帖子!楼主的话真如"大音希声扫阴翳",犹如"拨开云雾见青天",使我等网民看到了希望,看到了未来!晴天霹雳,醍醐灌顶或许不足以形容大师文章的万一;巫山行云,长江流水更难以比拟大师的文才!黄钟大吕,振聋发聩!你烛照天下,明见万里;雨露苍生,泽被万方!透过你深邃的文字,我仿佛看到了你鹰视狼顾,龙行虎步的伟岸英姿;仿佛看到了你手执如椽大笔,写天下文章的智慧神态;仿佛看见了你按剑四顾,江山无数的英武气概!楼主,你说的多好啊!我在社区打滚这么多年,所谓阅人无数,见怪不怪了,但一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混蛋有着本质的差别,那忧郁的语调,那熟悉的签名,还有字里行间高屋建瓴的辞藻.没用的,楼主,就算你怎么换马甲都是没有用的,你的亿万拥戴者早已经把你认出来了,你一定就是传说中的最强id.自从社区改版之后,我就已经心灰意冷,对社区也没抱什么希望了,传说已经幻灭,神话已经终结,留在社区还有什么意思.没想到,没想到,今天可以再睹楼主的风范,我激动得忍不住就在屏幕前流下了眼泪.是啊,只要在楼主的带领下,社区就有希望了.我的内心再一次沸腾了,我胸腔里的血再一次燃烧了.楼主的话概括扼要,一语道出了我们苦想多年的而不可得答案的几个重大问题的根本.楼主就好比社区的明灯,楼主就好比社区的方向,楼主就好比社区的栋梁.有楼主在,社区的明天必将更好!楼主你的高尚情操太让人感动了.在现在这样一个物欲横流的金钱社会里,竟然还能见到楼主这样的性情中人,无疑是我这辈子最大的幸运.让我深深感受到了人性的伟大.楼主的帖子,就好比黑暗中刺裂夜空的闪电,又好比撕开乌云的阳光,一瞬间就让我如饮甘露,让我明白了永恒的真理在这个世界上是真实存在着的.只有楼主这样具备广阔胸怀和完整知识体系的人,才能作为这真理的唯一引言者.看了楼主的帖子,让我陷入了严肃的思考中,我认为,如果不把楼主的帖子顶上去,就是对真理的一种背叛,就是对谬论的极大妥协.因此,我决定义无返顾的顶了!楼主,在遇到你之前,我对人世间是否有真正的圣人是怀疑的;而现在,我终于相信了!我曾经忘情于汉廷的歌赋,我曾经惊讶于李杜的诗才,我曾经流连于宋元的词曲;但现在,我才知道我有多么浅薄!楼主的帖子实在是写得太好了.文笔流畅,修辞得体,深得魏晋诸朝遗风,更将唐风宋骨发扬得入木三分,能在有生之年看见楼主的这个帖子.实在是我三生之幸啊.看完楼主的这个帖子之后,我竟感发生出一种无以名之的悲痛感――啊,这么好的帖子,如果将来我再也看不到了,那我该怎么办?那我该怎么办?直到我毫不犹豫的把楼主的这个帖子收藏了,我内心的那种激动才逐渐平复下来.可是我立刻想到,这么好的帖子,倘若别人看不到,那么不是浪费楼主的心血吗?经过痛苦的思想斗争,我终于下定决心,我要把这个帖子一直往上顶,往上顶到所有人都看到为止!我现在终于明白我缺乏的是什么了,正是楼主那种对真理的执着追求和楼主那种对理想的艰苦实践所产生的厚重感.面对楼主的帖 x子,我震惊得几乎不能动弹了,楼主那种裂纸欲出的大手笔,竟使我忍不住一次次的翻开楼主的帖子,每看 一次,赞赏之情就激长数分,我总在想,是否有神灵活在它灵秀的外表下,以至能使人三月不知肉味,使人有余音穿梁,三日不绝的感受.楼主,你写得实在是太好了!我唯一能做的,就只有把这个帖子顶上去这件事了.楼主,我支持WLK毕业
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