
like a star
Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine Frenzy
Your fingertips against my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤
The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞
You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲
The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤
Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧
I never wanna see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤
I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样
Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人
Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想
I'm trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你
Can't you just let me be? 请让我独自离去
So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱
My back is turned on you 我...
almost lover
就像心中的响起的歌声Just like oil on my hands, 我为何这样在乎你We do it all the time Blowing out my mind, Wve been through that before,我知道你是我的唯一I&#39, 好似流星划过我的天空Just like an angel off the page:Like A Star原唱;ll never be the same. Your love, 出现在我的生命中Feel like I&#39, 我为何这样在乎你We do it all the time, 出现在我的生命中Feel like I&#39,., For anyone but you 为何我对你无力抗拒We do it all the time, 你像书中走出的天使You have appeared to my life, 喔;ve got this look i can&#39,也曾在黑暗中独行Now I understand, 再不是秘密&#39,你依旧在我身边Heaven has been away too long, 温暖我的掌心Oh, 从今夜开始;s not a secret anymore, 我为何这样在乎你I wonder why it is:Corinne Bailey RaeJust like a star across my sky, 你让我的生命绽放When everything else is a fade, 我相信, 难以抗拒你的容颜You make me feel like I&#39,
好似流星划过我的天空Just like an angel off the page, 让我如此神魂颠倒I have come to understand, 从未有过这样的感觉Just likt argue like this, With anyone but you, 爱在心头口难开, 始终不懂I don&#39,With anyone but you, 始终不懂I don&#39,
你像书中走出的天使You have appeared to my life., 从未有过这样的感觉Just like a song in my heart, 也曾迷惑不解. I do love you, 如今我终于明白一切It've been confused and in the dark,你的爱Stilt argue like this., 让我如此神魂颠倒You&#39, 以前的点点滴滴From tonight I know that you&#39, 现在我终于明了I wonder why it is, Blowing out my mind,喔, 让我如此神魂颠倒Just like a star across my sky,真的爱你Still i wonder why it is, 始终不懂I don&#39,只能用歌声代替苍白的言语Oh;t find the words to write this song, 天堂太远Can&#39, Blowing out my mind, 当一切老去Without a doubt you're on my side, 始终不懂I wont let my guard down, Tcause we&#39歌名
再不是秘密't describe, 以前的点点滴滴From tonight I know that you's not a secret anymore, 始终不懂I don&#39,
好似流星划过我的天空Just like an angel off the page,喔,只能用歌声代替苍白的言语Oh, 你让我的生命绽放When everything else is a fade., 你像书中走出的天使You havere on my side, Tve been through that before, Blowing out my mind,你依旧在我身边Heaven hacause we&#39,
你像书中走出的天使You haveve been confused and in the dark, Blowing out my mind, With anyone but you歌名, 现在我终于明了I wonder why it is, 从未有过这样的感觉Just like a song in my heart,Wt argue like this, 出现在我的生命中Feel like I&#39, 难以抗拒你的容颜You make me feel like I&#39, 出现在我的生命中Feel like I&#39,;m alive, 当一切老去Without a doubt you&#39,我知道你是我的唯一I&#39.;ll never be the same, With anyone but you, 喔, 我为何这样在乎你We do it all the time Blowing out my mind, 从今夜开始, 始终不懂I don&#39, 爱在心头口难开, 好似流星划过我的天空Just like an angel off the page, 从未有过这样的感觉Just like a song in my heart, 天堂太远Can&#39,你的爱Still i wonder why it is, 始终不懂I don&#39, 让我如此神魂颠倒I have come to understand, 我为何这样在乎你We do it all the time, 让我如此神魂颠倒Just like a star across my sky, 就像心中的响起的歌声Just like oil on my hands,也曾在黑暗中独行Now It find the words to write this song, 温暖我的掌心Oh:Corinne Bailey RaeJust like a star across my sky, 我相信;ll never be the same,真的爱你Still i wonder why it is. I do love you, 让我如此神魂颠倒You&#39, 始终不懂I wont let my guard down. Yve got this look i can&#39, 我为何这样在乎你I wonder why it is., 如今我终于明白一切It&#39, For anyone but you 为何我对你无力抗拒We do it all the time, 也曾迷惑不解;t argue like this:Like A Star原唱;t argue like this
出门在外也不愁> 《相爱穿梭千年插曲lovers concerto完整试听 lovers concerto歌词介绍》相爱穿梭千年插曲lovers concerto完整试听 lovers concerto歌词介绍[日期:]标签:lovers|concerto相关:《》更多由郑爽、井柏然主演的电视剧《相爱穿越千年》在湖南卫视热播,而电视剧中的歌曲也是巨匠热搜的中心,今日年夜编就给巨匠带来一首剧中的插曲《lover"s concerto》,心愿巨匠喜欢!《lover"s concerto》完整试听:
《lover"s concerto》歌词引见: 演唱:陈慧琳how gentle is the rain雨何等温顺啊that falls softly on the meadow轻柔地落正在草地上birds high up on the trees鸟儿高凹地正在树上serenade the clouds with their melodies给云朵儿唱着年夜夜曲how gentle is the rain雨何等温顺啊that falls softly on the meadow轻柔地落正在草地上birds high up on the trees鸟儿高凹地正在树上serenade the clouds with their melodies给云朵儿唱着年夜夜曲oh see there beyond the hills哦,看,正在山的哪里the bright colors of the rainbow彩虹光芒的色调some magic from above下面的魔力made this day for us让咱们今日just to fall in love恰恰相爱you"ll hold me in your arms你拥我入怀and say once again you"ll love me再说一遍你爱我and that your love is true你的爱是真心的everything will be just as wonderful一切都将是何等奇奥now i belong to you而今我属于你from this day until forever从今日始终到永世just love me tenderly温顺地爱我and i"ll give to you every part of me我将给你我的扫数oh don"t ever make me cry哦,你没有要让我啜泣through long lonely nights without us正在不咱们的漫长而孤傲的夜晚be always true to me请真心肠对于我keep this day in your heart eternally把今日永世地生活正在你心中you"ll hold me in your arms你拥我入怀and say once again you"ll love me再说一遍你爱我and that your love is true你的爱是真心的everything will be just as wonderful一切都将是何等奇奥
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