
tries to build up a local brand enterprises, implement the strategy of internationalization is one of the local enterprise strategic content, brands in direct competition with international enterprise, this is the era have entrusted to Chinese companies a new strategic issueAlong with the advance of science and technology and international economic integration gradually thorough.The Chinese market in the process of integration into the tide of economic globalization, establish global brand corporate image.
The author try to analysis our country the present condition of the independent brand enterprise s independent brand enterprise internationalization, more and more multinational giants the arrival of the competitive situation is becoming m Enterprises to obtain sustainable development, so as to choose appropriate internationalization of independent brand strategy of internationalization of Chinese enterprises on the issue, change the disadvantage of enterprise internationalization in our country, try to avoid the vicious cycle of domestic price war, rapidly tending to internationalization, to explore new markets, find out our country independent brand enterprise related problems on the way of internationalization, improve their competitiveness in the international market scope, and evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of China&#39, competition between enterprises has been gradually from the characteristics of localization, to seek new development space
With the development of international economic integration of science and technology gradually thorough, competition among enterprises has been gradually from the character of localization, the rapid internationalization, internationalization strategy is one of the local enterprises strategic content. In the Chinese market into the tide of economic globalization process, more and more transnational giants come to make competition situation becomes m the enterprise to obtain sustainable development, efforts should be made to avoid the vicious spiral of domestic price war, seek new development space, opening up new markets, in direct competition with international brands, and actively build local brand enterprises, enhance their competitiveness in the international market, establish global brand image of the enterprise, it is a new task for Chinese local enterprises.The author attempts to analyze the current situation of international brand enterprises in China, and find out the related problems in the internationalization of China's independent brand enterprise, as well as the evaluation of international brand enterprises in China, the advantages and disadvantages, so as to select the independent brand internationalization strategy suitable to Chinese enterprises in the internationalization of the problem, change the internationalization of Chinese enterprises disadvantage.
谷歌翻译(可能会有些地方不太准,请您见谅):With the continuous progress of science and technology and international economic integration process gradual deepening of competition among enterprises has gradually detached from the localization features, quickly become international, implementation of international strategy is one of the strategic elements of local enterprises. Chinese market in the tide of economic globalization process, the more the arrival of multinational giants to make the situation has become more and mor enterprises to obtain sustainable development, we must strive to avoid the vicious cycle of domestic price war, to seek new development space, open up new markets, and international corporate brand to compete directly and actively create local brands in the international market within enhance their competitiveness, establish a global brand corporate image, it is time to give Chinese companies a new strategy subject.
The author attempts to analyze China's current independent status of international brands to find our own brands in the international issues related to the presence on the road, as well as evaluating our own brand enterprise internationalization advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right brands internationalization strategy of Chinese enterprises in the international response to the problem, change our enterprise internationalization disadvantage.
Possessed by two well-hung guys这个翻译成日文是什么,这片子不错······
(be modeled after)
【 The railway system was modelled after the successful plan used in other countries】8, 所有他对这很熟悉;t have enough money to buy whichever one you show me】2.】6.(provide …for…)
【He has to work hard to provide living for his family, 我都没有足够的钱买; 难怪他又加了薪.(survive from)
【Very few house survived from the earthquake】10.(as well as)
Newspapers in the United States provide information as well as trying to entertain the public5.(it is no wonder that…)
He has been working very hard.成立这个组织是为了保护濒危物种免予灭绝. 这个铁路系统是参照其他国家的成功规划建立起来的, only a
minority of) students interested in politics】9. 极少数房子从地震中保存了下来.(Preserve…from…)
Establishing this organization was to preserve the endangered species from extinction】7. 美国的报纸除了要提供信息,it is no wonder that his salary grows up】3.他必须努力工作来养家糊口. 用老式方法烹调的这道菜使我想起了我妈妈, 只有极少数的同学对政治感兴趣.(状语从句)
I don&#39,so he is very familiar with this place, 还试图娱乐大众.他在这住了很长时间了.(be familiar with)
【 He has lived here for a long time. 他工作一直很努力.( a
minority of)
【At present1
不论你给我看哪一个.(in a …way)
【 In the old way of cooking this dish reminds me of my mother】4.目前
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求助! 求大神翻译一下啊收藏
1楼 20:31&|
# Use this properties file to edit the messages.# You can also use color codes and declare new lines by# using the "line-separator" defined in the configlogger.enabled=enabled.logger.disabled=disabled.logger.vault.notfound=Permission system not found from Vault or Vault is not installed.&newline&Defaulting to Bukkit's permission system.logger.config.defaults=Config file not found. Writing defaults.logger.lottery.num=&number& lotterie(s) have been loaded.logger.lottery.save.force=lotteries saved.logger.lottery.saving.force=Force saving lotteries...logger.exception.sleep=exception caught in sleep()logger.exception.itemstack=Failed to load item stack from '&line&'logger.exception.file.load=Failed to load: &file&logger.exception.file.save=Failed to save: &file&plugin.error.guiopened=&cGui Creator is already opened.plugin.headliner=&6---------------------------------------------------plugin.update-available=&cNew version available: Current version: &current_version&, Latest version: &new_version&.<mand.headliner=&e--------[ &6Commands (&page&/&max&)&e]--------<mand.exception=&6Exception caught while executing this command.<mand.error.notfound=&cDid not recognize '&command&' as a command.<mand.error.access=&cYou do not have access to this command.<mand.list-winners.headliner=&e--------[&6Recent Winners&e]--------<mand.list-winners.token=&e&number&. &winner&<mand.main=&e- /&command& &page& &a- &6scroll through commands in pages<mand.=&e- /&command& [addtopot/atp] &lottery name& &money& &a- &6add money to a lotteries pot.<mand..mess=&e&money& &ehas been added to &6&lottery&'s &epot.<mand.buy=&e- /&command& buy &lottery name& &x tickets& &a- &6buy tickets for a lottery.<mand.buy.main=&e- /&command& buy &x tickets& &a- &6buy tickets for the main lottery.<mand.claim=&e- /&command& claim &a- &6claim rewards from lotteries you have won.<mand.config=&e- /&command& config reload &a- &6reload config and lang.properties.<mand.config.version=Version &version& reloaded.<mand.create=&e- /&command& create &lottery names& &a- &6create a lottery section in the 'lotteries.yml'.<mand.draw=&e- /&command& draw &lottery name& &a- &6force draw a lottery.<mand.gui=&e- /&command& guic &a- &6open the gui.<mand.gui-creator=&e- /&command& guic &lottery name& &a- &6open a new creator in the gui.<=&e- /&command& info &lottery name& &a- &6get info about a lottery.<.headliner=&e--------[&6Lottery Info: &lottery&&e]--------<mand.list=&e- /&command& list &page& &a- &6list lotteries.<mand.list.filter=&e- /&command& list &config|name|pot|time& &page& &a- &6list lotteries using a filter.<mand.load1=&e- /&command& load &lottery names& &a- &6load a lottery from the 'lotteries.yml'.<mand.load2=&e- /&command& load &a- &6load all unloaded lotteries from the 'lotteries.yml'.<mand.reloadall=&e- /&command& reloadall &a- &6reload all lotteries.<mand.reload=&e- /&command& reload &lottery names& &a- &6reload a lottery.<mand.reward=&e- /&command& reward &player& &lottery name& &x tickets& &a- &6reward a player tickets.<mand.reward.error.yourself=&cYou cannot reward yourself.<mand.reward.error.toomany=&cCannot reward this many tickets.<mand.reward.mess=&6&player& &ehas been rewarded &6&tickets& ticket(s) &efor &6&lottery&.<mand.reward.player.mess=You have been rewarded &6&tickets& ticket(s) &efor &6&lottery&.
2楼 20:31&|
mand.save=&e- /&command& save &a- &6force save lotteries.<mand.save.mess=&eLotteries have been saved.<mand.unload=&e- /&command& unload &lottery name& &delete& &a- &6unload a lottery.<mand.update=&e- /&command& update &a- &6check for updates.<mand.version=&e- /&command& version &a- &6get plugin version.<mand.version.mess=Current version you are running is v&version&.<mand.winners=&e- /&command& winners &a- &6view recent winners of lotteries.plugin.gui.title=Lottery+ GUIplugin.gui.options=Optionsplugin.gui.button.remove=Removeplugin.gui.button.add=Addplugin.gui.button.create=Createplugin.gui.border.options=Optionsplugin.gui.border.properties=Propertiesplugin.gui.textfield.value=Type your values here.plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-section-created=A section was created for &lottery&.plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-name=Type the name of the lottery properties you want to open or create.plugin.gui.dialog.lottery-rename=Type the name of the new lottery to rename it.plugin.gui.dialog.confirm.reset=Are you sure you want reset the current settings? There is no going back.plugin.gui.dialog.confirm.remove=Are you sure you want remove the current settings? There is no going back.plugin.gui.dialog.error.type=Value is of wrong type.plugin.gui.dialog.error.types=One of these values is of a wrong type.plugin.gui.menu.help=Helpplugin.gui.menu.options=Optionsplugin.gui.menu.exit=Exitplugin.gui.menu.remove=Removeplugin.gui.menu.open=Open/Createplugin.gui.menu.reset=Resetplugin.gui.menu.rename=Renameplugin.gui.menu.tutorial=Tutorialplugin.gui.menu.ticket=Ticketplugin.gui.menu.website=Plugin Websiteplugin.gui.menu.skins=Skinsplugin.error.no-update=&cNo updates available.plugin.error.permission=&cYou do not have permission.plugin.exception.config.load=&eException caught while loading config: '&file&'plugin.exception.config.save=&eException caught while saving config: '&file&'plugin.exception.vault.economy=Economy system not found from Vault.config.description.aliases=The aliases that can be used in place of the lottery name.config.description.buy-tickets=This controls whether players should be allowed to buy tickets.config.description.clear-pot=Whether to clear the pot after a failed drawing.config.description.clear-rewards=Whether to clear the rewards after a failed drawing.config.description.cooldown=How much time is subtracted after a player buys tickets, x seconds.config.description.item-rewards=The item rewards to add to this lottery. Look at config to see how to define them.config.description.keep-tickets=Whether to keep the tickets after a failed drawing.config.description.material-id=The ID of the material for the economy if 'use-vault' is false. For data values, add a colen then that data value. Ex: '351:2'config.description.material-name=The name of the material for the economy if 'use-vault' is false.config.description.max-tickets=The maximum # of tickets a player can buy, set to 0 for no limit.config.description.max-players=The maximum # of players that can be in a lottery, set to 0 for no limit. config.description.min-players=The minimum # of players that must be in a lottery.config.description.pot=The starting pot of the lottery.config.description.pot-tax=The percentage of the pot winnings that is taxed.config.description.repeat=This controls whether the lottery should continue after a winning is drawn.config.description.reset-add-cooldown=The cooldown that is added after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-item-rewards=The item rewards that are added after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-max-players=The amount that is increased to 'max-players' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-max-tickets=The amount that is increased to 'max-tickets' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-min-players=The amount that is increased to 'min-players' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-pot=The amount that is increased to 'pot' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-pot-tax=The amount that is increased to 'pot-tax' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-ticket-cost=The amount that is increased to 'ticket-cost' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-ticket-tax=The amount that is increased to 'ticket-tax' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-time=The amount that is increased to 'time' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.reset-add-warmup=The amount that is increased to 'warmup' after a lottery is reset as a result of not enough players.config.description.seed=The seed used for the random generator.config.description.tax-account=The account that receives the funds taxed from 'ticket-tax'.config.description.ticket-cost=The ticket cost for the lottery.config.description.ticket-limit=The amount of tickets that is created, set to 0 for no limit.config.description.ticket-tax=The percentage of the 'ticket-cost' that is taxed.config.description.time=The time between drawings of the lottery, x hours. Can have decimal (2.5 = 2 hours, 30 minutes).config.description.towny=The towns from Towny that can buy from this lottery.config.description.use-pot=Whether the lottery should have a pot.config.description.use-timer=Whether the lottery should have a timer.config.description.use-vault=Whether the lottery should use vault as an economy. See 'material-id' and 'material-name'.config.description.votifier-reward=The amount of tickets that is rewarded to a player that votes for your server.config.description.warmup=The amount of time that is added to the lottery timer, x seconds.config.description.warning-times=The times at which players are warned about this lottery. See config to see how to define.config.description.win-again=Whether a player can win the lottery twice in a row.config.description.worlds=The worlds that can buy from this lottery.lottery.claim.notify=&eYou have recently won some lotteries! Type '/lottery claim' to claim your rewards!lottery.section.created=&eSection created for &6&lottery&, &eyou can then load this lottery using '/lottery load &lottery name&' when you are done setting the values.lottery.section.loaded=&6&lottery& &ehas been loaded.lottery.unloaded=&6&lottery& &ehas been unloaded.lottery.unloaded-removed=&6&lottery& &ehas been unloaded and removed.lottery.reload=&6&lottery& &ehas been reloaded.<.time=&e- Time Left: &time&<.drawing=&e- Drawing: &is_drawing&<.pot=&e- Pot: &pot&<.reward=&e- Reward: &reward&<.ticket-cost=&e- Ticket Cost: &ticket_cost&<.ticket-tax=&e- Ticket Tax: &ticket_tax&<.pot-tax=&e- Pot Tax: &pot_tax&<.players=&e- Players Entered: &players&<.tickets.left=&e- Tickets Left: &number&<.tickets.bought=&e- Tickets Bought: &number&<.aliases=&e- Aliases: &aliases&lottery.list.headliner=&e--------[&6Lotteries, Page (&page&/&max&)&e]--------lottery.list.token=&e&number&. &lottery&: &aliases&lottery.trans-completed=&aTransaction completed.lottery.reward.leftover=&eYou have some rewards left over. You can use '/lottery claim' to claim them later.lottery.reward.item=&eYou have been rewarded &6&amount& &item&(s) &efrom &6&lottery&.lottery.reward.items=&number& item(s)lottery.=&amount& &item&(s)lottery.reward.pot=&eYou have been rewarded &6&pot& &efrom &6&lottery&.lottery.=&pot&lottery.vote.reward.mess=&e&player& has been rewarded &number& tickets for &lottery& for voting!lottery.timer.infinite=infinitelottery.tickets.howmany=&eHow many tickets would you like to buy?lottery.tickets.mess=&eYou have bought &6&tickets& ticket(s) &efor &6&lottery&.lottery.tickets.format=&tickets& ticket(s)lottery.time.weeks=week(s)
3楼 20:32&|
lottery.time.days=day(s)lottery.time.hours=hour(s)lottery.time.minutes=minute(s)lottery.time.seconds=second(s)lottery.pot.mess=&6&money& &ehas been added to &6&lottery&'s &epot.lottery.sign.created=&eSign created for &6&lottery&.lottery.sign.removed=&eSign removed from &6&lottery&.# &name& - name of the lottery# &ticketcost& - cost of a ticket for the lottery# &reward& - reward of the lottery# &time& - time until drawing# &winner& - most recent winner of the lottery# &ticket_tax& - ticket tax of the lottery# &pot_tax& - pot tax of the lotterylottery.mess.sign=&eName: &name&&newline&&eTicket Cost: &ticketcost&# &name& - name of the lottery# &ticketcost& - cost of a ticket for the lottery# &reward& - reward of the lottery# &time& - time until drawing# &winner& - most recent winner of the lottery# &ticket_tax& - ticket tax of the lottery# &pot_tax& - pot tax of the lotterylottery.mess.main=&e[Lottery+] - &name&: Time Left: &time&, Reward: &reward&# see config.yml -& defaults -& warning-times: for warning timelottery.mess.warning=&e[Lottery+] - There are &time& left until the drawing occurs for &name&.lottery.mess.reminder=&e[Lottery+] - Don't forget to check your servers lotteries. Type '/lottery list' to list lotteries.lottery.mess.buy=&e&player& has bought &tickets& tickets for &lottery&lottery.drawing.mess=&6&lottery& &eis drawing, and the winner is...lottery.drawing.force.mess=&6&player& &eis force drawing &6&lottery&, &eand the winner is...lottery.drawing.winner.mess=&6&winner&! Congratulations!lottery.economy.item=&amount& &material&(s)lottery.economy.item.dropped=&e&money& has been dropped on the ground.lottery.error.claim.none=&cYou do not have any rewards to claim!lottery.error.exists=&c&lottery& already exists!lottery.error.notfound=&c&lottery& does not exist!lottery.error.drawing=&c&lottery& is currently drawing!lottery.error.invalid-number=&cInvalid number.lottery.error.trans-cancelled=&cTransaction cancelled.lottery.error.neg-tickets=&cYou must buy a postive number of tickets.lottery.error.removed-unknown=&c&lottery& has been removed for unknown reasons.lottery.error.nopot=&c&lottery& does not have a pot!lottery.error.noaccount=&cYou do not have an account with the server's economy!lottery.error.notenough=&cYou do not have enough &money&.lottery.error.tickets.anymore=&cYou cannot buy anymore tickets.lottery.error.tickets.toomuch=&cYou cannot buy this many tickets.lottery.error.tickets.negative=&cYou must buy a positive number of tickets.lottery.error.tickets.notenough=&cYou do not have enough money to buy this amount of tickets.lottery.error.tickets.soldout=&cAll tickets are sold out for &lottery&.lottery.error.tickets.disabled=&cBuying tickets is disabled for &lottery&.lottery.error.player.nomore=&cCannot fit anymore people in this lottery.lottery.error.cooldown=&cYou must wait &time& seconds before purchasing another ticket.lottery.error.drawing.notenough=&eNo one! There were not enough players entered. Restarting lottery.lottery.error.drawing.nowinner=&eNo one won the lottery. Better luck next time!lottery.error.sign.specify=&cYou must specify a lottery.lottery.error.sign.break=&cYou cannot break this sign.lottery.error.sign.load=&c&loc& is no longer a sign.lottery.error.block.break=&cYou cannot break this block.lottery.error.loc.load=&c&line& is a corrupt location.lottery.error.section.exists=&cSection already exists for &lottery&.lottery.error.section.notfound=&cSection does not exist for &lottery&.lottery.error.negative.ticket-cost=Ticket Cost cannot be negative: &ticket_cost&lottery.error.negative.time=Time cannot be negative: &time&lottery.error.negative.pot=Pot Cost cannot be negative: &pot&lottery.error.nowinner=no winner yetlottery.error.already-won=&cYou have already won this &lottery&. You cannot enter again until &lottery& has been drawn.lottery.error.already-won.reward=&c&player& has already won this &lottery&. He cannot enter again until &lottery& has been drawn.lottery.error.world.access=&cThis lottery does not belong to the world you are in.lottery.error.towny.access=&cThis lottery does not belong to your residential town.lottery.exception.reward=&eAn error occurred while trying to reward you.lottery.exception.lottery.load=&eException caught while trying to load &lottery&. &newline&&eYou can try to load this later using '/lottery load &lottery name&'lottery.exception.lottery.reload=&eException caught while trying to reload &6&lottery&.&newline&&eYou can try to load this later using '/lottery load &lottery name&'lottery.exception.drawing=&eAn error occurred while drawing &lottery&.lottery.exception.options.load=Failed to load options for &lottery&.lottery.exception.economy.load=Failed to load economy for &lottery&.
4楼 20:34&|
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