用have,term,spring festival 作文,on,busy写一篇作文100个词

>>>作文。以“My Christmas”为题写一篇作文,介绍圣诞节期间你所做的..
以“My Christmas”为题写一篇作文,介绍圣诞节期间你所做的事情。要求:条理清晰,不少于40个单词。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My Christmas&&&&& Christmas is my favourite festival. On Christmas, there is a beautiful Christmas tree. I put the lights on it.Santa brings us some gifts. I invite my friends to my house We have a Christmas party. We have a good timeon Christmas.答案不唯一
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“作文。以“My Christmas”为题写一篇作文,介绍圣诞节期间你所做的..”主要考查你对&&作文&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
写好小学英语作文的一些想法和意见:多用简单句子,注意时态。第三人称一般现在时动词要记得加s。除了给出的点,最好自己再加一些自己有把握的句子和描写自己的心情或者看法,用语法简单的句子写。平时注意一下语法,多背单词和短语,积累词汇量。多读课文,增强语感。英语写作特点:英语写作是一种创作性的学习过程。启动知识信息储存,构思立意,谋篇布局,遣词造句,对语言表达的正确性和准确性、思维的逻辑性和文章的条理性都比口语要求更高。通常英语写作有以下几个特点:1、紧扣教学大纲对考生书面表达的要求;2、以有指导的写作为主,便于考生在短时间内构思成文;3、突出试题的交际性,考查考生在特定的情景中运用语言的能力;4、增强试题的实用性,所选话题贴近学生学习生活,为学生所熟悉;5、看图作文主要考查考生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。小学英语作文步骤及技巧:小学英语作文一般有以下的题型:1、根据表格写话;2、看图写话;3、根据给出的提示词写话等。大多数是50到100个单词左右。但是小学生的词汇量、语法知识有限,故在写作中有一定的难度。英语写作注意两点:一、先审题,弄清写作要求审题是写好作文的前提,也是书面表达的基础。如果写偏了题,语言表达再好也很难得高分。审题时要注意两个方面:1.认真地看两遍题目,包括提示,全面了解写作要求。2.理清思路,确定体裁、框架结构和内容。二、用英语进行思维英语写作时必须排除汉语思维的干扰。从现在起应逐渐加大阅读量和听的输入量,将阅读、听力训练与书面表达有机地结合起来。经常体会和领悟作者传递信息和表达思想的方式。在话题讨论和写作中经常运用所学到的表达方式就会有所创造。还要尽量做到“五多”:多看、多听、多思考、多用心体验和感悟身边的人和事、多用英语说和写自己的体验和感受。英语写作技巧:一、回忆法:审清题目的要求后,回忆一下与之相关的课文内容,再动笔。如:My family’s hobby 一词,要求写清楚你的家庭成员的爱好。首先出现在你的脑海里的你所背诵过的呢课文里的句子。具体内容尽量用上自己最熟悉的词来组织。如课文里的句子根据自己的实际情况改编。从而避免单词拼写的错误。二、朗读法:写完文章后,反复朗读自己所写的文章。这样会使你对作文有一个全新的感受。你会在写作时可能出现的错误,如句子不通顺,单词拼写错误等,然后改正。三、记录错误法:准备一个小本子。每次老师把批改过的作文发回来时,仔细阅读老师指出的错误,把错误抄在本子上,并在旁边写上正确的形式。然后在每次写作文前,对照本子的错误,检查自己文中是否出现了相同或是类似的错误,以便及时改正。四、同伴批改法:学生可以找自己的同学互相交换作文批改。对照检查错误。这样,在帮助同学找出错误的过程中,自己也受益匪浅。当然,每个学生都会有合适自己的写作方法。以上介绍的只是常用的技巧。学生可以结合自己的特长加以灵活运用。小学优秀作文案例:My fatherMy father is a teacher. He loves his students very much and at the same time, his students loves him, too. Every day he works very hard and helps his students study with all his best.He is the hero in my heart. I want to say that," I love you, my dear father."
My roomThis is . It's a nice room.There is a bed, a desk, a chair, a dresser, a sofa ,a TV set and a desk in the room. The dresser is beside the bed, the telephone is on the dresser. The TV set is opposite the bed . The sofa is beside the TV set,some books are on the sofa. The desk is under the window. The chair is under the desk.
My favouriteMy favourite fruit is apple because apple is very good for our body.——One day one apple,docter is far away from me.So I eat apple all day and night.I think I will be healthy if I eat apple every day.However,apple is tasted very good! My favourite animal I like animals very much, such as horses,monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and nice. I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog.She comes from Beijing,China.She wears white clothes and she has two big eyes and a small month.She often walks round and round at home.It has nothing to do.She likes eating ice-cream so much.So do I.When I eat ice-cream,she will look at the ice-cream carefully,So I will give her some to eat.
My favourite season MY favourite season is summer,I like spring because it represents the beginning of life. I like summer because I love the hot and sticky feeling. Weird I know but I guess I love swimming and eating ice cream. I like autumn because I love the colour. I like winter because snow is just too beautiful to even describe.. However, my favourite season is spring...life, trees, birds singing..all symbols of happiness.
与“作文。以“My Christmas”为题写一篇作文,介绍圣诞节期间你所做的..”考查相似的试题有:
4137916620464882270528343241897请用Spring Festival 为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文 初三水平的,急_作业帮
请用Spring Festival 为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文 初三水平的,急
请用Spring Festival 为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文 初三水平的,急
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . 春节是中国最重要的节日 It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year . 它是为了庆祝农历新年 In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal . 在春节前夜,家人聚在一起享用丰盛的一餐 In many places people like to set off firecrackers . 在许多地方人们还放鞭炮 Dumplings are the most traditional food . 饺子是最传统的食物 Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes . 孩子们非常喜欢春节,因为他们可以吃好吃的东西和穿新衣服 They can also get some money from their parents. 他们也可以领到压岁钱 This money is given to children for good luck . 给孩子的这些钱是为了(来年的)好运气 People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 人们也用贴年画的方式来乞求好运 The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long . 春节持续近15天 People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. 人们拜访亲戚朋友时会送上一句"万事如意" People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 人们享受春节,在这段时间他们可以好好休息一下 (二)Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year. 或许春节中食物的消耗比一年中其他时候都要大 Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died. 大量的传统食物被准备给家人和朋友,同样还有逝去的亲近的人 On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. 在春节当天,中国家庭将吃一种蔬菜制的名为"jai"(春卷……大概)的食物 Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.求帮忙写一篇100个词的英语小作文!急急急。。。。。。_百度知道
tate your understanding of the following question in about 100 words?今天就要啊,希望有高人解救。. How do you understand ”the British Queen reigns but she does not rule”,急急急
The power of making decision on the country&#39&s political issue still are in the hands of the paliament
means the queen is a figure head with is still respected by the people but the power in making the country'The Bristish Queen reigns but she does not rule&quot. This type of figure head system like a King or Queen is quite common in many countries. For example, the Sultan or president in certain countries
  ======【【 英语写作中100个使用频率较高的词语搭配 】】======
  1.随着经济的快速发展with the rapid development of economy
  2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长  the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard
  3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology
  4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges
  5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…
  6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development
  7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention
  8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no d...
Diamond Friendship is a diamond a treasure of great worth. But first it must be mined then faceted and shined. It takes pick and shovel and strain, encompassing time and enduring pain, unt a glittering gift of love that's shared between we three: First God, and you, then me.
----Sally J. Knower 中文翻译: 友情是钻石 友情是一枚埋在泥土里的钻石; 是一笔巨额的财富。 不过起初它一定被埋在泥土里, 后经雕琢继而发出耀眼的光芒。 它经历千锤百炼,经受着时间的考验, 直到有一天它的美丽被发现; 爱是件闪光的礼物 我们三人共同分享:上帝,你和我。
出门在外也不愁One possible version:The Lantern Festival and the Valentine’s Day coincide on February, 14th, 2014, which makes people discuss heatedly which festival to celebrate that day. It is not wrong for us to adopt some western festivals, however, it is more important for us to learn how to celebrate our Chinese festivals.In my perspective, as a Chinese, it is a custom as well as a responsibility for us to celebrate the Chinese traditional festivals. On the one hand, all the traditional festivals date back to hundreds of years ago, which is a symbol of our culture and civilization. Not only should we celebrate the Chinese festivals for fun, but also we should have a better knowledge of their background and origins. Therefore, various activities should be organized to add to the atmosphere of the festivals. On the other hand, all of the Chinese people should take the responsibility to pass our culture down from one generation to another, so that our future generations can also learn what to do in those traditional festivals, just as we do today.To sum up, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. Nobody expects such a consequence that our priceless heritage of our ancestors is replaced by western traditions. So let’s join hands to keep Chinese tradition.试题分析:本文要求以“守住中国的传统节日”为话题,用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,表达你的观点。根据提示信息可以判断本文需用一般现在时态。在写作时可以使用三段式结构,首先介绍写作背景,即在情人节和元宵节重叠的时候该过哪个节日,然后表明自己的观点,并且阐述理由,最后做归纳总结。在语言方面,要注意恰当使用连接词,以使文章具有层次感,而且要尽量使用多种句式结构,比如定语从句,状语从句,倒装句,非谓语等来增加文章的亮点。【亮点说明】本文的亮点之一是高级词汇和短语的使用,比如coincide 、heatedly、In my perspective、preserved and promoted take the responsibility等。第二大亮点是长句的准确使用,比如文章第二段中On the other hand, all of the Chinese people should take the responsibility to pass our culture down from one generation to another, so that our future generations can also learn what to do in those traditional festivals, just as we do today.这些长句中既包括定语从句,又有宾语从句和状语从句,这些都显示了作者丰富的词汇知识和深厚的语言功底。此外,作者还用到了on the one hand ,on the other hand ,to sum up和not only ……but also 等连接词,使文章层次清晰,过渡自然。
根据下图所示写一篇作文,字数: 100字至120字左右&&&注意:开头语已为你写好 Do you know anything about my family?
(2009.四川卷)书面表达(满分35分)假设你是李华。你的外国笔友Jane打算于七月来中国,特来信了解中国人的社交习俗。请你用英语回一封信,从以下几个方面作具体介绍。1.&&&&&&&&页面时的问候方式;2.&&&&&&&&对毛病伯回答方式;3.&&&&&&&&接收礼物时的回应方式;4.&&&&&&&&餐宴礼节。注意:1.&&&&&&&&词数100左右,信的开头和结束语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。2.&&&&&&&&可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。Dear Jane,Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.
你校将于下周开展“环境保护周”活动, 请你为校英语角墙报写一篇倡议书。【写作内容】活动目的:保护我们生存的环境,倡导低碳生活活动时间:7月14日到7月18日主办单位:学校学生会活动内容:1. 打扫操场, 给植物浇水; 2. 收集旧报纸、 旧书、空罐头盒、废玩具, 分类后送交回收中心。活动倡议:1. 及时关闭电器电源,节约用水,少用塑料包装袋和一次性商品;&&&2. 多乘坐公交车或步行上学。参考词汇:一次性的disposable【写作要求】&1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】&句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。
环境恶化直接或间接地影响到我们每个人的生活质量,某英文报社将举行一次英文作文竞赛,呼吁人们保护环境,提出有效的保护措施。请以下面的内容为参考,写一篇文章投稿。1. 不要乱扔垃圾,应该保持环境清洁;3. 植树造林,保护环境;4. 保护海洋,禁止过度捕鱼;5. 充分利用自然资源。注意:1. 词数:100左右。开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。Nowadays, pollution is getting worse and worse.
假如你是李华,最近你在浏览一个美国中学网站时,看到一位名叫Tom的中学生的留言,他计划在五一假期间到中国的北京旅游,希望能有一名中国学生作他的导游。你对此很感兴趣,请根据以下要点提示写一封e-mail给他。主要内容包括 :1.希望作他的导游;2.打算如何给他作导游:(1)带他参观故宫(the Forbidden City),颐和园(the Summer Palace)和长城(the Great Wall)等风景名胜。(2)给他讲北京的悠久历史。(3)享受当地美食。3.期盼他的回复。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可适当增加情节,使行文连贯。3. 信的开头已为你写好。Dear Tom,Recently, while visiting a senior high school website of America, I saw the message you posted on it. Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua
青少年研究专家Susan Beacham在自己的英文网站上开辟专栏,邀请大家分享心目中的“最好礼物”。她认为,礼物贵在心意,应为之付出时间和精力。假设你是李华,请用英文发帖,内容应包括:*赞同Susan的看法*你收到或送出的最好礼物是什么*该礼物的意义*期待大家回复注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 符合语言规范; 3. 在答题卡上作答; 4. 开头已给出(不计入总词数)。 I am a high school student from China. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了“HEART-TO-HEART”专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。内容要点如下:1.表示理解并给予安慰;2.提出建议并说明理由。注意:1.词数120左右;2.信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;3.信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪Hi Worried.:I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a had time at the moment.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Yours,Jamie


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